We battled back and forth as our minds were nearly equal but he lacked one thing I'd gained, the hollow abilities. I began feeding on his mental and primordial energies while we were locked in combat. He may be older and far stronger in the godking realm but inside realities while we're preparing for the battle of the gods, all was not always equal or dependent on realms.
By the time the last elder fell, he barely managed to break my hold as he was beaten by all the strongest beings including Zoro and Luffy who had jumped in when they saw neither of us moving. His body was destroyed and his soul and essence was ejected from this world while the plant vines finally withered and died, leaving one indestructible seed.
I took it without the others noticing and Dragon led the charge against the celestial dragons and Mariejois. It was a wonton slaughter above as the slaves were released the valuables pillaged and soon enough they realized that with the death of that plant, the devil fruits lost their abilities and became regular fruits or in the users case, regular people.
Luffy commanded us forwards as we continued our adventure and when we reached our home of Goa and visited every island, Zoro challenges Hawkeye for his title. Hawkeye didn't stand a chance and his black blade Yoru was shattered. I took the pieces and used my return fruit power in secret as it became whole once more and a keepsake.
We'd taken three years after the Great War to finish seeing it all. Franky's dream came true. Robin's was complete. Nami finished her world map. Usopp was a brave warrior of the sea and had met his father. Brook met with Laboon. Sanji found his all Blue in the waters surrounding Raftel and now the world with the red line destroyed.
Luffy was now the pirate king and acknowledged as such. I'd done my brotherly duty and protected him. I helped Chopper develop a vaccine and an all cure using the senzu beans as a bases. With our dreams fulfilled, the world government reformed slowly and in secret my symbiote floated the islands together into continents.
I met with Sabo and Luffy one last time and we drank like brothers before Sabo mentioned he was leaving on another adventure and offered to take us. I shook my head as I had Robin, Olivia and Shyarly.
Luffy had a son of his own with Nami but she gave up on him and took the kid a few months after he was born to keep him safe as Luffy wanted to train him like he'd been taught so Luffy agreed. After they left, the world began to change as time went on and my opportunity to leave never came which confused me.
Ages passed as Olivia grew up, moved out and on before having her kids, grandkids and so on and so forth until the world forgot about us. Brook had passed away not long after meeting Laboon as his fruit lost it's power and Chopper's even with my help, failed eventually and he reverted into a reindeer forever.
As the dinosaurs went extinct and the mermaids and Fishmen retreated into the oceans with their island once more, becoming myth and legend, I made a place for the souls of pirates and kept my word anyway, reviving Nami's mother Bellemare.
She'd thanked me and since they were the same age, they eventually passed away together. Franky went on to invent a few more things before his robot parts outlasted his human bits and he too passed away.
Out of the crew, Usopp lasted the longest as Sanji had a heart attack at sixty, passing away while perving on girls. Usopp made it to his eighties before he too passed with six children and twenty grandchildren.
The world truly did change then as the atmosphere lost it's thickness and sky islands fell into the sea and on to a few super volcanoes sending the ash clouds into the atmosphere and restarting most life on the planet in an ice age. The super continent I'd made, split to form what looked to be earth's land masses.
All the while Robin, Shyarly and I looked on and saved whom we could and spared the magic and mystery of this world as best we could. The survivors went on and out to form nations and fight their wars as people do and the fishmen and mermaids became savage as they lost their heritage and ways.
I combined the last of my gold from one piece and cursed it as Aztec gold making whomever took it like brook in the light of the full moon before realizing that Surume had survived or his species had and it was guarding the deep once more.
I split the ocean and put Kame at the bottom when he died. His shell had went white with age and grabs had eaten most of him so his grave rested there in the leftover rainbow mists below the great waterfall at lands end.
When pirates came to be again they were more cut throat and greedy than before. Robin, Shyarly and I built a city on a port island and named it Tortuga in honor of Kame the turtle. We made it a mostly pirate town and ran a bar there like Shakky and Rayleigh had.
