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40.1% A True Beginning / Chapter 79: Ch.21

Chương 79: Ch.21

The very first problem we came across was a jungle planet. The creatures there were almost like small land octopuses that were venomous and only came out at night. The worst part was that they were the burrowing type and I don't mean just ground either.

They burrow holes through people as well. There was a probe device that Eli had dubbed a keno by the gate. When we retrieved it and watched the video I was quite amused. "The people there are from an alternate reality where they had to stop by an ice and sand planet for lime and water. This-"

I waved my hand at the video continuing. "-doesn't apply to us except the solar flare that clearly takes place soon."

Jacob agreed. "I'm suspending all gate travel for the moment. Once the solar flare passes you're free to go back down to the planet for live specimens for research purposes. Make sure you wear personal shields that are dispensed near the gate room. No more than ten specimens are to be collected. Colonels, you're to take the jumpers back through hyper space following these coordinates and collect samples from this frozen waterfall for further study. Wear hazmat suits at all times. And once in containment the virus will be only accessible through a quarantined area."

I hummed as I walked off to the botany room I'd made into a private garden. In reality it was a sun room with a bubble dome that I planned to grow the new species of planets we found in. After a quick floating trip to the planet, I came back with some seeds and a decent understanding of what made the trees and plants different.

I'd checked the mineral composition and even downloaded all of Destiny's files directly into my mind to understand the new elements it and the seed ships sent out ahead of it have found. My mates were doing their own projects including absorbing time essence from the solar flare happening.

After two days of the mortals collecting and checking things out we hopped back into FTL. I meditated amongst my plants and sped up the time around me a bit in a small localized area to incorporate more knowledge from the vast galaxy we're in.

This was how the others, the ancients and those that had ascended before me gathered knowledge. When I found a species of aquatic aliens searching for Destiny I merely smiled and sent them to chase their own tails while taking their own databanks and reading a few of their minds.

After I had a grasp of their language I understood that a humans physiology wasn't meant to speak with them directly. Their vocal cords weren't the same. After understanding that they were only as advanced as the travelers had been, I cut off contact and gave Destiny's databanks a copy of all I'd learned, not just from the aliens but from the galaxy as well.

With the upgrades I'd had made to the ship, so to came a translation program the scientists had wanted, particularly Amanda Perry, a scientist that up until two years ago had been paralyzed and confined to a wheelchair. Healing her and letting her come with us was Rush's only requirements for agreeing to the expedition.

He'd just lost his wife and his only friend was suffering and was going to be left behind on earth instead of going with him as he believed she should. Not to mention the fact that the first thing she did once I healed her body was to drag him off and shake the rafters.

They'd made their own bunny sex and while in a new relationship, they still managed to keep it professional while on duty. She was studying the FTL drives at the moment as well as the wormhole drive and hyper drives.

As the leading scientist on hyper drive technologies from earth she was in virtual heaven as all the technology and it's secrets were opened up to her. That was why she requested the translation program in the first place and I'd obliged because she reminded me of Willow, all nerding out.

When the next interesting thing came to my attention, I headed to the bridge after breaking out of my meditation. We'd stopped and Jacob had sent a team down to a planet with a crashed alien ship. I watched in amusement as they ended up activating it's distress beacon and called the aquatic aliens to us. When they came running back to the gate, the Destiny made contact with the aliens who demanded our immediate surrender.

I had an amused smile on my face until Jacob looked to me. "You want to deal with them?"

I shook my head. "I've downloaded their databanks into Destiny and it's available to everyone's perusal. As for their arrogance, that's up to you. Either destroy them, disable them, or simply fly away. So long as you remain on the coarse the seed ships have laid out I couldn't care which. Their shields and weapons are nothing compared to yours."

He frowned and nodded. "Fire on their hyper drives and disable them. Take out their main weapons as well. Leave them sub-light engines to putter on home."

