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57.89% a brief history of a singular pokemon / Chapter 22: CAP 22

Chương 22: CAP 22

After defeating the idols of my childhood, I meet a strange Pokémon

"Who are you by the way?"

"My name is Meloetta"


"Meloetta is a Normal / Psychic-type Singular Pokémon. He sings with a unique vocalization capable of reaching all the notes, which freely manipulates the emotions of the creatures that listen to his melody "

"Holy shit, another singularPokémon" I quickly run up to her and give her a hug.

"I've never seen another Pokémon like me before" she pushes me hard.

"What are you doing?" I stand back and cover himself with his hands

"I'm sorry, I got a little excited" seeing it well does not seem like any Pokémon. She has a more human appearance than me, sky blue eyes, green hair with the musical staff. Her body is black, her legs are white and her arms are shaped like a musical note.

Next to her head there is an ornament in the shape of a treble clef. Which also imitates a headset with a microphone, relating that her lyrical form is based on a singer. She wears a kind of long-tailed dress.

"You really haven't seen anyone similar?"

"You are not the first one I meet"

"I forgive you, but only because you saved me"

"Sure, and tell me why does Team Rocket want to capture you?"

"Team Rocket, do you know them?"

"Yes, they are a group of humans who plan to conquer the world, they are dedicated to stealing Pokémons and experimenting with them"


"Don't worry, those three are easy to deal with, but if you meet others with the same uniforms, it would be best to run"

"If the super Pokémon says it, it must be serious" she says with a smiling face.

"Could you forget that" I scratch my cheek in shame

"Crack, Crack" several Pokémon come out of some bushes.

"It's just you" I turn, but I can't find Meloetta

"Did she go?" I am about to look for her when she suddenly appears in front of me.

"Wow!" I fall backwards.

"Ha, ha, ha" he laughs loudly.

"How did you do that?"

"I can't believe the super Pokémon can't disappear" she wipes a tear from her eye with her hand.

"Could you stop with that?"

"Ha, ha, ha" I wait a few minutes until she finishes laughing.

"It is easy! Just focus and think about disappearing "

"Very good" I close my eyes and concentrate ... However, nothing happens, I open my eyes and find Meloetta very close to me.

"Wow!" again I fall on my back.

"Ha, ha, ha"

"She stops doing that!" she holds out her hand to me and helps me stand up.

"Don't think about it too much, just imagine that you want to hide and puufff" she becomes invisible in front of me.

"I try again, but without many result, maybe she doesn't have that kind of ability."

"I'm sure you can" she takes me by the hand and disappears, but as I do so I also fade, I observe everything around me, but it seems that nothing has changed.

It is a strange sensation, as if you covered yourself with a very thin cloth and you feel like it slowly covers your body. Remembering this feeling, I let go of his hand and remain invisible.

"I got it!" jump for joy.

"Ha, ha, I knew you could"

Now that I am invisible I can also see her, she is seen in a transparent way, but if you concentrate you can look for it without difficulty.

I become visible and she can no longer be seen 'it seems that I can only see her when I am invisible' played a little more with her ability, I activate and deactivate it several times.

"I think you already got the hang of it"

"This ability is amazing" if she had had this power from the beginning everything would be easier.

"Let me show you now are movement" she concentrated herself and my body begins to shine, the light becomes stronger and confetti comes out everywhere.


I take her by the hands and begin to shine. My light passes towards her and now we shine them, our light intensifies and begins to form confetti. In a short time the whole place fills up, it looks like a party room. Meloetta starts dancing.

The other Pokémon that are watching us are also getting closer little by little.


"Cottonee is a plant / fairy type Pokémon. It usually lives in cotton fields and draws its energy from the sun's rays."

"Petilil is a plant-type Pokémon that likes nutrient-rich soils. It lives and grows in the crops that are planted in this kind of land "

They look like children, they were surely attracted to the colors. At that moment Meloetta begins to sing.

♫ Na-na, ♪ la-la-la-la-la

♫ na-na-na-na-na ♪ La-la-na-na,

♬ la-la-la-la-la ♫ na-na-na-na-na

♪ La-la-na-na, ♬ la-la-la-la-la

♫ na-na-na-na-na ♬ La-la-na-na,

A very beautiful song, it has no lyrics, but her voice is magnificent, it is at the level of the best singers in my world. I accompany her beautiful melody with my little guitar.

♪ La-la-na-na, ♬ la-la-la-la-la

♫ na-na-na-na-na ♬ La-la-na-na,

♬ la-la-la-la-la ♫ na-na-na-na

More and more Pokémon come out of the forest, everyone is drawn to the sound of music.

