"Look out, there's a sniper hiding in this building. I don't know where this nut got a sniper from."
"Zoro, you had better not be looting now, we need support on the other side of town."
"I don't know why the hell you'd want to go all the way across town. I have harped on you to remain united on numerous occasions. We can get by with the loot we find here. We can kill the other teams and move on."
"I don't know what it is about some individuals, but they're so selfish and material!"
"What should we do next?"
"Just hear me out."
This was the conversation going on between Robin and his friend over the earbuds he'd purchased for his average-priced mobile phone. Robin was just your average guy from Guwahati, India (which is in the Northeast of the country). He was 5'10, not the top student in his engineering class at the state university where he received his degree, just like the other average Indians who tended to be slightly better than the mean in academics. Even though his parents had been pressuring him into pursuing a career in engineering, Robin had no interest in doing so.
He finished his engineering degree mostly because his parents wanted him to and because he wanted to avoid the crushing debt he'd incurred by then. Given that it was a state-funded university, he paid very little in tuition but if he didn't finish he'd still be in considerable debt.
After finishing school, he finally fulfilled a lifelong ambition, becoming fluent in a new language and using it professionally to earn money. He had put forth special effort to master Spanish and was currently doing so with Japanese.
He was fluent in Spanish and he earned his living doing translation work. He took online Japanese classes to enhance his skills and improve his portfolio. And in his free time, he played PUBG Mobile with his pals.
It was one of those marathon gaming sessions where he had been playing alongside his buddies for three hours without taking a break. Throughout the entire time, he had been shouting into his microphone, caught up in the excitement of the game.
"Robin, you need to put down that game and join me for lunch."
The sound of his mom's voice rang out from the kitchen, pulling him out of his virtual world. In India, it's common for young people to live at home with their parents, but many still venture out to work. However, some young people prefer to work from the comfort of their own homes, enjoying the familiar surroundings and the warmth of their families.
Since Robin did his job from home, he decided to do so from his parent's house, which allowed him to make a financial contribution to the household by taking care of groceries and other tasks. Even though the apartment was in his father's name, Robin insisted on paying a couple of the monthly utility bills (such as electricity, gas, and water) as a gesture of gratitude. His parents may not have approved of his profession, but they still supported him throughout his journey.
"Oh, yeah, ma. Coming.. Just a moment... Zoro ... I will rescue Eren, who has been singled out for special treatment. If I get killed, I'm quitting the game. Now watch my back." Robin stated as he ran to the nearby building in the game, while tinkering with the game on his finger. Between the building that Eren was in and the building that he was in, there was a significant distance with no cover.
Hearing nothing from the church, he took off running again.
"What the hell, Kenny..." His two teammates yelled out his PUBG ID, Kenny. Robin's lack of indication that he would proceed onto the open roadway prompted them to raise their voices. Robin was regularly reprimanded because of his hastiness in making such choices.
And today definitely qualifies as one of those days!!
A Kar98 aimed for Robin's head and fired. If fired at an adversary's head, this weapon is guaranteed to cause instant death. Robin, on the other hand, was only wearing a level 1 helmet, which is considered to be below average, therefore he was instantly taken out of the fight. This is because someone wearing a higher level helmet has a better chance of being saved and will only lose a portion of their health.
The following shot was a dead giveaway, a fatal head wound. Poor Robin couldn't even make it to safety by crawling.
"What a moron...
"Don't act so hastily, as I warned you."
"Why does this jerk have to be the one to tear us down every time?"
"You made a mistake by attempting to save me. There would be no point in your coming; I warned you."
The loudspeaker crackled with a never-ending stream of complaints, causing Robin to slouch in defeat. He had never been one to shine in crucial games, and the pressure was beginning to get to him. When his mother's voice rang out, summoning him to lunch, Robin felt a sense of urgency to end the fight as quickly as possible so that he could escape her constant nagging.
"I am truly sorry, all of you. I have to leave.. It's time for lunch my mother is calling." Robin said into the microphone in spite of the ribbing from his pals.This was just par for the course in their long-standing friendship. Returning to the home screen, he immediately logged out.
