A werewolf who would stop at nothing to claim her… After enduring the torment of his first relationship, Caleb Silver, king of Ixoviya, was enraged to find that he indeed had a mate. When he finally came close to her, the rage within him soothed. But she was on her death-bed. Turned into a vampire, she is on the verge of rejecting her mate… Conditioned to hate the night creatures, Elize Walsh, ran away from her mate. She hated him like fiery pits of hell — until this man starts his slow and wicked games of dark desires. Will Elize succumb to the miseries of her past with him and reject him? Will Caleb be able to win her? Join me in this game of seduction and games of the Lore. --- She watched the sun set through the tinted glass, rays blazing over the water, setting it aflame. Elize looked dreamily at the sea and said, "This looks too beautiful to be real." "No Liz," said Caleb. Elize turned her gaze to meet him, and he was... mesmerized. In a breathy voice, he said, "You are… surreal. Do you know when I saw you for the first time, I thought I had met an angel?" Her cheeks became pink like the sky outside. A smile tugged her lips up as his sunstruck eyes held her gaze. "When I first saw you, I was done for my life. Your blond hair, those sharp curves— it all acted like a magnet." His heart thudded in its ribcage and his pulse raced. She took a sip of her wine with trembling hands without realizing that it wasn't blood. "And that instant I knew you were my mate. And that instant I knew that I could die looking at you." There was so much intensity in his words that Elize's heart raced for this beautiful man. She wanted to go to him and place a kiss on his lips. Her flute shook on its way to her lips. She drained it absentmindedly and her head became dizzy immediately. Caleb came to her side the next instant. He took the glass from her and placed it on the table. Stroking her back softly, he apologized to her for giving her the champagne. She coughed a little and some tears poured out in response when she felt the burn of the wine in the back of her throat. But Caleb had paled so much by that time that she couldn't help giggling. "Since you didn't remember, it is your punishment that you drink the entire bottle of wine and then next." ---- Book cover by Micehellwd. Copyrights belong to me. Other books in the series are: Feral Confessions: Adrianna and the Alpha (complete) The Silver Crescent Alpha Prince (complete) Ileus: The Dark Prince (ongoing)Bai Mei Xing ließ sich nicht aus der Ruhe bringen. Nach ihrem Master-Abschluss in forensischer Anthropologie im Alter von 16 Jahren wurde sie die jüngste Professorin für Anthropologie in der Geschichte der Universität A und arbeitete nebenbei als Beraterin für die lokale und nationale Polizei. Alles in allem war sie ein hochintelligentes Mädchen, das seine ganze Zukunft noch vor sich hatte. Bis sie eines Nachts von Außerirdischen entführt wurde, während sie an ihrem Lieblingssee eine heiße Schokolade trank. Jahre der Folter später gelang es ihr, sich mit einem anderen Gefangenen zusammenzutun, das Raumschiff zu übernehmen und sich an der Besatzung zu rächen, die sie gefangen hielt. Im Angesicht einer völlig grenzenlosen Zukunft beschloss Bai Mei Xing, einen neuen Weg für sich selbst einzuschlagen. Aber sie würde ihr Leben nach ihren Vorstellungen leben, selbst wenn sie es mit einer zwei Meter großen Kriegerspezies zu tun hätte, die auf das Töten spezialisiert war. Nichts würde sich ihr in den Weg stellen. Schließlich waren die Schiffe von Star zum Fliegen bestimmt. Andere Romane: Dancing With Monsters--- Fortlaufend Wiedergeburt in der Apokalypse: Das dritte Mal ist ein Glücksfall--- Abgeschlossen Wiedergeburt in der Apokalypse: Kampf, Flucht oder Erstarren- Laufend Zwietracht: Sakura#6289 Discord-Kanal: https://discord.gg/CapanRmy Instagram: @devil_besideyou666
