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85.86% Killing Cockroaches In Xianxia For Self-Preservation / Chapter 76: Helping A Friend

Chương 76: Helping A Friend

(Sun Ting POV)

Seated in my spacious room, I contemplated over how unfair this world was to me.

Why was I so useless?

How was it even possible for someone to be the direct descendant of a high-tier Clan's leader, and not have a sliver of talent for martial arts or cultivation?

It wasn't just that.

I'd dabbled in many areas such as politics, tactics, wealth management, managerial positions, and much more, yet I just couldn't seem to click with any field of expertise.


...Except from one.

A while back, one of my closest brothers suggested I should try my hands on some art.

I felt that I had nothing to lose in attempting it, and thought it was a rather reasonable suggestion considering my garbage constitution wouldn't impede much on the overall task.

Plus, it would relieve me of my crippling boredom for a while.

So the first chance I got, I had asked some servants to buy me some paper and high-quality brushes quickly as, if anything, I surely wasn't lacking in money.

Soon enough, I was sitting on a comfortable stool with the highest grade brush any beginner could ever as for in my hand with a large sheet of paper in front of me.

I remember vividly how a strange feeling overcame me as I put brush to paper with no objective in mind.

This intense feeling was intoxicating, invigorating.

I promptly began to move the brush to wherever this feeling told me to, and I had done so concisely- as of I were a seasoned expert.

Each of my strokes was rapid and heavy, like an avalanche, at times.

Whereas at others, they were intricate and light, like a feather.

After god knows how long, the feeling disappeared and I snapped out of the trance.

My arm was shaking due to fatigue and I was mentally worn because never once had I concentrated for such a long period of time!

I recall staring straight at my art, and feeling... thrilled.

This thrill, however, hadn't come from the fact that my art was something impressive- in fact, it was quite mediocre.


The thrill came from the fact that I felt complete.

It was as if I had finally found the thing I always yearned for.

I knew that this was my talent, this was what I was meant for.

With this understanding, a sense of exhilaration and fulfilment arose in me, and I decided to do what I'd wanted to do for years.

I stormed out of my isolation chambers and made my way to the home I was kicked out of years ago- The main family mansion.

I didn't give a shit about any tiredness I had, or whether or not my weak physique could even take me all the way there. Instead, I was adamant about finally proving to my father, mother, and elder sister that I wasn't a waste!

I wanted to show that I finally had something to offer in exchange for their care.

I wanted them to know I... was finally worth something!

So I treaded all the way there, ignoring all the servants who tried to stop me on the way, and entered the mansion with a wide smile on my face.

No one dared to block my way over to my father's study. I knocked on the large wooden double doors and entered.

As I went in, I finally saw him again.

He had the same cleanly shaven face, with striking brown eyes and hair. His face was angular and sharp, and the pressure from just standing in front of him was huge.

He didn't even lift his head from the desk he was sitting at and asked in a cold and indifferent tone,

"Sun Ting, why have you come here?

Didn't I say before that a stain like you isn't worth attention?"

I wasn't disheartened by his indifference, as I was sure he'd changed after I tell him about my talent, therefore I responded excitedly,


This son of yours may have been useless before, however, he has finally found his own talent!

Although it may be early, I'm absolutely certain I've discovered it!"

As soon as I said that, he finally took his attention away from the pile of papers in front of him and looked up at me.

His strong gaze fell on me as he said with a hint of curiosity,

"...Is that so?

Then hurry up and tell me what you're talented in, and I'll arrange for someone to check if what you are saying is true."

I felt my face light up, even more, and I enthusiastically said,

"I-It's art!

I felt the exact same feeling that my elder sister described after she picked up a spear!

The brush felt natural in my hand as if it was an extension of my own body!"

Yes, my sister had the experience I had.

I remember her telling me about it when I was younger, and that's how I knew art was my talent.

The more I thought about it, the happier I got. I felt as if my time had come!

I didn't have to wallow away in loneliness and feel like a useless leach anymore. It would finally all go back to how it was before I lost everything.

No more are the days of me being labelled as a mistake!

I looked directly at my father's face, filled with anticipation of seeing a proud smile directed towards me.

However, that never happened.

Rather... his neutral expression morphed into one of disgust.

He looked at me as if I was just some dirt under his nail, and said disdainfully,

"Is that it?

You stupid shit."

I stood there rooted to the ground, not comprehending why it turned out this way.

"What would a skill as inconsequential as art matter at all?

Have you ever heard of a revered artist in this cultivation world?

Of course you haven't, you dense fool. Only strength is respected in the world, so what would your trashy art ever do?

You are garbage who is alive, purely, because of other people's protection."


Wasn't I finally not trash?

Shouldn't you have congratulated me on discovering my talent?


I don't want to look at a shitstain like you!"

After he told me to get out of his sight, he didn't spare me another glance and continued working.

That day, I went out feeling as if my hopes had been stripped away from me. In my anger, I ripped the drawing I was prideful of to shreds and threw it away.

After that, no matter how much my Bu Cai, my closest brother, tried to persuade me. I didn't put much effort into my art again.

