It wasn't more than a week later before a warlock showed up at P3 pretending to look like Piper while she was in the bathroom. I gave no indication to him as I headed to the bathrooms and made myself invisible with a spell.
When he came back and shifted back into his real form after borrowing Prue's lipstick, I shoved my sword in his chest and took the lipstick as he burst into flames and vanished.
I headed back to the table and handed the lipstick back to Prue saying. "That wasn't Piper that borrowed this. It was an upper level demon, a warlock to be precise and he had a shifter ability. Be more careful next time."
Leo asked. "What did he want?"
I shrugged. "I don't know. I vanquished him and he dropped the lipstick so I'm assuming to place a curse on Prue and through her, the power of three. Or he could've just really needed lipstick, you never know with demons."
The both snorted at my words before Piper came back asking. "Did I miss something?"
I shrugged. "Nothing much. I'm gonna turn in. I'll see you all later."
I left them there talking while I headed to the back room to flame out or so they thought. I used warlock blinking and Coles old sensing power to find the temple of the dark priestess. When I appeared as the warlock, she asked. "Did you get something?"
I nodded with a smile and shoved my sword into her gut, vanquishing her. I looked around before collecting a few athames and stepping out to hit the old dark church with a single overpowering energy blast to it's support beams.
It shook and collapsed in moments, leaving ruins in it's wake and nothing of value behind. I flame traveled home where Nym and Phoebe were 'studying' and left them to it while I headed to the basement. There I carved the enochian cloaking runes into my ribs once more.
It's not like I had the choice at this point. The sisters weren't ready to know about me and accept it but then, I wasn't sure I was ready to tell them either. Nym has already gone through the process and it was time I did as well. When I was thoroughly cloaked, I absorbed the powers of the warlock and the priestess which weren't much honestly.
Hers were based on dark blessings and knowledge so pretty much useless to me and his only reinforced my blinking and the energy balls I could throw by a small bit. I then purified my body of the weaknesses of their powers effects to prevent myself from being vanquished like them.
I'd done so before to make myself immune to darklighter powers as well. Then came the fun part of a tub of boiling holy oil that I had to lay in to purify the evil out of me and keep the boosted powers. The suckiest part of my day but a necessary one.
Two weeks later I was called over to the Halliwell manor by Piper and I flamed over. She told me. "Phoebe's been shot and cursed and Leo can't heal her. We were hoping you could do something?"
I nodded. "I'm a master curse breaker so you've called the right person though Nym could do so just as well."
I raised a hand and scanned Phoebe before shaking my head. "She's not cursed, she's psychically linked to someone who is though. I can't break the link from here, I'll have to go to where they are and do it from the opposite end where the curse is."
Piper nodded. "Alright, you take Prue and Leo and I will look in the book and ask the Elders for advice."
I sighed. "It's Native American from the feel of it. Start there and do be quick about it. When I break the link they'll still be cursed so I'll have to do something about that."
I turned to Prue. "You ready?"
She nodded and I grabbed her shoulder and turned to Phoebe. "It'll be alright love, I won't let a silly curse hurt you much longer."
She smiled. "I know you won't. Just hurry."
I nodded and flame traveled to the town before saying to Prue. "Hold on, I've not dimensional hopped in a while so I'm a bit rusty."
I reached for the dimension I felt the Native American curse linked to and raced it all the way to the right place before traveling via a mixture of flame travel and shimmering, the only way I could dimensional hop in the first place thanks to Coles old powers of sensing and shimmering.
We arrived in an old western era and I pulled Prue into an ally. "First we need to blend in so give me a second."
I morphed into my old western clothes when I traveled that particular era with Betsy. Then I tapped Prue's shoulder and said. "There, that should do it."
I'd transfigured her clothes into my style and she asked. "Not ladies clothes?"
I grimaced. "This era women were mostly prostitutes and I figured you might be a bit angry if I made you look like one. Just remember I didn't make up your silly muggle history."
She rolled her eyes. "Yeah fine, so what's first?"
I smiled. "First we get a drink, then we find out where this Bo fellow is. Hopefully the locals will know what's going on."
We headed to the local saloon and got the story from the bartender. He wasn't to helpful at first as he'd only talked to me until Prue shoves it in his face that she may be a women but she knew things just as well.
