And u are a pathetic soul
Needs weak minded people.
Liam's gut twisted. The girl's fingers trembled against the hilt, but the blade remained poised against her flesh. That damned controlling pheromone. Liam wanted to send his spear hurling down at him but he knew that even if was able to do so easily, it might mean the end of this young girl. She wasn't in her right mind and a small move could mean the end of her life.
Movies · thelightedghost
Then you can stop right here
Doom lore is way too op . That guy is literally beyond God
No he doesn't . Shows how little you have read
Well the movie showed it that way. And i know that it's far apart since I myself visited Kathmandu. Or maybe it was a different mountain.
"Okay. That's... Everest. As in, we were in New York five seconds ago."
Movies · thelightedghost
There will be one
"I have no interest romantically on anyone." Liam said.
Movies · thelightedghost
Dude. Calm down. He is angry and I have said it before that he has less emotions for a reason. He will show his anger in other ways
Thank you for all your illustrations
"Hello, my name is Sersi. I'll be your guide today," she said, shaking hands with both of them.
Game in Marvel
Movies · thelightedghost