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20.81% A True Beginning / Chapter 41: Ch.40

Chương 41: Ch.40

Fred, Wesley and Gunn greeted us at the door while Connor and Cordelia were nowhere to be seen. I walked in like I owned the place and felt a weak ass anti violence charm on the building.

I frowned and asked. "Who put up the Sanctuary charm? Cloves, really?"

A green demon raised his hand from the couch holding a martini in one hand. "That'd be me. I had to make do with what I had at the time."

I chuckled. "Give me a few minutes and I'll have you up and running with the full monte. I burp better magic's than this crap."

I with a wave of my hand I shattered the sanctuary spell and ward runes etched themselves everywhere I looked and thought as my own magic flared up. The demon from the couch looked up and over at me saying. "Christ on a cracker, no wonder you're laughing at my spells, you're a deity."

Gunn raised his axe. "Is that like a demon?"

I snorted. "Try it kid and you'd be paste under my shoes before you could land a blow."

The demons spoke up. "He's a god nimrod, and a powerful one to boot. Normally gods don't associate with us lower beings, to busy causing chaos in other realms out of boredom and petty -"

He started choking and raised a hand. "Got it, laying off the god issues."

I snorted. "You're a weak one, I'm surprised you're not bowing and scraping like all the other demons I meet. They tend to act like I'll give them something if they bow low enough. It usually ends with a good old fashioned beheading. Not a fan of most demons unless they're lunch."

The green demon paled a little before asking. "Is bowing and scraping required not to die?"

I chuckled. "I like you, a good sense of humor. Relax, you're not as evil as most demons and you're helping Angel and Wesley so you can't be all bad."

Faith shrugged. "You should see this vamp B had chained up in the basement. He went all wicked evil even after he scored himself a soul. Guy had an army chip in his head that left him twitching for hours if he hurt a human. Was a pretty big shock when it turns out he was brainwashed by our current big bad."

I smirked at her happy expression while she told them about Spike. Sighing I finished up covering everything in ward runes including all the rooms. I felt power in one of them but I didn't really investigate as it wasn't my issue right now. Besides, if they have something like that on their side everything would be ok I'm sure.

I frowned as a stray thought caught my attention that I was missing something. My memories of my first life had faded and been blocked by my mother even now. Something important I'm sure but either way I couldn't be bothered to ask as all I'd get would be a lecture on how being a god of nature means acting in the moment and not on foreknowledge.

It was strange as I didn't even know how I knew that but I was sure it's what would happen. Shrugging I tossed some burnt bloodroot into the air and it spread throughout the building as I willed the spells into place. Sighing I pulled out a massive two foot in diameter diamond ward stone and linked it up.

I tossed it to the demon. "Catch, congratulations, you have a ward scheme that'll repel all violence, human or not. It's linked to the power in the wardstone that recharges itself with the ward scheme. It'd take an army of pure demons to crack that baby or an old one with a very big grudge."

The demon whistled. "Sweet mama the power this thing is giving off!"

Faith smirked. "You should see the one we have back at our place, it's the size of a semi truck in length. Our place is also bigger FYI. A hundred and fifty rooms and an armory that's fully stocked for a war. When the watcher's council got bombed, Giles, our last link to them, took most of their archives. We've got a powerful purified place that'll literally kill demons just stepping inside it."

Wesley was certainly impressed and so were the other humans. The demon however frowned. "That's a bit racist."

I chuckled. "Well the only good demons I've met are Clem and Spike. The rest have been right assholes and I ate them for it. Vampires dust in my mouth but demons taste just fine once you get past the acid blood or the paralysis stuff they carry sometimes. Either way prey is prey. If it weren't for Alice, Faith and Buffy I'd probably have eaten half the humans I've met as well, so as you can understand I'm not a racist, I just side with my mates."

The demon nodded. "I get that at least. Thanks for the rock by the way. What's it do?"

I shrugged. "Anything that attacks gets whatever they attack back at them. If it's a death blow it'll kill them and if it's a love tap the same is returned in kind. Human, demon, slayer. All equal. You guys are exempt of course so have at it but anything else is screwed. It works off of intent so if there's no harm meant, bygones be bygones and all that crap."

The demon looked fascinated by the diamond now while the humans were just fascinated by me in general. Wesley asked. "You're a god? Since when?"

I chuckled. "Last year. I got shot in the heart and had to do these trials to kill the old ones inside me once and for all. They're dead-dead now. I got their memories and the power they had but all the evil is gone so yay me and all that fun crap. Even as a god I'm bound so I can't really use a lot of power. All that stuff before was just flashy rune work I could've done in my sleep from all the practice I've had on the hellmouth."

Gunn asked. "So what's it like?"

I shrugged. "Don't have to eat or sleep. I'm ready to mate with my girls whenever they're not to tired or can't feel their own legs. It's a common thing among mortals I'm learning. Anyway I've learned to adapt as I go. If I use to much force demons break to easily."

Lorne as he finally introduced himself to Faith while I was talking to Gunn said. "Can I not be one of those demons please? I'm very breakable."

I chuckled. "Funny as ever. You should open a comedy club or take it on the road. You'd do pretty good as a comedian."

He looked at me strangely and Faith told him. "Just roll with it. He doesn't take things literally as he spends most of his time on drugs to edge the boredom away."

Wesley asked. "Boredom?"

I sighed. "Mortals move so slow now. Before I was fast, now everything feels like it's going in slow motion. I get bored easily while the girls are busy so yay drugs."

Lorne spoke up. "I could introduce you to the furies, I'm sure you'd get a kick out of those demigods."

I snorted. "Pass. I'm not a big fan of other gods. The last goddess I met I ate her. Bitch nearly drained my brain so I ripped her apart and ate her one piece at a time. She was technically alive until the final bite."

They all shivered and Faith chuckled. "Bitch killed B's mom and B technically. She injured you and Tara. She deserved worse. Hell goddesses man, I tell ya, next time I see one I'm swinging first and asking questions never."

Gunn smiled. "You guys gotta be pullin my leg."

I raised an eyebrow. "Is it delicious? And if so can I have it?"

He frowned. "What? No! You can't eat my leg."

Faith burst out laughing. "Relax, he's just fucking with you. He does that to Xander all the time. Well, there was that one time he wasn't kidding and nearly ate him but B stopped him so it's cool."