I repaired boats and on occasion built them until one evening, ten thousand years after Olivia's death, I felt the call of my blood mixed with the Aztec curse. I shook with sadness now. Newt was out studying mermaids with his wife and Nicholas was trying to make some fountain of youth or such work like my own did.
Shyarly and Robin were gathering and selling intel at the bar when I came in. Robin saw my face and asked. "What is it?"
I smiled. "For the briefest of moments I felt Olivia again. Her descendants ours, are alive out there!"
Robin smiled and I kissed her. We'd not had any more kids as we didn't know when we were leaving but now I had a decent idea as I'd forced the will of the world to act and take in another god or in this case a titan and one I knew of.
Stories of Calypso had spread across the world as some upstart declared themselves pirate king and made an alliance before sealing her away in a human body. I just couldn't believe what it meant. We waited until I sensed our descendant's blood make port then head our way. It took a little less than two days before Jack Sparrow, one of our last descendants in this world came to the bar.
He'd been here before but it took coming into direct contact with my magic to tell me who he was as there was only a small thread of his blood linking him to us. When he brought in a young lad and a smelly old drunk, I had Robin deliver their drinks to them on the house.
Jack took it as flirting and tried to flirt back causing Robin to smack him and scold him. It was rather comical until I walked over and sat down on their bench. "Forgive Robin, my wife's a bit itchy right now because of some recent news. That's not to say you didn't deserve it youngster."
Jack raised an eyebrow. "I do believe I'm older than you and Gibbs here is definitely older than you savvy?"
I snorted. "Hardly. So, you're going after the Black Pearl and Aztec gold is involved huh? Mast bit of work that one but then, so is most of the magic left in this world."
I cut an apple and ate a slice before holding up my hand and slicing it in front of them. It healed up almost instantly even with the spelled knife. They both looked interested and I got up. "Should you find what you're really looking for Junior, come find me and I'll show you things this world hasn't seen in the last ten thousand years. After all, I should know."
I patted Jack on the shoulder and left him a sword. "Keep it. It'll kill most things including pesky cursed pirates. One cut will end almost anything even immortals so long as they have a heart that is. Oh, and drinks are on the house for you and two and the boy for tonight."
I sighed and watched them talk from the private area where Robin and Shyarly sat with me drinking fire whiskey. When they left for the night, Jack nodded our way and I raised a glass to him. The next I heard from them they were recruiting a crew to settle his debt to Davy Jones.
I met him and his first mate Gibbs once more as they set up their recruitment in our bar. While Jack fiddled with the compass, I told him. "Not all things are so easily found even by a magic compass."
He looked up at me and snorted. "Says one whose already found all the things they're looking for."
I chuckled. "True enough but then you'd think the experience of my own search could help one still looking."
He sighed. "It doesn't work."
I took the compass from him and showed him. "It's pointing towards my wives so I'd say it does. The difference being I know what I want clear enough for it to read accurately. Perhaps finding someone else that wants what you're looking for to guide you would be best?"
He rolled his eyes. "The last time I tried that I ended up marooned on an island mate."
I smiled. "Then maybe you should try a different tactic seeing as you're against that one. After all, your debt with Davy Jones is rather important as well."
He asked clearly. "You know a hundred poor sods willing to work or risk the locker for eternity in my place?"
I smiled. "Youngster, I know a thousand that owe me such favors and all of them live on this island."
He brightened up and I continued. "But that won't stop you will it? Plus it Wong get the kid back from Jones either."
He snorted. "No but it's a start!"
I sighed and nodded. "So be it. Get what you can tonight and by morning I'll have the rest at the docks to make up the difference. They'll sail or die with you if necessary and gladly take Jones's offer."
I passed him a bottle of rum and some idiot started talking about his story being the same as Jack and Gibbs's. He pointed a gun at me as I was standing in between him and Jack. I sighed. "Kid, you really don't want to do that."
