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29.94% A True Beginning / Chapter 59: Ch.1

Chương 59: Ch.1

Slamming into the ground I barely managed to hold onto Lexi as we arrived in what appeared to be the Sunnydale High library. I couldn't fathom how it was still here until it hit me as we stood up and saw the Scooby gang. "Fuck, we landed in the wrong reality but the right dimension at least."

Almost immediately I felt the changes the world was trying to force in us. I rejected it immediately as I was simply far more powerful then a bit of influence a single world seed had. Lexi wasn't so lucky as I felt her shiver and weaken. Sighing I held her through the process as I couldn't defend her from magic when she herself was apart of it.

The stunned scoobies finally regained themselves as Buffy asked. "Who are you? And what do you mean wrong reality but right dimension."

Hoping the process was faster then it was with Alice and I, I waited for Lexi to recover. When she'd did and could stand on her own I told them. "We're searching for a reality like yours but with some major differences, one of which being it has my former body in it being possessed by an old one."

Giles as if on cue. "Dear lord, why would you want to go to such a place?"

I snorted. "Did you not here my former body part. We're trying to get there while I'm personally trying to get back there. The magic to hop realities, wait, I know. I'll go steal the restless door from that tentacled demon, that'll settle everything easy enough, or I can do a temporal spell to open a link between my essence and I but then we could end up inside twilight and fuck that. No, restless door is the best and fastest option unless Anyanka is running around?"

They all looked perplexed as I sighed. "Guess not. I couldn't get that lucky could I? Well love, it looks like we've a demon to kill. You feeling up to it?"

She shook her head. "No, I'm not feeling too good right now."

Sighing I nodded. "Alright, we can stick around for a few days before we kill the demon-"

Buffy asked. "What demon?"

I chuckled. "The soul Glutton. He's the one with the restless door that opens up doorways to other dimensions. I need it to get home to my wives and my friends there. I'm just hoping twilight hasn't made it's move to come into existence yet. Time gets wonky when your dead and in other dimensions so I'm unsure of when I'll arrive or if they'll be alive when I get there."

Several more dear lords rang out and Willow finally spoke up. "The soul Glutton, I've heard of it. Isn't that the demon that eats souls?"

I nodded. "Don't worry, I can kill it with a thought. Silly demons aren't anything to worry about."

Willow's eyebrows furrowed. "How could you kill it with a thought?"

Xander made a quip about thinking to hard being dangerous and I sat down while holding Lexi on my lap. "Because Willow Rosenberg, I'm a god."

Giles nearly fainted while Xander asked. "The who with the what now?"

I chuckled. "I'm a god. I'm hardly the last one you'll ever meet but by far the least dangerous to you. Well, unless you're evil, then it's squash like a bug time."

He shook his head quickly. "Evil? I'm not evil. Willow tell him I'm not evil, I don't even curse."

I chuckled while Willow told me. "It's true, he doesn't even J-walk."

Laughing I told him. "My Xander curses all the time, but then he's survived countless apocalypses and saved the world single handedly. Hell, he once fought a dark witch so powerful she was going to destroy the world by drawing out all its energies and channeling it into a statue of a demoness. He won by the way."

Xander's eyes popped open wide at my words. "He must be something."

I nodded. "He went through a lot. But then, so did we all. My wife Buffy, she fought toe to toe against a hell goddess and saved the world."

Buffy'd eyes darted to me now. "I married you?"

I chuckled. "No, you are fundamentally a different person than she is. You haven't gone through the same experiences so you aren't her, sorry. But yes, there is a Buffy out there that I'm married to and I want to get home to."

She apparently didn't hear a word I said as she still looked stunned. I continued. "My Giles is an immortal warlock who leads the watchers in training the slayers that pop up all over the world."

Lexi was asleep now so I softened my voice as I told them. "My Willow is a witch so powerful she can fly and teleport. Making portals all over the world is child's play to her. She and her wife Tara live in South America but they visited us every day in Scotland. They're both immortal witches as they've both advanced in magical power to the point that it sustains them like my Giles."

Giles nearly choked by my words asked. "How did that come to pass?"

