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85% In Marvel as Lor-Zod / Chapter 17: Chapter 17: Got K.Oed!!!

Chương 17: Chapter 17: Got K.Oed!!!

~3rd POV~

Lor was comfortably sleeping on his bed until he heard a knock on the heavily reinforced glass that acted as a door to his cell. He opened his eyes to find both Tony and Reed on the other side of his cell.

Lor: What can I do for you on such a fine- hm is it an evening, morning, or afternoon? I don't have access to the sky to tell.

Tony: There is a clock right next to you. It is literally on your right.

Lor: that does not mean that it is set at the right time for all I know it could be two hours behind.

Tony and Lor started to debate on whether it was set at the correct time as Reed got more and more annoyed at the futility of the conversation. The conversation went over Reed's limits.

Tony: As I said you can determine whether it is on time by-

Reed: ENOUGH! *Sigh* Lor, what is your plan? We saw the footage. You could have asked anyone of the Secret Avengers to free you but you just stood there and watched us fight. Why is that?

Lor smiled. He stood up and came close to the glass-like door. He brought his right index fingers to his mouth.

Lor: Shhh. That's for me to know and for you to find out.

He walked back to his bed but stopped right in front of it.

Lor: But since you guys haven't figured it out, even when I gave you five years to do so, means that you are far too dumb to understand. Fine, I will give you a little hint. In three days and three hours from now, you will understand and you might want to look up once in a while.

Lor sat on his bed and face the duo before resuming.

Lor: This is also the last chance to "Beg" me to help you guys. After this, it will be on your own.

Neither Tony nor Reed responded. They simply left. Tony was not in the mood to play Lor's games. He was still in grief over Steve's death. He had to find bucky and look after him as Steve's letter had instructed. Steve had left a letter in case he died. The letter mentioned looking after Bucky as Steve knew that his oldest and best friend would try to avenge him. That was not what Steve wanted. He wanted someone to take over the role of Captain America. That way, those who wished to kill Captain America would have failed.

Reed was still saddened by Sue leaving him. He was dealing with his sadness by diving into his experiments. His oldest friend, Ben A.K.A The thing, tried to cheer him up but failed at every turn. Ben could not lie to his friend by telling him he was right every time Reed was spiraling into denial. Sue had called Reed a monster when she left. That had greatly affected Reed. He tried to use rationality to avoid his guilt but even Ben could not give him the comfort of a lie that he sought.

One of the experiments he was conducting was a gate through the multiverse. His trip to the DC universe showed Reed that multiverses were real. He had brought it up to the Illuminati in one of the ways to defeat Lor. Strange and Charles had been against it as it felt more like playing Russian roulette. They had no way to insure that whoever managed to defeat Lor would not be a psychopath. Lor was at his worst a high-functioning sociopath. Strange did not divulge the fragility of the multiverses as that was something he knew very little about. He still knew nothing about Incursions. Reed and Tony through their pride thought that they could "solve" that. In the end, Black Bolt decided against it as it brought more cons than pros.

Even though they agreed to drop that plan, Reed continued his research for scientific purposes. He was not sure whether to bring Tony into his plans or not. He knew that with Tony's help, his research would go fast but he had yet to have a reason to compromise his research but that is a story for another time.


~3-day time skip~


I screwed up. I said three days and three hours since it was the time it would take my pre-infinity stone self to travel that distance. I forgot, at that moment, that Hulk was not me. He should be arriving in a year. I saw that n the future, Tony would throw my "supposedly" powerless self in front of Hulk since he refused to beg for help. He would try to negotiate with me. If I helped him he would remove the yellow sunlight drainer off my chest.

If you guys are still wondering what it looks like, imagine The Flash Season 1 tachyon device that the Reverse Flash put on his costume. Anyway seeing this bugged me. I decided to give Tony a chance when it was guaranteed to be refused. Why? So I can rub the salt on his wounds after Bruce beat the smugness out of him. I could kill him but that brings me no benefits.

