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30.96% A True Beginning / Chapter 61: Ch.3

Chương 61: Ch.3

Before I knew it another five years passed by and with it Faith and Lexi's babies were born. They had held out because they didn't want to overwork and overcrowded us but they'd both only given us more children to love and raise. Faith gave birth to Stella, my youngest daughter and most vocal as the others weren't nearly as loud when they wanted something.

And Lexi gave birth to Stefanie named after her best friend and the quietest of my five children. They both took their mothers last names, Lehane and Branson. Each of my children were slayer level durable but none were actual slayers themselves though they could certainly do the job when they were older if they wanted to.

My little angels were taught to respect magic and all that came with it. They knew that their mommies and I would protect them but they were also taught to be cautious of it. I raised them like a doting father while stern when it came to rules. Their mothers were quite the hens especially Faith, she may have overcompensated for her lack of a childhood, a little.

Out of all our friends only Andrew, with his addiction to doing stupid things, wasn't allowed alone with them. The rest were doting uncles and aunts who tended to try and outdo me when it came to teaching them. I'd been forced to put a rule in place that they had to be at least sixteen when they started to learn the basics of magic while they took to martial arts and book learning like leeches.

I held only the magical texts back from them while the demonic and any other knowledge they sought out was given without restraint. Willow even turned the oldest, Gwen, into a hacker. Buffy wasn't to pleased but then Gwen was a bit of a book nerd, and cute as hell when sitting in my big leather chair with a bubble pipe in her mouth reading big demon skin books and blowing bubbles.

Every year we went to an island in the Bahamas I'd bought and portaled in all our family and friends for a vacation of sorts. The island, like New Sunnydale, has wards in every molecule of matter on it. There in the center, just like in the middle of Sunnydale now stood a world tree. A gift to protect the babies as my mother Gaia put it.

She'd visited each of their births and blessed each in secret as she technically wasn't supposed to do so. One year after Stephanie was born a slayer who'd went rouge and started using guns made her move with a small handful of slaypires as Willow coined the term.

They'd come to Sunnydale to turn the bulk of the slayers and were vaporized for their efforts. I'd been so angry that they'd actually gotten so close to my daughters that I reached out through all the werewolves and vampires left on the planet and forced them into submission.

The vampires were forcefully ensouled and the werewolves were given loyalty rings. Even Oz and his family wasn't spared though they'd chosen to give up the wolf wolf my help and a ceremony where I skinned their pelts off of them and sealed the beast inside while healing them.

The pelts were then sealed away as they possessed werewolf spirits that could potentially turn someone into a werewolf if they merged with them. Oz has asked a favor at the time and I agreed. I took a trip to Tibet and drained the three viscous goddesses that the werewolves had been praying to to avoid turning.

They no longer needed them anyway as I'd already given them moonlight ring effects embedded in the loyalty rings. They could all turn at will with complete control. Hell, I'd promoted their loyalty and community by making thousands more for later generations.

The werewolf species was on the rise now while the vampires had become more docile and coven based now. I'd forced them to drink only bagged blood and synthetic blood at that after I built a global company specifically to supply them with food while on the side providing the humans with a safe alternative.

The vampires had taken to it like moths to a flame and grew it from there into a synthetic medical provider replacing everything humans needed for organ transplants at cost while they made modified blood that simply tasted better and made them stronger over time.

Angel had become the CEO of it as he'd had the experience. I stopped paying much attention to them as I focused on my long term projects. I'd with magic and tons of cleaning spells dredged up Spike's old ship and had begun making a far more advanced and bigger version for the slayer's and the organization.

Another decade had passed as Gwen, Andria and Selene graduated from college and had all three become immortal through sheer magic. Stella and Stefanie were in high school and had yet to begin learning magic themselves yet.

I was a proud father and very happy they'd achieved so much on their own talent. Gwen was a computer specialist dealing with our cyber front with Willow now while Selene was a martial arts and magic user. She combined both in a unique way that had her teaching others her techniques.

The slayers were nearly twelve thousand strong and in another five years they planned their expedition. They were planning to branch out and take the war to evil wherever they found it in as many dimensions as they could.

I hadn't been lax either as I'd built them a fleet of dimension hopping ships and had mapped out nearly a hundred thousand hell dimensions and twice that in neutral dimensions like earth. I'd even ran into a few Heaven dimensions on occasion and mapped out their location and dimensional signatures for the ships onboard computers.

I'd even ran into a neat inter-dimensional bar that was ran by a being I felt would give me a run for my money even after twenty years and nearly a thousand suns worth of magical power. Every time out well crossed paths inside I felt I'd need to ascend to full god status just to beat him.

