47.32% Dragon Ball Alternative / Chapter 52: Chapter 52* – The Truth About Gohan

บท 52: Chapter 52* – The Truth About Gohan

~ Moments Before: Plains Besides Gizard Wasteland ~ 

The Z Fighters streaked through the sky, a canvas of lush green pastures and towering trees blurring into a vibrant tapestry beneath them. The wind rushed past them with exhilarating speed as they rapidly approached the great battle on the horizon. Already, they can feel the tremors of the colossal energy signatures colliding.

In their spontaneous flying formation, Ajax took the lead, soaring at the forefront with Krillin, while Piccolo maintained a strategic position slightly towards the rear, accompanied by Gohan.

Fortunately, there had been no need for Ajax to rally or persuade the others to come to Goku's aid. The group had unanimously agreed to lend their support before the words had even fully left his lips. All the better, one less thing for him to concern himself with.

Nappa, naturally, had no say in the matter. The urgency of the situation had left no room for arguments about Nappa's presence. Leaving him behind wasn't an option, as the curious reporters lingering on the battlefield were too unpredictable. Thus, Nappa came with.

Anywho, the task of carrying Nappa fell upon Ajax. It might as well be him, considering that he had gone to great lengths to incapacitate Nappa in a manner that wouldn't provoke Vegeta to kill him. He probably would have pulled out his own hair in frustration had Nappa died because one of the others "accidentally" dropped him.

As they flew, a dense silence cloaked them like an oppressive fog, casting an all-encompassing feeling of awkwardness over the group. The journey continued in this uneasy quiet, with only the whistle of the wind filling the void between them as they soared through the air.

Ajax, feeling intensely uncomfortable at the awkward silence, decided to break it with an attempt at conversation.

"So, uh..." he began, desperately struggling to find something to say since his mouth had taken off before his brain could properly generate a suitable topic. "…what's the deal with the Saiyans' fixation on burial?"

Ajax immediately winced. 'Great job, Einstein,' he thought to himself, 'break the awkward silence with an even more awkward topic. Outstanding move, truly a big brain moment.'

"Why do you care?" Nappa responded with a gruff tone, clearly suspicious.

Ajax breathed outward through his nose a little too heavily to be natural. Well, too late to back out now. Might as well fully commit to the topic.

"Just curious about Raditz, I guess. Like, if you happen to die, are we supposed to bury you like we did with him? What's the reasoning?"

A moment of silence followed as Nappa considered the question. Casting a brief glance at Gohan behind him, he sighed, drew in a deep breath, and began to explain.

"By now, you probably already know that combat is sacred to us Saiyans. Dying on the battlefield against a worthy enemy is a glory second only to winning said battle," Nappa paused as if searching for his next words. "I'll spare you all the theatrical bullshit. In essence, it all comes down to a matter of honor. We Saiyans believe in an afterlife, and we think that proper burial is the way to pay homage to the fighting spirit of the departed and ensure they reach the next realm ready for battle."

"So, like Valhalla?"

Nappa glanced at Ajax, confused. "The f*ck's a Valhalla?"

"Oh, uh– never mind, just something from an obscure religious text I read for fun a while ago." Ajax shook his head, lying out of his butt to cover his ass. He had spoken a little too much there.

Nappa gave Ajax a weird look, silently judging the young warrior about how he chose to spend his leisure time.

"Anyways, for most, burial is simply a sign of respect for fallen warriors, like a badge of honor. It's considered the natural conclusion of one's life, so to speak." Nappa continued to explain. "And, naturally, the more important the Saiyan performing the burial is, the greater the honor. Most could only dream of being personally buried by the King, the Prince, or any other member of loyalty."

The Z Fighters collectively tilted their heads to better listen in to Nappa delving into Saiyan traditions and beliefs.

"Instead, it's the lack of a proper burial that is of greater importance. Much like tail amputations, denying someone the privilege of a proper burial is an act reserved for those who are dishonored, condemned, or executed. For them, their corpses are left alone to rot and return to nature. Only for the worst of the worst would their bodies be mutilated after death, so they would never reincarnate. Among Saiyans, corpse mutilation is THE act of ultimate dishonor, beyond even that of tail removal, as it meant that not even death was enough to cleanse them of their disgrace."

Nappa, having laid bare their traditions, took a deep breath before addressing Ajax's final question.

"As for your last question," he continued, his tone turning softer, "the head is most important. It is where we believe our souls to reside. Occasionally, we bury only the head if there is nothing else left, so if I were to die, which I shouldn't, bury at least that. That's all I ask for."

