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61.92% A True Beginning / Chapter 122: Ch.7

Chương 122: Ch.7

I headed down the dark ally towards the dirty familiar sign that was illegible in places before going inside the store. There I found Mr.Burke smiling as if expecting me. "I got a good haul this time sir. The rarest and finest of books anywhere I assure you!"

He showed me twenty books on every sort of dark creature and arcane spell imaginable. I didn't ask where he got them from as I merely tossed a bag of coin on the counter saying. "None of these are anything I can't buy on a random tour in Bulgaria. I said rare books not random ones! If your source can't tell the difference then it's time to retire him or her and cultivate a new one. They're selling you lies and me scraps."

My sneer was evident while he sweat dropped before asking. "Are you sure?"

I nodded. "Tell you what, write down the names of these books and I'll bring you an obtained portkey to the Bulgarian ministry of magic. There you can look and see for yourself if they're rare or not and hopefully bring back something that actually costs more than one half of a vanishing cabinet set. If I'm wrong then I'll pay double your current asking price when you return for your troubles. For now though this is all you'll get from me until you prove otherwise."

I heard him curse Mundungus Fletcher under his breath as I took the books and asked. "Is this all you've got for me today?"

He nodded sourly before asking. "Unless you're interested in a few trinkets?"

I shook my head. "Books are all I'm interested in from you unless you've a set of two way mirrors or magical beasts."

He froze before grinning. "Magical beasts you say? I might be of service there says I. Follow me into the back good sir."

I did just that and found to my amusement several different sorts of dark creatures in cages and eggs from everything imaginable including a basilisk egg. I touched it and snorted. "Whomever sold your this basilisk egg is fooling you. They've cast a still warm curse on it to make it seem as if it's still alive. Unfortunately it's dead and all but useless unless you need it for a potion, to which I do not."

I turned and saw his savage look of being pissed off but ignored it as I smiled at the real prizes. "I'll take all twenty of these dragon eggs. They're still good though clearly in need of higher temperatures. I'd say a hundred thousand for the lot and your troubles?"

He nodded quickly as he knew I wasn't one to lie or haggle. I took them into my inner realm all mysterious like and tossed him another bottomless pouch. I turned to see a baby sea serpent and grinned. "This beauty is worth full price and I'll not haggle over fifty thousand galleons. Here."

I put the sea serpent in my inner world while making a large salt water lake and notifying Newt of the changes through the wrist band. The eggs were put with the female Antipodean Opaleye for now until I could arrange for better more accurate climates for their hatching needs.

I bought a Chupacabra, a Demiguise, two Fwoopers, two Golden Snidget, one Kappa, three nundu cubs, an actual caged Quintaped which was worth the whole trip on it's own, a baby runespoor that I could only guess where it came from and a baby wampus cat.

He had more though nothing really rare and all things I could buy elsewhere for far cheaper. As it was I called it a good haul for my second black market deal. After I paid the man and put them in my inner realm, I left at a descent pace and when I realized I was being followed, I cut into a back ally crowed and morphed into someone else while cloaking myself.

When they didn't follow my change of direction I knew they'd followed me from the shop so I headed back to Diagonally before going into Jugs and Jiggers and morphing into my child like usual appearance.

There I bought most of the stock once more before going to the apothecary and seeing what they had in store this time. As luck would have it Newt was there checking on his own risky orders. I saddled up to him and told him what all I'd found at Borgin and Burkes and told him to go back with an invisibility cloak and buy all the beasts he had left.

While he did so I trailed him while cloaked before watching him speak with Burke and going into the back once more. When he came out smiling, again people trailed him. I sent him a telepathic message to loose them and I'd follow them back to whomever it is they're working for.

When he did and they went back to watching Burke's place until nightfall, when Burke himself came out and they followed him back in, I shifted into my alternative form that he knew so well and went in cloaked behind them.

I heard him ask them. "Well? Who is he? Did you find any clues?"