The feeling I felt the first time also never returned and although I'd gotten better at drawing, I didn't care.

From then on, I didn't count art as an area of expertise anymore and rather treated it as something to waste time on like drinking or gambling.

Another thing that's made me feel terrible is Sun Qiu, my elder sister.

She and I were always close when we were younger. When I needed help with something or needed someone to play with, she'd be the first to help.

When I was injured or sore, she'd always worry the most.

B-But that all broke apart.

Her attitude changed towards me once she saw me degrade into the state I am in now.

Her once caring and gentle tone was gone and now, whenever I tried to talk with her, she would constantly berate me with insults and demean me.

'Sun Ting, why can't you do better?'

'You disgust me.'

'Try harder you piece of shit, I can't believe mother and father gave birth to a mistake like you!'

'Never talk to me again.'

These echoed through my head every time I'd think of trying to rebuild my relationship with her.

Even now that she was back in the clan after a few years, she never once thought of seeing me.

And that hurts, more than when my mother and father started treating me like a pest. This was because I was a lot closer to her than my parents.

*Knock* *Knock*

Haaaaaa, I wonder who it's going to be?

Either way, I'll force a smile on my face as a happy me would be what others want to see.

I turn around to the entrance, and walking through the door was Bu Cai. He walked in relaxed as if it was his own home, and when he turned around to look at me his expression went from smiling to serious.

I decided to greet him first and said,

"Hey, Brother Bu!

How you been doing these d-"

"What's the issue?"

Issue. How would he know I have an issue?

I said,

"What are you talki-"

"You've got tears running down your cheeks dumbass. If you are going to play it off as fine at least put some effort into it!

Let me guess, you haven't gotten the chance to talk to your oh so lovely and respectable elder sister whom you adore so much yet?

And you are probably also mourning over how bad life is for you for the seventh time this week, aren't you!?"

I was pissed at how he had just come in and started summarising my issues as if he knew anything and even dared to make fun of me for it.

Just who does this bastard think he is?

This annoyance flared up some anger in me, and I shouted at him,

"Fuck you!

Since when do you think you can come in here like you are some bigshot, and what would you know about not having your family treat you well!

It's not my fault I was born into this trash body with no prospects in anything!"

After I finished he yelled back at me,

"Fuck you too, and don't raise your voice at me you fucker!

Do you think sitting here crying about how miserable you are will do anything?

Do you think whining about things that you cannot change and have no control over will make them better?!"


I couldn't respond to that.

I knew he was right.

But this is what is easiest.

Making a change is difficult.

No matter whether that change is something as insignificant as getting up earlier every day, to large things such as shifting your perception of the world.

"Shut up, shut up, shut up!

I don't want to hear it!

It's not my fault since no one even cares about me, so how could I even find the motivation to change?

Do you even understand how horrible it was when my father once again called me useless, though I had thought I finally found my talent and meaning?

Do you even know how hurtful it is to me when the person closest to me treats me as if you are lower than shit on the ground?

What am I supposed to do, suddenly-"

"You idiot, you're really starting to piss me off!

You just keep repeating the same cycle of whining and blaming over and over again- you are like a broken record!

And you actually have the fucking gall to sit here and say to my face that no one cares about you at all?

Is that really what you think?

Do you even realise how much the couple who look after you care for you?

The old man around the front was ready to shatter my spine since he thought I was using your name to get into the Sun Family estate!"

...Uncle Tou did that?

But it's something he would do.

"And do you even know how worried the lady looked whilst carrying you away in your drunken stupor?

Because I thought she'd faint from even seeing you in such a pitiful state!"

Auntie Yin... does care for me, a lot.

Bu Cai paused for a moment to collect himself, then continued,

"And I also care about you as well, you bastard!

Do you think I like seeing you be in such a situation... because I don't!

And I've been trying to help you mentally up till now, through suggestions.

But that doesn't seem to be getting through to your thick skull!

So you asked me what you are supposed to do about this?"

Before I knew it, Bu Cai had grabbed me by my collar and lifted me up in the air.

I dangled about and tried to free myself, but it was futile.

I turned to look at his face and said,

"I-I get it already!

B-But can you let me go now?"

Seeing this, his mouth curved up to form a devilish smile, and said to me whilst walking out,

"Fuck no."


What do you mean no?!

"Since you asked for it, I'll be showing you how to solve this- The Bu Cai way!

So buckle yourself up, because you are getting a personal ride onboard the Boeing Cai-737...

...Straight to your sister!"

W-What's a Boeing?!

He suddenly pulled out a long metal sword and stood on it...

Is that what I think it is?!!!!

I frantically waved my hands about and said anxiously,

"H-Hey Brother, y-you know I'm afraid of flying and heights righ-AHHHHHHHHHH!"


(Bu Cai POV)

It's irritating.

All I needed to do here, was get him into art and with that physique of his, he'd be hailed as a prodigy.

This was because Dao physiques are absurdly busted.

They are essentially a cheat code to cultivating a Dao.

But the Heavens are fair and impartial, therefore Dao physiques are very rare...