I smiled. "It's a very long story and from the looks of it, yours is just beginning. I'd hate to spoil your views of the future and frighten you all. Things do get bad at times and they will for you too, but we made it through together."

Xander pointed out. "Until you died."

I conceded his point. "I fought twilight, a god who fused with a broken dimension and was trying to be reborn once more. I wasn't prepared but now I am. I could crush his avatar with my bare hands now. I've forged this body in hellfire and quenched it with the souls of the damned. No avatar of a meager fallen god could possibly compare to my strength."

Buffy frowned. "How strong are you?"

I smirked. "With one punch I could crack the moon in half. I may have gone overboard as the hellfire was being powered by the devil of my last dimension. I kind of ate hell and purgatory before consuming the equivalent of all the magic in an entire planet in my efforts to be prepared to face twilight again and protect my wives."

Xander spoke up. "There it is again, you said wives as in plural."

I smiled nodding. "Yes, I'm officially married to three women. My Buffy is one of them. Another slayer, Faith, is another. And Alice is the last. She's a former vampire and a witch of some renown. She's as powerful as my Willow and Giles. They all three agreed to marry me a few years before I died. I can't even imagine what they're going through right now."

I sighed while Buffy said. "There's no way I'd marry a guy whose married to two other girls."

I chuckled. "You're not my Buffy. You haven't gone through the painful breakups and the string of ex boyfriends that she has. Nor have you experienced what it's like to feel what I am, not just who. That experience is life altering all on it's own."

She snorted and I chuckled. "Buffy, I'm not just any god. You don't feel it as I'm hiding my essence as to not shock nor influence you but I'm connected to what you call the slayer line in a very intimate way. "

Giles was intrigued. "In what way?"

I sighed. "Do you know what the slayer line is? I mean, really is? Think about it. The spirit of the first slayer, bound to the earth and powered by the essence of nature itself. Can you guess?"

He stilled before muttering. "Dear lord!"

I chuckled softly. "Now you're getting it."

Xander asked. "Getting what?"

I looked to him. "In their efforts to get rid of the first demons, the old ones, the shadow men, also known as the first of the watchers, made a mortal girl, and through her, her soul, into an immortal being of immense power."

I paused for dramatic effect before saying. "They created a goddess, a nature goddess to be exact. And through her essence the slayer line, aka Buffy and all the slayers before and after, became avatars of the goddess the first slayer became."

I looked Buffy over as she took my words in. Willow herself asked. "Isn't that impossible? I mean, everything I've read about magic says it's impossible."

I shook my head. "No, not impossible, only really difficult. Nature demands a balance for spells, and as such it gave birth to me, a god of nature."

I tapped the table and a rose grew out of it. I plucked it and handed it to Buffy with with a smile. She looked me over once more as I sighed. "I and Sineya, the first slayer who later became the goddess after her death, are linked irrevocably. To harm me would harm her. And vice versa. I'm hiding my essence so as not to wake her up. This world's slayer goddess isn't mine, but a copy of me elsewhere. If he should come here at the same time as me, odds are we'd fuse and as such, so would our worlds."

Buffy spoke up. "So there's a god out there waiting to marry me?"

I shook my head. "Not likely. He's probably bound somewhere and stuck or this world doesn't get one and he's stuck in a dimension where there's no slayer line or Buffy. There are an infinite number of possibilities as there are an infinite number of realities. The likelihood of you meeting my alternate self is slim sad to say."

I summoned a joint and lit it with a thought as I smoked. "Sorry, I needed a respite from being sober. I've spent the last two decades teaching witches magic and the history of witch lore. Can't really lite up and set a bad example. Though my last day there was looking up as I killed a new student."

Willow asked. "Why would you kill someone and why would that be a good thing?"

I chuckled. "Relax, he was a Phoenix. I killed him to activate his dormant powers so that he could join the school of the supernaturally inclined, at his insistence of course. It was that or toss him to the werewolf pack that was in the school and wait till they inevitably killed him so that he could come back in a fire show."

