They had just begun their supper after that tense and exhausting small council meeting.
The mood in the room was far lighter now, the weight of the day's deliberations momentarily cast aside. Every member of House Targaryen was present, enjoying warm glow of the candelabras that adorned the Great Hall.
The long dining table, laden with roasted meats, fresh bread, and exotic fruits, buzzed with animated chatter and laughter. It was a rare moment of unity and respite, where the burdens of rulership, duty, and prophecy were set aside—if only for the span of a meal.
Baelon leaned back slightly in his chair, his gaze sweeping over the scene before him. A gentle smile played on his lips as he watched his family, unburdened and carefree, at least for now. His father, King Jaehaerys, was seated at the head of the table, his usual stern expression softened as he exchanged a joke with Vaegon. Although father had made it clear to him, he wanted to talk about what just happened in the Council Chamber, with him effectively declaring war on whole of Westeros.
Beside him, Queen Alysanne chuckled softly, her eyes alight with maternal warmth as she helped young Saera reach for a platter.
Across the table, his siblings were in varying states of merriment—Vaegon was teasing Alyssa, who retaliated by playfully tossing a piece of bread at him, while Baelon attempted to maintain some semblance of decorum, though even he couldn't hide his amusement.
Baelon took a moment to savor it all. Seeing his family like this—laughing, playing, together—stirred something deep within him. It was a rare sight, one that filled him with a strange contentment and a deep, unspoken resolve. This was what he was fighting for, what he would fight to protect at all costs.
The memory of the small council's tense discussions lingered faintly in his mind, but here, in this fleeting moment, it felt distant and unimportant. For now, there was only the warmth of his family, the sound of their laughter, and the comforting knowledge that, for this evening at least, all was well.
I smiled to myself as I thought back to the last 3 years. Today marked 3 years from the date of the 'accident' which enabled me to recall those memories. I think while I am on the right track, I still have so much to do.
It has not been always smooth sailing. Although I have memories of a grown politician from an advanced world and knowledge of future events, it's not as easy, as one might believe.
First of all, memories of James are just that, memories. Although his knowledge of disciplines like mathematics, science, and others, mainly law as he had a Major degree in Law was inherited by me without any effort.
But I didn't immediately possess all the qualities of James. I didn't have that charismatic personality James had developed to rise as a politician in that world, nor did I have his analytical or logical thinking skills. These things are not inherited but must be developed by oneself.
'Not that I am complaining about anything', I already have an advantage over everyone in this world, as long this only happened to me. I remember when I first explored 'science'. The vastness and depth of something so basic is imaginable to everyone in this world. From a single atom to the vastness of the universe, it will be a humbling experience for anyone in this world, even those arrogant Archmaester at Citadel.
Comparing nuclear weapons to dragons was an inaccurate comparison by the past me. Just thinking of something that can evaporate a city in a blink of an eye is terrifying. Dragons at least give a fighting chance. From then on fully grasped the importance of the survival of the dragon and their control only in the hands of House Targaryen.
Secondly, Knowledge of the Future. Although the books read in the past helped a lot and showed where the major threats lay, it wasn't helpful in everyday life. No matter how good 'that' writer is, he can't capture a whole world in a book. There are real people here, many important ones who never appeared in the canon. Every action changes things, so many variables so many uncertainties. It almost becomes traumatizing for me. I used to think twice before communicating with anyone.
Will it change everything? What if I said something that can make everything worse?
And I almost did. Many mistakes have been made in the last 3 years. But it didn't dishearten me, it made me learn from them and adapt. Mistake of underestimating Faith and carelessness with Caesar, risking the life of my family. But it made me realize many things, it is not enough to know the future, if I wish to change it I will need to be better. From then now I doubled my efforts, trained harder with my sword, and spent every waking hour trying to influence things.
The real world is so much bigger, so much…more. I remember my first trip to Dragonstone after the awakening of my memories. It was nothing like what was shown in the Show. It was a monstrosity of a castle, its sky filled with ashes from regular eruptions from the active volcano of Dragon Mount. It gave an eerie, almost horror feeling. So much bigger than a small island. The majority of land is unexplored with dense forests on fertile soil.