An eerie feeling to be sure, and one I didn't feel needed tested. He was married to a Willow and Tara duo with a few girls on the side. I noticed his bars services included bounties and favors as well. I didn't need much but I did ask his Willow if it were possible for him to help me ascend to god status without being locked out of my home dimension.

She'd been kind enough to ask him for me and he'd come over personally. I explained my situation and that I was already a god but that I was bound by the magic of the dimensions and Sineya my goddess half.

He smiled. "There's one solution I have but you'll have to leave your home dimension for a time. What you need it to ascend through something other than essence or magic in a dimension that promotes that aspect of creation. I've a few suggestions on the dimensions but it all boils down to whether you want to ascend with your physical body or by the force of your own mind. Of course you'll be able to make a physical avatar that can hold your essence later on either way."

I grunted. "And my connection to Sineya?"

He shook his head. "So long as you're not in that dimension at the time and you seal your avatar or bodies power when you return to it there won't be any problems. I did much the same thing eons ago. I went with mind FYI. This here is my physical avatar. I only reached the peak of godhood by essence and magic just before I'd returned to my home dimension. As for my mind, well, let's just say taking on an elemental god would be my full strength."

I was simply stunned and now I understood why I'd felt other gods paying him respect. Smiling I thanked him and asked. "What do you want in return for the knowledge you've shared."

He shook his head and held Willow next to him. "Nothing, my Willow here says that you saved your Tara and they're together so that's all the knowledge I could ever ask for. My girls, no matter the dimension or reality deserve to be happy together."

I smiled. "Then I'll thank you here and now and let you know that they're expecting a child of their own. They got a donation when Tara decided she'd carry the child if it meant having it with Willow by her side to raise it. I did a bit of tinkering with the sperm and replaced the DNA with Willows plus a bit of magical incubation to ensure it took. My wife Alice already seen a vision of the baby and well, here."

I sent them a telepathic burst of Willow and Tara holding a small red headed boy. They both smiled and thanked me with a free round. When I returned to my earth dimension a door appeared at Willy's bar where you could step through into the dimensional bar itself.

I chuckled when Spike came back scared out of his wits one evening when I was drinking with Damon and Alaric who both looked no older than when I first met them. Magic had given the people of my earth a far longer life expectancy and thus there was now a space race going on to find more habitable planets to hold the coming generations.

I'd of course donated an entire planet's worth of resources and materials into the program while Spike and his roaches won the race by a mile as they built standard space vehicles. He'd opened a side company to run while he wasn't bartending.

And just like that another five years went by and the slayer organization were now officially mobilized. They launched the first fleet with Rona and Kennedy at the helms of the flag ships. Several hundred slayers stayed behind while the rest went off to wage war against evil everywhere.

I was on call as the big guns when the witches failed or there was a crisis. I'd built them all slayer scythes and wrist bands with near invincibility and extra added strength built in. The ships had their own space guns capable of glassing a planet from orbit and taking out most pure demons as well when they thought it necessary.

More closer to home my first three daughters, Gwen, Andria and Selene went on the expedition with Rona and Kennedy. All three had significant others amongst the slayers and the witch/watchers that went with to my displeasure. I didn't push because I truly didn't want to know. So long as they were happy it was a good thing in my book.

Stella and Stefanie were in college right now and with the house now empty of little ones the misses and I decided it was time to make our own plans. I'd enchanted all of their wedding rings with pocket dimensions and each of them were as powerful as Willow on her best day so there was little fear there.

One night after a particularly vigorous session of love making Faith voiced the question we'd all had in our hearts. "So, what's next?"

I chuckled. "A bit forward but I'm sure I can think of a few new positions if you'd like-"

She slapped my chest and slid of my length before sitting up on me and looking serious. "What's the next big thing? The kids are all raised and the demons are gone or on the run. Practically no hell realm connected to our planet is able to send in troops. Even the First was taken care of for the next ten thousand years if what Gwen said was true."

I sighed and looked to Buffy, Alice and Lexi and made a decision. When Alice saw it they all four smiled and said. "It looks like an adventure all it's own."

I nodded. "True, but we won't see the girls for a while and I doubt Willow and Tara are gonna want to leave with us. They have little Harris and Bellemare now. Hell, little Bella was just born."

Faith sighed. "To bad Damon kicked it when he tried getting into a fist fight with the Fyarl demon last year. Even Elena passed away from the heartbreak and Alaric has white hairs now. He doesn't look to be in any condition to go with us especially with the new twins he and Jo just had. He's already aging by the day now because of what is bound to happen."

I nodded. "It'll be just us then. It'll be an adventure all our own. I know where I need to go and what I need to do but it could take a long time to achieve."

Alice smiled. "It'll be our next great adventure and one we're bound to enjoy. Let's take a dimension ship!"

I chuckled. "Perhaps Spike will want to go. I know he'll be up for the fights ahead."