The bar went silent except the sound of guns cocking everywhere as they all pointed at him. I told him coldly. "Put it away before you hurt yourself. Guns aren't toys ya know."
He growled. "Not until-"
I moved and sliced his hand, forcing him to drop his gun. I told the rest. "Throw him to the pigs and shoot him if he tries to come back in."
Two patrons grabbed him and tossed him out to the pigs outside next door. I turned to Jack and nodded before headed upstairs again. I made the arrangements and called in some of those favors before morning. Ninety debts ended up being the total cost of helping Jack as he loaded up the old pirates that had called Tortuga home since they retired here.
It didn't matter to me as they were more than willing for a shot at immortality and the ability to sail once more. As Jack sailed off, I headed to Isla de Muerta. There I removed the curse and took all the treasure there before heading to Isla Cruces.
I got to watch Jack and the rest fight it out for Jones's heart until the old commodore he hired succeeded in getting it. The one hundred souls were paid so technically Jack was free but the Black Pearl was set to be destroyed by the Kraken.
Unfortunately the lass, Elizabeth Swann, chained him to the ship and by the time he was free, it was too late. Shaking my head, I went to the locker as they called it now days. It was in actuality the grave of Kame but it was being used by Calypso for her purposes.
I joined Jack on his ship and sat with him. "Didn't turn out like you planned it aye?"
He rolled his eyes. "So am I dead?"
I shrugged. "Not really. But then you're not really alive any more either. This is what they call Davy Jones's locker. In actuality it's a giant grave made ten thousand years ago by an immortal for his friend."
I waved a hand to the surroundings. He commented. "Doesn't seem like a graveyard does it?"
I chuckled. "Have you ever heard of island turtles?"
He shook his head. "I don't believe I have."
I sighed. "Long ago they were a species of turtle that could grow so big as to match the size of an island. Some even claimed to have seen them grow bigger. One such creature was so large that it was nearly as big as all of Asia."
He rolled his eyes. "Right."
I smiled. "It's just a story kid. Now, said creature grew old and even turtles that could outlive most weren't eternal. Time claims almost all things after all. Upon it's death, the immortal, a pirate from an era where pirates could destroy islands with their swords and shake the heavens with their will, in his grief, cut the sea and created an eternal grave for his old friend. Several thousand years passed and the stories were lost to time and legend. The heathen gods as they're called by the big gored church, used such places for their own purposes. A massive grave for one create became a place lost souls could pass through to find their peace or in your case, eternal torment."
He listened well enough and I passed him a bottle of rum while he said. "Now alls I need is a good pillow and I'll be ready for bed."
I chuckled. "You youngsters nowadays have no concept of the past. Running around after treasures you don't even want and not understanding where they came from or why they're there."
I waved a hand and brought out all the gold from Isla de Muerta. "Keep it, it's yours now and should you make it out of here, make sure you tell the heathen goddess I said she'd better behave or I'll be very unhappy."
I stood up and summoned several dozen crates of rum and disappeared while telling him he might want to store the gold below deck in a safe area. I headed back to Tortuga as it was soon to be hit hard by the East India Trading Company.
I slaughtered their outpost on the island and took their ships, loading them with as many pirates as could fit on them before setting sail for shipwreck cove with a fleet of twenty ships fully stocked and loaded under my banner.
We arrived just as I got word Tortuga had been raided. All that was left there was the street urchins and failed pirates who had robbed the visitors when they made port so I didn't mind one bit until I heard they burned the entire island and chained up everyone to be charged and hanged.
They were all taken to Port Royal as legally they couldn't be charged for anything in another governors territory without proof given to the governor of that territory first and as I was the governor and hadn't been notified through the proper channels, I knew the East India Trading Company was playing dirty politics.
If I'd been caught they'd have forced me to sign off on it or killed me claiming I'd been murdered by pirates while claiming jurisdiction in my absence. It was a no win situation as if I'd simply fired on them instead they'd claim I was rebelling against the crown, not that I really cared but that was an annoyance I could avoid happily.
