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5.07% A True Beginning / Chapter 10: Ch. 9

Chương 10: Ch. 9

Frowning deeply I sighed and spoke evenly. "Then it's even more reason I should end him and become his prison. I can't let him continue as he has. The innocents alone, well, you've read it, you should know why he needs to be stopped, permanently."

Deaton nodded slowly. "I'm not sure how much help I can be but count me in. You were right there at least. He does need to be stopped. What can I do to help?"

I smiled. "From what I know of the old ones they each have their physical limits. I doubt Maloker is at his so I'll need the super moon to have my own edge and that's a few years away still. For now I need help finding the nemeton and the locations of the rest of them. Beyond that, I'd like any Druidic training and knowledge you can give me, it seems I have a talent for it."

I held up a hand the walls seemed to come alive as branches of mountain ash came out of the all over. My eyes glowed green and they wrapped the room in a decorative pattern, heavily strengthening his barrier.

He watched in amazement before saying. "That is certainly a talent you have there. I've only heard of a handful of Druids throughout history who could do something similar. Your right that you'll need training to say the least."

I let it go and stopped the progression of the branches. They bloomed white flowers and small berries making it seem even more decorative. When I stopped it stayed like that and I hopped off the metal table. "Then I'll see you around for classes. Here's my number, call me when you have it planned out. Hopefully when I know all you do we can come up with a way to weaken him more so I can finish him off. Old ones don't go out without a fight and Maloker least of all."

He took the piece of paper and nodded. "I'll let you know when I'm ready. Do you mind if I call in a few references to get some rarer books and stuff? I'd have to tell them about your gift, not about the rest, but enough that they'd feel obligated to help raising such a talent."

I shrugged. "Knock yourself out. By the way, how did you know about the Hale property and the school donations?"

He smiled. "I was in love with the previous owner of the property. There's not much I don't know about it. When you bought it and had it torn down and rebuilt I did some digging of my own. Not that I found out much other than the obviously fake back story and the school donation."

I frowned. "Obvious?"

He shrugged. "It's not noticeable to the average joe but to those trained to watch out for supernaturals, it's a blaring alarm."

I sighed. "Well, nothing I scan do about that now. Fair warning the Argents May come to you for advice on killing or stopping something like me. Tell them what you want but leave out the family business if you will. They'd only get in the way or end up food to help him grow stronger. Neither of which would end up good for their health."

He nodded. "I'll see what I can do, for now might I suggest you stay away from them?"

I chuckled. "I'll try, but it's a small town after all."

I left right after I said that, running to the house: Alice had taken her car to drive Lydia and Alison home so they could ask their parents permission for a shopping trip. I knew she'd be gone a long while so I headed over to see what my newest pack member was up to.

I found him doing a workout outside. Frowning to myself I went passed him and Into the house. I saw the damage he'd done to the door frame for his pull ups. Sighing I fixed it real fast before heading outside to join him.

After our workouts we sat in meditation. He was trying to build his mind scape while I was building a cage to hold Maloker in. I started with the simple design of Lucifer's cage from supernatural and took it further.

I made the golem from Legacies and placed the cage inside it. It's one duty that I knew and would obey was to keep whatever I put in the cage sealed inside. I added the Naruto seals and devils traps along with angel warding into its DNA.

Taking it a step further I put a lot of mental energy into sealing traps like the barriers and even a devils gate around the golem. When it became its puddled form, unable to reform without my help I put a Seal of Danzalthar over it. After making the seal I felt a headache come on as my brain caught fire and I felt exhausted.

The seal was meant to close dimensions and it took a hell of a lot of mental energy and concentration to make. I'd exhausted all the energy in my body and now I needed to feed. Luckily the moon was beginning to come out when I opened my eyes.

I immediately began stripping as Derek mimicked my actions. He'd grown up around his mother turning into a wolf and knew it wasn't anything to be shy about. When the shift started I let it wash over me. Once I was a full wolf again I turned to see him struggling and growled.

He stopped and let it come as well. Seconds later he was a wolf and it was time to hunt. We went deep into the woods and killed several mountain lions and even a bear I found out of place. I caught the sight of a coyote following us when we made our most resent kill.

When I growled, it's eyes glowed blue and I chuffed. I came over at my signal and began eating as well. After the bear was gone we did a few laps around the territory making sure others hadn't wondered in. We took down another mountain lion and a boar before it was time to head home.

I had the coyote follow us to the house and once she was there, I roared at her, forcing her to shift. I followed her as did Derek. I grabbed my boxers before tossing my shirt and pants to her. Derek put his clothes on as well.

When we were dressed, I broke the silence. "Take her inside and show her Alice's clothes. She can change and grab a shower inside. Once she's done we'll sit down and talk."

I turned to the girl. "Try to run and I'll chase you. I have your scent now and I can smell where your territory was. Stay, Derek will teach you control and you can pick out a room to stay in. You can collect your things from your territory in the morning. Welcome to the pack."

I went inside to grab more clothes and a shower for myself. I heard Derek telling her about us and answering her questions. I ignored them and sent the new information to Alice. She became excited and had Alison and Lydia call their parents to see about getting a five star motel room and staying in LA for the night.

