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27.41% A True Beginning / Chapter 54: Ch.9

Chương 54: Ch.9

With that meeting off the docket I handled the compulsion in Isobel the next day as she was beyond confused as to what to do without the witch giving her orders. After I cleared her mind she fled town in a rush. Katherine wasn't so lucky as Niklaus had hunted her down for some of his 'fun' payback.

Elijah was busy dealing with the drawbacks of being in Niklaus's ire but needing to know where he'd stashed the others. And all the while I went back into meditation as Lexi handled the situations rather impressively.

For the next two days I stayed in meditation as the full moon approached. When Lexi woke me I teleported us to the basement and took the wolves and vampire, cages and all to the Salvatore manor where everyone was gathered.

There I took Elena and Stefan and everyone as they insisted to the clearing where Niklaus awaited. Elijah was already there so I told them to stand at the side and try not to interfere. Of course Niklaus gave a vague threat but I simply ignored it and did the spell to link Elena and John together.

Damon asked. "How sure are you that this'll work?"

I smiled. "One hundred percent. Relax Damon, I've this handled easily. They are linked now and after the sun rises she will live again."

I looked to Elena who nodded more confidentially than both Damon and Stefan appeared to be. After that I told him. "Besides, she's a supernatural by birth and would appear on the other side if she died for good. I can easily bring her back from that and you know it."

He frowned before nodding. "Nepal."

I smiled. "And Amsterdam. It's not that hard and you know it. So all of you relax."

I turned to Elena and sighed. "If you'd like I can spell you asleep so you won't feel a thing. You'll simply wake as if you'd had a foggy dream in the morning."

She nodded and I touched her forehead. "Sleep."

Stefan caught her and I took her to where I needed. I set up the boundary spells and asked Niklaus. "Which werewolf do you prefer to use?"

He smiled. "The female."

I nodded and the males head exploded causing him to laugh. I snapped my fingers as the cage he was in melted into slag and went into the earth with his remains. The female wolf cried but I just sighed. "He tortured a friend and enjoyed it. He deserved much worse than what he got."

I set the females cage in the second circle and released her as I set up the boundary spell. She railed and tried to attack before trying to flee. Both were unsuccessful. I melted the cage and did the same to the vampire.

He merely wanted to escape but in the end he failed as well. I turned to Elijah and he handed me the moonstone to which I began setting up the alter. As the moon began to rise I told Niklaus. "It is time."

I began chanting with Bonnie watching my every move. When I finished I told him. "Now."

I released the werewolf and he rushed her as she started to change. He ripped out her heart and brought it to me. Mixing it in the bowl with the moonstone I nodded and released the vampire. He did the same as before and finally I told him. "The last part."

I released the final boundary and placed one around the group in case they tried to stop him. Damon was stoic as he looked to me. I nodded and he stopped Stefan from moving as well as Caroline. Niklaus fed on her right next to me before spilling the last of her blood into the bowl.

I finished the chant and the moonstone shattered. He dropped her body and I caught her saying. "It is done."

He nodded as his eyes started to changing and his body started to break down into the jest change in a thousand years. I took Elena and turned to Elijah saying. "It is time for you to decide."

He stilled as I passed him but didn't move before telling Niklaus. "You will bring me to our siblings when this is over or we will have a falling out you may not survive."

Niklaus merely smiled as his bones broke and shifted saying. "I will keep my word brother."

I walked to Damon and Stefan passing Elena's body to them and turning to John. "Your fate is sealed. Make your peace before sunrise as it will be your last. You are human and as such cannot be brought back as you will not go to the other side. The ring will not protect you either."

He gulped but nodded. "I knew what I was signing up for when I agreed to stay."

I sighed and teleported us all to the Salvatore manor where they all sat around. Even Jenna had been dragged into this mess as she was forced to watch her own niece die. I poured myself a glass before telling them to relax and drink the night away.

John went off to write his letter and leave his ring in an envelope to Elena. Jenna asked. "Why does he have to die?"