As the main menu loaded on the screen, Robin stood up from his seat and took a step forward. Suddenly, he let out a yelp of pain as his toe collided with the side of his bed. Despite not being clumsy, he couldn't seem to catch a break – earlier, he had accidentally glanced at his phone's home screen while walking down the street and stubbed his toe.
Robin held his phone in an awkward position as he checked his toe for any signs of a skin rip, relieved to find none. After examining his foot for any more damage, Robin checked his phone again to finish the game. Suddenly, his eyes widened in shock and his jaw dropped as he saw something that left him petrified. He couldn't believe what he was seeing.
Robin watched in horror as his thumb accidentally slid off the screen and into the game, causing chaos on the virtual battlefield. He had never experienced anything like this before, and he was terrified.
Oh, my God!!
The first thing that came to Robin's mind was that there might be something wrong with his phone. But upon closer inspection, he found no flaws. The most unbelievable part was seeing his thumb appear as a two-dimensional object inside the game.
"What is this, exactly? Could it be a problem with my phone or am I just imagining things? is my thumb severed from my hand?"
Robin's heart raced with fear at the thought of his finger being cut off inside the game. He gingerly removed his thumb from the screen, half-expecting to see a bloody stump in its place. But as soon as his thumb was free, he breathed a sigh of relief to see that it was unharmed and everything was back to normal.
"What the heck went down?"
Despite his initial shock, Robin couldn't resist trying again. He placed his thumb back on the phone's screen, this time with the intention of inserting it into the game's menu. With a mixture of trepidation and excitement, he watched as his thumb once again entered the two-dimensional world on the screen.
"This is....?"
'What the heck is this?'
After his first success, Robin's curiosity got the better of him. He decided to try with his other fingers and see what would happen. To his amazement, his index finger followed his thumb and slipped into the game, poking its way through the virtual environment
'Is this my power?'
Robin's thoughts were racing with endless possibilities. He experienced both a sense of empowerment and anxiety at this unusual new ability. Was he losing touch with reality? Despite his confusion, he decided to give it another try, this time with his other hand. To his amazement, his fingers effortlessly slipped into the game's menu, just as they had before.
Robin's mother's voice cut through his panic like a knife. "Robin, you better come for lunch at once!"she yelled from the kitchen. Suddenly, Robin was aware of how much time had passed and how hungry he was. With a deep breath, he pulled his fingers out of the phone and shook his head to clear it.
Robin took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down. "Stop panicking! Take it easy," he whispered to himself. "Once you've eaten, you can examine your hands to find out what's wrong." With that thought in mind, he made his way to the dining room for lunch.
As he ate, Robin's legs trembled with nervousness, betraying the turmoil in his mind. His mother noticed and expressed concern. "Are you okay? Is there a problem?" she asked, her maternal instincts kicking in.
Robin paused for a moment, contemplating whether to confide in his mother. But instead, he decided to keep the strange experience to himself and replied, "Don't worry, mama; everything's okay. In fact, I just got a new project that needs my undivided attention. Since then, my schedule has become completely full." He lied through his teeth, trying to maintain his composure as he practically inhaled his meal.
After finishing his meal in a hurry, Robin hurried back to his room and shut the door behind him. The urge to investigate the phone's strange capabilities was too strong to resist. He unlocked the screen and attempted to insert his fingers into the phone once more, but to his disappointment, nothing happened.
'What exactly is going on here? So, I guess I don't have any power anymore, huh? Maybe I was just hallucinating."
Despite his initial disappointment and confusion, Robin eventually came to the realization that this strange ability was all part of the game. He shook off his apprehension and trusted that his fingers were not going to suffer any harm. With renewed determination, he launched PUBG Mobile once again and tried the strategy once more.
There it was!
As he had hoped, his fingertips were able to pass through the display. When he saw it, Robin nearly leaped out of his seat.
One can well ask, 'What the hell is this power?'
His fingers now travelled over the screen for a short distance as he reached out to the guy holding a regular M4 rifle, just to see if he could make contact with him. In spite of the fact that his finger went right through the standing guy, he was still able to feel the solid M4 in his grasp.
