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35.02% A True Beginning / Chapter 69: Ch.11

Chương 69: Ch.11

It was a bit of a turn on so when I gripped Sam's ass and began pounding again, shaking the facility, Janet blushed as she was unable to turn away. I knew why now as it was my spark of divinity showing as my body hummed with primal lust and fertility.

I could smell her body moistening up in case I was interested. When Sam went over the edge again and I knotted she lay with her stomach across the table as I pumped her full of my seed. When I pulled out I'd swear a gallon of it flowed out onto the floor while she moaned.

I slapped her ass and told her. "Hurry up with your books and stuff and we'll continue this in the house."

I teleported away as she pulled up her cargo pants and Janet was finally released from my presence as she fell to the floor in a puddle of her own moist liquid she'd ejected from watching and her body anticipating my needs.

I arrived to find all four of my wives going down on each other with chocolate syrup and whip cream involved. Things only got more interesting from there as I entered Buffy in one smooth stroke causing her to yelp then push back into me as she took all of me.

Another ten hours later and all five women were severely full and having had a super high metabolism that was saying something. I'd cooked them fourteen steaks sources with fries and pasta. All while screwing them stiff as I went. I wasn't about to waste a moment of it so it certainly made cooking interesting.

Faith was the last to finish and the last to ride before the arm bands fell off. She passed out as I held her and finished off in her. Alice's head was in Buffy's lap while Sam's was in Lexi's while they slept it off.

I simply laid back and let Faith come with me as I let myself sleep for the first time in nearly a year. I relived the memories in my dreams and woke up to Faith doing the same only acting on them in real life as she road me while still asleep.

I went back to sleep when she collapsed, finding her own release. There I simply relived it all until I sensed the girls starting to awaken. I'd already healed them of the after effects and now it was time to grab a shower and do the same for both Daniel and Jack.

Sam was in for a doozy as she woke up just as Lexi came in her sleep. She got a face full of squirt that woke her wide up quickly. Lexi sat up a moment later embarrassed as she hadn't been expecting that either. Alice got the sam from Buffy so it was a shared experience.

After we all grabbed a bath as they were shaky legged today, I headed to the compound after cleaning up. They went back to sleep after grabbing a meal. Over the next month I scanned and broke several Za'tarc, which were humans being controlled through a sort of hypnotic machine that made them into sleeper agents.

I stopped by the Tok'ra headquarters and did the same there repeatedly. It'd became a whole ordeal until I gave both groups the mind arts books and demanded they read it all and practice it. My own people studied it like the Bible on earth.

They were proficient to varying degrees but all were enough to fend off the work of a goa'uld level technological machine. During that whole debacle a Jaffa from a group Bra'tac has been in contact with trying to sway them to join my worlds showed showed up at the SGC.

She came to meet me as a last minute precaution by both Bra'tac and Egeria. She spoke of communication between herself and her goa'uld and convincing it to switch sides and become Tok'ra.

I read it's mind and while it tried to hide it I saw clearly that it was lying. I walked to her side slowly while giving the team the signal. They each backed away slowly as I told her. "Bring it out, I wish to speak with it in it's own tongue."

She had little more than a moment as I suspected before the goa'uld popped out. It screeched and I grabbed it, yanking it free of her as Teal'c rushed and caught while she screamed. "Why?"

I crushed the goa'uld in my hand before saying. "It was lying obviously. It wanted an in with the Tok'ra to use as leverage with the system lords so as to gain a favorable position with them."

I handed it to Janet as she came in saying. "Another specimen. Don't worry, it's dead."

I turned to Teal'c holding the female Jaffa. "Come back after she's got a symbiote and you're not hating me too much."

He went to speak and I shook my head with a smile and raised eyebrow. He nodded and I teleported him to the Tok'ra with the women he liked. Jack asked. "Are you sure she can get a baby snake with the Tok'ra in time?"