Willow looked taken aback. "Oh, well, I guess if that's the reason-"

Giles was busy writing down all he'd heard so far so I asked Buffy. "How's Joyce? My Joyce died of an aneurism after getting a brain tumor and brain sucked by a hell goddess."

Buffy froze before saying. "How, no wait why did you let her die?"

I sighed sadly. "Magic can not cure cancer. As for the hell goddess, well, let's just say I wasn't in my right mind either after she brain sucked me as well. I wasn't nearly as powerful as I am now and I couldn't resist a hell goddess who was stronger at the time. In the end I was little more than an animal mentally afterwards. I killed the hell bitch but I couldn't bring her back as I'd already sent her soul to a heaven where she could find piece while I was out of it."

Buffy frowned. "Oh, well she doesn't have cancer yet I hope."

I shook my head. "It started after my Buffy's first semester of college. From there things got bad really quickly and didn't let up until we destroyed the hellmouth."

Giles stilled after he heard my last words. He dropped his pen asking. "How could you possibly-"

I shook my head. "I didn't do it personally. It was a vampire with a soul and an artifact that for one bright moment lit his soul aflame. It was the final battle of Sunnydale. Buffy had Willow do a spell with a slayer artifact that activated every potential slayer on earth. We took the battle to evil's doorstep for once and went down into the hellmouth. As the potential slayers were activated my power was unleashed and with it I blessed the slayers as they fought a vampire army on the other side. When the vampire's artifact activated we left and he sacrificed himself to save the world. The hellmouth was destroyed and Sunnydale along with it."

I looked at their shocked expressions asking. "What? It was a brilliant strategy as all the humans had retreated and fled town on instinct days before we opened the hellmouth. My Buffy waged war agains nearly a million vampires and won hands down."

They were all mesmerized by my words as Buffy said. "I rock! I mean that's gotta be a record or something."

I chuckled at her antics. "Still not you Buffy. My Buffy has experience and leadership qualities. She's lead hundreds of missions to wipe out demons world wide and has single handedly tipped the scales in the favor of good for thousands."

I looked at the ceiling sighing softly. "I remember the battle of LA like it was yesterday. She lead an army of hundreds of slayers to an apocalypse and into hell itself. We slaughtered thousands of demons under her leadership. We returned LA to this dimension and cleansed the city of all demons. It is a holy place now, forever protected against demon kind as no demon could set foot within it's borders and survive."

My musing ended when Giles asked. "How exactly did she achieve this feet?"

I looked him over before shrugging. "She had me and an entire coven of witches work for three months to come up with spires, magical artifacts that when activated turns the ground around it into sanctified and holy lands. Then the spires secondary feature was activated as it destroyed all demons on those lands. With the hellmouth energies purified they could no long be used to connect to a demonic dimension. The spire was cloaked to prevent tampering and mortals from seeing them. Therefore it would constantly kill any demons that came within range. The holy land would weaken their energies and the spire would finish them off."

I took a long breather while he wrote all that down before asking. "What were the requirements for it to activate?"

I gave him a droll stare. "You want me to give you every detail of what we've managed to accomplish so that you can tell your watcher's council?"

He nodded. "If we can perhaps use your future knowledge then perhaps we can-"

I grabbed him by the throat as I carefully set Lexi onto the chair and turned it into a lazy boy design before returning to squeezing Giles's throat. "Listen here little human, I have not or will ever work with the shadow men or their puppets. My Giles knew the price of what working with them meant and wasn't willing to pay. If you think I'd help those cut throat little insects for even a moment then you're dead wrong."

I dropped him back to his own two feet. "Tell your puppet masters they can burn in hellfire for all I care."

Buffy was nine to pleased by my attitude towards Giles but she didn't stop my actions. Giles himself was confused at my ire. Xander was the one that broke the silence that followed though. "I take it the group of Giles's are a bad thing in your world?"

I snorted. "They're not considered evil no, but they do evil in the name of good no matter the world your in."

My angry gaze never left Giles as I told them. "The council has special task forces that for lack of a better term, murders slayers and any other threats to their power."

Giles frowned but I continued. "When a slayer doesn't fall in line and serve their purpose as the council's weapon they are taken and rehabilitated. Should that fail to bring them to heel, well, their thinking from there is that there will always be a new slayer should they eliminate the old one."

