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73.09% A True Beginning / Chapter 144: Ch.29

Chương 144: Ch.29

The wedding was beautiful but quick and sweet. When they officially tied the knot, I handed them a marriage certificate I'd had made up and charmed saying. "Take it with you and when you get there it will make everything legal. The rings have one last ability and that's to keep the grand design and time itself from erasing your memories. Even if you get there and everything is changed you'll only receive the memories of your life there and not forget anything."

I sighed and stopped a bell from falling on them before telling them. "Now you really must go. The grand design won't suffer you to live here much longer and the longer you stay the more death will try to take you. That could very well get someone else killed."

I took us all to magic school and they did the spell to send him forwards in time and I told him. "If nothing has changed yet and Pandora and Wyatt are evil on the other end, you can promise them I'll know if they hurt you and I'll be coming through to punish them if they do so. Tell them I said to leave you alone and you'd leave time alone as well."

He agreed and Bianca took his hand before stepping through. I could already sense they were still evil on the other side so I merely sighed and closed the portal the sister's opened.

After a bit I opened a small one and tossed in a letter saying they'll only get one more warning before I step through as I'd felt Wyatt send Chris flying with a telekinetic blast. When the fighting stopped and I sensed them going their separate ways through the rings, I closed my connection to it and let it be.

Over the next two weeks I settled things with the elders to take over for Gideon at magic school so that I'd have a truly neutral place to help at. I kept my powers in check and went into my hidden room every night after Phoebe fell asleep so that I could train and adjust my powers and keep my immense magical power a secret from the Avatars.

I'd already begun fortifying my mind once more. Every night I had the equivalent of one hundred and twenty five thousand years to build my mind up beyond the scope of anything I'd had a chance to do before. I'd split it up into six basic realities connected to I'm core like giant maze that would take even a god several thousand years to chart and find.

The doors to the next reality in the sequence varied and changed while they mingled and mixed randomly. Each reality was far different and only my core had the defenses of all six realities on steroids. By the time Leo had gotten close to Barbas and the two weeks were up, I'd solidified each reality and was working on the defenses and barriers in each one.

Magic school had been allowed to stay open on a probationary basis and Phoebe was talking to Elise about getting some time off to clear her head as she'd been so flustered lately that she'd nearly recycled some old advice that the bots helping her had caught just in time last week.

Right now I was dressed in a tux waiting for Phoebe to get home and holding Pandora whom had just finished throwing cereal at Wyatt as they were having a mini food fight while giggling. I'd cleaned them both up and put them in formal wear while the house elves cleaned up the mess happily.

When Piper and finally Leo, who had barely arrived in time, came down with baby Chris, I greeted them with a smile and summoned Wyatt into my arms. I handed him off to Piper saying. "Phoebe is driving you four there while I'm taking Dora. Seeing as how she's running a bit late, tell her I'll save you all seats, and you'd better be there."

I orbed Pandora and myself behind a tree near the wedding reception and walked over to find some seats. Dora sat on my lap in the back, playing with a set of silenced baby toys only she could hear.

When Phoebe and the unhappy couple arrived with our nephews, I handed Pandora off to Leo to hold and went for a stroll with Phoebe and Chris as he was simply too loud not to be noticed and would stand out if he were silent. Not to mention Piper would go into panic mode if she couldn't hear him when he was right next to her.

While we strolled around with the baby, inspector Morris and Sheridan came over. When she served Phoebe, I held up the paper asking. "What is it you'd like to know? I'm sure I can clear it up here and now before my lawyers are forced to put you out of a job."

Inspector Sheridan asked. "Is that a threat?"

I nodded. "Indeed, I'm threatening you with legal actions. So you can ask your questions here and now or I can have my lawyers file a lawsuit for harassment and clearly what seems to be a personal vendetta as no one else in the house was served other than my wife."

She frowned. "You've no grounds."

I shrugged. "Could be jealousy, fame or something as innocuous as you not liking an article my wife writes in the Bay View Mirror. Either way my lawyers will sort you out and see what the police commissioners view is on inspectors harassing successful, rich and talented women."

She frowned before scowling. "What happened to Chris Greengrass's body?"

I sighed. "He was shipped back over seas to be buried in the family plot. He was my cousin after all."

She scowled deeper. "And where are those papers?"

I shrugged. "At the house or can you not see I don't have them on me at the moment? You did ambush us at a wedding after all."

Her frown lessened as she knew she'd screwed up on that part. "What happened to him?"