I hung out in shipwreck cove for the next month as shit went to hell outside. Edward Teague, Keeper of the code and old friend of mine back when he was a pirate of great renown, showed me around his place as the new patriarch of his family. The old patriarch had decided to pass away leaving him his immortality.
I made an offering so that I might sit in as the brethren court had been called. It was a simple offering of all the gold from the Enel's old ship melted down and forged into coin before being offered to the keeper of the code.
As the patriarch of his family and keeper of the code he had a right to accept it on behalf of the brethren court and stowed it all away as the first of the pirate lords started to arrive. I relaxed with my wives as we watched the pirates gather including Jack and the rest until the court was called to bear by Barbossa.
He said his bit and I stood up while they were arguing. "I challenge Jocard to a battle of risk."
They all went quiet and Jocard spoke up. "You cannot-"
I smiled. "As per the pirate code, anyone with a bigger bounty and fleet may challenge another for their spot as a pirate lord whenever the brethren court is called."
Jocard pulled his gun but it was child's play for me as I cut him in half and slaughtered his crew. I walked over to hi body and tossed it out of my chair while some of the Teague family cleaned up the bodies. I sat down as my bounty was shown at one billion berry or a hundred thousand shillings on the board of bounties.
The other pirate lords kept their mouths shut but they did look at me with fear and respect now. Jack asked. "How did you do that? From all the way across the room?"
I chuckled. "I'm old boy. Older than the brethren court and even older than Calypso, the heathen goddess. I found my immortality a very long time ago and you pick up a great deal in said time if you're not a complete idiot. As for my bounty, I've killed several kings, burned city's to the ground and killed more navy officers than anyone else here by a great deal."
They all looked at it more clearly now and Mistress Chang, the pirate lord to my left welcomed me to the table. I threw my sword into the map, breaking Jocard's old sword out and officially taking his place.
Robin and Shyarly stood behind me now while Barbossa asked about my fleet. "And what be the size of yer fleet then?"
I grinned. "Twenty ships all taken through blood from the enemy before they ransacked Tortuga and an army of a thousand men ready to fight at my word to the death or flee if necessary. My armada is fully stocked and ready for whatever decision we come up with today."
They all looked a bit choked as I had more men and ships then any one else here and almost as many as they had combined. Luckily I made sure to grab the cigar cutters from Jocard before they disposed of his body because Barbossa called for the pieces to be shown as proof of our position next.
I tossed the bloody pair into the collection plate as it went around the table. Jack revealed his but didn't put it in as he commented. "Might I point out that we are still short one pirate lord? I'm as content as a cucumber to wait until Sao Fang joins us."
Elizabeth Swann came in next. "Sao Fang is dead. He fell to the Flying Dutchman!"
There was contention amongst the ranks now. I rolled my eyes at the mention of a ship I destroyed a very long time ago. Jack asked as Elizabeth put her own sword into the globe. "He made you captain? They're just giving the bloody title away now."
The pirate captains argued and Elizabeth spoke up. "Listen to me! Our location has been betrayed. Jones is under the command of Lord Beckett and they're on their way here."
I asked, quieting the crowd. "Who is this betrayer?"
Barbossa quickly spoke up. "Not likely anyone among us!"
Elizabeth asked. "Where's Will?"
Jack answered. "Not among us."
Barbossa continued. "And it matters not how they found us but the question is, what will we do now that they have?"
Elizabeth answered. "We fight!"
That brought laughter all around until Mistress Chang spoke up. "Shipwreck cove is a fortress, a well supplied fortress! There's no need to fight if they cannot get to us!"
Barbossa spoke up. "There be a third course. In another age at this very spot the first brethren court captured the sea goddess and bound her in her bones.... That was a mistake. Oh we took the seas for ourselves aye, but opened the door to Beckett and his ilk. Better we're the days when mastery of the seas came not from bargains struck with eldritch creatures, but from the sweat of a man's brow and the strength of his back alone! You all know this to be true!"