Colonel Telford agreed and targeted the ordered systems. Soon enough the aliens were stuck. Jacob sent over a message of his own before we hopped into FTL. It read: Destiny is now upgraded and protected. Should you want a fight, you have no chance of winning.

Their drones had been wiped out in the automatic secondary weapons fire so they'd really had no way to fight back now. As such the next thing we ran into was an empty planet where an old and dead civilization once called home.

Daniel was having the time of his life there as we stayed for almost a month. Jacob and everyone else did a rotation with some long distance ancient communication stones to report in. Everyone in the alliance was allowed the same treatment and I sure as hell got an earful from Jack.

He'd received my present and note saying it was three mark IIII ZPM's that could allow him gate to anywhere he desired so long as they had the gate address and a working stargate. I'd been really generous but demanded that he keep them a secret from those who would take advantage of them.

The potentia I'd given him could solve earth's energy problems indefinitely as they would automatically recharge with a satellite used to power the rest of their predecessors. Not to mention the insane amount of power they themselves had.

He was in a tight spot as he could potentially send more people to Destiny if he revealed them and put them under the alliance's control. The Lucian alliance had taken back Icarus as it was their territory to begin with and while I'd prevented them from singularly trying to take over the ship, earth had to go through them to send supplies if ever needed.

As such I made earth independent but if the Lucian alliance or even earth's allies found out that earth had the potentia and used them for anything other than gate travel, they'd be pissed. Hell, the Lucian alliance would be pissed either way as earth had a more stable way of getting to Destiny.

Now earth had the upper hand in negotiations and while it was a good thing for them, Jack himself was in a very uncomfortable spot as he had to explain my demands on how the potentia be used to the pentagon and the president himself along with the other countries in earths own home world alliance.

Daniel ended up finding a maze and a giant spider that was captured and brought back for study along with a few eggs from it's nest. It turns out the spiders there had been like the wasp bugs in the Milky Way that had once been an infection that mutated the aliens of that world as they hollowed out their bodies and burst like a sack of baby spiders from said hollowed out bodies.

One alien had become the equivalent of hundreds of spiders. Said spiders grew to enormous sizes until their was no more food to support them and most died out after cannibalizing their own kind. After a sensor sweep of the planet and only finding a few dregs, the eggs were put back with the spider itself.

The civilization was only as advanced as the romans were but with a larger scope on technologies and sciences. Daniel found some writings and what appeared to be the science lab the infection had started in. After going through the files and a quarantine procedure, we left that solar system and prepared to jump the void between galaxies which was next. When we got most of the way through the void on FTL, we ran into a seed ship.

It was full of information and twelve aliens who attempted to drain power from Destiny. After stunning them all and locking them behind force fields, I contacted their minds and learned all they knew. My builders were released to upgrade the seed ship while I told Jacob. "The aliens appear to be scientists and refugees. Their people woke up an advanced automatic drone system another alien species created before they themselves died out."

Jacob asked over the coms. "What is it they want?"

I sighed. "These aliens wanted to study and perhaps help their own people with the seed ship's technologies. They only wanted to survive the advanced automated drone systems. The drones target all alien and foreign life and destroy it. Basically a big middle finger to all those that survived the race that built them. The aliens are basically harmless though distrustful of us and slightly afraid we'll kick them off the ship."

Jacob sighed. "What do you recommend?"

Smiling I answered. "I say we let them contact their home planet. If it's not destroyed we can drop them off. If it is and the drones come running we activate shields and see if Eli can take over the drone ships with Rush's help. A unflinching drone escort into the vast unknown would be pretty nice wouldn't it? I mean, they could scout out the way and you wouldn't have to risk mortal lives on the off chance the next alien race isn't peaceful."

I watched on the screen as Jacob turned to Eli and Rush. "Can you two do that?"

Eli frowned as did Rush but nodded saying. "We should be able to so long as the drones are automated and not AI controlled. We'd need to see their base code so we'd have to capture a carrier ship that controls the drones. If all goes well we have the technology and means to do so. Not to mention we have ascended beings with us that could protect us if things go too awful bad."

