Fate caught Adria, a twenty-five-year-old orphan, unawares. It was an identity she had never prepared for. She got kidnapped by the Daris pack at a wedding party she attended, after she saw one of them transform. The Daris Pack, who were so determined to end her life, were struck by the discovery they made. Adira was a werewolf, belonging to the Cardias pack, but neither she nor anyone knew about it. After the discovery, she lived in denial and struggled to accept who she was. Adira not only discovered that she might be a werewolf like the pack claimed, she was also burdened by the responsibility to the whole werewolf packs that fate placed on her shoulders. She also discovered that she might be pregnant after a one night stand she had with the Alpha. After she was captured and tortured as a slave in the Cardias pack, Adira ran away from Nimma town and totally away from the pack. But fate had decided to dictate for her, she could no longer live her normal life. Will she accept her identity and the responsibility on her shoulders as the fated one to stop the iluma moon effect or live in pain for the rest of her life if she rejects her fate? As fate unraveled, she sought for better ways to survive.
①2023.10.5 【An Apology to Readers and the novel Break Announcement】 Hello readers who enjoyed this book, I'm CloudC. I'm sorry for the 1 month break, this was due to the fact that I was made redundant at the beginning of last month and with very little earnings from writing novels, I started a frantic search for a job in order to make ends meet (while I haven't found one yet) Once life is back on track, I promise you that I will be back to updating as soon as I can, and I'll be back to updating as of 24.1.1! Please forgive me, I was really hard pressed by life and had no choice but to cut off my updates. Chapter 103 is definitely not the real ending, the plot of this book has only progressed halfway, this chapter can be considered a minor climax or the beginning of a key turning point in Chad and Orville's emotions. The book is marked as "Finished", I think it may be due to contractual reasons, because it's not what I marked, after a while, I will discuss with the editor to change the status of the book. This novel will be back on 24.1.1, please look forward to it, I'm sorry for the break in production. ②2023.9.2 Notice: On the cover is the ML: Orville ③2023.8.17 Notice: Frequency of daily updates:One episode per day ================================================== Chad has three secrets. One, Chad is a false name. Two, she is a woman disguised as a man. And three, she has a crush on the Duke of Orville. She tells no one these three secrets, but one night the second one is broken by a strange man. The man uses her secret as blackmail, forcing her to give in step by step, to fall a little, but she doesn't even notice that the man is asking her for more and more favours, and that the Duke is giving her more and more looks. Then one day she found out she was pregnant. In a panic, she hurriedly and roughly packed some important luggage and fled in the night. [Update frequency] 1. Working days (Mon-Fri): 2-3 episodes updated daily 2. Rest days (Saturday-Sunday): update as you go, may not update if you have other arrangements, new chapters will be dropped randomly
``` Uma corrida noturna mudou a vida de Aila para sempre após ser envolvida em uma batalha entre lobisomens e caçadores. Ela é subitamente sequestrada pelos ditos caçadores e descobre segredos sobre seu passado e seu futuro enquanto embarca em uma jornada para descobrir quem ou o que ela realmente é. Problemas surgem um após o outro quando ela finalmente escapa do alcance dos caçadores, apenas para ser acolhida pelo feroz Alfa da Matilha Crescente de Prata. Ao contrário da maioria que o teme, Aila desafia sua autoridade a cada passo do caminho à medida que aprende mais sobre si mesma e sobre o dominante