Buffy shrugged and took Faith's place as she said. "For now let's focus on the present, ahh."

Grinning I gave her my full attention. The next morning we portalled all of our friends and family to us and announced our departure. They were all a bit taken aback by the announcement and while happy for us they didn't want to leave on their own adventures just yet. As part of the announcement I punctuated it by going to Nik's home world and bringing Josie and Lizzy back to life for Alaric.

After I showed them to him I told him the Gemini coven there was already long dead. I then shattered the bond of both sets of twins with some difficulty and pain on their parts.

With that I brought Damon and Elena back and returned his youth telling them all. "Eternity is a long time even if you were immortals. Don't rush going to the afterlife again. It's not always a good thing and I hate to see my friends suffer when I can help."

I gave them one last blessing and hoped we'd see them again. We departed with Spike and oddly enough, Illyria. I'd broken the link between it and Fred a long while back. On my way out I sealed the deeper well from the outside and it's new guardian, Angel, was the only being allowed in or out.

I bound the wards to mine and the scoobies bloodlines to always protect those of our families even when shit gets bad. With a little extra effort I made it possible for them to upgrade the town with the times so long as they accessed my kids or my magic's.

With the nature abilities I made it easy for adjusting and repairing any ruined structures from time itself. When we finally departed we had one big blow out party. Even Angel took the night off guarding the deeper well to come say goodbye.

Our daughters brought their boyfriends and girlfriends to introduce them to us as it would be a long time before they saw us again. Though I'm unsure as to how long because of the time space differences. When we loaded up the next morning Spike and his crew of roaches were ready to get out of dodge.

He'd been bored stiff the last few years and the opportunity to kick ass once more was just too good to pass up. One very long reality and dimension jump later and we arrived at a duplicate earth with my specifications of the timeline. It wasn't that far behind what we'd left as it was just towards the end of the twentieth century by their standards.

I cloaked the ship as the girls felt the realities energies taking their toll. I avoided it but yet again as witches they couldn't. Though when I felt their magic leaving them only for another energy to replace it I was very curios if it was Zero point energy that the ancients used. I felt around for it and grasped the concept of it's laws for myself.

I absorbed a great deal of it and felt other beings that had ascended through the energy start to pay attention. Chuckling I stopped drawing in the energy and the seeds of wonder inside myself gave off a burst of energy equal to what I'd absorbed as if trading with the universe itself.

Through that burst the girls regained their magic and their immortality. I felt an odd feeling inside as a new seed formed of the energy I'd taken in. Smiling I told Spike. "Set a course for these coordinates."

I sent him the information and he grinned. "So a bloody fight right from the start aye?"

I chuckled. "It's only the beginning. I believe it's time we kill some brain snakes."

Illyria was already ready for a fight as it to wished to do violence of epic proportions. This was it's chance to become more than an old one in the meat suit of a god. In this reality it could ascend with me if it was lucky enough.

Our first stop was a goa'uld home world that was very famous, Chulak. We arrived just as SG-1 was retreating to the gate with while Apophis, the goa'uld in charge was dialing up his own gate to an off world base. As soon as he started dialing I teleported down before him and his priests.

With a snap of my fingers the priests burst into showers of blood. I teleported Illyria and Spike to their main city with the instructions to take over by force if necessary. With a thought all my wives appeared by my side as I tossed stunning spells to Apophis and his newly implanted queen and son.

We waited as the gate reset and I rummaged through the goa'uld's mind for all it's inherited memories. It wasn't long before screams and gun fire were heard and I dialed the gate address to earth for them.

When the SG-1 team and their back up came running over the hill and firing at some gliders I spoke as my voice echoed for miles. "DO NOT FEAR THE GLIDERS, TRUST THAT I'LL PROTECT YOU AND IT WILL BE SO."

The humans that weren't from earth immediately calmed down from the power of my voice as I grew barriers around them and they came running without looking back. Smiling as only the Air Force teams and a lone Jaffa remained skeptical until the blasts that should've landed near them were dissolved in mid air.

They came running now at a much more moderate pace as if it were a morning jog instead of a life or death scenario. When they arrived at the gate they were stunned by the site of Apophis and their friends and wife in Daniel Jackson's case were stunned and laying on the ground.

Jack, the leader raised his gun and I smiled. "Silly human, go ahead and fire your weapons if it'll make you feel better but I assure you, you are in no danger any longer. I've traveled far with my wives and we've come to see what this universe calls gods. We aren't impressed."

I waved my hand and Daniel asked. "What have you done to them?"

I shrugged. "A simple stunning spell. Their technology doesn't defend against magic and so they weren't even a match."

I waved my hand to the mess that was the priests. "They preached false religion of a snake that was no more immortal than you humans. The silly technologies they have to make themselves seem immortal actually drives them insane."