Sam answered. "Egeria is the queen that spawned all Tok'ra two thousand years ago and last week we sent her a sample of Osiris's genetic material."

Jack looked to me now. "You're going to be a daddy? Congratulations and eww."

I snorted. "Sam wished to see the results and the success was a surprise to me as well. I figured the attempt might kill her in the process but Egeria notified us a couple days ago that she survived, albeit barely. They're nearly immortal from what I've been able to tell and they carry the soul markers of immature god essence. They have the potential at least, to achieve godhood without help. They also don't need a host to survive as they can do so in nearly any liquid including blood."

Sam was quite happy as well saying. "There were ten thousand of them but only three carry the god markers while the rest were given hosts the day they were born. Their hosts were the former Jaffa turned super army that volunteered. The last three weren't born fully mature like the rest appear to have been and from our estimates it'll take them three hundred years to do so!"

Jack frowned. "Aren't you worried they'll, I don't know, die when changing Jaffa?"

I shook my head. "Not in the slightest. The larva of a goa'uld lengthens the Jaffa's lifespan and as such they can make the Jaffa and eventual host if they choose to take one, immortal as well or damn near anyway."

I sighed. Teal'c will have his own decision to make while he's there as well. If he chooses to incubate one of the three, he will stop aging completely and his strength will increase three fold. Not anywhere near what yours was before but enough to fight the new breed of vampires I made for a minute or two. He will inevitably outlive his own son Rya'c. So you see, there are downsides as well."

Two weeks later he returned carrying the larval Tok'ra of my child. A bit weird to bring it up in conversation but after an awkward minute or two that made me laugh he got over it. He ended up thanking me for sending him with her as everything was explained to him before he took on the symbiote.

After he'd been told he could outlive Rya'c he almost refused until Egeria, who personally guarded all threes mentioned him giving up the larva should he complete his task and free all Jaffa from goa'uld tyranny. There would inevitably be someone to take up the task then or it could simply swim in a tank or pool till it matures as it doesn't need a Jaffa to raise it.

The other two, one given to the female Jaffa I sent and the last one sent back with him in a tank, we're now in safe hands. Sam kept it in an aquarium in her lab and from time to time she would read science books to it. I would occasionally relay it's thoughts and questions to her while it learned.

When it asked about science I let Sam teach it, but when it asked about ascension and godhood, I taught it. It wanted to try for godhood and ascension so I promised to take it to the primordial home worlds of the goa'uld some day and let it feast on their souls and essence to help it for that step.

Until then every subject and piece of history fascinated it. Even with Egeria's genetic memory it was a curious little one. It wanted to know everything and at times I was asked to make sure it had a soul or that it wasn't goa'uld.

It did have a soul and it wasn't goauld, it just wasn't entirely Tok'ra either which stumped them. I merely told them it was interested in everything because it wanted new experiences for itself to judge. With that they all began teaching it everything each time Sam was out or I had her busy.

We even found Jack talking about fishing to it and Hammond talking about his granddaughters to it. Both of which ordered Sam to deny all knowledge of said events but they only asked me to do the same.

I didn't take Sam in the lab any more and that was basically the only change that effected me much. Teal'c occasionally sat in for Sam's talks and lessons as the other one was curious as well. He was a bit surprised when his metal emblem of Apophis's first prime fell off one day.

The symbiote said it made him sad so it healed him. His tattoo underneath was healed as well. Teal'c was a mixture of feelings from it but ultimately rolled with it. I found him sparring with Jack and using slayer moves and some of my old techniques one day and while it improves his style I was really confused until I read his symbiote's mind.

It had memories that surfaced or simply came to be from out of nowhere that it showed him to improve his fighting style when he practiced. When I put Teal'c against Faith and Buffy they kicked his ass as he didn't have slayer strength but then he wasn't exactly a slayer.

His skills improved further as they beat on him. From then on Jack opted for warm up but that was all since he'd seen their first spar. Egeria met with the president without any worries as the Tok'ra had memorized and utilized the mind arts book religiously as their survival depended on it.