When Sutter, the local gangster and reason this is all happening came in with his boys to rough up the locals, Prue got pissed and did something about it. After a short bar fight where she beat down one of Sutter's men and guns were drawn, one of the idiots I pointed two sawed off double barrel shotguns at told me. "We'll be settling this later. It isn't over."
I looked at him coldly. "It's your funeral."
He and the rest left and Prue asked me. "Are you really going to kill him?"
I shrugged. "If he tries to kill me I will. I'm not one for picking fights like you apparently are, but I'll end them just the same. Look behind you, we've made a friend."
It was Bo's older sister, Isabel Lightfeather, and she wanted to thank us. Prue talked her into taking us to Bo to help him and when we arrived at an abandoned barber shop, he was just as injured as Phoebe. Prue and he talked a bit until she told me to flame travel to prove we were magical. I did so and appeared on the other side of her.
Sighing I told her. "Let's get theirs over with now."
I waved a hand and tapped his forehead, severing the link between him and Phoebe before she took the bullet out and I healed him up. I handed him a blood replenishing potion as well and after that Prue asked. "What's next? We can't just leave these people to suffer in an infinite time loop."
I chuckled. "And we're not. I'm going to forcefully break the curse and that's not going to be pretty. I need to find the foci of the curse to do so."
As of on cue a crow cawed and I turned to face the window. Sutter's men had come. "First we need to deal with the pissed off cowboys."
No spoke up. "I'll turn myself in-"
I waved him off. "No need, I've a spell that can stun them and knock them out for a few hours. That should be plenty of time to break the curse and deal with Sutter."
I summoned my augmented patronus and sent it outside. In a brilliant flash of red and green light we heard thumps as all the cowboys fell off their horses. "There, that should do it."
We walked outside and all four cowboys were on the ground stunned. I waved a hand and transfigured four stumps into posts before saying. "Take their weapons and tie them to the posts. We can take the horses but first-"
I turned to the crow. "Lift the curse or I break it, this is your one and only warning spirit."
The crow cawed and Prue asked. "It's the bird?"
I shook my head. "That's no bird. It's a Native American spirit of vengeance and justice."
Bo and Isabel looked at the crow and it morphed into their father's image. They went to great shim calling out. "Father!"
I stopped them saying. "That's not your father. It's a spirit of vengeance. It only looks like him because that's what you called out to when you died the first time."
The old medicine man said. "He's right. I am only the representation of a greater force. When those people watched you die and did nothing your pain called out for vengeance and your soul called out for justice. I answered."
I nodded. "And it's high time you left. Either lift the curse willingly or I'll banish you and break the curse forcefully."
It turned to me saying. "While I believe you can do as you say, I'd still like to stay. These people need to understand the error of their ways, not just to stop this madness but for themselves as well."
I grunted and Prue said. "He's right. The curse can be broken if we get them to act instead of being cowards then, right?"
The old man nodded. "The indifference of good men is an evil that must be stopped."
I sighed. "Fine, so they take Bo and he gets beaten but our words may not be enough to carouse them into action."
Prue said. "Mine will."
I raised an eyebrow. "Very well."
I turned to Bo who told us. "I'll do it. It's about more than just my own life at stake here."
I shrugged and obliviated the four men before untying them and handing Bo over once they regained their senses. I did not however, hand over their weapons as I'm not a complete idiot. I handed some to Isabel before we rode to follow those that came for Bo.
They dragged him behind and Sutter gave his big speech before whipping him. Prue did a speech as well and I pointed out. "He's one man's with a hand full of men who lack weapons at the moment. Each and every one of you have guns and can end this threat right here and now. He killed the lawman and broke the law, he's about to kill an innocent good man again. He's nothing more than a criminal who needs brought to justice. Each and every one of you has the power to do just that!"
My words clicked in their minds as they drew their weapons on Sutter. His men went for their weapons but found none except for the man who wanted to settle things between himself and me.
When Sutter fled, Prue gave chase while the last man decided it was time to settle matters between us. We went into the saloon away from the people and did a quick draw. Unfortunately for him my sawed off beat his revolver and he took both barrels to the chest.
I waved a hand and Selene came out to eat. She wrapped around the body just as Prue came in. "It's done."
I nodded solemnly. "Then we can leave, the curse is broken."
She saw Selene eating and shuddered. "You could've stunned him."
