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83.33% Team RWBYZ / Chapter 15: Chapter 15 – Spar Day

Chương 15: Chapter 15 – Spar Day

The scroll in his hand bleeped with an incoming message.

Fall4Me: Hey Zuko, this is Cinder. Wondered when you wanted to meet for that spar?

"What do I do now?"

The girls all scoffed at Zuko's question, one that was perfectly legitimate in his opinion. Yang looked over his shoulder at the message and promptly plucked the scroll out of his hands.


"Have you really never messaged someone before? Man, you really are worse than dad." She batted away his hands as he reached for it, and he was really beginning to get annoyed about that. "You haven't even set up your profile! Come on, I'll do it for you. I did this for dad's dating profile so this should be easy."

"Your dad has a dating profile?" Blake looked at the two of them in curiosity, even Weiss' interest was piqued.

"Dad hasn't dated since mum died and with the two of us heading off to Beacon, well…" Ruby rubbed the back of her head awkwardly, remembering just how painful it had been to convince him to give it a go.

"He said he had a couple hits last I checked, don't think he's gone on any dates yet though." Yang answered as she played with Zuko's scroll.

There was a moment of tense silence before Blake finally broke it with excitement in her voice. "I want to see it."


"Me too."


"Calm down Ruby." Weiss waved off Ruby's aghast expression, a devilish smile on her face. "I'm just curious about the man who raised you two. I'm not interested or anything like that."

"Better not be." Ruby pouted as she handed over her scroll with her dads dating account on screen.

"What does that mean!? I'll have you know I- OOH! Such a cute doggie!"

The first picture was of Tai and Zwei sat in a cuddling pose outside of their house. The first picture had needed to make a good impression, and Yang had been adamant that Zwei be in it. A cute dog was the best way to grab a girl's attention she had said.

"A single father who raised two girls, former huntsman, and owns his own house in nature?" Blake cocked an eyebrow at the two siblings. "I think your dad is more popular than he says."

"Ladies, drool over my dad later, as for now we have some better entertainment." Yang threw the scroll back to Zuko who caught it with an annoyed grunt. "Zuko's profile is complete, and now we get to watch our boy flirt in action."

"I am not courting her." Ruby snorted at his overly formal language, and he rolled his eyes at her. "I wouldn't even be talking to her if it wasn't for you."

"And aren't you glad that you have your wing woman by your side? But I'd probably check your phone, I already sent a message for you."


HotStuff: Hey Cinder! Would luv 2 spar with u, r u free today? Can't w8 2 show u my moves.

Zuko looked back at Yang in disbelief. "Is this really how you flirt?"

She shrugged her shoulders. "It's how a lot of boys flirt with me."

"Does it ever work?"


Fall4Me: Zuko?

HotStuff: No, that was Yang. Forgive me, she's done something to my Scroll.

Fall4Me: Makes sense, that didn't sound like you. But I'm up for a spar today if you would like?

Zuko briefly checked his schedule, the only part of his scroll he had managed to figure out and use regularly. Ruby had planned for them all to go to the library and play some new board game she had bought, but it was four player anyway so he may as well skip it.

HotStuff: I am available now if you wish?

Fall4Me: Eager, lol. I'll meet you at arena 4?

HotStuff: I will see you soon.

He stood and began grabbing his equipment, swords nearby from where he'd recently been sharpening them. "I'll be in arena four if you need me."

"Whoa! Fire Prince got himself a date already." Yang batted him on the shoulder. "Look Mr smooth stuff at work."

"No thanks to you I'm sure." Weiss was still looking over the dating profile with Blake, and hummed in approval. "Not bad."

"Not bad!? What does that mean? I'll have you know my dad is a complete catch."

Zuko stepped outside as Yang began to furiously defend her father to her teammates. He managed to slip out without too much attention, only a passing greeting from Jaune as they walked by in the halls. Jaune had made a few attempts to interact with Zuko that had gone nowhere, mostly given Zuko's lack of interest in general socialisation.

But it was also that Jaune reminded him in some ways too much of a boomerang wielding idiot. He hesitated in one of his steps as he continued to walk to his destination, realising that it had been some time since he had properly thought about the Avatar and his group. His desire to return had been focused on his home, and by extension his duty, but he had not actually thought much about them specifically.

Time was wearing Zuko down. He was going more and more native. Funny how it didn't bother him the way he expected it to.

He reached the arena around the same time as Cinder, passing through the spacious training facility to arrive at their enclosed and private area. In grey pants and a beige sleeveless jacket, Zuko was once again reminded of just how different the fashion of this world was. At least the sarashi she wore around her chest reminded him of some of the water tribe garments.

"You have interesting teammates."

Cinder stepped inside with an amused smile on her face.

"They're certainly unique, but I've met some strange people before."