The poor amateur hunter paled and looked at me while I shrugged. "You humans and your neediness for body parts. Can't even share a bite or two here or there."

Faith laughed. "Alright, that's enough, he's gonna wet the paper if you keep messing with him. Tell you what, you behave and I'll let you bite me later."

I growled as my eyes changed again. She smirked knowing I'd behave now. I turned to Wesley. "I need something with Angel's scent. I'll track him with Faith while you guys hold down the fort. Don't worry I got the news about this beast. If I meet it I'll show him what a real beast is, I don't know if any of you like leftovers- no? Ok more for me then. I'll just eat the thing and drag tall dark and grumpy back here where you guys can tranq his ass till he sees cows coming home."

I turned to Fred. "Any spare tranq darts? I could use a pick me up, I used the last five gallons of LSD I had on the way here."

They all looked at me funny until Faith told them. "He's not kidding now. If you've got any spare tranqs he'll top himself off and we can go hunt Angel's brooding ass down."

Wesley said. "It's Angelus now, there's a big difference-"

I snorted. "Not really. Angelus is apart of Angel's personality that was given shape when he was turned. Nothing more or less than the bad parts of his psyche. Repressed people, I tell ya, sooner or later they all blow if they don't get blown."

Faith smirked and the others looked weirded out now. Fred asked. "How do you know how a vampire's demon is made?"

I chuckled. "Cause I ate the very first vampire. I called him father but he was more of just a sperm and body donor. He fed his old body and his twin brother's body, the first werewolf, to me so that he could make a new vessel. I ended up eating them both in a battle royal in between life and death. That plus a shit ton of magic and the gift of a goddess made me a god. From there I gained all their memories and while I've not touched them much the basics are rather easy to see."

That shut the humans up for a bit and when Gunn spoke he asked. "Doesn't that make you a demon god or something?"

I gave him a droll stair before sighing. "Not technically since my birth mother was a human druid some nine thousand years ago in a dimension far far away. So no, I've always identified as a hybrid because technically if it wasn't because my father was a disgusting bastard called Maloker I wouldn't have existed in the first place. Personally I'm not a fan of demons and only a fan of humans as far as my mates and their friends go. The rest of humanity could bite it and I wouldn't loose a bit of sleep. I have some vampire relatives in another dimension but other than that the rest of the demon races, baring a few good ones, can bite it as well."

My rant had my hair changing colors depending on my mood while plants and the surrounding weather changed just as rapidly. When I finished Faith sighed. "Calm big guy, any more and LA will bite it."

Lorne wasn't as amused either now but I looked to him. "Don't worry, if I ever kill all demons I'd leave you alive, the world needs funny people so as not to be boring. In fact, I think I like your shade of green, mind if I borrow it?"

He blanched. "Not if it involves skinning me."

I couldn't help it I burst out laughing while my hair changed to his skin color. "Thanks man, I needed that. These stuffy humans are getting kind of slow on the uptake."

Wesley spoke up. "Then let us stuffy humans send you on your way."

I snorted. "Ever the charmer Wesley, did you ever manage to get back with Cordelia? I remember you having a thing for her."

He shook his head. "A silly high school crush."

I snorted. "You certainly weren't in high school at the time. Maybe it's just the school girls you have a thing for or something. I heard your girl bit it. You have my sympathies, I was a mess as well when Buffy died. Newly mated and all that and she up and dies saving the world from certain destruction. Silly mates. They don't get that the world is expendable, they aren't."

Faith snorted and I waved a hand. "See what I'm talking about? Her, Buffy and Alice seem to think it's all alright so long as they die saving the world. They don't understand that if I loose them I'd end it just as quick. I don't do lonely well. Last time I was alone I got tortured for a thousand years by a bunch of vampires that wanted to kick a wolf while he was down."

Wesley frowned. "You yourself used to be more like them as well if I remember correctly."

I frowned then looked at Faith. "Did I?"

She nodded. "Until Buffy died you were just like us in that regard."

My frown deepened and I thought back. I found the reason why easily enough. "When the hell bitch drained my human mind my animal side took over as the dominant mind. It absorbed more of the bitch's mental energies than I did and it influenced my outlook. Mates first, friends second, world and all it's leftovers last. When I ate it with the old ones it must've cemented my outlook on these things."

I turned back to Wesley. "Well, that just means my mates had better survive because the world drew the short straw."

He grew weary by my words and Faith sighed. "Don't worry Wes, we'll keep him in line. Well, until we can't cause we're to dead to do anything."

I growled, promising violence while the wards flared waiting for an attack. Faith put a hand on my chest as Fred came out of the office with Angel's old duster. Faith took it from her and handed it to me saying. "Why don't you go take your violence out on someone who deserves it. I hear the beast here is in contact with Angelus. Why don't we go beat the snot out of him and get him to tell us where the beast is. Then you can have your fun with it."

I grabbed her in my arms as I took a deep breathe into the coat and dropped it. I looked towards the door as I could smell the trail. I picked her up and she told them. "We'll be back in a bit with a dead beastie and Angelus knocked out. No need for a tranq I'm sure. If I can't knock him out Ryan here can with a simple smack to the head-"

And we were gone before they could blink. I raced around the city for a bit until I found my way to a warehouse that had a sign above it saying. (Welcome Faith & Ryan.)

I growled and she nodded. "Arrogant as always. Vampires man."

Two of which popped out from behind the crates. I flash burned them without a second thought before running inside. When I stopped in front of Angelus he looked at Faith with more interest saying. "Hey look, I brought dinner guests. I'm sure you're wondering what they're doing here, well, they're here to ruin your boss's plans."

I set Faith down as she faced off with Angel. I turned to see the stone demon behind us. It looked me over with a frown and I smiled. "I hear you're calling yourself the beast. Well, I killed the last goddess that called herself that. Let's see if you're any different."

I shifted into my werewolf hybrid form and roared. With us about equal in height now, he charged. I shoved my claws into his stone guts and dug upwards leaving a trail of flowing magma. Growling I grabbed its head and tore off a horn before shoving it back in it's forehead pointy end down and burying it in.

In an instant it died shooting a beam of fire up through the warehouse roof and into the sky. I bit into the demon and it tasted like ash and burnt dirt. Spitting it back out the demon crumbled with the spell holding the sun at bay. I could feel a few dozen vamps around the city dying.