I shook my head. "Contrary to popular belief, spells are not quicker than bullets. I'd have died trying. It was a quick death and one any cop would agree was fair. I took no pleasure in killing him Prue, but I wasn't about to let him kill me or god forbid you. He wasn't a good man if it helps. He had a hand in the sheriff's murder and would likely have gone on to kill again. Hell, it's likely the sheriff wasn't his first kill either."
I waved a hand and brought the wriggling Selene into my realm with her food. I picked up his gun and handed all our weapons to Bo and Isabel saying. "This town needs a new sheriff. I'm sure you'll do just fine."
Bo agreed. "Thanks my friends, for everything."
I patted his shoulder. "Don't mention it. Now, I believe it's time we went home."
Prue said her goodbyes and handed over her weapons as well before we flamingly shimmered away. We got back to the house and saw that Phoebe was just fine. She hugged Prue before leaping into my arms and kissing me.
Just like always we ended up causing a scene until Prue broke us apart saying. "Alright you two, dad's here so it's time to break it up."
I chuckled and set her down before turning to her father and holding out a hand. "Damien Greengrass, wizard and a bunch of other titles I'm sure mean nothing to you. It's a pleasure to meet you sir."
He took my hand and shook it albeit reluctantly. "Victor Bennett, you're not a whitelighter too are you?"
I shook my head. "Not in the strictest sense, but I can heal people if need be. Though I don't have charges or whatever they're called. Nor do I answer to the old people in the sky."
Leo spoke up. "They're called elders and no he's not a whitelighter, at least, I don't think he is."
I sighed. "Well-"
I orbed next to Leo shocking them all. "I do have a whitelighter's powers but I don't really use them."
Phoebe asked. "You're a whitelighter?"
I shook my head. "No love, I'm not. I do have their powers though."
Leo asked. "How?"
I summoned my sword and handed it to him. "You don't think I'd make a soul sword, a literal forging of my soul into the physical world for a simple sword that can kill with a single cut now do you? I mean, if I were so inclined magic could do a lot more than that."
He looked it over and asked. "It can take powers?"
I nodded. "Only those killed with it and one of the reasons I've repeatedly warned you all to be careful with it. One cut and you not only die but all your powers are drained into it. There I can purify them if need be and absorb them into myself."
Leo frowned. "So you've been taking demonic powers this whole time? For what?"
I shrugged. "No particular reason and no, I purified the evil out of the powers when I absorbed them."
His frown deepened. "How?"
I sighed. "A tub of holy oil and living flames underneath it to boil the evil out. It's crude and painful but effective in getting rid of even the evilest of powers. It doesn't stop the influence of evil, the dark thoughts trying to whisper to do evil in your ears but then, all people have that, it's called temptation."
Phoebe asked. "What's the point though? I mean, we're you using us? Me?"
I shook my head. "No love, I took on the powers in case I needed to use them to heal and protect you some day. As for where they came from, it was the warlock you vanquished with the blade, it has a secondary effect as well. It sends even the vilest of souls into reincarnation. Where they're reborn as a new living being, purified of their past sins."
Leo asked. "How did you make something like this?"
I grimaced. "In China, a monastery had the last ingredient, a type of flying sword. There I learned many things but the most important was how to forge a weapon with your soul. The other abilities came from various places and ideas. The killing effect from death's scythe. The absorbing ability from the binding stone in the hilt and the reincarnation effect, while difficult was from a Zen master's teachings."
Leo wasn't happy but he did ask. "And you're sure you've gotten the evil out?"
I nodded. "Yes, as a matter of fact most of you carry more evil in you on a daily basis then I do, even now."
Prue frowned. "You just killed someone!"
I nodded. "And I'd be dead if I hadn't. While I feel sorrow that I had to do so, I'm no more guilty of murder than any cop on the job. If I hadn't killed him I'd be dead and you would be as well or at the very least, trapped there for eternity. It's not evil to kill in self defense Prue, it's a fact of life."
She didn't look happy by my words but she didn't comment either. Leo said. "You'll have to meet the elders if you intend on keeping these powers. They'll want to asses your situation for themselves."
I nodded. "Sure thing, but I'm warning you now, I won't be a whitelighter or take on their duties. While it's a noble cause, and one I'm sure is appreciated, it's not in me to follow their rules because they say so. I gained these powers through my own means and they're apart of me now, they can no more take them away then they can turn the source good. And if Phoebe's told you anything about my life in school, you wouldn't want me to be a whitelighter either."