e possessivo Alfa que tenta reivindicá-la. Será que cabeças vão colidir em uma batalha de vontades, ou eles podem trabalhar juntos e ajudar a manter o mundo oculto das criaturas seguro dos caçadores? Junte-se a Aila em sua jornada de redescobrimento, amor, ria e chore junto com ela neste romance repleto de ação e cenas quentes. ----- Vencedora do Tier de Ouro no Concurso de Prompt de Escrita #161 - Metamorfos. ------ *** ESPIADA *** [ CONTEÚDO MADURO ] "Olhos pra cá, Aila." Ele ríspido; sua voz dura fez com que ela olhasse em seus olhos, e ela foi imediatamente capturada por seu olhar gélido. Ela não conseguiu desviar o olhar do dele enquanto ele se aproximava dela, seus movimentos lentos como se estivesse pronto para saltar sobre ela, sua presa. Sem pensar, ela se levantou da posição em que estava, pronta para correr, mas ele a agarrou e prendeu suas mãos contra a cama. Ele moveu seu joelho para frente, separando as pernas dela que resistiram apenas por um segundo antes de permitir a entrada do seu joelho. Ele empurrou lentamente para o espaço entre as coxas dela, fazendo-a ofegar com o contato súbito. "Você gosta de me desobedecer, Aila?" Ele rosnou; Aila ficou confusa por um momento até se lembrar de como facilmente ela desafiava suas ordens. Ele ainda estava realmente bravo desde mais cedo? Mas quando ela procurou em seu rosto por uma resposta, logo encontrou. Ele estava definitivamente irritado desde mais cedo. "Para ser bem honesta, eu gosto. Te coloca no seu lugar," Aila sorriu ironicamente ao encontrar seus olhos ardentes. Ele abaixou seu rosto para perto do dela, a pressão do seu joelho entre as pernas dela aumentou, fazendo-a morder o lábio inferior. "Resposta errada," Ele rosnou antes de morder seu lábio afastando-o dos dentes. ----- *AVISO* CONTEÚDO MADURO: Violência Gráfica Linguagem Forte Conteúdo Sexual Abuso -- 【Volume 1: Completo】 【Volume 2: Completo】 【Volume 3: EM BREVE - Agosto de 2024. #InimigosParaAmantes #QuímicaForte #ToqueNelaEVoceMorre 】 -- Se você está gostando da história, por favor vote com uma pedra do poder, deixe comentários e uma resenha! -- Imagem da Capa: Encomendada por @if._art Meu Instagram: @kelly_starrz Meu novo servidor no discord: https://discord.gg/MHMdRRqUYa ```
Imagine getting kidnapped by your enemy. Trust me! It is as exciting as it sounds. You may be thinking I have lost my mind for getting excited when I am kidnapped. I swear it wasn't planned by me. The thing is by getting kidnapped I was able to escape my arranged marriage. And... My enemy turned out to be an incredibly handsome prince. ________________________ The romance part will start from chapter 50 Every gift will be appreciated with additional chapters. ________________________ Please support my new novel. "The badass Wife of a Hot Billionaire"Born into one of the Four Royal Families, Venus Bast is the last member of the Bast family. After an accident that left her orphaned she was raised among the three Princes of the three remaining families. She was raised among them as their cousin. When she wakes up in an unknown room she is far from happy. The fact she finds herself surrounded by unknown males that are not human set her on edge. When it comes down to her discomfort and the death of her people she will do her duty as Princess even if she has ran from most of those duties.
Artemis Vincent's life was pretty much bad before but as if the universe wanted to make things worse her parents died in a car accident, leaving her alone in their house. Not long, she is sent packing by the landlord as she could no longer fend for herself. Artemis started to hustle even for food. She goes to a restaurant one day, sees a gold watch and steals it. Unknown to her the gold watch belongs to one of the most powerful men in California. When Artemis is caught, she is given a choice. Die in jail or be the mistress to this powerful and utterly ruthless man.
