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75.12% A True Beginning / Chapter 148: Ch.33

Chương 148: Ch.33

Two more months passed as the angel of death came for Leo next and Piper cast a hex on the whole world. Unfortunately for the angel in question he thought I was Leo until I grabbed him and orbed home. I tossed him on the floor before the sisters and put my foot on his chest with my blade at his throat.

Sneering i told him coldly. "Wrong choice. Now, who says Leo has to die? Tell the nice sisters and I won't end you."

He grunted as power radiated from me, keeping him in place. He bit out. "I can't say. But I can tell you where to look. Find those that know more about the Grand Design then I do!"

I looked to them and they nodded so I released him. "Piss off before I take your powers and leave you as a mortal to die when it's you're turn."

He faded away and I told Piper. "Summon the Elders. The Avatars are gone so they're the only lead for now."

It didn't take long before I had my blade against an Elder's throat telling him to spill or I'd take his powers and end his unlife. The next step was the angel of destiny that I didn't throw down but stood resolute as I could finally feel what it was and I understood what was happening.

The angel of destiny acted bad arrogant as I expected at first until it saw me and felt my own presence. I was truly nearly ready for war and only had three steps left before I declared the war that would end the Elders and even these things that posed as angels of destiny's.

I smirked at it, only unfurling a small inkling of power to shock it. I saw greed in it's eyes and kept my smirk as it explained that Leo's death was necessary for the final battle. To prepare the sisters for what was to come. It took him after I froze him in ice with Piper and his permission to preserve him until the end of the final battle.

I'd have ended the angel of destiny but it wasn't time yet and killing it would give me away and start the war before I was finished preparing. Once Leo was gone, I sent the girls a telepathic message that it would be over soon enough.

I headed to the ancient burial ground in death's cloak and passed the new guardians of the hollow before phasing into it's chambers and taking the box with the hollow inside. I stored it inside my inner world and left that place in secret.

Next I went to the demonic wasteland and retrieved the mimicry power cloth and took all the powers just laying around there and killing the new beasts, taking the powers they'd managed to store and not send into the wasteland that was Heremus's body.

I left there and headed back home before watching the kids and comforting Piper as best I could. For several months as the holidays passed the manor and magic school saw to the death of dozens of demons, nearly hundreds in fact.

It wasn't until early January that something unusual happened. Billie brought her sister to the manor an the wards wouldn't let Christy inside. It actually zapped her badly when Billie tried to force the issue until I showed up.

I sighed, telling Billie. "My wards only stop evil and those with evil intentions. It seems the Triad was successful in turning her evil and twisting her morality."

I waved a hand, healing the Firestarter and the first thing she did was try to use her powers on me. I smiled, amused as I absorbed all the powers and magic in her.

Chuckling I told them. "Congratulations Billie, your sister just tried to use her Firestarter powers to kill me. If I were a mortal, I'd be dead. Instead, I've just taken all her powers and magic as compensation. Leaving only the evil intentioned bitch in her place."

Billie frowned. "Why would you do that? I mean why take her powers?"

I shrugged. "It's an automatic defensive power of mine called absorbing. If she hadn't attacked, I wouldn't have taken them. And the answer is no, I won't be giving them back."

Christy started going crazy and almost to the point of foaming at the mouth a bit. She kept demanding I give her power back and threatened to kill me a few times. Instead, I erased her memories and sent her to an insane asylum.

I told Billie calmly what I did at why I thought it might be the best way to help her. I even gave her the Asylum's address and had the bill expensed through my lawyers. Billie thanked me although reluctantly but more seriously when I told her it was the only outcome where her sister survived.

I personally promised the Triad could find her and would soon be too dead to matter. She left more upbeat to tell her parents what had happened without going into details.

Next I sent my senses into the world and when that failed, the underworld. I found the hiding place of the Triad at the very lowest levels of the underworld, even lower than the Source's old chambers.

When I located them, I sent the sisters, warning that they must be vanquished for good so I lent my blades and Phoebe tapped into my powers. I did a sweep of the underworld and drained before killing off the last of the upper level demons besides the Triad.