He looked to Phoebe and she told him with a small smile. "He's a rule breaker and a prankster."
I chuckled. "Yeah, good times."
I grabbed Phoebe's hands and told her. "This doesn't change the way I feel about you love, and I hope it doesn't change the way you feel about me either."
She shook her head. "It doesn't. Though I am wondering how many secrets you're keeping from me."
I smiled sadly. "Many to be sure, but you'll find them out over time if you're willing to wait it out. Nym knows them all and she has her secrets as well so you'll just have to be patient with us. We've had our whole lives to get to know each other and tell each other our secrets. I only ask that you give us time to get to know you more and you us. We'll share everything when we're ready to as some of it is pretty close to our hearts."
She nodded. "I can wait, just not forever."
I smiled. "That's all I can ask."
Victor spoke up. "Who's Nym?"
I chuckled and Leo said. "We need to go now if we're going."
I sighed. "Hate to cut and run love, but I'll see you in a bit, hopefully."
She nodded and I kissed her before grabbing Leo's shoulder and orbing with him to the heavens. There it was like you'd imagine the entrance to heaven would look like. White and Golden Arches everywhere with no roof but the stars in some places.
People in white robes and white light's coming from their hoods spoke in clicks and clacks of a dolphin like language I didn't understand. Leo showed me to a chamber where they gathered and tested my soul's purity and intentions.
When they saw my soul as it were, or a piece of it anyway, they were surprised to find me nearly as pure as the driven snow. The only sins I carried were muted by the pureness of my soul.
Finally they left me alone to talk amongst their selves for a while. When they reconvened, one of them I didn't recognize even from the series, took off her hood. "We wish to exam your swords once more to understand how you're purifying yourself."
I frowned. "How I'm purifying myself has nothing to do with my swords so unless Leo hasn't told you how, then you're clearly lying."
She frowned and a bunch of angry clicks later she spoke again. "Then how are you doing so?"
I sighed. "I take in the demonic powers then I get in a tub of holy oil with a variant of the living flame underneath, heating it. I literally boil the evil out of me until only my original sins, what makes me human, remains. Once the oil stops boiling, it means the evil energies are out and the powers are cleansed. It's painful but it doesn't leave any marks on my body, only on my soul, which heals over time."
They clicked and clacked for a while before she said. "You're using an old pagan ritual meant to forge holy weapons. We know a bit about it but the process was thought lost with time. You must be careful, even if you use it wisely, it is a dangerous process. If you take in too much evil it will overcome your soul and you'll be led down the path of darkness."
I nodded. "It's why I have safety measures in place. The binding stone in my swords allows me to take one power at a time, to ensure I don't take more than I can handle. I've no intentions on becoming super strong or whatever, only strong enough to protect that which I love. And even then I understand that it's a process, slow and steady wins the race and all. I'm not in a hurry to gain powers either."
She nodded and a few more clicks later she asked. "Are you willing to take on the mantle and responsibilities of a whitelighter? You have the ability after all."
I shook my head. "I love my life as is and I've seen how busy Leo is. While I can help him in his duties to help and heal the sisters, I've no intentions of taking on so much that I'll miss the small moments in my everyday life. The moments I cherish and that make it worth living. I'll respectfully decline thanks."
She looked saddened. "But you have an obligation-"
I shook my head. "The one who died to the warlock had the obligation. Her path ended with her death, along with her obligations. My duty and path is to protect the ones I love and to actually be there for them. And fight If necessary. Whitelighters are pacifists by nature and are simply too busy on average to really care for their charges, let alone their loved ones."
Another elder took off his hood and this one I recognized as the one whom will eventually force Leo to choose between Piper and their family and falling from grace. He said. "Then you leave us no choice but to strip you of the whitelighter powers."
I shook my head. "It won't work the way you intend it. The powers I take in fuse with my own and through them, my soul. To try to taking them away would destroy my soul and would in essence murder me."
The elders all around clicked and clacked as they clearly argued and I sighed and revealed the part of my soul that connected to my body and powers, my core if you will, as it exited my world tree in my inner world. I dimmed it down and shrunk it to avoid their suspensions but there it was, the truth that my powers and soul were connected for all to see.