[COMPLETED] It's a race against time. But the challenge gets even harder as there is a certain difficulty that they both have to overcome. With Bai Li facing his own inner demons, will their quest for truth spiral out of control? Will he get his honour back? Who is the enemy hiding in the shadows that Xin Lei and Bai Li would have to fight? Along this journey to find their answers, will it also spark the flames of love between them? *** Amidst the booming crack of ear-piercing gunshots, Xin Lei bumped into the ex-army officer, Major Bai Li, who recently got a dishonorable discharge. He was the only hope for her who could help her in digging the truth behind not only that syndicate chasing after her life but also to find about her father and brother who have mysteriously disappeared. Together, they set out to search for the truth, but it shapes into something much darker and sinister as they learn about the case Xin Lei's father was working on - to prove a father innocent of his little daughter's disappearance, plunging them into one of the dangerous worlds, hidden from everybody. --- Scene Excerpt --- My foot was stuck in the pit and I pushed Bai Li away from me who was trying to get me out. There was no time. The sounds of sirens were growing closer and closer. How can I let the police catch him? But my strength wasn't enough. I tugged his shirt. I begged him. 'Please go.' Bai Li grabbed my arms. "Don't push me away, Xin Lei. Soldiers never leave anyone behind. It's either we are caught together or we escape together." Before I knew it, his lips were on mine. "Whatever it is, sticking together is the only option I give you." #WSA2020. Theme - Sweets love. --- Discord - https://discord.gg/CbhNys444r Follow me on Insta - enthu_reader7 --- My other novels : 1. Because I simply love you 2. Because I cannot hurt you 3. The Mafia King's First Love **Novel cover is commissioned. Credit goes to Chainslock**[COMPLETE] Reth avançait vers elle, le menton bas afin que l'ombre projetée par sa mâchoire sévère tranche à travers le col fourré épais de son gilet. Ses cheveux étaient tombés sur ses yeux dans la bagarre, ainsi il la guettait à travers comme un lion dans l'herbe. À chaque pas, sa démarche gracieuse et ondulante lui rappelait celle d'un prédateur traquant sa proie. Malgré le sol de la forêt jonché de brindilles et de feuilles, il ne faisait aucun bruit. « Qui-qui êtes-vous ? » bégayait Elia, reculant, les mains levées. Il suivait chacun de ses pas jusqu'à ce qu'elle bute brusquement contre l'arbre derrière elle—et il ne s'arrêta pas avant de se dresser au-dessus d'elle, si large que ses épaules et sa poitrine formaient un mur devant elle. Elle pouvait sentir la chaleur émanant de sa peau dans l'air frais de la nuit. « Je suis le Roi Léonin. » Sa voix était un gravier sombre et rauque. Derrière lui, un chœur de hoquets, de hurlements et de gazouillements d'assentiment s'élevait du peuple qui regardait. « Et vous êtes ? » « Elia, » souffla-t-elle. « Elia, » grogna-t-il, se penchant encore plus près, apportant avec lui le parfum du pin et de la pluie et le musc de quelque chose d'indiscutablement masculin. « Je suis Reth. » Il prononçait le nom avec un roulement guttural étrange dans la gorge. « Je suis le Roi des Bêtes. Je suis Chef de Clan, et je suis l’Alpha de WildWood. » Plusieurs grondements s'élevèrent alors de la foule derrière lui, mais il les ignorait. Elia déglutit tandis qu'il se penchait jusqu'à ce que la barbe hirsute sur sa mâchoire râpât sa joue. « Je suis le Roi, » dit-il, « Et vous serez ma compagne. » La forêt derrière lui explosa. ****** Elia est une étudiante universitaire pauvre jusqu'à la nuit où elle est emmenée dans le monde de l'Anima—régi par des humains dont les cœurs anciens battent avec le sang des animaux. Là, elle est forcée de participer à un combat à mort. Mais quand Elia survit, et refuse de tuer son dernier adversaire, le Roi doit soit la tuer lui-même, soit la prendre pour compagne. Reth, le brutal Roi des Bêtes au sang de lions, choque tout le monde quand il choisit la faible humaine Elia pour devenir sa Reine. Il lui promet tout le confort de sa richesse et de sa position—mais il est clair : Elle ne réchauffera pas sa couche. Il l'a choisie pour contrer ceux qui tentaient de le coincer en mêlant sa lignée Léonine avec celle des Loups. Elia a besoin de l'aide de l'Anima pour devenir plus forte et les gouverner bien. Mais les Loups vengeurs voient seulement une humaine faible qui leur a fait honte. Alors qu'Elia et Reth se rapprochent, les loups sont déterminés à la détruire. Reth et Elia admettront-ils leurs sentiments l'un pour l'autre à temps pour lutter pour le Royaume—et leurs vies—contre la tribu de loups malveillante ? Ou les loups tueront-ils Elia et s'empareront-ils du trône ? [Contenu mature - pas de violence sexuelle] Couverture utilisée avec l'autorisation de copyright payée. Illustrée par Aenaluck—voir plus de magnifique art et les soutenir sur www.patreon.com/aenaluck