Giles flinched while Buffy asked sternly. "What?"

I broke my eye contact with the watcher to face the young Buffy. "The council views the slayer as a tool or weapon. When it goes rouge or stops functioning properly they ensure the fight continues, one way or another. They've killed slayers in the past to ensure their fight against evil continues. After all, a slayer is a dangerous supernatural entity in their eyes, they just prefer to use it to their advantage."

I gaged her reaction for a minute before making another chair like Lexi's and putting a barrier around her to protect my sleeping mate. Buffy was going between confused to down right angry. The whole range of sad expressions played out on her face while I asked. "Have you faced the master yet?"

Buffy nodded slowly before grimacing. "I drowned-"

Xander spoke up cheerfully. "I saved her with CPR."

I sighed as it wasn't necessarily a good thing. "Then there's another slayer running around as well. It's probably Kendra. She was the slayer called after my Buffy drowned as well. I never got to meet her as I wasn't here yet. But I did hear a bit about her."

Willow asked. "There's another slayer?"

I smiled at her innocent question. "When the heart of the slayer stops beating another is called to take her place. A straightforward line of succession. Yes, to answer your question, there is another slayer out there. It doesn't mean Buffy's not a slayer still, it just means there's more than one. It's rare but it happens."

Xander asked. "So if Buffy dies again then there will be another one? Not that I was suggesting-"

I shook my head. "No, once she dies again, hopefully due to old age mind you, there won't be another slayer called from her death. It only works once to continue the line and prevent things like the watchers council repeatedly abusing the slayer line to form an army. Not that they haven't tried and figured it out for themselves."

Buffy looked to Giles who was wise enough to look ashamed saying. "I had no idea it was even possible."

I chuckled. "He's right Buffy, he's just a puppet of the council, the probably don't tell him much unless it pertains to his job as a watcher. But I know for a fact he knows about the hit squads. It's who he's supposed to call if you're too much to handle."

Giles flushed a bit in shame and couldn't meet her eyes to confirm it. I looked over the scoobies for a moment while Willow did her best to change the subject. "So Tara? It sounds like a girl's name."

I chuckled and told her. "That's because she is a girl. A pure hearted one at that. If that's what you're curious about then I have news for you, you're not entirely just interested in men."

She blushed as I teased a bit while her eyes went wide. Xander of course was a bit confused. "Who do I end up with?"

I smiled. "I can't say. She's a bit unique and I don't want to ruin the surprise."

I turned to Buffy and sighed. "As for you and your attraction to Angel-"

I shifted my teeth a bit as I showed her. "It's because of me in a way. Like the slayer line is linked to the slayers, I'm linked to the vampires and werewolves of these worlds. The Maloker of my home dimension liked to experiment with humans and demons. I'm sure your version of him is in the deeper well but mine escaped barely with his body and his dead twin."

Willow brightened up. "Ooh I know him, his supposed to be the first vampire. Wasn't his twin the first werewolf or something?"

I nodded with a smile. "Yes, he was. My version of him managed to escape through a portal with his twin's body. The world they landed in barely had magic and his body was ruined by the fight and flight from the first slayer. So he possessed a Druid, a sort of old timey shaman and from there he set out to make a better, stronger body. In the end he came up with an amalgamation of Druidic magic, his and his twin's bodies and a poor shamans daughter whom he raped."

They all paled as I said those words. "After he knocked her up he cut up his and his twin's bodies and force fed them to the pregnant lass. The baby inside was then coaxed by his magic to take in the old ones body essence and absorbed it all. Said baby was still in part human so it had a soul as well."

I spread my arms. "That's the origin of me, or my first body, of sorts. From there Maloker had to wait until his investment matured."

They all looked appalled as they took it all in. Smiling sadly I told them. "It wasn't until my thirteenth birthday that I experienced any changes. As my body hit puberty my werewolf genes activated. I hadn't even been expecting it. I turned in the throws of heavy sickness on the night before a full moon and slaughtered the village. I wasn't in control all the time, the primal wolf part of me was and it didn't understand that they were friends and family."

