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8.12% A True Beginning / Chapter 16: Ch.15

Chương 16: Ch.15

I sat in meditation the rest of the night and only stopped to grab a shower and head to school with Alice. It wasn't until history class when Lydia called. Mr.Yukimura told Scott to turn off his phone while Malia told him. " Abraham Lincoln. The same president that gave the Gettysburg address."

He smiled. "Very good. Now-"

Stiles's phone rang and he repeated himself. "Phones off."

After a few seconds his phone went off and he seemed angry now. "I said phones off."

Kira spoke up. "Dad, that was your phone."

He apologized before reading the text on his phone out loud. "Scott call Lydia."

Scott was excused with Stiles and they left the school altogether. I received the same text but I ignored it and continued my day with Alice. Every time they want something it seems to turn out bad for me. They can deal with a simple beta by themselves.

Or at least, that's what I thought until Scott called me after school saying Derek was taken by Kate. I growled. "Did you tell him what she did to his family?"

Silence answered me and I sighed. "You're an idiot. He probably doesn't trust you now. Just fix it. I have more important things to do than to clean up your messes."

I hung up and tossed the phone onto the couch beside Alice. She spoke up. "You're not worried?"

I shook my head. "Peter doesn't have enough money to higher effective assassins that could kill either of us. As for the rest, it's not our place to interfere like that. I'll have Deaton warm Satomi but the rest are dangerous man eating creatures."

She sighed. "We're dangerous man eating creatures."

I chuckled. "The only man you've eaten is me love, and I swear I'm not complaining."

She smiled and blurred, sitting onto my lap. She kissed me before asking. "Oh yeah? Let's see about that."

She began her kissing and nibbling before sinking her teeth into my neck. The rest of the night passed in a blur of moans and thrusts. The next morning Derek was back to his old self, or mostly anyway.

His eyes were no longer purple but a golden yellow. He stopped by before we left for school to ask if I knew what was happening to him.

I told him honestly. "Not in the slightest. You could be a beta now though only the early stages so if I had to guess you need to evolve again like all the red eyes betas have. Either way I know there's nothing I can do to fix it without knowing what exactly Kate did to you. I'm sure Deaton will tell you the same though it can't hurt to try."

He looked broken inside when he told me about Peter's problem. "The vault was robbed and they took Peter's bearer bonds. He lost a little over a hundred million."

I chuckled. "That sucks for him. I told him he should've invested it years ago like I did yours."

He smiled weakly before saying. "He said something along those same lines when he recovered from the loss. He's out looking for Kate, I think I'm going to join him."

I nodded. "Good luck. Take Erica with you. She could use a reason to get out of the house other than school."

He nodded and left after saying goodbye. The next week of school was rather bland and dull. I stuck to meditating while Alice hung out with the girls mostly. It wasn't until Scott called one night saying he'd bitten someone that I stopped meditating.

I drove over to his house where I found him and Stiles without the new turn. They told me what happened and I sighed. "You're both idiots. Whatever, I'll keep an eye out for the kid tomorrow, as for tonight I've gotta leave my car here, can you drive it back? I don't have the time to get back before I have to shift."

They agreed and took off while I started to change. Scott drove the impala back to the loft with Stiles following in the Jeep. I ran after them in my wolf form. I wound up beating them to get there. When they left Alice let me in.

She spent the rest of the night using me as a model for painting. She went so far as to try getting me to sit on a beach ball. The ball popped under my nails to her frustration, saving me the humiliation of Emmett seeing it on canvas. He'd never let me live it down and I might've actually killed him for it.

Either way I dodged a bullet there so when she had me sit on the window seal and raise my head as if to howl I did so to amuse her. I drew the line at her trying to dress me though. I actually growled at her when she chased me with a tuxedo.

When I shifted back I chased her until I caught my pray in the shower. Once we were clean again we left for school. Lydia was fiddling with her notes on her laptop while her mother gave her the keys to the lake house. When she mentioned selling it I butted in. "How much? I can have the money transferred before school let's out."

Natalie smiled. "If you're serious, ten million even."

I nodded and asked. "Can I use my phone in class for a bit? I need to call my bank and I'll need your account number as well. I'll have my lawyers draw up the paperwork if you don't already have it."

Her smile brightened and she agreed. I called up JJ and had him handle the purchase while giving him Natalie Marten' account number. He said he'd be in touch and I gave him her phone number to speed things up. Ten minutes later she had us working on group projects while she took the call.

