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47.74% The Immortal (twilight fanfiction) / Chapter 50: the battle

Chương 50: the battle

[15 days later]

'Well this sucks' I thought as I walked with my pack through a muddy field.

Since the start of the trip it's been nothing but rain and mud the whole way, thankfully today it was just cloudy instead of pouring rain, making the whole trip one miserable mess for me.

At the moment, me, Julius and Jane were about half a mile in front of the volturi forces, because I thought it better to just keep them away from them.

The smell of blood from the blood feasts the volturi have every few days was intense, and even a mile away put Jane and Julius to a test of their will power.

We had already had a run in with a group of vampires when we first passed by a town almost a week ago.

Instead of fighting or trying to hide they decided to retreat and probably give word to the Romanian heads.

Speaking of the volturi army, I was a bit miffed at it.

In total the volturi only had five hundred fighters.

The three ruling heads, their guards, which were 10 of their strongest fighters, and the rest were vampires with slightly stronger abilities.

Which for a vampire army is very respectable, but from what I know of the Romanian coven, is that they weren't on top because of their good looks, it's because of their sheer numbers.

The Romanian coven probably has at most a thousand vampires on their side.

And even though we might have some stronger than normal vampires on our side, that won't matter when that stronger vampire is fighting three vampires at once.

As we were walking, I saw a small group of vampires blurring in our direction as they came over a rise of a small hill, from the red and black colors in their blur, I could tell it was the scouts that the volturi had sent out to look for the Romanian forces in front of the volturi army.

Watching them pass by us I looked at Jane and Julius and said.

"I guess they found the Romanian coven." I said Looking back at the small hill the scouts had come from, a small smile appeared on my face.

"Let's go see what we can see." I told Jane and Julius, before blurring to the top of the hill to look around.

As soon as I came to a stop I looked, and instantly saw what the scout's had seen.

In the distance, maybe 5 miles away, was a mass of figures moving in our direction.

"Is that them?" Julius asked me.

"I think so, the sun isn't out, so I can't tell." I said looking at the moving mass.

"it has to be, who else would be out here with an army?" Jane said to my left.

Shrugging my shoulders I said.

"Let's wait here for the volturi to arrive."

Since the start of the journey, the volturi heads have been trying to avoid me.

To be fair I can't blame them, it's not every day someone rips you apart.

As we waited for the volturi's army to arrive at the hill. Me, Jane and Julius continued to watch the approaching army.

From the look of it, there were no less than 2,000 in the group, and if it was the Romanian coven, then we might have an issue.

Because that's an almost 4 to 1 advantage the Romanian coven will have on us.

About ten minutes later the front line of the volturi's vampires Finally reached the hill we were sitting at while we watched the army's approach.

As we sat I could hear the whispered conversations of some of the vampires.

"It's them, I overheard the scouts telling Aro of their numbers, there is no way we can win." one of them said.

'So it is the Romanian coven' I thought.

"Look at that, if that is the Romanian covens army, we might as well turn back and run." Another said.

And I agreed, if this was the Romanian army we might be screwed.

But there was still a chance.

With Alec, Julius, Jane, and myself, we could do large amounts of damage to the army on our own, just as long as we don't get bogged down in vampires trying to kill us, I should be fine on my own, with my speed, strength, and inability to die.

Julius should also be fine, since if anyone gets too close he can wave his hand and launch them into orbit.

What really worried me was Jane.

Jane was technically the weakest member of our trio.

Her ability may be strong and she can use her powers on more than one person at once, but it does have its limits.

(I looked it up, she is limited in range and number of people she can use her powers on at once.)

Her limit is 20 vampires that she could immobilize at once, giving others time to kill them, while Jane's power keeps them from fighting back.

Her weak link is that she tends to rely on her powers more than her physical fighting skills.

Which might be problematic.

Turning to look at Julius and Jane I spoke.

"When we fight, Jane, you need to stay close to julius."

"That is what I was thinking." Julius said.

I saw a small frown appear on Jane's face, so before she could protest my decision, I spoke.

"Jane, you are a good fighter, but you aren't the best, and in this fight we are going to be massively outnumbered, 4 to 1, and me and Julius can't try and protect you while we also fight the Romanian coven, but if you stick with julius, he should be able to protect you without much trouble." I said, looking her in the eyes.

Jane nodded her head.