I sighed. "It was the only accurate and sure way to ensure she survived the ritual. A parent or blood relative to bind her to and Jeremy was out of the question so it had to be John. Isobel is already dead and vampire blood would've just brought her back in transition. The rest would've been risky at best."

She frowned and asked. "Couldn't you have just stopped him from doing it?"

I sighed and downed my glass before saying. "I am not Elena's keeper. I'd have had to kill him to stop it all together then the others including Lexi, Stefan and Damon would be dead. With Lexi's death I would spiral and wipe out half the planet at best or the whole planet at worst. If I trapped him he'd eventually be freed by his siblings and come for her. There is no good options other than to let him do it. Besides, John killed me a while back and I'm spiteful."

She frowned. "Then how are you alive?"

I turned to Lexi who explained the facts of my existence and my temporary death while I went to find a nice place alone to lite up a joint and get some alone time. After several hours Damon came to me and said. "The suns about to rise."

I nodded telling him. "Go, be by her side when she wakes up. She'll want a friend and you need to see it yourself. I'm going to head home in a bit after I've returned John's body to the earth."

He shook his head. "Elena will want to bury him properly."

I nodded. "Then after she awakens I'll head out now go be with her."

He gave me a grateful smile before heading to the living room where she was laying on a couch. I stood and put out my roach before finishing my latest glass and heading in behind him. John handed me the letter and asked that I promise she get it.

Sighing I told him. "If it makes you feel better there is a heaven out there. Many in fact. I don't know if you qualify but you won't be faulted for caring."

He smiled and thanked me before looking to his daughter and walking outside as the sun rose. I watched him fall and sighed as I heard Elena take in a deep breath. I made a casket of wood grown from the ground around him before turning to the girl who lost her last parent.

She was talking to Stefan and Caroline while Jenna hugged her. Jeremy was busy hugging her other side while listening. I stood next to Damon for a moment before saying to the room. "John is in his casket out front. It isn't anything to fancy but then he seemed a man more suited to a rougher lifestyle."

The room went silent and Elena nodded as I handed her his letter. "He wanted you to have that as he couldn't say the words in person."

I took Lexi's hand saying. "It's time we left. You all have a lot to think over. Don't travel into the woods near the ritual site as Niklaus will stay a wolf for three days and kill anything that crosses his path."

I teleported our and into our bathroom where we showered and headed to bed afterwards. For the next three days I stayed in meditation and brought the last of the power fully under control.

When I awoke shit had hit the fan as Klaus had taken Stefan and used a dagger on Elijah before leaving town. Lexi was pissed but knew it had to be done. Damon asked that I interfere and bring Stefan back but I told him simply. "Stefan left on his own after Klaus fed him a lot of bagged blood. It's of his own volition."

He was pissed when I effectively told him no and he began tracking them with Elena in the hopes that he could bring his brother back to her. Lexi and I left town for a while and headed to California where Rose was at the time. I meditated mostly and soaked my body in magic while astral projecting to teach Bonnie.

She'd completed her basics mastery and was now working on the adept spells and her understanding of magic. She and Jeremy were having a strained relationship as I wouldn't help with Stefan which made Elena miserable yet I was still teaching Bonnie daily.

They eventually broke up while sheriff Forbes had accidentally shot him not long after when she attempted to shoot Damon after she found out he was a vampire again. I teleported back to the grill where it happened and heard Bonnie's pleas.

Sighing I decided to help and went against nature itself as the sky went to war. A storm ravaged the town while I drew Jeremy's soul back to his body and healed him. Elena who was there at the time asked with tears in her eyes. "Why didn't you save John?"

I shook my head. "I've gone against the natural order of this world and there will be a price to pay for that. John rising would kill you in its place as the price. Jeremy rising however will ensure he's different from now on. No longer entirely human. Connected to death you could say."

I turned to Bonnie who was crying and holding the shocked Jeremy. "That was the second request my apprentice. You've no more pull with me than being my apprentice now. While that has it's own benefits you must never ask me to to do that again. Humans cannot be brought back so easily even by me."