[COMPLETO] Reth avançou em direção a ela, queixo baixo, fazendo com que a sombra projetada por sua mandíbula rígida cortasse a espessa gola de pele de seu colete. Seus cabelos haviam caído sobre seus olhos durante o confronto, então ele a espreitava por entre eles como um leão na grama. A cada passo, seu andar gracioso e ondulante a fazia lembrar de um predador perseguindo sua presa. Apesar do chão da floresta estar coberto de galhos e folhas, ele não fazia nenhum som. “Qu-quem é você?” Elia gaguejou, recuando, com as mãos para cima. Ele acompanhou cada passo dela até que ela bateu forte contra a árvore atrás dela — e não parou até que ele pairasse sobre ela, tão largo que seus ombros e peito formavam uma parede à sua frente. Ela podia sentir o calor emanando de sua pele no ar fresco da noite. “Eu sou o Rei Leonino.” Sua voz era um cascalho escuro e rouco. Atrás dele um coro de sibilos, uivos e chilreios de concordância se levantou do povo que observava. “E você é?” “Elia,” ela respirou. “Elia,” ele rosnou, inclinando-se mais perto, trazendo consigo o aroma de pinho e chuva e o almíscar de algo distintamente masculino. “Eu sou Reth.” Ele disse o nome com um estranho rolar gutural na garganta. “Eu sou o Rei das Feras. Eu sou o Líder do Clã, e eu sou Alfa de WildWood.” Vários rosnados se ergueram das multidões atrás dele, mas ele os ignorou. Elia engoliu enquanto ele se inclinava até que o cavanhaque em sua mandíbula roçasse sua bochecha. “Eu sou o Rei,” ele disse, “E você será minha parceira.” A floresta atrás dele irrompeu. ****** Elia é uma estudante universitária pobre até a noite em que é levada ao mundo dos Anima — governado por humanos cujos corações antigos pulsam com o sangue dos animais. Lá ela é forçada a um combate até a morte. Mas quando Elia sobrevive, e se recusa a matar seu último oponente, o Rei deve ou matar Elia ele mesmo, ou tomá-la como sua parceira. Reth, o brutal Rei das Feras com o sangue de leões, surpreende a todos quando escolhe a fraca humana Elia para se tornar sua Rainha. Ele promete a ela todo o conforto de sua riqueza e posição — mas deixa claro: Ela não aquecerá sua cama. Ele a escolheu para derrotar aqueles que tentavam pressioná-lo a mesclar sua linhagem Leonina com os Lobos. Elia precisa da ajuda dos Anima para se tornar mais forte e governá-los bem. Mas os Lobos vingativos veem apenas uma humana fraca que lhes trouxe vergonha. Conforme Elia e Reth se aproximam, os lobos estão determinados a destruí-la. Reth e Elia admitirão seus sentimentos um pelo outro a tempo de lutar pelo Reino — e por suas vidas — contra a traiçoeira tribo de lobos? Ou os lobos matarão Elia e roubarão o trono? [Conteúdo maduro - sem violência sexual] Arte da capa usada com permissão de direitos autorais pagos. Ilustrada por Aenaluck — veja mais arte incrível e apoie-os em www.patreon.com/aenaluck
``` Poucas coisas abalavam Bai Mei Xing. Após se formar com um mestrado em Antropologia Forense aos 16 anos, ela se tornou a mais jovem professora de Antropologia da história da Universidade A e trabalhava em paralelo como consultora para as forças policiais locais e nacionais. Em suma, ela era uma garota altamente inteligente com todo o seu futuro pela frente. Isso até ela ser abduzida por alienígenas em uma noite, enquanto saboreava chocolate quente em seu lago favorito. Anos de tortura depois, ela conseguiu se juntar a outro prisioneiro e tomar controle da nave espacial e executar uma pequena vingança contra a tripulação que a manteve cativa. Diante de um futuro completamente ilimitado, Bai Mei Xing decidiu forjar um novo caminho para si mesma. Mas ela viveria sua vida em seus próprios termos, mesmo enfrentando uma espécie de guerreiros com mais de 2 metros de altura especializados em matar. Nada ficaria em seu caminho. Afinal, as naves da Estrela foram feitas para voar. Outros Romances: Dançando Com Monstros--- Em andamento Renascer no Apocalipse: A Terceira Vez é um Encanto--- Concluído Renascer no Apocalipse: Lutar, Fugir ou Congelar- Em andamento Discord: Sakura#6289 Canal do Discord: https://discord.gg/CapanRmy Instagram: @devil_besideyou666 ```