Lydia's mom was more than ok with it while Alison's was reluctant but agreed since it was all girls and Alice was paying. Alice had spoken to her when Alison went to get permission and set them straight on what they understood about us.

They didn't trust us completely but she did point out that our eyes were gold most of the time. She told them since I was special my eyes were unique. But that I hadn't actually killed a human in several thousand years. Not since my time with the Romanian's.

I'd avoided it as the Texas calvary regiment I'd joined saw very little action and no deaths happened directly at my hands. Jasper's hands did the killing while I was more like a human shield for him.

They were more than a little relieved especially after she explained the circumstances behind all my murderous ways. Alison had been waiting in the car with Lydia while she spoke to them. She even offered a truce and explained the reason we were in school being to blend in and not some devious plot.

Chris was the one to give permission after he got her word that no harm would come to his daughter on her watch. An easy enough arrangement as there was very little that could get passed her. After my long shower I headed downstairs to see what they were up to.

I found them both showered and dressed in clean clothes on the porch. Derek was meditating while the now cleaned girl was lazily looking around seemingly bored. I walked out and sat beside Derek in a meditation pose and asked her. "What is your name?"

She sighed. "Does it matter?"

I growled deeply and she snorted. "Malia."

Another growl and she finally got the hint. "Malia Tate."

I nodded. "I'm Zach, Zach Cullen, sometimes Zach Hale. Depending on the time and place my name changes."

She frowned. "Why is that?"

I smiled. "I am immortal. I have to change my name on occasion to make sure humans don't catch on. If you truly become apart of this pack you'll be the same, once you reach maturity that is. You'll simply stop aging. Take Derek here for example. I made him into a real werewolf, his bloodline is pure now, therefore he will no longer age or get sick. Wolfsbane will do little to nothing to him and he'll heal from nearly any injury far quicker than you can now."

Derek spoke up. "Not to mention I'm stronger and faster than I was before."

He opened his eyes and Malia spoke up. "You're an alpha!"

Derek looked confused but turned to me while I smiled wryly. "It's true you're what your people call an alpha, but it's not entirely true what you are. What you call alphas are merely those with potential to be my betas. Every wolf I make is what you call an alpha. They have that spark of extra strength and solidarity that gives them an edge in fights."

I turned and flashed my green eyes. "But I'm the only real alpha there ever was. Red eyes mean nothing as you merely have a spark. Before a blazing inferno a spark is just a byproduct."

Malia gulped and Derek closed his eyes accepting my words. He could feel the difference in our strengths and instinctively knew he'd never beat me. Malia asked slowly. "So you're it then? The first werewolf I mean?"

I nodded. "I'm over nine thousand years old. I don't know the exact age as back then we didn't have calendars. My people hadn't invented any anyway. I didn't know the basic age until another immortal pointed it out to me."

Malia frowned. "Wait, another immoral? Did you make more? I thought you said you were the first."

I chuckled. "You're not really ready for this conversation but yes I am the first werewolf. There are other beings out there that are older than me and most of those have their own immortality. This world has more than werewolves and werecoyotes. When you're ready you'll learn, for now though you need basic training and education. Until you're caught up you won't be doing much else. When I'm not here Derek or Alice will teach you."

Derek's eyes popped open and he looked at me like I slapped him. I chuckled. "She may yet become pack. So yes, you'll do your part to teach her and if necessary train with her. She needs the basics in school work and teachings of the supernatural, not to mention control before I even think of giving her a bite."

Malia just looked confused while Derek sighed. "My family has a training tool for control in the vaults. I'll retrieve it after tomorrow night. I can't risk being around people yet."

I nodded. "It took me a while before I was ready as well. Believe it or not I spent most of my very long life in meditation. My mind is relatively safe from even the strongest mind attacks. I expect you to be able to say the same eventually."

I turned back to Malia. "Both of you. Once you've built your mind scape remembering things becomes as easy as breathing."

I handed Malia the mind arts book saying. "You'll be joining Derek in meditation from today on. Being in your Coyote form for so long may have raised your instincts to animal like levels but your mind will forever be your greatest asset. Remember this is to be taken seriously as one slip up could leave you brain dead or mentally traumatized. I can help with building your mind scape but it'll take time and practice on my part. Before I'm ready."

I left them there to take my words in while I went on a little trip of my own. I broke into Eichen house and spent the the night practicing my claw mind meld technique on the more dangerous patients. Very few were even able to put up a fight before I pinned them and melded with their minds.

After the tenth brain dead patient I finally got results. The eleventh one was the charm. I began experimenting with a wendigo and found I could help build or tear down mind scapes while also introducing and taking information from them. When I finished seeing all its kills I shattered its mind and left.

I tried it on a few of the werewolves with the same results so it was time to leave. The mountain ash barrier meant nothing before me because of my nature control so I was able to slip in and out unnoticed.

When I arrived back at the house morning had set in and both my betas were sound asleep on the porch. The only things we had inside were sleeping bags so I carried them in one at a time and put them to bed.

Malia took over mine as I didn't actually need it anyway. Later in the day while I built more traps in my mind the movers showed up. I directed them to where Alice showed me she wanted things and eventually the newer stuff started to arrive.