They would pretend to become Za'tarc and act until they were out of Ba'al's, Anubis's and even Morrigan's hands. They fed false information to each of them in turn and were able to resist the mind probe of Anubis's. The goa'uld were fighting each other thinking they were killing Tok'ra.

Hell, there was a meeting on it called by Ba'al where I in turn disregarded his worries saying. "The Tok'ra are no more a threat to me than a bug to a giant. Beneath my notice. I'm busy rebuilding my fleet right now so I'll ask that you not bug me with these trivial pursuits."

Ba'al nodded. "Of course, though they are a concern for the rest of us so we shall endeavor without you until such a time as it is required to bring you in once more."

I read each of them and while my words set them on edge as they began scrambling to rebuild their own fleets and further strengthen their power, they feared I would turn such tactics against them if they annoyed me too much.

All of their own reports said I was rebuilding my fleet and army as I took in Jaffa and humans from those that traded in such things. They of course never heard from them again so they hadn't a clue what I was doing with them.

They'd all found it a literal headache to focus on my territory too much and easily released it by focusing on something else. Two weeks after that meeting I felt a disturbance in the time field thanks to Illyria's essence. I teleported to the singularity and was struck with Jack, Teal'c and an archeologist whom they were sent there to meet and woke up deep inside Sam as she was ridding me at the breakfast table in the house.

At first I didn't know what to make of it but when she clenched and found her release I growled and went with it. Several hours later I was with her and the team in the briefing room listening to Jack and Teal'c complain about deja vu.

When they mentioned the planet I reached out before saying. "The planet in question is the focal point of a quantum sub space bubble that encompasses fourteen stargate worlds in a field of time energy that is repeating the time loop. It's a failed ancient device that was meant to send the survivors of the plague back in time to prevent it from ever happening. They gave up on it and like many of their technology pieces they left it there for others to stumble upon and fiddle with."

They took Jack and Teal'c more seriously now as they knew I wouldn't lie. I turned to Jack and Teal'c. "I'm leaving this mess to you. I quite enjoy where it starts me out each time while I can now absorb the time essence and make a seed of it given enough, well, time."

Sam frowned. "What about all the things happening outside of the bubble?"

I shrugged. "I can still feel the outside as I've some time magic's of my own inside me thanks to sharing essence with Illyria. I'm sure she'd kick herself if she knew I had this opportunity. If anything bad happens I'll break the bubble myself and go save them. Beyond that I'm enjoying this experience too much to quit now."

I went into meditation simply sitting there and closing my eyes while drawing in time energy and particles. Several dozen loops of meditation and sex later and I was close to fully forming the seed. By the time Jack and Teal'c figures out there were no consequences I'd finished the seed as it joined the magic and ZPM energy.

Began making seeds and drawing in energy to make more of each seed while experimenting with souls. I killed a random animal and took in it's soul. When the next loop came and it had a soul again I grinned as I farmed the fourteen planets of billions of souls. The majority of which came from earth as I wiped them all out moments before it began again.

I made sure to check and make sure they each had souls when it restarted but from there it was soul food central. After nearly fifty resets I was bursting with essence as I distilled it all and my body barely contained it all. As I distilled it down to god sparks and essence it still filled me though I could handle it now.

That plus the ten time seeds, fifty ZPM seeds and one hundred magic seeds made feel invincible as my stars of magic and ZPM had reached a point of critical mass as the seeds had stopped actively producing after fifty thousand of each. Stars of time energy were forming as well though at a much slower rate even with the bubble.

I was happy enough as I spent the last few cycles before Jack and Teal'c fixed just having sex and satisfying my urges. When they summoned me and the archeologist asked if I could bring his wife back I shrugged. "Sure, if she's not already reincarnated. But I should warn you if she's in a heaven dimension or hell dimension she could come back effected by those places."

Jack frowned. "Why didn't you say something like that about Charlie?"