With the beast dead I turned to watch Angel and Faith fight. I shifted back into human form as they traded blows. Angel looked over and saw the dead beastie and sighed giving up as he knew he couldn't win. "Fine fine, just remember one day you won't be there to shove that thing back inside me."

He dropped the beast bone dagger and I picked it up curiously. I pocketed it and smacked him upside the head. He hit the ground and Faith smirked. "That's no fun, they never want to fight when they see you."

I shrugged. "Buffy says the same. Cowards is what they are. Let's go deal with this Angel problem and I'll raid the Wolfram and Hart law offices while you help them keep him under control."

She shrugged. "Fine but if he wakes up beforehand I get to kick his ass."

I chuckled knowing the wards would stop her. She'd remember them hopefully before I got back from Wolfram and Hart. I ran us back to the hotel and dropped Angel on the floor at Wesley's feet. "The beast is dead, long live the beast. Here's your garbage, see to it that it doesn't end up on my lawn again or I'll have to tenderize it next time."

I set Faith down and said. "I'll be right back."

I ran over to the darkened law office and saw the carnage all over the place. Smiling I strolled on in and grinned like a maniac when I saw the wards were destroyed and nothing was functioning. I ran through all the offices and vaults below emptying out a lot of it. I left the old ones coffin there as I had no use for it.

With a smirk I went to the top floor and saw the dead panther. After having a delicious meal I rummaged through the highly secure vault there. The only thing I found interesting was a staff that could control peoples free will and the amulet I knew was for Spike for some reason. I took both and left there heading for their science devision.

There I found a few cool toys but mostly junk I could make in my sleep. With a thought I reached out and felt for the ghosties haunting this place. They hid well enough and I only found one worth mentioning. I ripped it apart and ate it as mental energies. I could use it later to help increase my control of magic's.

With that I left the practically destroyed building. I'd raised their archives and vaults for powerful items and found quite a few. The Axe of Dekeron to name one, and my personal favorite, Excalibur! I was so exited I strapped the sword to my back.

When I got back to the hotel they were all complaining about not knowing where Angel's soul was. When Faith looked to me I sweat dropped. "Don't look at me, I didn't take it, I swear! I don't even like souls all that much unless they're yours, Buffy's or Alice's. My owns a bit iffy as it serves no real purpose as it is. I mean, I wouldn't do anything too bad anyway because I love you girls to much and doing so is a hassle and boring. No soul really needed there but you girls deserve a guy with one in case something happens I can sympathize or at times get mad enough to kill whatever made you upset."

My answer brought a weird look from everyone else but Faith found it sweet even saying so in her own words. "We're going to find a room seeing as we'll be here a while. Tell Angelus I'll sick Ryan on him if he tries to step outside his cage. I may not be able to hurt him inside but Ryan sure as hell can!"

With that she dragged me off for some mind blowing sex. Half the day and part of the night later she rewarded me very thoroughly. She'd swallowed more of my seed in that time than I imagine the titanic took on water.

Even now she was a bit full from all her holes. I was practically thrumming with satisfaction while she rubbed her full stomach in wonder. Sighing I cleaned our clothes and brought out the duffles from the car.

I ran us a hot bath and while we were in the middle of enjoying it I started to get annoyed as there was a peeper on us. "Fuck off kid or I'll knock your testicles back up into you!"

Faith turned to see the whole in the wall I was talking about. When he didn't move I did. I punched the wall and dragged him through it before tossing him back out the other side again.

I growled and advanced on the little pervert as the wards continued to pulse and try to hurt me in response. I simply ignored them as I kicked his ass into the main entry way. He was a bit startled about the fact that all his blows hurt him as well but I didn't care the least. The whole Angel investigation squad came running while I kicked the snot out of junior.

They were a bit surprised I was still naked but the fucks I give. I just don't like perverts looking at my mates like that. He was bleeding and holding his arm that was bent at the wrong angle while I smacked him hard enough to crack the floor where he landed. "I catch you perving on my mate again and I'll gut you, you little bastard. I could give a shit who your daddy is, in this funny fucked up world I'm your gods damned grandpa."

It was true in a sense but I wasn't going into that just now. He coughed up some blood as the team went over to check him out. I growled at the rest saying. "That goes for all of you as well. Peep on my women and I'll fucking castrate you."

I turned to the kid. "Have fun with you nuts dropping again. I'm a man of my word you little perv."

I turned and left amongst their quiet protests. I headed back to the bathroom and found Faith up and toweled. I took her and our stuff to another room where I made us another bath to enjoy while I told her what I'd done to the dumb perv.

She was a bit worried until I told her. "Kids a hybrid, human and vampire mix. More human but the demon's just under the surface. I could smell the wrongness of him and I can say for certain some higher power definitely has a hand in his DNA. He smells all kinds of wrong to my senses, a little like the Turok-Han did."

I told her as much while washing her back. When I felt a magical presence peek on us I reached out and drained their spell before magically gouging out their inner eye. I heard a loud scream from somewhere but I didn't really pay attention. It's becoming weirder and weirder in this hotel as they all seem to want to peek on us naked.

I'm starting to think I should look for Angel's soul so I can take Faith home sooner. After a few days things seemed to calm down so I did a locator spell and found my sight clouded when it came to the soul.

Sighing I told the group. "There's a powerful witch or perhaps a higher being hiding it with magic. I could break the spells but I'm not as efficient as Willow is as those magic's are dark. I'll give her a call and let her know- or not as she's right in the doorway. Hey Willow, Alice send you?"

She nodded. "She said you needed my particular set of witchcraft."

I nodded. "Powerful being is hiding Angel's soul. I'm thinking Delothrian's Arrow with a dark magic twist to fuck up whoever's doing it."

She nodded and Tara came in after her. I smiled and started talking to Tara while Willow got everything ready. When she was ready I told her. "Draw the good magic's from me and use the dark magic's to balance it out. Take as much as you need as I'm not entirely sure how powerful this being is."

She nodded and we began. When she channeled me her hair and eyes went green causing Faith to stir a bit. I smiled as I felt the pull and she began with the dark magic in a sort of balancing act. I gave to her freely so there was no worry of her going overboard.

Half her hair turned black and the arrow was released. A deep voice rang out with a demonic head calling her to stop. She snorted. "Ignore it, it's just an illusion."