The house became a circus of moving stuff and my betas woke up grumpy. I told Derek to have them put his stuff in his room and direct mine and Alice's stuff to our room. I began cooking while Malia crashed on the couch.

Later in the evening Alice showed up with a truck of things she'd bought. The movers unloaded Malia a full room and wardrobe along with amenities. When they finished with her room Derek's was next before they moved on to ours.

The rooms were already painted so we were safe on that but I spent half the evening putting up wallpaper and hanging curtains. A group of hunters showed up with Kate not long after I finished that.

Derek was growling and waiting for my signal. I frowned and shook my head. "Go relax she can't do anything here and if she tries I'll end her here and now."

He snorted but went to his room while I went outside. Kate asked. "Who the hell are you?"

I grinned. "I'm the big bad wolf. You could even say I'm the original big bad wolf, after all I'm the alpha of my entire species."

The hunters around her began to her nervous as I spoke and released my bloodlust and animal urge to kill my prey. They started shaking while Kate snorted and raised her gun, firing at me. They followed suit, emptying their clips in my head. I took the bullets to my head before whipping them off.

I chuckled. "You really shouldn't have done that."

My eyes flashed as I partially shifted and roared. I moved faster than they could see and snapped the two hunters necks before breaking Kate's arm and hand. She screamed in anger and defiance while I chuckled and turned back. I dragged the bodies to her SUV and tossed them into the back.

When I finished I took her guns and weapons before saying. "Get up and get off my property before I pop your head from your shoulders like a pez dispenser."

She slid backwards before getting up and running to her vehicle. She drove off like a bat out of hell. I took the weapons and tossed them onto the passenger seat of Alice's Porsche.

She looked at me before saying. "Don't kill them."

I smiled. "Don't worry, I won't. See to Malia's education. I'll be back before the moon comes up. Tonight's the last night so tell Derek to stay on the property and try not to piss on the carpet."

She smiled and I drove off. I arrived at the Argent's house not long after Kate must have because there was yelling and arguing going on. I picked up the weapons and headed for the door. I rang the door bell and when Chris answered it, he paled. "I swear I didn't know she would-"

I nodded. "Don't worry about it. The only reason she's alive right now is because another has claims on her life. The other two fools paid the price, I hope you don't hold it against me. I was only defending my territory and mate. They're the ones that open fired before I even made a move against them."

He shook his head and Victoria appeared next to him. "We're aware of the situation. Are you here to exact revenge?"

I snorted. "I punished those at fault. I'm only here because they left their toys on my property."

I handed them the guns and knives while saying. "Once I can forgive, but if it happens again, you'll need more than a few hard core extremist racists. I don't forgive easily and if my mate wasn't already in a good enough mood to tell me not to slaughter you all-"

They took a deep breath and I nodded. "You know the consequences. You are responsible for your people. Either get them in line or deal with them. Family is family but business is business and I don't care who you are, the next one that points a gun at me had better be damned sure it kills me."

I handed Chris the chemical Molotov's saying. "You'll find this is what she used last time to start the fire. She brought more this time with the same intentions. Pray she doesn't have Alison with her when Peter catches up to her or she may be his next victim. Derek won't act until Peter has his revenge even though he wants her head just as bad."

I left them there and drove back home to get ready for tonight. When I arrived Derek was already mostly naked on the porch waiting for the moon. I tossed Alice the keys and joined him while Malia was learning math and many other things from Alice.

When the moon rose we shifted and ran into the tree line for another hunt. I could tell he'd made great strides with his wolf as his hunting technique improved remarkably. As the night passed I put him through his paces as his wolf tried to keep up. We ran the whole county forest before returning home to our territory.

There were a few times I had to stop him from going after humans but for the most part he was good. When morning came we were sitting on the porch as we shifted back. As we put on our clothes he asked. "What's our pack symbol?"

I chuckled. "You mean like a coat of arms?"

He nodded. "Every pack has one."

I chuckled. "A human tradition to be sure. I never had one and I've never been inclined to adopt one but if you want we can take up the Hale pack symbol. It means little to me but it might mean something to you and those that remember your old pack."

He nodded. "I think I'd like that. Besides, I don't favor getting another tattoo like I did before."

He showed me his back and I smiled. "Tell you what, I'll get a necklace made for myself as needles can't penetrate my skin. Maybe a jacket as well."

He beamed with pride and nodded telling me what the triskelion stood for in his mind. When I heard it I smiled. "While the logic is solid for your old standards you'll find that rising to my rank is impossible. I was made unique and I doubt there will be another able to take it or rise to my level."

He shrugged. "You're the first werewolf. I doubt anyone could take your place even if they could beat you. We descended from you and that alone should stop others from trying."

I sighed. "Life is never that simple my friend. Now that the girls are settled in why don't you go get some rest I know you're tired. Once you wake up I'll help you form a solid mind scape and build a descent defense against intruders. It should give you something close to eidetic memory as well. There are other benefits like control but it'll still take some time even with my help."