The only being I could feel with definable power now in the underworld was the first witch and she seemed to be in a hibernation of sorts. When the sisters came home saying it was a job well done, I'd already known they'd succeeded.

After my blades disappeared, the thing pretending to be the angel of destiny returned with Leo and a disappointed look on her face. "Well, it's not how I foresaw the battle taking place but it's over."

I defrosted Leo and before the 'angel' could react, I plunged my blade through her saying. "You'll be happy to know the real final battle has begun, consider the the opening volley."

She screamed as she was absorbed into my blade and I pulled out a sword and tossed it to Leo. "Catch, it's time we ended this farce and I told you what really happened so long ago. Suffice it to say a god was killed looking for the source of all magic in this universe. This god was beyond any concept of the word you all understand it to be and could sneeze and wipe out entire galaxies. It was killed by an even more powerful goddess. The gods body was left in space and became what you now call the demonic wasteland. From its powers and inner world, a thing all gods have, came forth the first beings of magic, old ones. They split off into two groups becoming the first demons and the first Elders."

Piper asked. "Why would they do that?"

I sighed. "Because they figured out how to revive their master by feeding on this reality. Because the god came for the all, the source of all magic in this reality, it could use that in theory to revive itself through them. The old ones were like white and red blood cells to this god and they built a healing device of sorts to funnel magic and essence from the all, they created the Sphaera of Light and Dark."

Leo's eyes bugged out. "You can't be serious?!"

I nodded. "Because the first ones to reach the all became the first witch and wizard, from which all else was born after many generations, they needed access because it was a closed circuit. So a battle was fought and in the end the first witch was taken from the all and put on earth, pulling the magic with it. At first they both came but it became unstable as they drew too much with them that the old ones couldn't control, so they sent the male back, separating them for all eternity."

I waved a hand. "They then split the portal to the all, where all magic is channeled from into two. The Sphaera of Light and Dark. They made conduits for the all so that they could tap into it's power whenever they wished."

I tossed the tome on the table and the sword in Leo's hands that was at the moment making wings slowly sprout out his back. "Both items are meant to draw from the all."

Paige asked. "Excuse me but what is the all exactly?"

I smiled. "A simple yet complicated question. The easiest answer would be to tell you it's a nexus but for the entire universe. If the god had reached it, not only would he have been able to take magic from this universe, but as magic is actually the spark of life, it would've killed all life in the universe before it had the chance to grow."

Leo frowned. "What's the complicated answer?"

I sighed. "Gods, real gods, not the ones you girls turned into or the ones hiding in limbo before as they were little more than amped up nature spirits, all seek out something called primordial essence. It comes from when a reality is made and when it's time comes, destroyed. Both are done by the six primordial gods and goddesses. Three for life and three for death. They are eternal and unkillable as far as I know."

I leaned against the kitchen table weary. "This reality is actually one of many that has run its corse repeatedly. Each with different outcomes people in them. In turn the primordial essence that has gathered in this particular reality is immense. From it magic is given off as a byproduct. The all is in fact what all gods crave as it can help them become stronger. There are many ranks of power amongst the gods and to go farther when you're in the middle and upper tier ranks, you need primordial essence to grow your inner world into an inner galaxy, universe and eventually, reality of your own."

Piper asked suspiciously. "How do you know so much about these matters?"

Phoebe answered for me, finally remembering it all. "Because he's a god like the one that died."

I nodded and they each had different reactions. Leo gripped the sword and Piper put her hands over her mouth while Paige looked angry.

She demanded finally. "So you're here for the all or whatever just like the other god? You've been using us to get to it?"

I rolled my eyes. "Hardly. After all the goddess that killed the god that was after it was the primordial goddess, Gaia. She's also my mother."

That sent a ripple out and I sighed. "I guess I should explain better. I've been sent here by my parents to grow stronger. To learn the different laws of this world. Not the human and mortal laws mind you, but the ones that govern the universe, like fire being hot and such. I didn't know what the all was until Piper got herself turned into a goddess of nature. My mother reached through her as she was using my mother's powers and spoke to me."