My own nose was bleeding now as blood dripped from my eyes and ears. My head rang as I felt the world punishing me. I felt my mother's presence now and she was angry. Sighing I told Bonnie. "I will be absent for the next week while I recover. Nature is punishing me in his place now so don't expect me to be at your lessons. I'll send Lexi to instruct you."

I looked at Jeremy and told him. "You'd better appreciate what she's sacrificed for you boy. She could've literally asked for the world at her fingertips and she chose you."

I turned to the sheriff sighing. "You need to get over your prejudices. Vampires have souls as much as any human does. They are just addicted to blood. Treat them the same as addicts and you'll understand them better."

I teleported away to Lexi's side before sending her back to Mystic Falls and joining her at the house. There I rested while Mother Nature railed against what I'd done and punished my body and soul.

When her anger abated I recovered a week later and began the lessons again with Bonnie. I continued to soak my body in magic as Bonnie threw herself into the magic's with a Willow like quality.

By august she'd already mastered the adept and was a witch in quality and power. I gave her all the grimoires I'd taken over the years including the ones I'd taken from the Martins before they fled town.

I also gave her a bag of diamonds charged with power for her own uses along with a garden full of herbs to use at her leisure. As a final gift I gave her a book of spells I knew from my past world. It was special as they were powerful and unique to this world.

She treasured it and I smiled as I told her. "I now know what kind of witch you are Bonnie. Continue practicing the basics and you'll go very far. If you ever run into witch trouble you know you can call me for help with the medallion Lexi gave you. Believe it or not I treasured the time teaching you."

She smiled and handed over the bag of items I needed as the requirements for the bargain we'd struck. Two quarts of her blood taken over time and a diamond full of her magic she'd filled. It was her first diamond I'd made for her during the very first lesson.

Smiling I accepted it and stored it in the pack while she said her goodbyes. She now had a library of grimoires to study at her leisure and a garden of every plant imaginable including the rarest of herbs that had anti-magic properties.

I turned to Lexi saying. "It's time to end Silas. I've tracked down Qetsiyah's headstone and I'm ready to absorb her essence as well."

She nodded and we teleported to Whitmore College and went to Professor Shane's office. He wasn't there so I grabbed the stone and turned the calcified blood back into liquid and drank it while absorbing the uniquely powerful essence.

It wasn't nearly what I needed but it would do in a pinch. I then teleported us to the island off the coast of Nova Scotia where Silas was buried. I reinforced Lexi's mind and my own as we headed into the tomb. There I found the stone form of Silas holding the cure.

I bit my wrist and shoved it in his mouth. The rock shook and crumbled as dust fell off of him. His true form was revealed to our eyes. Smiling I didn't give him a chance as I took away the cure and grabbed him by the throat draining the powerful magic and through him breaking his connection to the world itself.

He gasped as he became mortal once more wheezing. "Finish it so I can be with my love once more."

Smiling I sank my fangs into his throat and drained him dry killing him instantly. I dropped his body to the ground as his head rolled away and turned to Lexi reinforcing her mind once more to be sure she wasn't effected by the psychic after I regained reason.

With the cure in hand I teleported us home where I meditated and used the immortal essence to bolster my own, changing it into mine. When I awoke Lexi told me. "Stefan killed Damon's new girlfriend the reporter."

I nodded. "It figures. Though I hoped for a better outcome I'm not micromanaging their lives or choices."

She nodded before saying. "I'll need to clean him out of the blood frenzy once it's all over."

I sighed. "I'll help of course but you know as well as I he wasn't meant for Elena. Caroline and he will have their time I assure you."

Standing I cracked my neck before saying. "It's time we speak to a Maxwell about a bell. Once it's ready I'll finish preparing my body before absorbing hell and quenching my body in hellfire. My father was right in that at least. It is a necessary step in creating a stronger body and I wish I'd have done it with my previous body. It would've given them a better chance after I left."

She nodded solemnly before asking. "Do you regret coming here?"

I shook my head and clasped her face in my hands. "Never. I may have despised this bodies parents but all else wasn't so bad and I even got you. I couldn't even hate Damon for his tricks because I got you as a mate from it. So no, I don't regret coming here but we must seek out my other mates. I-I have to know."

