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92.3% Saiyan in Marvel (Completed) / Chapter 12: Dust

Chương 12: Dust

A few months passed by

Tony clapped and said "Pack up kid were moving." Reese scratched his head and said "Can I leave this fucking tower now?" Luna gasped and covered his mouth saying "Mommy said no swearing!" Reese chuckled and Tony laughed "Yep, everything is settled. Ross went missing after going out of his way to capture you and threaten your family. Apparently the UN does not condone kidnapping, who knew?"

Reese laughed and said "Finally. Where we goin?" Tony said "Upstate baby!" Reese said dumbly "And the rabbits George?" Tony laughed and said "Plenty and you can even feed them alfalfa." Reese sighed "You're getting better, even continuing the references." Tony winked and said "You pick up a few things over the years." Reese laughed and started packing up for the move.

A few days later

All their personal items were moved in and Reese was walking around the facility with Luna on his shoulders, Luna said "Oh Daddy! A pool!" Reese smiled and said "You want to go swimming?" Luna nodded excitedly and the duo went swimming.

A while later

Reese was watching TV and saw news coverage of an airship, that should've been here, crashed on a beach in flames. Reese sighed and handed Luna to Gwen as he said "Fucking Peter..." Gwen took Luna and said "What's wrong?" Reese pinched her cheeks and said "Peter's being a 'friendly Neighborhood' Spider-Man. I'm going to pick him up, i'll be right back. I love you~" Gwen smiled and kissed him before he vanished.

Reese appeared in front of Peter and Toomes as Peter was tying him up. Reese said "Hey Spider-Man! Great work!" Toomes said "HotShot?" Reese waved and said "Hey! What's up man." Toomes said "A little tied up at the moment." Reese laughed and gave him a thumbs up and Peter said "What are you doing here?" Reese said "All this stuff was supposed to go to the new facility, I think there's a...." he dug through a box and pulled out a crib before saying "There it is!"

Toomes said "You have a kid?" Reese nodded and said "The cutest kid in the world." Peter interrupted and said "Can you bring me home? I don't have my phone." Reese laughed and nodded he walked over to Toomes and said "I can bring you to the police station if you want, it's getting a bit chilly outside." Toomes sighed and said "I guess, my wife's gonna kick my ass."

Reese shivered and said "I almost forgot to get milk, thanks for reminding me." Toomes chuckled and shook his head. Reese grabbed both of them and teleported to a police station before teleporting back to Peter's room and saying "Tony's probably goon come see you soon. How was your first big bad guy?" Peter said "You know? Not too bad!"

Reese said "You look like shit man." Peter sulked and said "Thanks..." Reese laughed and said "I guess Liz is a no-go now eh?" Peter grimaced and said "Don't you need to go buy milk?" Reese gasped and said "Gwen's gonna kill me! I'll see you later Pete!" before disappearing as Peter laughed.

Reese got back home with milk and said "I got the milk!" Gwen smiled and said "You remembered this time." Reese chuckled nervously "Yeah, I sure did.." Gwen dead panned "You forgot again didn't you." Reese said "Ah but I remembered before I got home!" Gwen rolled her eyes and giggled "Does that count?" Reese put the milk away and tackled her to the couch as he said "It does!" she giggled and kissed him, he smiled and said "Did you miss me?" Gwen touched her chin and tilted her head saying "I don't know..." Reese smirked and kissed all over her face saying "Don't forget about your husband!" Gwen giggled happily as they played around.

A while later

Reese was sitting in front of reporters and answering questions as he waited for Tony. A reporter asked "Is it true that the rest of the Avengers are missing?" Reese coughed and said "Due to reasons coming from a significant administrative body, the rest are indeed missing. Hopefully they will return if there is a crisis." cameras flashed and another reporter asked "Does that mean that the Avengers are finished?"

Reese said "The Avengers isn't a team that has to be together all the time, we all have lives outside saving the world. When the world needs us we will save it, it's as simple as that. We may be separated now, but I can assure you when we're needed, no matter what differences we may have, we will assemble again."

Steve was watching the interview on a TV with Natasha and said "The kid's learned a thing or two, I like to think I'm directly responsible." Natasha rolled her eyes and said "Steve, you and I both know that's not true." as she looked at Reese and sighed, Steve said "You can at least let me think so." Natasha laughed and shook her head as the interview continued.

Reese answered a few more and wondered when Tony was going to come out. Finally, after what felt like forever Tony came out with Pepper and said "Thanks for stalling kid." Reese stood up and said "Finally, that took forever. These questions never stop man." He sighed and walked away mumbling "I need a drink." Tony laughed and Reese disappeared.

2 years later

Luna said "Daddy! I want to go to the park!" Reese rubbed his chin and said "Family trip?" Gwen smiled and said "That would be nice." Reese smiled and said "Perfect! Let's go!" Tony and Pepper came along and they all went to the park.

Reese was walking in the park with two bracelets on and Luna on his shoulders as he held Gwen's hand and enjoyed the outside. Gwen took a deep breath and said "This is nice, we haven't went out in a long time." Reese smiled and said "Maybe we can go out later?" as he kissed her cheek and whispered "Just the two of us~" Gwen smiled and wrapped her arms around his arm and said "It's been even longer since we did that." Reese chuckled and said "Sorry love." she giggled and they continued on their outing.

The three met with Tony, who was talking about his dream that Pepper was pregnant, Reese had a weird sense of Deja-vu. He completely forgot his old memories now, he was no different than a normal superhero, for some odd reason he didn't forget about anything Dragonball related, he assumed that it was burned into his brain, he had been training and being with his family the whole time and his memories of his past life were fading away quickly, he assumed it was on purpose but he felt a bit scared if he was being honest with himself. He didn't like being out of control of the situation, and that's precisely what happened, he sighed to himself and decided to take it in stride and react to what was happening, whenever it happened.

Tony turned to him and said "You agree with me right? Strange dreams sometimes are like future events!" Reese chuckled and said "You know, I hope not. If those ninjas really do end up coming for my pants I'm not too sure how I'd feel." Tony laughed and shook his head saying "How hard is it to get a solid response from you?" a portal opened up right in front of them and Steven walked through saying "Harder than you could ever imagine. Isn't that right Reese?"

Reese chuckled and said "So you figured it out?" Steven tapped his temple and said "Ancient One." Reese sighed and said "I told her that in confidence." Steven laughed before saying "I need you both to come with me." Luna said "Daddy, who's this guy? Is he a magician?" Reese laughed and said "Yes, you should ask him to do a magic trick for you. He owes me a favor."

Steven scoffed " Since when?" Tony waved and said "Excuse me, Tony Stark. Nice to meet you, anyway seems i'm the black sheep of this trio, who are you again?" Steven said "Steven Strange, or Dr. Strange." Reese mumbled "Roll Credits..." Gwen said "What?" Reese waved and sighed "I don't even know."