I waved a hand, showing them an image of the conversation and what I asked for in the end. Sighing as it finished I told them. "One percent of the primordial essence is enough to keep magic just as strong as it is now or even stronger until the time has run out for this reality and it's unmade and rebuilt once more. Both actions would leave more for the next reality and ensure it has magic as well. But if I leave it as is, other gods will be coming, if Heremus doesn't revive himself and take it all, collapsing this reality into a black eternal emptiness like Leo saw from the Avatar's vision. That is what we're about to prevent."

Paige turned to Phoebe who looked unfazed as she knew it all already. "Why are you so cool about this? You just found out your husband is a god lady!"

Phoebe smiled lightly. "I already knew. He told me the night he told me the Avatars wanted him to join them years ago. It was a lot to take in before and not tell you two so I locked it away until now. He told me years ago and asked me if I wanted him to stop and just live here with him, the world be damned and he meant it. The only reason he's telling you all this and doing all this is because I asked him to. He's doing all this not because if he doesn't the entire world will die and magic will disappear, but because I told him it was the right thing to do and what I wanted."

Paige leaned over to Piper and asked. "Are you sure they haven't gone evil?"

Piper looked us over and shook her head. "No, they haven't."

She then asked me. "Will you be able to leave just this one percent?"

I nodded. "My father will help me. He's a primordial god of destruction and the opposite of my mother. They've both been listening I'm sure but neither can truly enter a reality without it collapsing. Their very presence causes reality to shudder and give way. It's actually why my powers are bound."

Leo asked. "What kind of god are you then?"

I smiled. "I've went by many names over the years, but in the end I am and always will be a god of rebirth and reincarnation. Before in the tribunal it was the Egyptian pantheon reaching through the Duat to manipulate me but it was also my real aspect showing through. I've been reborn in many realities and lived many lives but this is the longest one I've stayed in. If the damnable Source hadn't crushed my mind scape with the help of the hollow, I wouldn't have spent four billion years in meditation, but it was necessary to strengthen myself. As such though it has led to me being in this reality longer than any other I've been to."

Piper spoke up. "That's not important right now, what is is whether this will mean an end to the demon fighting and the battles."

I sighed. "The demon fighting, yes, all demons will be dead but the battles may well happen regardless. Witches come in both good and evil and greed is one of their sins as well. They may come for the nexus I restored below or the book of shadows, I can't say. But I can say you'll never see another demon again after this battle."

She sighed. "I can live with that I guess. So, what's next?"

I smiled. "I unfreeze time after Leo's wings have unfurled and you three enter the training room with golden apples. Once you've eaten them and become immortal, I'll use a trick I picked up to duplicate a lot of my powers and share them with you like I'll be doing with Leo and Prue. Once you're ready, we will go to the upper realm and knock out the whitelighters and vanquish the Elders and angels of destiny. I'll unite the Sphaera of Light and Dark. The upper plane and the underworld will fuse and for a time magic will go wonky until I enter the plane of the all. L"

"There I'll take what I need and once I return, all the angels of destiny will release the old ones and the final battle will begin in earnest. We must end them all, leaving none to retreat or they may build forces to go against us later. Once all the old ones, Elders and angels of destiny are gone, I'll be able to sweep the earth clear of any demons and elders before altering the portal to suit the needs of all magicals and not making it about good and evil."

"Demons will never come back and while whitelighters will become mortal, they can have children and continue their jobs like all magicals can. The portal will be protected and magic will not be prejudice as many humans that have magic in them will have it awakened and the whitelighters and magic schools will be very busy for the next several decades while the world evens out."

I sighed at the end. "There will be no more prophecies or destiny as free will will actually have a chance now instead of being manipulated and abused by the remnants of a god who should stay dead. I'll be taking the last of his lifeforce and his body along with the demonic wasteland will crumble into nothing, leaving no way for him to ever be revived as he will effectively cease to exist."