Being a popular actor, and a gay one at that, is not easy. Dominik Śliwinski, whose beauty drives men and women to passion, has found this out quit harshly. The only thing Dominik dreams of is finding happiness in love. Unfortunately, his current partner has a view of love that doesn't reach Dominik's heart. Fortunately, a certain photographer appears on the horizon, who begins to exist in Dominik's life as a friend, roommate and maybe someone else.... A sweet, touching story about how love comes unexpectedly and knocks on your door. If you don't open the door, it enters through the window :) Book contains scenes 18+ All events, characters and organizations are fictional. The resemblance to any real person, organization, or event is purely coincidental. Cover made using AI and my own work.Bai Mei Xing n'était guère perturbée par grand-chose. Après avoir obtenu un Master en Anthropologie Forensique à l'âge de 16 ans, elle devint la plus jeune professeure d'Anthropologie de l'histoire de l'Université A et travaillait également comme consultante pour les forces de police locales et nationales. En somme, c'était une jeune fille très intelligente avec tout son avenir devant elle. Cela, jusqu'à ce qu'elle soit enlevée par des extraterrestres une nuit alors qu'elle sirotait un chocolat chaud près de son lac préféré. Des années de torture plus tard, elle parvint à s'allier avec un autre prisonnier pour prendre le contrôle du vaisseau spatial et exercer une petite revanche sur l'équipage qui la détenait. Face à un avenir complètement sans limites, Bai Mei Xing décida de se forger un nouveau chemin. Mais elle vivrait sa vie à ses propres conditions, même si elle devait affronter une espèce de guerriers de sept pieds spécialisée dans le meurtre. Rien ne se mettrait en travers de son chemin. Après tout, les vaisseaux de Star étaient destinés à voler. Autres Romans : Danser avec les Monstres --- En cours Renaissance dans l'Apocalypse : La Troisième fois, c'est la bonne --- Terminé Renaissance dans l’Apocalypse : Combattre, Fuir ou Geler - En cours Discord : Sakura#6289 Canal Discord : https://discord.gg/CapanRmy Instagram : @devil_besideyou666
Do you ever wonder what your life will be like when you cross paths with your arch nemesis? Yes? Well buckle up, it’s a wild ride. Katarina Montenegro is what everyone would simply call spoiled. She was raised with a silver spoon in her mouth and a custom Tiffany’s diamond tiara on her head. She was referred to as The Spanish Princess by everyone who knew of her existence, and she revelled in the nickname. She was young, cunning, and powerful. There was nothing Katarina wanted that she didn’t have. On the other hand, Marco DiBiancci was known by everyone as The Emperor Lynx, due to his ability to see through deception as easily as he could breathe. Unlike Katarina, who lived a mainly pampered life, Marco was raised by a strict father who wanted him to be in the front lines of the job since he was fourteen years old. He had spent his years getting his hands dirty and washing them again. He was young, strong, and powerful. There was nothing Marco wanted that he didn’t take for himself. The common ground? They were both set to inherit their father’s thrones as King and Queen of their respective organised crime kingdoms. The problem? Marco wanted Katarina, or more importantly, he wanted what she was set to lay claim on. Even though the two had never met, Marco was determined to get his hands on her by all means necessary, and that’s how we’re here. This is how I, Katarina Montenegro, was kidnapped by the Italian mafia. [WARNING: highly foul language and mature themes]"Oooooooo ...... no ...... don't." "Baby you want it." Nancy wants to cry without tears lying on the table, looking at the big boss behind her keep fucking her with no rest, the first time she regrets working here. Day after day she was fucked and her back and legs were sore. She was just a little secretary who wanted to do her job properly! How come it was so hard? "Boss you have to work seriously, you can't indulge in female sex all day, you ...... ah ......" Nancy tried to reason with the big grey wolf behind her, but he didn't listen at all and even intensified his behaviour. "I don't indulge in female sex, I only indulge in you." The man lay behind her ear, breathing heavily, extremely seductive. The burning breath exhaled caused Nancy to resist tightening her body. "Hiss ...... relax ...... don't ......" There was no shame in the office, while in a distant place, another miserable assistant looked at the sky speechlessly. CEO and ma'am please let me go, change someone to squeeze it! Why are all the CEO's subordinates, but the assistant and secretary have different treatment?