Luna said "Hey magician guy! Can you really do magic?!" Steven looked at Luna and said "Aren't you the baby I delivered?" Reese nodded with a smile and Steven pulled out a flower from his sleeve and handed it to her saying "Tada!" Luna took the flower and clapped "COOL!" Reese laughed and gave him a thumbs up.

Steven chuckled and said "Anyway, we really have to go. The fate of the universe is at stake." Reese looked at Tony and said "Kinda cliche, I would've went with 'We got big trouble in little earth'" Tony choked on his saliva and laughed as he walked through the portal saying "Amazing reference!" Reese pointed at Luna and said "Can she come along?" Steven shook his head and said "It's serious." Reese sighed and handed Luna to Gwen saying "Take Pepper back home okay? I love you." he kissed her as she nodded and walked through the portal, Steven bid farewell to the girls and left as the portal disappeared, Gwen and Pepper sighed and said "Why is it always Earth..."

Reese and Tony arrived at the NY sanctum and saw Bruce. Reese said "Hey! Back from your spiritual journey?" Bruce shook him and said "I seen some shit man!" Reese let out a breath and said "Anger management?" Tony clapped and said "Ding! Correct!" Bruce said "It's not a game! He's coming!" Reese snapped "Stop playing the pronoun game and tell me who he is!" as he slapped Bruce, who coughed and said "Thanos." Reese tried really hard to remember and just couldn't and sighed as he said "Who's Thanos."

Bruce explained about Thanos and how strong he was, he explained how he was going after the infinity stones. Reese's gripped tightened on Bruce as a fire lit up in his eyes and said "Infinity stones? I wonder how strong he'll be with all of them..." Tony smacked his head and said "Bad, we need to stop him before that happens." Reese grumbled and Steven said "You should know already."

Reese said "My future knowledge faded, I don't know what's going to happen anymore." the rest were shocked and said "You could tell the future before?!" Reese nodded and said "Yeah, not anymore though." Tony said "That explains a lot actually.. Why didn't you stop anything?" Reese pointed at Steven and said "I met with the Ancient One, who could also tell the future. She showed me what would've happened if I stopped the Chitauri invasion."

Tony said "And.." Reese said "100x worse than it was. You, Cap, and Clint would've died. Which spiraled the future events out of control, eventually I was the only living being on the planet." Tony whistled and said "Sounds scary." Reese's eyes dimmed as he said "Scarier than you could ever imagine.." as he went quiet. Tony patted him on the shoulder and said "Good thing you didn't kiddo! Now were all alive AND happy!"

Reese chuckled and said "Yeah, anyway back to Thanos." Bruce was about to speak when the ground started rumbling, the group went outside and saw a giant spaceship landing on the street. Reese whistled and said "I think he might've parked in a handicap spot." Tony chuckled and tapped the arc reactor on his chest as he said "Maybe more than one." his suit materialized on him as he walked forward, Reese shook his head and said "So dramatic." as he clapped his hands together and his suit materialized from his bracelets.

He had gauntlets and a chestplate with sleeves and a jump suit. Bruce said "You're not any better..." Reese chuckled and flew forward slowly as two aliens walked out from the space ship. Tony confronted them and said "You can't park here without a permit." Reese added "We're gonna have to see your license and registration please." Tony chuckled and the slim alien said "Rejoice you're about to be killed b-"

Reese waved and cut him off saying "Can you just shut up, I have things to go later." the bigger alien dragged a pick-axe type weapon and charged at Reese, who grinned and grabbed him before throwing him into the park as he said "Target acquired." and flew off.

Reese landed in the park and punched the alien in the face, sending him flying into several trees. The surrounding people ran away while taking videos, Reese said "I thought you would be strong." as he shook his head, the alien growled and threw his weapon at Reese, who caught it and swung it at him. The alien caught it and lifted Reese off the ground before slamming him down.

Reese landed on his feet and said "Very nice." he went super saiyan 1 and kicked the alien's knees before kneeing him in the face and smashing the pick-axe over his head, slamming his head into the ground and causing it to rumble. Reese turned the pick-axe to ashes and kicked the alien into the air before flashing after him and kicking him higher and higher.

Reese flashed behind him and thrusted both his purple charged hands at the alien's back, shooting out a purple beam, shooting the alien back down into the ground, creating a crater. Reese landed on the ground and saw Bruce in the Hulk-Buster suit, who said "A bit much no?" Reese shrugged and said "I haven't fought anybody strong in years." Bruce sighed and looked into the crater only to see a mangled corpse, Reese sent a Ki blast and vaporized the corpse before filling in the hole and saying "See? Nobody will even notice!"

Bruce looked at the mound of dirt, surrounded by grass and said "It sticks out like a sore thumb!" Reese waved and said "What do you know?" Bruce sighed and the duo looked up to see the ship flying away with Tony following and Peter, somehow, sticking to the back. Bruce said "You going to?" Reese looked at him and said "Unfortunately for you I can't breathe in space, so that's a no-go for me chief." Bruce let out a breath and said "Thank god. I was scared to be alone." Reese laughed and said "You're like a little puppy!" Reese put glasses on and said "Friday, connect me to Tony before he's out of the atmosphere please."

Tony said "What's up kid, kinda busy." Reese said "You're on you're own chief, I can't breath in space. Just letting you know." Tony confirmed and said "I'll keep that in mind." as he hung up. Reese looked at Bruce and said "Just you and me now green giant." Bruce took the suit off and sent it back before going to the street and finding a cell phone with Steve's number in it.

Reese grabbed him and teleported back home before sitting down at the table and rubbing his face and sighing. Bruce sat down and said "What do we do now?" Reese shrugged and said "I don't know, aliens everywhere. What should we do?" Luna flew to his head and latched on as she said "Daddy!" Bruce gasped and said "You have a kid?!" Reese chuckled and said "Yup, after you left actually." Luna waved and said "Hey weird guy!"

Bruce grimaced and said "Weird guy?" Luna giggled and said "Yep!" Bruce sighed and accepted his new name before opening the flip phone and calling Cap. The phone rang behind him and Steve stepped out with Sam, Natasha, Wanda, Vision, and Rhodey. Reese said "That was fast." Luna looked over and whispered "It's popsicle man!" Reese spit out his drink and Steve grimaced "Really?" Reese laughed and said "It wasn't me." Luna said "But Daddy you-" Reese put a hand over her mouth and said "Daddy has to lie sometimes sweetheart."

Steve sighed and sat at the table saying "What's the situation?" Bruce brought everyone up to speed and finished with "They're going to come for Vision's Mind stone." Steve said "Easy, destroy the mind stone." Bruce said "That would kill Vision." Steve said "I got a friend, who can help." Reese sighed and said "Ready to go around the world?" Luna said "Can I come daddy?! Pleaasseeeeee!"