Daniel asked a different question now. "And who are you exactly?"

I smiled. "I am Osiris. A son of Gaia and a beast by nature. God of rebirth, nature, destruction and death."

I raised a hand as a tree grew from the ground to their shock and apples came forth from it. I plucked one and handed it to Carter with a wink while Faith snorted. "No flirting with the mortals love, we came here to conquer these backwater people and show them what a real god is."

I chuckled. "She's not one of these back waters people. They are from the earth of this dimension and as such are friends, well, not that they treat my mothers gift like it anyway but still friends none the less."

Carter blushed at my wink before Jack asked as the tree withdrew back into the ground to his amazement. "That's all well and nice but we need to get going."

I nodded. "The portal to your world is open and will remain as such until you leave. I'd suggest informing your people to stand down as not to kill those you're taking with you on the way through."

He radioed to the SGC before asking them to stand down while saying they have refugees and prisoners. I chuckled at his words. "I'm sorry to dissuade you but the prisoners are mine and will be staying here."

I flicked a finger and removed the snakes from the brother and sister on the ground. I smiled as I blew a healing spell onto their prime forms before saying. "You can take these two as I have their would be gods. They are of no use to me and I have this false god to punish before I strip the snake from him and skin it alive for pretending to be divine in nature."

Daniel was certainly ready to take the deal but Teal'c asked first while the refugees were going through. "What do you intend to do with him and the people of Chulak?"

I smiled. "Well, once the loyalists that actually believed in these false gods are rooted out and flayed alive the rest will be shown what divinity really is. If they choose to worship me they'll be granted immortality and strength beyond what your current mind set could comprehend."

He frowned. "What of those that do not know any better? The children?"

Alice spoke up now as she stepped forwards. "We do not kill children no matter their beliefs. It is those that spread the lies like these priests that will be punished and while the warriors will be beaten into submission they will have a chance to be spared once they see the truth."

Jack snorted. "You mean the fact that you're spreading the same hokey that these snake heads are spewing?"

I growled but Faith stopped me while turning to him. "You should be very careful who you anger in your ignorance. Our husband does not take kindly to idiots nor those who judge us before they know better."

She told him confidently. "If you had not opened your mouth and spoken we were prepared to ask him to bring back your son Charlie as proof of our claims."

O'Neil flinched before pulling his pistol and shooting me. I simply let it happen as the bullets hit my skin and fell off. Amused I waited until he was done firing to ask. "Are you feeling better? Did it make you more secure in your beliefs that I'm not a god? Or perhaps you think I was using some form of technology?"

I smiled and showed him my hand as long claws grew out of my finger tips. I shoved it into my chest and pulled out my heart before tossing it at his feet while my wound closed at a rapid pace. "Go ahead, have your people look it over. Tell me what you find, I'm truly curious after all. Now I think it's time you left."

I turned to the Jaffa. "You as well. Your fight against these false is better suited by their side. You may of course return to Chulak when you're weary of battle or wish to see your family. They won't be harmed of this, you have my word."

I turned and smiled at Carter who bagged my still beating heart in a container. "Do take care of my heart, it is precious after all."

She blushed once more before leaving with her people. When the portal closed behind them I grabbed the false god and tossed it over my shoulder before teleporting to where I found Spike and Illyria standing over a bunch of wounded and some dead Jaffa. The rest were crouching in fear at Illyria's power.

I chuckled and brought the dead back to life as Illyria spoke. "They bleed well for mortals but they fight sloppy like they're to old to understand battles are won by being precise and fast."

Still smiling I spoke to the entire planet at the same time through their minds. (Your false god Apophis is captured and you are all required to gather at the city's temples where you will be shown what a real god is. The time for worshipping snakes is over. Those that wish to follow me, Osiris, a real god shall be given strength beyond any other and made immortal. Those that do not wish to follow me may remain as civilians but the time of slavery is over! Whether you be Jaffa or Human you are now and forever free to choose your own path.)

With a thought I shattered all the chains on the slaves working the mines and removed the weapons of the Jaffa in control of guarding the slaves. They were then all instructed to leave each other alone peacefully as my wives teleported around delivering clothes and food to those in need.

I poured magic into the planet as I grew fruit trees of all kinds and destroyed the huts and slave quarters while replacing them with houses made of living trees. The animals on the planet were spelled to breed at bunny paces while the people were healed and revived in places.

When I finished I walked to the throne room and destroyed the throne before making five of my own design. It was time I showed my true nature once more. No more back seat waiting. Each of my darling wives returned and chewed me out for my teasing of Carter until I took them to bed and showed them why I was interested in more mates.