I shrugged. "All children are in a light heaven dimension unless they were soulless or pure evil psychopaths. I knew where he was and how to block him from remembering. Don't worry, it'll only effect him for the good. He was in a good place."

The doctor demanded I bring her back and I waved a hand killing him while ripping out his soul growling. "You, mortals don't command me!"

I burned his soul before sending it back into his body as I revived him. Still he begged and i relented when Lexi and Sam asked. I turned off the altar and destroyed the ruins, returning them to the earth before taking his wife's holo image.

I reached into the ether through the seeds and pulled her out of the heaven realm she was in. I rebuilt her body calling on the elements and a locket of her hair he'd kept.

When she formed nude I gave her clothes before telling the archeologist. "She's back but you'd better remember the price for you arrogance. I've branded your soul, marking it as damned. If you commit any more serious crimes such as forcing billions to suffer for your own weakness, it will drag your soul out of your body, straight to the nearest hell dimension. If however you never do such a thing again it will disappear upon your natural death."

I turned and teleported away. I found Illyria and she informed me I'd been out of reach for three months. Spike's kids were already halfway to being born. I told her where and what I was doing and she was shocked. I'd actually stunned the old one into silence.

My own grasp over the time magic's was beyond hers now but that wasn't what made her envy me. It was the essence I now had. I couldn't help but feel satisfied at her jealousy. When I went back to earth she went with me as to see the results.

When she saw no adverse effects I told her. "It must've been the souls in the ether that the reality sacrificed to me to stay stabilized. I wasn't really taking their souls, not in the end as they were returned to them. The souls came from the already dead. No wonder I feel such a pure energy from it. They were already purified."

Her jealousy was evident now as I chuckled as she snorted. "That just means I shall have to work harder to achieve ascension."

Nodded I agreed. "True and you already have enough essence to do so. Once it's time I'll take you to where I intend to begin ascension. It's inside a time bubble as well so you'll be able to achieve results with the time magic's as well before we ascend."

She nodded and I sent her back to Chulak. The next mission the team went on was with my spawn as it was to a goa'uld spawning world. There they were studying unas, goa'uld evolution and mining for naquadah.

Daniel met a friend and I encouraged it as the unas in question was Cha'ka, a young alpha unas who'd killed the previous camp leader of his people with a bit of unseen assistance. The Unas did the mining as the SGC made their pact with them. The unas mined so the SGC could use it to fight the goa'uld.

Cha'ka taught Daniel the Unas language as archaic as it was. I spent the day watching my spawns feast as Teal'c was with me and Sam. He'd let the one inside him out for the feast. They'd both wiped out billions across the planet, queens and all.

When they returned I helped them suggest the essence and souls they'd instinctively knew how to take in. Teal'c took it back in and we left the last ocean on the planet. The planet was barren of goa'uld life when we left it. I warned the Unas about it but they were ecstatic by the news.

They could actually eat the fish without worrying about being taken over now. They were so happy they came out of their caves to thank us with cries and happy shouts. They left the archeologists alone while they worked except Daniel who was happy to interact with them.

My spawn were full now and although they needed no more there were more worlds I owned with goa'uld pits. I just filled the girls with as much as their unprepared bodies could safely hold before letting Illyria take on the rest which she happily did.

When she too had reached a certain capacity I gathered the rest into one ocean of a planet I'd removed the stargate on. There I left them for later when the girls are ready for more or my other spawn asks to join the other to in preparation.

Both my spawn were happy and very excitable ever since. It'd actually taken Illyria far more goa'uld souls to fill up than human ones because of their size and capacity. The primal goa'uld were little more than beasts with genetic memories.

She'd personally emptied out all but two of my goa'uld infested worlds in a third of the galaxy so that was saying a lot! She'd thrummed with excitement when I told her what I had planned. As it was I was focused on increasing my time stars while the team was off world relocating some people to some new planet as a routine mission they'd been working on for months now.