They couldn't deny it or say a word against it as I slowly returned it to my body and panted faking a tired expression. "It takes a lot out of me even with the extra powers but there, you've seen it yourselves. Now you've a decision to make. Either murder me or let me go."
They chatted until the male asshole elder spoke up. "We could just erase your mind and make you a whitelighter."
I frowned. "So you'd mind rape me and take away my free will, my choice, all for your benefit?"
That got them clicking. Finally the female spoke up. "No, we won't. Since you're unwilling and taking the powers away would kill you, all we can hope is that you continue to do the right thing and help to fight against the evil in this world."
I nodded. "I can't believe I'm saying this but thank you for not stripping me of my free will and mind raping me."
The male had a nasty frown on his face and she nodded solemnly. "You're free time go-"
I held up a hand. "Um, about that. I don't know the way back and I could use some help-"
Leo came in a moment later. "I'll take him back, unless you've more to say?"
She shook her head. "He's pure and as far as we can tell, so are his intentions. He's not going to be a whitelighter but he will need to be trained to use his powers wisely."
Leo nodded. "I'll teach him."
She agreed and took away three of his charges saying. "To give you extra time to teach him and to be with your family. Though the rest of your charges will still need looking after."
He agreed and orbed us back. When we appeared in the living room once more I asked. "Is it me or were they judging you as much as they were me?"
He gave me a look and Piper who walked in asked. "Where've you been? It's been a week!"
I frowned and she said. "We've wedding plans to make!"
I shrugged and she said. "Oh, hey Damien, Phoebe wanted to invite you in person but she's at school right now."
I chuckled. "Thanks I guess. I just got finished with the elders giving me a good probing. Very Roswell like if you ask me."
She snorted and Leo frowned as I chuckled. "Relax, it's just a joke, well, sort of. They did probe only they left my ass alone and went directly to the painful bits. Pulled my soul out and played with it until they were satisfied that I wasn't some kind of demon or bad guy. It's about as personal as it gets."
She raised an eyebrow. "So what's the verdict?"
Leo told her. "He's innocent and they want me to teach him how to use his whitelighter powers though he won't be an official whitelighter."
I chuckled. "Yup, no baby sitting for me, well, until you two have a kid that is."
They blushed and I sighed. "Lighten up, I mean, really. It's not like you're trying to-"
Their blushes deepened and Piper said. "No, no, not yet anyway."
I shrugged. "Well, if you do and you decide you need help just ask. I know some great fertility spells and blessings as well as a few potions that might help."
I turned to Leo. "Let me know when you've got some time to train, I'm a quick study so once we get it out of the way you'll be able to spend all the extra time they gave you with Piper."
He nodded and she asked. "Extra time?"
Leo told her. "They took a few charges off my hand to give me time to spend with you and teach him how to use his powers. Apparently one of his arguments for not wanting to become a whitelighter was the lack of time we get to spend with each other as an example."
She turned to me and I shrugged. "It's true, he's always orbing off and barely having time to say goodbye. I don't want to do that to Nym or Phoebe. I'd rather be there when they need me and actually be around to enjoy moments you two seem to miss because of it."
She sighed. "Good to know they're finally listening for once."
I chuckled. "Hardly. I've no doubt it's a show for my benefit to prove they can be flexible and to sway me into changing my mind. Once they figure out that I've no intentions of becoming a whitelighter, they'll probably double his work load to make up for his free time now."
Leo grimaced and she frowned before saying. "Then I guess we need to make up for the time he won't be here."
I nodded. "And on that note I feel dirty from the elders soul play and I need a shower. I'll see you two later."
I left and headed home for a thorough scrubbing and hot shower before grabbing a bite to eat and heading to bed. For the next week I trained with Leo off and on while dealing with wedding issues that popped up as I was assigned by Phoebe.
She took full advantage of the limited consequences that i was beholden to to get things done quickly around the house. Once Prue started complaining about lack of sleep I gave her a dreamless sleeping drought and when that didn't work I checked her over three days before the big day and told her. "You've been using magic in your sleep. As you're showing no signs of actually going anywhere and with your descriptions I'd say you were astral projecting. It's an advancement in your powers from what I can't tell."
She frowned. "Well then, how do I stop it from happening in my sleep?"
I turned to Leo and he spoke up. "You must be at conflict with yourself for it to manifest in such a way. My guess is once you've settled that conflict you'll stop."