After he went inside I felt a pair of soft breasts on my back and a cold breath on my neck. After a quick kiss to my neck my mate had a meal of me. When she was satisfied I pulled her around onto my lap and found my own pleasurable feast.

We took our lovemaking into the woods as I tore her panties entering her up against a tree. After a passion filled morning we got cleaned up and headed to school. We'd skipped enough now and it was time to catch up.

Lydia met us at our lockers and took Alice with her and Alison to gossip. They wore their fancy new dresses and showed off the designer clothes to the male population. Chuckling to myself I went to classes while ignoring the constant whispering of the humans about their ideas for my mate and her friends.

Throughout the day I noticed Isaac Lahey staring at me. When Alice whispered to me. "He's so cute, he's like a mini you without the bad boy charm or wolf appeal."

I growled back. "Love, are you interested in him? Do I need to kill my own twin?"

She snorted. "You know I'd never fall for a pale imitation. I have the original right here."

I felt her hug me from behind knowing she'd moved closer to tease me. She sighed. "Besides, he's not yet as grown up as you are. He'd need a few years-"

A growl vibrates in my chest and the kids around us instinctively backed away. She released me before swinging around for a kiss and walking towards her friends. During lunch Isaac finally got the courage to come over and introduce himself.

He sat down across from me and held out a hand. "My name's Isaac, you look like me."

I snorted a chuckle while Alice told him. "Actually, he's older than you so you look like him."

He raised an eyebrow and I told him. "I'm a sophomore and although I just moved here I can definitely say I'm older than you. My name's Zach by the way and this is the love of my life, Alice. Fair warning I'd beat anyone down that's dumb enough to make a move on her."

He nodded slowly. "Fair enough. So are we related or something? Or is it just coincidence?"

I chuckled. "I highly doubt we're related. My birth family's all dead and my adoptive family is a lot farther north from here. Either it's coincidence or fate that we look alike, either way it's nice to meet you."

I shook his hand and turned to our only other table guest at the moment. "Same goes to you. We can be friends so long as you keep your mind off my girl."

The kid in question spoke up. "I'm Vernon Boyd. People usually call me Boyd when they talk to me."

I snorted. "Well that's dumb. I'm thinking V-man sounds way better than a last name for a nickname. But if I have to call you by a regular name Vernon works far better than Boyd."

He seemed to lighten up from his depressed look. "V-man sounds good to me."

I held out a hand. "Well hello V-man, I'm Zach and this is Alice and Isaac."

He shook my hand and we got to eating before Lydia sat down next to Alice. Alison sat next to Isaac probably thinking he was me because she stared back and forth between us until Alice kissed me. She smiled. "You know you two could be twins."

I chuckled while Isaac laughed for a while. A moment later I moved and tore off my belt, catching a girl as she fell. I folded my belt and put it between her teeth as she started to convulse.

When she came to a few minutes later I helped her up and took my belt back. She thanked me before asking. "How did you know to do that?"

I smiled. "My stepfather is a ER doctor up in Washington. He raised me to watch for medical signs. When I saw your bracelet and the lag in your gate, I knew it was about to hit you. Alice, take her to the bathroom and help her get cleaned up. I'm sure you have spare cloths for her."

She nodded and Alison helped as they left. Lydia grabbed her purse and followed. Isaac said. "That was amazing, how'd you know it wouldn't hurt her to use a belt?"

I showed him the belt in question. "Soft leather with silk lining. She'd have bit through it before it could hurt her. Useful but ruined now."

He frowned. "Where can I get one like that?"

I shrugged. "You'd have to ask Alice. She's the clothes shopper. I have very little taste for fashion so she takes pity on me and shops for me. The good part is she loves shopping so it's all good. If you want I can have her do some shopping for you. She'd love it I'm sure. Though you'd probably end up looking like me by the time she's done."

V-man spoke up. "It's not a bad look if you ask me. Looks expensive though."

I chuckled. "Money's not an issue for us. I own forty percent of nearly every major computer and electronics company out there."

He seemed to catch on. "So you're super rich?"

I nodded. "I guess. I've never really counted it all but I do have money. Tell you what, anything she buys for you is on us. Think of it as a gift for willing to sit with the new kids. Alison and Lydia were treated the same when she made her friends, let me treat my new friends."

They both looked shocked and I smiled. "Find me after school, my car's arriving today so we can go out to do something while she takes the girls for a shopping trip."

They agreed and we switched topics to fun things like games and cars. I told them of my stepbrothers game collection and his girlfriends car collection. When lunch ended I called Derek and told him to bring my car to the school when he got up and about.

On the way out of the cafeteria I found the girls coming out of the bathroom. Their new friend, Erica, was dressed in a new dress. Alice had an entire wardrobe in our lockers for her emergency fashion changes. I didn't mind since I was the cause of most of her fashion changes when I ruined her clothes.

She was telling Erica about an acne cream she knew worked as she'd convinced me to make it for the mortal friends Bella found. She gave me a look that said I'd better help this girl or I'd be in the dog house. Sighing I realized it would be good for them if I let Derek turn them.

They wouldn't leave a stronger pack as I was Derek's alpha and they'd know I would protect them. I gave Alice that thought and she nodded. I turned to the guys and told them I'd see them in the parking lot after school.

