Barely taking a glance at the long and wide streets of brown bricks, the scent of spices fluttering through the air and the various rows and heights of buildings, the four were rushed to Galuvit Station.
Made of dark metals, steam slightly blowing at the front, the train was ready to go. Several other trains were parked, not yet sanctioned to leave.
Two tracks for arrival and departure. The first train of the day had been reserved—the number four painted on the front. They had two entire passenger cars to themselves that had been booked.
Lavish interior, carpets of purple and gold, cushioned seats coloured bronze and tables in between. Each window had shades of their own—a long cable to tug on for an emergency stop.
With their luggage taken care of, they were rushed into the train, three of them surveying every inch with their mouths agape whilst Jotou looked around, mildly amused.
Arc 3 FINALE! Hehe, once again, I can't say it enough, thank you for all the support! The next chapter will be out in a week or two, going into Arc 4, (Probs the end of January) so stay tuned! In the mean time, you can always reread and recommend to people who might enjoy this story. Also help keep this story up by voting and such while I recover from burnout. ;P See ya and happy readings~!