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90.22% Bleach: Starting as a Vasto Lorde / Chapter 203: CHAPTER 229-231: Discoveries

Chương 203: CHAPTER 229-231: Discoveries

Izumi found herself grappling with a sight that she never would've expected. There, lounging in the living room, were a group of women she had known and admired for quite some time — the incredibly nurturing teacher Tier Harribel, the owner of the flower shop Cyan Sung-Sun and her assistant Mila Rose, and Sung-Sun's close friend Apacci.

Only after following Lisa to Kazuya's real home did the shocking pieces of the puzzle finally click into place for Izumi.

These women, every last one of them, belonged to her beloved's harem.

And most shockingly of all they were Hollows.

Not the Hollows she used to fight as a Quincy, but the most powerful species Izumi had only read about in the books — the legendary Adjuchas and Vasto Lorde. Even at the very peak of her power, she would have been stomped by even the weakest of the Menos — a Gillian — as these creatures possessed the power to erase an entire town from existence.

The group of Hollows before Izumi sat near the peak of the Hollow food chain, wielding more power than Gillians. They had the capability to destroy a city before the Soul Society could intervene.

"What in the actual hell…?" Izumi whispered, the crude words foreign on her tongue. Cursing was far from her desired language, but this revelation had turned off her verbal filter. "This is... this is crazy."

Lisa, who sat by Izumi's side, let out a giggle, her eyes dancing with playfulness behind her glasses. "Don't be frightened. Our Kazuya can defeat every soul in this room without breaking a sweat."


Harribel nodded quietly to confirm Lisa's bold statement, her chest straining against her crossed arms. "It's true. Kazuya has transcended the boundaries of Vasto Lordes. Right now, he can call himself the God-King of Hueco Mundo."

As Kazuya's very first sparring partner and instructor, Harribel's heart swelled with fierce pride. He had evolved from a Vasto Lorde who could barely hold his own against her into an entity that every Hollow could only look up to. And most impressively, he had achieved this growth while consuming one Hollow — the poor unfortunate soul that Mila Rose had forced Kazuya into devouring.

Mila Rose languidly leaned her chin on her palm, her lips curving into a smug smirk. "He is the leader of our pride. It's only natural for him to surpass us all."

Being a member of Kazuya's pride filled Mila Rose with immense pride and lit a fire in her to contribute to the pride. However, she had managed to reign in those base instincts thus far, using them to motivate her to assist Sung-Sun in her flower shop.

"Ah fuck. I can't wait to buy that perfect gift for Kazuya," Sung-Sun spoke suddenly, giving voice to the thoughts bouncing around Mila Rose's head. "Mila Rose, you're so predictable, so easy to read."

Mila Rose let out an almost feral hiss, baring her fangs at the other woman in a clear display of threat. "Snake, I'm warning you. Keep your tongue to yourself, or else I'll yank it out."

The brief reunion with Kazuya had left Mila Rose more frustrated than satisfied. After all, Sung-Sun had hoarded Kazuya during their last night's threesome, and he had to use his fingers to satisfy Mila Rose. Although she had climaxed a couple of times, it wasn't the same as climaxing from receiving his hot seed inside her.

She was quite pissed at Sung-Sun as a result.

"Tsk tsk. For that threat, I'll delay your pay by a week," Sung-Sun retorted breezily, examining her manicured nails covered in a fresh coat of black paint. "Take it as a lesson to always respect the higher-ups."

Mila Rose smashed her fist on the table, rattling the finely built furniture. "Why you little—"

"Rose, what have I said about resorting to violence in this house?" Harribel cut in sternly. After stopping Mila Rose from exploding, she turned to Sung-Sun. "Cyan, you know better than to tease Rose about her salary… That money means the world to her right now."

"You're right, Harribel-sama. I won't let her take that away from me," Mila Rose growled, still glaring daggers at a seemingly calm Sung-Sun. "Snake, don't mess with my dream and I won't hesitate to spank the pancake you call ass."

Apacci threw her head back and cackled. "Pancake, hahahaha! Mila Rose, what a comeback."

Sung-Sun pressed her lips together in a thin, disapproving frown, momentarily at a loss for words. As the most slender girl in a family full of voluptuous women, she was indeed the flattest of them all, as such as she lacked absurd curves like their best.

Covering her mouth, Lisa snickered. "Sung-Sun, I definitely wouldn't let that slide."

Clearly, the bespectacled Visored was not above fanning the flames for her own entertainment. The family drama was far more engaging than anything on television.

Sung-Sun clicked her tongue in annoyance, but then lifted her chin, her eyes gleaming with a clear look of superiority. "I couldn't care less about your petty opinions. The only one that matters is my husband. He adores me exactly as I am, which is everything I need in my life."