Miracle”Mira” White, is the daughter of Thomas White, one of the wealthiest men in the whole country. She can get everything she wants, because of their overflowing wealth, she is known as the wild, and spoiled brat Heiress. Jace Dylan King only wants one thing in his life, to get revenge to Miracle, the Heiress, of the White Empire, he wants to be chosen as one of the Elite Bodyguards of the White family, since it is guaranteed he will become a millionaire, but for Jace money is just a bonus, what is important is to carry on his revenge. Jace became confused when Miracle asked him to be her boyfriend tutor, Miracle wants him to teach her about dating, then Jace realized that everything he knows about her was a lie. But how can he withstand the beautiful and gorgeous Miracle White? Can he stop his heart from loving Miracle the moment it registered to him, that he wants to become Miracle’s real boyfriend? Can they resist the strong attraction between them? Is Jace really willing to follow his heart’s desires and break his own rule? Does love win over vengeance? Does Mira’s love for Jace strong enough to forgive him the moment she will learn Jace hidden agenda? Is she strong enough to face another test of betrayal? ---------------------------------------------------- Thank you to all readers! Please support my other books entitled: Princess Malia’s Secret My Friend’s Arrogant Brother The Heartbreaer CEO Is My Ex Loving Madeline The Powerful Dragon Witch (WSA Entry 2021) The CEO’s Perfect Mistake ( WSA Entry 2021) The Alpha And His Beautiful Monster—Oooooooo... no... no lo hagas. —Bebé, tú lo deseas. Nancy quiere llorar sin lágrimas tumbada en la mesa, mirando al gran jefe detrás de ella seguir follándola sin descanso, la primera vez que se arrepiente de trabajar aquí. Día tras día era follada y le dolían la espalda y las piernas. ¡Solo era una pequeña secretaria que quería hacer bien su trabajo! ¿Cómo podía ser tan difícil? —Jefe tienes que trabajar en serio, no puedes entregarte al sexo femenino todo el día, tú... ah... —Nancy intentó razonar con el gran lobo gris detrás de ella, pero él no escuchaba en absoluto e incluso intensificaba su comportamiento. —No me entrego al sexo femenino, solo me entrego a ti. El hombre yacía detrás de su oreja, respirando pesadamente, extremadamente seductor. El aliento ardiente que exhalaba hacía que Nancy resistiera tensando su cuerpo. —Sssss... relájate... no... —No había vergüenza en la oficina, mientras que en un lugar distante, otra asistente miserable miraba al cielo sin palabras. ¡CEO y señora por favor déjenme ir, cambien a alguien para exprimirlo! ¿Por qué todos son subordinados del CEO, pero el asistente y la secretaria reciben un trato diferente?
Who would have thought supernaturals exists? Not I at least. Heartbroken when my crush left me for a trip with his boyfriend, I did what any sane love smitten boy will do. I decided to take care of the boyfriend's company with my crush's siblings. What I never envisioned is having to take care of not only the company but the insufferable friend Meka. A boss who sees everything bad in all I do. Determined to get the work that's allocated to me done and over with, I never expected there to be a glitch on the way. I stupidly had to fall for the Stony boss not knowing he's a fire-breather. Note: This novel took place in two universes. The first part took place on Earth while the other part took place in a fictional world.