"I understand, and besides, me and Julius have come up with some good attacks we should be able to hold our own." I nodded my head at her words.


Just then I heard the noise behind us starting to get louder.

Turning my head, I could see the volturi heads making their way through the crowds of vampires, until they were standing in front of the army, and a few feet from me.

Looking over at them I couldn't stop a smirk from appearing on my face.

They still refused to even acknowledge my existence.

"My brother and sisters." Aro said in a raised voice to quiet the mass of volturi vampires.

"Today is the day, the day we take what is ours, what has always been ours." He shouted.

But Aro didn't get the sounds of affirmation he was expecting.

Because unlike when they took down the Egyptian coven which only has two hundred members, now they were going up against a true threat of power.

And this just showed Aros' delusional mind.

For him to believe that his members would be willing to dive head first into what he thought was an all but certain victory, but in reality was a death sentence.

Which made me wonder how they managed to win the first time.

Did I change the world to the point the Romanian coven accidentally ended up with more vampires then in the original world, or did the volturi have less members then they were originally supposed to have.

Or was this how it played out in the real twilight world, and the volturi actually won with this low of numbers, which was hard to believe, but stranger things have happened.

Unaware of the lack of reaction, Aro spoke again.

"And we will take the role of the ruling coven…of the world." He shouted.

This time as I watched the volturi's army of vampires, I saw a glassy look come over their eyes for a split second, before a cheer rose from the crowd in an approving shout for Aros' words.

'It's Chelsea, she's here.' I thought as I watched their faces.

I wasn't sure if she had come with the army or not.

Because the wives weren't here, and if I remembered correctly, she was normally with the wives.

I was glad I made Julius keep the mind shields in place throughout the trip just in case.

I wasn't sure if the volturi might have a mind reader in the group or another psychic that can do things to our minds, so I decided it would be better to be safe than sorry, and from the look of it, it was a good decision.

By now the Romanian coven army was close enough to see them clearly.

And I was a bit shocked at what I saw.

Mixed into the group were what looked like kids and young adults, no older than 10 years old, as well as people that looked like regular villagers.

'That's it, most of these people look like newborns, when that group saw us pass by that town, they probably told the Romanian coven heads, and probably in a panic they started making a newborn army.' I thought in shock.

'They even turned the kids.' I thought, with a spike of anger that shot through me.

As Aro continued his speech, I turned to Jane andJulius.

"The both of you need to be extra careful, this isn't going to be easy, from the look of it, most of those vampires down there are newborn, so they will be alot stronger than you, and faster. They won't know how to fight so that will be to your advantage if you have to fight them hand to hand, but try to avoid it." I said to them, turning to Julius, I continued.

"And Julius, make sure not to lose control of your mind shields, I'm certain, Chelsea is here, and all it will take is a moment for her to enter your mind, so don't over do yourself, if you need to fall back, and recharge yourself."

Julius nodded at my words.

By now, only a mile separated the two army's from each other.

Running back to behind the army, we dropped off our packs, and prepared ourselves for the battle.

Pulling out the sword from my pack, I looked it over for any signs of damage or marks.

While Julius and Jane, took off the cloaks they were wearing to give them better movement.

Once done getting ready we went back to the front of the army, where Aro was just finishing his speech.

"Now, don't be afraid of this battle for we shall win with our overwhelming strength, and stand victorious over our fallen foes."

And with a shout, Aro raised a hand into the air, while his army of brainwashed vampires cheered him on.

Turning to look at Jane and Julius, I gave them a nod.

"Remember, stick together, and watch each other's backs."

"We will Adam." Julius said, as he gave my shoulder a pat.

Turning away from them, I opened my interface and scrolled through my music list until I found the folder I had prepared just for this moment, [war music].

Clicking on the folder, the first song to play was one from doom. (Rip and tear)

Just then, I heard a shout from the Romanian army.

Turning to look, I saw a massive group of blurring figures heading right for us.

And an evil smile covered my face as the head banging music filled my head.





Word count,word count,Word count,word count,Word count,word count,Word count.







[JK I'm gonna do the whole fight in one chapter so I hope you enjoy it.]



As soon as the Romanian coven started to charge, so did the volturi.

Running full speed to the front of the volturi's forces, I raised my hand, and pushed out a medium sized energy orb.

Ten feet from the Romanian coven I let it loose.

The Shockwave hit the front line with force, sending all that was in front of me, five feet across and ten feet back.

