Race to the
Chapter 307: Is it a trap or
A week has passed since Hao Jiazhi and Han Huaixin had a talk and from that one talk, Hao Jiazhi is able to find a new fire in his heart.
So far, he ordered his soldiers to increase the patrolling around the border area and he also told his 5 shadows to try to contact his men's in the Imperial Palace of Dongping Kingdom and find out how is his sister.
As for the northern region, Cai Heng is being ordered to keep an eye on the Suzhou Kingdoms border are and also she is now free to deploy weapons on the border. Not only that, but Hao Jiazhi also told her that he will be sending few more soldiers to her border so that the safety of the border is unreachable.
At the Dongping Kingdom, Imperial Palace-
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