Reese grabbed her and said "Not this time sweetheart. When you're older okay?" Luna pouted and Reese shook his head and said "It's too dangerous baby." as he kissed her forehead, she said sadly "Okay..." Reese smiled and said "When I come back we'll get ice cream with mommy okay?" Luna brightened up and cheered, he smiled and said "Go stay with mommy and aunt Pepper okay?" Luna nodded and flew away, he watched her go and said "She's definitely going to be way stronger than me."

The rest gasped and Steve said "Good. We can have Mini-Avengers!" Reese laughed and said "Where we goin?" Steve said "Wakanda." Reese clapped and said "I've never been there! You know what that means~" the rest were confused and Reese grinned.

A while later

Reese was laughing his ass off as he barrel rolled in the Quinjet, the rest realized what he was so excited about and Steve said "I forgot you flew like this.." Reese laughed and made the Jet fly at max speed before stalling the engine and diving towards the ground before picking up and swooping up and shooting off even faster. Vision said "Although it is disorienting, it is quite fun." Reese grinned and said "I know! Too much fun!"

Natasha almost puked and said weakly "I don't like it at all.." Reese coughed and said "You like me though." and coughed again, she grit her teeth and said "I'm losing interest faster than this jet is flying." Reese choked and said "That was actually a good burn, holy fuck." Steve said "Language." Reese chuckled and said "Glad to have you back, you and my daughter would be good friends. She does the same thing." as he laughed and flew towards Wakanda while Steve grimaced that he would be friends with a two year old.

A few hours later

The jet landed at Wakanda and the group got out, they were greeted by T'Challa and Bucky, Reese flashed next to T'Challa and grinned as he said "Hey! How's it going? Long time no see!" T'Challa groaned and said "I did not know you were coming too." Reese looked at him and said "What is that supposed to mean?" as soldiers pointed their spears at him, T'Challa waved and they stood down as he said "I don't like you." Reese gasped and said "That's never happened before..." several Avenger said "Actually I don't like you either.." Reese waved and said "You're all just saying that because you puked on the way here." as he rubbed his chin and thought about it while walking into the Palace. They groaned and Rhodey said "He's right though." the others groaned again and followed him into the Palace.

Bruce talked to Shuri, T'Challa's sister and she confirmed that she could, in fact, take out the Mind stone but it could take some time. While they were talking ships landed outside the barrier, the the group went outside after leaving Vision in Shuri's hands and saw aliens flooding out of the ships and attacking the barrier. T'Challa said "That's a lot." Reese said "Can you open the barrier in sections?"

T'Challa nodded and opened the front of the barrier. Reese said "I'll make the first move, this'll be fun!" as he clapped and materialized his suit before holding his wrists together and spreading his hands open as he stood in front of the group. His hands glowed yellow as he screamed and they got brighter and brighter as the aliens flooded in. Steve said "Anytime now kid!"

Reese hovered off the ground and screamed "FINAL FLASH!" a massive yellow beam shot out of his hands and T'Challa opened more of the barrier quickly, as the beam decimated most of the alien army and some of the space ships behind them.

Reese landed back on the ground and let out a breath, everyone else was stunned into silence until Steve spoke "Man.. That was so cool!" Reese grinned and said "I'm just too fucking handsome man." Natasha nodded.

At Clint's house

Clint was watching TV, when he suddenly shook his head and sighed before walking away.

Back to Wakanda

T'Challa said "Maybe I like you a little bit now." Reese gave him a thumbs up and said "Perfect!" as the aliens flooded in again, a seemingly infinite number of them. The army charged at the two sides met as T'Challa narrowed the barrier's opening and started fighting the aliens, Reese flashing through the aliens and kicked groups at a time with Ki blasts, Kamehamehas, and Galic Guns.

The army was being overrun by aliens when Thor landed on the ground with a new hammer/axe, along with a raccoon and a tree. He threw his axe around in a circle and decimated the aliens as he said "Miss me?" Reese laughed and raised his hand forming a disc, he threw it around and bisected aliens left and right. Rocket looked at him and said "A tail? Where have I seen that before..." Reese flashed in front of him and said "Hey build-a-bear. What did you just say?"

Rocket said "First of all who said you could touch me?" Reese put him on his shoulders and flew through aliens while vaporizing them and said "Tell me what's up before I turn you back into a normal Tanuki." Rocket shot his gun at the aliens as he said "The tail looks familiar.. I can't quite put my finger on it though." Reese went super saiyan 1 and fired a Kamehameha into a group of aliens saying "Ringing any bells?" Rocket squinted and said "Still on the tip of my tongue."

Reese transformed into a giant monkey and fired a blast from his mouth while stomping on the aliens and said "Now?" Rocket snapped his fingers and said "That's the one. Don't remember where though." Reese sighed and went back to normal as he continued to annihilate aliens left and right with Rocket.

Suddenly Vision flew out of the palace and landed in a forest, the Avengers ran over to him and Reese fired a Galic Gun at the alien chasing after Vision, before landing in front of him. The rets grouped and protected Vision.

Suddenly again!

A portal opened in front of them and a giant purple skinned man came out, Bruce said "That's Thanos!" Reese threw Rocket to someone else and shot forward, he threw a punch at Thanos, who caught it and slid back, he caught Reese's fist with a gauntlet. Reese said "5 infinity stones eh? You should be strong enough." Thanos grunted and punched him through several trees as the rest gasped.

Reese stood up and laughed as he went super saiyan 3, his hair grew extremely long and he lost his eye brows, he flashed in front of Thanos and kicked him in the side, sending him flying across the battlefield. Reese flew after him and Thanos lit up all the infinity stones before punching Reese in the face, Reese tried to dodge, but he wasn't quick enough and was sent flying into the palace.

Reese flashed behind Thanos and kicked towards his head, Thanos used the space stone and teleported Reese in front of him and kicked him, Reese guarded his side and slid back while sweeping his leg at Thanos' shins.

Thanos created a barrier and Reese's kick bounced off, he grimaced and went super saiyan 4, he grew red fur and punched through the barrier, hitting Thanos in the face and sending him flying. Reese floated in the air and put his hands together before screaming "FINAL SHINE!"

A giant green beam shot out from his hands and flew towards Thanos, who created a barrier with all 5 infinity stones. The beam collided with the barrier and Thanos pushed forwards, pushing the beam back. Reese screamed and pushed more Ki into his attack, forcing Thanos back slightly as a giant ball of green surrounded Thanos and exploded creating a giant dust cloud.