Fifty vampires were shot backwards, with broken and separated limbs, from the force of running full speed into my Shockwave.

The opening I made allowed me to run straight into the heart of their forces.

With my blade flashing a bright purple I twirled through the vampires cutting off heads and limbs with every swing.

Occasionally letting off a shock wave or two to allow me some room, and not to be completely surrounded.

As I was fighting, I saw out of the corner of my eye, Jane and Julius.

At the moment, Julius had a handful of vampires in the air, floating around him and Jane.

He was using the floating bodies as weapons to hit the vampires that were downed by Jane's mental fire power, using the body's like hammers to crash down into the heads of the downed vampires.

Having to take my eyes away from them to avoid the hand of a vampire that got too close.

I delved back into the fight once again.

At The moment the fight wasn't going in the volturi's favor.

Even with me, Jane, Julius and alec's powers, we were still losing too many of our own forces to the power of the newborns, while the volturi heads stayed on the hill looking down at the fight, with a few of their personal guards still standing guard by them, while the rest fought with Alec.

Needing to give the volturi's forces the upper hand, I turned in Julius's direction and shouted.

"I'm going all out!"

That was the wording we set up for when I push out all of my energy at once to make the big Shockwaves.

But I needed to go farther into the Romanians army, and away from the volturi's forces.

So with a plan in mind, I zoomed through the army, cutting down any that got in my way.

I had to cut down a few kids on the way, but at the moment I didn't have time to think about the fact that I just cut a little kid's head off of his shoulders, and I just focused on the plan I had in my mind.

Finally on the other side of the army from the front line, and deep inside the Romanian army by myself.

Now surrounded on all sides by newborn vampires that could smell my blood, I was hard pressed to deflect and avoid all the oncoming attacks.

Making a small opening for myself, I use the second of time I had made myself, to crouch down, and push the energy from my body all at once.

[3rd POV]

Like the explosion of a modern day bomb, a purple hue swept the battlefield.

Throwing all within a 30 foot radius from the explosion back and into each other with such forces, that it killed almost 100 vampires from the force of being knocked back and into other vampires.

Within 50 to 60 feet, all vampires were knocked from their feet, to tumble on the ground.

Farther from that, all the force did, was push them forward, and the stumble, giving a few of the volturi vampires the upper hand, to attack their now stumbling aponets.

[1st POV]

Standing from my crouched position, I looked around myself at the carnage my aura Shockwave caused, and once again was amazed at the destruction my powers caused.

As I looked around, I saw Julius taking the opportunity to attack the downed vampires, my using his power to levitate groups of downed vampires, then slamming them together mid air, until they were beating themselves to pieces with each other's bodies.

While Jane used her powers to make the rising vampires to fall back to the ground in pain with her power.

Seeing a black mist making its way through a large group of vampires, I looked over to see Alec's mist taking away vampires' senses while the volturi guards that were with him, tore the heads off the senseless vampires.

Hearing fast approaching feet from behind me, I twirled around, and dodged the hand that tried to claw at me with the long nails of the hand.

As I dodged I got a good look at who it was that attacked and smiled an evil smile at who it was.

Because it was none other than Vladimir.

With his almost white blond hair and crimson eyes.

"Well well well, lookie here, if it isn't one of the Romanian coven heads." I said, pointing my sword at him.

"You, I've heard of you, the human God." He spat.

"You are no God, if you were then you could have saved those innocent villagers you tried to save."

I ground my teeth together at his words.

"I never said I was a God, and I might not have been able to save that village, but I will avenge them and wash their blood from my hands, with the death of you and the rest of the Romanian coven." I said, before I charged vladimir at full speed.

The speed of my movements sent vladimirs survival instincts haywire, and made vladimir backpedale in an attempt to avoid my attack.

But he was just too slow.

Like a wraith of death, I came out of my blurred run swinging my sword vertically down, and into his head.

With a "crack" my sword split vladimir down the middle and into two separate halls.

The sight of his shocked face before I cut him in two would be something I would remember and enjoy for the rest of time.

Turning back to the fight, I watched as the volturi slowly gained the upper hand in the fight.

But looking back at Alec's fight, I saw one of the other Romanian head stafan in a hand to hand fight with Alec, while the rest of the volturi guards that were there to protect Alec, fought the Romanian head's own guards.

The Romanians were clearly the better fighters.