Jacob agreed saying. "Let then send their communications after the seed ship is repaired and upgraded. Once it's shields are better and in no danger of being destroyed, we can do it your way."

My builder drones were working in force now as repaired and upgrade everything including the stargates the seed ship built. They saved the hull and shields for last as to ensure they could continue to work in piece. Once they were done, the seed ships halls could actually be walked without bumping into pipes.

Everything was up to Lantean specs except the shields and hyper drive the builders added. Those were beyond the old Lantean specs and now up to what Destiny itself carried. The aliens were released with instructions to contact their home planet as we would help if possible

The drone ships responded and the aliens became distressed as they knew their home world was destroyed now. The shields were activated in full while I lead the aliens to meet with Jacob. He had a communication program running as he offered them a place on Destiny to study and learn it's secrets so long as they swore loyalty to the captain and never attempted to harm the crew or ship.

They agreed readily so long as he was able to stop the drones. Thus the battle began. Eli managed to freeze the drones and board the control ship with Rush in space suits before figuring out how to take control of it.

We spent a month there as each time they took control of one control ship and drone company, another would show up until they'd successfully taken over fifty drone ships. Most of which were then stored in Daniel's ring until needed while a dozen were sent out with upgraded scanners and hyper drives to seek out ruined or living civilizations and report back over the powerful sub space link that was installed.

Information on all the civilizations and alien races they'd destroyed so far was uploaded into Destiny's databanks. The aliens now apart of the crew were distressed to know all their colonies had been wiped out as well as their main home world. They truly were the last of their species now.

Since there was only one male with them and they reminded me of turtles, I hit them with a lust spell ties to each other and sent them to a private quarters to mate while their pods were loaded into Destiny's storage for further study.

We went on our way until the same aquatic alien species from before showed up, attracted by the drone's weapon fire on Destiny's shields. They told Jacob to surrender and that their was no escape, but he neutralized them once again and we hopped into FTL.

Over the next ten months aboard Destiny, I noticed Eli falling for a certain Lucian alliance female. Ginn was more than receptive of him and they too eventually began making like bunnies. Though the little romance sitcom amused my mates, I was more interested in the alien spire we came across during that time.

It was a world building level of advanced race who made it and while I copied it's technology into Destiny's databanks, I was more interested in the aliens themselves. From the information the spire contained, I was able to find their home world and why they were making another.

Like the Alteran's and the Ori, they were splitting up to avoid civil war because of ethics. They were advanced enough to have neared their own form of ascension and I revealed in the knowledge I gained from them. They could not yet detect me but then they were only nearing ascension and not yet ascended.

The sheer amount of advancements they'd made was staggering. While they had cloning technology and knew how to build worlds, their real treasure was the fact that they'd mastered point to point transportation from galaxy to galaxy no matter the distance.

It was a far higher form of technological teleportation that could literally make the stargate obsolete. Their other impressive field was medicine. They could heal nearly every thing up to and including temporarily reviving the dead.

They'd taken the ancients healing devices and the goa'uld sarcophagus idea even further. The only down side was the fact that like the sarcophagus, it damaged the soul and if the person had been dead to long, the soul was already gone. It was enough for one last goodbye before the person died permanently.

I added most of their technology into Destiny's database before we moved on. I had the builder drones upgrade the teleporters on Destiny to match that of the aliens and went over their calculations just to be sure it was save and would work.

Once it was all incorporated, the crew had been able to return home and back on a monthly bases as to not deplete the ZPM's to fast. I made a work around that allowed the dead ZPM's that were rechargeable to do so while Destiny recharges it's main power supply as well.

With such advancements Destiny and all it's passengers had received a lot. Each of the various races were allowed crystal data copies of all technologies on Destiny. While the turtle aliens were glad it did them little good for now as they were busy repopulating their race.

Each female laid thousands of eggs in an aquatic tank they requested built. It would take a hundred years before each set of rags would hatch but as the breeding spell was constantly active, they kept laying more eggs every three months that the male fertilized.