Reese landed on the ground as the dust cleared and Thanos was nowhere to be seen, he squinted at the untouched piece of land before turning around and seeing Thanos ripping the mind stone out of Vision's head and placing it in the gauntlet as a rainbow vein like pattern coursed through his entire body.

Reese was alarmed and shot forward, punching at Thanos, who caught his fist and said "Close but not close enough." before punching him with the infinity gauntlet and all 6 gems lit up, sending him across the battlefield and into a cliff. Reese blasted out of the rubble and flashed in front of Thanos with a Kamahameha in his hands, he fired it at point blank range and it bounced off a barrier and decimated a group of aliens. Thanos kicked him and Thor threw his axe, surprising Thanos and catching him in the chest.

Thor pushed the axe and Reese screamed "Kill him now!" Thanos said "Too late. The world with be balanced, as all things should be." as he snapped his fingers and teleported away as Reese flew through where he just was. Reese turned around and saw people turning to dust and his pupils shrunk, he completely disregarded the rest who were stunned and teleported back home.

He ran across the house looking for Gwen and Luna as he reverted to normal. He found Gwen and held her as she turned to dust right before his eyes, she held his face and said "I love you baby.. Please keep Luna safe.." Reese held her hands as he cried and said "Don't go, please don't leave me. I need you!" Gwen smiled and kissed him before disappearing into dust as Reese cried, he looked into the air and screamed as loud as possible.

The whole house started shaking as did the earth, he bust through the roof and screamed "GWEEEEENNNN!!!!!" rocks started floating up and thunder rumbled in the sky, Reese's body exploded with fiery red Ki surrounding him, his hair turned red and stayed normal while his pupils turned red as he screamed and shattered the ground near the facility.

He teleported back to Wakanda and stood in front of the alien army and screamed as he vaporized them all, not a single alien or alien space ship was left. He cried and returned to normal before falling out of the sky towards the ground, Natasha ran over and caught him as the rest stared at him and assumed the worst.

Reese opened his eyes and sat up, he achieved Super Saiyan God through pure grief and rage but he lost Gwen in the process. He looked around and saw Cap, Rhodey, Rocket, Natasha, and Bruce and said "Anybody else?" they shook their heads and Steve said "What was that before?" Reese got out of bed and noticed he was home, he looked at Pepper who was holding a sleeping Luna before saying "Super Saiyan God" as he picked up Luna and walked away, leaving the rest confused.

Rhodey said "God?" Reese said "My Ki becomes God Ki and I am strong enough the destroy the planet easily. It's almost impossible to achieve." before disappearing with Luna as the rest gasped. Rocket whistled and said "I knew it! I can't remember the planet but there are more just like him... I think." the rest looked at him and Steve said "That's great."

Reese sat on top of the building holding on to Luna as he stared into the sky silently. Luna woke up and rubbed her eyes saying "Where's mommy? Aren't we going for ice cream?" Reese teared up and said "Mommy has something to do right now, It's gonna be just you and me for a while sweetheart." he kissed her forehead and said "Do you want ice cream princess?" as he struggled to smile. Luna smiled and nodded, he flew off slowly to an ice cream store amidst the chaos.

A while later

Reese brought Luna to his room and put her to bed before laying down on the bed and staring at the ceiling as the time passed.

3 weeks later

Reese looked like a zombie as he sat in a chair and stared off into space with Luna in his arms. He didn't react to anyone or anything, he just quietly sat there. A space ship landed outside and Tony along with two women walked into the building, Tony was put in a wheelchair with an IV and he looked like a skeleton. They wheeled him into the room Reese was in and whoever was left in the avengers grouped and started talking.

Steve said "Who are the new guys?" Tony said "Nebula, the blue skinned cyborg chick, and I don't know the other one." the woman said "Carol Danvers." Reese snorted and said "Captain Marvel, nice of you to show up after the fight." Carol looked over and said "And who are you?" Reese sneered and said "You're not strong enough to know." before going back to silence and ignoring Carol's outburst as she snapped "Who do you think you are?!" as she flared up and punched at him.

Reese's air turned red and he caught her fist before saying "If you wake my kid up I'll will annihilate you." as he waved his arm and threw her through several walls and out of the building. Tony said "You got stronger now huh?" Reese reverted and said "Too late however. I bet only a few hidden people in the universe can even touch me, though I don't know if that's true. I haven't fought anyone of them." Tony wheeled over and patted his shoulder saying "Are you okay?"

Reese teared up and said "No." Tony sighed and comforted him saying "I couldn't stop him either, the kid's gone too." Reese chuckled hopelessly and quieted down.

Carol came back and was embarrassed, Steve put his hand up and said "We need to find Thanos and get the stones back, then we can just reverse the snap." Nebula said "I know where he is. He planned to go to 'The Garden' after he completed his plans." The rest were confused and Rocket pulled up a 3D image of the galaxy as he said "There was an unusual power burst on this planet." Reese got up and handed Luna to Pepper as he clapped his hands together and walked towards the spaceship as his suit materialized.

The rest said "Let's go I guess." Rhodey pushed Tony can in his wheelchair and said "Not you buddy, you stay here and recover okay?" Tony grimaced and Pepper said "Please Tony." he sighed and nodded, Rhodey sedated him and left with the rest.

Reese sat in the captain's chair and turned the spaceship on as Rocket put in the coordinates and said "You know how to fly this thing?" Reese said "No." as the rest got on and he started the spaceship while looking at the map.

The ship flew off the ground and into space, Reese had a straight face as he pushed a handle forward and accelerated, he looked around and flipped a couple switches and pressed a button and the ship shot forward at lightspeed towards the planet Thanos was on.

Rocket gasped and said "Are you sure you've never driven one of these before?!" Reese navigated through an asteroid field perfectly while spinning out of the way and blasting an asteroid to pieces as he said "Never." an asteroid came into their way with another one and Reese flipped the ship on its side and squeezed through the gap before stalling and slipping under another one and barrel rolling out of the way as he engaged the thrusters and got out of the asteroid field.

Nebula, Carol, and Rocket had their mouths wide open, Steve looked at them and said "Is that good?" Nebula gulped and said "It's the best piloting i've ever seen in my life." Carol grimaced and said "Although I don't like him. He is amazing at piloting." Rocket rubbed his eyes and said "I thought I was good..." the rest looked at Reese, who didn't say a word and flew as fast as he possibly could towards the planet.

A while later

They arrived on 'The Garden' and Reese got out of the space ship and walked towards the hut, Steve said "Maybe we should scout fi-" Reese transformed to Super Saiyan God and waved his hand, annihilating the plant-life on the planet as he said "Nothing left." before walking towards the hut and turning it to ashes, revealing Thanos, who had burns all over one side of his body.