Still she took Tara's hand for comfort and the arrow shot off. Smiling I followed it's tracks all over the hotel until it found the room with the being I'd noticed earlier. When it stopped for a minute I told Willow. "I know where it is, use your full power if you have to, just draw the balance from me."

Willow nodded and she screamed as black and green lines crossed her face. Her power skyrocketed and I felt a major drain but still within mortal limits for her. She smashed through whatever the being was using to hold the arrow back and began doing Angel's curse again now as she dropped my magic's and most of the dark stuff.

Angel got his curse and I told them. "The being, whatever it is, is in this hotel. It's in the opposite wing Faith and I chose and it's mightily powerful."

Wesley frowned. "The only person that lives over there is Cordelia-"

I growled. "Wesley, I know Cordelia, that's not her. Whatever the hell it is, isn't remotely human in the smallest sense. It's powerful enough for me to be weary of leaving it alone near Faith. If whatever is there comes out I can't promise I won't kill it."

Connor flinched. "You can't kill her, she's carrying my child!"

I snorted. "Kid, whatever that thing is is probably responsible for your own creation so it could build itself a vessel. Cordelia may have become a power that be or was or whatever but it got inside her so she'd sleep with you and give birth to it's new body."

He flinched and attacked me in rage. I smacked him upside the head as he passed out and Willow said. "It's done, Angel's soul is back in place."

I nodded. "Go release him Wesley, it's time we dealt with your problem before we head home. Willow, gear up, this thing won't go down easy and my wards aren't worth shit against someone in my own weight class. If it gets physical I'll fight but otherwise it's up to you to tear it out of Cordelia. I'll eat the thing if it's still alive then."

Faith shook her head. "I am not watching you eat a baby no matter what it is, that's where I draw the line."

Sighing I shrugged. "Alright, Willow, just think kill and go from their, I'll heal Cordelia if she's still in there."

Willow nodded and just as Angel came out I felt the presence move. "It's go time Willow. Bad witch bitch mode or whatever Andrew and Xander call it."

She snorted and her hair took on its black and green form as I felt her readying several nasty spells. Angel came in just as Cordelia hit the stairs. He asked. "What's going on with Cordelia?"

Faith shook her head and stood beside me. "That's not Cordelia, that's some creature ridding her meat suit like a puppet. It wants a body so it made nice with Connor to make a baby. It's trying to be born into this world."

Cordelia spoke up. "Correction. I am going to be born in this world. Not even a witch like Willow or a dog like Ryan can stop it now."

Willow screamed and unleashed a sonic boom with her voice. They threw spells and i shielded most of the group while Willow protected Tara. I told her. "I got Tara, you worry about that thing!"

She looked at me and I gave her a firm nod as a powerful shield appeared in front of Tara. Willow turned back to the thing and they were off. They screamed and flew through the air as a tornado formed in the middle of the hotel. Fire and ice, lightning and stone, all of it flew around as they sling curses at each other.

For a minute it looked like Cordelia might have the upper hand then Willow slammed her hand into Cordelia's stomach and ripped out a bloody fetus that was half rotten. Cordelia fell from the sky unconscious while Willow flayed the creature alive and burned it to ashes.

I fought Cordelia and slammed hundreds of healing spells into her while Willow floated to the ground and released the magic's she was so full of. Pieces of debris fell down all over but the shields protected everyone from them.

Cordelia's body healed up fine but her mind and soul were both nearly crushed. I handed her healed body to Angel saying. "I can't heal what's been done to her. The creature dug in deep and nearly destroyed her, mind body and soul. I healed the body but her mind is nearing collapse and her soul is damaged beyond what I can heal in my mortal form."

Angel frowned. "Then get into your other form and fix her! You can't just come in here and tear that thing out of her and leave us a body!"

I growled and Faith out her hand on my arm to stop me from killing the poor fool. She told him. "If he takes his godly form he won't be able to come back down to the human realms. He'll be stuck as a god and him being tied to the slayer line means either I or Buffy gets picked to be the first slayer's meat puppet to join him as a full goddess. The other will likely die along with the rest of the slayer line."

Willow spoke up weakly from the side. "In essence it's all bad no matter how you look at it. That thing was a power that be, or was that possessed Cordelia while she was up there. Odds are it came down riding her skin to do all this and more. It was probably what made it so you could have Connor in the first place. Vampire's can't procreate unless a higher power helps out, no matter the circumstances."

Angel was in pain so I gave the rest to him coldly. "That thing mated with your son to give birth to it's new body. He defended it and when he wakes up to see all this, he will come after me. He's a hunter, a predator, like you and me. I will give it to you straight, he's attacked me once and I beat his ass earlier this week when I caught him peeping on me and Faith. If he comes after me it'll be the last time he does so. I'll kill him and deliver the body to you to bury. I don't suffer fools lightly and your son is a fool."

Angel looked torn between grief, rage and agony as he knew I wasn't lying to him. I'd kill Connor if he comes after me or hurts the girls. Faith knew not to push as this was one of those areas where I don't budge.

Faith told him. "The beast is dead, it's likely the thing in Cordelia is what was controlling it, it's dead to now. Your apocalypse is averted but we have our own over in the hellmouth that could at any moment end the world as we know it. It's time we got back to that. It was good seeing you again Angel."

Willow and Tara looked at us so I packed our bags in a flash before tossing Gunn the keys to the SUV. "Keep it, it's got necro tempered glass so even Angel can go out in the day with it.."

I willed the building and wards repaired with the last of my control and made it so. With everything back in place I told Lorne. "It's all back up. The ward stone should replenish its magic in a few hours. Now it really is time to leave as we've done all we can for you."

We got in the back of Willow and Tara's SUV and drove away. Faith filled them in on all that happened here while Tara told me what I'd missed. Xander's date with a demon, Buffy's talk with principal Wood about his slayer mother. Buffy's meeting with the shadow men and her decline of their offer of power.

The wards killing the demon and them sending it back in exchange for a worried Buffy. The hellmouth acting up and Buffy turning it off with Andrew's tears and finally Wood and Spike having it out and Spike's deprogramming.

Sighing I told them. "Stop the car!"

We barely stopped in time not to hit the girl that came rolling out of the truck ahead of us. We got out and found the girl burned, bruised and bleeding. I charged up a few healing spells telling Willow. "Take a picture of the burn mark on her neck before it heals."