Une course nocturne a changé la vie d'Aila pour toujours après s'être retrouvée au milieu d'une bataille entre des loups-garous et des chasseurs. Elle est soudainement kidnappée par lesdits chasseurs et découvre des secrets sur son passé et son avenir alors qu'elle se lance dans un voyage pour découvrir qui ou ce qu'elle est véritablement. Les problèmes surgissent les uns après les autres quand elle échappe enfin à l'emprise des chasseurs, pour être ensuite recueillie par l'Alpha féroce de la Meute du Croissant d'Argent. Contrairement à la plupart qui le craignent, Aila défie son autorité à chaque étape de son apprentissage sur elle-même et sur l'Alpha dominant et possessif qui tente de la revendiquer. Les têtes vont-elles se heurter dans une bataille de volontés, ou peuvent-ils collaborer pour aider à protéger le monde caché des créatures des chasseurs ? Rejoignez Aila dans son voyage de redécouverte, aimez, riez et pleurez avec elle dans ce roman d'amour intense, mouvementé et passionnel. ----- Gagnante de la médaille d'or dans le concours de prompt d'écriture #161 - Métamorphes. ------ *** APERÇU *** [ CONTENU MATURE ] "Les yeux en haut, Aila." Il claqua des mots ; sa voix dure la fit regarder dans ses yeux, et elle fut immédiatement piégée sous son regard de glace. Elle ne pouvait pas détourner le regard des siens alors qu'il s'approchait d'elle, ses mouvements lents comme s'il était prêt à bondir sur sa proie. Sans réfléchir, elle se leva de sa position, prête à s'échapper, mais il la saisit et épingla ses mains contre le lit. Il avança son genou, écartant les jambes d'Aila qui ne résistèrent qu'une seconde avant de laisser entrer son genou. Il le poussa lentement à l'endroit entre ses cuisses, la faisant haleter au contact soudain. "Tu aimes me désobéir, Aila ?" Il grogna; Aila fut confuse un instant jusqu'à ce qu'elle se rappelle à quel point elle avait facilement défié ses ordres. Était-il vraiment encore en colère depuis tout à l'heure ? Mais lorsqu'elle chercha sa réponse dans son visage, elle la trouva rapidement. Il était définitivement furieux depuis plus tôt. "Pour être tout à fait honnête, oui. Ça te remet à ta place," Aila sourit quand elle croisa son regard enflammé. Il rapprocha son visage du sien, la pression de son genou entre ses jambes s'intensifiait, la faisant mordre sa lèvre inférieure. "Mauvaise réponse," Il grogna avant de mordre sa lèvre pour la dégager de ses dents. ----- *AVERTISSEMENT* CONTENU MATURE : Violence graphique Langage fort Contenu sexuel Abus -- 【 Volume 1 : Complet】 【 Volume 2 : Complet】 【 Volume 3 : BIENTÔT DISPONIBLE - Été 2024 】 -- Si vous appréciez l'histoire, veuillez voter avec une pierre de pouvoir, laisser des commentaires et une critique ! -- Image de couverture : Commandée par @if._art Mon Instagram : @kelly_starrz Mon nouveau serveur Discord : https://discord.gg/MHMdRRqUYa
Excerpt "You are staring at me again, McKenna" his deep voice whispered without opening what she knew to be honey brown eyes. "Yes. Yes, I am. My life is officially a Telenovela series" McKenna sat on the bed and laid her head on his chest. It was a nice solid chest made to be used as an occasional head pillow. "It's not so bad, Oma" He nibbled on her left ear slightly. Oma was an endearing name he loved calling her. Technically, it meant beautiful. "Yeah. Yeah" McKenna murmured again. "It's not so bad. You just told me yesterday, after about six months of marriage that you went to Malawi to help rebuild an Orphanage that belonged to your grandmother but you ended up adopting a six year old African American child that is on the run with her mother from her biological psycho father. What's so bad about that?" McKenna spoke too fast. Now, it was clearer why her brain took long enough to remember where she was. She was a stepmom! Yay! She was twenty four years old and to be a mother to a six year old, she would have to give birth at eighteen. "Baby, look at me" Jason urged her to turn and she did. "You will love Kara. And I know you will make a good mother to her" he kissed her nose. "A mother to a six year old....I was a virgin at eighteen! Your kid would take one look at me and conclude that I am Cinderella's stepmother" "Breathe, McKenna! Breathe....I freaked out too when I realized I was going to adopt her. It took running inside a burning building to save her for me to realize that I love and adore that little girl. I am willing to die for her. She is a Yagazie just like you are, now. Family take care of family" "Why the hell didn't you tell me you had a child before we got married?" McKenna yelled at him. ***" What happens when three powerful families are thrown into the mix together? You get chaos, betrayal and fight till the weaker family gives up. Meet Kara Hope Yagazie; years ago