The first one went to speak and I cast a bone breaking hex at his neck, killing him instantly. The second one freaked out and I sent him to visit my favorite lethifold. I put the first one's body in with the preg a ant female lethifold as a good meal before telling Burke coldly. "This is the last time you pry into my business or you'll join them as food for my creatures."

He was cowering a bit while not meeting my gaze. "U-understood sir. I meant no disrespect. It won't happen again."

I snorted. "It'd better not. I don't give second warnings. Goodnight and I'll see you on the solstice with the portkey."

I left and headed home cloaked while Newt watched my back and followed from the rooftops until we arrived at the Leaky Cauldron. There we took the flee back and he asked. "Was if necessary?"

I nodded. "They were rapists and murderers he'd used before to swindle and kill people. I read it in all three of their minds before I decided it was best to end them to dissuade him from my business or doing it again."

He scowled and nodded. "I get it. So, where is he getting the beasts?"

I sighed. "Your contact that was taking them to preserves works on the side as a black market high end dealer. He writes them off when needed as having perished in transport or stolen. In actuality he sells the beasts for high prices and pockets the profits. In essence a lot of their steady supply they get from you. The rest is bought and smuggled in from various people including one Mundungus Fletcher. He's the one responsible for the Basilisk egg and the Kappa as well as the Wampus Cat cub. Though I don't know how he smuggled either of them in."

Newt cursed something fierce and railed before agreeing that he'd cut off the supply as we had the realm anyway and that he'd hunt the man down and find out where the rest of his beasts went to. As for Fletcher, I'd already warned him off the thief as I had need of him later.

For now though Newt has a long year of hunting ahead of him. I grabbed his wrist and cut it as I'd done every time we met. The gold was rapidly integrating with his system as the magic had some kind of boosted effect to it.

I murmured. "A decade at most then you'll be impossible to kill by most others."

I released his arm and healed it with a quick episky spell. He nodded and I sighed. "I'll be going now. I've to get fitted again for new robes tomorrow and you've a long road ahead of you if you intend to track them all down. Might I suggest you take an old friend with you? Nicolas could use the time out of the house as a vibrant young man once again and only Dumbledore would recognize him now."

Newt agreed with a smile and I sighed, taking his suitcase with me. He no longer needed it and I had other uses for it now that it was connected with my inner realm.

I dropped it off at the training facility and told Lupin. "During the changes enter the suitcase and take all the werewolves with you. Inside you'll find a vast forest filled with deer and rabbits you're free have at. The potions are in bottomless pouches inside stasis jars you can take at your leisure and I'll refill as needed. There's really no end to the supply or the forest so you'll have to find your own ways back with a point me spell. You can store your clothes in the bottomless pouches while you're turning."

He very nearly hugged me from the news and went to tell each of them I'd come through in spades. I spent two weeks making fifty more similar suitcases as once I understood how, the process was rarely straight forwards.

Each of the suitcases led to the same forest I set aside for them and could be used theoretically at least, to travel all over the world instantly so long as one entered through one and exited through the other.

I gave all but one to Lupine and told him to pass them on to every one hundred werewolves that joined us and each one hundred would be assigned to work together.

The last one I gave to the goblins for whatever one hundred werewolves they hired as curse breakers and whatever other jobs they might higher them for and warned them off entering around the full moon.

Nagnok however has another idea for it and asked if I could make more far away from the werewolves or whatever creatures I kept inside and I agreed so long as the information was kept secret by unbreakable vow and magical contracts.

He made the vow with me right then and there with Ragnok, the head manager at the London branch of Gringotts as a witness who vowed the same. It was all very formal but we agreed I'd make them a hundred cases far away from any werewolves or other creatures with specific specs.

They showed me the exact layout of Gringotts except the magical tunnels that led to other branches around the world. I made an exact replica only a hundred times larger with a dome bubble around it that only I could enter and exit.

