It didn't come as a surprise to any of the leaders that another meeting would be called so soon. Each of them had learnt things that were going on during the time since the last one had been called. It was clear to every one of them, this simple execution and the problem with the Punisher, were becoming bigger and bigger.
As for Muka, before exiting from the tunnels, he had ordered his guards to deliver blood to Fex. He wanted to make sure he would be okay and survive until the execution time. Also, he had ordered Silver to leave the place immediately and to return to her castle.
At first, she had refused several times, that she wouldn't leave until she knew her brother was okay, and in the end, Muka had to pull his authority over her to send her away. But in truth, Muka was looking out for Silver. He feared that whoever had dealt with his own Vampire knights was possibly still keeping an eye on them.
We will go back to Quinn next chapter and the excuation is soon upon us :))))
I know this chapter might have been a bit boring for some, but don;t worry too mcuh as it is build up for what is to come.
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