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58.82% A bored Gamer and his budding harem~! (Dropped) / Chapter 21: [Chapter:21][Experimenting(2).]

Chương 21: [Chapter:21][Experimenting(2).]

[…as can be seen, much of the desert area has been utterly annihilated. Scientists claim there to be no signs of radioactive contamination, so it is quite possible that this incident was a test trial of a powerful non-nuclear weapon. Just in terms of the sheer area affected, however, it is unclear which nation has managed to develop such a horrifying weapon…]


Rhianna cutely stuck her tongue out as she looked at the TV screen which showed a humongous crater spanning over several hundreds of miles in diameter.

"You really did a number there, mom."

Leah sighed as she looked at the two instigators of the incident, her mother Aya, who blushed in embarrassment, and her little brother Echo, who didn't even care as he instead concentrated on his newest hobby / mission, finishing the library of books of all kinds in many different languages, some lost through the annals of history, all of which were collected by Aya through the years.

"Well, I must admit, while I certainly thought I laid enough precautions, I didn't expect just how much an additional 70 odd percent of all of 'stats' would be."

Recalling what had he opened a few days ago, three days ago to be precise, Aya felt her heart go cold.

She had almost killed her children with her own two hands!

And indeed, the cause of the explosion, which would have undoubtedly incinerated all three of them had Echo not responded at the last second, his 'Danger Sense' screaming like no tomorrow as he practically flashed to his two sisters before using 'Void Fade' on all three of them, was the 'Holy Power' of Aya, immensely increased by Echo's 'Strategic Combat Mastery' skill, going out of control.

"Well, at least, it's a good idea it was you rather than me."

Certainly, as one who could compete with Seraphs, Aya was strong, but most of her strength had come from millions of years of accumulation and training.

Unlike Leah, who got to her current strength level in a mere four years purely by the virtue of her blood and her ancestry.

Had it been her who was subjected to Echo's cheat-like skill, then…


Just imaging the consequences of her Holy and Demonic Powers, which she had spent unspeakably efforts to gain control over, rioting against her while nearly doubling in quantity and quality…it sent a shiver down her spine.

'I might have wiped out everything within trillions of cubic miles.'

Of course, since her family would, thanks to Echo, remain safe, even if she had ended up destroying a country or two, she'd still be 'ok'.

But as kind hearted as she is, it would have certainly weighed in her heart, being responsible for the loss of millions of innocent lives…

Fortunately for the family of four plus two, as well as for many living beings who would never come to know a mere game of rock-paper-scissors which had been lost by a certain Nephilim ended up saving their lives, Aya had, thanks to her vast experience, much greater control even if her power had burst out for a moment.

"Still…to think the difference would be so incredible…"

Aya's eyes flashed as she looked at the crater being displayed on the screen. Easily larger than several small sized countries, far larger than a mere city.

"Just the increase in quantity wouldn't have affected me that much…but the increase in the power of every trace of my power was simply unbelievable."

Something which Echo likes to refer to as 'Mana Density', the sudden increase in both quantity and quality certainly was unexpected.

"I guess I'll have to look for a dead-space somewhere in the Dimensional Gap to experiment further. And if possibly, with only me and Echo."

While Leah wanted to say something, thinking of how she was simply powerless and nearly died if it hadn't been for her clearly much weaker little brother saving her, she sighed.

As for Rhianna, she ignored the mother-daughter duo's discussion as she changed the TV channel, and watched the anime being played on the screen intently.

[[Hmm…a new anime? It seems rather…inappropriate…for children to watch, no?]]

Looking at the many beautiful girls on the screen fighting as their clothes ripped, certain 'beautiful' scenarios being exposed, Ddraig commented.

"Not a new one, this is actually an old anime. But the poor maker died before he completed the manga fully."

As for the more echhi parts of the series, Rhianna declined to comment, knowing that mentioned ping it would only make her annoying big sister tease her for days even though she was clearly the perverted one.

…after all, she had seen what her big sister did with certain articles of her big brother's laundry one night when she was sneakily trying to do the same *cough* *cough*.

"Somehow I feel like the two of you just thought of something perverted."

"Eh? What are you talking about?"

While Leah blinked at Echo's sudden sentence, Rhianna blushed lightly, something which he and Aya caught, but decided not to say anything.


. . . . . .

. . . . . .


Lunch break.