She went back to the SUV for her camera and took the picture. When she was healed up I carried her to the back seat telling them. "She's a potential, I can feel it. We need to get her back to the house. She'll be out of it for a few hours at least."

We drove home where we were told Buffy was out on a training exercise with the girls. I went to Giles and found him sitting in the kitchen.

I tossed him a book of translation spells for speaking I'd taken from Wolfram and Hart. "Both missions were a success. Beast is dead and Angel has his soul back while we have all the useful contents of the LA branch of Wolfram and Hart, including the massive ward stone they were using to enforce their demon contracts. I need to cleanse the dark magic out of it and purify it so it'll be locked up for a while. If you'll follow me to the library I'll empty their contents. You'll find a few things I've found quite interesting."

He raised an eyebrow. "Oh?"

I nodded. "Check out the book. I got it to help with Chao An and this sword here, recognize it? I mean, without the stone it's supposedly supposed to be stuck in?"

I showed him Excalibur and while he looked it over I heard him mutter. "Dear lord!" Over and over again.

After I emptied all the spell books and demon books, I set up a restricted section for the dangerous stuff. After that we went to the armory where I emptied out nearly enough weapons to start and end many wars. Most of them as spelled and as ancient as Excalibur while only a few or so were as well known.

We'd hit the mother load as Excalibur itself was said to be able to cut through anything. I tested it on my skin and found it wanting but pretty much everything else wasn't immune. It was a holy weapon to be sure but just not on the level of a god artifact.

That along with the reaper of the Tigris and the sword of Moskva were stored away with the axe of Dekeron and the troll god's hammer. The rest were spelled and while powerful in their own right not nearly as famous or well known.

Giles was all the more excited to have them if nothing else. We'd collected a lot of knowledge and artifacts between us and the only thing left I hadn't shown him was the beast's bone dagger and the amulet I'd gotten for Spike.

I'd even showed him the staff that I'd found amusing and he'd immediately taken it away and broken its crystal foci saying. "The ability to take away ones free will should never be used. It is tantamount to rape in my book."

I shrugged. "I figured I'd just use it on this champion of evil the First was going on about and get him to dance for me before I ripped his limbs off and ate him."

Giles frowned but decided not to touch on those problems he clearly saw in me. I left it alone as well and we'd returned to the show and tell. I showed him the bone dagger next saying. "The Beast was pretty tough for not being a pure demon. Made out of some kind of living volcano and stone or something. Anyway, this is supposed to be a dagger he made himself as his only weakness."

Giles snorted. "Clearly he wasn't expecting a god to rip him a new one."

I shrugged. "Don't know, he didn't last very long as I got hungry. I tore off his horn and buried it in his forehead before taking a bite out of him. Now that was a big mistake, it tasted worse than vampires do when I eat them. All ashes and burnt dirt is what I tasted. Anyway, he was clearly stronger than a regular slayer and without the dagger not even Buffy would've beaten him in a fight. So I'm thinking it would make a great weapon against anything with Turok-Han level of power or lower."

Giles looked it over for a bit before deciding. "Let me test it and get back to you on that."

I chuckled and pulled out the amulet. "This here I snagged from the super secret vault where I got the staff. I don't know what it is or does but I've a feeling it's meant for Spike to wear. A vague recollection of an undead warrior of light with a soul comes to mind each time I thing about it. Seeing as he fits the bill and every time I look at it I think, Spike."

Giles took it as well and told me. "I'll comb through the records we have now and see if I can find anything on it. If all else fails we'll tell him about it and see what he thinks. That's what we're supposed to do now according to Buffy."

I frowned but shrugged. "She's the leader, the general. If she want's us to ask him for permission to experiment on him I'll ask and do it either way. At least she can't say I didn't ask though."

Giles's lip twitched at my phrasing and I left him there to think on my words. Spike's opinion didn't matter one bit to me but if Buffy wanted me to ask I'd ask. I mean, it's not like she wants me to care about what he wants.

Buffy arrived home not long after I finished my conversation with Giles. She was a bit pissed at me for leaving Angel like that but there was nothing I could do and we stopped the big bad there for them. She was mostly mad I'd threatened to kill his kid if he came at me for revenge.

She asked. "What were you thinking?"

I shrugged. "The little bastard is one step this side of savage and killing the big bad there will have majorly upset him. If he comes for me he'll come after you girls as he knows he can't take me. His view is skewed, a mate for a mate would satisfy his bloodlust for a moment till he goes after the other two. So I was thinking if he came I'd kill him before he could get close enough to kill Alice or you and Faith when you're not expecting it. I told Angel I'd bring the body back out of respect. A father shouldn't have to wonder and worry for eternity which is what he's facing if it happens."

My growling rant shut her up for a moment until she sighed. "It's just so screwed up."

I nodded wearily. "I agree but I'll tell you right now I'll keep my word. I can't lose any of you, I'd rather be dead. Besides, Cordelia isn't technically dead. If they manage to find the favor of a full powered god they could get her healed no problem. If he wants to play an eye for an eye I'll just make him blind first. Alice is human Buffy, damnit, you're all three human and mortal for now. If he managed to get any one of you I'd go crazy."

She shivered at my words as she understood what I meant. She'd seen me dead and even just knowing the possibility of me coming back was more than what I'd have if I lost any of them. When we finished our argument Faith and Alice came in saying. "The girl that was left for dead on the road is awake and asking for you Buffy."

I frowned and told her. "Go. I'm not fit to be around people right now. If you need me to kill something or relieve some stress I'll be here for a while. I'm going to meditate to try and calm myself."

Buffy nodded and left reluctantly. Faith and Alice went with her and I sat down to begin meditation. Time passed as inconsequential as all else. Soon enough Buffy was before me geared up and ready for battle. "We need you. The First's warrior reared it's ugly head."

I nodded. "Well, if you're counting on the wrist bands they're out. They'll give you the strength but the First has his ways of getting around them as we saw with the Turok-Han. It's been watching and studying us for a while now and it knows our weaknesses."

I walked to the armory and grabbed the troll hammer. I tossed it to Buffy. "It'll do you more good than an average sword. That plus the strength from the bands would make me quake in fear."

She flipped it in her hands and nodded. "I guess it'll work. Let's get to it then. We're scouting for bringers and we'll follow them back to their lair."