They all looked sick now as I didn't wait to rip the bandage off. "For three nights in a row I destroyed the village. I couldn't leave for fear of destroying other villages so I waited until the changes were over and buried what was left of the dead."

Xander was confused. "Wait what do you mean what was left of them?"

I sighed. "Wolves are creatures of nature and while I wasn't in control or able to direct it, it had to eat somehow so I'll leave it up to your imagination."

He barfed in the nearby trash can while Buffy and Willow looked almost like they'd join him. I chuckled. "Light weight. I was the one who did it and while I did the same when I realized what I'd done that was a long time ago."

I turned to Buffy continuing my story on my several thousand year retreat and eventual capture and torture. I told her about the treasure hunt and the visions. When I got to explaining Alice and the vampire coven she was a bit happy for me, that is until I told her about facing off with Maloker and coming to this dimension the first time.

She looked at the floor where the hellmouth was just below. I stopped there as I didn't want to explain Faith or how we came to be together. I did however skip over to where I ascended to god status.

From there I was a bit tight lipped as I told her about the effects I have on slayers but left out how we actually came to be together. She noticed my reluctance and dropped it just asking. "How did I wind up with Angel then?"

I told her about angel being a vampire with a soul and Giles looking up Angelus. She was a bit disgusted from what she heard until I told her about his curse and how it worked. She was sad to hear my version of her learned the hard way. "The night of my Buffy's first time took his soul away, pure happiness I believe the term was called. Angel lost his soul and Angelus began his reign of terror. After he nearly ended the world, well, shit got bad for a while."

Buffy sighed in sadness. "We can never be together without him experiencing this pure happiness?"

I shook my head. "Not in any way you could find any way."

Whistler, the demon that pointed Angel towards Buffy appeared before us angry. "You're not supposed to be here. You're ruining-"

I snapped my fingers and he exploded into bits all over the library. "Stupid demons that work for the powers that be."

He reformed and I snorted. "Piss off before I kill you for real this time then I go pay your bosses a visit and eat them."

I revealed my magic as the world trembled and shook. "NOW!"

He vanished and I put away the magic. "Sorry about that. The powers that want to be or whatever are pulling his strings."

Willow asked. "What was he?"

I snorted. "A balance demon. His kind work to try and maintain the balance between good and evil. He's not a good guy if that's what you're asking. He's pretty much a dick with wings, like an angel."

Xander was confused now. "Wait, I thought angels were good?"

I shook my head. "Angels are warriors of a deity you call god. And god is just a greedy bastard who feeds on humans souls as they pray to him. The more souls that pray to him the better he eats and the stronger he gets. His warriors, the angels, are no more good than any demon out there. They slaughtered the world once and called it the great flood."

They all paled as I described the genocide of the humans and most other species out there. When I finished I told them. "Be careful who you pray to. Witches use deities to augment their own spells with prayers because they understand it's a trade off. In the end nothing in life is truly free as someone always ends up paying for it."

I brought out another joint and lit up. Giles disapproved saying. "Will you put that out? This is a school!"

I smiled. "Yeah, but then it's not like the principal could even see or smell it if I didn't want him to so relax. Besides, I know for a fact that you were quite the party animal back in the day."

He shut up once more while I sat back and relaxed in the chair. After about an hour everyone sort of drifted off to do their own thing while I took Lexi and went to find a place to crash until she was back on her feet.

After placing a decent ward scheme on the apartment I headed out to find a Mohra demon. I scried and found one at the LA branch of Wolfram and Hart. Grinning devilishly I teleported to just outside their offices.

Walking inside I looked around before snapping my fingers and shattering their wards. With a second snap I killed everyone on their payroll. Humans screamed and fled as all the employee's heads exploded.

I walked through their lobby and headed to the basement where the super diamond was being used to link this dimension to many others. A horde of demons was in the cavern between myself and where I was headed including several Mohra demons.

I walked out of the elevator and into their pit of despair where the demons were being let in. Without a second thought I killed everything very brutally. Every step I took demons exploded or imploded save the Mohra demons. Those I saved by snapping their necks and tossing in my ring.

