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89.84% A True Beginning / Chapter 177: Ch.11

Chương 177: Ch.11

Cisco and Caitlin has turned down my offer as they wanted to stay and help Wells or who they thought was Harrison Wells. I made several billion implementing my Shadow AI program and having it play the market. After Word got to me that Barry Allen has woken up, I took a trip to Gold City Bank.

I showed up a few times each day until the meta human came to rob the place. Smiling as his powers affected the area around me and I gained his power to control the weather, I left after being questioned by the police who were of course polite.

I heard about the take down by Barry near the outskirts of central city a couple days later from Shadow who was monitoring via satellite. I watched with interest as Barry began saving random people all over the city from fires to muggings.

Chuckling, I joined him in secret, wearing my black armor and hood while I did so. My own green lightning streaks stuck to what he missed or couldn't get to in time. My efforts weren't in vain as he and his team seemed to pick up that there was another speedster out there helping people.

Unlike him though I moved so fast no one ever caught a real description of me. He became the streak or scarlet speedster while I became the green blur. While Barry took out Multiplex, a meta with cloning powers I didn't want or need, I took out the Mist, a gas meta human hitman.

I waited until after he took out the mob family before acting but after I gained his power, I dropped him off at Star Labs in a bulletproof glass box with it's own air filtration system to prevent his escape.

They seemed to appreciate the gift because the next time Barry and I crossed paths, he followed me to a roof and thanked me for stopping the meta human before asking. "Are you a meta human like me? Is that how you're so fast?"

I shook my head. "Not quite. Your powers stem from the particle accelerator explosion, my came from a radioactive meteor that hit in a different part of the states a long while back. The rocks mutate human DNA and gave me mimicry powers. You're not the first speedster I ran into so I copied their powers. And as for faster-"

I ran circles around him before stopping. "You've a long way to go before you declare yourself the fastest man alive. Just remember, your powers are linked to your emotional and psychological state. The deeper you feel, the faster you go. Don't worry, you'll catch up of that I've no doubt. For now though, all I'll say is that you haven't begun to tap into your real limits. Running isn't all you can do."

Blurred and he asked. "Wait, can we team up? Can you teach me?"

I shrugged. "Perhaps, but that'll depend on if you can figure out who I am. Good luck."

I ran around the city, loosing him in my dust as I went to stop some random crimes I heard. I ignored the human robbery of Leonard Snart as I had no interest in him or his diamond heist.

I only helped when the human was about to be killed because Barry wasn't fast enough. The cold wave hit me dead on and I shrugged it off as I was immune to it's powers from my own icy abilities. Snart still got away while Barry ended up tagged in the leg with the cold gun.

I kneeled down and told him as I touched his leg and began shaking it until the cells were vibrating and heating up again. "Cold is the opposite of your speed powers. Be very careful next time. You have unique powers that can counter this power if used properly."

I raised a hand and circled it into a funnel really fast. When electricity added to it, a funnel of fire formed. I stopped my arm and he looked at me with more interest now. He couldn't peer into my hood so he sighed and gave up.

I left him to think on my words as I left the movie theater and headed home for a meal. Using my speed really made me hungry. Enjoying a big supper, I listened to Barry lay into Cisco for not trusting him.

Shadow had hacked it's way into their system to keep an eye on them and more specifically Wells, aka Eobard Thawne or the Reverse Flash. I got tired of their boring conversations and decided to tune them out until he mentioned the ability I showed him to super ignite the oxygen in the air and make fiery tornado punch.

I chuckled when Wells said I was dangerous and Barry defended me. Wells stated his opinion as he suspected I was the one that injured him when I first arrived in this reality. Since he was from the future, he must not have expected my arrival but then, he altered the course of events anyways and the future has become unpredictable or at least parts of it have anyways.

I watched as Barry saved his train passengers and when Snart froze him, he tried my punch, shattering the ice on his midsection and dodging a few more blasts of the cold gun before Snart froze his leg again when firing at a civilian Barry had saved from the train wreck.

I watched as team flash intervened and revealed myself to them as another speedster. I told Snart. "Leave the diamond and go. I'm not as new as the Flash is, I will do serious harm to you to win."

To emphasize my point, I vibrated my hand and cut a tree in half. As it fell, Snart grunted and set the diamond down and left. I turned to team Flash and shook my head. "Next time you come in the field, maybe wear a mask. He's not an idiot and he'll be able to look you up and guess your base of operations."