I had to concentrate but I was able to modify five thousand bracelets to work only within the bubble. Then with the suitcases, I promised to make, they'd move most of their people into my realm.

The contract Ragnok had written up allowed for them to modify anything inside the bubbled area to their liking and live there as long as they want so long as they agreed to give up using dragons as dungeon guards and turn them over to the preserve.

They could only then use troll and other creatures I provided as guards for their vaults. Ragnok would sign in my stead, with my magical one time vow of permission to keep my name hidden and out of it all by even goblin standards.

He was also in charge of gathering all the other written names of every goblin bank manager around the world as they had no king like some would think. They'd moved on with society and reluctantly adopted a few new ways.

I did have a side contract written up as an under the table deal to be taught their ways of forging, fighting and enchanting. I'd steered clear of potion making as I didn't want to be accused of trying to steal the recipe for thief's downfall, a potion they made that could negate all magic temporarily so that illusions and potions thieves would use were negated and they were caught.

It's not like I couldn't find out what it was made from it I wanted to it just seems petty to try. I left the bank promising to have the one hundred suitcases to them by the solstice. After doing some quick shopping, and getting poked and prodded, I met up with my sisters and Nym at Florian Fortescue's ice cream Parlour.

From there we spent the day together shopping for Nym and buying my little sisters apology gifts for not seeing them more often this summer. When we parted ways I headed back to the manor where I found my house elves hard at work.

They'd emptied out the room of requirement of nearly everything and repairs most of it. The chairs and the like I had them return in neat stacks along the walls and had them repair and organize all the books there that weren't cursed.

I made sure to specify not to erase any hand written words in each book as well. They loved that idea as it would be a full task for them. As for the magical objects and brooms they were able to repair that weren't dark, I put them away in a bottomless pouch to have my father open up a shop and sell them for cheap to the muggleborns coming in to our society from next year onwards.

The truly broken things I looked over and knew I nor anyone else couldn't repair, I had melted down into base elements and sold to the goblins. The proceeds were returned to hogwarts through the special vault for donations Dumbledore opened up.

It wasn't much but around ten thousand galleons but it would see a few students through schooling. As for the stuff I could repair, which was mostly damage to the rune work that would just take time, I'd do so in my free time whenever that was.

Now for the dark objects I went to gather myself, I removed all but the horcrux and sent them to the goblins for destruction. With all that cleaned up, only mountains of books, chairs and tables along with extra pots and pans and normal items the elves had repaired were put back in the room.

Robes and other assorted clothes were there as well, cleaned pressed and in neat piles. It looked, while not perfect, still better than it was before. With a curious thought, the room changed to my desire and became much more gloomy. I'd wished to see the ward stone of Hogwarts and I'd found it.

The stone itself was the size of an engine block and connected to the lay lines below. The moment I set eyes on it I sighed. The ward scheme was so jumbled and messed up that I'm surprised it worked at all. The headmasters of the past had just layered more and more crap into it, not thinking about changing the layout to better suit the needs of the time and thus nearly collapsing the most powerful wards this world has ever seen.

As it was the ward stone was like a heartbeat flashing slowly when it should be a constant brightness. I could see several dark and idiotic wards that allowed students of pureblood status quicker passage to classes and even a few inane wards that negated muggle electronics within the wards.

It didn't prevent them from detecting hogwarts, no, the base wards did that. These wards simply forbid the use of muggle electronics and caused them to fail one way or another. The other wards preventing dark creatures and objects from entering the walls were so suppressed that I wasn't really surprised to find a lethifold within the room of requirement.

As well, the curse on the DADA position was clearly linked to the ward stone through the Diadem of Rowena's and while I could understand it would be clear to someone like me, I had a hard time understanding why Dumbledore didn't just have the goblins fix the ward scheme if he didn't know how.

(Seriously, wizards and their lazy thinking, I'll never truly understand them.)