I sighed. "It was a home invasion gone wrong. My security hadn't arrived in time and he was stabbed. The case is being filed with your office as we speak though I doubt it's your area of expertise."

She frowned. "Why wasn't he brought to a hospital?"

I shrugged. "I don't know, I wasn't there, but then you were there when he was dying and you just left him there like that. I'm sure it's another oversight your bosses would like to know about. Perhaps you got a description of the attacker? Maybe an ID on him?"

She frowned harder as all her officer friends had acted oddly that day. She'd even failed to do a simple uniforms duty to ID the bad guy let alone call for an ambulance. She sweated a bit before Darryl spoke up. "Ok, I think we've taken up enough of your time and ours. Forget about the papers and we'll be on our way."

He took the serving papers from Phoebe and grabbed Sheridan, leading her away. Leo and Piper came over and I immediately knew what was going on but what's more I sensed it. The god essence in them was pretty obvious as I had my own.

They hadn't sensed me but then they wouldn't know what they were sensing even if they could. Piper showed Phoebe her six arms underneath Leo's coat and I took Pandora from Leo saying. "Yeah, definitely not a good day. I'll see you all back at the house. Phoebe love, whatever you do, don't reach for their kids. From the looks of them they're possessed by Shiva and Shakti. Shakti is a very dangerous goddess when it comes to her kids or her lover Shiva."

I sensed around before orbing Pandora home while Phoebe herded them to the car. When I arrived at the house again, I put Pandora in the playpen and turned on the tv for her. When they got back to the house though Piper had turned into a six armed super mom and Leo was watching her with infatuation.

When Phoebe read about Shiva and Shakti I was already one step ahead of them mentioning Barbas to Leo. He left in a flash of lightning and went on the hunt. I had to stop Piper from trying to take care of Pandora, growling at her. "She's not yours Shakti, either step off or we're going to have a problem!"

The magic I released had her shrugging and pampering Wyatt and Chris saying. "Then feed her already. I can tell she's hungry."

I sighed and reigned it in before setting Pandora up next to Wyatt and giving her her favorite, macaroni and bologna cut up with peas on the side. Shakti rolled her eyes and we watched Wyatt and Pandora eat and play.

After a while she went to put her babies down for a nap and I did the same. The security system activated and helped Shakti fight off the three upper level demons that arrived and warned her about Barbas who'd snuck in behind her.

She'd zapped him and he'd fled but the damage was done and the kids nap room was destroyed. She brought them to Pandora's where I didn't even ask but instead just summoned more cribs for them.

She smiled saying. "You know, you're not so bad as a father."

I chuckled. "And you're not so bad as a mother."

I felt Leo arrive and his rage when he left again saying. "Your husband was just here though he left angrily so he must've seen the play room."

She sighed. "If you can sense so much, why didn't you help out?"

I shrugged. "I set up the security system and you girls made me promise not to interfere in charmed business too much unless you were desperate. I would've intervened if they'd gotten to the children or if you'd really needed my help."

She nodded and went to see here sisters, leaving me alone with her kids which was surprising for the goddesses temperament. I sensed Leo killing the elder that had asked Phoebe and Paige to speak with Leo this morning. When he was done, I orbed the kids, beds and all to Shakti.

There I told her. "We're taking them to magic school. Barbas has gotten into Leo's head so we'll need to be there."

She nodded and I orbed all of us there along with the potion ingredients and put the kids in the nursery. When I finished, I told Paige and Phoebe to make the vanquishing potion for Barbas and told Leo and Piper to attack me with their godly powers.

When they did, I absorbed them and the godly essence in them, making them an elder and witch once more. As there godly powers and mortal ones were separate to begin with is only been able to take what was used against me anyway.

The powers bolstered my own and the essence was crushed and fused into my own as well, strengthening my own soul essence and allowing me to take in more. I was finally ready to begin taking in more powers. I'd already given the Avatars back the amount of power I'd taken and now all I needed to do was begin assimilating the rest.

Leo was a wreck from the looks of it so I sent Phoebe and Paige after Barbas as they scried for him again and got a hit. They were loaded up on vanquishing potions and Barbas was no longer protected by the collective's powers.

When they came back, I took Phoebe and Pandora home for the night, along with Wyatt and Chris. The house was repaired now so they were put down to rest in their own rooms. I put up a barrier around their rooms that would last a week and took Phoebe to bed.