I nodded. "Leave Willow. If she tries any magic the First will just interfere with it and could do more harm than good. Have her and Tara here on standby for the injured. It's a battle after all so expect casualties. Remember what I told you a long while back, breathe, don't waver and take that breathe. The more you take-"

She smirked. "The less they do. I gotcha. I've actually used some of that speech for inspiration."

I nodded. "One last piece of advice then. Talk is cheap until you can back it up. Show them you can and you'll have solidified your position in their hearts."

She looked me up and down and I sighed. "I already know you can. It's the potential's, the soldiers, that need to see you lead, not just fight, but lead them. Two different concepts. Any fool with a sword can fight, it takes a wise soldier to lead. Do so with what you have, experience and understanding of yours and our strengths and weaknesses. Command with authority, no hesitation. If you say fight and die than I'll kill anyone that flees. If you say flee then I'll pull them out of hell itself."

She took my words in and steeled herself. "You're to lead the reinforcements in case the First's agent and his bringers are too much. You'll have Xander as your second as he knows the girls best. They trust him and he trusts you, chain of command."

I nodded. "Then I'll await your signal."

She smiled. "It'll be the yells and screams of the sound of battle."

I raised an eyebrow but nodded. "Then let's hop to it."

I ended up leading Xander and fifteen girls with weapons through the forest behind Buffy's group. When we stopped at a vineyard I felt something and told Buffy. "He wasn't lying, there's something here that belongs to the slayer line. It feels familiar. A weapon."

Buffy'd eyes shot all the way open and told her group. "Keep your eyes peeled for a weapon of some sort. If you see it, grab it before the bad guys do and if you can't take it, make them pay hell for keeping it."

I chuckled. "Buffy. If I feel it even from out here it's directly linked to Sineya. It's her weapon. Can you imagine something not as obvious like a crossbow? It's clearly a close combat weapon. Sineya didn't like distance battles."

I frowned. "I don't know how I knew that."

Buffy looked me over before relaying it to her group. I had the rest of our group take up defense from behind to remove the chance of a pincer attack. Ten minutes later it started and I told them. "Move your asses, it's show time!"

We got down there and it was chaos. Buffy and a preacher were slugging it out with the troll hammer and his fists. To be fair she was doing damage to him but he was doing more to her roaring I shifted after telling the girls. "Use your numbers. Two to a bringer, kill them with no hesitation or I'll kill you later."

I charged the preacher and tackled him into the barrels in the back. Faith helped defend Buffy while Alice danced around killing bringers left and right. The preacher and I hit the last barrel before hitting pure stone wall and I pushed harder as we slammed through rock and dirt for several hundred yards. I backed out leaving him buried alive in the earth as the whole we'd made collapsed behind me.

I came back to Buffy's side and tore through a few bringers before the rest either died or fled. I shifted back and told Buffy. "He may be as strong as me but even I'd take some time to recover from that. I severed his spine with my claws and practically gutted him."

Buffy nodded as the girls regrouped. Some where hurt and one was stabbed to death. Seeing her I sighed and returned her to the earth. I turned to Buffy. "The weapon is below us. I'll find the entrance."

She nodded and I looked damn hard enough even tossing a few busted barrels aside before yelling. "Buffy, it's here."

They all came over with the slayers leading them. I opened the hatch and told her. "It's close, I can feel it thrumming with her power."

I hopped down before moving out of the way saying. "Come down it's safe."

Soon enough the small cavern was full of girls. I pointed to the slayer weapon. "It feels like her. Like she's left a piece of herself in it. It'll answer your call, just pick it up."

Buffy walked over and gripped it before pulling it out. "Woah, head rush. It feels like I'm unbeatable. I feel like a dozen wrist bands were added to my strength."

I chuckled. "Well, it was meant to fight and kill old ones. It's another weapon I've no doubt could kill me."

Buffy nodded and tossed the troll hammer to Faith. She sighed. "Can I at least hold it to see what you mean?"

Buffy nodded easily. She handed it to Faith who woahed like she did. Faith spoke up. "It feels like it belongs to me."

I chuckled. "That's because you both have slayer essence. It's reacting to Sineya in both of you. I'm sure the potentials would feel something but not as strong. I don't know how it was forged but it has her essence in it and not a little either. She treasured that weapon."

Buffy nodded. "Alright, let's get back to base. No need to stick around and wait for more nasty surprises the First has waiting for us."

We left with relative ease now and headed home. There I spent the night listening to Buffy and Faith describe the feeling of it. Finally Buffy asked. "Is the green hair permanent?"

I nodded. "I met a comedian and I liked his color. I can change it if you want but it was a good color."

Buffy sighed. "Fine, just don't complain when my hair turns silver."

I chuckled and went down on her. After she found her relief I came back up. "No silver down there please. I'm thinking it looks great as is, all wet and ready for-"

She moaned as I entered her. With a quick short stroke then a deep one. "Me."

She rolled her eyes until I changed the rhythm sending a fierce pounding her way that had her clinging for dear life and biting my shoulder. Right as she was about to cum I bit her neck sending her bucking over the edge. I didn't take much but did it more for the feeling than anything else.

She spent the rest of the night moaning and screaming my name as I did my best to fuck her till I broke. When that didn't happen I ended up with one very satisfied slayer and proceeded to try with the second one. When she wore out as well I got one round with Alice before she decided that blowing me was less likely to leave her limping to bad the next day.

Sighing I was a bit sad she ended up with a sore throat and a full stomach. She didn't stop me slowly taking her after that. Nothing to fierce just slow rhythmic thrusts in and out until she demanded I speed up and release inside her. She was to tired to even slide off me afterwards and I enjoyed the feeling of being inside her to much to do so, so she slept on me while I was in her.

I meditated for a while until her slow dream sex drug me back to full consciousness. I didn't stop her as she finally found another release for us both. It leaked around me and out after I unknotted.

At random periods throughout the night she'd do so again and again so I got very little meditation in. The next morning I slipped out of her to her whimpering protest and cleaned it all up. She woke up grouchy and was walking funny for the rest of the day.

The next day seemed a bit brighter to us while the rest of the hellmouth's residents were fleeing in terror. When news got back to the compound about a city wide evacuation I told the girls to head to the mall and go nuts.