When I arrived at the central area where the diamond was held in place I ripped it out and stored it to be purified later. As I walked out all the hell dimension portals collapsed. I headed to their vaults next before emptying them all and killing the avatar of the senior partners before the thing posing as a little girl could ask what I wanted.

I tossed it's body aside and pillaged more treasures. When I got to the staff that took away one's free will I broke it's control crystal and tossed it aside. The next trinket was the amulet Spike would eventually use to destroy the hellmouth. I tossed it in my ring as well before heading to the archives room and setting it ablaze in living flame after stealing all of their demonic and magic books and scrolls.

All the soul contracts broke with my act setting all those that died free. No longer bound to this evil law firm. After I walked back out of the lobby the building collapsed in on itself. I scried and broke the protection barriers on the circle of black thorn that Angel would've faced.

When I found them all I did a spell that linked them and killed the demonic warlock as I drained him dry of magic. The rest of the circle fell because of it and the last of Wolfram and Hart's influence in the city broke.

I teleported to their bases one by one and repeated the same steps until the last few I'd arrived at were found empty. With no more real power to back them in this reality and no understanding of the being that was destroying them they'd chosen to flee.

They couldn't see me thanks to the enochian tattoos and while Whistler had seen me it was only because I was changing Buffy's future by being there and affecting the power's plans for Angel and Buffy. I reached out with my senses and snuffed our every vampire except Angel and Spike in this world.

I then did the same to all the demons I felt evil energies from. They were a bit more difficult as I had no connection to them but easy enough with my connection to nature.

The only places that had any left were the hellmouth's as they were hidden from my senses by the energies of the hellmouth itself. With most of the world's population of demons dead and no Wolfram and Hart left that left only the hellmouth's and twilight itself to deal with.

I wasn't a slayer nor would I destroy all the hellmouth's as more would simply pop up so long as the seed of wonder was in this dimension. I teleported back to Sunnydale and killed the mayor before he could go all demonic snake and eat people.

I didn't go any farther than that as I had already taken in enough evil and dark magic's when I took out Wolfram and Hart. I drew myself a holy oil bath and cleansed the dark energies before heading to bed.

As I slept the world outside went into chaos mode as the mass deaths and missing people were reported on the news. The thorough destruction of Wolfram and Hart was major news as well but paled in comparison to hundreds of thousand of 'people' that went missing or were reported dead.

Without Wolfram and Hart to keep a lid on all the missing and dead people with pay offs and magic the world was reeling from the blow. I woke up the next morning and waited for Lexi who seemed fine now, to wake. When I saw that she wouldn't wake up until tonight I got dressed and headed to Australia.

There I dug up my second super diamond from this world and my fourteenth all together that I had with me. I teleported to the high school library where the scoobies were gathered and received some very pointed looks from Giles.

He finally got it off his chest asking. "Was it you that killed all those people and destroyed the law firm?"

I smiled. "Yes and yes."

The went to speak and I held up a hand saying. "Let me explain. Those 'people' were nothing more than reanimated corpses with demons in them. The demons were coming in through portals thanks Wolfram and Hart. The law firm was little more than a front for three pure demons that were effecting this dimension by buying off human souls and promoting evil. They then fed off said evil and became stronger."

I grimaced. "Not something any of you were prepared to deal with so congratulations, I've effectively ended a global threat and acquired countless resources for your cause."

I took out the pack I'd spent a while transferring things into and tossed it to Buffy. "In there you'll find nearly every sacred text, prophecy, demonic and magical lore there is. That includes some very dangerous magic's and nearly every spell book known to man and demon kind. As of right now you're holding the most powerful weapon known across all the dimensions, knowledge. Plus I raided their weapons vaults and picked up some pretty powerful things on the side. It's all yours."

They were speechless as I chuckled at their gold fish like expressions. I pulled out the amulet last and tossed it to Giles saying. "That thing right there is meant for a vampire with a soul. With it they'll be able to destroy a single hellmouth before their soul is sucked inside. After that I'm sure there's a spell in the pack somewhere that can pull them out. Be very careful with it as it's a one time use kind of deal."