Una carrera nocturna cambió la vida de Aila para siempre después de verse envuelta en una batalla entre lobos y cazadores. De repente es secuestrada por dichos cazadores y descubre secretos sobre su pasado y su futuro mientras se embarca en un viaje para descubrir quién o qué es realmente. Los problemas surgen uno tras otro cuando finalmente escapa del agarre de los cazadores, solo para ser acogida por el feroz Alfa de la Manada Luna Creciente de Plata. A diferencia de la mayoría que le temen, Aila desafía su autoridad en cada paso del camino mientras aprende más sobre ella misma y sobre el dominante y posesivo Alfa que intenta reclamarla. ¿Chocarán las cabezas en una batalla de voluntades, o podrán trabajar juntos y ayudar a mantener el mundo oculto de las criaturas a salvo de los cazadores? Únete a Aila en su viaje de redescubrimiento, ama, ríe y llora con ella en esta novela romántica intensa y llena de acción. ---- Ganador del Nivel Oro en el Concurso de Escritura de Prompts #161 - Cambiaformas. ------ *** ADELANTO *** [ CONTENIDO MADURO ] —Mírame aquí arriba, Aila —dijo él bruscamente; su voz dura hizo que ella lo mirara a los ojos, y de inmediato quedó atrapada bajo su mirada fría como piedra. No pudo apartar los ojos de los de él mientras él se acercaba más a ella, sus movimientos lentos como si estuviera listo para saltar sobre ella, su presa. Sin pensarlo, se levantó de su posición, preparada para huir, pero él la agarró y le sujetó las manos contra la cama. Él movió su rodilla hacia adelante, separando las piernas de ella que solo resistieron un segundo antes de permitir la entrada de su rodilla. La empujó lentamente en el lugar entre sus muslos, haciéndola jadear por el contacto repentino. —¿Te gusta desobedecerme, Aila? —gruñó él; Aila estaba confundida por un momento hasta que recordó cuán fácilmente desafió sus órdenes. ¿Todavía estaba realmente enojado por lo de antes? Pero cuando buscó una respuesta en su rostro, pronto la encontró. Definitivamente estaba enojado por lo de antes. —Para ser honesta, sí. Te pone en tu lugar —Aila sonrió con ironía cuando encontró sus ojos ardientes. Él bajó su rostro más cerca del de ella, la presión de su rodilla entre sus piernas aumentó, haciéndola morder su labio inferior. —Respuesta incorrecta —gruñó él antes de morderle el labio apartándolo de sus dientes. ----- *AVISO* CONTENIDO MADURO: Violencia Gráfica Lenguaje Fuerte Contenido Sexual Abuso -- 【 Volumen 1: Completo】 【 Volumen 2: Completo】 【 Volumen 3: PRÓXIMAMENTE- Agosto 2024. #EnemigosAmantes #QuímicaCaliente #TócalaYMuere 】 -- Si estás disfrutando de la historia, por favor vota con una piedra de poder, deja comentarios y una reseña! -- Imagen de Portada: Encargada por @if._art Mi Instagram: @kelly_starrz Mi nuevo servidor de discord: https://discord.gg/MHMdRRqUYa
What will you do if you only have three months to live? How will you spend your last ninety days? Kati Sullivan is young and still innocent to the world. On one fateful visit to her Doctor, she is given the news that will change the rest of her life. Sebastian Caine is strong-willed and has been a friend to Kati for most of her life. He is willing to give everything up to spend these last days by her side. Sebastian will go beyond what is even possible to save Kati’s life. Kati’s three months is riddles with pain and failures, yet secrets and lies will threaten to end their three months even before they start. Can Kati overcome this challenge and find that miracle behind a silver lining? Will their three months become eternity for the rest of their lives?Fidgeting with my fingers, I tried my best to stand straight without falling back and embarrassing myself in the presence of all these men I have no idea who the hell are. “Sign it” he ordered one more time pushing the papers to me. I stood still unable to get what he wants from me. “Rule No 1, Never ever try defying my orders” his hands instantly gripped my neck in a dangerous hold and he put his Gun on my forehead, his finger very close to the Trigger. Looking at the Gun in his hand, a relieved smile made to my lips. After all, he is going to gift me eternal liberty. “Why the hell are you smiling, do you think this is some joke Iril Ranallo?” he growled. Realization dawned upon me, hearing him speak. How the hell am I supposed to say that they have kidnapped me than my sister? “Speak up Goddammit” He screamed scaring the shit out of me. I sucked on my lips as my throat turned dry, moving my fingers towards my throat I signaled him that I was mute. His eyebrows turned into a thin line and immense shock was evident when he shrieked… “What the Fu…….” ********* Life is tough for ladies in Mafia families and it is nothing less than sheer torture for specially abled. Born in one of the influential and powerful Mafia families, I had every materialistic thing the world could not even dream of. But being lost my voice in the horrendous incident, I was the ignored piece. Unlike my sister Iril who manages most of the business and stuff, I am confined to my room and the world outside is just a dream for me. All I prayed for 23 years is an escape from this prison and finally, when my prayers are answered, I was kidnapped by some men. I was taken to some strange place in the middle of a deep ocean, almost like a stranded island. Men looking nothing less than beasts and the one they call Boss stares at me with despise. I am forced to sign some papers, of which I have no idea about but all I knew is the liberation I seek from one Prison has stranded me up in some unwanted prison of which I knew nothing about!! Careful of What you wish for, lest it come true! And now, I have realized that in return for dreams, I received a Nightmare!!!