They raided the place like it was a pond in the Sahara. The owners and cashiers had all fled so I simply casually strolled through town and robbed every single store. All the money and jewelry was stored in the pocket dimension for later uses as millions were funneled into it.

Pawn shops were surprisingly the first biggest payout of the day, then the banks and a couple money loan places. Next was the car dealerships that we raided and stored at the compound. The entire basement was filled with the best top of the line cars this town had to offer.

I'm not a fool, I told the girls and everyone what I was doing and told them. "If we loose it won't matter, but if we win it's likely I'll have to lay waste to the hellmouth or Spike will do it with the charm Giles went ahead and gave him. Either way all this stuff will be destroyed in the collapse as the town will fall into a massive sink hole."

Their eyes shot open at that and even Robin Wood, the principal was paying attention. He asked. "Then why bring it all to this compound?"

I snorted. "You think I'd leave this place here when I spent all summer building and pouring power into it? You're an idiot! I'm a god for goddess's sake, I built the damn think to be able to teleport into a pocket dimension. I'll have to purify and sanctify the ground I lay it on later but it ain't being destroyed. Hell, a hellmouth collapse plus a nuke wouldn't even scratch the paint job on it now anyway. It'd just end up at the bottom of the whole in pristine condition."

They all looked it over with way more wonder now. I chuckled. "If I survive this I'll be purifying the second major gem and building even more to it as well. I'm thinking another hundred and fifty rooms plus a real war council chamber and a gateway access to all countries on the map with hellmouth's. We'd be able to mobilize an army to protect this planet in a moment's notice. No need for slayers to constantly guard hellmouth's with fear of no backup. You girls will live to see ripe old ages whether your slayers or not."

They all looked at me with shock now except Giles as he'd known my plans all along. I sighed. "If the operation ever gets to be big and powerful enough I'm thinking we not only stop evil here, but we branch out and slaughter evil in other dimensions as well. If the First wants to tip the scales I say we throw them out the window. A war on evil, all evil until we find what we need to shut the fucker up for good."

Giles took off his glasses while all the girls cheered. Chuckling I told them. "So go nuts, take what you want so long as the stores empty. Bring it back here to your rooms or wherever you can fit it inside the compound. When this is all over and Sunnydale is a pile of rubble, you'll still have a home and everything you grab."

They swarmed the stores like locusts after crops. Soon half the department stores in Sunnydale was emptied along with the malls. I turned to Giles, Xander and Alice. "You don't want anything?"

They shook their heads. And Giles asked. "Why'd you do that?"

I shrugged. "They needed the boost and it'll give them something to live for. They'll fight that much harder if they can see the hope on the other side. Have you found what you needed about the slayer weapon?"

Giles nodded. "Willow, Tara, Dawn and I staid up all night researching it. As best we can surmise it's connected to an old pagan temple that predates the Indians. Later tonight Faith will go with Buffy to check out their burial place for any clues on who made it."

I nodded. "Make sure they're careful and take it with them along with the troll god hammer. The preacher survived what I did to him. When I gutted and sliced through his body I felt the resistance, it was like sinking your hand into nearly dry concrete even for me. The only thing I can figure is that he's a vessel for the First's power on this planet. He won't go down easy and even then you'd practically have to cut him in half to get him to stay down."

It sounded familiar to my ears as I said it but the fleeting feeling went away again as I saw Spike with a shopping cart full of cigarettes and alcohol. I doubled over laughing and the others didn't see what was so funny. When Spike asked. "What's so funny?"

I sighed. "You do realize out of everyone here you're the most likely to bite it right? Even Andrew, as sad as he is, has better odds than you. That necklace, for it to be any kind of useful, will have to draw so much power that it'd kill you in a flash fire as it detonates."

He stopped and frowned looking at the necklace. I chuckled. "The only good side I've been able to tell about its enchantments is that it'll bring you back when it reaches a certain predetermined place. I haven't a clue where that is and for you to use it the gem will have to come off. The necklace would shatter it like tofu under a cinder block."

Spike looked down at where the ring he wore on his toe was then back to the necklace. He shrugged. "Then my smokes will be in the compound for when I get back. And they'd better be there!"

I laughed again like a loon and he shrugged it off while pushing the cart to the compound whistling a tune. The girls did multiple trips as well. Sighing I watched as night started to descend and all the potentials gathered back in the compound grounds. Soon enough Buffy and Faith left with their special weapons.

I sat on the front porch smoking a joint with Giles, Anya, Xander and Spike. When my supply ran low I grew some more and restocked. We watched the potentials sit around a campfire and make s'mores for a while.

Eventually Buffy and Faith returned victorious. The preacher was literally split in to and hammered to bits. It got a bit awkward when Angel showed up but Buffy gave him a hug and sent him packing. He did say he took care of Connor so I didn't have anything to worry about.

Buffy and Faith didn't know what that meant but when a wave of new memories without Connor in them hit me I understood he'd cast a powerful spell on the kid and the world.

Sighing we focused on tonight. Tonight there was no sex for me or my mates. As tonight I massaged them and simply held them while they slept. It was all about comfort as Buffy announced the plan for the final battle the next day.

When she mentioned activating every slayer on earth I told them. "If you liked that you'll love this. Tomorrow, if Willow pulls this spell off I'll have a far larger power pool to use. It won't be full power, but nearly half. And half the power of a god is very considerable. I'll be able to lay protective magic's and constant healing magic's on each and every one of you."

"What's more when the slayer essence reaches you, each and every one of you will get a temporary boost in strength. It'll be half an hour tops but you'll feel like you're holding the scythe. And those that do will feel it ten fold. You won't be just slayers in that moment, but Demi-goddesses. Each of you that hold a the scythe will have the power to call forth the elements to bend to your will."

"Your imagination is the limit. It'll drain me fast and hard so I'll just be making sure no Turok'Han get out of the hellmouth. The rest up above will have to fight the bringers though. Even with half my power most of it will be on those blessings and spells. You'll all receive the same spells but you're not slayers so it's up to your skills to survive. Avoid instant death wounds and you all might just make it out of this alive."

I turned to Buffy, Faith and Alice. "I'm warning you now, if any of you get too hurt or fatally injured I can't be held responsible for what I might do. Having access to that much will also amplify my emotions and every aspect of who I am. And make no mistake, I am a beast. I will lay waste to everything ahead of schedule and implode wiping out this planet if all three of you die. I-I can't live without you."