When they called form me I saw the problem and fixed it. I read AI mind of the body the alien ship created to communicate with the people to tell them to move. When I copied all it's information and all the technological advanced race's technology information from it's data banks I sent the Enkaran's to their original home world where they were supposed to end up centuries ago.

The ship had overlooked that planet as a possible one to recolonization and terraform because it was inhabited already. With a thanks from the Enkarans and the ships AI sent the team back before the ship took up the stargate and DHD into storage for it's people to use later.

I blast burned the planet speeding up the process for the ship as the land turned into a sulfur covered mass. When I was done the ship began it's process to recolonize and rebuild the race it was built from.

I left as I went to grab a shower to wash off the sulfur and expel the poisonous fumes from my pores. The shower turned black for a while but after I was clean I felt good enough to seek out Lexi.

A few weeks later I had to help Jack and the team start a rebellion on a planet that used slaves to power the city. It wasn't too awful hard as I just brought all their memories back and they did the rest. Chaos reigned as people screamed and died in the streets. It wasn't exactly what they had planned but it's what the people there deserved.

Sam finally got around to upgrading their satellites to scan the planet for alien technology. It wasn't sophisticated enough to find advanced technology like the ancient's completed works but it was enough to point out materials not common to earth.

With it they found an alien escape pod and the accompanying aliens along with a goa'uld ship in Egypt that was posing as apart of a temple. That added with some stasis jars with dead goa'uld in it including the Osiris goa'uld I admitted to killing and some old goa'uld hand devices were the most they'd found in one spot.

They did end up finding a ZPM in a stasis jar with a camera that showed a crappy goodbye tape and best of luck wishes. I wasn't on it of course as I'd have simply brought them back. When I picked up the ZPM I told them. "It's from an alternate reality. They messed with time and created an alternate reality from it. The energy inside is useable and stable but it cannot be recharged like those I have."

Perhaps I said to much as Jack asked. "What is it?"

I sighed. "It's am ancient designed power source used to power their weapons, shields, ships and all sorts of technology including boosting power to the stargate to dial other galaxies. And no, you can't recharge it so if you use this one up you're screwed. I'm not supplying your world with ancient technology and if it weren't detected by your satellites I'd have happily let it sit there until you all needed it."

Sam frowned. "What powers it?"

I smiled now. "A pocket dimension filled with the energy taken from sub space. The same energy that I said before was unique to this dimension. It's charged by satellites that take in heavy elements from the stars themselves that give off said energy. I'll repeat it now, it's not rechargeable and once it's empty that's it."

She nodded. "I heard you, but I also heard you say that it can't be recharged like the ones you have."

I stilled before sighing. "I'll tell you what love, you agree to marry me and to become immortal and I'll give you all the power cells you can play with once I've showed you all of my plans for helping to shape earth."

She stilled now as she looked at me very seriously now. I'd asked her several times to become immortal at the very least and she's refused saying it wasn't what she wanted. Sighing she replied. "Let me think about it at least? It's a lot to take in at once."

I backed off immediately agreeing saying. "Take all the time you need love, I'll be waiting until you decide to agree. I'm a patient man."

I pulled out the ring I'd planned to give her, a diamond ring with ward stones in it and a dimensional pocket where she could store things inside. It was made from all the rarest materials of this reality including Neutronium, the stuff replicators and city ships are made of.

Only a single planet had it in this galaxy. The replicators ate most of it in the Asgard's galaxy and the largest deposit in the wraith's galaxy has human form replicators covering it. Beside the diamond was a solid naquadah stone with liquid naquadria core. It was heavily enchanted never to get to hot or explode.

With the amount of magic and power I'd put into each an every bit of it, it physically gave off a wondrous aura even to those with no magic in them. For someone that could however, they couldn't look directly at it with magic in their eyes as it shown with the power of a thousand suns.