Later that night I entered my training room and began assimilating the various powers inside the binding stones, starting with the tribunal and Cleaner's. My counterpart had killed both his Cleaner's and the good side of the tribunal members so there was more to assimilate.

My powers grew and varied as I grew stronger. Soon all that was left was the powers I'd been hiding like those of the gods of nature and the powers to take powers as well as the vast powers I'd had and combined that allowed me to become invulnerable and swallow powers and beings by touch.

All the special stuff I didn't want the collective to have or even know about. I hadn't even touched the nexus magic pools or the Woogyman's yet. My power was still par more vast than I'd ever expected and my magic more concentrated. I had the feeling I shouldn't even reveal the extent of the power I already had to the collective or the elders so I reigned it in and cloaked my powers even from the collective.

They could tap into a tenth of my magic for the collective's goals and they had the opportunity to use any of the many powers I'd garnered as well but using them on a global scale would cost the collective dearly. In the end they'd feel we still weren't strong enough yet though we did have more varying powers between us.

When I left my training room after several thousand years of meditation, Alpha and Gamma were there. "We've been waiting to speak with you."

I smiled. "Had I known, I'd have come out sooner. I've taken in all the powers I had available to me. Now I'll need to collect more if I'm to grow stronger."

I showed them the empty binding stone I had as I'd transferred all the power into my second, more well hidden, one. Alpha nodded. "And you're months ahead of schedule as well as having returned the power you borrowed already."

I shrugged. "I got lucky with the elder acting as he did. It allowed me to contact my mirror self and take apart of his powers into myself, strengthening my own. Unfortunately he died from the process but beggars can't be choosers."

Gamma spoke up. "Is that all you were able to take?"

I raised an eyebrow and he shut his mouth as Alpha spoke up. "We were just wondering if you were able to obtain a second binding stone, it being a mirror image of you and all."

I shook my head. "No, unfortunately my alternate half had gone down the opposite path and fused with his binding stone completely so it was destroyed with him. Reverse worlds can only be so useful I'm afraid."

Alpha nodded. "A pity. The collective could have really used a binding stone for our own goals."

I shrugged. "You'll have to find your own I'm afraid, this one is mine, it's bound to my essence so it'll only serve me in my endeavors. Anyone else who tries to use it will find it can consume them, mind body and power, taking in all their energies and powers into itself for me to use later."

Gamma's frown deepened but I put my stone away and Alpha sighed. "In any case Leo Wyatt is our next recruit. With him we will have a second in with the charmed ones and then we can enact our goal to build utopia."

I nodded. "Just let me know when it's time. As per our agreement I'm not to be involved directly or indirectly until it's time to begin."

Gamma spoke coldly. "One would think you're avoiding committing to our cause."

I snorted and glared at him. "Then one would be a fool. I do as I please and if you break our agreement by direct or indirect cause, you'll have a lot more to worry about then turning the charmed ones to our cause."

Alpha put a hand on Gamma's shoulder. "There's no need to fight amongst ourselves. We all want the same things here. Damien here has more than proven his loyalties and shown his worth to the cause. He has given us access to many powers that without him we would be hard pressed to acquire, even with many more millennia at our disposal. Besides that, our plans are right on schedule and there's no need to postpone it now over petty squabbles and suspicions."

I chuckled. "I agree."

Alpha looked to Gamma and he sighed. "I agree as well."

Alpha smiled. "Good, now Damien, since you've taken the liberty in helping us so readily, I'd like to ask you to speak with Leo, sway him towards our cause if you can."

I frowned. "I'll pass. Do it yourself or have Gamma here do it. Like I said, I'm not going to involve myself directly or indirectly. You're free to do as you please in swaying Leo but you also know my boundaries. Leave my wife and daughter out of it and don't bother me with chores until it's time. Until then my own hobbies collecting powers and teaching young witches takes precedence over any chore you could have for me."

I turned and told them as I left them there. "Haunt him for all I care, but leave me out of it."

Three weeks later Phoebe was up in arms about a coffee shop that didn't allow breastfeeding, her column ghost writer being a man and not getting to spend a lot of time with Pandora and me because of her first two issues and my work at magic school.

Luckily Paige was there to solve my issues as the elders finally delegated and decided to either have someone good supervise the school or shut it down as they felt they couldn't trust me to run a school of magic and not corrupt the kids to evil.