He couldn't believe it!
He felt around for the M4 with two fingers and made an attempt to draw it out. Then, suddenly, the miracle occurred!
Like magic, a miniature M4 appeared in the game. The M4 appeared to be about the size of a finger, and he could have easily gripped it with two or three fingers. His legs were shaking, but as he stared down the barrel of the revolver, he steadied himself. Due of its diminutive size, it served no practical purpose.
A mere stage prop!
Disappointment crept over Robin as he stored the miniature M4 on a neighbouring table. The moment he set the weapon down on the table, it began to grow in size, and in an instant, the miniature weapon had expanded to the proportions of a regular M4 assault rifle!!!
"My GOD!"
Have you ever witnessed a person being hit by every conceivable emotion all at once? Do you know if that person still exists?
The one feeling every emotion imaginable at once?
Well, if you haven't then the first candidate to ever cross that line was Robin. Robin was feeling a flood of emotions in response to the M4 rifle that now lay on his desk, extending beyond its width.
The M4 was an icy grey colour, but it had been polished to a shine. In-game currency was used to modify this M4 that Robin owned. He cautiously reached out and touched M4's body to make sure it was real.
His first impression upon picking up the M4 was that it was a bit on the heavier side, a telltale sign that this particular M4 was a unique creation. He didn't know much about firearms because he was an Indian citizen, in a country where guns weren't readily available to the general populace.
The M4 rifle's safety lock was the only item he was familiar with, having learned about it from a YouTube video. He checked the gun's safety lock and then looked it over carefully. He looked up online instructions for opening the magazine and gave it a try.
Also, after inspecting the magazine, he was convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that this weapon was authentic. The cool metal and intricate mechanics gave him an almost reverential appreciation for the device in his hands. With a sense of excitement and apprehension, he noticed that the ammunition was in plain view, easy for him to grab. The sleek metallic rounds glinted in the light, a stark contrast to the soft warmth of his palm.
A goddamn miracle had finally come his way but
now Robin faced the real challenge. The rifle had to be disposed of immediately. His bedroom was too small, too cluttered with the knic knacks of his lived life, there was no hidden cabinet or closet where he could keep a weapon of that size. He needed to discard it and do it quickly. Before his parents find it and create a ruckus.
As Robin considered his options, he realized that the only choice he had was to abandon the firearm in an area devoid of witnesses and surveillance equipment. He weighed his decision carefully, mapping out possible locations in his head. There was another option, of course, which was to put the gun back in the game, and he tried it but failed instantly. The mechanics of his powers were far more complicated than he had anticipated, and he couldn't figure out how to reverse the process of bringing the M4 into the real world. Robin felt a pang of frustration, but he knew that time was of the essence, and he couldn't afford to waste any more of it.
He tried to devise a plan to get rid of it at the perfect place. He suddenly realized! The grounds of his former university! He decided that would be the perfect place because the campus gates were always open, and he will be able to take the family car and dispose of the weapon in an area with no inhabitants nearby. The campus of the institution was enormous, and there was virtually no one there in the late afternoon or early evening.
Unfortunately, he could only do it in the evenings. It was still daylight, so someone passing by might see him carrying a weapon. He had to keep the weapon out of sight till then. He then slid the rifle in at an angle into the compartment beneath the table.
"M4 can be taken care of later. Now that I have this ability, let's see what else I can accomplish with it."
By this time, Robin had collected himself and was contemplating his next move with the firearm. He then continued to see whether he could access any other items from the storage menu. The menu always has an option to split and zoom in on individual game pieces. He found the perfect accompaniment for his new toy. A 4x magnification scope.
He gave the scope a go, and as predicted, a single swipe gave him a 4x magnification. An optic that would fit on his new M4. That's something he'd never do, of course. Nothing fancy about the scope.
As he explored the game's options, he found another feature that piqued his interest.
A car.
The Dacia 1300 was a vehicle from the 1990s.