They looked to me and I nodded. "Aye."
Barbossa brought it home. "Gentlemen, ladies, we must free Calypso."
That brought an uproar from both sides and infighting until I slammed my hand on the table with a loud bang, cracking the table and indenting it with my palm print. They went quiet and pulled apart as I spoke. "I'm not one to choose lightly, but all three choices have their risks. Staying here and attempting to outlast a country is suicide even if we have all the supplies in the world. This fortress would still eventually fall given enough bombardment over time."
They nodded slowly as I continued. "A fleet we could handle but not a country itself that would constantly resupply it."
Elizabeth said. "So you agree, we should fight?"
I shook my head and Barbossa smiled as I continued. "As per the code fighting a fleet of that size is an act of war and an act of war can only be declared by the pirate king. Now if we had one, I'd agree to fight. But even if we have one, I'd still propose we released Calypso as well, overwhelming our enemies by the sea goddess and our ships."
One idiot yelled. "Hang the code!"
A gun shot rang out and he fell down dead while Edward Teague brought out the codex. There were murmurs but we watched as he went through the codex, finding the passage. "Ace is right."
I nodded to him and he backed off as Jack read it. "An act of war or parlay can only be declared by the pirate king. Fancy that, he's right."
Barbossa yelled out. "I call for a vote then to decide the next pirate lord!"
I sat back and watched until it was my turn and spoke up. "Elizabeth Swann."
Next it was Jack who voted as well. "Elizabeth Swann."
The room went into an uproar and a few idiots tried to tell me whom I should've voted for. One look shut them up and they turned to Jack who shrugged and gestures to me. "The die was already cast. I just didn't argue with it."
Elizabeth looked to me before sighing and turning to the other ship captains. "Ready every vessel that floats. At dawn, we are at war!"
I stood up and nodded before Shyarly went to the pirate crews we had ready and told them to ready our fleet. I took over Jocard's six ship fleet as well, bringing them under my banners. While I went to my ship, Elizabeth came over and stopped me. "How is it that a bar owner in Tortuga became a feared pirate?"
I shook my head. "You have it backwards. I was a feared and renowned pirate long before I built Tortuga. There are many ways out there to gain immortality oh great pirate king. Should you find one, I'd be more than happy to show you the true power of an immortal, and the desires that go with them. Or perhaps you would like to experience that before hand?"
She blushed and shuddered a bit as I smelled her arousal before I sensed her warring conflict. She mumbled to herself. "Will is content to risk our future for a fools errand so why can't I? I'm a pirate after all."
I looked her over and our eyes met, causing her to shudder once more before she grabbed my hand and pulled me to her quarters. Robin and Shyarly looked amused but went to ready the ship anyways. The moment we were inside her rooms, I undressed her in moments and she stood bare before me.
It was all rather interesting to see her fidget. Smirking, I shrugged off my coat, revealing my scar and battle hardened body. She pulled at my buckle and released me as I sprang free. She gasped and I chuckled before taking her to the bed and kissing her while my hands played.
I worked my way downwards and wrung several screaming orgasms from her with my skilled tongue and fingers before lining myself up and sheathing my length inside her in one stroke, breaking her maiden head. she gasped as I stilled and let her untested muscles adjust before moving slowly then faster and faster until she cried out gripping my length.
While she spawned around me I began a piston like jackhammer approach until she cried out once more while her deepest parts suckled the head of my rod. I released and spent myself deep inside her warm hungry depths while she thrashed about on the blankets.
She was spent and panting while I rolled her on her stomach and lived her up to her surprise. She was almost ready to talk when I entered her second hole with lots of lube. She moaned as I buried myself in her to the hilt then slowly pulled out. When I was almost out I stilled as she moaned for a different reason so I gave her more.
Soon enough she was squirting and biting the pillow while I filled her again. I pulled out once more and Borge her holes leaked a bit while I entered the first one once more, filling her as the night went on and on. It was rather erotic the way she thrashed about until she could no longer go on.