When they were to tired to continue they each conceded defeat and gave their approval of anyone I deemed worth to join us. I returned to the throne room to find Illyria and Spike waiting. Chuckling I told them where to find their quarters and told them to wait as tomorrow our work began in earnest.

For now I set about covering the planet in cloaking wards and formed gems from the material the slaves had been digging up. These one hundred black gems made up of naquadah formed a giant sealing formation as well as powered the wards protecting the planet as I grew a seed of wonder.

With the gems in place none of the magic the new seed produced would leave the planet and thus my wives would have all the magic they needed without me being by their side the entire time.

I felt out other planets in this solar system for more naquadah and only found one with any significant mass of it. With a sly thought I teleported to it and sent powerful magic deep into the planet. I used my connection to nature and the seeds to turn the entire planet into Naquadah using the supply there as a bases.

There wasn't any living thing on the dead planet anyway as it barely had an atmosphere so there was no real harm done as I grinned and broke the planet up into chunks the size of pyramid blocks in egypt. I then stored it all as the liquid magma in the center of the planet had been pressurized and turned into naquadria.

I stored that as well as the dead planet itself disappeared in the span of minutes. I teleported back to Chulak with a smile as I knew what I needed to for now. The night passed rather unimpressively but the next morning was something to see as I'd spent the whole night remodeling the planet's ecosystem and bringing the cities up to modern standards.

Schools were grown and built and goa'uld level technology was put to use as learning devices. I'd downloaded all the information of technology, sciences and all other fields onto the devices. Everything I thought they needed as well as all and any information the goa'uld on the planet knew.

I'd scoured every snakes genetic memory that lived on my new paradise. As the sun rose I summoned everyone to the temples in the cities across the planet. There I projected the interrogation illyria performed on the false god for all to see.

They watched it resist at first then screams of agony before death and revival for it to continue all over again until it revealed to the masses the truth of it's existence to them. Finally it was removed and killed in front of the masses.

The poor human that had been it's vessel was set free as he rapidly aged until I stopped it and reversed the effects, giving him his life and body back. I erased all Apophis had showed him over the years as I already knew it all, from his memories and he was set free amongst the masses with my blessing.

The Jaffa has mixed feelings now as they carried the same snakes inside them. That's when I gave them my offer as I was broadcasted live to all who were watching. "Those that wish to free your brethren across the stars from these snakes and wish to follow me will receive immortality and strength. Each of you will be trained by my general, your words would call it a first prime."

I waved to Illyria who was happy to see a world of Spike's it could beat up on a daily bases. I spoke to them with a smile. "Those that wish to be rid of your former oppressors inside you and wish to serve me may call out my name, Osiris, and you shall be brought to the city I reside for your transformation. The rest will be visited by my immortal wives, where they will remove the snakes from your body and heal you so you no longer need to depend on such things."

Almost instantly threw thousand voices called out for me and I teleported them all to the city I resided. It was a rather busy day of making a hybrid army of werewolves and vampires. I was very precise as to make sure they were immune to all but wooden stakes through the heartfelt the vampires and silver for the wolves.

Each bite I held back my sense of smell and taste as to not kill them. Spike received the same vampire treatment and adding his gem of Amara he was virtually unkillable now. From there he set to work training the vampires while I made rings of loyalty and moonlight rings for the werewolves.

Each werewolf has burning red eyes when turned to my satisfaction. They submitted immediately to their alpha and god on instinct. I had made sure none of them could turn any one as I didn't exactly care for them to be running wild across the galaxy.

With the rings and all the information at their disposal now each werewolf and vampire truly understood how in the dark they were. It wasn't just the Jaffa that were turned either. Humans who asked were given the same treatment.

The planet was a paradise already but their need for blood and meat could not be quelled so easily so those that did not turn were asked to donate blood through bags as my wives set up their learning programs.

They were healed, taught as donated blood all in one go. For now though the meat was supplied from my ring. It would last a year or so when the livestock of the planet far exceeded the population of wolves and vampires. Then they could feed on the animals as well. Not that they couldn't feast after battles.

A week later when my rule was absolute I made many blast furnaces and deposited tons upon tons of naquadah while they worked tirelessly to refine it all. I had plans for ships but for now it would have to be put on hold.

The massive wards worked to repair the damage the furnaces did to the atmosphere while the army that had grown to nearly ten thousand strong were set loose through the gate to the worlds Apophis owned. There they beat the others into submission and they were all dissuaded of the false gods.

Spike and Illyria lead the armies and brought easy victories after a few slaughters. Then Buffy and my other wives would go in and reveal the truth of the false gods. They would then call for me and I would appear floating in mid air. To prove my divinity I would revive the dead in front of the masses.

Like this we swept Apophis's territory clean of loyalists to the false gods. I did however run into a few Tok'ra. I let them go through the gate telling them that Egeria was alive and that if they found her and called my name I would appear and heal her.