Barry asked. "Why didn't you stop him then?"

I shrugged and fixed his leg again. "To many variables. I may be faster than you Flash, but if I'd acted, your friends or you may be dead now at the risk of his capture. A risk I might add, that I don't think is worth it. He's one plain human with above average intelligence. Next time just be smarter. You should've cased the train before you approached him, analyzing all possible scenarios before taking the risk. You're too impulsive."

When he was able to walk on his feet again safely, I turned to his friends. "And you're to careless. Not only can he now find you, but if any witnesses see you, they'll be able to identify who the Flash is working with and where he hangs his hat."

Cisco scowled. "I didn't see you doing anything!"

I shrugged. "I was here, watching. Seeing whether it was worth the risk to reveal my identity to train him. It was one human with a cold gun and only one nearby civilian before you showed up. All within my range to protect if the Flash had failed to stop him. This was more than a simple hostage exchange, this was a test."

I turned back to Barry. "One you've passsed."

Next I turned to the group. "But one you've failed. If you can't protect your own identities, how can I expect you to protect mine? Felicity, you should've known better, especially with how public you've become."

She sighed. "Yeah well I'm not exactly cut out for field work to begin with Ra's or Phoenix or whatever you're calling yourself these days."

I chuckled. "Let's go see this base you all have and meet the rest of your team. Here, return this."

I picked up the diamond and tossed it to Barry. He Flashed away and I made sure they got back with their vacuum cleaner and Barry met us there. Felicity asked me when I arrived. "Are you going to reveal yourself to them?"

I shrugged. "Does it matter now? Won't you tell them once they start asking questions?"

Sighing I turned to Barry. "Barry Allen, I guess we unmask ourselves now."

He went bug eyed and I chuckled as I lowered my hood, revealing my true identity. "I'm-"

Cisco spoke up. "Jake Kent! You're the leading producer in engineering marvels of the future! This is amazing!"

I sighed. "Yeah, sure. Anyways, Barry, it's only fair I actually meet you face to actual face if you're going to be learning from me."

Barry took down his own mask and held out his hand which I shook while he asked. "When did you get your powers?"

I chuckled. "That's hardly the question you want to ask. No, I just arrived in this reality a few days after you went under from what I hear. I'm from another earth. Think multiverse theory. Well, it's no longer a theory, there are an infinite number of universes out there and if we're numbering them in order, this is earth one, I'm from earth-167."

They were all stunned for a while except Felicity who knew most of this already. She spoke up. "Yeah and you're not exactly a good guy."

I chuckled. "I was finding myself and preventing so much death and destruction. Can you blame me for what little I've done in the end? Specifically when everyone you care about is safe and happy for the most part?"

She got the hint and sighed. "I guess not. But you're still the leader of the League of Assassins, and they're not good."

I sighed. "The League keeps this world from being over run with evil. To protect good they only kill the worst of the worst and I'm not the one controlling the League am I?"

She sighed. "Good point but still-"

I grunted. "No buts, I've ensured you and yours are safe and I keep the League under control to prevent wonton slaughter. I may have done some bad, but it was all for the good. Your team is safe, your city is safe and this world isn't filling up with murders, rapists and terrorists. I did the best I could with a bad situation and your team is all the better for it and so is the world."

She shut up as she couldn't argue with my methods. Barry spoke up. "You're an assassin?"

I shook my head. "No, I'm the head of a guild of assassins that take out the mass murders, rapists and terrorists of this world so that good people have an actual chance to flourish. I do none of the killings myself and I don't actually lead them, I'm just a figure head for it's true leader."

I turned to him and his team sighing as Dr.Wells came in. "What I suspect you wish to know about Barry, is the speedster in yellow that killed your mother. Yes he's real, I ran into him when I first arrived and he tried to follow me until I injured him. I didn't know at the time what he'd done but he does in fact exist. I don't know who he is though and I haven't seen him since then."

Barry looked both excited and bummed for a minute before smiling. "At least I know he actually exists now."

I nodded. "I guess this is where you lot show me around and maybe where you plan to store your caught criminals? I left you a gas meta so I'd like to see where you've been keeping him and how you intend to deal with more like him."

Cisco led us around while Wells and I had a chat about the importance of keeping my identity a secret. He mentioned what would happen if I put Barry in danger as he'd threatened to tell my secret and I responded in kind threatening to tell Barry's secret if they spilled mine. It was a sort of truce of which Barry and the others agreed to meet.