When she came back inside with a smile on her face I told Lydia. "Don't tell Alice, I want to surprise her. It's a gift."

She smiled. "Thanks for that though. We needed the cash break."

I shrugged. "You could've just asked. Alice would've given you far more to spend on shoes. I think she actually owns a few shoe stores now that I think about it. She liked them so much she bought the store."

Lydia's eyebrows shot up before she spoke. "Thanks anyway. So when do you need the stuff moved out?"

I shook my head. "Now that I know you needed the money Alice would kill me if I keep it."

I tapped the keys on the desk before putting them in her hand. "Consider it yours. Once my banker has the paperwork sorted out I'll have him transfer it to your name."

She frowned. "What about Alice's gift?"

I shrugged. "I'll buy her something else. It's not like I can't find another lake house. Who knows, maybe I'll buy your neighbor's lake house or something. I'll figure it out."

She was tearing up when I said that. She went to tell her mother what I was doing and why. Her mother came over with a determined expression and I raised a hand up. "Relax, Alice would kill me if I took the house of her friend when they needed money. It's not like I'll miss the cash. I really do spend more on her shopping trips then a silly lake house costs. Besides, it's now Lydia's, so in essence I did buy it and I can give it to whomever I want. It's not a charity case, she's mine and Alice's friend."

That seemed to take the steam out of her engine as she spoke. "Are you sure? That's a lot of money to be throwing away."

I chuckled. "Not really. I gave coach a Rolex watch worth half a million and Alice gave him a vacation worth a hundred grand. Come summer he'll be living it up as a king in the Bahamas. Everything up to and including the private resort and private jet are paid for as well. No offense but he's my favorite teacher. Lydia's Alice's favorite friend and well, you get the point. Money means very little to us."

She seemed reluctant but sighed in defeat as Lydia laughed. When class finally ended I suggested Lydia use her friend's names to decode the cipher she was working on. Surprise, surprise, it unlocked at Alison's name. She showed me the list before I headed to my next class. At the end of the school day she gave the list to Stiles and Scott who gave it to the sheriff.

I was surprised to see myself on the list with Alice. She was worth fifteen million while I was worth thirty. Scott only ended up being worth ten. I guess our presence changed everything a great deal.

Lydia turned the cipher or deadpool over to the police after school. The sheriff showed up at our loft to notify me and Alice of our current bounty status and offered to put us in police protection.

I chuckled. "I'll pass. I don't need body guards as I doubt they could protect me from a bunch of dumb assassins."

Sheriff Stilinski told me. "The assassin in town has already killed an entire family."

I snorted. "Don't compare me to those weaklings sheriff. I highly doubt you or the United States military has anything that could physically harm me short of a nuclear warhead. And if one of those goes off nearby you'll have bigger problems than a few simple assassins."

He frowned. "Just how tough are you?"

I chuckled. "Fire when ready sheriff. No bullet is breaking my skin. It takes something really special to hurt me. And like I said, nothing short of a nuke would kill me."

He finally gave up. "And what about your girlfriend?"

I growled and Alice spoke up. "We can handle ourselves sheriff. There's no need for concern."

He left after that and Alice sighed. "I'm going to meet up with Lydia at her lake house. FYI you owe me a lake house now."

I chuckled. "Fair enough. I think I'll go for a run. I haven't stretched my legs on a full moon in a while now."

As night descended Alice left and I followed in my wolf form. I made sure to watch for anyone failing her as I stuck to the shadows. When we arrived at the lake house I saw a party starting so I went around to the boat house and saw Scott trying to chain up his new beta.

I sat there and watched for a moment then when Liam looked to be breaking free I roared at him. They all three stilled and looked in my direction. I flashed my eyes and Scott calmed down. Liam on the other hand was cowering by the post now. I walked up to him and sat down looking to Scott and waving my paw at the chains.

He took the hint and chained Liam up. I left the boat house for the main one and watched Alice to make sure the orphans didn't go after her. After the party ended I followed her home and changed back. She asked me. "So what did you do all night?"

I sighed. "I helped Scott chain up his beta then watched your back at the party from the outside. So enough about my evening, how was yours?"

She smirked. "I helped Lydia throw a party. It was actually quite tame. She kept getting on to people for setting drinks everywhere until she disappeared into her grandmother's study for most of the night. I took over from there and made sure they all behaved themselves."

Over the weekend it was all Alice could do to pry Lydia from the lake house for a shopping trip. Come Monday we found out Chris Argent had returned to town. Alison and Isaac had stayed in France where they were going to school. Chris had apparently come back to help Scott out with his beta.