It was a very boring process that I mentioned to them. They were a bit confused when I told them I'd been hoping to witness turtles shell shucking sex. I didn't really care to much but my hopes for that kind of entertainment were dashed when they explained the process with cold logic.

Apparently they did such things when they only wished to great one fertilized egg but with the need to repopulate, they needed to do it like this. I grew bored and wondered off after hearing that. The humans on board already screwed enough in plain boring ways so I was hoping for fresh entertainment or new ideas at the very least.

My own sex life consisted of energy and essence transferences between my mates and I. We on occasion turned into human like forms but we never descended into the mortal coil. So I was in essence very much looking forwards to trying how aliens without human physiology have at it. For now though my hopes were dashed.

A week later Jack showed up to check on things once they figured out how to adapt the long range communication stones into locator beacons for the advanced transporters. After a stroll of the ship and witnessing Daniel in awe at the sheer amount of civilizations out there and their own cultural level, he went back with a data crystal on all the technology we'd come across or upgraded recently.

The next exciting thing was when we dropped out of FTL again for a refill of heavy elements and solar energy. There we were contacted by a different Rush in what appeared to be an older version of the smaller personal transports the worker drones had turned into gate ships.

When he tried attacking Colonel Telford and eventually calmed down, I explained to him. "You're from an alternate reality. Here-"

An arm band appeared floating in front of him. "It should prevent the temporal cascade failure from killing you. It's set to recognize you as someone else. Now, what happened? No, wait, my way is much easier."

I tapped into his mind before sighing and letting him go. "The Destiny from his reality is damaged and floating on the other side of the star. I'm sending drones over now to effect repairs and bring it back away from the decaying orbit. From there we should land it on a nearby planet and effect the rest of the repairs and upgrades. It looks like we not only have two Destiny's now but also two Rush's and Telford's."

Colonel Telford frowned and I explained. "Your alternate self was a piece of work. He insisted on dialing earth from inside a star. Eli and Ginn came up with the possibility. Anyway, they were desperate to get back to earth so they tried it and it worked, sort of."

I put the new Rush at ease saying. "The other Colonel Telford made it to our earth by accident but the other members of that Destiny were sent back in time two thousand years to the nearest gate connection in the system. Of what I'm feeling is right, they spread out amongst this galaxy. Where as Rush here thought your alternate self's idiotic and desperate attempt murdered everyone. He is quite frantic inside or was to kill you for their deaths. Quite a passionate man."

I turned to Rush who asked. "Who are you?"

I glowed and he looked shocked to his core saying. "You're an ascended?"

I nodded softly. "Go, relax and get some sleep. The Destiny you came from will be repaired and upgraded with all the technology we have here. I hope you don't mind but I have great plans for it. I'm sure Jacob here would be more than happy to have another scientist at your level on board if you decide to stay. If not we can drop you off on earth or any other planet with a stargate in the universe once I've finished my project."

Jacob frowned and my Rush asked. "Project?"

I nodded. "Each stargate can in theory act as a homing beacon since Destiny is tied to the gate system so closely. I'm working on an algorithm with Eli here to make those sub space update into possible beacons for the super teleporters. Did I not tell you that?"

Jacob spoke up. "You sure as hell forgot to mention it to me at least."

I shrugged. "Well, maybe when you've stopped being stubborn and decide to agree I'll add you to the loop of my close confidantes, Jacob."

Both Rush's looked at us with frowns now for two entirely separate reasons. Jacob was a General in both realities and as an ascended being me asking him for something was odd to the new Rush. While the old Rush wanted in on the project and kept wondering why I insisted on Eli being so special.

He'd probably bug Eli again to try and get in on the project now but it was months away even if he helped from being done. I was going slowly to challenge the young college drop out mentally. Physically though I had no body so when Jacob refused to put Eli through marine training, I made other plans.