Paige and the rest nodded. "That's a sound game plan, but what happens when things inevitably go wrong?"

I chuckled. "Then we do as all heroes have since the beginning of time itself, we fight for what is right, not what is easy. If Heremus could revive now he would've already. I'm fairly certain he can't but someone else might show their face once they realize what is happening."

Paige asked. "Who?"

I sighed. "The first witch of course. All she's ever done is tried to get back to her lover but if she does then magic will bottleneck there and not come to earth, or so she thinks. I'm inclined to let them both come to earth and cut their connections to it but instead tie it to all magicals bloodlines instead. That way magic will always come to this planet until there are no magicals left to wield it. The lovers can do as they please on earth but they can also forget about returning to the all."

Paige frowned. "So you'd kick them out of their home?"

I rolled my eyes. "Unless you'd prefer I let magic die now and the world ends?"

She shook her head and I snorted. "I thought not. It's the only way to ensure magic survives and they get what they want. Otherwise I'd have to do as the old ones did and separate them like they are now."

I waved a hand and three golden apples appeared on the table they each too one and Leo's wings finally unfurled. I smiled. "There, you're as strong as the sword can make you. If you don't want them out, just think of tucking them away and they should respond. If you want to fly, think it and it will happen. I'm sure you'll need practice though."

He nodded and tucked them away while I sent the girls into the training room and unfroze time. I absorbed the mimicry power and with a bit of self harm, I gave Leo the powers of an Avatar collective mixed with those I'd gained from the tribunal. I sent him into the training room with all the telepathic information on how to use them.

I then put the kids in my inner world and collected all the house elves I owned and put the boys in place with orders to kill all Elders that may show up. An hour later, like clockwork, an Elder came down to find out why an angel of Destiny was killed by me.

I shoved my blades in his chest and he died as well. Half an hour later the sisters came out and I gave them as many powers as they could handle rationally before sending them back in. Prue went with them this time.

Of all of them Phoebe was the one that could handle half my powers and use them effectively as she was both used to them and had the potential for more. It was just copied powers so it was fine for them to keep them but in the end they'd want to give them up I'm sure and I already had plans if they chose that route.

I'd show them how to empower their mind scape creations with the powers like I was doing. In fact I'd sat in meditation while copying them all and feeding power fruits to my creations in bulk. While not many could take on a lot, beings like Cthulhu and the xenomorphs could.

I did my best to match them with powers suitable for their own uses. The strongest ones ones like my own mental avatar of myself could take in all my powers and so much more. I'd even had an idea and went with it, creating more of myself basing them off of my emotional spectrum and even the elements.

Thousand a of myself made up the last line of my mental defenses of my inner core. They each had copies of all my powers I had available to myself right at that moment. They all sat in meditation, strengthening my own mental defenses automatically and even slowly producing mental energies they needed to strengthen my realities and build more creatures.

Phoebe woke me up from meditating with a kiss and my eyes shot open. "You're ready?"

They all nodded with a grim face and I sighed. "Then you'll be happy to know I've taken Victor and the kids into my inner world. Paige, if you want you can get Henry if you'd like and I'll put him in there as well. Even if things turn bad they'll be safe there as they're protected by my very soul that makes up my inner world's core."

Paige summoned Henry who wasn't amused and I sighed. "Victor will explain."

I waved a hand and took him inside my inner world before sighing. "The barriers around the house may hold out and magic school will be safe. Paige, Phoebe, tell the magicals to get there. They'll be protected from reprisals there and we can end this without worrying so much."

The flashed away and I turned to Leo. "You'll be responsible for telling the whitelighters the truth. Use the advanced sensing and telepathy to tell them the whole truth. They can find shelter at magic school if they wish to sit out this battle. Remember, our goal isn't their deaths, it's the end of the Elders, angels, demons and old ones."

I picked up the tome and handed it to Piper. "When the old ones show their ugly faces, use this to channel their powers and evil into me, I'll purify it all and destroy them. Remember, don't do so until after I've taken in most of the all or they'll try to use that same connection to steal it."