I explained my powers to Dr.Caitlin Snow and oddly enough when I shook hands with her, I saw Jessica enter her like Natasha had done to Nyssa. They'd both apparently used the same technique as I felt something I hadn't expected, a spark between Caitlin and I.

I also felt her powers emerging in response to my own as her hand went cold. I pulled away and it seemed to go back to normal but our eyes had met and I could tell there was definite major attraction between us. I gave her blood samples to check out and explained all my powers I'd gained to her which was a seriously wide variety that surprised everyone.

I then went on to explain the two sets of alien DNA strands mixed with mine and what all Jor-El had been able to conclude. After explaining meteor rocks and the powers it gave, I told them. "This is the first earth I came to after I left my own, but I do have data on many more earths out there. Each one has it's own heroes and villains while only a hand full have neither. It's seems where one is, the realities adapt to have both like a balance. That's why the League of assassins is so important here. This earth has very few heroes so it's meant to keep the villains down as well or risk an imbalance in the fabric of this reality, effectively ending the planet."

Felicity paled as did most of the others as I sighed telling them. "The League of Assassins is a necessary evil and one that will be disbanded should this planet get it's own Justice League like my own home world. Barry, you and the Arrow do good, however roundabout and twisted that good is on his part, but you of all people have to understand you can't be everywhere at once no matter how fast you are. Even I, with my many gifts and abilities, can't do everything myself. This world needs them for now."

Caitlin spoke up. "Like injecting a patient with a poison that fights of a virus until both are neutralized."

I nodded with a smile. "Exactly. It's a dangerous volatile mixture, but Barry and all the others that can become heroes are the immune system. They need time to grow stronger and more to be produced so for now at least the poison and virus fight it out."

Dr.Wells spoke up. "And this has nothing to do with the unlimited resources the League provides?"

I snorted. "I've never touched League money or resources. In fact I've only provided them with safe covers and backgrounds through my company to help them stay low key. The rest is on them and their business which I stay out of. I don't help or hinder them as they're necessary for now."

Barry frowned. "But they're still killing."

I nodded sadly. "They are. Like I said, I don't play a part in their plans and neither will I stop them. The police aren't equipped to deal with so much and most can be corrupted with money or backed off by threats. If there were another way Barry, believe me, I'd choose it. I don't relish the kills they do, but I was a marine and a soldier for a time so I understand that they are at war with the evils of men. They only take out the mass murders, rapists, terrorists and the like. Slowing the infection and giving you heroes the chance to grow to replace them."

Barry sighed. "You mean us heroes."

I sighed. "Barry, I've killed before. Both in battle against terrorists as a soldier, and when I faced the previous leader of the League of Assassins, a mass murderer in his own right. I can't be considered a hero. Not like you and my little brother back home."

He shook his head. "No but you're still trying to be. Changing and evolving. You're out there saving lives just like me. Fighting to do good in this world. That makes you a hero in my book, especially when you're about to start teaching me."

I chuckled. "Alright, fair enough. But just remember, I'm not a sidekick. I save people fine on my own as well. For now though, I think you should think about getting better security. And maybe build a better prison. This one is too dangerous. If someone reactivated the particle accelerator, the metas you capture will be killed in the explosion. How are you planning to feed them and let the use the bathroom by the way?"

They each fidgeted and I sighed. "You do know these are humans right? They still need to eat, sleep and use the loo, or most will anyways."

Cisco spoke up. "I did not think about that. I'll have to make some modifications to the-"

I waved him off. "Since Harrison here lost most of his assets and money, I'll buy and build the prison. I'll even staff it and contact ARGUS to make it an official meta human site. You all help me design the amenities and Cisco, if you'll look over my designs on meta restraints, we might have a viable way to lock them up and keep them docile while therapists try to rehabilitate them into something better. After all we can't just keep capturing them and holding them indefinitely without trial."

They each looked embarrassed including Dr.Wells who agreed. "Yes, that sounds like an excellent idea."

I turned to Felicity. "Is there an issue in Starling city you need help with?"

She shook her head and I sighed. "In that case I think I'll call it a day. Barry, I'll stop by tomorrow to test your full capabilities and see what needs improved and come up with a way to help."