He called me Monday to ask if I was still paying to find the possessed person. I readily agreed and told him to call Braeden and catch up. Everyone was worried about the dead pool accept Alice and me. We mostly hung out with Lydia throughout the school day.

When she mentioned her abilities and ours I spoke up. "That's not entirely accurate Lydia, you just don't know what your abilities are. If you'd like a run down I can give you a full copy of the bestiary I've updated and made a hard copy of."

I handed her the book I'd made with Alice's help. She'd drawn the images of the creatures while I'd filled in the information and diagrams.

Lydia flipped through it and found the banshee. "A banshee while immune to most creatures toxins or bites have very little in the way of gifts of their own, but what they do have is unique unto themselves. A banshee can not only predict death but hear other banshees that call to them. The banshees real and only offensive weapon is her voice."

She looked up at me and I waved on. "Continue."

She looked back down. "The scream of a banshee can be focused into a lethal weapon with the proper training. It is said that the dying screams of a banshee when she predicts her own death will kill all those in the immediate vicinity. It is recommended that if you must face this creature in battle be sure to cover her mouth as you kill her if you favor living as her scream would cause your head to explode."

I spoke up now. "The super sonic vibrations from a banshees scream is a deadly thing. If you want to practice might I suggest doing so over the lake? It would be harmful to do so around humans or supernatural entities."

Lydia frowned. "How much of this is true?"

Alice chuckled. "All of it. I'm pretty sure out of all our friends, with the exception of Derek, you're the most dangerous being we hang out with. If you practiced it right I'm sure you could learn to kill with a word, not unlike a god or in your case a goddess."

I smiled. "Might I suggest you take some self defense classes and incorporate your voice into the fighting techniques. I'm sure Alice here wouldn't mind teaching you jujitsu or taekwondo? Maybe a bit of mixed martial arts as well."

Alice beamed. "That would be so much fun! We can even shop for fashionable practice clothes!"

Lydia cheered up a lot more after that and I told her. "Just because you're mostly human in strength doesn't make you weak. Like all creatures you can get stronger with practice and training."

I skipped out on the skirmish and Alice went with Lydia to the sheriff's station when the sheriff himself called. I went to the loft and started my meditation like usual. Later that evening when Alice came home she told me of the female orphan being arrested. The male was on the run now while the police were looking for him.

Scott has apparently saved the young beta from Satomi's pack and taken him to Deaton's. Erica and Derek were there with Stiles helping Deaton save the kid. Alice told me about my name breaking the second part of the dead pool list. I was actually surprised about that as I was certain no simple assassins could kill me.

The next day most of Scott's friends and by proxy ours were out of school today. Malia did hang out with us though since Derek just asked Erica to help him instead. The day passed fairly quickly for us. After school I took Alice to hunt in the woods. We made a date of sorts out of it.

The next day we had free from school because most of our classmates were doing the SATs. We done ours the first month we'd gotten here along with all of the make up work. Lydia did manage to tell us Scott had found Liam and the other orphan.

Both orphans had been killed by Kate and the berserkers. Lydia had figured out the last cipher key which was Derek's name so we now had the full list. When I looked it over I saw most of the big bounties before were reduced to fit mine and Alice's names on the list.

Throughout the day I ate magic mushrooms and dropped a bit of acid. We went to visit Deaton out of boredom and saw he was with Satomi. When Satomi saw me her eyes flared red and I chuckled. "Hello little wolf. I see you've gotten yourself into a predicament. Whose the dying wolf?"

Satomi growled and I flashed my eyes at her before returning the growl sending her into a panic. Alice told her. "Relax, he's not going to hurt you."

I pulled out a back of reishi mushrooms and handed her one as a piece offering. I turned to the dying wolf and took a whiff snorting. "Diseased bleh. Here have a mushroom and pack your bags, cause you're about to go on a trip!"

I shoved a reishi mushroom in his mouth along with some magic shrooms I'd been eating. A minute later the wolf coughed and started to get better. Deaton asked. "What did you give him?"

I held up the bags. "Magic mushrooms and a reishi mushroom. He's tripping balls right now but he shouldn't be sick any more."

I held up the bags to Derek. "Want some?"

He shook his head. "No, I'm good thanks."

I shrugged. "Suit yourself mister caterpillar."

They looked at me strange and I ignored them while Alice told them I'd been doing acid and shrooms all day. Deaton asked. "Can I get a sample of those?"

I turned to him and growled. "My magic mushrooms."