It represented the dread and terror of Valyria to its enemies. A normal person would dare not attack it, even given a chance. May it be the reason the Conqueror didn't make it the capital and chose to settle at King's Landing. It was simply a welcoming place. As such no matter the skill of a writer and storyteller, you can't just fit a living world in a book, the size and scale presented always disrupts.
Thus, all that future knowledge simply gives is the general direction of things and maybe the nature and personality of some characters. It simply leaves so much out of it. I think it is both a good and a bad thing. Good as It gives me much more freedom compared to if maybe it was a time of important events in the canon (like a timeline of the Game of Thrones show) and bad as it is very easy to change so much.
I noticed this when I noticed a significant change in the family relations, so different from stories in the canon. In 'canon', during the peaceful reign of King Jaehaerys Targaryen, House Targaryen was not so peaceful. Sibling aside from maybe Aemon and me, and me and Alyssa, other siblings didn't get along. And putting it that way was an understatement they nearly hated each other. Mainly due to each having a strong personality they inherited from their parent. I can see that future playing out so easily, even if it was not explicitly explained in the 'books'.
Aemon and I simply were older and always learning at the knees of father and simply didn't have much time, as much hasn't changed for Aemon even in this timeline.
Alyssa from a young age had a strong warrior heart in a woman's body strong, quick-witted, and smart. She always chases after me, I can imagine my alternate self, who himself was a child irritated by her nagging which led her to be even more obsessed with 'that Baelon'. Proved by various incidents in that timeline like her breaking her nose with a wooden sword. In her desire to become like her, she disliked her young sisters like Maegelle and Daella. Various conflicts were there with others and Vaegon, whom she made fun of due to his lack of physical strength. This was mainly due to the lack of involvement of both parents in that timeline and guidance from them. Maybe it was because increase in the number of children, our mother being always pregnant and heavily involved in affairs of the court.
But all that has changed in this. I think mostly because of my active involvement with my siblings and subtly guiding and influencing them, but my actions have led my father to be more involved in their upbringing (since that 'dinner confrontation', family is more important than the throne). My advice of teaching Aemon to be heir and reforming of justice system has reduced quite a burden on him.
Mother? Well, I remember when I had to guide and make her understand she was the pillar for the devolvement of her children. She had to know the importance of uniting a House of the Dragon.
<A More than Year Ago >
It was a delightful morning in the Red Keep, corridors illuminated by sunlight craping through windows as hustling and bustling of servants moved through the corridors. It was when I had just received my father's approval to be Dragonroads throughout Crownlands. I was due to leave for about a year or so in maybe a week. But today was Special.
I had woken up earlier than usual in the morning as that day was special. That was the 8th birthday of my little sister Alyssa. I quickly met up with Aemon and we both made our way to our sister's room to wish her. They found 5 name days Vaegon holding his black dragon toy laughing and running from his exhausted maid in the corridor.
"Prince Vaegon, please stop." Said the poor maid out of breath, gasping.
Vaegon didn't stop but ran even faster but stopped seeing Aemon and me. I crouched to his level as he sheepishly smiled, knowing he had nowhere to run.
"Good Morning, Valonqar," I said to him High Valyrian.
I mostly speak to my siblings in high valyrian and being the cool brother, I am they made a genuine effort to learn it. It was meant to subtly cultivate a sense of family from an early age and it was successful. Vaegon and Maegelle almost only spoke High Valyrian. It also ensures they do not have not much friends outside of family, with children of other nobles. One of the main reasons for the disobedient and rebellious attitude of Saera and Viserra in the canon was the other ladies of court filling their ears with all sorts of nonsense gossip.
"G-Good Morning, lēkia Baelon and Aemon." He said with a guilty smile and averting his eyes.
"Haha, you are running again from your maid, you don't like to bathe? do you?" Aemon said in common tongue, as this was a common occurrence. He wasn't used to High Valyrian being surrounded by Westerosi nobles all day.
"um-I don't understand," Vaegon said not understanding the common as fast as Aemon spoke.
"Aemon, High Valyrian with our siblings." I said reminding Aemon with a glare as Aemon rarely speaks it.
"Fine Fine. Never understood your obsession with it, mother has complained to me more than once how some maid have difficulty understanding Vaegon and Maegelle sometimes." Aemon said with a tired tone.
"Valonqar, Aemon meant why do you keep running from Rose (maid), it is just a bath," I said to Vaegon ignoring Aemon pointing at the bowing maid.
