Linda felt the person lean in close to her ear. Linda tried to move to get a good look at the person's face, but there was nothing that she could do at all because of how unbelievably strong the person was! The person's nails were digging into Linda's cheek from how much strength they were using to hold her, and Linda could literally feel her cheek being slashed because of how sharp their nails were.
When the person finally spoke, Linda immediately knew that this was a woman.
"You know, there are many things that I can forgive in this world. I know I am too kind for my own good, he always told me that. But when dealing with people like you, forgiveness is the furthest thing from my mind. How dare you try to hurt my KING?"
King? What the fuck was this bitch talking about!?
This one was really fun to write for some reason. And once more, my sister liked it a little too much.
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