While the repair drones worked on the alternate Destiny and landed it on the nearest planet to effect outside repairs and upgrades, I took some refined neutronium to a further few planets before turning them into the substance and breaking them up into manageable chucks the size of pyramid blocks to be stored and used when needed.

The atmosphere of the planet closest to the star was toxic so no one but ascended beings could go down even inside the ship with all it's holes. The drones spent a month there while I worked on my plan B for Eli's training.

I contacted Ronan, Teal'c and Bra'tac for Eli's training. when they each agreed, I brought them to Destiny to whip him in shape. Eli was not happy and that went triple for Jacob. I asked Jack to send over his best Master Sargent to train him in all things piloting and military structures.

Teal'c, Ronan and Bra'tac held little back because of my major endorsement of Eli. Jack advised Sam do it and when she agreed, Eli became her project as well. They did higher forms of math while she drilled him every day about everything from shining shoes to flying the jumpers.

After the second Destiny was finished repairing and cleaned of all the toxins, it joined us in space above the planet. There I slaved half the drones to maintaining the ships while staying on stand by in storage compartments when not needed.

I then had Jack and the alliance send over military personnel to the second Destiny. I had the second one loaded with enough weaponry to fight an entire Wraith-Ori-Goa'uld-Drone and Nakai war all in one, the last being the aquatic aliens Jacob kept disabling.

I then had the worker drones upgrade and add cloaking and shields to all the drone carrier ships Eli and Rush had captured. I then slaves them to the war ship Destiny's systems. They would protect both Destiny's at all costs now when told to.

Jack let the Asgard send Thor to captain it with some crew of their own and only a hand full of human military officers. The rest including Tok'ra, Lucian alliance and even the Alteran's sent some people this time. Only the Nox held back as they did not wish to participate in worldly matters any more. They sought ascension now in a unique form.

They wished to become one with nature and Gaia. I knew for a fact my mother would eat them alive for the insult but they wanted no part of my warnings. The war ship Destiny was now fully battle ready with everything we had to offer in spades.

The drone ships went out in force to scout. They were cloaked now so there was little chance they'd be found. Our Destiny now having a battle ship escort, was much more secure. General Laundry took over the war ship's command while Jack as the now more permanent leader of the SGC, kept in touch more often.

When we ran across a settlement from the old Destiny crew from the alternate reality, we invited them on to take them home. The seed ship was finally ready so it went ahead to catch up with the rest, seeding worlds a lot faster now.

It's hyper drives were far faster than the FTL it usually ran at. When we ran into more drones along the way and they attacked, they were wiped out. Many more ships came and a war broke out. Eli and Rush tried to disable them and take them over but these ships were equipped with an AI and much older.

It seems at some point their systems became automated to produce mere drone carriers while the AI stayed closer to the source. The AI tried taking their ships back and even tried to take over the Destiny's but the AI Destiny had wiped them out as their ships and drones were wiped out.

They stood no chance as they didn't even have shield generators. When the last of the drone ships was destroyed in a storm of fire power from the Destiny war ship, we moved on to Nova, the original home planet of the alternate reality Destiny crew member's descendants.

The settlers were shocked to find it covered in ash and snow. Sighing I offered them. "There's a colony that was wiped out from the drone ships we took out years ago. Our war ship is going to search and destroy all the drones in this galaxy so there's no chance of it happening again. I can transport the city down there to the destroyed colony planet and all you'll need is to repopulate. There are at least thirty settlements out there in the same position you were in. I suggest contacting them."

I tossed the elders three personal DHD arm bands. "These have all the settlements addresses preprogrammed. You can rebuild your society and people I'm sure. This planet is doomed. A rouge black hole nearby is going to swallow it in a couple hundred years."

They agreed so I stored all the cities on Nova into my ring taking a good deal of landmass with it. I made sure to clean the snow and ash off of the buildings and various streets before I took them in. When I boarded Destiny again we set a coarse for the industrialized settlement that was wiped out.