Unfortunately only the current headmaster could access and change the ward scheme and I wasn't about to let Dumbledore onto the fact that I could enter and leave the castle without his knowledge, something he'd have known and sensed ironically if he'd bothered to fix the wards that prevented such things.

(Otherwise how could a silly vanishing cabinet surpass such wards? I mean honestly, don't this people think?)

I left the ward room heading back to the room of hidden things before heading through the cabinet once more while my eleven worked to repair the books there. They were happily working and had always been cautious of the hogwarts elves, leaving when they approached.

I checked on my inner world's farm and was shocked. They'd increased the working land themselves through sheer work and magic and now had nearly a hundred miles between all thirty three of them. They must've done it when the ten others came back as they had no reason otherwise.

I went ahead and helped them out, turning the soil into the proper dragon and unicorn dung mixture with mandrake leaf essence. As a matter of fact, I multiplied the land to a hundred thousand miles and made it all fertile and dug in nice rows.

I then left the house and went to buy more house elves. I'd emptied the market buying a hundred more but I could only personally bond with twenty of them. The rest would be able to feed off the magic in the air their until I was strong enough to bond with them. The influx in workers and farmland made the elves really happy.

I made a community of houses and they set out to work. Binky was a hard task master but ultimately fair and kind when it came to breaks and stuff like that as I demanded of them to relax. I went to pick up my sisters and brought them home for the last two weeks of summer. My parents arrived the next day and I spent the afternoon filling my father in on all I'd done and accomplished.

He did a round trip to inspect the training grounds and agreed on my methods though added business lessons for each of them as well. With that I handed over the ring and with it, ownership of all the properties. The goblins had repaired the wards already and while he approved of Greyback's death, he wasn't a fan of reprisals.

Luckily the werewolves had been pouring in with signed contracts in hand and even more of our trained staff were temporarily brought in to train them all. Once the first batch of wolves were finished everything would even out and get much easier.

Those assigned as trainers were exempted from the not telling anyone about it clause as they signed a new one stating they could only train thousands who signed the contracts with my family and never in another's presence. Like that many potential problems were solved.

I had my father buy up Jugs and Jiggers which costed him a pretty penny, before he started selling nearly every ingredient you could think of through them. I'd even gotten Fiona to give up some Phoenix tears to attract customers. The ingredients and things my realm collected automatically was sold to the shops that could take that much product while the rest was sent to my father's contacts to be sold in France and most of Europe and Asia.

Instead of buying all the things from Jugs and Jiggers now, we were selling them and so much more. Dragon hide was only the beginning as I'd moved several dozen acromantulas into my realm and gave them a forest on another continent full of deer, bison and cows as well as smaller wildlife like birds and rabbits, foxes and wolves I'd had Newt pick up.

With the acromantula silk being sold at high prices as well, I added their venom to the mix, not that they were particularly happy about it, but then I didn't care. Acromantula venom was always in demand as it could be used in most deadly poisons and potions as well as spells.

It netted at a hundred galleons a pint and since I didn't need to kill my acromantulas, it was a great open market. My father sold it in jugs and Jiggers through the employees of course, and we were doing damn fine now.

He'd bought a store front and sold the brooms and other magical items the elves had collected at a discount ahead of schedule. On the plus side Jugs and Jiggers was a required stop so I gave him the manuscript I'd made for a book on things muggleborns should know and understand about entering our world.

He had it published alongside my other works under my pseudonym Old Ben and set up a stand outside Jugs and Jiggers and the Magical Mysteries antique and gift shop he'd set up to sell the items the elves fixed from the room of requirement.

Each stand was watched by a house elf and an employee and would only allow one free copy of the Muggleborns guide to the Magical, the book I'd written just for them. He'd even given some to Florish and Blotts to be given away for free with their school books in exchange for advertising their store by word of mouth to each customer that came in.

Anyone that said we sent them would get the free book and a ten percent discount on all books so long as you brought a school supply list. It was a bit complicated at first but the Muggleborn students loved it. In the book I was brutally honest on all things magical and mundane and even the state of the current wizarding government.

