There were a lot of things about Fulgardt that many didn't know. The Labyrinth of the Yoke was still a massively unexplored place as most only had access to its primary function.
Now that the legacy had been retrieved, it would be easier to access everything else.
At least for the one who held the legacy.
Skullius saw the colour in the world disappear as his senses shrieked while expanding immensely!
His vision took in the scene of everything pulsing with either black, white or grey in vastly different proportions.
He felt himself rise and panicked!
If those guards saw this they would definitely attack!
However, like before, they saw nothing!
They just stood silently on the other side of the cell.
'What's going on dammit?!' Skullius barked in his own mind as shockingly, he found his vision expanding further as it went on to penetrate the walls, images of moving humanoids with a black, white and grey moving above him!
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