Alice took the reishi mushrooms from me and handed him the bag. I grunted and stuffed the rest of the magic mushrooms in my mouth to her amusement. After I swallowed I told her. "Pixie we need to leave, there's a traitor on the starship."

Her amusement would've lasted longer except she did have wings when I looked at her. She was connected to my mind as well and each time she smiled I could see glitter and rainbows all around her.

Alice took my hand after telling them we'd see them around and led me out. The world was a wonder of colors and kisses. That's right, my vision of her turned her on and she wanted to reward me. We spent the rest of the day in bed while she fed me magic mushrooms and fucked like pixies.

The next morning we spooned as the last of the shrooms wore off. The bed was ruined though it didn't stop us from leaving it in tatters after it buckled under our fierce lovemaking. We ended up spooning on the couch till we were forced to get up because I'd gotten a phone call.

I pulled the phone out of my pants pocket while it was hanging from the stair case. When I answered it was Scott on the other end asking us to come over. After a thorough shower we headed to his place where we met a group of schemers.

Scott filled us in on the plan to fake his own death and Stiles told us what happened yesterday. They'd been quarantined and he'd nearly been killed till Scott's dad saved him by killing the assassin. I shrugged it off and turned on the plan. "It won't work. You're simply not high enough on the list. Kate is higher then Alice and me."

Scott frowned while Stiles said. "We're open room suggestions then."

I turned to Alice and we talked with our mind connection for a minute before she frowned and I told them. "I'll do it. I'm the top of the list and I have a way to come back even if my body technically dies. But we're going to need help from Kira and a few others."

Kira spoke up. "I'll do it."

I nodded. "Very well. I'll call Chris and Scott can call his mother. We're going to need everyone, including Deaton on board to get it to work."

I made my calls and Chris said he'd be over with what we needed. Deaton said the same. Once Scott was done talking to his mother we waited for them to show up. When Erica and Derek did so, they'd brought Braeden with them.

I sighed. "Good this is gonna work then."

Scott asked. "So what's the plan?"

My grin couldn't be stopped as I turned to him. "You're all going to kill me. Or more specifically, Chris is. Most of you will be backup in case Kate and her friends show up. Chris, you brought the heavy artillery right?"

He pulled out a belt of grenades and smiled. "This should do the trick."

I nodded and turned to Deaton. "You've brought what I asked for right?"

He frowned but nodded. "This would kill any supernatural I've ever heard of."

He showed a stake covered in wolfsbane and mistletoe. I turned to Stiles. "I got the idea from you, thanks for that. It's mountain ash covered in wolfsbane and mistletoe."

I told them the plan while Alice frowned, not happy that I was actually planning to die, albeit temporarily. We staged an accident in the middle of the loft and Alice did the honors. I pulled my mental avatar into her mind while she ripped off my physical arms and head.

When she was done she shoved the stake into my heart. It was a strange feeling to watch your own body die. Chris sent the message that he couldn't get a confirmation as the police were showing up to get the body.

Alice followed them closely to the hospital morgue where Malissa took over and signed off on my body. Chris had the hospital wired with the feeds leading to the laptops. After half an hour the benefactor still hadn't sent the cash but a guest did arrive. Kate and her berserkers fought the wolves and everyone else while Alice guarded my body.

Chris used the grenades but only managed to take an arm off of one toff the berserkers and wound it badly. Kate left after that and took her pets with her. After an hour the benefactor has no signs of showing up and my body was starting to go cold so we ended the trap.

Alice put me back together and Kira jump started my heart. Once it was beating again it healed at a rapid paces as the other body parts were physically connected.

When my head was reattached I felt my mind scape there. It seems the mind scape is also part physical as well since it only showed signs of deteriorating and not a full collapse. I went pack into my body and set to work fixing my mind scape.

When I was finished I opened my eyes and turned to Alice who slapped me before saying. "Don't you ever ask me to do that again!"

I smiled weakly before hopping off the slab. "At least we're know one thing, the benefactor is someone who doesn't need visual confirmation. They knew I was still alive or they would have come to see for themselves."

Chris frowned. "What are you saying, it's some type of reaper or something?"

I shook my head and looked to Lydia. "No, not a reaper."

She caught on. "A banshee."

The entire room went silent and she continued. "It's not me! I'm the only banshee in this town. Meredith commuted suicide."

I shrugged. "Like I did?"