I'd taught her many things to be sure before her well toned and tanned body lay across my chest in the pacifier position while we slept. By morning she tried to role off me but ended up with another womb full before embarrassingly getting dressed.
I let her be to sort out whatever it is she wanted. I hadn't felt a spark but her fire had intrigued me well enough to go for it. I washed up and left her quarters before heading to the fleet as she showed up and lead us out on the black pearl.
I was amongst the four pirates to head to the parlay point to see an accord be struck. Even still I was only there to amuse myself. Davy Jones, Lord Beckett and Will Turner were the three we met with and I smiled as Jones and Jack argued over debts.
He'd paid his but stealing the Pearl was a big no no in his books it seems so he wanted Jack to pay with servitude to his crew. I turned to Lord Beckett and told him coldly. "No matter how this turns out, my fleet of twenty ships is going to destroy your fleet for what you pulled on Tortuga. I'll see to it that the company and England pays dearly for the insult, mark my words boy."
Elizabeth ended up trading Will for Jack and Barbossa took the last piece of eight from Jack before he went. I turned and shook my head as Elizabeth seemed to have decided last night was a fling and nothing more. I shrugged it off as we headed back to the ships and the fleet gathered.
Barbossa brought up Calypso ties up and I shook my head. "You lot are idiots. You expect to curry favor with the sea by tying it up and confining it, the same as our predecessors?"
I sighed and cut the ropes and chains on her while Barbossa frowned and began his little ritual. I told the heathen Titan using my telepathy. (I brought you here for a reason, now I expect to be paid for my efforts girl or we'll go round and round long before the war begins.)
She narrowed her eyes before nodding. (You seek the doorway.)
I nodded. (Dear old mum forgot to include it and Poseidon already fled this world with hades and Ouranos isn't answering.)
She sighed. (I might be inclined to show de way once I am unbound.)
I rolled my eyes. (That had better be a yes or we'll be fighting till this reality is destroyed and I'm flung to the next or you die.)
She didn't comment as they got to the next part of actually releasing her. I climbed the nets to avoid a crab avalanche and the moment she was free, she sent me an image of the way onwards. Funnily enough, it was close to where Nicholas had finished his last experiment so I decided on a course of action and leapt over to my boat nearby.
The Black Pearl intercepted the Flying Dutchman while I ordered my ships to go around the giant whirlpool and head for the fleet of company ships while those two ships had it out. We engaged the East India trading company and I split several ships in half while cutting off the path for their retreat.
My men boarded their ships after taking down nearly half of them in the process and slaughtering mayhem ensued. I lost half my fleet and three quarters of my men but by the time I was done, only their flag ship commanded by lord Beckett remained while I took over the ships that I'd raided adding another fifteen to my fleet.
In the end I lost a lot of people and gained five ships though all of them were damaged and their cannons needed refilled before the next battle. I sent out house elves to repair them in secret and brought them around back to the pirate fleet who were cheering.
The single company ship tried to flee but the Flying Dutchman under it's new captain Will Turner, came ahead with the Black Pearl to face the single ship. I watched the death of Lord Beckett with a bit of satisfaction before our complete victory was announced.
I chatted a course back to Tortuga to repair my island and set it back up once more. It became a pirate fortress neutral trading ground for all as no king or people had sway there and it's name would become infamous as to last beyond the pirate era as the only fortress of pirates to continue to more modern times.
The pirates would eventually acclimate into a Singapore-esk way of life as it was declared neutral territory even by Switzerland standards. The main trade item became a brand of drinks called Firewhiskey and butterbeer not duplicated or possible to make elsewhere even if you had the recipe.
It's rum was good as well and the cheap hotels and guaranteed protection there was better than any other country could offer as all assassins and terrorists oddly found themselves drowning off shore or suffocating if they came by plane.
The island became one of the many wonders of the world and protected against all forms of surveillance including modern technology. As Luffy would've called it, it was a mystery island. As for the old G-8 branch that was made into shipwreck cove, well, that was a story for another time.