She nodded and put away the tome as I handed her one of my blades. "This will end them as well. They may be part god but they aren't the real thing. One stab will end them for good. Just don't stab yourself, it'd be nearly impossible to save you."

She took it and I gave Prue the other before Paige and Phoebe came back. I handed Paige the ancient athame. "This can destroy old ones and anything with a soul. You'll be able to wield it after you pour a drop of your blood on the blade, the rest is already done. Don't stab a friendly as it can kill any of you except Phoebe. It extinguished souls and demonic essence."

I turned to Phoebe and she nodded. "I know."

I smiled and kissed her before pulling back. "Don't die love, I'd have to destroy death itself to get you back and your sisters might frown on that."

She smiled and I pulled back before sighing. "I don't have a particular weapon for you so name it and it's yours."

She shook her head and summoned dual swords. "A gift from your mother to Buffy and Faith."

I saw the necklace I'd given Nym appear as well and the arm bands I'd once made for the slayer army as well as armor Tayla preferred. She looked like she was ready for war or a cosplay photo shoot.

Smiling I asked. "Have they woken up yet?"

She shook her head. "No, but your mother has had a chat with me."

I chuckled. "That's not the way I wanted to introduce you to the in-laws. I'm fairly certain you aren't going to like my father so I guess it's the best I could hope for."

She nodded. "Let's get this over with."

I nodded and we all orbed to the upper regions. We all had Elder powers now so getting in wasn't a problem. Leo was speaking to the whitelighters mentally, getting them to stand down while we knocked out those that wouldn't and vanquished the Elders throughout the upper region until we reached the vault.

I blasted the doors off their henges and came before the two spheres that made up the portal. I told them to guard the vault door and keep all others out before I turned to the spheres and chanted repeatedly. "Iungo, Iunxi, Iunctum."

The process was slow but they merged the more I chanted and the Elders regrouped outside. Once they began to merge, the world shook as the upper regions began to change and mutate. The underworld was effecting the upper regions now as demons began emerging outside and fighting the Elders and whitelighters.

I told Leo. "Send the whitelighters to magic school!"

The whitelighters started disappearing while the Elders started dying in bulk now until the angels of destiny started to arrive and fought the demons themselves, destroying the mid and lower level demons by the hundreds before they all started chanting as well.

I sent Leo and the sisters a mental message. (They're freeing the other old ones, prepare yourselves and try to slow them down!)

The sphere finally finished and the portal to the all opened up. I sent them a final message before stepping through. (Buy as much time as possible and I'll be back to finish this!)

I stepped into the all and found a man there sitting under a tree I could feel to be this reality's consciousness. The primordial essence lay below in a giant lake. The man spoke. "Outsiders are not welcome at the all."

I snorted. "Cut the crap, I know you're just a mouthpiece for the tree behind you."

The man and tree both shuddered as I sighed. "The primordial essence isn't meant for a reality to feed on like your doing. My mother, your mother, sent me. She says that if I do not take it other gods will come for it like before, only she won't stop them from ending you."

It shuddered once more and the man spoke. "So you'd take it all for yourself? You'd kill us now?"

I shook my head. "Mother says you can have one percent. It's more than enough to keep you fed on the magic until it's your time to pass on and be reborn. It's also not enough to attract other gods. Let me take the rest and you can have your piece."

The tree shuddered and face appeared on it. "How do I know you're not lying?"

I sighed and thought to shut it up but the dirt around the lake stirred and a stone woman appeared. It radiated our mother's. presence. She spoke. "Because I can vouch for him. Do not be greedy my child, your brother is here by my design to do as I've planned."

The tree shuddered and called out. "Mother!"

I smiled and so did she before she sighed and crumbled to dust. I told the reality consciousness. "She can't stay long without killing you I'm afraid, so what'll it be?"

The man spoke as the face disappeared on the tree. "Take it but leave two percent. I want to ensure there's enough to grow further as well."

I nodded. "Acceptable."