The rest joined him as Reese ripped Thanos' arm off and looked at the infinity gauntlet before saying "No stones." Thanos said "You're back." Reese turned his arm to ashes as he said "Where are the stones." Thanos shook his head and said "I destroyed them. Turned them to atoms. They served their purpose, to keep them would only lead to temptation. The universe is finally balanced."

Reese looked at him and Thor swung his axe, but Reese stopped it and chuckled as he said "You're an idiot." Thanos waited for him to continue and he did "You wiped out half of the universe, and destroyed the stones correct?" Thanos nodded and Reese laughed "Did you also take away their ability to reproduce? The population was cut in half, but it will just go back to what it was before in time! You're plan was redundant in the first place, your conquest for balance was futile."

Reese grabbed his head and said "Do you understand? You're goal was useless in the first place, you failed. Now you're in my hands." as he spread his Ki into his body and destroyed it piece by piece extremely slowly until he collapsed to the ground completely crippled, he spat on the ground and walked away. Thor slammed his axe down and chopped his head off for good measure before following Reese back to the ship along with the rest.

Reese flew back to Earth as Carol said "Who did you lose?" Reese ignored her and kept flying, she frowned and said "You can at least talk." Reese said "My wife." and turned on lightspeed abruptly, sending her flying to the back of the ship, she hit the back and grinded her teeth as she mumbled "Asshole.." Reese ignored her and flew back silently.

They landed back on earth and went back inside the facility as Carol said "I'm leaving." Reese ignored her and the rest said goodbye as she left. He walked inside and Tony put a thumbs up and Reese shook his head, Tony sighed and wheeled towards him saying "Don't worry kid. We'll find a way." Reese smiled and said "You're a good friend Tony." Tony smiled and said "I do what I can."

Luna flew into Reese's arms as the rest showed up, she said "Daddy, where did mommy go? She's been gone for a long time.. I miss her." the air froze and Natasha teared up silently, Reese said "She went on a trip for work, she'll be back soon okay?" Luna nodded and stayed quiet as Reese sat back in his chair and stared off into space again.

3 years went by

Reese was going to sleep when he saw the dragon ball on his dresser glow and turn orange, he gasped he completely forgot about the dragonballs, he went to sleep excited for tomorrow.

The next day

Reese grabbed the dragon ball and Luna, who was 5 now, he left Luna with Pepper, who had a kid as well, a little girl named Morgan, who was 3 years old. Luna and Morgan were best friends, because they were always together as Reese never really left Tony's house. Pepper sighed and Morgan started playing with Luna as she said "Luna!" the two girls hugged and started playing with toys, Reese smiled and Tony said "What's gotten into you today?" Reese said "Suit up and come with me."

Tony sighed and suited up as they flew away, Reese pulled out the dragon radar Tony made and they searched for all the dragon balls. After finding them all, Reese arranged them and said "You ready?" Tony nodded and said "What happens?" Reese smirked and said "Arise Shenron!"

Thunder rumbled and a giant dragon appeared, Tony was shocked and Reese sighed "Shenron enough theatrics.." Shenron shrank down and became smaller as he said "Hey! Long time no see!" Tony said "It talks?!" Reese chuckled and nodded before saying "And he can bring people back from the dead!" Tony gasped and Reese said "Bring back Gwen please."

Shenron sighed and said "I can't." Reese froze and said "Why not." Shenron winced and said "The infinity stones wishes are above mine. I can't bring back the people who were killed by it but I can do anyone else." Reese snapped "What kind of fucking bullshit is that?!" as he exploded into super Saiyan God, Shenron said "I don't have the power, i'm sorry." Reese collapsed and reverted to normal as he cried silently, Tony sighed and said "Sorry kid."

Reese said "This is the second time.. Can I wish for the infinity stones?" Shenron shook his head and said "I can't bring them back either." Reese visibly sagged and said "Tony you want a wish?" Tony shook his head and Reese said "I want the ability to breathe in space." Shenron's eyes flashed and Reese said "And I want Whis' Training memories, including the training for Super Saiyan God Blue." Shenron's eyes flashed and Reese got all the memories. Shenron sighed and said "See you next time, i'm sorry Reese. Truly." before disappearing, Reese grabbed one of the balls and the rest scattered.

Tony said "Now you can just breathe in space?" Reese nodded and said "Not like it makes a different anymore." Tony patted his shoulder and sighed "Let's go back." Reese nodded and they teleported back to the house. Reese put the dragonball and radar back on the desk and left alone as he said "I'll be back later." Tony sighed and went to sit with Pepper, she looked at him and he shook his head, she sighed and played with Morgan and Luna, who watched her dad leave and teared up herself.

Reese walked through the empty streets and walked into a bar, he sat down and ordered a drink as he watched the TV. The drink came and he drank it as the TV said "Since the blip, life has been hard but we have to move on with the memory of those who were unfortunately lost. The city has started a fund for blip victims, be it friend or family, there are people who care and are ready to help. We're all in this together.." the person went on about the service and who to call.

Reese grit his teeth and vaporized the TV, the people in the bar sighed with heavy hearts and Reese put down a stack of money before saying "Buy a new one." as he left. The bartender took the money and counted it before giving it to his boss, who ordered a new one and a spare, just in case.

Reese walked the streets and saw a kid, who walked up to him and said "Are you Hotshot?" Reese nodded and said "What do you want kid." the kid said "Am I gonna get my mommy back?" Reese spat and said "Probably not kid." the kid teared up and Reese patted his head and said "Don't cry. If you want to change what you don't like you need to be strong enough, even I couldn't stop it. You have to move on. What's your name?"

The kid said "Barry." Reese said "Well Barry, why don't you go back home to your dad. He's probably more upset than you are." Barry sniffed and nodded before walking away, Reese watched him go and sighed, he heard a voice say "You should take your own advice." Reese kept walking and said "I do what I want, I might spew inspirational garbage but I don't have to mean it."

Natasha walked next to him and said "Maybe you just changed that kid's life, he will probably listen to you." Reese snorted and said "What's you point." she said "You have to move on, there are other people th-" he cut her off and said "Care about me? Like you? Forget it." as he walked away, she caught up to him and grabbed his arm saying "You're not okay. You haven't been okay for 2 years Reese."

Reese looked at her and snapped "You expect me to be okay after I lose my wife?! Luna asks me everyday when Gwen's coming back! What am I supposed to say?! She'll be devastated and it's my fault! I couldn't stop Thanos and now everyone suffers, especially me! Not a day goes by that I don't think about her!" he spread his hand out and said "Half the people in the universe gone because I couldn't stop him, I wasn't strong enough and now I have to live with the consequences! I lost almost everything that day! And it's all my fa-"

Natasha kissed him and cut him off before pulling away and staring straight into his eyes as she said "It's not your fault. None of us could've stopped him, you tried your best. You need to realize that everyone lost something and we're all at fault, stop carrying everything on your shoulders because you're the strongest out of all of us! That's not how a team works!"