She had experienced the depth of Kazuya's love through her body and soul. No words could shake her confidence.

"Ugh, I can't really argue…" Mila Rose grumbled. But then a thought occurred to her, sparking a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Ooh, here's a fun question, everyone. Out of all of us, who do you suppose is Kazuya's favorite? His numbah one?!"

That question had the potential to trigger an all-out war, but thankfully, most of the women present were reasonably certain about the reason, and they had no desire to compete with the said number one.

Sung-Sun, Apacci, and Lisa swiveled their heads in Harribel's direction.

Harribel blinked, tilting her head in confusion. "Me?"

Mila Rose heaved a long sigh before shaking her head. "Well, obviously. It's Harribel-sama…"

"No, that can't be right," Harribel objected, holding up her hands. "If anyone here is first in his heart, it would be Apacci. They have been together since his birth as a Hollow. Or perhaps Mila Rose, considering how he has tried to win her affection."

While Harribel was keenly aware of Kazuya's fondness for her, she felt unworthy of claiming the top spot in his heart when they had yet to fulfill the physical side of their affection. He wouldn't delay it for so long if she was his most beloved… right?

Apacci practically glowed at Harribel's praise. "Harribel, that's incredibly flattering, but I don't think I'm number one..."

"Yup, Husband is a total Mommy's boy when it comes to Harribel-sama," Sung-Sun said in a playful tone. "It's pretty sweet and wholesome if you ask me."

Mila Rose hummed, a dreamy expression overtaking her face as she cradled her chin in both hands. "Ahh, those carefree days of us goofing around in Hueco Mundo... they were something else."

The rest of the Hollow ladies exchanged glances before unanimously deciding to leave the lioness to her rose-tinted recollection. As much as they liked Hueco Mundo, their new life was simply superior in every sense.

Lisa nudged Izumi with a mischievous smirk and leaned closer to whisper, "Izumi-sama, this is your chance. Declare that Kazuya's love for you reigns supreme above all others."

Izumi's lips curved into a serene smile. "There's no need for that, Lisa. Otouto-kun loves me deeply. I don't want to push him away by competing."

Sung-Sun let out an appreciative laugh at Izumi's heartfelt confession, which echoed her own decision. "Izumi, it warms my heart to see you responding to our true nature with such level-headed composure. I'm so glad you didn't behave irrationally upon discovering our origins."

As everyone's intrigued gazes concentrated on Izumi, she straightened her back, and squared her shoulders with dignified posture. "Otouto-kun already told me he has multiple lovers. I might have hated it if Lisa brought me to meet a group of strangers vying for his affections… but thankfully, that's not the case. Everyone here has been my friend for some time now."

Before coming here, Izumi had steeled her nerves. She had fully expected to come face to face with monstrous creatures that only superficially resemble people. Instead, she met the people who had rallied her during the darkest chapter of her life.

Clap. Clap. Clap. Izumi's brutally honest confession earned everyone's applause.

"Ah, speaking of dear friends…" Sung-Sun turned to Lisa with a sly grin. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but I do believe Lisa here has quite the crush on darling Husband."

Izumi let out a warm chuckle, her eyes crinkling at the corners. "I told her to reveal her feelings to Otouto-kun. But she decided to figure her heart out before taking the final step."

"Wait just a damn minute! Why are you two dragging me out like this?" Lisa uttered, her wide eyes darting back and forth between Sung-Sun and Izumi. She pointed an accusing finger at Izumi, puffing her cheeks as if she was mad. "Izumi, you said you'll keep it a secret."

"Lisa, no one here is clueless to your obvious affections. It's plain as day," Izumi explained patiently, reaching over to pat the flustered Visored's clenched fist . "Everyone here is practically family… You have nothing to be embarrassed about."

Heaving a weary sigh of defeat, Lisa sank back into the sofa. Her sharp, witty demeanor deserted her the moment the conversation steered towards her crush on Kazuya. "I'm not embarrassed, per se... I'm just not ready to bare my silly feelings to the world just yet. What I'm saying is, I want to go at my own pace."

Izumi's expression softened in the face of Lisa's request. She reached out to caress Lisa's hair, treating Lisa as her younger sister, despite the fact Lisa might be the oldest woman in the room. "Please, take all the time you need to search your heart. Make your move when you feel absolutely confident."

Lisa mustered a nod of gratitude, the tension gradually leaving from her stiff shoulders. "Thank you for understanding, truly."

After a moment of silence, Apacci and Sung-Sun moved toward the kitchen, only to return carrying trays filled with tea and an array of refreshments.