Paige tried vouching for me but in the end elder Odin had set her up as the principle. Unfortunately for him, I had become well liked by the students in the three weeks since I'd temporarily taken over. One of them shot an arrow from the Cupid statue into his ass, another lit his hair on fire and the last conjured Lady Godiva whose horse kicked him in the head, sending him toppling over the principle's desk.

I smirked before wagging a finger at them with a small smile. "Bad kids, you three will be spending time in Peeves's timeout spot."

Two looked unrepentant while the third who'd summoned Lady Godiva looked guilty. I waved a hand. "Off with you! You'll all be expected to resume classes like before under Principle Paige's tenor. Do behave around her."

They each understood my subtle meaning that so long as they weren't around her it was fine to have fun and mischief. The kid who summoned the naked lady on a horse was held back while the rest left although protesting the unfairness of missing out on a naked woman.

I asked the conjurer. "Duncan, any chance you know the spell to banish her and the demon back into the book?"

Odin asked loudly. "Demon?!! There's a demon here?"

I nodded and twisted my wrist, making the incorporeal demon appear. I bound it and told Odin. "It's one that came out of the fabric of history itself unknowingly. Both completely innocent and East as it's powerless right now."

Duncan spoke up. "I only know how to conjure."

I nodded. "Then once I get back I'll teach you how to banish as well. It's a bit more thought out than conjuring but all in all it's just the other side of the same coin so it won't be hard for you to learn. Now off with you, back to the dorms and report to Peeves's detention for mayhem causing students."

He smiled and jogged away to catch up with the rest of the students. I told Lady Godiva. "My lady, this is Paige Mathews, she and her sisters will be helping to send you a with the demon. Until then I ask that you dismount and robe yourself."

I waved a hand and a robe appeared in the air floating before her. I turned to Paige. "I'll leave things in your capable hands, principle Paige."

I bowed lightly and turned, smirking to Odin who had a hoof print in his jaw and an arrow still in his ass while his hair had mostly burned away before the fire had sizzled out. He saw my smirk and went to speak again but I flamed away, leaving the four of them alone.

I was due for a break so I went to see Phoebe and what she was up to. I found her writing a letter about breastfeeding in public to her own article and planning to deliver it in person. Sighing, I rubbed her shoulders and hummed while I worked out the knots. "We're taking a real vacation next week. You, me, Italy. I'll talk to Victor about watching Dora if I have to, but we're going."

She moaned. "That would be lovely but I can't. I have to make sure these problems are dealt with before I go anywhere."

Growling in the language I knew she'd understand best, I deepened my growl and she sighed. "You're right. We need it, got knows we do but I'm just-"

I kissed her neck, nibbling and bitting a little as I heard her pulse quicken and smelled the changes as her arousal became evident. She tilted her head to the side and moaned, giving me better access and submitting to me and my needs as well as her own.

She was off the chair and on the bed moments later as I took her the way we both needed. If not for the soundproofing and reinforcements I'd made both physically and magically to the house, our bout of lovemaking would've probably been heard in the next three states over.

As it was when we finished and we were both panting from our last release, I murmured to her while she laid across my chest. "Now imagine that at our own private vineyard where instead of a bed of cloth, it was a bed of grapes or better yet, a field of flowers. We could go like that for days without end and when we finished there was no need to run around or hurry off somewhere."

She bit my left pectoral muscle and mumbled. "That sounds like heaven."

I nodded. "We could run free at night as wolves for miles and make love during the day. No need to worry about witches, demons or innocents. Only the open fields and our own love and lust to satisfy. No expectations or interruptions."

She groaned as she slid off my length before sitting up, her buttocks nestling my member. "But work and issues and duties-"

I chuckled. "I'll make the issues go away. As for work, I have faith you'll figure that out soon once you figure out how to handle the other issue you're championing. For now though-"

Raised her hips slightly and slid home, making her shiver and moan as she took me where I'd only been with her a few times before. As she was already tired she hadn't stopped herself from taking me deeper than she'd ever done before there as well for fear I'd knot inside her.

I slowly pressed the issue until we were panting once more and her eyes went wide as her fears came true. Unfortunately or fortunately, it was to late to stop it as I was firmly in place and we both moaned as I spent myself inside.

Throwing caution to the wind, I didn't stop there as I helped send her over the edge and she hadn't noticed or stopped me until I'd knotted several more times there. When we laid in a puddle of bliss and moans afterwards, I cleaned us both up with a thought and a self cleaning spell when she needed something more and impaled herself on my length with her lower lips gripping me like a vice, the door opened and in her shock, she'd dropped the sheets.