"Oh?" She turned to face him with a curious expression on her face. "You'll have to tell me more about them."

He grimaced. "I'd rather not."

"Oh… I'm sorry. A sore subject I take it. Were they not nice people?"

"Rather, I wasn't."

"Hm." She took a few circling steps around the room. "Very well then. How about a deal? If I win, you tell me a little bit more about yourself. If you win… well, what would you like?"

He rolled his neck and began to do a few stretches. "I don't normally gamble when I fight."

The closest he'd ever come was the time he'd challenged Zhao to defend his name, a poor moment of self control even for him.

"Then that makes this even more interesting doesn't it? You can ask for anything you'd like. I'll even let you think on it. If you win that is."

She smiled, a hungry gleam in her eyes and one that Zuko felt stirring within him as well.

"You're on."

He dropped into a fighting stance as she did the same. Though he didn't draw his swords, she didn't seem to have any weapon on her person. Instead, she simply raised her fists in readiness. Zuko's eyes narrowed in anticipation. No weapon meant she didn't need one, and unless she had some kind of ranged semblance, that meant he needed to keep the distance.

No sound marked the start of their fight, both acting when they felt ready. Fire whirled around Zuko's fingertips, the blast ripping out towards Cinder. She sidestepped with ease, though his first attack had been little more than probing. He let loose more, blasts of fire with each punch that she ducked and weaved through, closing the gap towards him.

He changed his style. Wide sweeping lashes of fire threw her off balance, but she continued her approach undaunted. She was good, very good. Her movements and adaptability reminded him of a combination of the Avatar and Tai Lee. So he mixed things up again, throwing himself directly into her and trading blows personally.

She had better control of her aura than him, though in fairness so did most, but his actual fighting skills were a good match against her. His kicks met hers. Her punches met his. She was fast, slippery, and hit deceptively hard however. As they continued their fight, it became more apparent that she was gaining the upper hand.

More of her hits landed against him, and though he returned many of his own and he could well take a beating, his aura was being chipped away piece by piece. He turned up the heat. Flaming daggers burned from his fists whilst tufts of fire bloomed out from each kick.

It increased the pressure, but it wasn't enough. An alarm sounded out as Zuko dropped into the red and the two separated, light panting coming from them both. Zuko eyed the board that displayed their aura levels. He was at least happy he had managed to get her into the orange, if still embarrassed that he had lost. The pride of a prince being beaten was a feeling that wasn't going away any time soon, no matter how many times he had taken some bad beatings.

"You certainly have exceptional semblance control." Cinder did a light stretch as she steadied her breathing. If she was disappointed about his performance, she certainly didn't show it, instead sporting a satisfied smile.

"Thanks. I… learned it from my uncle."

"Inherited semblance? Interesting. He teaches you a lot?"

"He does." Zuko said a silent thanks to his uncle for the immense amount of patience and understanding he'd shown him. Zuko knew he wasn't the most patient man, and he still yearned to grow more and more, but it was painful to still be stuck so far behind his goal. "He focuses a lot on the basics though. Sometimes I just wish he'd show me more."

Cinder hummed non-committedly before strolling to his side and mimicking his stance. "I've never seen a stance like that before. Show me how it's done?"

Her eyebrows cocked in invitation, and with a slight blush he set about adjusting her form. She knew what she was doing, and clearly took enjoyment in it. Zuko decided to distract himself instead.

"I've never seen a form like yours before either. Who taught you?"

She stilled, and Zuko immediately noticed the change in her attitude. She covered it well, plastering back on the smile in less than a second. Unfortunately, Zuko had grown up with Azula. He'd grown quite practiced at seeing the small breaks in a façade.

"Sorry. I shouldn't have asked."

He let go of her and stepped away, only for Cinder to seem to force herself back into life and the conversation.

"No no, it's fine. I was… the person who taught me was someone I trusted. But it turns out that they didn't really care about me at all. They betrayed me."

"…that's rough." She gave him a flat look and he looked away in embarrassment. He might know how to see through a façade, but he sure didn't know how to deal with it. Or talk to women in general. So, he pressed on instead. "I know what it's like, to be… rejected by people you trusted."

She took a breath and contemplated his words. Shifting her weight from foot to foot as she thought in silence. "Well, you do owe me more detail about you since I won. So, who betrayed you?"

He grimaced. He had said it in part to apologise, but he had really hoped that it wouldn't lead to him having to explain. But he had touched a sensitive topic and he did owe her an explanation as per their agreement. Though come to think of it he wasn't sure he had agreed to it in the first place…

"I wasn't ever good enough for my father. I tried, hard, but it wasn't enough. My sister was better, his favourite. One day I made a mistake, I was punished for it." He sat down and turned his face away, inadvertently emphasising the scar on his face.