I entered the lake of primordial essence and it flew into my inner world like I was an abyss of hunger. Inside I focused all my power on a barrier around my family members and all my possessions inside as the planet rapidly grew and the world tree with it.

When it reached a certain point the tree formed into stars and the beasts into constellations as my shadow devil became the vast void of space and the planet exploded, forming countless planets around the stars of the constellations as my inner galaxy formed. I'd officially become a Chaotic god.

Still my galaxy grew and two more formed until it stopped as the primordial essence was bottled up from the feel of it, into a glass jar almost the size of the lake I was in before.

I saw my mother and father there and they spoke. "You're not yet ready for more until you've combined your old bodies and new together into one. That cannot happen until the next reality we've prepared for you. Don't open the jar until then."

My mother waved a hand and it appeared next to the barrier my stuff and family was in. I focused and sent them to the planet that most resembled earth in my inner galaxy and helped shape and form it into what I viewed as earth, houses included. Once they were safe there and the stuff was hidden, I opened my eyes and left the puddle sized remains in the once lake bed.

The ground changed and the crater disappeared as the puddle sat before the man and tree now. I sighed. "I'd like to make a request, the man you're using as a mouth piece is the loved one of a witch on earth. Can you perhaps release him and keep the magical connection to earth? They are after all your children now."

The man frowned. "How would I do this?"

I smiled. "I can alter the connection to him and his wife to all the magical creatures bloodlines. If the magicals day off from natural causes of time, then you may retreat to having it all to yourself, but not before then and you can't influence them to kill themselves off as I repeat, they are all your children, family."

The man shuddered and a tear ran down his face as I sensed the man speaking for himself this time. "Do it please."

I looked to the tree that didn't respond so I did so. I touched his forehead and found his connection to the reality consciousness and the all. I then found the same connection to his wife whom I sensed was on her way to the upper realms. I sensed the war but it had to wait as I altered the connections and made it a bloodline connection to all magicals I could sense through the portal.

I made sure to stop the reality consciousness from being able to influence them as I made the connection through the magic in their blood. Even the wizards and house elves, goblins and dwarves. All magical creatures and beasts, plants and animals.

Soon it was finished and I added one stipulation. If the reality consciousness was in danger it could manipulate them to help protect itself. It approved and I took the man and left as magic was safe now and the all was safe as well. When we stepped out of the portal, I waved a hand and Piper began to channel the tome's power and through it, the old ones powers into me.

I opened the hollow box as I fused with it and destroyed the box. My mind was more than enough to handle it now as it's own powers protected me from it. I took in all the evil powers and essence, emptying out all the realms and world of their powers and influence they've managed to garner.

They screamed and started dying up into nothing and unsurprisingly the angels of destiny shifted and changed along with a few elders as they too shriveled up and died in their real forms.

The fighting stopped almost instantly as the remaining survivors saw the truth for themselves. I turned to the portal I'd just stepped out of and waved a hand, forcing my will onto reality as it changed into a small ball. I waved another hand and ten massive diamond ward stones I merely thought about, fell into the vault. Runes spread out and the diamonds shone before seeping into the floors and walls while a barrier formed around the ball that looked like a globe now.

I sent a telepathic message of all that I'd done with the changes and along with it, a burst of hollow infused power to drain those demons left in the world and vanquished them. Soon the grand design finally crumbled and a new world order was set into place as all those with magic heard my message and instructions on where to go to learn about their new gifts.

The fighting was truly over for now and I told the sisters and Leo what I had to do next. I opened a portal to Heremus's corpse that each of them could see into. I floated to his old head and I sat down. The evil had been absorbed by my reality and changed to be used to reinforce my laws so now all I needed to do was drain Heremus's lifeforce.

That's where it got messed up as my plans went sideways. The moment I went to draw in his lifeforce, the body moved and woke up. I cursed inwardly and it roared. I covered the portal with my barrier and the fight was on. We three punches, objects and even each other around.

I wasn't doing any damage until I summoned my blades and even then it was only minimal because he was in fact a real god! Unfortunately he was doing damage to me and I finally got serious after he shrank his body and impaled me with his forearms.