Now I am left wondering what to do since, in three hours, something has to happen. My pride is on the line here. Oh, right! I can just break out of here in the most condescending way possible. I spent the next three hours trying to plan how I would act. I was going to act like Rick in a way. I already knew what to do to break out. It was like the first thing I thought after being put in this cell. I just needed to switch the red sunlight to blue sunlight. I would have enough strength left to crush the drainer before it "drained" every sunlight energy I was feeding it through my reality-warping powers.

I could have crushed it without changing the sunlight but what's life without a bit of drama? I can understand why Loki loves pranks the feeling of fooling people is exhilarating. My three hours were up. It was now time to act. I modified the red sunlight generators to become blue sunlight generators with the help of my reality warping powers and as I explained earlier, I ripped the yellow sunlight energy drainer off my chest and proceeded to blast my cell's door with a good old fashion heat vision. This cause an explosion.


That explosion brought the attention of every S.H.I.E.L.D agent to me. I calmly walked out of my cell as the smoke was dissipating. I was greeted by a legion of S.H.I.E.L.D agents pointing their energy guns at me. From what I see, S.H.I.E.L.D experimented on the artificial Power stone and managed to create power stone energy-based weapons. I looked at all of them by moving my head before speaking.

"I'm going to give you guys two chances. The first one is that I will kill the first guy to shoot at-"

As I was talking a cocky S.H.I.E.L.D agent thought he could take me out while I was still "powerless" with S.H.I.E.L.D new weapons and take the credit. I know that because I read his mind. I could tank the hit and then use heat vision to melt his face but I had a better idea. I used my super speed to grab the S.H.I.E.L.D agent, I went back to where I was with that S.H.I.E.L.D agent being right in front of me with my hand on his neck. We looked like Omni-man and Mark "tanking" the train.

The S.H.I.E.L.D agent did not even realize what happened before he felt that his lower body up to his abdomen was gone. He screamed like a madman because his lungs were not damaged. That was because I use my electromagnetic field to protect his upper body.


I resumed my speech when he stopped screaming. He was dead or about to die in a few seconds. Either way, by the end of my speech, he would no longer be alive.

"As I was saying, the first chance is that I will kill the first one to shoot at me to show you guys that I can and will kill you guys if you shoot at me again."

It did as I expected, they were overconfident at the start since they thought I was powerless and because they had more powerful weapons. This showed them that their weapons meant nothing to me.

"The second chance is that I won't kill you all if you guys just drop your weapons and don't attack."

I could very easily kill them but I did say that I held grudges, right? Well, most of this Fuckers kept taunting me with the fact that I was in a cell. Killing them was too quick. I had my own plan. I was going to use the mind stone's power to make sure they remember this feeling of powerlessness every single time they go to sleep at night. As I want internally smirking at that thought, a S.H.I.E.L.D agent that looked to be the one in charge spoke. I looked at his badge and his name was John Burns.

"Y-you want us to sit back as you escape! We can't do that we are S.H.I.E.L.D elite Squadron."

I look at some of them. It seems that some regained some will to fight. I knew what to do in this case. I dangle the corpse in my right hand as I spoke to them.

"So you want me to kill you guys?"

Bits and chunks of the corpse entrails flew over the faces of a few S.H.I.E.L.D's agents that were below me. Seeing the expression of the corpse cooled down their will to fight. John spoke after seeing that everyone had lost the will to fight.

"N-no b-but we have all trained and endured so much to get into the elite Squadron. If we just stand there and do nothing we will lose everything we earn, the rank, money, and respect of our peers."

I did not pity them cuz even if I could leave at any given moment, I was technically a prisoner. I spoke after reading their minds and finding out that they were more worried about the respect of their peers. This was dumb to me.

"So you want respect. I can see that. I don't understand it but I can see that. Tell you what, I'mgoingto do you guys a solid 'or at the very least look like I'm doing you guys a solid'. How about you guys lay down tell your superiors you got knocked out and when they come here act like you just woke up."

They looked at each other before a random agent muttered something that only I could hear thanks to my enhanced hearing.

"B-but that's weak-"

I looked at him before speaking.

"You are all weak!"