Austin Pierce, a true Cowboy, is designed to bring any woman to her knees. This bad boy is built to perfection with muscles that flex and abs that tighten; he is elegant as strides down the streets of a town that loves to hate him. Summer Knightley is an aspiring lawyer born into a family with more wealth than they could need. During a visit back home, she crosses paths with this Cowboy. Austin is immediately captivated by this beauty and puts all his charm forward to win her heart. Their love is forbidden ever before it starts; lies and secrets riddle their lives, pushing them apart. Can Austin overcome the hurdle and show the Knightleys that he is the right fit for Summer? Will this Cowboy ride off into the sunset with his princess?
"Iris, a struggling singer in a local bar, finds her life upended when she's kidnapped by the mayor's men and used as bait to lure the powerful Italian mafia boss Alexander de Martin. What starts as a dangerous game, however, takes an unexpected turn when Iris and Alexander find themselves falling in love, setting the stage for a tale of dangerous passion, unexpected alliances, and the power of love in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds."
"I, Zes Xander, reject you, Knox Everett, as my mate, the King of werewolves and Alpha of Silver Moon Pack." As those words left my mouth, tears fell all over my face. Knox looked shocked. To break a mate bond he should accept it. "I do not accept it," he replied with a blank, emotionless. But his eyes held a lot of emotions I couldn't do anything. I trusted him. I trusted him easily. I trusted him even after all I got from everyone I trusted was a betrayal. Why do I do the same mistake every time?
[MATURE CONTENT] *Slow burn* ------- Life has unexpected ways of turning things from 0 to 180 degrees in just a matter of seconds. Charlotte was mourning her husband's sudden demise with the only daughter they had, Aurora. And as if the pain of losing him wasn't enough, Derek, the boss of the dead man, came out of nowhere, to demand a mind blowing amount as a debt the man owed him. But meanwhile, he would take Aurora, their only daughter, with him, till Charlotte paid every penny. - Derek, a young man who had been through a painful experience, numbing his emotions in the process, found out that the man who betrayed him had a family somewhere, enjoying life. He vowed to kill them all. But ended up sparing their lives, taking Aurora, his only daughter, with him. But wait, why has Aurora started to feel that Derek is not as scary as he looks? Why does she feel like she can bring life and light into his seemingly lonely, dark life? Will Derek open up to this foreign feeling that has started to trigger certain emotions in him? ------- Excerpt She was in deep thoughts when she heard shuffling sounds and her head quickly snapped to the direction of the man. He was on his feet now, his gaze not leaving them. Charlotte and Aurora both scampered back in fear. He stared at them for some few seconds and wordlessly turned and walked towards the door. Aurora's eyes widened a bit. Wait, was it...was it over? Had he agreed to her mother's pleas? Was he going to leave them alone now? She was about to breathe when she heard a deep, gruff voice. "Get the girl." - - Join the #DeRa roller coaster now :) --------- Cover editing done by a colleague author :)It's a story about ENZO, an alpha, and TIARA, a luna (she doesn't know that she's actually a werewolf). "Now it's time for punishment little girl" Enzo said and threw tiara on his shoulder and walked out of the room. "No one is allowed to talk with her. If anyone goes against me, get ready for the consequences", Enzo warned the whole college. "Please take this money and runaway from here...... I'm sorry sweetheart, please forgive me", Tiara found a letter. As she was still processing what she had just read, a group of men wearing black barged into her house and kidnapped her. "You will be maid for my son from now on, but don't worry, I'll take care of your studies until you get a job", a man who sat on king's chair declared. "I'm not feeling good, get the hell out of here" Enzo roared on the tiara. "Didn't you say my mate died right after you gave birth? I myself buried her delicate body with my own hands, then why do I feel bonds around this girl named Tiara? " Enzo questioned a couple. "Don't worry, she can't be awakened unless we lift that spell", Someone assured another werewolf. "Why did you do that, dad? You ruined my entire life. Am I not your child?" Tiara cried.