After I rebuilt the city, my wives and I sat in comfort until a week later Jack arrived on the Pearl to party and spend his well earned gold. Barbossa left him high and dry with a dingy and Gibbs after the men had partied hard for a night and when Jack went to set out, I pulled up an old ship with tunes and a dragon turtle mast head. "You ridding in that dinky thing or would you like to travel in a real ship?"
He smiled and I hopped off and onto the deck. "Treat her with care and she take you anywhere you want to go boy. She's your legacy now and while she's not as fast as the Pearl, she's far more durable and can be manned by one person if you know how to do the work."
He climbed aboard and asked. "What's her name?"
I grinned. "The Going Merry. But that's just the original name. Now a days she goes by Kame, the island destroyer. The weapons are one of her main sources of pride as she can take on a decent sized fleet by herself. Treat her right and she'll never steer you wrong."
I patted the ship and nodded to the shadowy figure before it touched Jack from behind and he said. "I think I'll keep it."
I raised a bottle of rum and drank before tossing it to him. "Good luck boy, and I hope you find what you're looking for."
Shyarly, Robin and I headed towards the fountain of youth on an uncharted island near White Cap bay. I fount the Santiago, Ponce de León's ship and emptied the treasure out except the chalices and the map. I left it there as I already knew the location of Nicholas's failed version of the fountain of youth and we made our way there easily enough.
We made camp inside the cave area while I looked over the fountain and cleaned up the room a bit, getting rid of the green moss and turning it into a proper alchemist room once more. Shaking my head, I pulled out a tent and went to enjoy my wives until the fun started.
It took three whole months before Jack and Blackbeard, a descendant of Marshall D. Teach, made it to the island with his crew and the British and Spaniards following on his trail. I filled the room with all the gold and sat on the alter, taking Robin and Shyarly into my realm like all those I wished to take with me.
It was nigh on time we left this world and not far from here was the doorway to do so. When Blackbeard and his crew showed up with Jack, I smiled. "It took you lot long enough. Though Jack, I'm a bit disappointed that you lost the Kame to this fool."
I waved a hand at Blackbeard and Jack smiled. "It wasn't like I had a choice with all his wushu washy mumbo jumbo flinging about."
I shrugged. "It hardly matters now I guess."
I turned to Blackbeard. "So you're Teach's descendant aye? I fought your nigh on great grandpa back in the day. He too was a bloodthirsty traitor and a coward. I wonder if you'll die begging like he did. Quite awful that was,keelhauling him while he was still alive. Each time he begged for death and only after the tenth go did he succumb to his wounds via bullet to the head by yours truly."
Blackbeard drew his sword and I shook my head. "I wouldn't do that boy. You seek the fountain after all right? If I destroy it or turn of it's mystical properties even the mermaid tear you have will be useless."
I stepped away from the fountain and Blackbeard frowned. "Just like that?"
I nodded. "I personally don't give a rats arse whether your good or bad. I only killed your ancestor because he begged me to after he got caught. The navy were insistent that he suffer for his crimes but I was merciful after the tenth go around. It's a horrible way to go keelhauling."
The other pirates nodded and agreed fervently. Blackbeard asked. "So these waters work then?"
I nodded. "They work so far in as they steal time from another and give it to the recipient yes but it's not immortality and eventually you'll grow old and die and you can still be killed after you drink them. They only forestall death by old age or immediate death as they'll heal any wounds you have first."
The British showed up under Barbossa and I sat watching them fight until a few idiot British soldiers came at me. I wave a hand, beheading them while their blood soaked the area. A couple more shot at me and ended up dead for their efforts until the Spanish arrived.
Their leader declared that only God could grant immortality and I snorted before breaking out into laughter. They all looked at me and I chuckled. "First of all dip stick, no god made this temple, and it's really a laboratory for science then anything else. Secondly, your god can suckle my fat cock if he thinks he's the only one allowed to grant immortality. And finally, these waters only extend mortal life, not make them immortal."