They reluctantly dropped their weapons and faked being knocked out. Remember when I thought that they would think that I did them a solid? Well, it turns out that they forgot, in their moment of fear, that security cameras exist. Yeah, their superiors will know that they faked and lied to them. As I said, I hold grudges.

I walked out of the Negative Zone with ease. I am sure that Maria must have tried to close it down but one of my artificial intelligence hacked S.H.I.E.L.D and made sure that the portal stayed open. After leaving the Negative Zone, I found myself in the Avengers Tower. It made sense since Tony was still the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. I found that no one was there other than pepper. This made me smile. I used my super speed to appear behind her

[AN: NO! I know what you guys are thinking and NO! Just NO! Get your minds out of the gutter.]

She was understandably startled by my sudden appearance and screamed. I knew she was afraid as I could hear her heartbeat skyrocketing. I decided to ease her worries by speaking to her.

"Hey Pepper, do you by any chance know where I can find the breakroom? I'm craving for some coffee or tea, I'm not picky."

The confusion helped her calm down. She gave me directions although she was still visibly shaken and stuttered a lot. I thanked her and calmly walked to the breakroom. I knew that she immediately called Tony as not even a minute after our talk, the Tower defense increased to its highest level. Till now they had just been shooting at me, I let it happen since it did not even tickle. I entered the breakroom as the automatic energy guns kept firing at me. It was like a kid splashing you with a water gun.

Even as they kept firing, I located what I was looking to brew myself a cup and used my reality warping powers to protect the cup as it was brewing. After my cup was filled. I went to sit on a sofa that I had also protected before conjuring a book to read. As the energy guns turned into laser guns, I kept reading my book in peace, not bothered by the noise. When my cup became empty, I refilled it with my reality-warping powers. I read my book until Tony along with Reed showed up. I conjured money out of thin air and walked over to Tony who was in a defensive position. I knew they were trying to buy time.

I continue to walk calmly toward Tony even when he fired his laser beams at me. Which did nothing. I put the money I had conjured on his armor and used the space stone's power to fuse it to his armor before speaking.

"Great room, Tony although you might want to fix that noise problem, it almost made me lose my page a couple of times."

I then walked away through the front door not even bothered by the fact that Black Bolt was facing me. I simply continued to walk while speaking.

"Next time you scream at me, I'll make you eat your own vocal cords."

I kept walking even when I heard Medusa getting angry and Black Bolt restraining her. After a while l started to fly as I had already made my point clear. I walked both the Avengers Tower and The Negative zone as I owned the places. That was far worse than death for people like Tony and Reed since their own pride would torture them for me. I only used powers they already knew. After I started flying around, I decided to fly into space and enjoy a nice well deserved Sunbathing.

As I was bathing in the yellow sunlight, I wonder what I was going to do until Hulk comes. I was going to relax but I was deciding on what to do first. As I was deciding, I fell asleep. It feels nice to float in space... when you are protected by an electromagnetic field and absorbing yellow sunlight.

~3rd POV~

Lor was peacefully sleeping in space when he felt someone's body slamming him towards the Moon. He knew it was the Moon since he did not feel the atmosphere re-entry and the fact that it would have taken more time at the speed he was being tackled at. He opened his eyes and as if to prove him right, he saw a greyish ground followed by the Earth on the horizon. Lor stood up and looked at his attacker with his eye threatening to shoot his heat vision before smiling.

Lor: If it had been anyone else, I might've killed them... it's been a while... Carol!

In front of him was none other than Carol Danvers A.K.A Captain Marvel. She was glad in golden-orange light all around her body and her eyes were glowing yellow. She looked at Lor before lunging at him. She did not say a word. Lor felt something was off. Her movement looked fake. It was as if she wanted to fake a fight between them. He proceed to grab her punch and spin her around until he sent her towards the asteroid field. He flew to catch up with her. As she landed on the Asteroid field, she took time to regain her bearing and when she did Lor came shortly before she could leave the Asteroid field.

Lor: mind telling me what's gotten into you, Carol?

