spare him... he is a ten year old boy
The spore floated silently beside him, barely visible in the evening light. His new companion. His symbol of failure.
Fantasy · Dagzo
Everyone looks beautiful when they genuinely smile
"Also, isn't he handsome when he smiles like that?"
Fantasy · Drei05
Bro Seems to pass out too much
I passed out. Again.
Fantasy · Drei05
still I had to check
students will be gathered. there will be an instructor or the like. the instructor will be very pleased by supposed to be protagonist. he and fml will be introduced first. the protagonist will be introduced as a side character (similar to the extra's pov)
does he start all his novel the same way??
would he reach earth?
truck kun started to fly??
Because a small, metal thing that split the wind with a whistle suddenly passed over my head.
Fantasy · WindskyW
this is something l never agree
The boy was affection starved, naïve, gullible and literally latched on the first people who showed him a minimum of decency. He ended up being used, groomed by a certain Albus Dumbledore to fulfil that thrice damned self-fulfilling prophecy.
Book&Literature · SHEOGORATH
so he had friends huh..
With movements practiced during his afternoon escapes with friends, he tied the rope. His bedroom window overlooked the back garden, a drop of barely two meters. The spore watched silently as he secured the rope to his bedpost.
Weakest Beast Tamer Gets All SSS Dragons
Fantasy · Dagzo