She nodded in understanding as she knew my feelings on the matter and that I wasn't leaving her behind at all. Hell I'd given her the knowledge and helped her start to gather her own magic in preparation as well.

I'd been going so far as to leave her several diamonds each morning to practice with on the nightstand. I encouraged her to practice ever chance she got as I wanted her to survive in the world we would eventually find.

Sighing I teleported is to Texas once more. There I removed the vervain from the elder Maxwell's system and compelled him to put the bell together, welding it all at the best of his skills.

While he worked Lexi got a call and informed me Klaus was back and had figured out Elena's blood was needed for the hybrids. He'd left town right after taking as much blood from her as possible as she'd threatened Mikael on him.

Bonnie has found him and Katherine had went with Damon to fetch him. Stefan was back and had his emotions off while Rebekah was in the Salvatore manor. Sighing I sent her back with the intentions and extra powerful spells protecting her to deal with the situation.

While she worked on Stefan I had Maxwell speed up the welding as no breaks were given now. He finished an hour later and I stored it before giving him several gold bricks and a hundred thousand in diamonds as payment. He will remember a luxurious client paying him for a great car service as I left him there free of any further compulsion.

I headed to the Salvatore manor where I found a mightily pissed off Rebekah yelling at Lexi. Growling I made my presence known. Rebekah stilled when she saw me before smiling lightly. "It's really you, Kol!"

I shook my head to her disappointment. "I no longer go by that name. I left it dead and buried a millennium ago Becca. The next time you raise your voice to my mate I'll take it away. If you cannot respect her you will at least be far less hostile."

She looked sad that I'd denied my old name and sighed. "Be that way then."

She pouted and left while Lexi grabbed Stefan saying. "Come on. We're getting your humanity back on and you cleaned out. It's back to the animal diet for you."

Elena and Damon both looked relieved now. I sighed as Jeremy was talking to Vickie's spirit in the corner. With a thought I cut her connection to both him and Donovan as I teleported to the human.

With that crises averted I told Donovan. "The dead should stay dead. It is against nature for them to interact with humans. Her time is passed and the longer you hold onto her the more violent she'll become as her soul becomes restless. Never forget her, but move on. Her time is passed as is natural for all beings whether they be vampire or human."

He looked choked up by my words as I told him. "If you'd like I can help ensure she gets peace in the afterlife by removing any chance she has for going to hell. It would require your help of course but it can be done."

His eyes were red as he nodded. "I'd like that."

I smiled. "Then it shall be arranged give me a few days to prepare and I shall contact you."

He sighed as I teleported back to the Salvatore house. I told Elena what Jeremy has been up to and suggested he leave town to get away from the supernatural. She said she'd talk to Jenna about it but seemed to agree.

With that I turned to helping Lexi. With a thought I flipped his switch as I delved into his mind. I cleaned out and dampened the urges to feed and forced him to face his emotions. When I exited his mind I told Lexi. "It is done. Weening him off the blood will be a challenge as he's been on a spree but it's not impossible now."

Damon snorted. "Where was your help months ago?"

I growled and sent him flying into a wall. "I am not your brothers keeper Damon. I've done a hell of a lot for you all at great personal cost. I am not your maid to clean up your messes nor am I Niklaus's keeper or maid. You all have forgotten one simple fact in your efforts to see him gone. If he dies so do you all. And if Lexi dies from it, may the gods help you all because you'll need it!"

He grimaced as I released the telekinesis holding him there. I sighed. "I do things for a reason. And while I may not explain myself all the time know that I will always have your best interests at heart."

I turned to Elena who was watching before back to Damon again before shaking my head and helping Lexi once more. I grabbed Stefan's wrist and held it to Damon. "Drain him of blood and leave him in here with animals you can find in the forest. Don't let him out till he's had his fill. From there keep him away from temptation until he's no longer jittery. We've done our part."

I kissed Lexi saying. "I'll be back in a few days. If they give you trouble just contact me and I'll knock some sense into them gladly."

She shook her head with a smile. "I'd rather do it myself."