Paige had come in and seen way too much. She was still watching in shock when phoebe got off me and reached for the sheets. I growled, shocking the half whitelighter out of her state. "Do you mind?"

She blushed and closed the door behind her in a hurry. I laid my head back down. "That's it, we're moving."

Phoebe tapped my chest a few times. "Didn't you say you bought the second house and connected them so we wouldn't have to move?"

I grumbled. "Don't remind me of it now, I'm already starting to regret it. Do you think she'd find us if I bought the whole block and turned it into one big manor? That's twenty houses big and all combined to ensure we got some privacy."

She rolled her eyes. "She'd just orb to the door or worse, inside the room itself."

I grunted. "Maybe make a no magical travel inside the bedrooms rule then? Or perhaps just ward the room against your whitelighter sister specifically?"

She tapped her lips for a second as she slid her clothes back on. "There's a thought."

I smiled. "We'll figure out something I hope. This is the sixth time in two weeks."

She sighed as I stood up, clean, dressed and annoyed while she was still in her panties and bra. "Do you mind?"

I shook my head. "Not at all, I love the view, though you really are wearing too much-oof."

She'd hit me with a pillow and I chuckled before dressing and cleaning her and her clothes. She asked. "Why do we even need to go threw diaper phases?"

I chuckled again. "It's supposed to give the parents and child time to bond or so the books Leo got when he found out Piper was pregnant the first time said. Personally, between you and me, I just send the waste to the trash and clean the baby with magic while creating an illusion that I'm wiping poop. I sing to Pandora while making magical fireworks pop quietly over her bed. It's why she likes me best I think."

Phoebe gave me a sour look and I chuckled. "What? You didn't think I played fair did you love? Besides, if you really wanted to, you could do the same."

She rolled her eyes. "Yeah right, I don't have your powers."

I chuckled. "Don't you?"

She raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

I sighed. "Your empathy powers may be gone but that was never how you used my powers to begin with. The bridge I created between our minds hasn't been affected one way or the other. All you've had to do is open the door and call for my powers like you did before. Did you honestly think I would make you vulnerable just because a council willing to work with demons decreed it so? Come on love, you should know me better than that. Just be careful though as my powers have grown tremendously since last you used them, you'll need to practice in my inner world before you use them or you could wipe out the city."

Her eyes shot up and I opened the door to see Paige there. I walked passed her and left her to her sister to deal with, ignoring her downcast look. I headed to Phoebe's office where the laptop I gave her was. I transferred some money around and had my lawyers contact some real-estate agencies for what I wanted done.

Then I had the contractor paperwork work drawn up to leave a paper trail. Whatever real-estate agency they chose would give my offers to those around the block but not across the street. I had my lawyers contact the city planning office and had them draw up a contract with the city as the houses and land was bought up by me in secret.

A day went by quickly while I worked to see it all carried out. During that time mayhem broke out and eventually reality changed for a bit before the demon exploded. The next morning saw me teaching Duncan how to banish and reverse conjuring spells.

It was all in the wording and intent to return what was without harming what is. When he sent the Lady Godiva back, I congratulated him and gave him a book on conjuring context and banishing subtext as well as another hour in Peeves's punishment room.

In actuality it was a room I'd connected to Hogwarts where Peeves taught them pranks when I decided they were worthy. He was certainly a good teacher by now as he was even teaching at Hogwarts, only to first years and only more of a guided tour role to ensure they understood where everything was, but teaching nonetheless.

Hagrid had taken my place after I'd left and was doing fine even now. The Flamels per presumed dead and the Scamander's had gone missing though I could still feel all of them inside my realm, they were just locked in for now.

Phoebe figures out her column was in good hands and one of an avid fan no doubt, as well as fixing her other issue by riding through town naked on horseback. I'd laughed my ass off at the dumbstruck looks on the silly mortal's faces while sipping coffee.

She'd declared her stance and damned if she didn't make the front page news. The Coffee shop worker had taken the sign down but in the end he'd been fired as well because of the bad publicity he'd brought to the coffee shop. He was the manager, but those could be replaced, a reputation for sexist eleventh century ways was much harder to change.

As she'd covered herself up as soon as she got off the horse, the cops decided not to do anything against her, especially considering a few of the recognized her and even one had recognized me through Phoebe as the billionaire philanthropist husband who'd donated millions to the city and even more to various causes in the city and around the world.