Alice took my arm and we strolled to our next class. As we finished the last class of the day I noticed Derek waiting by my classroom door. Chuckling I walked past him and headed to my locker to drop all my school stuff off.

Alice split up to find the girls while Derek followed me to the car. We sat on the hood while we waited for the guys. I told him my plan ending with. "You'd make a great leader, even if you're not an alpha of my caliber I can admit you've made great strides to reach it in the past few days I've known you. I'm not saying turn them all now, but maybe after Peter is dealt with."

He sighed. "You're not leaving are you? Is it something I did?"

I chuckled. "Relax, I'm not leaving and you've done nothing wrong. I've been thinking on it for a while now and I've come to realize a pack of your own would help you understand what being an alpha is like. I'll still be there for advice and help if you need it but they could help you in the long run. I should warn you though that while your bite will turn them into other betas they'll be around Peter's strength and they won't have the spark you have. Neither will they be immortal."

He nodded slowly and accepted my words while thinking on his plans for his pack. When Alice showed up with the girls and her newest friend, she kissed me before introducing Derek to them.

Lydia and Alison were skeptical because of the school incident but he straight up told them. "I had nothing to do with the school incident. In all honesty those two idiots have caused me all manor of problems. I'm sorry if what they've lied about dampens your opinion of me."

Lydia cheered up as she looked him over. "No problem. They've done enough damage in my opinion. I'm glad that at least they're in trouble for it all."

Alison sighed. "You really weren't chasing us through the school?"

He shook his head. "I wasn't even there when you arrived. Scott and Stiles called me and told me to meet them there but I only stopped by for a few minutes before they started being stupid so I left. I ended up going to a meeting to sell my family's extra property that the city hadn't claimed after the fire to Zach here."

I nodded. "My lawyers gave the video of the meeting to the police and everything. Those idiots should've been arrested for interfering in a police investigation but Stiles's father is the sheriff so they got off easy while he's on probation until a hearing for whether he should remain as the sheriff can be held."

Alison nodded and turned to Derek. "I'm sorry you were accused by my ex. He seemed so sweet until he started acting weird."

Derek shrugged. "It's cool. They're kids, I get it believe me. When I was in school here I had my own fair share of problems. The only difference is, I grew out of mine while they're just starting from the looks of it."

Lydia smiled and told him. "I like a mature man."

I ignored them and kissed Alice before saying. "See the guys? They need new wardrobes, go crazy. They can give you their addresses and it'll be mailed to them."

She nodded and grabbed my ass for a minute until she pulled out my wallet from my back pocket. She took the card she wanted saying. "I left mine at the house. You can pick it up later for your own fun."

I nodded and she handed my wallet back with a kiss before turning to the group. "Girls, we're going shopping again. Don't pout Alison it'll be fun. I'll even buy you a new bow and some archery gear. I'm thinking leather. Men like leather don't they Isaac?"

They all turned to Isaac who was looking at Alison before immediately catching on. "Y-yeah. It would look nice I guess."

Lydia caught on and made a few observations in loud whispers to Alison who blushed. Alice waved the card. "Let's go have some fun girls."

I chuckled as they left. I tossed Derek the keys before turning to V-man and Isaac. "Hop in, we're stopping by the house for a minute before heading out for some fun. Derek, you're taking Malia in your Camero. Hmm, V-man will ride with you and get to know Malia. She needs some more people to meet that's not us."

He nodded and I hopped into the passenger seat while we left the school. We rode to the house listening to some classics like Metallica and Creed. When we arrived Natural by Imagine Dragons just started playing. While the guys explored the house and pool house, I took Derek and Malia to my room.

They sat still while I used my claw technique to enter their minds and get them started on building their mind scapes. I showed them mine for reference and once the foundations were laid I backed out of their minds.

When I released them I said. "It'll take years many years to reach my level as it costs to create so many creatures. It's mentally exhausting and draining to do so but it's worth it in my opinion."

They both nodded while Malia asked. "How long until I can remember things clearly?"

I sighed. "You'll have to create a vault of some sort and either files or tags to label each memory. Once you've sorted your entire life's memories you'll learn how to train your mind to do it automatically. Then and only then will you be able to recall everything you learn or see at will. It takes time and you're not nearly well trained enough yet. Give it a few months with my help and you should have the basics. Then you'll build from there on your own."

She frowned. "Why so long?"

I chuckled. "Child, it took me thousands of years to get to my level. It will at least take a few months to get the basics down with my help. That's not including the defenses you'll have to build yourself. Hell, you don't even have a proper wolf or coyote to guard your mind from intruders."

She frowned. "People can do that?"

I was exasperated. "What do you think I was just doing. That's how werewolves do it. There are other beings out there that only need to be within a few miles or just a simple touch to do the same. The only reason I'm even helping you do it is because it'll save you pain later if you ever run into someone who can read your every thought. You'd stand no chance."

Derek spoke up. "How long until I can face my wolf?"

I sighed. "That's even farther off. You'll have to create a few hundred defenses before your mind can survive the merge. The wolf is primal, a bundle of instincts and senses. If you face it before you're ready you could end up nothing more than the wolf inside as it would consume you. Or worse yet you fracture your mind and become like La Bete."