she was just a kid in an orphanage with no identity until one of the most powerful families in Africa adopted her. Kara starts life as an heiress to an empire, armed with the truth from her biological mother who hid her but kept an eye on her. Kara now knows that her biological mother and her are on the run from her psycho father, whose plan is to hunt down and kill them. One powerful family is enough to drive Kara crazy, what happens when she wakes up one day to find out she is now somehow related to three of the most powerful families in the Continent and in Canada. Can Kara survive her new family? Follow the Yagazie’s, the Donna's, The Spencer's and The Anene's as the figure out how to be a family despite the bad blood that went generation long. And while they try to outsmart each other, will they pause when one of them is in trouble? Having a Crazy Rich Family as an enemy might be more than Kane Brown, Kara's psycho father bargained for. P.s the cover is not mine. if you are the owner and wants me to take it down, contact me on discord4.83
WILL The sheltered, secret daughter of my arch nemesis sounds like a good pawn on my chessboard, until I meet Catalina Rossi. She is no protected princess. She is a warrior, a fighter with more willpower than her messed up family could ever possess. I hate her. I want to strangle the life out of her every time I see her. And I want her more than I've ever wanted anything in my life. She is my enemy, but I think that will be the best catalyst to the spark between us. CAT I have always deemed myself unlucky but being kidnapped by my father's enemies takes the cake. I don't know these men but I know who they are. They are ruthless, cold, unforgiving beats. They are the De Santi mafia syndicate. And the most ruthless of them all, William De Santi, has his eyes on me. *Dear readers, this is not a fairy tale. It's a dark, intense, steamy, enemies to lovers revenge tale with themes that may upset certain readers such as weapons, gore, mature content and violence, but this does NOT include sexual abuse. I do not condone that.[Reth pirschte sich an sie heran, das Kinn gesenkt, so dass der Schatten, den sein harter Kiefer warf, den dicken Pelzkragen seiner Weste streifte. Sein Haar war ihm bei dem Handgemenge über die Augen gefallen, so dass er sie dadurch wie ein Löwe im Gras ansah. Mit jedem Schritt erinnerte sein anmutiger, rollender Gang sie an ein Raubtier, das sich an seine Beute heranpirscht. Obwohl der Waldboden mit Zweigen und Blättern übersät war, gab er keinen Laut von sich. "Wer bist du?" stammelte Elia und wich mit erhobenen Händen zurück. Er kam ihr Schritt für Schritt entgegen, bis sie hart gegen den Baum hinter ihr stieß - und blieb erst stehen, als er über ihr aufragte, so breit, dass seine Schultern und seine Brust eine Wand vor ihr bildeten. Sie konnte die Hitze seiner Haut in der kühlen Nachtluft spüren. "Ich bin der Leonische König." Seine Stimme war ein dunkler, heiserer Schotter. Hinter ihm erhob sich ein Chor aus Keuchen, Heulen und zustimmendem Gezirpe von den Zuschauern. "Und du bist?" "Elia", hauchte sie. "Elia", knurrte er, lehnte sich näher heran und brachte den Duft von Kiefernholz und Regen und den Moschusgeruch von etwas eindeutig Männlichem mit. "Ich bin Reth." Er sagte den Namen mit einem seltsamen, gutturalen Räuspern in der Kehle. "Ich bin der König der Bestien. Ich bin Clanführer, und ich bin der Alpha von WildWood. Aus der Menge hinter ihm ertönten mehrere Knurrlaute, aber er ignorierte sie. Elia schluckte, als er sich zu ihr hinunterbeugte, bis seine Kinnlade ihre Wange berührte. "Ich bin der König", sagte er, "und du wirst meine Gefährtin sein." Der Wald hinter ihm brach aus. ****** Elia ist eine arme Universitätsstudentin, bis zu der Nacht, in der sie in die Welt der Anima entführt wird - regiert von Menschen, deren uralte Herzen mit dem Blut von Tieren pulsieren. Dort wird sie in einen Kampf auf Leben und Tod gezwungen. Doch als Elia überlebt und sich weigert, ihren letzten Gegner zu töten, muss der König entweder Elia selbst töten oder sie als seine Gefährtin nehmen. Reth, der brutale König der Bestien mit dem Blut von Löwen, schockiert alle, als er die schwache, menschliche Elia zu seiner Königin erwählt. Er verspricht ihr alle Annehmlichkeiten seines Reichtums und seiner Stellung - aber er ist sich sicher: Sie wird nicht sein Bett wärmen. Er wählte sie aus, um diejenigen zu besiegen, die ihn in die Enge treiben wollten, um seine Leonische Linie mit den Wölfen zu vermischen. Elia braucht die Hilfe der Anima, um stärker zu werden und sie gut zu regieren. Doch die rachsüchtigen Wölfe sehen in ihr nur einen schwachen Menschen, der ihnen Schande gebracht hat. Während Elia und Reth sich näher kommen, sind die Wölfe entschlossen, sie zu vernichten. Werden Reth und Elia sich ihre Gefühle füreinander rechtzeitig eingestehen, um für das Königreich - und ihr Leben - gegen den bösartigen Wolfsstamm zu kämpfen? Oder werden die Wölfe Elia töten und den Thron an sich reißen? [Erwachsener Inhalt - keine sexuelle Gewalt] Titelbild mit bezahlter urheberrechtlicher Genehmigung verwendet. Illustriert von Aenaluck - sieh dir mehr wunderschöne Kunst an und unterstütze sie auf www.patreon.com/aenaluck