Lydia frowned. "Are you suggesting she faked her death? That's not possible, she'd need someone to help her at the very least-"

Stiles spoke up. "Someone that would take a bribe and keep their mouth shut? Someone that works at Eichen house? Guys it's Brunski!"

I shrugged. "Doesn't matter now. I've done my good deed and got dismembered for you lot. I'm heading home for a meal and some really trippy drugs to forget today for at least a weak. Don't call me unless someone here is about to die."

I headed to the door and Stiles asked. "So that's it? You're just going to leave the heavy lifting to us?"

I turned and moved so fast only Alice could see me and grabbed him by the throat. He dangled in the air as visions of my time with the Romanian's circled my mind. "Boy I've bled for your little group and I've just come back from death to get you your answers. You'd better think twice before you assume you're left with the hard parts. You've no idea what it took just to decide on this coarse of action. I spent a thousand years as a torture puppet that made today look like the best day of your fucking life. Speak again and I'll give you those memories to live with."

I dropped him and he started coughing. I flashed my eyes as Alice took my hand, no longer mad at me but sad. She led me to the door before I actually gave him the memories or killed him for his mouth.

I spent the rest of the day in a drug induced haze as I emptied hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of drugs into my system. All designed to bring my mind and body to a calm relaxing state. Alice came in the room with a pick teddy and five gallon bag of shrooms.

That was the last I remember of the week clearly. Most of it became blurs of sex and what was clearly imaginary cartoon level creatures. By the end of it I was convinced we owned the Cheshire Cat and it wanted to be my friend. FernGully was real and my pixie was queen of the forest.

I didn't come down until Scott arrived at the loft with a bunch of homeless werewolves from Satomi's pack. Alice told them. "You'll be safe here, there are plenty of bedrooms and showers. Each closet is stocked with clothes of all sizes for guests who stay over for parties. There's food in the fridges and the first two floors are extra rooms. Once Ryan clears his head a bit he and I will watch for any assassins or dumb hunters that come for you all."

Derek was with them but from what Scott says he's no longer on the list. When I straightened myself and broke my arm to force the healing to speed up I grunted. "So you've almost completed the last step to evolution. Do you know what the last step is?"

He shook his head. "No, what?"

I chuckled. "I'll leave it as a surprise. You can't really evolve if you know the whole process. It's your mothers genes by the way, when I bit you I tasted the mutation that allowed for evolution. I left it there in case you actually managed to start the process. It's a good thing."

I turned to the wolves before saying. "You're safe now. This is my territory. If anyone, hunter, assassin or other steps into it without permission, they'll find out what makes me the most dangerous werewolf alive."

My words had a calming effect on them as I turned to Alice. "Show then around I'll go take care of any uninvited guests."

That night I stood guard and slaughtered twenty professional hunters with swat tactical gear. Even when Scott came down to tell me the dead pool was over I finished them off before turning to him in my towering shifted form.

I turned back and spoke. "They came for cash to take innocent lives. I won't apologize or let anyone that does so off. I don't blame you for not wanting to kill, but I will not take judgement from someone who has never experienced what it means to be a wolf. They came into my territory seeking to do harm to those I protect. I am a werewolf, I don't care for their reasons or motives, I don't want revenge or petty needs to get back at them. I kill and protect all of my territory."

I walked passed him saying. "Judge me when you understand me."

I took the elevator upstairs and told the hiding wolves. "They're all dead and the dead pool is over. You're free to leave when you want and free to stay as long as you want. This building and all that reside in it are under my protection."

I walked passed them and headed for the shower to get the blood off. "Derek, call Braeden and Chris, tell them to have someone clean up the lobby of my place. I'll pay whomever does so. Make sure Stilinski knows I killed them all. He can call it self defense or whatever he wants."

Alice picked up a sign that says beware of dogs and private property. I washed the blood off my body while they took care of everything. Satomi and what's left of her pack decided to stay. Scott borrowed Derek's pool house for his first date with Kira.

The last I heard they were kidnapped by Kate and the berserkers. Peter was summoning the search party and conveniently enough Chris went missing while Alice and I weren't invited.

Even though it was a full moon I decided to go in wolf form to watch it all. I went anyway though I flew by private jet with Alice to see it all go down. We watched the whole fight outside the church. I regained the ability to shift after the moon passed its apex so I did just that.

When Kate fled and Chris chased I came out clapping. Derek has finally completed his evolution and regained his power.

He was now a full alpha again with an extra perk, he could change into a full wolf at will and was no longer completely bound by the moon. "Good job little wolf. You've done me and your mother proud."