Eyes lighting up with surprise and pleasure, Lisa took the steaming cup in her hands, breathing in the heady aroma with a blissful sigh. "My, how lovely it is to be on the receiving end of service for once. I could get used to this treatment!"

Sung-Sun's lips curved as she let out a laugh. She turned to their resident mother figure. "Harribel-sama, we should let Lisa and Izumi move in here. The mansion has so many empty rooms, and it would be so nice to have the whole family under one roof."

Her sudden suggestion was fueled in equal parts by a genuine concern for Lisa and Izumi's safety and emotional wellbeing, and a desire to spend more quality time with Lisa who had so effortlessly become her best friend.

Harribel nodded her head. "I don't mind. I'm sure Kazuya would like to have everyone under the same roof."

Izumi bowed her head in acquiescence. "I'll be happy to relocate here."

"Hell yes!" Lisa cheered in her seat, pumping her fist with enthusiasm. If she wasn't so attached to Izumi, she'd have done the moving part ages ago. Better late than never, she thought with a wide grin. "I want the room right next to Sung-Sun."

She was going to turn everyone into her partner in crime for romance novels.

Sung-Sun smirked. "I wouldn't have it any other way, my dear. Let's check the room, shall we?"

Sung-Sun and Lisa scampered out of the living room to scout the better room flanking Sung-Sun's own chamber.

Apacci cocked her head to the side, one brow arched as she eyed Izumi with a cautious look. "I don't need to worry about you stabbing us in our sleep, do I?"

Izumi let out a carefree giggle. "No. Even if I wanted to, no knife here can harm a lady as strong as you."

"I was just messing around," Apacci snickered, flashing her a tomboyish grin. "But in all seriousness, go ahead and pick any vacant room. We've got a ton of space to spare."

"That's very kind of you! If it isn't too much trouble, I would love to get a room near Otouto-kun."

"Done and dusted," Apacci confirmed with a slow nod, mentally running through the layout of the sprawling manor. After a few back and forth questions, she had Izumi's desired room all but figured out. "I'll get the room ready for you."

"Thanks a lot."

Apacci nodded and proceeded to drain her teacup dry in one gulp before reaching over to grab Mila Rose's elbow, yanking the lioness to her feet. "Alright, let's get Menoly to help us."

"Waaaait, why me?" Mila Rose questioned. "I'm not good at that type of stuff."

"You have to get better at this stuff. How else will you become his wife?"

"I-Is that necessary?"

Apacci nodded with a serious look. "Very much is. You see, I have this arrangement in mind. When Kazuya permanently returns, every one of his wives will take turns doing household chores. This way, no one person will be overworked. Is that suggestion good, Harribel?"

Apacci did her best to keep things clean in her free time. However, the mansion was too big for Apacci to clean alone, and some rooms became covered in dust as a result.

"This is an excellent arrangement," Harribel said. "I'll try to fill in for anyone who can't do their part."

Mila Rose clenched her fist. "I'll do my best to learn."

"Yes, that's the spirit."

With that, the odd pair made their exit to tackle the task of room-cleaning, leaving Harribel and Izumi alone in the living room.

A comfortable silence settled over the space, disturbed only by the clink of teacups and the occasional crunch of cookies.

As Harribel finished her tea, she turned to regard Izumi with an earnest gaze. "I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me for deceiving you. Back then, we had no other choice but to conceal our true nature."

Izumi hastily shook her head. "Please, Harribel, there's no need for apologies or explanations. I would have done much the same in your position."

Harribel responded with a slow nod, a flicker of relief and gratitude softening her usually stoic features. Her gaze drifted toward the window, her true focus in some distant memory.

"There was a time when we were little more than beasts trying to survive the wastelands of Hueco Mundo... Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine our peaceful days to be in the Living World… by integrating into human society as one of them," she mused, her expression deeply contemplative. "Kazuya was right… fate truly works in mysterious ways."

Izumi inclined her head, her soft smile brimming with wonder and appreciation for the whims of fate that had brought them all together. "I couldn't agree more."

After a time, Harribel turned to Izumi. "Kazuya might be one of the strongest peoples in this world.. I fear his heart is not nearly as strong as his Reiatsu. He never revealed it but I feel like he has had his fair share of suffering."

"I know… No man can be so understanding without suffering himself."

Harribel leaned forward to clasp Izumi's hands in her own. "Let's make sure he doesn't suffer anymore."

She hadn't made such a promise to anyone, but she felt like Izumi was mature and level-headed enough to understand her worries.

Izumi squeezed Harribel's hands. "I'll devote my body and soul to ensure that he never suffers."

"Me too!" chimed Cirucci as she appeared at the door without an invitation. "I want to join this… pact."


You can read 20 chapters in advance on my Patreon!


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