"But, I don't like bathing, and I am not dirty at all. I didn't even go out to play." Vaegon replied pouting and angry.
"but if don't bathe, you will get sick, then how will you be a strong lēkia to protect Daella and Saera? You want to be strong for them, right?" Baelon said signaling Aemon to support him, who quickly caught on.
"and if you get sick how will you get your dragon and become big like me." Said Aemon. At mine and Aemon's words, he brightened up.
All the children loved me, at least the ones old enough to. I introduced some games from my past life to them, like Snake & Ladder, Monopoly, and Chess. Most of my time till that date from the accident was with them, teaching them how to play, play pranks with them, make them laugh, and resolve their little quarrels. But they all idolized Aemon, it may be because he wasn't as involved or available as me.
At the age of 15 Aemon was already shaping up to be an above average Valyrian man. A handsome face with a broad chest, standing at 6'2 with his pale golden hair. A rare hair color even in the Old Valyria. The Golden Heir, he was called.
He was the father's heir announced in 62 AC same as in the canon. Although he still met Lady Jocelyn Baratheon, they weren't as close in the canon, with Aemon actively taking learning under his father and with it already being AC 68, there are no talks of his bethrow with her.
It may have been due to my "decision."
Noble ladies and girls fawned over him. Vying for his attention for instance. Good at everything, even at a young age Aemon was very serious, cautious, careful, and obedient. Talks of him getting interested in the new rare hatchling dragon Caraxes were already talked around in King's Landing. He was the idol.
And our younger siblings were the same. Vaegon looked at Aemon with the star in his eyes.
"So, will you be obedient now and not trouble Rose, maybe you can ask Father for a dragon when you get bigger on your name day?" I said to him and watched as he looked at his silver dragon toy Maraxes and nodded heavily.
"Ok! I will be a good boy and become big, then ask Father for a dragon." He said.
"Good boy, now go with Rose and get ready, today is the name day celebration of Mandia Alyssa, so wear a nice dress," I said ruffling his neck long hair, and motioned the maid to take him.
"Princes, come little prince." The maid bowed and gently took Vaegon's hand and walked towards his room.
"You do know father will allow all our siblings dragons, otherwise he would have placed eggs in their cradles," Aemon said with a somewhat sab smile, looking at Vaegon walking and flying his toy in the air making roar sounds.
"And what do think about it?" I said as I was curious about his stance on the matter as we started walking towards our intended target i.e. Alyssa's room.
"I-I don't know. I can see you are very against it. But I understand father's reasoning as well." Said Aemon.
"and what that might that be?" I said in a mocking tone with a scoff.
"I understand how it may seem wrong to you, but don't mock father decision. It's disrespect." Said Aemon his voice slightly strict.
It was nice we were talking in valyrian and nobody understood us, otherwise, it would have spread across the Seven Kingdom that we two argued. As two of us are considered to be the best of brothers and often partners in crime.
"I will never disrespect father, Aemon. But I will not agree with this foolish decision. Even then I didn't laugh at him, I laughed at your blind agreement at every word of father." I said something I have been very critical of many times with Aemon.
"It that again huh? Why do you keep mentioning this again and again?" he said agitated with this.
"Because you refused to own it. You, my brother always try to replicate father. In every situation, do you think what father would have done? What father would have thought?" I said trying to make him see this as we moved through a crowd of servants who bowed to us and we nodded in return.
This might be Aemon's only shortcoming. This situation was very familiar to me, with memories of past life. A son trying to impress his father. It's the same here. Not that I can blame Aemon for this, Jaehaerys was a very inspiring father. But he cast a shadow too big. If Aemon managed to overcome this hurdle, his brother truly had the potential to be better than any Targaryen King from this timeline or alternate timeline.
"Tell me, brother, is it wrong to follow father's footsteps? Is he not a good King or a good Head of our House?" Aemon said sighing as he knew I was right about him, but still didn't see any of this as a bad point, as we passed by a servant carrying a huge pie for celebration later.
"It's not about father. Father is an idol for all of us. His teaching and his knowledge are something anyone would envy. But you forget that doesn't mean he is perfect. Everybody has made mistakes. Father is father, You are Aemon, who says you can't be better than him." I said as we reached the residential corridor where all royal children lived.