He turned to me as his eyes flashed purple. He growled. "You knew I'd have to die!"

I shrugged. "There's always a price for power and I'm sure your mother went through the same. If it helps I made sure no one touched your body while you were out. That was when you were at your most vulnerable after all."

He sighed. "What now?"

I shrugged. "You rebuild your pack, perhaps take Satomi and the rest under your wing and protect your territory. One day when he's ready Scott might challenge you for territory or he might move away. Who knows. The decisions lay with you. What do you feel you should do?"

He nodded slowly and turned to Braeden. I smiled and left them to it before turning to the Calavera's matriarch. "You're letting Kate get away just like that?"

She shrugged. "I made a deal with Christopher that he'd be the one to bring her in. In exchange I wouldn't hunt Scott for turning the innocent boy into a werewolf."

I snorted. "Whatever. You hunters and your rules. Either way it doesn't matter, I smelled the wolfsbane bullet he caught her with. Even if she escapes it won't be easy to live through it. So, shall we see what Scott and the others are up to?"

As I said that they came out. I frowned. "Damn, did I miss the show?"

Scott snorted. "Peter's inside, we're bringing him back to be locked up in Eichen house."

I shrugged. "Suit yourself. He may one day be your father in law after all."

He blushed awkwardly while Malia and Kira hung on his arms. Alice spoke up. "We have the private jet ready for the trip back for whoever wants to ride with us."

Over the next few months many things happened as a result of that night. Scott came to me for a bite of his own and for training his mind to encompass the wolf. what he really needed was more control and understanding of what it meant to be a werewolf.

He'd been guessing and using trial and error for so long that he had no real clue to the extent of his abilities. Derek and Erica have been busy with training his new pack members and occasionally helping Braeden so I was the only one left qualified to train Scott.

While we did that Alice took Lydia and Malia to a dojo where she taught them fighting techniques and trained Lydia to control her abilities. Chris continued his hunt for Kate while Stiles and Scott mostly hung out together. Kira was there on the fringe trying to do some meditation of her own to help stay in control of the fox spirit inside her.

Peter of course ended up in Eichen house where he had a five star stay by the five point restraint system. As school came to a close and I finished teaching Scott all I had to, I left him to figure out the rest on his own. His wolf would provide the answers to that though.

Towards the end of the school year Lydia had asked me to visit the police precinct with her to see if I knew what her friend was. I took one whiff of the police deputy and snorted. "You're a hellhound. Boy aren't you pungent as well. You smell like burnt dog hairs."

The officer in question, deputy Jordan Parrish asked. "What's a hellhound?"

I handed him the same beastiary I did Lydia a few months back and told him to read up on it. Lydia asked me. "Are you sure?"

I nodded. "I am. The smell is unmistakable. Hellhounds only ever show up in places of great tragedies and slaughters. They are the supernatural equivalent of the clean up crew. Though some have been compared to the druids as keepers of the balance."

I continued. "The real keepers of the balance though are the Ghost Riders. They take people either connected to or know about the supernatural world and basically hypnotize them into a coma inside their pocket dimension."

I turned back to Parish. "Everything I know about hellhounds is in there and it's not a lot. Read up on them if you want though I'd advise you to take the information you find elsewhere with a grain of salt. Fiction writing tends to exaggerate an overcompensate to sell books."

He nodded. "Thanks for this, I really appreciate it."

I smiled. "No problem. A friend of Lydia's is a friend of mine. If you have any questions just ask and I'll try to answer them if I can."

I left them both there while I went to meet up with Scott for the last training session. His mind scape was built and he was prepared to face his wolf so I was only really there to make sure nothing went wrong.

When he finished I told him he was free to do as he pleased because I no longer needed to teach him anything. I went on summer vacation with Alice after that. We went to visit Alison and Isaac for a while.

From what I heard Kira went with her parents to New York. Malia spent her summer with her step father who decided he could live with the crazy if it meant he could see her every now and then. Scott had work and while he and Stiles had wanted to give the five hundred grand they'd taken from the orphan's locker back both i and Derek told them to keep it.

It was Peter's money and he most certainly didn't need it any longer. I'd already traced the online banking system Meredith had used to pay the assassins and retrieved the rest of it. That went back into the Hale vault for Malia if Peter never got out.

Braeden, Chris and Derek spent their summer hunting for Kate, the desert wolf aka Malia's mother and the body my father is hiding in.

next chapter
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Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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Stone -- Power Stone
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lỗi Mẹo

Báo cáo hành động bất lương

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