I gave Dr.Snow one last lingering look we shared before I left in a blur as a sonic boom was heard as I hit Mach one two and three simultaneously. I zoomed around the city, catching bad guys and helping people for a couple hours before heading back to my company and having a facility built near Star Labs but underground.

I contacted Diggle that put Lyla on the phone and she gave me an Argus contact number which I used to get Amanda Waller on the phone. Once I explained what I planned to do, she agreed to slap an ARGUS sticker on the front door and made said facility an official government facility.

I had bots run it after the elves built it either crystal tech and powerful wards were put in place. All in all it was a work of art. Add to the fact that each cell had an expanded room with a comfortable bed and a specific environment enhancer for each individuals needs and it was more like a fancy hotel then a prison.

The bot psychologists could sit with the patients for hours and talk to them, helping them come to terms with their powers and giving them options as well as a real chance to make a difference. Waller had agreed to my proposal and all that so long as she was allowed to offer them a place in ARGUS.

I stipulated that any threats or attempts to force their compliance will result in the League visiting her family in the night as well which curbed her more commanding tone. She still agreed as it was an opportunity to build a legitimate team of powered individuals.

I warned her that no one else was to know about the facility and my security would end any threat to the inmates or the facility as a whole if the government tried to take it in any way or if say, a General Eiling showed up trying to force his way in.

She agreed it would be a top secret need to know sort of deal between us and her people. The next morning I headed over to Star Labs with some equipment to measure Speed Force and what all he'd learned as well as a virtual learning simulator for casing possible threats and teaching how to be more thorough in assessing the situation.

I watched Barry run on his speed tread mill with a monitor on his arm and Cisco asked. "Sweet huh?"

I nodded. "It's impressive but you'll need to upgrade it eventually. After Mach two it'll become unable to keep up with the materials used on it."

He grumbled then mentioned not having the funds for better equipment. I chuckled and told him. "I'll supply whatever you need for Barry's training."

He finally asked while I told Barry to take a break. "How fast can you go right now?"

I smirked. "Mach one hundred that is to say 76726.915 miles per hour. It's not light speed, but I can jump into the Speed Force, the living aspect of movement and motion where all speedsters get their powers from, and go through time or hop realities by forcefully hopping the vibrational frequency that separates realities."

My words stunned him and Caitlin who was listening while Barry asked. "What's the Speed Force?"

I sighed. "The Speed Force is where your powers come from. The particle accelerator explosion only changed your physiology and gave the Speed Force a conduit for which to act. Your real power comes from your connection to the Speed Force itself. It's like a living dimension you're connected to that exists outside time and space. It's a omnipotent force connected to all realities as a single entity. A living law of the universe if you will. So long as things go forwards backwards or move at all, they do so because of said law. It has emotions, thoughts and needs. It is a living cosmic presence that effects all living beings. You are it's avatar, a sort of champion if you will that acts in it's name."

I sat back and sighed. "I am one as well. All speedsters are, whether they're given the powers or like me, acquire them with other means. As such, we are bound by it's rules as well. We can move through time but we are forbidden from changing the past and for good reason Barry. The Speed Force has it's own ways of dealing with people like us. If we break it's rules, time wraiths, extra-dimensional antibodies will chase us for eternity and when they catch you, they'll erase your existence to prevent any more serious time ruptures. Screwing with time isn't something we are supposed to do to begin with. It can unravel the now and destroy universes."

They all were seriously big eyed now and I chuckled. "Just be careful is what I mean. Just because you can do something, doesn't mean you should."

Barry frowned. "What about this yellow speedster? Do you think he went back in time and killed my mother to get back at me?"

I shrugged. "It's possible and probably how he appeared before the particle accelerator explosion. But if he's done so there's little worry as the time wraiths will be after him. Screwing with time is a big no no. If he changed the past like that then it means he's on the run now. Odds are the Speed Force has cut him off and he'll be running out of juice. It's why speedsters don't last against time wraiths. You don't piss off the Speed Force and go home happy. Odds are he's still here because he doesn't have the juice to get home anymore."

Barry sighed. "Alright, so what's first."

I chuckled. "First you learn how to utilize your detective skills. The VR helmet will train you to case a scene taking your powers into consideration. You may be fast, but running head first into danger with no plan is just stupid. You have the time to properly asses each threat and come up with ways to adapt and deal with it. Using this will teach you how. Once you graduate from that, I'll begin teaching you how to manipulate your powers to throw lightning, suck oxygen out of fires and much much more. But remember, a journey of a thousand leagues always starts with the first step."