A few drone ships were in the area and wiped out subsequently by the science ship Destiny as the war ship was busy tracking down all drones in this galaxy and ending them. Once I placed the cities down with the aid of magic and a lot of power, I realized they had short range star ships as well.

Most were damaged but it was an easy fix. I even made the city fit seamlessly with the planet's surface to avoid any structural problems. When I released the power their was a bit of shifting as the planet took on the weight of several cities so close together.

The Novan's called the planet New Nova which was funny because Nova was ancient for new. They thanked us and with a last hurrah, I grew all kinds of fruit and vegetable plants all over the ground where dirt lay.

Their harvest would be great now and with them sending out some Kino's Eli gave them, they'd be fine indeed. After three months the war ship Destiny met us at the edge of this galaxy. The void between theirs galaxy and the next was vast, even with hyper drives it would take almost a year.

With just FTL it would be around three hundred years. Both Generals wanted to use the wormhole drives but I stopped them saying. "Now is the time for earth it's allies to digest the knowledge they've gained from us. Use the hyper drives and let these people see their families during this year. Think of it like a vacation of sorts. In this time the scientists can do a rotation and teach others what they've learned. Even the Alteran representatives and Asgard agree too much at one time isn't necessarily a good thing."

Sam spoke up now. "He wants to take this time to teach Eli more and finish their project. In turn he also wants to give Ronan, Teal'c and Bra'tac some extra time to whip him into shape. I'm busy playing task master as well now."

They couldn't argue with our logic nor the fact that I could just as simply force the issue. Besides it really was time for earth to advance as a whole and they all knew it. Even Jack had agreed it was time to unveil the stargate project to the world. All the major countries and even a dozen minor ones were in on the secret and with the possibility of finding God as some put it, it would be fine to be sure.

Daniel as the cultural buff would be the one to explain it to the normal humans and the history of it all as well. Clone Sam was slated to teach the science community with a host of all sorts of scientists that had taken part in the stargate program over the years. Even McKay and Weir were coming over from the Pegasus galaxy to explain things.

Their war with the cybernetic Borg like beings had finally been resolved when they removed the Borg's stargate and destroyed the AI leadership with a powerful altered EMP nuke that instead of exploding into fire and radiation, was just a massive EMP blast that effectively shut them all down.

Chris had been the one to come up with it but if McKay is to be believed then he himself deserved most of the credit just for being there. I met with my sons on earth during this year and met their mates they've chosen. Both were strong military women and I approved.

One was from earth, Lt. Cadmen. The other was the traveler leader, Larrin. When I saw her on earth and in her none battle uniform I sighed and told her. "I met an alternate reality version of yourself that went crazy and burned a family alive after trapping them in their own house. If I seem a little distant when I look at you that's why."

She went to speak and I held up a hand. "Relax, I know you're not the same nor would you do the same. Just continue making Darran happy and I will never say anything against you. That's all I ask."

She locked fingers with my youngest son and promised with a smile. "You have my word."

Nodding I gave her the knowledge on how to terraform their own planets and even build a stargate is she wished. That added to all she needed to know to provide for her people's well being was all I could offer at this time.

I went to the seminars and the big reveal of the stargate program later in the year. Even the city ships were revealed and all of earth's technologies and advancements took a huge leap forward. All third world countries were first as they were integrated into one country and slowly the rest of the world did the same until it was the United People of Earth.

The UPE began curing all diseases and feeding, housing and clothing all homeless and starving people. Planets under earth's flag was quickly populated and brought up to speed technologically. Quickly theories became laws and facts while earth bounced forwards as even the religious people shut the hell up when provided with possible proof of a god and creator of all that Destiny was searching out, or so they were told.

It was a bit more like they were searching for this realities consciousness. The one from my old reality was in the seed of wonder. As this reality has a separate energy entirely, it's possible the first seed of potentia energy was at the end of the line.

If not then even I was at a loss. While getting there was easy, myself and my mates had chosen the long route to give them time to convert their essence into divinity.

next chapter
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