Rona asked. "Aren't you supposed to have some big yin for the slayer essence or something? Won't killing us hurt it?"

My eyes lit up like fire when I turned to her. "She is my mate, yes, but in the end you are not all she is. She'd forgive me for my grief as we'd both be reborn in some other dimension I'm sure. I may be her mate, the nature god of rebirth, but I'm not just that. I, like you, was once part human. I have a human soul and therefore am at the mercy of emotions."

Kennedy asked. "What's her title? It can't be just slayer essence or slayer."

I sighed. "She's the nature goddess of death. We are both apart of nature and both like yin and yang. Death and rebirth. The demon essence the shadows men tried to shove in Buffy would've drawn more of the slayer essence into her as it killed the demon essence. Thus she'd grow stronger, more connected with her inner goddess."

I turned to Buffy with a sad smile and continued. "It would've thrown us out of balance for a bit and she and Faith would've been forced to fight for dominance for me but nothing would've drastically changed."

Faith sighed. "B knows I like to be on top anyways."

Buffy rolled her eyes. "Anyway, get some rest, do whatever it is you feel you must to relieve some stress because tomorrow morning we're doing this."

Spike finally comment. "And nobody bloody well better not touch my smokes while I'm gone!"

I chuckled and went with Buffy, Faith and Alice to give them their relief before holding them as they slept again. I held back because the stress would make me vigilant and hopefully able to focus on their health tomorrow.

They all slept pretty soundlessly and when I felt the sun rise I went to the school ahead of them. I made a sort of block so the Turok-Han and the bringers could only go four ways to get to or out of the seal. I simply summoned a few tons of lead in each place I needed to block off.

I greeted everyone at the entrance of the school and showed them what I'd done. They all basically focused around protecting Tara and Willow. Kennedy volunteered to take the scythe down to the girls when it was done. The rest of them were carrying stakes and holy weapons of different kinds.

Luckily Giles had been able to use the translation spell for Chao-Ahn so that she'd understand what was going on. I watched them about to spill their blood and I stopped them. "Relax girls, I got this."

I bit into my wrist really deep and held out my arm as blood poured out. The seal lit up immediately and opened. I told them. "My bloods a bit stronger so it'll stay open a lot longer than what it would if you'd all done it."

Buffy smiled. "Thanks, I really didn't want to fight with a bloody hand. Besides, they'd smell it I'm sure."

I nodded solemnly. "Go, Willow is starting the spell. It'll be done in time I promise."

She smiled and her and Faith jumped in one at a time. The potentials and Spike were after her and when they were all gone I waited. Five minutes later I felt the changes hit me and I began the spells and blessings. They were completed and I was at half power by the time Kennedy reached me with the scythe.

She blew right passed me into the hole as she was hit with my blessings and the spells all at once. I could hear the excited shouts and sounds of battle but only a hand full of Turok-Han even made it up before a giant shaft of light hit the building. I activated the teleportation wards on the compound as it and all the stuff inside was immediately sent to the pocket dimension.

The girls still excited all came jumping out as I told them. "Run to the buses, go now!"

They looked at me with hungry eyes but obeyed as they took off like a pack of wolves. Faith and Buffy came out with the wrist band and gem of Amara in their hands. I told them. "Go, I'll make sure all those upstairs make it out. Anya was killed but she wore the special talisman I gave her a long time ago so she'll heal. The rest are injured but healing so go!"

I teleported to Anya's side and sent her to the bus with a thought. Then I teleported to Spike's side. He looked like he was having a blast until he burnt up. I caught the amulet and sent it to LA for Angel to find in time as I teleported to the second bus where my girls were.

Anya was dead in a seat and Xander was holding her. I smacked him in the back of the head and lifted up the amulet for him to see. "She'll be right as rain in a few hours. It will shatter and turn to dust when she's done healing."

Xander was much more happy now so I turned to my main concern. Alice has been gutted for the most part and the healing spells were doing their work now. Tara and Willow were holding her while Buffy and Faith were by her side.

I told them. "Move back."

They did so and I hit Alice with a spell only slightly weaker than raising the dead. She jolted as the skin and organs immediately stitched together. I walked to the front seat where Wood was in agony as he'd been stabbed through the gut as well.

I hit him with a similar spell and turned to the girls. "Other than Giles whose driving the other bus there's no majorly wounded anymore. We should be safe to stop here."

Wood honked and stopped the bus as we got out. The crater was bigger than I thought it'd be but still smaller than what I'd have made it as myself. I asked Buffy. "So, where to next? The compound is packed and ready to be set down anywhere."

She looked up at me with a smile saying. "First I think I'd like to rest. Then we can figure it all out in a week."

I chuckled. "Everyone, back on the buses. I'll be teleporting us all to LA in a moment. There we'll crash at a motel before figuring out what's next."

Willow spoke up. "Buffy, I can feel them. All over the world slayers are waking up. "

I chuckled. "And once they're all awake I'll be at half my full strength."

Faith asked. "Jesus, what's it take to get you at full strength?"

I sighed. "One of you to take all that power inside you at once and ascend to goddess hood. I'd be fully unleashed as would Sineya in whoever it is. The others would become normal potentials again."

They all looked at me then at the girls. I chuckled. "No I'm not sleeping with you all. If Sineya wants to feel me she can use Faith and Buffy here."

Faith and Buffy's eyes went black now and I sighed as she made her presence known. The other girls looked away embarrassed while Faith and Buffy were touching me and licking me in places. Everyone got on the bus and with some bribing Faith and Buffy did as well. I healed Giles up before teleporting us all to Angel's old hotel.

It had no one living in it and it had enough space so I told them all. "Find a room and get comfortable. There's a lot more demons in LA than Sunnydale, except when counting the army you all just faced. Even then if you're talking demons Wolfram and Hart probably have more and they're global."

Faith and Buffy finally dragged me off to a room where I was forced to reinforce and soundproof as they tried to ride me into the bed and through the floor. They took turns with my mouth and my prick as I was used and abused till Sineya was satisfied for a while at least.

When I healed myself and them enough to walk almost the full week had passed. Alice has taken charge for food and necessities until Buffy was free. I came out of the room looking refreshed after the shower I just had.

next chapter
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