I sat down and they finally started to comprehend what all that had happened. Buffy tried looking inside the pack and found it empty. Chuckling at her confusion I told her. "It's linked to a pocket dimension. I separated it from the others I have so all you have to do is hold it and think about taking something out. Once you do it'll show your mind what all's in it."

I turned to Willow who looked excited and entered her mind. There I have her a copy of all the memories I had of my Willow. She shuddered once they were complete and looked to me. I held up a finger to my lips and she nodded.

Sighing I told them. "There's a coffin in the pack that has Illyria's essence in it. When you're ready to make a deal with it I'd suggest you have a fresh dead body it can inhabit. From there tell it that it's kingdom is destroyed and there's no way to rebuild it. The body you choose, whether demon or human, will determine how strong it'll be as it's power will need to be drawn out to prevent time collapsing in on itself. The instructions on how to prevent that are inside. Willow will be able to understand it if none of you can."

I went into Giles's mind next and gave him all the memories of him that I had before doing the same for Xander. I added the soldier memories and hinted at him to choose a much better costume next time. The suggestion didn't go I headed as I saw he was already making plans.

I gave Buffy all the memories I had of her excluding the ones with us being physical or romantic. When I finished that I sighed and told them. "You all have a long way to go before you're like my scoobies. I truly wish you the best. Oh, I've placed a giant diamond you can use in a ward scheme to build the compound I showed Xander. I'm sure you can figure the rest out. I can't take out your twilight as I won't be here that long but I can tell you that the seed of wonder is in the church where the master was. If you break it then this dimension will be cut off from all others as magic here will cease to exist. I'm really hoping that doesn't happen in my home dimension."

I left them there all stunned as I opened a portal to the soul Glutton's dimension. It is rather easy to find once you know the feel of restless door. I'd once had one in my possession so feeling it out was rather easy.

The large tentacle beast was an even easier fix as I drained the souls out of it and consumed them for myself, crushing theM into essence. The demon shrank to the size of a rat without them and I stepped on it like the bug it was to me.

Snatching it's stash of rare artifacts was easy after that. When I left instead of heading back to earth I hopped around demon dimension after demon dimension slaughtering them by the hundred thousands and absorbing their essence. When I left each dimension I drained it of magic and resources, collapsing them.

By the time I arrived at my hundredth dimension, Pylea, I had as many dark stars of black magic as I did the light stars. After I finished off the demons of Pylea and sent Fred home I sent the humans back to earth where they belonged before turning the land and seas of Plyea into a giant holy oil bath and at the center a raging inferno of living flame burned.

I slid under the surface and shut off my sense of pain. It did me no good here and now so I just removed it for a time and watched the vast world of holy oil bubble and turn black as it shrank to a fifth of it's size. After it stopped coming out of me I separated myself from it with a barrier before leaving it as the living flame inside consumed it all and became the starting form of a world seed on it's own.

Smiling I took the tiny seed into myself and placed it next to my first one. There they began to give off much more magic together as each grew in size and power. I opened a portal back to this reality's earth and stepped through. There I was greeted by Lexi and the scoobies talking. I looked outside as night had already fallen.

Sighing I told Buffy and the rest. "It's time we left. I'm unsure of what we'll find when we get there so I'm anxious to be going. Oh, and here."

I tossed them a second pack full of the resources I'd taken from the demon dimensions. "A bit of extra stuff I picked up while I was gone. Think of it as a goodbye present."

I flicked my wrist as enochian tattoos appeared on each of their skin in turn. "Those will prevent all beings from finding you and so surveillance device can pick you up. I'd suggest you each get cellphones."

I opened the restless door and hoped it worked for what I needed. At first it flowed as it tried to open the portal but then it faded as the connection failed. Growling I fed it magic magic as I forced out several stars worth into the door. It shook violently but took more and more until finally it burst open.

I grabbed Lexi and blurred as I moved through just before the door closed behind us with a bang.

next chapter
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Tình trạng nguồn điện hàng tuần

Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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Rank NO.-- Bảng xếp hạng PS
Stone -- Power Stone
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