♫ na-na-na-na-na ♪ La-la-na-na,

♬ la-la-la-la-la ♫ na-na-na-na-na

In no time everyone is dancing in perfect sync with the music.

♪ La-la-na-na, ♬ la-la-la-la-la

♫ na-na-na-na-na ♬ La-la-na-na,

I don't know how long it took for Meloetta to stop singing, but our little concert had attracted several Pokémon dancing around us.

Out of nowhere everyone pulled berries and started a little feast. Everyone was laughing happily. Each one shared his food with those he did not have, others juggled some stones. Everything was in perfect harmony.

I approach the Pokémon that started it all.

"That was great, your voice is just wonderful"

"Thank you, I really like to sing and to be listened to. Speaking of which, you weren't bad either, I've never seen a Pokémon that played guitar "she stares at me and smiles at me.

The two of us stay talking and eating berries after a while the other Pokémon return to the forest.




"So Team Rocket is looking for you to take over the world"

"That's right, with my power they could do it easily" she puffs out her chest with pride

"So if you're so powerful, why didn't you defeat them?"

She shrugs "I don't like violence"

"I lived in a village that took care of me, one day the Rocket team appeared and attacked us. Their objective was me, but my guardians protected me, they managed to repel the villains" she turns to see me with a sad look.

"However, soon after they returned with more and more humans, they hurt many of the villagers, I have no choice but to escape" it seems that at any moment he is going to cry.

"Since that day I have been running from one place to another" I approach her and pat her on the head.

"Don't worry, you're safe, you're with me, a super Pokémon! let me help you with the Rocket team "


"Sure, we're both the same, trust me" I give him a reliable smile.

"Thank you, I didn't know what else to do" she collapses and starts crying.

"sniff sniff"

After letting her cry for a bit, she looks calmer. She still has a sad look, grabs her hands and dragged her out of the forest.

"That? where we go?"

"Don't stay crying all day, let's have fun"




Narrator pov*



Virbank city is one of the busiest cities in the Unova region, a large metropolis where hundreds of thousands of people gather. It is famous due to Pokéstar Studios that feature great world-famous movies and the not least Gym led by Roxie with their Poison-type Pokémon.

Currently we can see two unique Pokémon on the outskirts of the city.

"Are you sure of this?" asks Meloetta with manys doubts

"Of course, just follow me," Victini says confidently.

Both Pokémon become invisible and begin their journey through this city. Your first stop is the world famous ice-creams inspired by the ice Pokémon Beartic.

"Are you sure, can we take them just like that?"

"It is not stealing because we leave money"

Meloetta tastes the ice-cream and is shocked.

"delicious!" she puts her hand on her cheek while she eats happily.

"it's true"

While playing they continue their tour of the city.

"Look at her, they seem to have several cinemas here, let's go see a movie!"

"Sure we can?"

"Of course choose one while I go for sweets"

While Meloetta looks at the posters she finds one that catches her attention, in it is a Lilligant, the Day of the Pokémon Princess.

"It has several stars for sure it is good" happy with her decision they decide to go see that movie

"I've never been to a place like this, it's very exciting!"

"do you want popcorn?"

Both Pokémon watch the movie, but at the end they both have different impressions.

"Sniff, sniff, how she dared to abandon the princess in the end"

"They were from different worlds"

"However, they still must have stayed together, sniff, sniff"

"It would never have worked"

"The princess's dress was so pretty, and her ornaments matched perfectly."

"Wait here a second" Victini walks away from quickly. While Meloetta continues to fantasize about the princess, how strong and determined she was from her, very different from her, although the ending is sad, she loved the film.

"There is nothing like it in the village"

"Come back, take a gift!" she hands him an ornament for her hair.

"It can't be, it's similar to the princess brooch!" she happily accepts the gift. After a minute of hugging a hair clip and twirling it, she hands it to Victini.

"Can you put it on?" she says somewhat embarrassed.

"No problem" she took the boche and carefully put it in her hair.

"How do I look?" she walks around showing off her brooch.

"Fantastic, you really look like royalty" both Pokémon laugh not knowing what to say.

Continuing their journey through the city, they visit the local plaza where they see various humans putting on shows, observing the architecture, and eating anything that looks delicious.

"did you hear that?"

"What thing?"

"Listen to music in that direction" Meloetta advances quickly

"Wait" her partner follows her closely, together they arrive at a Pokémon gym.

"You're right, that's rock" on this occasion it is Victini who enters quickly.

Inside you can see that she is about to start a battle.

"Fantastic we arrived on time" taking a seat at the top of the arena, they watch the entire stadium attentively.