Reese was confused in his heart, he didn't want to forget and move on, he sighed and walked away towards another bar silently, she followed him and they got a drink as she said "Do you mind?" Reese waved and said "Whatever, I don't care anymore." she sighed and rubbed his back, comforting him as they both drank.

A while later

Reese went back home and separated with Natasha, he had a lot of things to think about. Luna saw him come home and hugged him as she smiled and said "I missed you daddy." He smield and rubbed her head as he said "You want to play?" she smiled and nodded as they played around, playing the time and distracting themselves.

Another year passed

Reese went out to drink almost everyday and Natasha showed up every time. They unknowingly got closer, but Reese forced himself to remember, he couldn't move on or rather he wouldn't allow himself to move on, the only thing they did was talk, the only time they kissed was the first time a year ago, and yet here he was drinking with her.

She smiled and said "How's Luna?" Reese smiled and said "Good, she's 6 now and reaches up to my waist. I started training her too." Natasha said "How's that?" as she drank from her glass, Reese chuckled and said "Fun. She's getting stronger everyday, soon enough she'll be stronger than me." as he laughed and drank, she giggled and said "That's great, another little monster running around." Reese chuckled and shook his head as he kept drinking.

6 months later

Luna said "Daddy.." Reese said "Yes princess?" Luna teared up and said "I miss mommy..." Reese sighed and said "Me too kid.. Me too..." as he hugged her and said "Take a break today, okay? Go play with Morgan, Daddy's going out. I'll bring back a surprise for you." as he smiled and stroked her hair, she nodded sadly and left, he watched her go and sighed. He flew away, extremely depressed. It's been 4 and a half years since the snap, she hadn't said anything about Gwen since he went to find the dragon balls, he still couldn't get over it.

He landed at the bar and met Natasha before drinking, heavily. She frowned and said "Something happen?" Reese said "Luna misses her mother." as he drowned himself in alcohol, trying to get himself drunk, it was actually really hard because his Ki automatically filtered the toxins out of his body, he had to drink a lot to get drunk, and he did, maybe a little too much.

Natasha said "Maybe you should stop." Reese said "I'm fine." she nodded and said "For now. Let's go, okay?" Reese nodded and they left the bar. They were walking in the streets and talking as they walked to Natasha's apartment, they got inside and Reese took his jacket off before sitting on the couch.

Natasha sat next to him and fixed his hair as she said "Are you okay?" Reese said "My body filters out the toxins, so I can't get drunk unless I drink a lot." Natasha chuckled as she said "You drank a lot this time." Reese rubbed his eyes and said "Not enough." She shook her head and said "Do you want something?" Reese shook his head and she got up and grabbed a drink for herself before sitting back down and turning on the TV.

The channel was the 'Blip Help' channel and Reese grimaced before changing the channel to a movie. Natasha shook her head and said "When are you going to get over it?" Reese sighed "Probably never." she looked at him and said "You can't keep living like this. You train Luna during the day and drink your problems away at night, everyday." Reese closed his eyes and said "What else am I supposed to do?" she turned to him and said "Move on." he looked at her and noticed how close they were, he looked at her lips before looking at her eyes as she held his face and said "It's been 4 and a half years, Reese. Everybody has moved on expect you."

Reese was silent before saying "I don't deserve to move on.." Natasha looked at him in the eyes and said "Yes you do. Everyone does. It wasn't your fault.." they subconsciously moved their faces closer together before their lips touched.

Natasha wrapped her arms around Reese's neck and pulled him down as she laid on her back on the couch, he closed his eyes and held her as they kissed. Slowly they moved from the couch to the bed and stripped, she grabbed his tool and started stroking it as he pinned her down and kissed her. She guided him to her and he forced his way inside as she moaned and dug her nails into his back, he pumped his hips fast and hard as she moaned loudly.

He fucked her as her eyes rolled back and he filled her with cum while she twitched and wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling him closer and deeper. He pushed him over and kissed him as she bounced on him and moaned again.

During the next 6 months

Reese would train Luna and go back to the bar before going to Natasha's house, they had a semi-relationship now. He sighed to himself as he trained Luna, he never forgot about Gwen and he felt really bad, he couldn't say he loved Natasha but he liked her at least, he felt like he was cheating and he didn't like it. He told Tony after the first time and asked for advice but Tony just told him it was good that he was moving on and suggested bringing her home for Luna. He rejected the offer and said that it was too soon, he didn't want Luna to know. Tony told him that he shouldn't feel bad because SHE was gone and had no chance of coming back. Reese laughed a bit and left after saying thanks.

Reese drank alone and got really drunk before flying home and going to sleep, he didn't see Natasha today, apparently Steve needed her for something.

The next morning

Reese was training Luna with an open hawaiian shirt, shorts, and sunglasses on. Despite how much he drank, he was always training along with Luna so he was still extremely muscular. He had a cigarette in his mouth and his hair was a mess as he mumbled "Drank way too much last night."

Luna said "Maybe you should stop drinking daddy." as she worked out with weighted clothes, Reese chuckled and said "Yeah? You're a pretty smart kid." Luna sighed and said "I'm 7 now. If I wasn't smart wouldn't I be a normal kid?" Reese snapped his fingers and said "Right you are chief. Show me your Kamehameha." Luna charged up a Kamehameha and fired it at him, he held the cigarette in his mouth as he opened his palm and stopped it before saying "Good. Galic Gun now."

She fired a Galic Gun at him and he stopped it saying "Not too bad. How's your flight training?" Luna hovered in the air and said "Perfect!" Reese smiled and said "No super saiyan yet huh?" Luna said "Actually.." before screaming and transforming into super saiyan 1. Reese raised an eyebrow and said "You keeping secrets from me, princess?" Luna giggled and said "Maybe~" Reese laughed and hugged her saying "I love you baby." she hugged him back and said "I love you too Daddy.."

A while later

A black car rolled by the house and Natasha, Steve, and Scott showed up. Reese was sitting outside in a chair as he watched Luna play with Morgan, Tony was sitting next to him and said "You really need to clean yourself up." Reese waved and said "Does it matter? Who am I trying to impress?" Tony shook his head and said "You're hungover and your hairs all fucked up, it's not about impressing anybody. It's just not scaring the kids" as he chuckled, Reese laughed and said "I'll get a haircut then." Tony laughed and shook his head.

The three stood in front of them and Steve said "Hey!" Reese clicked his tongue and saluted before drinking from a flask, Natasha sighed and took the flask from him and smoothed out his hair saying "Rough night?" Reese lowered his sunglasses and said "Yeah.. I was alone." Natasha giggled and shook her head before saying "I was busy." Reese chuckled and Steve was surprised and said "You two.." Natasha smiled and nodded, Luna looked over and squinted.