He shivered before nodding. I smiled. "Let's go. I'm taking everyone out for an all you can eat buffet in LA. Alice will meet us there with the girls when they're done shopping. It shouldn't take them as long because Isaac looks almost exactly like me."

Derek nodded. "Is he related to you?"

I shook my head. "No, no he's no relation to me. I haven't a clue why we look so much alike but I highly doubt it as I had no blood children. I slaughtered my whole village when I first turned so there's no possible blood connection through siblings or anything like that."

I headed to the foyer where I found Isaac playing pool with V-man. Chuckling I asked. "Been waiting long?"

They shook their heads and V-man answered. "Not long. Just an hour or so. We were just about to come find you actually."

I smiled. "Well, lets go. The girls should be shopping by now so we have an hour or so to kill after we get there before we hit the restaurants."

Alice confirmed my words with a text for the address of the restaurant with reservations for us. We headed out to LA doing ninety. With our reflexes and and my visions we dodged every speed trap and cop on the way there.

I took them to a bar that asked no questions and ordered a few rounds. Derek, Malia and I couldn't get drunk but the other two got tipsy before we left. The humans avoided picking any fights so on the way out I paid our tab and ordered a round for the entire bar. They cheered as we left.

I'd told Derek to get to know his possible pack members and he was doing just that. V-man and Isaac rose with him to the restaurant while Malia rode with me. When we got to the restaurant they seemed amazed at how fancy it was.

Everyone we passed on the way in were wearing tuxes and fancy dresses. Derek looked at me weirdly but I just shrugged. "Alice made reservations. Don't worry you can still eat as much as you want. It'll just taste better than from a buffet."

He shrugged and the two humans sobered up at my words as I called over the maitre d. I gave him my last name and he smiled and led us to the VIP terrace where we'd be dining. When we sat down I ordered a round of appetizers and told him to bring us white wine for the start.

He nodded and passed around the menus before ordering a waitress to take our orders while he went to the kitchen to order the appetizers sent out. I ordered rare steaks and told the waitress to bring them out in ten minute intervals until I told her otherwise.

V-man commented. "Why aren't there prices on the menu?"

I chuckled. "This is one of the high class restaurants that you need to not worry about prices to get into. Don't worry about it my friend, it's on me."

He nodded slowly and Derek told him to relax as I wouldn't make him pay. Isaac raised an eyebrow. "You really are loaded aren't you?"

I smiled. "I have money yes. As for loaded, I guess that's an accurate assessment. But I wouldn't let it go to your head if I were you. I want friends not gold diggers."

Malia frowned. "Why would he dig for gold?"

Derek burst out laughing and everyone else followed while I explained what a gold digger was to her. When she got it she blushed in embarrassment but I waved it away. "Relax, they're not laughing at you, it's about the concept I believe."

She nodded as she ordered the same as me. Derek did the same while V-man ordered lobster and Isaac ordered some Risotto. When our order finally showed, the girls came over as the waitresses left. Alice sat beside me and I handed her a furnace of my blood.

She took it happily and told the girls she was on a special diet. The waitress came back over and took the girls meals down. When she left I introduced everyone to Malia and vice versa.

I said she was a friend I'd met a few days ago that had a awkward home situation and was crashing at my place for a couple days till she felt comfortable with going home again. Malia looked at me oddly but agreed while Alice told her it was a cover story in secret.

We enjoyed our meals and company as the evening passed on. Once Malia was full I stopped ordering and Derek followed my example. We could eat entire bears and still be hungry so it mattered little when we stopped.

Alice had enjoyed her own meal and was leaning on my shoulder having seconds without them noticing. When I waved over the waitress and handed my card she smiled and left for a minute. Alice stopped her meal and I stood up. "It's time we headed out. You're wardrobes will arrive at your addresses in the morning I'm sure. Be sure to make sure you try them on for school tomorrow."

The maitre d came over with my card and the receipt I needed to sign. I gave the waitress a grand for the tip and told the maitre d to give my compliments to the chef. We left as I heard someone yell. "Why did the chicken cross the road? Because you didn't fucking cook it! My gran could do better! And she's dead!"

I was chuckling all the way to the car. I followed Alice back to town where we dropped off our new friends before heading back to the house. When Isaac's father saw me he'd nearly flipped and told me what to do until I flipped him off and hopped in the car.

When I saw Isaac's face I made another decision and called the police anonymously saying I'd seen him abuse Isaac and yell something about getting in the basement freezer.

I got in my car just as I heard the basement door open and Isaac being dragged down it. Five minutes later I heard his muffled screams inside the freezer and two minutes after that the cops showed up asking to see Isaac.

When the cops heard the banging and went to check I got out and waited. Mr.Lahey was dragged out in cuffs yelling that it was for his own good. I walked up as they were taking Isaac's statement. "He can crash at my place tonight."

The police did a double take before asking if we were related. I shrugged. "Distant cousins maybe. Either way he can stay at my place. I have plenty of guest rooms he can choose from. I live where the old Hale house was. I'm the one who had it rebuilt."