It was more than they could've hoped for as I'd read their minds and gained tons of valuable information about the galaxy and the system lords. With the coordinates of some select information I teleported to an ancient knowledge repository I knew O'Neil would one day visit.

I didn't need the gene to activate it as I didn't want to take the knowledge, I wanted to copy it. And that was far easier as I created a mental link with it and copied it all manually. I had never learned so much at once as hundreds of millions of years of knowledge was copied into my mind.

My own mind scape expanded to encompass it all. Languages, history, science, damned if those categories weren't a lot on their own but there was so much more. Arts, culture and even other races technology and histories.

It actually hurt for a while as I absorbed it all. I felt like I'd aged millions of years in the blink of an eye. Knowledge and experiences from an analytical perspective were being infused into my mind as muscle memories of others were incorporated as well.

I knew exactly how to build, create and handle every aspect of their technology. Sighing I let go of the stone wall and teleported back to Chulak. I downloaded the information I desired into my computers and had the Jaffa and those that still wished to serve but remain as they were learn all I needed of them.

I then set out to acquire the materials. A few planets in the Milky Way had trinium and Neutronium. I took those planets and shifted the animals and peoples on them to nearby habitable planets before turning them into pure trinium and Neutronium.

I destroyed them like I did the first planet and collected the blocks before heading back to Chulak. I gathered all of the ships and the fleet Apophis once had back to Chulak with all those that wished to serve me.

There I gave them the know how and information to build replicators and fleets of Atlantis class ships. While they were setting to work the humans of earth came back with a representative to meet me and my wives.

SG-1 was chosen to accompany them as they knew me and thought my attraction to Samantha Carter could be useful. When they saw the paradise like planet and the city teaming with happy people who praised my name they were gobsmacked.

As promised, Teal'c's family was unharmed and happy. I hadn't turned them but they'd been freed of the need to use symbiotes. Master Bra'tac was in the throne room giving a report on the warriors new training regimen to Illyria who sat on a throne to the side of the hall, below mine and my wives.

Illyria had asked and I'd agreed to alter my old body for it to appear as it did when it was inside Fred. The female Illyria drew many males attention but the blue hair and eyes that promised no mercy dissuaded any from trying anything. Not to mention it beat their asses for fun and training.

Their weapons had been upgraded and downgraded in a sort of way. They now carried swords and spears that could, at times, pierce through the vampire and werewolf skin. None were silver or wood in any way so there was no fear of death for them.

They knew their weaknesses and that I didn't need stakes and silver to kill them. Bra'tac was a werewolf and the leader of the full five thousand strong pack. He of course knelt to me easy enough as he knew who was alpha.

When Teal'c saw his old master in the young and strong body he was confused until Bra'tac told him. "I've chosen to serve the god Osiris. He's returned my youth and made me stronger than you could possibly understand. Teal'c, we've liberated all the worlds of Apophis's domain and they're protected by powers beyond anything the goa'uld possess."

I growled and Bra'tac quieted backing away as he bowed in my direction. "Forgive me, I did not mean to give secrets so freely. I meant no offense."

I nodded. "It is fine as you stopped there."

I turned to Jacks, Daniel, Carter and Teal'c. They had Major Paul Davis with them and I found it quite amusing. I stood and the various wolves and vampires cleared the floor to stand by the walls. I moved faster than even the vampire eye could track as I appeared in front of Carter with a smile.

She was a bit shocked but I took her hand and flirted as they expected of me. I kissed her knuckles and asked. "Have you been taking care of my heart, love?"

She fidgeted before saying. "We've been unable to dissect it to find out what your physiology's made of. Even the blood on it appears quite persistent in staying on it."

I smiled. "That's because it was forged in hellfire. I did it myself to strengthen this body beyond any material you'll find out there. It was quite the painful process if it helps you."

She frowned a bit before saying. "What do you call hellfire?"

I chuckled. "Fire from hell itself used to burn souls for eternity. I did so before I consumed that particular hell dimension and all the souls inside. They were evil if it helps any. The kind of beings that skinned children and wear human flesh for the fun and enjoyed the torments of others."

My words made the humans uncomfortable but I touched Carter's cheek asking. "If you could have one thing in all the universe, what would you want?"

She shivered before replying. "It's not possible to get everything we want-"

I shook my head. "Only one thing love, if I gave you everything immediately you'd be spoiled and think me a genie to play with."

She shivered again before asking. "What would I have to give in return?"

I smiled. "A simple kiss."

The humans beside her coughed and Jack tried to interrupt us until he found he had no mouth. I gave him a warning look before turning back to Carter. She looked me over before asking. "How did you do that?"

I raised an eyebrow. "Is that what you wish for? Knowledge on how to remove his mouth?"