This is a modern love story with a fantasy twist involving dragon shapeshifters and demons! Zi Mei was poor and desperate with loansharks after her to settle debts her father had racked up that she could never repay. Thorin is a 3,000-year-old dragon shapeshifter who kidnapped her and offered her millions to be his mistress and to bear him heirs. She had to choose between being sold off as a prostitute by the loansharks or becoming this handsome dragon shapeshifter's mistress and baby making slave. So, Zi Mei signed the contract to become his mistress. She found herself falling in love with the sexy handsome dragon but he remained aloof towards her. Will he ever love her back or is she destined to suffer unrequited love while sleeping with him every night? Unknown to Zi Mei, demons are plotting to get rid of Thorin. Now, the demons saw a chance of getting to Thorin through Zi Mei. Will they succeed in their nefarious plot to shift the delicate balance between dark and light? Will Thorin be able to save Zi Mei? Will they finally be a real couple instead of a contracted couple only to produce heirs? Read on to find out what happens in this modern love story with a fantasy twist. Gorgeous art & cover design by JeiJandee. Warning: There will be R18 steamy mature content in the later chapters. There will also be sweet, funny moments between Thorin and Zi Mei. If you like this story, you may also like my other ongoing work on another dragon shapeshifter from the Sea Jade clan: A Dragon & Her Yoga Teacher https://dynamic.webnovel.com/book/20916049106243205?utm_source=writerShare&utm_campaign=4306116363 It has a strong female dragon lead and a hot yoga teacher whom she seduced. ******BONUS******** 50 power stones = 1 bonus chapter 100 power stones = 2 bonus chapters 200 power stones = 4 bonus chapters ****EXTRAS**** 50 summoning pens = 1 special chapter release (side story that’s related to main story) 100 summoning pens = 2 special chapter release (Thorin’s viewpoint) *Update once every two days*Raven Valentine is an orphan with only one thing on her mind. Running away with the girl she loves, Sage. One hooded figure, a car crash, and a curse served to derail that plan. Raven finds herself in a world where dragons, demons, and fiends are all very real. One choice and two gorgeous sisters stand between her and death as she faces a months’ long deathmatch to reunite with the love of her life. This story promises life-or-death fights, characters without any sense of personal space, and a game master that is hell-bent on bringing the worst out in his players. Will Raven be able to pick to make the right choice to win the death tournament and return to the woman she loves or will she fail and pay the ultimate price?
[Mature Content] Bryana Jill Darlene is a young mother, aged 24, who has a son named Calvin Darlene. Some people call her "Bryana" while others refer to her as "Jill." Bryana's husband cheated on her, causing her to lose faith in the sincerity of a man's love. Her failed attempt at building a household ark, which led to the dissolution of her marriage, has made her more focused on managing her father's company. Her ex-husband, Alex, continues to try to get custody of Calvin, going as far as trying to kidnap and injure Bryana. This prompted her brother, Raymond Darlene, to hire two bodyguards to protect her and her son. The new bodyguard assigned to Bryana, named Dean Jackson, catches her attention. Despite his well-built physique and cold, formal attitude, Bryana becomes curious about his life. It turns out that Dean is a widower who lost his wife during childbirth, leaving him devastated and unable to replace her. He has a daughter named Sofia. As the story unfolds, conflicts and actions arise, adding to the complexity of the narrative. Will Bryana be able to break through Dean's lonely heart and find love once again? please,support my other books. CEO's Crazy Obsession (New and always update!) 99 Days Trapped in the body of the Royal Prince's Wife revenge Marriage: Love slave for the devil husband Unexpected Fate: Pregnant with my Enemy's baby Saga of Luna: Betrayal and love love, jerk, and affair unexpected marriage the possesive mr CEO unexpected Love Mr CEO wild baby My beloved Pregnant maid The Billionaire's Love: A heart devide Story by Me Art by Pinterest