At my words, Aemon halted his step for a moment, then stopped totally.
"You think that brother?" He said to me with a certain weakness in his voice.
This may be the only time I have seen Aemon falter or unsure of himself.
Hehe, this softie. He has been really under too much pressure. It's understandable being a Targaryen Prince or Princess is never easy. Let alone being an heir, if standards set by our father were anything to go by.
"That I can be better than father. As a King and a Head for our house." He continued as if I didn't understand what he was referring to.
"Ohh, is the famous Golden Prince nervous? Ha ha." I joked as he brought an irritated scowl to his face, but I continued, "It doesn't matter what I think. What matters is whether you believe it yourself or not. I am just here as your aid to support you."
"Seriously, why not? You are in a much better position than father. Have an appropriate amount of time to learn and experience everything before. Have a father to teach you everything. And I am here, am I? I will drag and beat you to become the best Targaryen King if that's what it takes."
At my words, he looked genuinely touched. "but before that try to make your judgments and decision." He smiled at that.
"Very well, Baelon, you and I will take House Targaryen to unprecedented heights, befitting of dragonlords of old."
"Ha ha that's true, with the number of younger siblings we have it might not take more than a generation to have a full Dragonlord family, at this rate in two or three generations, we might revive all forty families." I 'joked', not quite it was a signal Aemon didn't miss.
"Sigh, you are going to convince Father, about letting all our siblings have dragons," Aemon said with a smile, showing he wasn't opposed to the idea, but knew how hard it was to get Father to change his mind.
"It is selfish of you, brother. To deprive or siblings of their birthright." I said with an unintentionally sharp tone as this was one of my main reasons for anger towards my father.
"Baelon I didn't mean-" he said thinking I misunderstood.
"No brother, I didn't mean to be harsh to you. Just it is a non-negotiable topic for me. I will make Father see it. No matter the consequence." I said with a conviction and we reached Alyssa's room.
Guard waiting outside greeted us. I didn't hear any noise from the room. It was early morning and my sister had woken up yet.
"You know I am pretty sure, Alyssa has her eyes on the other Red Hatchling Meleys. She discussed it with Dragon Keepers." Aemon commented as we were just about to enter.
"Then I will ensure she gets her wish fulfilled," I replied as I asked the guard.
"She has not woken up right." In common tongue.
"Yes, my prince, princess has not woken up yet. As per her maid apparently, she tried to remain awake all night so you can't surprise her." He said with a bow.
I merely nodded to him.
"Does this tradition of surprise on name-day need to include me?" Aemon asked.
I have added a few things from my past life. I have made sure to surprise my siblings by waking them up and wishing them first. I made sure to take Aemon to all of them, to all of Alyssa until now, to all of Maegelle, Vaegon, and others, even to their newborn ones.
"It's the least you can do for your siblings as their older sibling and future Head of our house. It builds affection and pleasant memories towards us." I said truthfully, showing him the importance of these.
"You think about all of this huh? I can never fathom how deep your planning goes brother." Aemon said something he has been used to by now.
"especially Alyssa, she is to be your bride," I said nonchalantly, dropping a bomb.
"WHAT!!" he shouted.
"Oh, you didn't know. Father discussed it with mother a few days ago." I said with fake surprise. "What do you have something against Alyssa?"
I lied. Father didn't have any discussion with mother. Yes, the 'Sacrifice'.
"No-no. It's just a bit sudden. And you didn't think it was appropriate to tell me?" He demanded.
"What? How would I have known that you didn't know?" I replied.
"But I am positive she had a liking to you brother."
"Oh it doesn't matter, it was just a childhood affection. You do realize that when you ought to be King, you need a queen worthy of being a mother to nurture the next generation of Targaryen as mother has been." I said as Aemon fell into deep thoughts at this.
"I see. I will abide by the decision of Father and Mother on this." He replied.
"Now then, we have wasted enough time already. Let's wish our little sister." I said as the guard at the gate sidestepped and opened the doors for us.
And Aemon with a short laugh followed me in.
<Flashback to be continued>
Hello again. A pretty big chapter and a important one. These next few chapters will give a much needed info about family and changes in past 3 years.
Hope you liked it. Please comment if you liked it and any suggestion you want to share.
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