Like a freight train, that idea slammed into Robin's brain. He was tempted to give it a go, but he had discarded this idea. It was just not practical. It would be utter chaos if he pulled the automobile into his bedroom.
It was too much of a gamble for him to make. Not in his room, at least not at the moment. However, if he were truly capable of doing so, he could make 'impossible' things a reality!
"Oh, I wonder if the power is only compatible with PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds? Is it possible for me to play some other games?" This exciting notion crossed Robin's mind. Sadly he didn't have another game on his mobile at this point. He checked out Google Play for games to see if there were any he could play.
He couldn't go for games with guns. Having to deal with just one M4 was already a burden, so he set out in search of a more straightforward game, which he discovered without much trouble.
Mobile UNO.
The game was innocuous and downloaded swiftly. Once he had installed it, he eagerly initiated the first round and was promptly rewarded. To his delight and mounting anticipation, he repeated the action with his fingers, and once again, the results were just as satisfying.
His fingers slipped through the tempered glass screen, and he deftly retrieved a random deck of UNO cards. Despite his urge to burst into laughter and jump with joy, Robin managed to restrain himself.
His newfound ability was a game-changer; pun intended and would determine the trajectory of his life from this point forward. As he examined the now normal-sized deck of cards, his thoughts wandered to the possibility of applying this ability to other types of games. Could he use it for desktop and console games, as well as mobile games?
The idea took root in his mind, and he wasted no time in flipping open his laptop. In reality, Robin was not an ardent gamer. He had never been one to immerse himself in games, and the few he had played were always in solo mode.
The absence of a modern gaming PC was the crucial factor in his detachment from the gaming community. His parents prioritized his education over indulging him with a gaming PC replete with all the bells and whistles.
Despite having reached an age where he could afford a top-of-the-line PC, he found himself lacking the funds and time to play games. Instead, he relied on YouTube trailers and reviews to stay informed about the latest gaming trends. It was a regrettable reality, but one that he had come to accept.
Skyrim, God of War, Counter-Strike, Mario, and others were among the games he played in his youth. Simply put, he loved playing those ancient games and played them anytime he could get his hands on them.
Furthermore, at the moment, he only had a single game installed on his computer. It was a bit dated by 2022 standards, but he still considered it his favourite game of all time. There were obviously more games out there than the one he had on his laptop at the time, but this was just his personal favourite.
The name of the game was The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.
He got it the day it came out and played it nonstop for three days. He was so enamoured with it that he even played it while taking university semester exams. And right now, Robin opened that game. The loading screen appeared after about a minute.
Without wasting any time, he accessed the witcher Geralt's wares. Similar to Skyrim, it was a story-driven solo adventure. A witcher was mentioned in the game as a human with somewhat improved capabilities and a touch of magic in his arsenal. Geralt was essentially a hired gun who took jobs killing demons. monsters like ghouls and vampires
The plot centres on his efforts to locate and protect his adopted daughter from the villainous Wild Hunt, who was after her because of the unique skills she possessed. According to Robin, the game's story and mechanics were the greatest of any she'd played.
There was a tonne of stuff in his inventory because he had played the game so many times. A crossbow and other craftable items were also there, along with armour, potions, glyphs that could be affixed to swords to increase their potency and even give them magical and elemental powers.
Taking a deep breath, Robin paused. A decisive moment has arrived. Mobile games were getting better and better as the industry matured, but they could never compare to the power of PC and console gaming.
In the same way that his power enabled mobile access, if it could do the same for him it would be a huge step forward.
With deliberate motions, he moved his fingertips to one of the glyphs in his stockpile. Without any resistance, his fingers pierced the thick glass of the laptop screen and he extracted a blue glyph of Aard.
It was over; he had succeeded. He's finally found peace! It appeared that his abilities extended to all platforms, including PC games.
'OK!! It works on non-living items. What about Geralt? Does it have any chance of success there?'
He made an effort as his hands reached out to the standing Geralt. Unfortunately, his fingers appeared to go right through the figure.
'So no living characters. That's the preferable option. If I can bring a living character, it will be more of a headache than help.'
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