Just a single day before he goes to another world.

Echo, his expression non-existent and his now scarlet eyes covered by glasses, sat in front of a beautiful yet stoic girl. The table between them had a chess board on it, and the two were clearly playing the game.

The Student Council Office, rather surprisingly, was full, as at the moment, all members of the Student Council, the Vice President and 'Queen' Tsubaki Shinra, 'Bishops' Momo Hanaki and Reya Kusaka, 'Knight' Tomoe Meguri, 'Rook' Tsubasa Yura, and 'Pawn' Ruruko Nimura, were standing around them in the room with bated breaths.



The two players, one unable to be distracted and the other simply uncaring if his audience, focused fully on the game.



The young beauty sweated, not from physical exhaustion but from mental strain and pressure, whereas the youth maintained his monotonous expression.



The game continued, but even a novice could see where it was headed. The more time passed, the longe true beauty took to make even a single move. And yet, as thought not needing to even think, the youth moved his pieces seconds after his opponent's turn.

Before finally…


"Yes you did."


The room fell into silence, as the audience felt their eyes nearly pop out of their faces.

Although their 'senpai' Tsubaki had called them over saying something unimaginable was going to happen, seeing their 'King', the one to whom they swore their fealty, the one who in their eyes remained undefeated in chess even against the greatest Devil kinds, beaten by a human…a 'completely ordinary civilian' at that…

To say they were shocked would be an understatement.

And even 'Tsubaki', who had all but imagined the result considering the tens of ties that had taken place during the past few matches, felt shocked, dumbfounded even.





But none of their feeling sod shock could compare to the turmoil that was brewing within Sona's heart.

"…I lost…"

She blinked, her purple eyes staring at the board which showed her defeat, and not just a simple defeat, but an overwhelming, crushing defeat, before they looked up to glance at the cause of her disbelief.


Echo, looking her in the eyes eve though his were hidden beneath his glasses, stood up.

And unexpectedly, bowed a little in a show of respect.

"Thank you for teaching me, President. Although it's only been less than two weeks, I hope we can continue playing together whenever we have free time."

The , without waiting for her to react, he turned around, and walked out of the room, thought not before giving Tsubaki a nod.



"Yes, President?"

"Do you feel a sense of déjà vu?"


The two girls felt…strange.

A mere thirteen days ago, a strikingly similar scene had occurred. Only, at that time, the young man who had just closed the door had been an utter beginner at chess, not even knowing the general rules of the game, and had for over half an hour listened to Sona's excited lectures on the game.

Now, however…

"He beat me. And he made it look so easy…as if it really was so easy. For him."

. . . . . .

. . . . . .

((For beating her in chess, [Sona Sitri Affection : 73 —> 81].))

((For beating her King in chess, [Tsubaki Shinra Affection : 66 —> 71].))

((For beating her King in chess, [Momo Hanaki Affection : 9 —> 33].))

((For beating her King in chess, [Tsubasa Yura Affection : 11 —> 39].))

((For beating her King in chess, [Reya Kusaka Affection : 10 —> 32].))

((For beating her King in chess, [Tomoe Meguri Affection : 13 —> 39].))

((For beating her King in chess, [Ruruko Nimura Affection : 11 —> 36].))

Echo looked at the prompts that appeared in his field of vision, more interested in the one that appeared at the very end.

((For giving her little sister a new experience, [Serafall 'Sitri' Leviathan Affection : -3 —> 69].))

Echo sighed as he looked at it.

"Finally, the sis-con Satan doesn't dislike me for spending too much time with her little sister."

While he had certainly been surprised when he suddenly received a negative affection prompt out of nowhere three days ago, he didn't care much either. But that didn't mean he wanted one for the powerhouses in the world to dislike him.

Shaking his head with another sigh, he glanced at his 'Status' as he temporarily deactivated his active skills, walking to the rooftop to join two lolis who were probably waiting for him to eat lunch, having chosen to play a game against Sona first today knowing there would only be a single game rather than half an hour's worth.

. . . . . .