Scott gasped and said "Really?! Good for you two!" Reese waved and looked at Luna, who was looking at him and sighed before walking away under her gaze, he felt guilty, he didn't want to stay here anymore. Tony sighed and said "What do you want." Steve looked at Luna and Natasha before sighing, he probably made a mistake bringing her here, but explained what happened to Scott and said "If it works we can bring everyone back." Luna froze and looked over. Tony was silent and said "That's insane, it's just a theory!"

Steve said "But it could work!" Tony shushed him and said "Don't let the kid hear you." Steve was confused and Tony said "He already got his hopes up twice, do you want to crush him?" Steve said "Twice?" Tony rubbed his eyes and explained about the dragonballs. Steve gasped and said "Really?!" Tony nodded and Luna walked inside the house after hearing everything.

Reese was drinking at the table in the kitchen and Luna said "You tried to bring back mommy twice?" Reese chuckled and said "Yup. You probably think your dad's a loser right?" he laughed and drank as he added "And a piece of shit for being with someone other than your mother." Luna shook her head and said "I don't." Reese waved and said "You don't have to comfort me princess, I already feel bad enough as is." Luna hugged him saying "I don't think that at all. I think you're the best Daddy in the world." Reese was silent and Luna said "At least you tried and twice."

Reese said "And what about Natasha?" Luna said "Mommy's gone." Reese laughed sadly and said "Yep. I think think about your mother everyday kiddo. The only time I see her is in my dreams." he teared up and continued "I can't forget no matter how much I try.." he let his tears fall and said "I'm sorry Luna, it's all my fault." Luna cried and hugged him saying "You tried your best Daddy, I miss her too.."

A few days later

Tony woke Reese up in the morning, Reese fell of the bed mumbling "Gwen! Don't leave..." as he smashed into a massive pile of beer cans and kegs. Tony sighed and said "Wake up kid we have work to do." Reese got up, scattering beer cans as he said "Do you really need me?" Tony said "You are the one who needs to see this. Also take a shower Lebowski." Reese pulled himself up and said "I'll be right out man." Tony sighed and walked away as Reese took a shower and put on a hoodie, swimming shorts, sandals with socks and sunglasses.

He walked outside and lit up a cigarette as he said "Where we goin chief?" Tony said "The facility." Reese whistled "The nightmare house? Alright." He grabbed Tony shoulder and said "I'll be back baby, take a day off. Love you." Luna waved and went back to playing with Morgan as Reese disappeared.

They reappeared in front of the facility. They walked inside and met with Natasha, Steve, Scott, and Bruce. Tony throws Steve his shield and shows them the device on his hand saying "I did it." Reese whistled and said "Green boy big now, Hulk no smash?" Bruce said "Funny, but no. We fused, it's only Bruce now. And no shirt?" Reese said "Wild night last night." as he tapped the sunglasses, Natasha sighed and Tony said "I perfected time travel and you're worried about the kid's shirt?"

Reese froze and said "What?" Tony said "Yeah, surprise." Reese turned around and walked away saying "I'm going to get a drink, I'd rather not get my hopes up again." Tony stopped him and said "I promise it works." Reese turned to him and said "And if it doesn't?" Tony looked at him, through the sunglasses and said "It will." Reese was silent before saying "I trust you." Tony smiled and Rhodey, Nebula, and Rocket walked in.

Reese said "Hey, build-a-bear! How's it hangin?" Rocket said "Probably better than you, you look like shit." Reese grinned and said "Feel like it too!" Rocket shook his head and said "That's not a good thing.." Reese chuckled and drank from his flask saying "So we going to get the rest or what?" the rest agreed and Reese, Bruce, and Rocket went to get Thor.

Reese teleported them to Norway and they found Valkyrie, who showed them where Thor was but said that he wouldn't see them. Reese scoffed and said "My buddy Thor? It'll be fine!" Valkyrie sighed and said "He looks like you but fat." Reese laughed and the trio followed her to Thor's house.

They walked inside and Thor screamed "You stupid kid, I'll unleash Ragnarok on your ass!" Reese laughed and sat down in between a rock man and a bug guy as he grabbed a beer and drank it. Thor noticed them and said "Hey guys!" they waved and Reese grabbed the controller from him before playing as Krog and Miek watched.

Thor said "What are you guys here for?" Bruce started explaining what they came for as Krog pointed at the TV and said "He's in the bush!" Reese used the controller and sniped the bush guy, killing him before running to find more people as Krog said "What a shot! You're a natural mate." Reese chuckled and said "I'm not too bad eh?"

Thor said "Absolutely not!" Bruce said "We need you buddy!" Thor vehemently denied going back and having anything to do with the Avengers and Thanos. Rocket said "We'll get you beer." Thor narrowed his eyes and said "How much?" Rocket pointed at Reese and said "We already have to get for him, so a lot." Thor agreed and Bruce said "Let's go."

Reese said "Hold on!" as he shot a shotgun at another guy and killed him 'Victory Royale' popped up on the screen and Krog cheered "You did it mate!" Reese threw his hands up and said "Get shit on! Let's go!" Thor looked at the screen and gasped "No way!" Miek made bug noises and Krog said "Miek says that was the greatest moment of his life." Reese patted Miek's head and said "No problem man."

Bruce rubbed his forehead and said "Can we leave now?" Reese grumbled "Alright grandpa.." He teleported them all to a brewery and bought a ton on beer before teleporting back to the facility. Reese and Thor sat down and watched the rest of the team build the machine and do test runs as they drank their beers, Thor said "Nice style Reese." Reese said "You're not too bad yourself, though you should lose the gut." Thor exploded into electricity and slimmed down to his normal size and said "Better?" Reese made an okay sign and said "Perfect! Cheers!" they laughed and smashed their kegs together before drinking.

A while later

The team was discussing when to go back, Bruce said "We only have enough Pym Particles for one try." Reese exhaled a mouthful of smoke and said "Why don't we just go back to when Hank was alive and take some more." the room was quiet and Bruce said "Well I didn't think of that." Reese spread his hands out and said "Really? Was it just me?" The rest sighed and Bruce left and returned later before saying "So we have more Pym Particles now." Reese laughed and said "Reese 1 the rest 0~" Tony shook his head and they spit into groups based on stones.

Reese was in a suit and standing next to Natasha as Bruce said "Get the stones and come back. 3,2,1, Go." everyone slapped their buttons and disappeared.