I roared and traded him blows, shoving both swords into his throat and heart or where it was supposed to be. I growled. "How are you still alive?!!"

He sneered. "You may have prevented my full return but I was still a peak primal god before I died. Even I had a life saving treasure, can say the same?"

I snorted and traded blows with him one more time as I lost an arm and he roared as I'd shoved the blades into his head. I pulled out the flaming sword saying. "I may not have a life saving treasure but I do have a weapon that can kill even primal gods."

I swung the flaming sword and cleaved him in two. He screamed as the last of his essence and life was extinguished and he burned into nothing. I summoned my soul swords at the last second, preventing them from being destroyed as well."

I put away my weapons and grabbed my arm before floating back through the portal. I nearly fell, exhausted as I'd used all my magic but a single drop and even some soul essence to wield the flaming sword safely.

Leo caught me and I asked. "Care to do a brother a favor and reattach my arm? I can't do anything until I recover. The weapon I was forced to use wasn't meant for someone as weak as me to use so I'm drained."

The surviving Elders around us argued to strike and end me now while I was weak but the whitelighters seemed to disagree, as did the witch spirits that had been called to fight in the battle. Phoebe and her sisters threatened to end them instead.

Leo patches me up and healed what he could but the damage was caused by a being beyond his powers. He was able to reattach my arm, barely though. I grunted. "I'll have to heal the rest when I recover. Let's go home."

The Elders, whitelighters and spirits finally agreed on something. "Wait!"

One of the Elders, Odin in fact, asked. "What happens now?"

I sighed. "You're our of a job. As a matter of fact-"

I raised a hand and absorbed all the Elders magic and powers, feeling a bit better before using that same power to make the whitelighters mortal. Finally I told them. "The Elders may live out their mortal lives on earth. The whitelighters are mortal now and can marry whomever they please. The upper region belongs to the spirits now. Protect the portal to the all and the beginning of magic, that is your only duties. Barring that you can do as you please so long as you don't upset the balance of life and death. Whitelighters can choose to continue to do good and even guide their charges they'll automatically feel now to the magic schools all over the world."

I took a ragged breath. "The magicals are free from being hunted down now and witches will be the guardians of magic on earth. Elders, whitelighters, you're free to teach at the magic schools as I encourage all witches to try their hands at as well. There is no grand design and the only balance you need to worry about now is life and death. It's a magical world where we can make our own futures without some destined crap from old assholes in the sky telling us what we can and can't do."

I gave the Elders a pointed look and Odin asked. "What about good and evil?"

I snorted. "All people are both good and evil. It is no longer anything to worry about as nothing stronger than a low level warlock could be possible now. Witches can grow far more powerful than that now, as can all other magicals. The battle for good and evil is over. It's about life and death now, living your life and being ready when it's your time to die. If you e good karma you can even choose reincarnation now as apposed to being here in the upper regions with the spirits or the spirit world it's connected to."

I turned to Leo as he relayed my words all across the world to the whole magical community. Some of the older witch spirits asked. "Do we have that same option?"

I nodded. "You do. When I've recovered I'll build a doorway to Limbo up here and you can go there if you'd like another try at life."

Seeing they had no further choices in the matter, the Elders were sent to earth and the whitelighters all followed. The wards I put up would prevent anyone from stealing from the vaults.

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Tình trạng nguồn điện hàng tuần

Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

Đặt mua hàng loạt

Mục lục

Cài đặt hiển thị



Kích thước

Việc quản lý bình luận chương

Viết đánh giá Trạng thái đọc: C148
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  • Tính ổn định của các bản cập nhật
  • Phát triển câu chuyện
  • Thiết kế nhân vật
  • Bối cảnh thế giới

Tổng điểm 0.0

Đánh giá được đăng thành công! Đọc thêm đánh giá
Bình chọn với Đá sức mạnh
Rank NO.-- Bảng xếp hạng PS
Stone -- Power Stone
Báo cáo nội dung không phù hợp
lỗi Mẹo

Báo cáo hành động bất lương

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