Carol took some time before lunging at Lor. It then hit Lor that they were in space. He could hear his own voice due to the electromagnetic field but Carol could not since sound needed air to travel. He decided to grab Carol's incoming fist. When he did Carol sent another one. Lor caught it as well. Carol tried to break free only to end up in a bear grip competition with Lor. As they saw this, their attention shifted to one another. They locked eyes. They felt the other's grip weakening but did not take advantage of it. It came to the point that neither hand was touching the other. After a brief moment silen- on neither moving, they suddenly brought their hands on the back of the other's head, they brought it towards them and locked lips. They embrace each other with a passionate kiss as the space around them morphed into that of a hotel room with a king-size bed. Gravity was now back as Lor lifted Carol by her tights and brought her to the bed.

~12 sex scenes later~

Lor woke up to see a mountain of greyish matter covered with white liquid all around the king-size bed. The grey-ish matter was one of Lor's self-proclaim greatest inventions. It was an Adamantium condom. It was a condom that retained its elasticity while being more durable than titanium. Lor knew that if he were to have sex with someone that could handle thrusts past Mach 6, any man-made condom would have already broken and his partner would get pregnant. This lowered the risk.


I guess I was pent-up though it is reasonable since I haven't had any "action" for five years. It did not bother me as I viewed too much lust as a weakness but that did not mean I would start living as a monk. I was not surprised by what happened with Carol. I always felt some level of attraction between each other. I can not help but smirk when I think about what we just did. If there is one thing I both love and hate about Carol is that she hates to lose against a man in anything and I mean ANYTHING. She was barely able to stand one moment but after I asked her if she wanted a break, she is instantly riding me in a cowgirl position with an intensity in her eyes that just turn my lust into Super Saiyan.

She would even taunt me into upping my game to which she would get overwhelmed by me "upping" my game. That would lead me to sincerely ask her if she needed a break only for the cycle to begin again. I saw that she was still asleep thus I decided to cuddle her with the big spoon. I then fell asleep.

I woke to Carol breaking free of being the little spoon. I did fight back just lay on my back with a smile still plastered on my face. She hesitated for a moment before bringing her head to my chest. I caressed her left shoulder with my left hand as we enjoyed the moment. The moment lasted until her earpiece started to make noise. She leaped off the bed and tried to find it under her clothes. Once she found it she answered the call and from what I was hearing, it seems that Fury is back on Earth and was contacting her for an update on our "fight". I smirked as she was lying through her teeth. As if on point she looked back to see me smirking and threatened me with her eyes.

They did not see our "fight" after I sent her to the Asteroid field since I used the space stone power to shorten her travel while I just arrived the old fashion way by foot- flight.

After she finished her call, she quickly got dressed as I was looking at her ass. Is it weird that I find her ass getting covered by her suit slowly, as I sped up my perception, arousing? It feels like her ass is taunting me to rip her suit off.

~Carol Danvers POV~

I had gotten back from our investigation of the Kree Empire and I brought both good and bad news. When I came back I heard that a Superpowered civil war happened. After listening to the cause of it, I have to say that I would have accepted the registration act if I hadn't met Lor. I know felt firsthand what happens when people know your secret identity and where you live. From what Lor once said, he lives alone to ensure that no bystander gets hurt. After seeing what happened while living with Lor, I could not agree with the registration act but I would not go against it either. I was conflicted and thankful that I did not need to choose sides. I then learned that Lor had escaped. I muttered under my breath the first thought I had in mind.

"It's about damn time."

I was about to go to space and meet him since Tony's satellite showed him there but everyone thought I was going to fight him and told me that they would bring him back up. I did not know what to say. I nodded and left as I was too embarrassed to say that I just want to meet him because I missed him.

I knew they were watching so I tackled him towards the Moon, I was about to do something when I noticed his mouth moving. I realized that we could not talk to each other or at the very least without anyone else eavesdropping. I was mad about that fact but also mad about the fact that according to the security footage, I saw Lor could have freed himself anytime he wanted. That meant every day I agonized over finding a way to free him was useless. That made me even madder. I lunged at him only for him to spin me towards an Asteroid field.

He tried to talk again but I saw that HD just realized that I could not hear him. I lunged at him again this time I tried to hit him before he could spin me again. He caught my other hand. As I tried to free myself, we somehow ended up bear gripping each other's hands. At that happened, my rage started to fade little by little and be replaced by something else, it barely took me a moment to understand that it was lust.