Cinder paused, truly paused. She had been putting on something of a show to gauge Zuko's abilities and draw out his story to see if there were some useful strings to pull. The hints of his story however… she found herself empathising with him. Memories of the Glass Unicorn flickered in her mind.

She sat down by his side, sighing at the reminder of her past life. "When I was a child, I was not treated well. I thought there was someone who was going to help me, but he didn't. The only person I had to help me was myself. It made me strong."

Zuko nodded his head in understanding. "Ever since that day… I never stopped training. I swore I'd never be a disappointment again. I had my uncle, and he's helped me a lot. But sometimes… sometimes it doesn't feel like it's enough."

Cinder too nodded in understanding. In her mind however, a sly smile began to work its way forwards. "Your uncle… does he hold you back?"

He flinched, abruptly standing and not looking at her. "I wouldn't be here without Uncle. I owe him everything."

"Maybe." She stood and walked up behind him. "But maybe there are others who can help you too." She put a hand on his shoulder to turn him to face her. "If you want, I'd enjoy sparring with you again. Maybe you can teach me something, and I can teach you too."

He hesitated, not answering before the door abruptly opened and Pyrrha stepped inside before freezing at the sight of them. "Oh, sorry. I didn't realise this was occupied."

"That's okay. We finished for today." Cinder turned back to Zuko, giving him a warm smile. "Thank you for the spar Zuko, I look forward to fighting you again."

He nodded back but said nothing as she left the room. Leaving him with Pyrrha in silence. He made some polite small talk with her before he too left, leaving him with a lot to think about before his scroll buzzed.

SunnyDragon: OMG Zuko! U totlly missd Weiss getting hit on at the libry!

WeissSchnee: I did not 'get hit on'. Neptune and I merely conversed like mature adults.

*SunnyDragon changed the name WeissSchnee to IceQueen*

IceQueen: Oh ha ha, real mature Yang. Change it back.

SunnyDragon: Srry, battery dying. TTYL

IceQueen: Yang!

IceQueen: YANG!

Zuko put the scroll away as he moved through the hallway and headed to get some fresh air. New technology was still a mystery to him, but he was getting better at using it. Deciphering Yang's manner of writing however might take him some time. As he passed by the windows of the hallway, he spotted ships in the air.

He knew of the airships of Atlas, but this was his first time seeing them. An impressive sight certainly, though he couldn't help but feel a small sense of worry upon seeing them. Something wasn't quite right, he was sure.


"I don't trust them." Ozpin sighed at Ironwoods continued insistence. It felt like they had been circling this point for hours, but Ironwood had always been a stubborn man.

"You have made them very clear James."

"Then why aren't you listening? Two people appear in your backyard by magic, and you don't think this has Salem's actions behind it?"

Ozpin gazed longingly into his long empty mug, wishing the coffee would refill itself if he was going to have this argument. "We have been over this James. Whatever magic was involved with them is not of Salem's doing, of that I'm sure."

"Because of a hunch! You don't have any reason to trust them, only a gut feeling that this is safe."

"I've learned to trust my gut over my many years." Ozpin keyed away at a message and sent it off, waiting only a few moments before the door opened and Glynda stepped into his office with Iroh in tow.

"You summoned him here?" Ironwood didn't bother hiding his anger, shooting Iroh a fiercely sceptical look at the portly man.

"The last time his nephew was involved in a dangerous activity, Iroh burst in here with threatening demands. Perhaps it would be best if he were given warning ahead of time."

Iroh didn't apologise for his previous actions but did step up to face Ironwood directly. "I know our tale may seem hard to believe, but it would be for the best that you extend at least a small amount of trust. I understand perhaps more than most the risk you are taking with the lives of your men, so I have no harmed feelings about your doubt."

"'The lives of my men'. Is that a threat?" Ironwood leaned in closer, gaze turning to steel.

Iroh chuckled softly, looking every bit the gentle old man that so many saw him as. "Oh no, not at all. Only empathising. As one general to another, I understand the hardships you are facing quite well."

This time when Iroh looked back, Ironwood could see the sorrow and hardships in the man's eyes. They were the eyes of a man who had been worn down. By war. By loss.

"I still don't trust you."

Iroh nodded humbly. "As is fair. I simply ask that you give me the chance to prove that I am as I have said. Perhaps we could sit down and play a game of Pai Sho?"

Ironwood furrowed his brow in confusion but was interrupted by a cough from Ozpin. "Iroh, I'm afraid we don't have that game here. I do have a chess set if you would like."

"Oh, that would be delightful." Iroh walked past and took a seat at Ozpins desk as the latter pulled out a chess set and quickly began to set up the pieces.