She went to shake her head but stopped before sighing. "Will there be any more chances to get what I wish for?"

I nodded. "As many as the times I see you, for each time I see you I will want more and I understand nothing comes without a price."

She gave me a discernible look before saying. "I want to know how you did it then."

I smiled and gave her a kiss as I gave her the basic information on how to absorb, control and manipulate magical energy. Nothing any budding witch doesn't already know. I then gave her the spell to remove whatever the caster wished from a person.

In the seconds our kiss lasted she learned that magic was unique to me and my worlds except a bit that was spread throughout the universe. As I backed away I gave Jack his mouth back while looking her in the eyes and cupping her cheek. "Next time it will be more than a chaste kiss."

She nodded almost on instinct as I backed away and turned my gaze to her companions. "Teal'c, tired of the battle already?"

He raised an eyebrow before answering. "I have barely begun to fight for my people's freedom. There are many battles ahead I believe."

I nodded. "Indeed."

I turned to Daniel. "How is the wife and brother in law?"

He stilled before frowning. "I never told you how they were related to me."

Faith spoke up from her throne. "He's read your mind. All of your minds in fact. There is nothing about you that he does not know. He shares his findings with us."

I smiled. "My wife is correct, it is not hard to pry into a mortal's mind but no, I don't intrude on your private memories, they are personal and that's a line I don't cross unless I intend to bed or kill you."

I turned to Carter. "Of course I don't intend you any harm. Bedding me could quite literally change your religion."

Jack snorted and I raised an eyebrow. "I'll tell you what Colonel, if you apologize for trying to interrupt me, I will bring your son back just as he was before he died by your gun. If for no other reason than to see the smug annoyance on your face disappear."

He looked constipated before saying. "I'm sorry for-"

I willed it so through the seed as his sons body was teleported from it's grave and revived right in front of him in the seconds it took to get those words out. He choked on them as his son, healthy and alive lay before him asleep.

I sighed. "He is real, alive but tired from my pulling his soul from the either. He should wake in a days time as souls are resilient. Consider this your lesson in humility. It is not smart to judge before you know all the facts. You're free to take him home and run whatever tests you please on him. Though remember he is a child and not a test subject."

I turned to the Major. "You've come to make some sort of alliance pact with me to ensure earth's safety and to see if my claims of divinity are true. While I cannot speak for the god you all worship on earth as I've not met him. I can say there are gods of all sorts out there beyond the fabric you call reality. Gods after they've matured no longer need a body but if they choose to they can form an avatar of sorts to act as a temporary vessel. Perhaps this god you choose to follow did such a thing or perhaps not and it's more goa'uld or other aliens playing with your planet. Either way you have your own eyes, use them to find the truth of what you seek."

He coughed and looked thoroughly flustered. "And the alliance?"

I shook my head. "Nothing will happen to Carter but like all gods I am selfish and greedy. You've nothing else I want that I cannot take or find out for myself. No alliance will be struck on such shaky grounds."

I frowned and looked back to Buffy and Faith before looking to each of my wives. Sighing I turned back to the major saying. "My wives wish to see your planet for themselves and experience this Stargate command. Tell your leaders that so long as my wives are helping your planet or simply exploring it that it will be under my protection."

I turned to Carter again with a smile. "They wish to get to know you and perhaps if you're willing, to show you what it can be like if you agree to more thorough exchanges."

I cupped her face with a smile. "You've so much to learn about the universe and even the history of your own planet. Should you wish it, immortality can be yours. It doesn't come without a cost, but the benefits far outweigh any slights you may feel. For now though we must part ways or Colonel here will have an aneurysm. He fancies you as well though his limited thinking will not allow him to act."

I gave Jack a warning look before turning back to Carter stealing a kiss once more before she could protest. She was caught unawares by my sudden action. When I pulled back she breathed a little breathlessly. "Why?"

I snorted. "Because I bow to no ones will but my own and I should warn you, gods don't pay the price for exchange easily. Like I said, I'm greedy. Now go before I take more than your ready for."

I waved a hand and sent them to the gate. I turned back to Alice who looked smug from her plans she'd made. She intended to seduce Carter with the other girls and show her what she's missing out on.

I sighed. "Go prepare for your departure. As soon as they send word you will go play as you wish."

I turned to Illyria and Spike sitting on their thrones. "Speed up production of the war ships. I intend to wage war amongst the goa'uld as soon as they are ready. Make sure the soldiers are ready for war."

I sent the materials to the forges in bulk and spent a great deal of time making dimension rings by the hundreds. They would become a show of status amongst the best fighters. You earned it by kill counts in combat. You kept it by skill as even the lowest rank can challenge for it. Winner take all.

I visited the girls and satisfied my lust for a moment while they were forced to relax and get some rest in between very vigorous sessions that reminded them why I needed more females.