One thing led to another and we slept together. I already expected him to use his strength and stamina but I did not expect him to use his super speed on his tongue. If I had not seen it for myself, I would have thought he made a vibrator. Anyway, I digress. I had just finished lying to Fury as Lor was smirking and I was putting on clothes when I felt Lor's arms wrap themselves over my waist while I felt his rod poke my ass. He spoke.

"Are you ready for a challenge or are you afraid to face it?"

I sighed before speaking.

"I know that you are taunting me and it not going to work."

For some unexplained reason, I- huh- I can't lie to myself. His taunting worked like a charm and we went for- I don't know I stopped counting after his tongue nearly K.Oed me. It went on till I couldn't even walk, while he was barely out of breath. I might have lost but I technically won in a sense. I guess he was right, sex is better when it is with someone who can tank your hips. After we satiated our lust, we sat down to talk about what this was. We both admit that neither of us would stand down if our opinion were against each other. Neither was even trying to dissuade the other. We were both stubborn and liked that about one another. We decided to see where this would go but for now, it would be a secret, our secret.

~3rd POV~

Fury had just ended the call when Tony spoke.

Tony: so is it just me or do you guys also think she fucked Lor?"

This brought confusion on the faces of both Reed and Fury but the latter was trained to hide it instantly before he spoke.

Fury: Explain.

Though it sound as if he was asking a question everyone knew that it was more of an order.

Tony: let's just say that I know what a call sounds like during the walk of shame.

Reed: I don't even want to know why you know that.

Fury: I take your word for it considering your past... expertise.

Tony smirked only to start sweating after he heard pepper coughing. He knew that she had heard everything and decided to change the subject.

Tony: By the way pepper did Lor say anything to you as he was leaving?

Pepper: *Sigh* Other than giving me a jump scare, he only asked me where the breakroom was and thanked me before leaving. I don't understand what goes through his mind.

Tony and Reed started to pounder at what Lor was planning before Fury brought them back to reality.

Fury: I can't believe the supposed smartest people on the planet can't understand what Lor meant behind his actions.

Tony: Y-you found his hidden meaning?

Fury: There are no hidden meanings MORONS! He gave you guys bait which you didn't just take but hopped on with your eyes closed. While you guys were distracted, he broke out quite easily. I always thought he was choosing to stay locked and here is my proof. As for what he did in the Tower, he just walked around the Tower like he own the place before giving you money for the drink and leaving. Tony, he just showed that you weren't a threat to him while mocking you.

Tony protested against that but after Reed admitted that they only won against Lor by pure chance, he was forced to admit it. Still, knowing the fact that Lor treated him like a waiter when he was leaving the Tower passed Tony to no end. Tony knew that was Lor's intention but that only made him madder. The fact that he could not do anything about it, for now, was just rubbing salt on his wounded pride.

Reed was not better. Lor had proven that his nearly five years' worth of research was worthless as Lor escape quite easily and even his own defensive measure did nothing to Lor. This drove him into hastening his research on multiverses transportation.

When Carol came back, Fury fainted in ignorance as he would rather have her compromise but still on his side until he found a way than not have her at all. Tony was too focused on healing his ego to even make jokes at his own peril.

Three months went by and the relationship between Lor and Carol went from secret meetings outside earth to meet up inside the city of Fortitude to meeting up anywhere that was close. The thrill of getting caught added spice to the... "meetings". That was the only reason why Lor did not verify if anyone knew about them. He did not want the fun to end and even if someone knew there was nothing they could do.

Lor's love life was not the only thing that changed. A month ago, Lor received an alert about the Molecule Man, he cloaked himself and rushed towards Owen via space-warping powers. He quickly exchanged place with Owen via space stone and put him under an illusion as he took his place. Moments after they exchanged places, the machine that Owen was working on, or more accurately was trying to fix, malfunctioned. A portal to the unknown opened.

It caused a surge of energy from said portal to release and head towards Lor in his Owen disguise. Lor used his absorption ability to siphon everything bit of power that came from that portal while laughing maniacally.