I nodded. "The easiest way would be meditation but it's a slow process so I'd suggest you and your sisters write a spell to settle inner conflict or look in your book of shadows to find one someone else has written."
Piper asked. "Do you think it'll take long?"
I shrugged. "These things take as long as they have to. Don't worry though, if it takes too long I can enter her mind with her permission of course and help her settle the internal conflict if necessary. I've studied Phoebe's psychology books and I'm a master in the mind arts so it shouldn't take long that way."
Prue frowned. "You're not going in my head!"
I chuckled. "Alright, just settle your problems. Off with you, I've flowers to arrange and a cake to make sure is on schedule. Not to mention Leo's tux to rent."
Phoebe smiled. "I ever tell you how much I appreciate how good a boyfriend you are?"
I smiled back. "All the time love, though Nym could use some words of encouragement. She's been a bit preoccupied setting up the alter and getting ready in the pocket dimension."
Piper asked surprised. "You've agreed to it?"
I nodded. "Unicorns and everything. I don't have any fairies so we'll have to make do with Phoenix's. Luckily their songs can bring happiness to the soul. I've already made a garden and even a suitcase for you and Leo to travel their for your honey moon. I've made a tropical island for your honeymoon complete with a house."
She frowned. "No monsters or demons?"
I shook my head. "Nope, only rainbow fish and a few dolphins. The only monsters you'll see there are Hoo-hoo's and golden snidget's. "
I pulled one of each out and they looked at the cute birds before I put them back saying. "Both are harmless and endangered so please don't hurt them if you see them nesting."
Piper smiled. "I wouldn't dream of it."
I nodded. "Well, everything is almost set so I'll be off to rent tuxes and arrange flowers."
I orbed away as I'd been practicing and got to work. It was a long three days and damned if I didn't make everything perfect. Nym and I put the arch up in a field of flowers I'd made for the occasion.
We made a long white trail for Piper to follow from the steps in to the arch. The unicorns were walking around the field and their excrement was vanished the moment it saw the light of day to make it less smelly and avoid standing in a horse pasture full of dung.
When we finished setting up everything, the Phoenix's came to roost on the trees around the field with my encouragement and sang together. When I left with Nym to get ready we found the house had been ransacked and they were all worn out but ready.
Sighing I said. "I won't ask about what happened for now. So, are you all ready?"
The matriarch, their grams asked. "How am I supposed to go inside without a body?"
I chuckled. "I'll just have to make you one, temporarily of course."
I held up a hand saying. "Caducas Ex Animas Vita Ethos Anima!"
Her spirit took on a corporeal form and I sighed. "It won't last more than a few hours as you've been dead to long but it should last long enough for one wedding. You can thank the alchemist that used the spell on Piper before."
I turned to Piper's mother and sighed. "I can't do anything for you I'm afraid. Interfering magic can cause more problems then they help."
She smiled. "I understand. It's a pleasure to meet you."
I bowed lightly. "And you as well. I can see where Phoebe gets her beauty from."
She rolled her eyes. "Wizards and their charms."
I chuckled and took Phoebe's arm while morphing my clothes into a tux. Nym did the same into a dress while taking Phoebe's other arm. "It's a pleasure nonetheless."
Leo set the suitcase down and opened it up. I nodded and headed in helping the others down. Once we were set up, Piper and Leo said their vows. Then Penny, grams, tied them with a ceremonial rope symbolizing their bond.
When they kissed I snapped my fingers and the Phoenix's sang a heart stirring song. I waved a hand and an aurora borealis formed in the air. Smiling night fell with a thought and I told them. "Now for your honeymoon gift."
With a thought we all appeared on a beach at night. Fluorescent fish and coral played in the waters while a house stood behind them, a full replica of the manor. The beach went on for miles with hiking trails and forests Keith only two species of bird in it and a few herds of deer.
I told them as a ladder appeared beside the house. "I've moved the connection to this place for the suitcase. Any time you want to get away for a while where not even the elders can find you, you're welcome to come here. This house and island all are mine and Nym's gift to you. Phoebe's will come after the honeymoon."
"As for your charges and P3, they're being handled for two weeks at least. You'll find the food in the cabinets and fridge restock. Enjoy it all. This place has a lot to offer. Leo, don't head south. That way is the dangerous beast preserves the rest is free to roam and explore to your heart's content."