The officer seemed to know what I was talking about so he let him go after asking for the full statement. I promised to have him stop by the station in the morning and give it before we drove off.

Isaac thanked me on the way over but I merely nodded before telling him. "I'm the one who called the cops. The moment I saw your reactions I knew he was a dick and about to lay a beating on you. I heard him mutter freezer when he dragged you inside and put two and two together. I half expected you to be freezing by the time the cops got there. They're sure slow for a small town."

He was quiet for a while before he thanked me again. I sighed. "What are friends for? I'll have Alice redirect your wardrobe to the house. You can stay with me until you find another place more suitable."

He was in tears now but I kept from looking at him. He needed to let it out and now was as good a time as any. Alice was there with Derek and Malia when we arrived. I told Derek to help him find a room and Malia to wait inside for me to continue helping her.

When we were alone I told her. "He can't go back to that house. I'll deal with the legalization. Can you-"

She smiled. "Of course. I had it sent here anyway when I saw he'd have a confrontation with his father."

I sighed. "Then it's Malia's turn. Once she goes back to her father be prepared for her to come back. He's a broken man and he's not fit to raise a teenager let alone a werecoyote."

She nodded. "One step at a time. She needs control first. Derek got her the triskelion talisman but it takes time and focus to help."

I nodded and called JJ to have him take care Isaac's situation. He assured me Mr.Lahey would be charged with so many crimes he'd never see the sun again. After I hung up with him I went to help Derek and Malia consolidate their mind scape.

When they fell unconscious because of mental exhaustion I released them and went outside for a run of my territory. Not three steps and I stopped turning to the intruder and growling. The red eyed wolf beast was a bastardized and slightly demonic looking creature. I flashed my eyes and spoke. "Get off my property little wolf or I'll eat you for breakfast."

It charged and I socked it in the face hard enough to send it crashing through the trees. Peter was going to have a nasty headache when he woke up in the morning. He managed to stay conscious and flee but I smelled enough blood to know I'd wounded him badly.

Sighing I did a sweep of my territory after he left. When I got back to the house Alice told me. "You're taking me to the spring formal."

I chuckled. "It would be my pleasure my lady."

She kissed me before sighing. "Yes, it will, won't it?"

I saw it then. Peter biting Lydia, Chris exposing Scott to Alison, Peter's revenge then Derek's. Sighing I made the decision to let it play out and Alice gasped as she saw it too.

When she finished seeing it she murmured. "Plans within plans. It seems it's not yet time for Isaac and Alison. Are you sure this is the wisest route?"

I grunted. "I saw it before you did and I wasn't looking. Odds are it was meant to be and anything we try to change will come back to bite us in the ass. Let it play out. Lydia will be fine and I can make sure Peter pays for his crimes in the end."

She nodded and I sighed. "Plans within plans indeed."

I helped her temper and strengthen her mind scape without using the werewolf technique as we were already linked. We spent the night like that and whenever she needed a pick me up I'd let her drink from me.

It was through this way that her own mind scape advanced rapidly over night. It took us hours to accomplish what took me years as she was speeding up with all the new information she'd gleaned from my mind. Her own mind scape was our Villa in France where we stayed for nearly a decade after we married.

She'd stored her memories in sand along the beach. Each spec of sand was a memory weather true or false. She'd made billions of falls ones for every real one and only her own visions could tell the difference between them.

In their own way her memories were safer than my own. Mine could only be accessed by brute force while hers would take an eternity without her willing help. And without a full grasp of her memories no one could control her.

The only real thing she lacked was defenses to stop someone from simply destroying her mind with brute force. She mimicked my defenses as best she could and made her own with difficulty as the night passed.

Taking a trick from stargate and supernatural, I added infinite time loops in areas all over my mind. Anyone caught in one would simply be stuck until I let them out or they over came my mental strength I'd put in them, which was a lot. The strongest one was of course the cage I'd been preparing. It was on a repeat of nano seconds and extremely hard to judge as a loop at all.

When I finished building them I was famished myself and ended up hunting a few hogs and a mountain lion before feeling better. After I drained them I ended up eating the meat before meditating to help regain my mental strength.

As the sun rose the day began anew. I cooked breakfast for everyone while they made their way downstairs. During their meal Isaac's clothes arrived and Alice had them put in his room.

He was still a little out of it and even thanked her again but she just shrugged it off saying. "You're not going anywhere anytime soon so relax, it's not like we'd kick you out and we're not your father were your friends. Stop thanking us."

He sat there stunned while Malia reached over him for the bacon. Derek snorted with laughter and Isaac was pulled out of his stupor. I ignored them and told Derek he'd be taking Isaac to the police station to give his statement.

I told him my lawyers would be there to fend of the social workers and draw up some fake documents saying Isaac was my distant cousin. He'd get to stay with us instead of a foster home or orphanage.

Derek readily agreed and received a thankful look from Isaac. I told Isaac to tell them everything his father did in detail and to agree to see the school guidance councilor and a therapist on the weekends to work through it. I told him what JJ said and he agreed to have my lawyers represent him.