Lin all tired and weak, from the torture she had gone through for the past days, now tied to a pole right at the edge of the cliff, looked up to her killer who was standing some meters away, and asked faintly "Why do I have to be put through all this?" "Am just carrying out an assignment." the killer responded, with no sign of sympathy whatsoever. Lin stared at her killer, obviously the masked figure wasn't going to show her any form of mercy. Already tired of life and had given up, she asked her killer one last time. "You really think, my dad is going to let y'all go after am dead?". The killer gave an evil grin. "Seems you have so much confidence in your dad..." He said clicking his teeth, and after exhaling. "Your dad wants you dead sweetheart." He said bluntly, dropping the bombshell, leaving Lin in utter shock and confusion. "That can't be true." She whispered although she could hear the doubt in her own voice, as the tears flowed from her already weary eyes down to her cheeks. She really didn't want to believe this but something was starting to make sense to her..She had gone through a lot already "Just end this please." She said exhaling deeply, as she closed her eyes. She could hear the echo of the gunshot as she waited patiently the bullet to pierce for through her... Yet nothing came through, she couldn't feel any form of pain or sting... "Isn't it meant to hurt a little?.. Or is she dead already.." She thought, as she slowly opened her eyes... What she saw was overwhelming... Her killer was on the floor instead... She scanned around, and that's when she saw a young man coming towards her... As the person came closer, she started to notice, that the person was also having feminine characteristics.... Wait that was a lady, looking really masculine.... Clad in all black, high boots, and a neat cut... She was lost in the eyes of this stranger and hadn't noticed that the lady had started to untie her. "What's going on?" A very confused Lin whispered, "Just follow me." The lady replied as she loosened the last knots that held Lin to the pole. Already freed Lin tried to take a step but stumbled. The lady turned and gave a smirk. "You were quite strong at first." And before Lin could fathom what she said, she swept her off her feet. And whispered, "Am not letting you go this time."
[ILLUSTRATIONS INCLUDED: Chapters with illustrations are marked with the '*' symbol!] >Short Excerpt: She brought her face up close to mine, only leaving an inch or two to spare. My eyes widened as I got an up close view of her iced ones. My, they were absolutely gorgeous. Your Highness, you know, don't you? I furrowed my eyebrows, suddenly uncomfortable in her presence. "You know, right?" she repeated, holding my gaze. "You are aware of the tragedy that is yet to befall you, aren't you? In a year's time, you'll be dead. You'll die, do you get that? You'll be sacrificed to your ancestors’ so-called 'God'." ———–⬇SYNOPSIS⬇——————– When average highschooler, Seonhee Lim gets thrown into the world of her best (and only) friend's favorite novel, "The Blessing Of Wisteria", she finds herself in a very threatening situation. She doesn't recall a thing about the contents of the novel, but what she does remember is that the role she possessed right now, the one which belonged to Crown Princess, Cynthia Amaryll Klaern, won’t stay around for long. Filled with thrill, mystery and drama, will Seonhee find a way to prevent her imminent death or will she find a way out of it with the help of someone special? ________________________________________ Discord: Suoshi#8929 CHECK OUT MY SECOND NOVEL: GHOST DETECTIVE: Li Xiajun (Cover taken from Pinterest!)After being betrayed by her lover and dying at the hands of the same person, Claire is given the chance to live again, but in a different body. Claire transmigrates into the body of Shirley Winona Estelle whose fate is almost the same as hers. Shirley's engagement was cancelled one sided by Duke Victor Blair and at the same time Victor immediately took Lady Thalia Janice as his new lover. Of course this made Shirley angry and she decided to kidnap Thalia's beloved brother as a form of revenge. However, without Shirley knowing that the kidnapped Noah Janice turned out to be very hated by his family. Knowing that her plan was ruined, Shirley then decided to make Noah her new boyfriend instead!