He sat down and put the helmet on before I flipped the data pad on and handed it to Cisco. "Here, you can see how he handles himself."

I handed Caitlin Smith data pad. "And you'll be able to monitor his brainwaves to measure his synapses and see the true gifts of the Speed Force. I'm surprised you haven't already figured it out as well though. With his reflexes and powers, he could read a library in a few minutes and learn so much about this world in a few months becoming a leader in the scientific fields. He's truly been idle."

She took the data pad and led me to her own lab where she was analyzing my blood and powers. I watched her cutely explain how amazing my own abilities were and when she finished, I asked her. "Would you like to go out to dinner with me?"

She was a a bit surprised and I smiled. "I'm not exactly subtle I know, but then, I'm not entirely human either so there's not really many people who can know what I am and still be so happy around me. You're the first I've told everything about my earth to and still haven't called in the military for lab testing or well, looked at me like I'm not human."

She blushed and sighed. "I think I'd like that."

Smiling I told her. "Good, I'll pick you up at seven. Now, I should warn you against animal testing. The unknown alien DNA seems to disagree with other physiologies human and not. It reacts violently in anyone not me. I suspect it's because it's linked to me somehow and so long as I'm alive, it's coded to my specific DNA and presence. Anything else and it becomes like acid in the blood stream and kills whatever it's injected into."

She looked fascinated and continued to look over the blood samples while talking shop. In the end she forgot and tried to take a blood sample but ended up snapping a needle against my skin. I chuckled and helped her out by ripping a piece of skin off and she watched it rapidly heal, leaving no wound while the flesh sample continued to be unbreakable and the extra blood I gave her went to her studies.

After a while of talking shop, she went to do some in depth testing while I went to stop Barry's session in the VR world. When I pulled him out, I told him. "Your boss just called asking about where you were. I think you're late."

He went big eyed before leaving in a flash. Cisco asked to use the VR helmet but I told him it was meant to train a speedster to learn to case their crime scenes so he asked to see the programming which I happily provided.

It was nothing fancy compared to AI and the main computer programming for my own facilities. I went so far as to give him what I'd actually brought for him to see which was the power restraints I was working on adapting to meta human psychology as it was different than the ones from my own earth.

I gave him the full research data and showed him the specs for the facility I set up as well. He showed me the Mist or whatever he was calling him and when I got the full details on him, I mentioned he'd be a permanent guest as I didn't intend to kill any of them. Once I figured out how to remove his powers, I planned to hand him back over to the state to deal with saying it was the law and I had no intention of being above it.

He agreed in cases like the hitman and all that fun stuff while I showed him the rehabilitation program I intended for those who wished to keep their powers and weren't mass murderers to begin with. They'd be given the option of working with the government, being a civilian or working in their own teams of superheroes to stop bad guys.

If they retained their powers then I had VR helmets designed to teach them to control their abilities. Later that evening after I left for a change of clothes and a shower, I came back to pick up Dr.Snow for dinner and a romantic evening out.

She was a bit surprised I meant it and took her to a fancy restaurant where she nervously mentioned her past fiancé and how she might not be ready to move on. Sighing, I let her vent and we talked about taking it slow and if need be, just talking and enjoying a meal together.

I asked questions about her past and Ronnie Raymond, her dead fiancé. She told me what he was like, how he made her smile and I told her my own experiences with Chloe and eventually Lois. Both were good people and kind when the world was otherwise.

We bonded a bit while we changed subjects to my relationship with the League and it's new leader. I told her that technically I was married in an awkward relationship sort of way but that we had more of a mutual understanding. She needed me as a figurehead and ruled the League in my place as my de facto wife and had her own lover. I told her about Sara as well and bringing her back from the dead which wasn't fun.

We diverted into conversations about magic and I reminded her that any advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic to a non advanced society and that magic had it's own laws that governed it like science.

She seemed to blow passed the acceptance stages and was more than curious as to how it worked. She had even looked passed my official married status as we were just two people talking and enjoying a night out.

We both had our issues and we both found comfort in talking about them. Magic was an interesting diversion until she mentioned not being with anyone since Ronnie on the ride to her apartment. I dropped her off and gave her a kiss before saying I understand hesitation and when she was ready I'd be there if she chose me.

That earned me another kiss before she backed away and we parted ways for now. The next few days flew by as we went out each night and had dates and talked about everything from science, to her career being over.