On Vormir

Reese and Natasha appeared near a mountain. They looked at each other and Natasha smiled as she held him hand, he smiled slightly as they made their way up the mountain. They were greeted by Red skull who said "Ahh Natasha and Reese. Here for the Soul stone I presume?" Reese said "Yup." Red skull said "Follow me." the duo followed Red skull as he said "You're powers are useless here Reese." Reese was confused and said "What does that mean?" Red skull stopped at a cliff and said "To acquire the Soul Stone, one must sacrifice that which they love."

Reese's eyes widened as he said "You don't mean..." Red Skull said "That's exactly what I mean." Reese had his mouth wide open and walked towards the edge saying "Take care of Luna." Natasha grabbed him and pulled him back saying "No." Reese pushed her away saying "It's my fault this happened! This is what I have to do!" Natasha teared up as she grabbed him again and kissed him saying "It was never your fault." Reese looked into her eyes, she smiled and kissed him again before kneeing him in the crotch and jumping off the cliff as she said "I love you.." while he was stunned.

He went to the edge of the cliff and reached down as he said "NOOO!" she smiled as tears flowed from her eyes and she mouthed 'Be with your family, thank you for being with me, it was the happiest time of my life' and hit the ground. Reese had tears in his eyes as a bright flash of light engulfed his vision.

He woke up in a puddle with the Soul Stone in his hands. He cried silently and remembered what she mouthed to him, he clenched his fist over the stone as he hit the button and went back to the future everybody else was there too and Steve said "Where's Natasha?" Reese threw the Soul Stone at him and said "Dead." as he walked away, leaving the rest of the group shocked out of their minds.

Reese took off the suit and went back to what he was wearing before as the rest were silent. Tony created a nano gauntlet and put all 6 stones inside. Thor said "Let me do it." Bruce said "I'm the best candidate." as he put on the gauntlet and winced at the pain, Tony said "You're just bringing everyone back, nothing else." Bruce nodded and snapped his fingers.

Bruce collapsed to the ground as his arm was singed, Clint ran over and kicked the gauntlet as he looked at Bruce, the gauntlet slid right to Reese's feet and he picked it up, he tilted his head and walked over to Bruce, after he made sure he was okay, he walked away from the group and looked around while mumbling "Did it work?" before freezing completely as he heard the most beautiful voice in the world say "Reese?" he turned around and cried as he dropped the gauntlet and hugged Gwen saying "I missed you so much!" he fell to his knees and cried, she smiled and stroked his head softly saying "I know baby, I know.." Reese disappeared and reappeared with Luna, who saw Gwen and tackled her while crying and saying "Mommy!"

Gwen hugged both of them and teared up as she said "I'm back, my babies.." Reese laughed as he cried and said "I love you so much.." as he kissed her deeply, Luna hugged Gwen and cried silently. Tony walked over and smiled as he said "You're back!" Gwen smiled and nodded as she said "What did I miss?" Reese wiped his eyes and sat down on the ground as Tony said "The kid became a super alcoholic. I don't think there was a day he wasn't hungover."

Gwen held Reese's face and said "Honey.." He chuckled and said "It was hard while you were away.." he grimaced, the guilt was eating at him really bad, he sighed and said "Tony can you give us a moment?" Tony nodded and grabbed the gauntlet before saying "Good luck." and walking away, Reese sat Gwen down and said "I was really fucked up while you were away." Luna knew what he was going to say and sat on his lap as he looked at Gwen worriedly, Gwen frowned and Reese continued "I didn't have anything to comfort me so I drank a lot and after 4 and a half years of struggling I got really drunk one night after having a bad dream and.. well.. I was with Natasha."

Gwen was silent and Reese teared up as he said "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to... She comforted me for a year and a half before then and I even tried bringing you back with the dragonballs but I couldn't." He put Luna down and got up before saying "I'm sorry. I love you more than anything in the world, it was my fault you disappeared and it was my fault that this happened." he sighed and walked away.

Gwen looked at him and said "Where are you going?" Reese said "Away. I feel like a terrible person all the time, you don't deserve this." he shook his head and continued, Gwen ran up and grabbed his arm, she spun him around and kissed him, he was shocked and kissed her back.

They separated and she slapped him before saying "It wasn't your fault. I love you more than myself! I can't begin to imagine how hard it was for you while I was gone." she let her tears fall as she said "I missed 5 years of life, I'm sorry I couldn't be there with you. If anything, I should be apologizing for not being there when you needed me. Reese, I.. I love you so much and nothing is going to change that." he choked up and sobbed as he kissed her and said "What did I do to deserve you.." Gwen kissed him and wrapped her arms around his neck as she said "I can say the same."

Luna clapped and said "Yay! Family's back together!" Gwen giggled and picked her up as she said "Where is Natasha?" Reese grimaced and said "She's dead." Gwen gasped and Reese explained what happened to her and what she said before she died. Gwen teared up and covered her mouth with her hand as she said "I can't ever thank her enough. Why would she go so far?" Reese sighed and shook his head, when suddenly explosions happened, blowing the building to pieces.

Reese held Gwen and Luna and shielded them from the debris with his body. The building collapsed and stopped, Reese said "You both okay?" The duo nodded and Reese let out a breath of relief as he said "Now were gonna have to get new clothes.." Gwen chuckled and touched her necklace, he smiled and showed her his watch, she giggled and kissed him.

Luna said "Mommy, we should get out before you kiss daddy." Gwen blushed and said "Seems like you didn't learn manners while I was gone eh?" Luna gulped and shivered "I'm sorry ma'am." Reese laughed and Gwen glared at him and he shut up real fast as he said "We should probably get out no?" Gwen giggled and shook her head.

Reese blasted the debris out of the way and brought the two girls out as he looked around, he saw Tony, Thor, and Steve and said "Hey guys! I think we should hire a better contractor next time!" Tony burst out laughing and Steve shook his head with a smile. Thor was staring ahead and Reese looked and saw Thanos, who was looking at him.

Reese sneered "If it isn't my favorite Grimace look a-like" Tony laughed so hard he cried as he said "Kid stop! That was too much, i'm trying to fight here!" Reese laughed and said "What can I say, Wife's back, humor's back. Maybe there's a correlation." Gwen pinched his waist as she blushed.

Reese landed with the three as Gwen hung back with Luna, who was ready to fight. He said "We assembling?" Steve said "How did you know?" the rest of the avengers crawled out of the rubble and stood next to the four, as portals opened behind them.

The Wakandan army as well as everyone who got snapped showed up, Strange said "Is that everyone?" Wong said "You wanted more?" Reese chuckled and clapped, his suit materialized as he went Super Saiyan God and his hair turned red.

Steve smirked and said "Avengers!" he called Mjonir to his hands and caught it as he continued "Assemble."

(Author's Note)


You damn simps thought! I'm already prepared for the threats kiddos! 11k words and like 12 hours of writing. Phew I can't wait. Lmao! A nice cliff hanger to top it all off. Muah~ perfection!


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