With the average Romanian guard being over 800 or 900 years old, and the volturi guards on average being 600 to 700 years old.

The volturi guards didn't stand much of a chance.

Just then the memory of Jane's words flashes through my mind.

'Kill him, because I know he would rather be dead than some puppet.'

If I let the Romanian coven kill him, I could avoid the problem of the volturi being angry with me for killing their biggest asset, but how to make sure he stays dead.

Reaching into a pouch I had at my waist, I pulled out a small round clay ball with a fabric Fuze coming from the top, in all it was smaller than a baseball.

On the inside was a flammable oil.

It wasn't big enough to be compared to a molotov cocktail, but enough to catch their clothes on fire.

Waiting for the right moment, I pulled a flint from the same pouch, and watched the fight, while making sure no vampires were coming from behind me.

Not seeing anything I looked back, and continued to watch.

For being a fraction of the age of Stefan, Alec was putting up one hell of a fight.

But just like Jane, Alec clearly practiced with his powers more than he ever did with hand to hand, because every time Alec tried to make distance to use his powers, Stefan was right behind him constantly attacking, and not letting Alec use his powers.

Back and forth the fight continued until finally Alec made a mistake, and paid the price.

Taking the opening Alec didn't cover, Stefan got ahold of his arm and twisted it until it broke.

As soon as I saw that Stefan had taken the upperhand of the fight, I hit the flint together close to the fabric Fuse, until it finally cot.

Looking up, I watched as Alec's head was ripped from his head.

Standing up, I pulled my arm back, and with as much straight as I could put into it, I threw the small clay container at Alec's now headless body.

I watched as my miny molotov flew through the air, to hit Alec's still falling body in the chest.

As soon as the clay burst open, the oil hit the fiery Fuse, and a ball of fire burst out over Alec's body."

"There." I said as I watched the body burn.

Turning my gaze to Stefan who was backing away from the now burning body of Alec with a confused look.

"Now it's your turn." I said to myself, as I blurred full speed in his direction.

He didn't even, see as I blurred to his side, and sliced his head off right above the mouth.

And Before his body could fall to the ground I pushed his body into the burning body of Alec, to hopefully add fuel to the fire.

Now with the Romanian coven leaders dead and Alec gone, now all I needed to focus on was the last remaining vampires.

Looking around I watched the fighting.

Jane and Julius were working in perfect cohesion, as Jane made the vampires in front of her fall in pain, while Julius picked them up and tore them apart.

So deciding they didn't need my help, I turned to help the volturi's guards who were still fighting the Romanian guards.

In a blur, I ran in between each of the guards killing or maiming the Romanian vampires.

Once the volturi guards had the upper hand.

I turned on the remaining Romanian vampires, which were only a few hundred.

At the moment they still outnumbered us, especially since we had lost almost half of our forces, but those who remained were the strongest the volturi had.

So in a blur I ran at the still fighting vampires, and started shooting off aura bullets at the backs of the Romanian vampires, taking out two or three vampires out with each shot.

Then as I ran out of energy, so I entered the melee and started causing havoc.

Cutting amd slices off any limbs in my way, not noticing if they were women, man, or vampiric child, I swong with abandon, as I lost myself in the fight, and the heavy metal music that still filled my head.

After what felt like only minutes, I ran out of body's to cut.

Finally breaking from my trance, I looked around, at the hundreds of bodies that littered the ground.

'Holy shit…we did it.' I thought to myself as I looked out at the battlefield.

Opening my interface, I turned the volume of the music down, and looked around for Julius and Jane.

I saw them killing off the last of the vampires, who were still alive on there half of the battlefield.

As I watched Julius break one of them in half, I couldn't help but let a smile dawn my face.

'We did it, and all in one piece.' I thought as I saw them, but then I looked around to count our own numbers.

And I was a little surprised, because all that remained was 20 of us in total.

With me, Jane and Julius, the three volturi heads, the 7 remaining guards, and 8 surviving regular vampires.

"Shit" I said out loud as I saw how close the battle was for the volturi.

But we did it, we won, and now I can move on with my immortal life, and put this part of my life behind me.


Well there we go, the first arc of the story is over, and now I can start doing some cool shit with the MC, because we are starting to come to the part of history the MC knows, and will be able to actually be a part of history.

And by the way, I'm super tired, so I can't make any promises that I caught all of the mistakes in my check reads.

So if there was anything wrong please let me know.



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