I offered her a place in Frosthaven, even just doing random analysis and research work in her free time on her computer. I assured her she'd be well paid and she'd get full credit for the work as long as Frosthaven was considered her work place.

She could work from Star Labs and do her hero sidekick thing and still get paid and credit for her research. Technically her contract with Star Labs ended with the explosion and Harrison was no longer paying her so she was free to work for my company while doing her own thing which she pointed out that dating the boss was an interesting way to go.

I chuckled and gave her a kiss before saying she was definitely getting a raise. She laughed it off as she hadn't even said yes yet and understood it was a joke. That evening, she hesitated when I kissed her goodnight.

In the end she made her decision and invited me in. Sparks flew and we were all over each other by the time the door closed. I wasn't exactly gentle but then, neither was she. I took her against the front door, the kitchen counter, living room couch and even the bathroom counter before we made it to bed.

Each time we were like fire and ice, constantly exploding into action upon contact. She'd learned very quickly as her body adjusted to my size and after the third time, she'd made sure to take a morning after pill because I'd been knitting and filling her depths each time.

She hadn't expected that and really enjoyed the sensations it gave her. By the last time, she'd been to tired to go on while I filled her womb with my thick scolding essence. She collapsed on my chest and we both went to sleep right then while I enjoyed the feeling of still being inside her when I slept.

Throughout the night she'd moved a few times on her own in her sleep, sending us both over the edge and filling her up more. By morning she was both sore and satisfied as she groggily slid off of my length and groaned as she tried to stand.

I helped her up and carried her to the shower where we both cleaned off and woke up properly. There was no walk of shame or slipping away as I held her in my arms wand she smiled while washing her hair.

I hummed a light tune and helped was her body until she stopped me groaning because I'd started to play a bit as well. Chuckling, I speed up my menstruations until she was bucking in my arms and a lot of my seed spilled out from her pulsing slit in globs and streams.

It pooled in the tile and I held her tightly as he bloated womb emptied, spilling most of it. When she finished bucking and moaning, I pointed to the puddle being rinsed away saying. "See love, I'm helping. You were sore because you were too full."

She blushed and I let her finish cleaning while I did so for myself. I brought out a change of clothes from my own ring and after our shower, we went out for breakfast and coffee. I brought her to Star Labs and gave her the keys to my car and house saying. "When you want to come to my place, you'll need a ride and I want you to be able to come in at any time. My loft is quite comfortable and should you decide to, I'd like you to spend the night there as often as possible. It's well protected and I'll have the security system let you in as a recognized guest."

She looked over the keys and asked. "Why the car though?"

I shrugged. "Taxi's are dangerous and busses crash. The car is reinforced and state of the art, built to protect it's passengers. Besides, I can run faster than lightning, I don't really need it. This way you'll have a way to get to me or wherever safely and fast. It's also electric so it's completely eco friendly. I'll be releasing it next year as the car of the future and hopefully replacing fossil fuels completely sighing the next five years world wide."

She was stunned for a minute before sighing and giving me a kiss. "You're the best boyfriend ever."

I chuckled. "Hardly, but I'll take the complement especially since you did that thing with your tongue an-"

She covered my mouth as Barry and Cisco walked in and Cisco asked. "What thing with whose tongue?"

I turned and told him as she released me with a warning glare. "It's not important nor anything I'll be discussing upon pain of death it seems. Now, how's the training going so far?"

Barry spoke up. "I think I'm almost done. The program seems to have less and less stuff to teach me so I might be finishing with it."

I nodded. "It figures. It's thousands of scenarios compressed into into a virtual format that's meant for a speedsters mind. In reality several hours pass but inside it must feel like months of studying and field work."

He nodded. "Yeah, I've been meaning to ask about that. How did you do that? I mean, speed up the programming to match my learning capacity?"

I chuckled. "It's based off your own thoughts and adjusts to your own capabilities. It's meant for speedsters so to you everything is ordinary and average speeds inside while to others it would be a blinding flash of codes and scenarios that would leave them with a seizure. It's why I told Cisco not to try it. Your mind is influenced by the Speed Force just like your body is. You can learn everything a lot faster than the average human and the Speed Force adapts it to contain the information you learn. In essence you've an incredible learning capacity and the VR is just a way to use it to it's potential."

He was gobsmacked for a bit and Cisco looked at him with envy, as did Caitlin for a second there.

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Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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