After breakfast they left while I helped Malia with her mind scape. Once she tired out I gave her the leftovers from breakfast and told her to take it easy and relax for the day. She went for a jog to her old territory just outside of my own.

Alice and I cleaned up and got ready for tonight. She'd already bought a dress and tux for us so we simply went to school to hang out with our friends there. V-man and Alison both ended up asking where Isaac went at the same time causing Alison to blush.

Alice laughed lightly before telling them he was busy sorting out personal issues. Her careful words didn't stop Jackson from spreading rumors that he'd seen Mr.Lahey being dragged out of his house by the police and me taking Isaac away.

That bit of news spread like wildfire for awhile. Erica asked if it was true and I told her. "Yes while it's true it doesn't mean I'll say more. Let Isaac tell you all when he's ready. It's personal and it shouldn't be school gossip. He's been through enough."

V-man nodded knowing what I'd meant all too well. He'd lost his sister to someone that had never been caught. He'd avoided the gossip as best he could as well.

She let it go thankfully and Alice gave her the acne cream she'd ordered. They went to the bathroom to help apply it. V-man asked about the dance and I told him Alice and I'd be going. I suggested he asked Erica or Lydia.

Lydia herself wasn't ignoring us while putting on her lipstick with her hand mirror. V-man gave it a shot and she turned to him saying. "You'll do nicely."

I chuckled. "A little less enthusiasm Lydia. He's not a piece of meat or a toy to make a certain jock douche bag jealous."

She frowned but sighed. "Fine, Boyd, I'd love to go to the dance with you. Pick me up at seven."

He frowned and I chuckled sliding my keys to him. "It's yours for tonight. The tanks filled. Use the gas card in the console if you need to fill up."

He sighed and took the keys, thanking me. I shrugged. "No problem it's what friends are for. Just have a good time and wear one of the tuxes Alice bought you. She said the deep blue one would do if you chose Lydia to ask."

Lydia smiled and went to the girls bathroom to talk with the girls. Isaac showed up towards the end of lunch and asked Alison, when the girls came out of the bathroom, to the dance. She said yes but only as friends as she didn't want to rush into anything after her last breakup.

He accepted that and Alice gave him her keys. V-man looked confused but Alice asked. "Did you really think we only had one car apiece? No, the others arrived at the house while we were taking chemistry earlier. Isaac can drop us off at the house though and get dressed before he heads to pick up Alison."

Erica being the only one left without a date looked sad but Alice whispered that I'd make her fantasy come to life. I kept her promise by heading over to where Scott and Stiles were sitting. They looked confused when I sat down across from them.

I told Stiles. "I'll make you a deal, you take Erica to the spring formal and I'll have my lawyers smooth things over for your dad. He can even be sheriff again. Play your cards right and he may get a raise."

Scott asked. "Why should we believe you, you got us in trouble."

I snorted. "You got yourself in trouble little wolf. Derek didn't deserve the shit you shoved on him and you know it. He was wanted for multiple murders because of you. That meant cops were going to shoot first and ask questions later if they caught up to him. Do you fancy living like that?"

He shook his head and Stiles spoke up. "I'll do it, but there's one thing I want to know first. Scott says you're supernatural but not a werewolf. What are you?"

I snorted and flashed my green eyes before saying. "If anything he's not the werewolf. I'm the alpha of the werewolf species, the first werewolf."

My claws came out for a second and I pierced the top of Scott's hand saying. "You're werewolf bloodline is thin and barely there. I can smell it's weakness."

My claws went back in and Stiles asked. "Is there a cure?"

I frowned before shaking my head. "The nite changes the DNA on a cellular level. It's not all supernatural energy kid. Once you're a werewolf, it's for life. Take my advice, accept your nature and get past your childish hang ups. Boohoo you got bitten by a crazed wolf. Life goes on, live with it. People have learned to live with worse trust me. After all I slaughtered my entire family the night I first turned and ate them."

They paled and I left them saying. "Pick Erica up at seven at my place. Alice intends to pretty her up."

I called JJ to handle the lawyers and sheriff business. When he asked if I was sure I confirmed saying. "He's a good cop, it's his kid that needs to grow up and stay out of police business. Let it be and see to it the sheriff knows his son saved his career."

He chuckled and agreed before hanging up. I tossed my tray away before Alice took my arm and we headed to the next class. Later that evening Isaac drove us to the house and we all got ready to go to the dance. Derek was out with Malia teaching her control in her old territory.

When Stiles showed up in something resembling a tuxedo Alice dragged him off to change into one she'd prepared for him. After ten minutes Isaac left to pick up Alison while Erica showed herself to Stiles making him speechless.

Alice had really done a great job and the acne cream was super fast working so it was easy for her to touch up before dying and fixing Erica's hair. After that it was makeup and natural beauty that pulled it off.

I got to see Alice in a white backless dress that had my own pulse racing. She shushed me saying. "You'll get your own fun later. For now though, we need to let them have their moment."

After they left we followed in the Maserati GranTurismo Alice bought at a car show in Copenhagen a few years back. When we arrived at the dance I saw Scott walking across the roof of the school. Alice sighed before taking my arm. We went inside to dance and ignored all others as they had their own good times.

next chapter
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Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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