After thirty minutes, the portal closed on its own. Lor felt fear on the other side of the portal. His plans had worked. One, he had obtained the powers of Molecule Man and The Beyonder as the latter had been created by the excess energy that Owen could not absorb.

Two, he had managed to traumatize The Beyonders into never stepping foot in his universe as they now saw him as a beast that would devour them with room to spare in his stomach they had even forgotten to turn Lor into a universal bomb.

Third and lastly, from what he had learned from the leader of the ex-elite Squadron of S.H.I.E.L.D, S.H.I.E.L.D had managed to create a cosmic cube via the Power stone.

Lor had no idea whether it would gain sentience or not but if S.H.I.E.L.D had a cosmic cube, he would get one as well. Lor had created a container for any excess energy in case. After he had gotten the powers of the Molecule Man, The Beyonder, and more, Lor decided to slow down the absorption to let some energy go into the container, creating a green orb exuding infinite energy. Lor looked at the orb.

Lor: I'll call you Universal Orb, Baam.

Lor decided to observe the orb before giving it sentience. Like that, three more months went by as Lor tested his new- freshly acquired powers. He had a blast. It was fun learning about his powers. He divided his time between, work, training his powers, "meetings" with Carol, playing with Franklin, and hanging out with his friends. He had grown attached to Franklin as much as the kid had grown attached to Lor. Sue did not mind that as she saw Lor helping her child in a way that she could not. She was even thankful.

Lor had told her the true nature of Franklin's powers. She was shocked and suspicious as to why he did not tell her before. He explained that many would experiment on Franklin if they learned his true powers. He named a few people even including Reed to which Sue slapped him. He told her his opinion on Reed and Sue decided to prove him wrong. She went to tell Reed about Franklin's powers. She thought that Reed would act like her but when she told Reed, She was shocked to hear his response. Reed talks about things such as "containing", and "doing so test to see the limits of Franklin's powers". Reed was proposing to do tests- experiments on their own child.

Sue had been greatly affected after she saw all those kids being experimented on, she subconsciously developed a hatred towards experiments on children. If that had been all that had happened, Sue would have eventually calmed down and seen that Reed was doing what he thought was right for their child. Sue was starting to question if she had been wrong when Lor informed her that she had nanites in her via writing it on a paper. She did a quick check-up and discovered that they had audio functions that transmitted information back to the Baxter building. That was the last straw in their relationship. Sue completely left Reed aa from any chance of getting back together.

A week after Lor calmed Sue down as she was crying over Reed's betrayal of trust. Carol entered the city of Fortitude, nervously. She spotted Lor and landed next to him. He was surrounded by Charles, Logan, Magneto, Mystic, Henry, Ororo, and Kitty. They were talking when they saw Carol landing.

Lor: Sup, Carol what can I do for you?

Carol: .... I-I-.....

She had difficulty saying what she wanted to say but after making up her mind she screamed what she wanted to say as a way to hide her nervousness.

Carol: I'M PREGNANT!!!!

Carol looked at Lor who had a smile on his face but was not moving an inch. Everyone's attention was on him other than Charles who had a migraine. Kitty was the one to break the silence after she waved her hands in front of Lor's face.

Kitty: H-He fainted?!!

Before anyone could make assumptions, Charles clarified the situation.

Charles: When Miss Danvers said she was pregnant, it sent Lor into what I can only call an overdose of happiness, I barely felt the residue of said overdose and I am having a headache.

Logan: HAHAHA! Lottery boy goes K.Oed by a pregnancy announcement. HAHAHAHA!

Magneto: You aren't a father so you wouldn't understand what this means to someone.

Magneto looked at Lor with a warm smile on his face. If there was anyone that deserved happiness in his opinion, it was Lor. He remembered when the love of his life told him she was pregnant with twins. It had sent him over the moon. He had even forgotten his hatred of humankind for months.

[AN: Again at the beginning I didn't know they were twins.]

Isekai_enjoyer Isekai_enjoyer

Wrote this on my phone might have a couple of mistaken even after using grammary

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Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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