Many parents were both shocked and grateful for the warnings and what to look out for like the words mudblood, half breed and blood traitor. As well as how best to help you kids to succeed in the magical world by buying all school year books in bulk off the recommended list provided in my book so that they could help them self study not just for classes but the culture they were entering and becoming apart of.

When the pureblood families red through it and saw the suggestions they couldn't find real fault except bigotry as the only reason to push them away. Those who led the factions knew they couldn't really make any argument against it but their idiot followers still expressed their feelings.

Case and point one Doloris 'Toad Sage' Umbrage was loudly apprised to it to the point of Fudge telling her to shut up rather loudly, thus causing a seen that one up and coming reporter cut her teeth on it as a lover's spat gossip in the only rag that would publish her, the Daily Prophet.

Soon enough I was saying goodbye to my family and boarding the Hogwarts Express. Nym and Charlie were already there sharing summer stories. I didn't interrupt them until the train started moving, then I coughed. "Way to remember I exist. Here I wrote to you both and went out of my way to see both of you throughout summer and here you can't be bothered to make sure I make the train, ouch, I'm touched."

Nym stuck her tongue out at me. "You're always ignoring us for projects."

I sighed and sat down ext to her. "I was doing family business things. It's not like I had a real choice. You know I'd prefer to hang out with you both than go to boring meetings right?"

I gave her a sad puppy face with floppy ears and all making her giggle before pushing my chest. "Ok ok, yes we understand, now do you understand where you went wrong?"

I changed and gave her a confused look. "Huh?"

She smirked. "Exactly. My mom says boys are always in the wrong so I mustn't trust them."

I tilted my head and shook it even more confused then before. Charlie and I shared a look and he just said. "Girls."

I gave a wisened nod and Nym smacked my arm blowing her hair up saying. "Boys!"

I shrugged and changed my vocal cords before singing. "Like a gift from the heavens, it was easy to tell

It was love from above, like it saved me from hell

She had fire in her soul, it was easy to see how the devil himself could be pulled out of me

There were drums in the air as she started to dance

Every soul in the room keeping time with their hands and we sang

Ay oh ay oh ay oh ay

And the voices rang like the angels sing

We're singing, ay oh ay oh ay oh ay

And we danced on into the night..."

A few minutes after I finished the song Nym asked. "That was beautiful, how did you do that? It's not your real voice!"

I smiled. "I morphed my vocal cords. It's not hard but you need to practice partial human shifts with different parts of your body and not just your face and hair. I figured out how to morph my vocal cords when I was practicing languages and dialects."

She tried repeatedly until she did a full morph then tried morphing back on body part at a time. Surprisingly she figured out by the time we reached Hogwarts. All the way to the castle in the back of the Thestral drawn carriage she sang. "I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts, there they are standing in a row..."

It nearly drove Charlie crazy while I simply morphed my ears deaf and read a book. When we arrived at the great hall, I used the time turner my father gave me and disillusioned myself before charming the benches of the great hall to fart at inopportune times like say when the headmaster gave a speech before sitting down.

I then charmed the ceiling to create fireworks of whatever house was called in mismatched colors. I then waited in the alcove under the disillusionment and when we arrived, I replaced myself while I was sneaking back in time.

A smooth transition as I rejoined the group as we entered the great hall. Professor McGonagall gave instructions to the new students to come in while she called their name.

When the first person sat down and was announced as a Slytherin, yellow fireworks boomed in the night sky showing a badgers face. Next was a Ravenclaw who received a green snake. Then two Gryffindors who got two blue eagles and the next four were red lion Hufflepuff's.

It continued onwards until the first years were clapping at the show. The teachers looked my way but I was too busy reading the source book from the library. They weren't getting anything out of me as I was on cursed and counter curses of the Middle Ages.