Chuckling I teleported to Portland Oregon. There I felt the magic throughout the city before finding what I needed. I teleported to the Gemini coven's front door through the illusion and barriers. I looked at the stump for a moment before knocking.

A man of decent age came to the door and I told him. "I'm here for the ascendant to the 1903 prison world. You have my word I'll not release those inside but I need it nonetheless."

He felt my power as I didn't hide it from him and he asked. "What would you need with such a thing? You could make your own easily. "

I shook my head. "I cannot spare the power and that's what I'm after. By creating such a unique mirror dimension you've effectively copied the magic and items of this world into it. I will drain the world of it's artifacts before coming back to this world. Once I'm back I will return the ascendant to you, I give my oath."

A parchment appeared before me as my power flowed into it binding my oath and saying. "Should your coven need my assistance with the other prison worlds I will help secure all of your safeties."

He looked at how serious I was before nodding. "I can accept your terms on behalf of the coven but I need another favor, Jo, my daughter, she needs power to overcome her twin-"

I shook my head. "I will ensure her safety if he ever gets out but after that it will depend on if she lets me use that ascendant. I will do the same there as this one. I know what he is and he is no threat to me. He could no more drain me than he could a human. I'm beyond a siphons powers. He would explode if I let him try as no mortal could hold this much power."

I revealed it all now and he gulped. "Agreed."

I handed him the parchment and he went to find the ascendant. After a bit of digging around he handed it to me saying. "Are you aware of how to activate it?"

I nodded. "Fully. My apprentice was a Bennett witch and she's now fully matured. If I need help further I'll contact her. You are free to trade spells and knowledge with her as well. I've left all of my grimoires to her as she completed her apprenticeship, but I warn you, I will not tolerate a forceful bargain with her."

He nodded more seriously and I teleported out to his surprise. My power exceeded his understanding. I had my powers under full control now as I grabbed Matt before disappearing from his house with him.

I filled the pool with more holy oil before putting it away and grabbing Rebekah. Then I teleported back to my place just outside. With a simple but extremely powerful spell I made a temporary eclipse and activated the ascendant sending all three of us to 1903.

There as we arrived I told them. "We are in a prison world version of 1903. I intend to raid the resources of this world dry. Matt, you will stay near Becca who will ensure your safety. There are vampires trapped here and they are very dangerous. Do not kill them, only flee or this whole dimension will collapse killing all three of us with them."

Becca wasn't happy asking. "Why the bloody hell did you bring me to this god forsaken place?"

I smiled. "Well there are diamonds and gems in it for you if you behave besides, you two are needed for this to work out. Now either go explore or stay nearby me and I'll take us all over this world collecting objects of power. Then if you're really good I'll help you destroy the hell dimension that's connected with this world. It's just a copy and we'll need to do it again when we leave but it will be a test run anyways."

Matt nodded. "I'll stick with you."

Rebekah huffed. "Whatever. It wasn't my year anyway. I much preferred the eighteen fifties."

I chuckled and took us to my manor here. I drained the wards and took my duplicate dimension bag with a smile after checking it's contents. Then we hopped around the world as I unburied all the worlds resources of precious metals and gems until my locator spells stopped working as effectively.

With one last hop to the armory I emptied out all the dark objects into the bags before draining the magical wards and entering the vault. I took the treasure and stored it along with the second bone dagger.

With a hop to the island off of Nova Scotia I took the cure without telling them what it was and drained the blood stone essence. We hopped to where the statue of Amara was and I drained the other side that was empty of spirits while draining the statue.

When I was done it crumbled as it was a mere replica. I teleported is to all the major places I felt magic in this world and I drained or stored the artifacts before draining ancestral grounds in New Orleans of magic as well. After that it was as simple as finding the bell pieces and having Matt tac weld it together.

I gave him the skills needed as he hadn't a real clue how to do so before. Rebekah had grown bored after a while but stayed with us all the same. I took out the pool of holy water and gave her the gloves and net saying. "Once I've completed absorbing hell itself I need you to hold me under the oil until it's stops boiling. It will remove all the dark magic taint from me. Be very sure about this Becca as if I come out I'll be corrupted and possibly kill you both."

