The thralls seemed to stir from their momentary stupor, emboldened now that the towering beast lay in rapidly disintegrating ruin.
Their lifeless eyes regained focus, hands gripping weapons tighter as they sensed an opportunity.
Raven watched them with narrowed eyes, her grip on her swords assured and practiced.
She could feel Helena's weariness radiating off her like waves of heat.
The Feral Sage had clearly expended enormous effort to bring down that abomination through sheer skill and raw power alone.
A slight turn of Raven's head was enough to convey her intent.
"Please rest for a moment," she said lowly. "Let me finish these ones." She glanced at Terence, "you too."
Helena gave the barest hint of a nod, chest still heaving from exertion as she leaned heavily on the black rod, its tip gouging into the torn earth.
While Terence lowered her sword and looked at Raven plainly.
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