When it was time for Dumbledore's welcoming speech, I set my book down and listened. "For those of you new here, welcome and for those of you returning, welcome back. Now I have a few announcements to make-" "pffft!"

The whole school cracked up and turned to Hagrid who excused himself while looking confused. Dumbledore continued. "As I was saying..." "pffffffpt."

More laughter now and this time the culprit was a seventh year Slytherin student. From then on every time Dumbledore's opened his mouth a fart was sure to ensue. When he finally had it, he checked the seats before looking my way but then I had my void face on so he had no proof.

He removed the charms with a brilliant piece of magic and continued. "As I was saying, this year we have Tina Scamander, former Auror as our new Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor."

A round of applause ensued while the ceiling lit up once more and showed a Newt Salamander breathing fire while fireworks and trumpets sounded. It was all very festive and Professor Scamander smiled at the beautiful piece of magic.

Dumbledore continued his usual speech until he announced Professor Binns retirement and the new Professor, Professor Perenelle Flamel as the new History of magic Professor.

This time I was surprised. No one even hinted at this turn out. Not even the ceiling moved which was proof for Perenelle And Tina that they'd surprised me. They both looked happy but even then I showed nothing.

The other students however were looking up curiously until Dumbledore spoke up. "It seems your arrival was entirely unexpected but not unwanted."

Perenelle nodded though her false aged face didn't belay disappointment so he continued. "Now, as always the forbidden forest is out of bounds for all students."

As he finished up his speech and announced for us to tuck in, I morphed my pores to breathe through my skin as the seats began emitting the smells that would've accompanied the previous obnoxious sounds.

After a few minutes in front of the fresh food, the entire hall smelled like a sewer and not one that housed a giant Basilisk either. It smelled like straight up shit. Smiling inside I ignored the fireworks on the ceiling spelling out: Silent but smelly!

The teachers banished the smell and the older students helped while most of everyone's appetite was ruined except for Hagrid and Professor Sprout's as they were used to dealing with smelly manure all day so it would take a lot more than a simple smell to ruin their appetites.

Professor Snape scowled my way but then so did most of the teachers so I wasn't too worried. When Dumbledore announced the end of the feast, almost nobody had eaten anything.

I returned my sense of smell when I walked into the Ravenclaw common room. The next morning I received my class schedule and headed to breakfast whilest munching on a bacon, egg and steak sandwich. It had all the nutritions a growing beast needs, bird, pig and cow.

It was a bit awkward for the new students to get used to my ways but then the older students were already mimicking me anyhow and hanging out with their friends from different houses.

When Charlie sat down next to me at the Hufflepuff table, I felt a change but just thought it was a mood thing like my hair and eyes so I tuned it out. I didn't even hear the new kids exclaimed. "Whoa! Did you see that? He just turned into that kids twin!"

The other newbies looked at me while Charlie told them. "Sorry, that's my fault. I have this curse on me that whenever I get close to someone they turn into my double. It doesn't happen to often, well, almost never. Ok, only sometimes."

The firsties slid away from us and Nym sat down next to Charlie, doing the same as the first years fled to the teacher's table and asked about the curse and if they could catch it. Nym and Charlie burst into laughter as she changed back and Professor McGonagall explained to them what was happening while admonishing us until she took points from all three houses.

I looked up and asked in surprise. "Huh? What did I do wrong?"

She just scowled at me before saying. "You know what you did!"

I frowned. "I just sat down to read. I haven't even looked up from my book and now I'm in trouble. Is it against the school rules to read?"

The professor was caught in an interesting tangle until Professor Snape came over. "You morphed to look like Mr.Weasley here and went along with his prank."

I frowned. "Wait, Charlie's here?"

I looked around innocently until I saw him on the other side of me. "When did you get here? I just sat down and you're never this early!"

The teachers were both confused now until another student walked behind me and I morphed into them. I now looked like a short stalking third year who clearly needed better hygiene. When another student walked passed I morphed again and now both teachers were looking concerned as I couldn't possibly see the kids behind me and yet they could and they could see what was happening.

