Webnovel Author: Jawblade179 - Fanfic Collection



LV 4
2023-01-05 เข้าร่วมแล้ว Global

ป้าย 4

Moments 121



"Things are about to become extremely complicated," Guru stated solemnly, his mouth set in a small frown. He paused, taking a breath before continuing. "Slug is on his way to Namek. Judging from the resonance I sensed, I anticipate him reaching Namek's atmosphere within a day."

Dragon Ball Alternative

Dragon Ball Alternative

Anime & Comics · Equuleus_Nox


He’s talking about Lord Slug


"You thought you could erase us? We will carve our vengeance into your very flesh! I may not live to witness your demise, but I will drag you down to Hell with me!"

Dragon Ball Alternative

Dragon Ball Alternative

Anime & Comics · Equuleus_Nox


So King Cold is stronger then his spoiled brat of a son in this story, unlike in Canon which was implied that he was weaker then his brat of a son

The reason I brought up King Cold is because he is the true power behind the empire, not Frieza or Cooler. Frieza is terrifying, yes, but King Cold is the one truly pulling the strings. He keeps his sons on a tight leash when it comes to matters of destruction because he understands the delicate balance required to maintain his power without attracting undue attention from higher powers. So, while Frieza revels in chaos and destruction, often acting impulsively on his whims and emotions, there are lines he dares not cross, knowing very well that his father's wrath would be far more severe than anything his enemies could inflict.'

Dragon Ball Alternative

Dragon Ball Alternative

Anime & Comics · Equuleus_Nox


Nappa is gonna get another Zenkai Boost?

"Yes. This is not entirely disadvantageous because we too can evade the scouters. Meanwhile, Frieza and the grunts will be completely exposed to us," Vegeta started to stride away, his movements purposeful. "Let's go. We have much to do, starting with finding you a healing pod."

Dragon Ball Alternative

Dragon Ball Alternative

Anime & Comics · Equuleus_Nox



Dodoria slammed on the brakes, practically skidding across the air cartoonishly before coming to a halt. Having learned from their previous exchange, she swiftly reversed her course, scrambling backward to create some distance from the lethal blade. Her eye was fixed warily on the attack.

Dragon Ball Alternative

Dragon Ball Alternative

Anime & Comics · Equuleus_Nox



Suddenly, the image of Cell's tail flashed through his mind, and he remembered that one disturbing scene of the salaryman being absorbed, leaving nothing but a pile of clothes behind. After that flashback, the idea of the string making contact with him sent a shiver down his spine, amplifying the unease within Ajax.

Dragon Ball Alternative

Dragon Ball Alternative

Anime & Comics · Equuleus_Nox



Besides, I'm curious how he'll take this pain and loss and overcome it. Next time I see him, the guy will have gotten some kind of Zenkai boost, won't he?

A New Sun (Highschool DxD Shinto Demigod SI-OC)

A New Sun (Highschool DxD Shinto Demigod SI-OC)

Anime & Comics · Karmic_Wizard



If he can't overcome this, then what does that say about his chances against him!?

A New Sun (Highschool DxD Shinto Demigod SI-OC)

A New Sun (Highschool DxD Shinto Demigod SI-OC)

Anime & Comics · Karmic_Wizard



He can take this, and more. He'll need to if he ever wants to hope to defeat that man.

A New Sun (Highschool DxD Shinto Demigod SI-OC)

A New Sun (Highschool DxD Shinto Demigod SI-OC)

Anime & Comics · Karmic_Wizard



"-This must be it!" come on… Push!! my Ki glowed golden much fiercer, huge bolts of light-colored blue ran up me randomly, these bolts turning a fierce red, I begun to shrink in size as they Oozeru form begun to transform. My ape-like grunts and my voice receded from ape-like to my normal voice as I continued to yell out. I felt it happening now, I also felt… calm, the rage didn't dissipate but it… mellowed out somewhat.

The Ape From Space

The Ape From Space

Anime & Comics · Warrior988



However, after meeting up with Guru, everything would change.

Dragon Ball Alternative

Dragon Ball Alternative

Anime & Comics · Equuleus_Nox


She probably already found a sugar daddy already

"I trust you with my life!" Krillin declared with a wink, his fist still resting on Ajax's chest. Then, as if remembering something urgent, he turned to leave, waving over his shoulder. "Oh, I gotta dash. I really need to call Maron. It's been a whole year since I last saw her! See ya later, Ajax!"

Dragon Ball Alternative

Dragon Ball Alternative

Anime & Comics · Equuleus_Nox



The captive's sobs melded with his desperately blubbered pleas. "I'm so sorry for not answering the first time, p-please ask again! I-I'll tell you everything! I'm his right-hand m-man! I c-can tell you Lord Slug's whereabouts for the next m-month!" The captive implored, his voice trembling.

Dragon Ball Alternative

Dragon Ball Alternative

Anime & Comics · Equuleus_Nox


Yeah, the great ape form it’s like 20 meters tall


To be specific, an Oozaru does not automatically become 10 times faster than the original user. According to Canon, Oozarus are not slower by any means, but they also don't effortlessly blur out of sight either. This fact remains true in DBA. Reason? Physics, F=ma. For a given acceleration, more force is needed for a larger mass than a smaller mass. Even if we assume 10x Ki = 10x the force, there's no way anyone can convince me that an Oozaru is only 10x Vegeta's mass. No way, José.

Dragon Ball Alternative

Dragon Ball Alternative

Anime & Comics · Equuleus_Nox



The explosive momentum and force of Ajax's Pinpoint Impact sent Nappa's head slamming into the unforgiving ground, creating a substantial crater upon striking it. The impact was so powerful that the sheer force generated a mini-tornado as the vortex of energy swirled outward from the epicenter.

Dragon Ball Alternative

Dragon Ball Alternative

Anime & Comics · Equuleus_Nox


Original timeline, meaning the timeline that Cell came from by killing the Future Trunks of that timeline and stealing his time machine to travel back in the past to the Canon Timeline.

He had become Son Gohan in the Dragon Ball world. But he was not the Son Gohan who could turn into a Super Saiyan 2 and beat up Cell at the age of 9. He is an adult Son Gohan in the original timeline.

DBZ : Original Timeline Gohan

DBZ : Original Timeline Gohan

Anime & Comics · GarudaTranslation



Surprisingly enough, that was a completely accurate statement. Tien, with his mastery over a diverse array of abilities, had instilled in him the techniques that formed the foundation of his combat skills. Kami, his direct mentor, had single-handedly shaped Ajax's proficiency in Ki Manipulation. But, physical prowess? Other than the helping hand Kami gave with density manipulation and his innate ability as the foundation, the credit for all that fell to Mr. Popo, that crazy son-of-a-bitch.

Dragon Ball Alternative

Dragon Ball Alternative

Anime & Comics · Equuleus_Nox