Prue had really outdone herself when I heard the whispers. I had the horse brought up into the trailer for it to be returned to the carriage company who did that sort of thing. We got in my 807-HP Lamborghini Sián Roadster and Phoebe drove away.

I'd had it built and it's design sold to the Lamborghini company just so I could have my own. I loved the car and I couldn't wait until human technology catches up and they produce hover car models. As it was this one worked off of a modified engine I'd built that took in the pollution in the air and used it as fuel that it then turned into clean carbon dioxide.

A bit of magic was involved and a gathering spell to keep the tank full no matter where we were. When we got back to the house, I took her to pack and called Victor to pick up his granddaughter for a couple weeks. We'd still video call and orb over to tuck her in at night, but we needed some is time now.

Those two weeks were some of the freest days we'd had in a very long time. We ran as wolves, mates as couples and wined and dined as high society. I'd bought a vineyard and the vast land around it including a forest so that we could stretch our legs and chase each other.

When we caught one another, we shifted and mated, when we got tired, we slept, when we got hungry, we ate. It was as Phoebe calls it, liberating. Then again she'd declared it standing naked on a cliff as the sun rose and the waves crashed against the rocks below.

My black fur coat and her white one was in fair contrast to our moods. She found it light and freeing and I found it depressing that this is what she called freeing. She'd yet to experience true freedom from the sound of it and I made my decision to show her once this round about growth cycle for my wives and I was over.

I tackled her off the edge of the cliff and let the water catch us below as I softened it and we gently splashed into it. I then brought out my claws and pulled her up against the cliff while I dug into the rock wall with my claws and impaled her.

She spluttered then moaned as the waves hit and she understood what I was doing. We were mating with the motion of the ocean and earth itself. Her nails turned to claws and dug into my back as we held on for dear life.

When she found her release, she bit my shoulder and I roared to the heavens as I found my own. My face changed slightly and my eyes glowed as I looked up and roared continuously. When another and another orgasm continued to crash over the both of us I realized we'd connected with a ley line below and were experiencing a magical sexual experience.

When it finally stopped as she slumped over and I caught her, orbing back to the cliff, I realized she'd taken to much of my essence in and fainted. I removed myself from her and it gushed out and down the cliff like a small stream. I cleaned and clothed us both while looking at the ley line below. It had been far more potent than I'd expected and when I saw it led to a floating temple out in the middle of the ocean, I sighed as I recognized the structure as the Cupid temple of love.

It was to the Cupid's what the high plane was to the elders and the underworld was to demons. Only whitelighters and Cupid's could enter as everyone else had to ask permission. Not that I cared even if I didn't have my whitelighter powers, I do what I want after all. For now though it was just a curiosity.

When Phoebe woke up, I showed her the temple using my own powers to clear the distance for her. She asked about it and I told her what I knew of it. When she asked. "Do you think we are true loves?"

I shrugged. "I doubt it, I exist outside the grand design and the cupids work for the angel of destiny. A long time ago it's said they were made to work for the god Eros but now they've confirmed to the grand design like most others. I like to think we're more than just fated, or destined to be true loves. I think that in all the cosmos, and every reality that exists in the vast multiverse, there are only a few souls I could ever hope to match perfectly with. You my love are one in nearly an infinite of possibilities that I am truly meant to be with. So I'm a way, it I think true love is common compared to what we are."

She smiled and leaned into me while looking at the temple of love. We left Italy, orbing back to the manor from there. My private jet will take off and fly over to make a paper trail but for now it was good to be home. The first thing we did was grab showers before orbing to Victor's apartment and picking up Pandora.

Then we greeted her sisters who looked exhausted. All three of them talked about their spell bound issues and the sibling rivalry spell that went horribly wrong. Piper talked about Leo and Wyatt's issues as well.

Finally Phoebe made them all a little jealous with stories of our time in Italy out on the town, in the forests and even against the cliff. I'd seen blushed cross all the girls faces and Paige sighed. "I need to find myself a man. Preferably not a student either."

I chuckled and left them to talk saying. "I've some papers to grade for my classes and some business to get to. Love, Dora's been cleaned and fed, all she needs now is some mommy time."

Phoebe took her from me and sat back down with our daughter on her lap, slobbering all over her with baby kisses. Smiling I kissed her goodbye before flame traveling to magic school. There I headed all two weeks of work I'd left my hologram self to dole out and collect.

next chapter
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Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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Rank NO.-- Bảng xếp hạng PS
Stone -- Power Stone
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lỗi Mẹo

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