Echo Howers

Level : 201 (00.00%)

Job : [Necromancer(Lv-1/100)]

HP : 14,060/14,060 (1,406 per min)

MP : 321,520/321,520 (48,072 per min)


Strength : 412 —> 702 —> 703 (773.3)

Endurance : 413 —> 703 (773.3)

Vitality :410 —> 700 —> 703 (773.3)

Agility : 412 —> 702 —> 703 (773.3)

Intelligence : 2,339 —> 4,019

Wisdom : 4,329 —> 6,009

Senses : 410 —> 700 —> 703

Charm : 418 —> 708 —> 710

Stat Points : 0 —> 10 —> 0


[Summon Skeleton(Lv-1)] (!)

[Scholar's Knowledge(Lv-74)] (!)

[Analysis(Lv-19)] (!)

[Writing(Lv-49)] (!)

[Premonition(Lv-6)] (!)

[Killing Intent(Lv-9)] (!)

[Bloodlust(Lv-9)] (!)

[Murderous Aura(Lv-9)] (!)

[Dismantling(Lv-11)] (!)

[Cleaning(Lv-42)] (!)

[Cooking(Lv-51)] (!)

[Strategic Combat(Lv-79)] (!)

[Head Pats(Lv-39)] (!)

[Breathing(Lv-77)] (!)

[Chess(Lv-81)] (!)

[Basic Archery(Lv-Max)] (!)

[Bow Mastery(Lv-89)] (!)

[Aiming(Lv-67)] (!)

[Accuracy(Lv-59)] (!)

[Reload(Lv-53)] (!)

[Precision(Lv-36)] (!)

[1 Tomoe Sharingan(Lv-Max)] (!)

[Stealth(Lv-Max)] (!)

[Intermediate Archery(Lv-3)] (!)

[2 Tomoe Sharingan(Lv-13)] (!)

[Sneak(Lv-13)] (!)

[Mental Arithmetic(Lv-42)] (!)


[Parallel Thoughts(500 INT)] (!)

[Herculean Strength(500 STR)] (!)

[Infallible One(500 END)] (!)

[Blood Panacea(500 VIT)] (!)

[Speed Triumphs All(500 AGI)] (!)

[Pseudo Legendary Intuition(500 SEN)] (!)

[Charisma Control(500CHA)] (!)

[Sage(5,000 WIS)] (!)

. . . . . .

"Good progress for four days, I guess…"

Echo sighed again. Still, he was quite satisfied with his current 'Status'.

According to his mother Aya, he was already stronger than most mid-class beings, meaning while the average stats of low-class starts from 100, above 500 is the territory of mid-class beings.

And that's based on pure stats alone. Combining it with his cheat-like skills and perks…

Especially the new ones…

. . . . . .

[Summon Skeleton(Lv-1)]

Type : Skill / Active / Summon

Description : Summon 1 level 1 undead skeleton from the Necrotic Universe. Summon's level rises with skill level and summon's stats rise with summoners'.


Level : 1

Strength : 5 + 0.773 (5.773)

Endurance : 5 + 0.773 (5.773)

Vitality : 5 + 0.773 (5.773)

Agility : 5 + 0.773 (5.773)

Intelligence : 5 + 4.019 (9.019)

Wisdom : 5 + 6.009 (11.009)

Senses : 5 + 0.703 (5.703)

Charm : 5 + 0.710 (5.710)

Note : Pure Stats increase by 5 for each level. Derived Stats increase by 0.1% of Gamer's for each level.

. . . . . .

This was the skill he chose when he selected the 'Necromancer' Job which appeared in the list of Jobs. He certainly wasn't interested in being a 'Househusband', 'Chef', etc… and since he had an overpowered skill like 'Strategic Combat Mastery', he even decided to pass over the 'Archer' and 'Hunter' Jobs.

And as expected, it was a good decision.

"Assuming stats increase by 5 every level…at level 100, I can summon 100 Skeletons with all stats at 500."

"And with 'Strategic Combat Mastery' at level 100 too, their stats would increase to 1,000 each."

According to Aya and Leah, 1,000 is the weakest High-class, while for Ultimate-class, the stats would be around 5,000.

"100 High-class skeletons, even if the weakest, and if they also get 10% of all my stats at level 100…"

If the derives stats get increased by 'Strategic Combat Mastery' as well, that would mean 20% of his stats.

And combined with other skills he could select, like 'Summon Skeleton Warrior', 'Summon Skeleton Archer' and 'Summon Skeleton Mage'…

"I can have a mini army with the weakest at High-class and the strongest getting stronger as I go."

Indeed, how can a simple 'Archer' Job compare to that?

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