Professor Snape's frown deepened before saying. "Mr.Greengrass, perhaps you should get to the hospital wing-"

It was too late, three more kids walked passed me and I morphed uncontrollably before passing out. I woke up in the hospital wing to Madam Pomfrey checking up on me. I heard her speaking to someone in a hushed voice. "....he's experiencing uncontrollable bouts of morphing and I don't know enough about Metamorphmagus's to comfortably diagnose him."

I heard another much older voice say. "It seems he's waking now. Perhaps he can tell us what's wrong."

I groaned as a bright light was shined in my eyes. "What happened?"

I noticed my voice sounded like the old man's voice and as the fog in my mind cleared I realized I'd somehow morphed into Dumbledore who was standing over me with Snape, Mrs.Flamel and a curios Madam Pomfrey.

The headmaster asked. "That's what we're trying to determine. How do you feel?"

I groaned. "Like I got hit by a bludger and the beater bat at the same time. Why do I sound like you?"

I felt myself and groaned as Dumbledore's eyes twinkled. He'd tried to get into my mind and that's why my head felt like it was about to split open. His repeated attempts while I was out were rebuffed but even with a solid defense repeated trauma can still cause issues.

I groaned. "You do realize your attempts to get into my mind were sent to the ministry."

Perenelle sighed. "I'm sorry, but that was actually all of us. I've only seen symptoms like yours when a either a Metamorphmagus was dying or when their core was undergoing drastic changes. We had to know which one and your own defenses are considerable even while unconscious with hours and three Legilimency masters working together, the best we could do was rouse you through pain. We need to know what you situation is so we can treat it if necessary."

I closed my eyes and focused on my core. It wasn't really a core like most magicals had as I'd stretched it throughout my body to it's very limits now thanks to the house elves that were constantly linking with me when they felt I could handle it.

As it was I had a hundred house elves linked directly to me draining my core at all times and stressing it to the point where my core was literally just beneath the surface of my skin. It couldn't go farther so it was doing as magic intended most regular cores do when the magic is concentrated and pure enough, it was condensing itself back down or trying to at least.

The problem was the excess magic it was giving off in bursts as it pressurized and condensed was forcing my body to morph uncontrollably as it did so. I groaned as I told them. "I'll be-"

I morphed into Snape. ".Fine. It's just-"

I morphed into Madam Pomfrey. "..growing pains. It should last only a.."

I morphed into Snape again then Dumbledore in quick secession. "..couple days. Then I'll return to normal."

My words confirmed their suspicions or most of them anyway. They just relieved Perenelle's worries. Snape asked cooly. "And how might I ask, have you managed to begin the second stages of core forming at such a young age? It usually only takes place when a wizard or witch reaches their majority, if they're lucky."

I grumbled. "I've been practicing magic since I could walk. My father calls me a prodigy. Most of the time I don't even need a wand as I can just bend the magic to my will."

They all looked shocked except Perenelle as she only looked mildly curios. She sighed. "Back before my time wizards didn't conform to wands so easily as they were still naturally powerful and didn't need them. After the invention of the wand became famous though there was worry that proved right that a wand hindered the natural growth of a wizard and witch's core but by then the damage had been done."

"It had become inherent like evolution that we no longer needed such strong magic to survive and as such it was taken away. When other lands saw what was happening they stopped the practice they'd just started to learn and thus went on without wands. It's rare for one to be born with such strong magic nowadays as anyone else would need rituals and sacrifices to claim such power. If you'd settle for a relic's advice, give up the wand. You'll find using magic and growing your core much easier without it."

I'd noticed Dumbledore's wince as she mentioned sacrifices and wondered what he'd done to himself or someone else to gain his strength.

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Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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Bình chọn với Đá sức mạnh
Rank NO.-- Bảng xếp hạng PS
Stone -- Power Stone
Báo cáo nội dung không phù hợp
lỗi Mẹo

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