"Ozpin, you can't really expect me to- AGH!" Ironwood was whisked off his feet by Glynda's telekinesis and swiftly deposited into the chair opposite Iroh.

"I'm afraid you'll have to excuse me gentlemen, but I believe I have another meeting to get to." Ozpin made his way towards the door whilst pointedly bringing his mug with him. He was long overdue for a refill.

"Ozpin you-!" The door shut, and Ironwood turned back towards Iroh. "What are you doing?"

"Playing 'chess'. Not my game of choice, so you'll have to forgive me if I am a little inexperienced, but I believe I will be a fast learner." He moved his pawn outwards. "Perhaps an agreement. Every time you take one of my pieces, I will answer any question you have."

The general grunted but relented and moved his pawn forwards in response. Iroh moved another, and Ironwood took it.

"What is your name? Your real, full name?"

"My name is Prince Iroh of the Fire Nation, previously known as The Dragon Of The West, brother of Fire Lord Ozai and son of Fire Lord Azulon."

An ostentatious set of titles that he had not used in quite some time, though his familiarity with it at least seemed to somewhat convince the general. The man mulled over his words, until Iroh promptly took the pawn with a bishop.

"It would seem only fair to answer a question of my own general."

"I never agreed to that."

"A harmless question if you will, I know so little about you. Perhaps you could tell me who you are in turn?"

The man narrowed his gaze and let out a disapproving huff before relenting. "General James Ironwood, Commander of the Atlesian Military and Headmaster of Atlas Academy."

"My my, a very busy man you must be. What could be important enough to bring your attention over to me and my nephew I wonder."

"No question without a piece."

Iroh chuckled. "Very fair."

Ironwood moved, and then Iroh, the two duelling back and forth, exchanging questions with each other but with Iroh steadily losing more and more pieces.

"Why should I trust that you and your nephew are no threat?"

"We have done nothing to suggest such a thing. We have been honest about our arrival and our background, and my nephew recently helped to foil a heist by the White Fang." Pawn took pawn. "What would you do if you believed my nephew and I truly were dangerous?"

"I would have you locked up, safe and under watch." Bishop took pawn. "You don't possess aura in your world, yet you share a semblance?"

"No semblance, only bending. A gift bestowed upon us by the spirits and taught through the dragons." Castle moves forward.

Bishop takes castle. "Your world has no Grimm, and yet you are both formidable warriors and did not seem disturbed by such creatures?"

"Our world has its fair share of creatures you would call monsters. My nephew was the crown prince and raised during a time of war. I was one of the leaders of that war." Knight moves back.

Queen takes knight. "If you waged war and the both of you are professed warriors, does that not make you a threat?"

"My time as a general has long been over, and my nephew has a good heart deep down. We are strong, but no threat to you and your people. I can barely use one of those devices you call a scroll." Queen takes castle. "Can you tell me how I have won?"

Ironwood frowned before looking at the board more deeply. He noticed with an even deeper frown that Iroh was right. Iroh may have lost more pieces, but he'd drawn Ironwood's out in such a way that his King was not only vulnerable but trapped. "You tricked me. Lured me in with the incentive of questions to distract my focus and win the game."

Only a few more moves were required, but the outcome was already set and they both now knew it. There was a chance to prolong things a little more, but Ironwood decided against it, instead pressing for his final chance at getting an answer. Queen takes pawn. "Why go for the win and not the questions? Winning won't get you my trust."

"I wanted to see what kind of man you are general. Whether you were the type of man I could trust to keep my nephew safe from whatever it is you actually fear. Instead, you have reminded me of the wrong man."


Iroh held up a finger. "First you must earn another question." Castle takes Knight. "Tell me, from what you have shown me, do you believe I would trust my nephews safety to you?"

"No." Queen takes pawn. "Who do I remind you of?"

"Me." Reckless, arrogant, eager for action. A man of the military before all other things. "The man I used to be, until one day I made a terrible mistake that cost me everything." Castle moves forward. Checkmate.

Iroh leaned back in his chair, victory in hand as Ironwood studied the board and his failure. "My thanks General Ironwood, this was a wonderful experience." Iroh stood and began making his way towards the door.

"Checkmate means you take the king. What's your final question?"

Iroh paused, seemingly thinking for a moment. Ironwood waited for the question, already predicting the answer. He would want to know what he was truly afraid of. He would want to know about Salem.

"What is your favourite tea?"

"I-… what?" Iroh simply looked back at him and waited for an answer. "Coffee, black."

"Oh, that simply will not do. We shall have to do this again sometime, and I can introduce you to the wonders of a nice calming tea." Iroh smiled and headed out the door, leaving Ironwood alone. Despite his loss, much of his frustration had gone. He turned back to once again study the board, wondering what he would do differently next time.

Trusty_McGoodGuy Trusty_McGoodGuy

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