The idiot fired a shot at me expecting to kill me. I caught the bullet and flicked it at him to their surprise, hitting him in the dangly bits and making him scream like a woman. "You arrogant little piss-ant. I've killed so called heathen gods for less slight than you've shown me boy!"
I grew in size as ki blades of water slashed out, wrapping his people in water and shredding them like piranhas. They screamed and died horribly as their bodies turned to nothing and were consumed by the waters.
The cups flew into my hand and I filled both before dropping a tear from Shyarly into one and handing it to Jack. "Drink boy and your lifespan will increase fifty fold. A last gift if you will from me to you."
I shrank down to human size and he drank it while I poured the water into the deep where the essence of all the just killed lay. Jack gained it all and while doing so under everyone's watch, Barbossa took the opportunity to cut and stab Blackbeard.
I took the chalice from Jack and refilled it while pouring their mermaid tear into it and handing them to jack under his watchful eye. I waved him off and snapped my fingers, destroying the fountain permanently and leaving one last drink for whomever he gives it to.
Barbossa went to take it but my sword at his throat and one shake was enough to stop him. While Jack tricked the father daughter duo, Barbossa asked. "So what are ye? And why do ye help Jack?"
I chuckled. "I be a heathen god the foolish mortal holding his bits over their insulted and Jack is special. He's a distant descendant of mine."
That shocked the lot of them listening including Jack and the rest. I continued. "I only had one child in this world and she decided on a mortal path long ago. Over time I thought my bloodline ended until he saved a girl from drowning near some Aztec gold I cursed long ago. I found him then and decided to help him along his way. Said bonny lass became the queen of the pirates and carries with her my newest child to this world. With Calypso freed and leaving the seas be, my line is the only thing keeping magic and the thrill of adventure in this world. Once it ends, so to will the magic fade including that of places like this."
I waved a hand to the temple area and watched as Angelica slapped Jack calling him a bastard for tricking her and her father and her father dying by the waters.
I chuckled. "Just like me in that way."
I patted the boy and headed out saying. "Take the gold as much as ye can because once you leave this place, this island will disappear and not be seen again."
The pirates all grabbed what they could and Barbossa turned pirate once more, taking whatever he and his new crew could carry. I found Gibbs on the beach and watched as Barbossa sailed away with his new crew and ship. Jack dropped Angelica off and met us before I waved a hand, shifting us to Tortuga with their own loot.
I took the Pearl it it's bottle and tossed it into the sea before shattering the bottle and bringing it out. Gibbs and Jack looked stumped and I smiled. "Kid, you've not seen nothing yet. With your fleet of ships, you could easily take what you want from whomever you want just remember that Tortuga is a safe place and neutral grounds for all. Attack it at your peril."
He nodded and asked. "Is it true then? Are we related?"
I nodded. "Why do you think Robin smacked you when you flirted with her? That's your grandma, distantly of course."
He sighed. "So I have another distant relative out there as well? With Elizabeth?"
I nodded. "She pregnant with my child aye. Twas a one night stand but she's having my son soon enough aye. Now that that's settled, it's time I leave this world for another. You mortals are taking it over slowly but surely. If you wish to follow me some time or just want immortality, then find the tree of life and the golden apples of immortality I planted a long time ago."
I handed them a map and waved bye before going back to the island. There I made sure everyone living was gone before diving below it and opening the proverbial door as the island folded in on itself into what I've been looking for.
The portal opened and I glimpsed the future of my newest child in this world. He'd be a fine sailor and pirate before building a fleet and sailing for the americas to build a real nation way ahead of it's time. Knowledge and wisdom as well as the will to use it were my gifts to him.
Sadly Elizabeth would never know he was my child even with his bright green eyes that were so unlike her or Will's. Shaking my head I stepped through the portal into a new reality as I made my way hopefully, in the right direction towards the DC universe once more.