I'd compressed an entire planet of naquadah and the core of said planet as naquadria into the small stone while pouring insane amounts of all three energies I had access to into it. With the amount of power in the ring itself it could fuel a thousand Atlantis's for a hundred million years of constant war.

The last part of it, the part that made it truly unique is that when it was worn it became intangible by other's touch and was impervious to being forced or coerced off of the one who wore it. It protected them absolutely from all dangers, even the all out attack of a full powered regular god for a time.

It was the single most powerful item I've ever made. Each of my wives looked at it while mentally drooling. Each of theirs had their own unique qualities to them as well and I've no doubt I'd be upgrading them soon but for now at least, it was unique.

Sam took it and I told her. "Wear it, even if you don't agree to marry me. It has enough protections on it and enough power in it to protect you from an exploding solar system or standing directly in the center of a black hole. It's has a pocket dimension inside as well with a planet's worth of trinium, naquadah and an entire earth's worth of weapons and ammo."

She was frankly stunned while the girls gathered around. And told her all the other features they could tell I added to it by feel. I had to warn each of them not to look at it directly with magic in their eyes as it would be blinding.

Jack asked while Teal'c and Daniel stood beside him as I backed away. "Between us girls, how much is it worth?"

I shrugged. "To a regular human on an earth not in the know of aliens and technology? Around fifty million to the right buyer. To a race that can identify what it's made of and how much energy it contains? They'd go to war and kill every man women and child on earth to get their hands on it. Even a few ascended would fight to the death for it."

His, Teal'c's and Daniel's eyes shot up as Daniel asked. "Which is worth more, the crystal power source or the ring?"

I shrugged. "Depends in who you asked and when. To me, right now? Neither are worth much unless she says yes. To her right now, probably the crystal as it's an energy source she can quantify. But to your government, if they knew what it could do, they'd have her shot and take the ring at any cost. Even if it broke the crystal power source into pieces and made it unusable."

Teal'c asked. "What can it do?"

I shrugged. "Depends on how it's used. If she wears it, it can do whatever she sets her mind to. The diamond has the heart I ripped out a few years back crystallized in it's core, albeit shrunk down to fit and all that. The gems have more power and a billion potentia, the crystal power core's ancient name, put together. And like I said, there's very little it can't do as it's made from apart of me and has the energy of a thousand suns inside it."

I turned and left them stunned there while I headed to the house to meditate and grow my magic, ZPM energy, and time energy back. The time energy was rather slow so I finally gave up on it for now while I focused on magic that refilled like the Niagara. In no time at all it was back at full capacity.

Then came the ZPM energy, it was a lot harder to refill even with a fifty seeds. It was simply harder to control and focus to what I needed it to do even on just making more automatically it was a pain in the ass to direct.

The ten time seeds were letting out a trickle while the ZPM seeds were letting out a small run off stream, while like I said the magic was like the Niagara and as large as the Nile is wide. And all that was from each seed!

When I finally hat the three stars I'd spent back the day had passed in a flash. I stood up and went to shower before heading to talk to my spawn in the aquarium. It asked for a name and I decided on Damon, a homage to my old friend.

I shared with it the good memories I had with him of the parties and the fun. The kindred feelings I had towards him and the feelings of brotherly love. It wanted to know more so I sat with it and spoke as humans do.

I told it the story of how I'd come to meet him and his growing and becoming a man. I told it about his courage and strength to do what was hard because it was right over what was wrong because it was easy. I described how his choice to become a vampire was taken from him, but his choices to protect his brother, who'd done it to him, were of his own free will.

I told it of his caring heart to others and his ruthlessness to those who would hurt the ones he held dear. I held nothing back as I described him warts and all. By mid morning the next day I was interrupted by Sam coming in to work.

I got out of her way while telling the newly dubbed Damon that I'd continue the story another time. I gave Sam a light kiss before saying. "Sorry love, I got caught up in describing an old friend to him. By the way, he asked for a name and I gave it to him. He likes it I think. He's called Damon now."

next chapter
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