"I heard about the battles, but I don't understand why they like to fight" she says with a sigh.

"It is a form of entertainment. Pokémons need to fight and become strong, it is their nature, humans train them and give them a safe place to fight, they both win "

"If they both benefit, I guess it's not that bad"

"Quiet just relax and watch"

The fight starts the challenger uses Crustle and the leader uses a Koffing, both are ready for battle, a band starts playing heavy music and cheering on the fighters.

"Fights and heavy metal, I feel like a viking ha, ha"

"a what?"

"Shh, it's already starting"

The Crustle throws a series of rocks towards its opponent, but it only turns and charges directly at it.

"Huuu, that had to hurt"

The challenger brings out his next Pokémon as the music continues. Everyone is screaming excitedly.

The challenger already used five of his Pokémon but was unable to defeat a single one of the leader.

"Wow, that leader is strong, he's not making it easy for her"

"What if he loses?"

"Not much, he will just train harder and come back another time."

The last Pokémon in the challenger is a Foongus. Everyone gets excited as they continue to cheer on the fighters. Heavy metal music blasts at full volume, the screams from the audience getting louder as they know it's the last round.

Foongus throws an energy ball, Koffing easily dodges it and uses a breath attack. The battlefield is covered in mist and the Koffing quickly charges at Foongus.

"Nooooo" shouts the entire audience

Foongus can barely stand upright when a bright light comes out of it and evolves. Amoonguss full of energy launches a solar beam that hits Koffing directly and knocks him out.

"Yeesss" Meloetta hugs Victini tightly.

"Ahem" she realizes and let's go quickly, returns to his seat as if nothing had happened.

The leader takes out his second Pokémon Garbodor, which with a quick move kills his opponent.

"It seems that the impulse did not last him"

Everyone in the arena cheers for both competitors as the music continues blasting. The two mythical Pokémon come out of the building.

"What do you think?"

"I get very excited about music, one day I would like everyone to hear my songs" she hums her happily as she thinks about the show she just witnessed.

"Good dream you have, I'm sure one day it will come true"

"I would settle for a small audience," she says, sighing and looking at the ground.

"Slap" Victini slaps his forehead lightly.

"Ouch" she grabs his forehead and looks at his partner in confusion

"Don't give up so easy, embrace your dreams, I know it sounds difficult, but trust yourself and I'm sure you can achieve it"

"You're right, I won't give up so quickly in my dream, I'm glad I came" her eyes brighten and she shows a confident smile.

"I knew you would like fight"

"It is not that I like them, but I can understand a little why they are excited"

"You say that when you hugged me tightly"

"It was not on purpose!" she puffs up her cheeks like a balloon

"don't make fun of me!" she says with a face red with shame and starts to chase her partner

"That means precisely excitement for the battle ha, ha" he flies quickly around the area laughing and avoiding being caught.

As the two Pokémon play, they arrive at the dock area. They stop to watch the ships sail. Together they watch the sunset.

"Heavens, it's already dark" the moon peeks over the horizon

"Time flies when you have fun"

"Thank you"


"Thanks for cheering me on, I had a lot of fun!"

"Don't even say so" both Pokémon are about to leave when they see a group of humans filming what appears to be a classic movie. All of them have period clothes and are on a boat with an orchestra playing a waltz.

"My lady allows me this piece" Victini leans down and extends her hand.

"It would be a pleasure my gentleman" Meloetta bows imitating one of the scenes from the movie that they recently saw.

Victini intertwines his hand with hers and with his other hand he takes her by the waist. Gently pulls her towards him and they begin to dance to the rhythm of the waltz. Slowly they begin to float, as they rise they continue with their dance, the ship can be seen under their feet, the orchestra begins to play slow music.

On the horizon you can see the city, full of lights and life. In their heads the stars shine brightly, they are illuminated by the light of the moon providing a magical atmosphere. Time seems to stop and for a moment it would seem that they are the only ones in the world.

Both Pokémon dance in sync as one, but each has different thoughts.

'Why is he so good to me? He's a bit silly and childish, but he's very gentle and kind, even though he sometimes teases me * thump, thump *my heart is beating very fast, many emotions for today '

'It seems that he is already happy, it is good that he is no longer crying. He is the first friend I have in this world, I would hate that he is sad. He taught me a great technique, now to be able to enter any place * no, don't think about the hot springs of women * with this my trip will be easier '

On the one hand, a sweet and innocent girl who is confused by, the complex emotions that arise from her chest. On the other side we have a Pokémon that is a complete idiot and has no idea what it is getting into.

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Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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