...My ass.

Literally, every harem member of that cockroach bastard has one to the point where I'm starting to believe cockroach is planning to cultivate the Dao by collecting three thousand jade beauties with physiques- Clearly, the guy who made the book on Dao physiques was high on some 'spirit enhancing' pill, or must've never met a protagonist.

But jokes aside, they are supposed to be rare as they are overpowered.

Think of it this way, a person like me, who doesn't have a Dao physique, has to comprehend every part of the Dao by himself. However, people with Dao physiques receive a helping hand whilst comprehending- as if the Dao was teaching itself to them!

Therefore it is much easier for them to reach deeper levels of insight, and more unique insights, faster than normal people.

Therefore Sun Ting would easily be able to comprehend an Art Dao.

However, cultivating the Dao itself requires one to be focused and clear-minded- Hence, one of the reasons why the Dao Heart is emphasised a lot.

So clearly someone with a messed up mental state who probably isn't even drawing seriously, like Sun Ting, won't be able to make use of his physique and start comprehending the Dao. This, therefore, means he can't improve himself and gain the recognition he wants from his family.


You get what I am saying right?

This is a fucking dilemma and a half!

Therefore I now have to take a direct approach.

I need to pull him out of this mental hole he's gotten himself into and to do that I have to understand what's going on with his sister- since there is no way I am going to be able to confront the Clan leader. I already know that plot is most likely the reason why she changed the way she treated Sun Ting, yet that isn't a reasonable explanation!

There must be something that has caused the change, such as her master forcing her to cut ties with him as he is a waste, or that she disdains the way he copes with his loneliness.

And Sun Ting definitely isn't going to confront her about it, as he's too ashamed of himself to go there and ask!


I'm such a great friend, aren't I?

Of course, as bad as it may sound, I wasn't only doing this for him.

This would also help me with my task of killing Long Tian as, if I mess around with stuff surrounding the heroine, then surely it would disrupt the plot!

And like that, I would have the chance of gaining more info from the System whilst also being able to experiment with what plot truly is.

It was killing multiple birds with one stone.

Anyways, we soon arrived at Sun Qiu's manor.

Since Sun Ting had previously shown me around the place, I knew where it was so we got there quickly. We both got off of my flying sword at the front door.

Sun Ting was clenching his stomach and had a pale face, however, I knew it would be fine with some rest- surely.

Without any more tarrying about, I made my way to the front door and knocked vigorously.




Soon enough, I hear footsteps behind the door and soon it opens revealing the fifth heroine of this world...

The woman who stood on the other side of the door was stunning.

Her auburn hair fell freely down to her thin waist and had sky blue eyes that were piercing. She wore a simple light green robe that fit her snugly.

She was quite tall for a woman- around 5'8- and had a large bust alongside the signature jade complexion. Her lips were cherry red, and she had a mole under her right eye that added to her charm.

She was a huge temptation to just about any man- and woman- and I could confirm with certainty that the rumours of her being one of the top beauties were not baseless.

As she stood in front of me, a pleasant lavenderish scent wafted by my nose that made me feel inexplicably calm.


Fuck me.

I thought I'd be impervious to something as menial as beauty by now... but I was very wrong.

This woman is dangerous.

Before I even got the chance to catch my bearings, her pleasant yet cold voice rang out as she said,

"What do you think you are doing here?

If you are one of my so-called 'suitors', then I advise you to get out of my sight promptly. As although Qi Condensation Second stage for a boy of your age is impressive, that's all it is.

You are currently a weakling not worth my time, so heed my words otherwise don't blame me for being impolite."



Is it strange that I find her bluntness... hot?

...Anyways, let's not screw this up!

"Your suitor?

I am no such a thing.

The reason I have come here today, Sun Qiu, is to get to the bottom of why you're neglecting your younger brother.

Don't you feel bad for abandoning him as an older sist-"




My smile drops.

H-Have I just had the door shut in my face?!

I feel a soft pat on my shoulder as Sun Ting says to me,

"It's like this with me as well brother.

Whenever it isn't anything regarding cultivation, she ignores it- It's as if she's been possessed!

I honestly appreciate you trying, but you really won't be able to do anythin-"


I slapped his hand off my shoulder and said,

"I, Bu Cai, won't be able to do anything?!


I turn around and stare at him dead in the eyes, then say resolutely,

"I will guarantee it right now, that you and your sister will be on track to rebuilding that fucking relationship by the end of the day. Hook by crook!

So what if she thinks she's too big for her boots, I'll humble her one way or another!

Remember this Sun Ting, 'give up' aren't words that are in my dictionary!"


He stares at me blankly and shakes his head as if I just cracked a bad joke or something.

But this isn't a joke.

Every word I said, I meant.

That damned jade beauty thinks she can dismiss me like that just because she's got some decent looks and a smidgen of talent.

Fucking absurd.

If I have to turn away at the door like everyone else, wouldn't that mean I'm inferior to Long Tian who will end up bagging her as a collectable?


I plastered on a smile again and have a glance over at the System's analysis of her real quick.


I knew the System wouldn't fail me!


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