She paled as she saw I wasn't kidding while I built a living flame bonfire underneath it. I told Matt once the bell was completed t ring it twelve times then get as far away as possible. He agreed to run and began ringing it.

It glowed red then white hot and finally I teleported him away as he rang it one last time. A barrier formed around the flames as I screamed. It literally burned me alive as the fire entered my mouth and scorched my body.

It was a form of all consuming madness as my rational mind barely held on. My body had been reinforced beyond anything my magic could do as it healed and revealed at a rapid pace. For nearly an hour the flames consumed me until they died down as I absorbed them through the magical drain I'd began using from the start.

I then connected to the bell and drained the hell dimension as well. I felt a fragment of resistance from Cades will but it to have way. Black skin smoked off of me as my flesh was still healing from the effects of the hellfire.

Once it did though even my inner organs felt sturdier as I through up ash and blood. Matt and Rebekah weren't far away as I nearly collapsed from exhaustion. The massive amount of power was more psychic and essence based than magic and I wasn't expecting that.

I still got in the pool which boiled for a bit as it removed the taint of the evil essence from inside me. I can only imagine what the real thing will be like as now I was certain I needed to experience it in the second prison world to be sure I was ready for the real thing. Once it stopped boiling the oil was more red than black.

I emptied it before cleaning it with living flame and storing it away once more. Smiling I put on clothes once more while Rebekah folded her arms saying. "Are we done now? I'm bored of this place."

Chuckling I nodded. "We're done. You both will be rich when we return as I've no need for most of the metals except the gold."

Rebekah went to speak but I stopped her. "Don't worry, in the real world all the other metals combined are worth more than the gold and like I said, I promised diamonds. Gold is only the third most precious metal in the world and there ninety four types of metal out there. We took them all or most anyway. All I need is the gold and most of the gems. You'll both be richer than you'll ever spend in a thousand lifetimes if you play your cards right as I can refine them into useable metals before giving them to you."

Matt nearly choked before asking. "Are you sure-"

Rebekah stopped him. "If my brother says something he means it."

I sighed and shook my head. "I've no use for them and besides, there's at least one more prison world I can raid for supplies. It even has more advanced technologies and even military weapons and bombs. Not to mention expensive cars, jewelry and art. By the way, the art and stuff from here you can have. I've no interest in it and while it's legitimately real so is most of the stuff in the real world."

Becca pouted before sighing. "I guess a girl can't complain for easy acquisitions."

I chuckled before frowning. "Shit, I'll be right back."

I teleported to Malivore alone and drained it of the creatures and magic before teleporting back to them now once more full of dark magic's. It wasn't a lot compared to what I now had but it was enough to finish the planet off if I'm luck and start on it's moon.

The armory itself had had more magic in itself and was now purified while I had yet to drain the dark objects in it for a second time. I teleported is back to Mystic Falls and put Lilly and the Heretic's under a massive sleeping spell.

I felt them try to drain it and simply hit them with neck snapping curses instead. Once they were out we went in and took the ascendant. I activated the ascendant with Bonnie's blood and a hint of her magic followed by my own.

We appeared at the Salvatore house where we'd been right outside of and I told them both. "Tell no one of where or when we've been. I'll transfer my stuff into my first pack dimension before giving the rest to both of you to sell at your leisure."

I reached into both their minds and gave them the information on how to go about selling the resources. With an agreement from both of them I teleported Matt home before telling him. "It'll be a while before I'm ready to destroy the real hell. My body needs to adjust and there's much more evil in the real thing including a devil of sorts I'll have to kill to succeed."

He frowned. "Why do you need me to ring the damn bell anyway?"

Sighing I reached into his mind once more and giving him the knowledge he sought about his ancestors and the real history of the town dating back all the way to my family up to present day.

He passed out as his mind simply wasn't ready to handle all of it at once. I slipped into his subconscious and helped him build a basic mind scape to hold it all. Once I was done I healed him from the damage from his fall before teleporting home.

next chapter
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Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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Rank NO.-- Bảng xếp hạng PS
Stone -- Power Stone
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