Quando Yoon Se Ah, uma trabalhadora de escritório comum, conhece Lee Min Hyun, o novo estagiário do departamento, ela o considera não mais do que um tolo apaixonado. No entanto, à medida que o relacionamento deles se desenvolve, a vida dela vira de cabeça para baixo, deixando-a à mercê dele no final. Acontece que Min Hyun, o mesmo cara que estava se humilhando aos pés de Se Ah, é na verdade uma pessoa perigosa e instável, que está obcecado por ela desde o primeiro encontro. E ele sabe a verdade sombria sobre o passado que ela tem tentado esconder tão arduamente de todos os outros. Com os sentimentos perturbadores de Min Hyun, o dramático e perigoso enredo familiar dele e os próprios desejos contraditórios de Se Ah, quem é o verdadeiro vilão aqui? E ambos conseguirão o que querem no final? Essa história é sobre duas pessoas mentalmente quebradas que não conseguem dar uma à outra o que desejam, embora no fundo desejassem encontrar consolo uma na outra, portanto, embora não haja um 'romance real', eles ainda conseguem formar sua própria conexão distorcida, e não se importam realmente com isso. AVISO: Esta história contém conteúdo muito maduro e, às vezes, gráfico, e aborda tópicos desagradáveis e desconfortáveis.
Frederick Mortcombe is a ruthless mafia leader who does not hesitate to wipe off the entire clan of his longtime ally, the Bloodsworth, for their insurrection. However, when the 24 years old Audrey Bloodsworth was named to be the sacrificial lamb, Frederick grew suspicious of her identity. He keeps her alive as his prisoner and ran background checks. With every newfound information, Frederick's emotion is stirred as he begins to develop feelings for her. But with a wound so deep, would Audrey be able to differentiate love and admiration? -- Book is on pause for stockpiling -- :: WARNING :: This book contains slow burn romance. Please read at your own discretion as it may contain topic that may upset you. (No rape, No incest). There are plenty of hints being dropped here and there for your reading pleasure. So have fun with the easter eggs! An example is listed under the spoiler tag below. ----- SPOILER TAG INCOMING ----- [SPOILER] One of the characters is bisexual. When the chapter comes, comment and share your thoughts where the hints were dropped. If you need more spoilers, please feel free to ask. I may even share which chapters answers your question for you to read. If there are loads of similar question, I would be more than happy to prepare a compilation of spoiler topics in the AUX . Cheers! Cover is from Pinterest.4.93
[ON HIATUS. Book will resume at some point.] "Princess?" A young man entered the dimly lit room. "I'm not a fucking princess! Get this in your fucking head, dumb bastard! And tell this to the rest of these crazy family members! Lemme get outta here!" She yelled while twisting around her wrist, trying to get off the ropes that were holding her back from throwing a punch at these people who kept visiting her one by one. Her so-called family. "But YOU ARE a princess." Yuden amplified the fact that she was indeed Princess Zahra. The young man smiled softly at her although the smile didn't reach his eyes. His eyes were just cold yet they had some sort of fire in them that might as well burn the person in front just by his gaze. "Should I untie you? You seem in pain," he walked closer to her. "Ha! Do you even know what pain is? Pain is you, your whole bullshit, this house, these people!" "I didn't allow you to be so rude, Princess Zahra," Yuden's eyebrows furrowed, his smile fading. Synopsis: Tiana's idyllic life as a nomad is shattered when she arrives at the capital, she is declared to be the missing princess of Averlyon! Thrown into the glamour and wealth of the royal palace, she soon realizes that something dark lurks underneath the pretty smiles and graceful curtsies. As she struggles to come to terms with her new identity, her old life seems to call her back. Years after Tiana’s disappearance, Crown Prince Yuden is still waiting for her. However, he can no longer ignore his duty. He finally agrees to marry her younger sister Layla to secure the alliance between Averlyon and Yurania. As he prepares to slip the ring on Layla's finger, a man appears and announces that the princess has been found! Although Yuden found his long lost fiancée, she was nothing like what he expected her to have become! [Webnovel Spirity Awards 2024 Entry] ONLY 18+: Violence, triggers, and disturbing scenes (No rape). A happy ending guaranteed! Don’t forget to support for more chapter release!