Each of them had given their best but i was always wanting more. Gods I loved them but I'd never been completely satisfied and some primal part of me craved it. They felt it each time they were to tired to continue and left me wanting more. Even with spells they couldn't keep up as I was always wanting them. I hadn't been interested in the other slayers as I'd felt they were lesser somehow and not deserving of my touch.

They were betas was the best way I could explain it to them. Where as each of them were alpha material. Cut from a different cloth. Carter too was alpha material and she sang to me like they did. Not physically but spiritually. I could connect with her on that same level that allowed a simple look to pass between us and know the other needed release as bad as I did.

I lit a joint and headed to the throne room after taking Lexi in the shower repeatedly and drawing her a bath to relax in. It had been three days and the humans were back. This time Carter came without the rest of the team and I smiled.

When she saw my look she spoke up. "You owe me."

I nodded. "Indeed I do, but unless you've something in mind that is personal I'll not be paying up."

I moved and appeared in front of her as we locked eyes. Before I could take any liberties she spoke up. "I want to know more about what you call magic."

I grinned. "Then for each question I take a kiss unless you touch on the dangerous stuff. Then I take so much more."

The team with her snickered but with a look I sent images of their tortured souls in a hell dimension. They all paled and I turned my gaze back to her. I cupped her face as she blushed and met my gaze. "I want to know how you move so fast. It's physical right? I mean you're clearly moving as there's a gust of wind each time you stop."

I kissed her deeply as I showed her what I'd experienced to strengthen my body and how it related to speed and durability. She shivered as our tongues danced and I drew pleasure from her body with the kiss.

When I released her after several minutes she looked at me in wonder. "Is that why your organs are so tough as well?"

I kissed her once more while my hands roamed her body drawing pleasure while I showed her how I'd breathed in the hellfire and it baked and liquified my insides only to be healed stronger than before. When I released her from my touch and kiss her body was flush and I could smell the need coming from her.

She was breathless for a moment before breathing deep with a shudder. After she grounded herself once more she asked. "How did you survive it?"

I frowned and shook my head. "If I answer that question I want far more than you're willing to give in front of these mortals."

She shuddered before shaking her head. "Never mind that for now then. How did you get here? I mean, this reality."

Spike who'd come in heard her. "I can answer-"

I snorted and sent him to one of the moons where he'd float in space until I brought him back. "Another question that will require a private encounter."

She frowned then but her lip before asking. "What do you know of the star gates? The chap-"

I shook my head. "Stargate is fine and everything."

I didn't kiss her to her disappointment and she asked. "Why didn't you kiss me then?"

I smiled. "Because that was the easiest to answer and for the kiss I stole last time you were here. Though I'm thinking I should charge for the question of why."

I ran my fingers along her jaw line as my other hand to no mortal's sight was sliding under her shirt. She'd truly come expecting no fire fight this time. She shivered at my touch as I played my hand over her stomach lightly drawing a gasp and pleasure as I smelled her damp panties.

She was in need and any more would mean I'd take her now. She knew as much with the look in my eyes as they glowed a molten green and red swirl. Her breath hitched as my hand slid under her bra and brushed her nipple.

I smelled her need grow exponentially stronger but I was stopped by the sound of my wives warning me in my head. I gave them an exception and they let it go. Carter finally asked what she really wanted to know. "Is Charlie really alive? I mean, how did you do it?"

I grinned as I took her lips and gave her a kiss only decades of experience and talent could provide while my hand released her nipple and ventured south. When it passed her belt line into her panties I gave her the answer she wanted. Magic, and the access to it's highest form, a world seed. My fingers played a tune all their own as I sent the mortals with her to sleep and sent the guards away.

Several thumps later we were alone as I went two fingers deep into her while my thumb played with her rose bud. When the orgasm hit her she had been absorbing the information while her body wracked with spasms. She was jolted out of her thoughts as she cried out in release and gripped my fingers while soaking my hand.

I sped up and sent her over another ledge while holding her against me. When she finished I withdrew my wet sticky hand and showed her while she gazed limpidly at it. "Next time no matter the question or request I'll desire all of you to myself. I will take you for days before letting you rest in the most satisfaction you'll have ever experienced."

She shivered as I held her through the after shocks before whispering. "How would-"

She was stopped by the arrival of my wives who were looking at me very cross. I sighed and told her. "If you finish that question they will be very cross with us both as I'm a god of my word. Carefully what you wish for love, it could doom a world."

I backed away as her legs became more steady. She watched me as I backed away and my wives came towards her. I licked my fingers and growled while all the females shivered from my meaning. My eyes stayed bright green and red the rest of the time they were here. When they woke up the SG team I was relaxing on my throne licking my fingers like a fat man at KFC.

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