"Oh okay…" Ajax responded intelligently. He had just been trying to make conversation, badly he knows, but the answer had been far deeper and darker than he'd expected. Of course, the topic was death, but… well, this is awkward. He was at a complete loss for words and had no idea how to continue the conversation. Or whether he should proceed at all for that matter.

Piccolo arched an eyebrow at Nappa, "So, your insistence on us burying Raditz was to avoid the negative implications of letting him rot?"

"Yeah. Raditz may not have been the most impressive of Saiyan, but he was a good kid who fulfilled his duty until the bitter end."

"Huh, and here I had thought you Saiyans were nothing more than cultureless savages," Piccolo smirked at Nappa. "Or maybe that was just you."

Nappa's face contorted in offense, resembling someone who had just bitten into a sour lemon.

"Shut your mouth, Namekian. You're a piece of shit for what you did to Gohan. Every breath you take is an assault on my honor."

Before Piccolo and Nappa could squabble further, two enormous blasts appeared in the near distance. The energy beams' colossal clash illuminated the skies, a purple ki beam majestically descending from above, meeting a defiant blue beam rising from below.

"Ohhh! That's Vegeta's signature move! Kakarot stands no chance against that!" Nappa exclaimed in a sudden burst of excitement.

"Spoken like a true moron. If Goku loses, who do you think will bear the brunt of that attack?" Piccolo pointed out, scowling.

Nappa closed his mouth with an audible snap, his expression shifting from excitement to contemplation. "Oh, good point, slug. Never mind, then. I hope Kakarot struggles enough so we don't all die."

The distant clash of energy beams reached its climax as Goku's Kamehameha, initially buckling under the immense pressure of Vegeta's Galick Gun, suddenly expanded explosively. It smashed against the purple beam, practically engulfing it as it surged upward with incredible speed. In moments, it tore through the air and propelled the source of Vegeta's Galick Gun into the far reaches of the atmosphere.

Witnessing Goku's spectacular counterattack, Krillin couldn't contain his excitement. He let out a triumphant cheer as he pumped his fists in the air, "Let's f*cking gooo! Show 'em how it's done, Goku!"

"What the shit?!" Nappa's jaw dropped in disbelief at the result.

~ Gizard Wasteland ~ 

Vegeta panted heavily as he hovered in the upper atmosphere, his body battered and burnt from the disastrous result of the beam struggle. His hands were scorched from attempting to catch the remnants of the colossal blast that he had just extricated himself from. Despite being injured all over, he was far from being defeated.

He couldn't accept that this was happening. How could someone who once struggled against low-class trash like Raditz suddenly possess the capability to surpass the strongest Saiyan in generations?! Within a single goddamn year, no less! It was impossible. It had to be! Because if it was true, then what had he been doing with his life so far?

Vegeta deliberately chose to freefall from the upper atmosphere as he struggled with the truth. As he fell, the howling wind that rushed past him mirrored the storm of conflicting emotions and thoughts raging within him. As the surface neared, he flawlessly flipped mid-air and abruptly halted his descent, hovering in the air.

Unfortunately, his scouter had been obliterated by that previous attack. Despite that, Vegeta still easily spotted Kakarot thanks to that hideous orange eyesore of an outfit. Vegeta squinted. Judging by Kakarot's expression, it appeared that he hadn't been surprised by Vegeta's return. Good, at least he wasn't being underestimated.

Vegeta frowned as he took note of Kakarot's exhausted state. Was the cost of that technique truly so taxing? Bardock's spawn seemed to be moments away from collapsing, which meant he didn't have much time before his perfect victory slipped away between his fingers.

Descending gracefully, Vegeta positioned himself a slight distance away from Goku.

"I will preface by saying that I am ashamed at having to resort to this to defeat you," Vegeta declared, his words oozing with contempt, though not all of it directed at Goku. He all but snarled as he addressed the strongest Saiyan adversary he had ever faced.

"However, you have also made me realize that a victory by technicality is no victory at all. If you were to fall by the strain of your own technique, then it is you who defeated yourself, not me." Vegeta clenched his fists tightly. "I will have my decisive, overwhelming victory! I will show you without a shadow of a doubt why it is I, Vegeta, who is the Prince of all Saiyans and the mightiest Saiyan alive—not you!!"

Vegeta began gathering his power. Though he had not paid any special attention to it, the absence of this planet's moon had not escaped his notice. In the grand scheme of things, such a countermeasure was actually rather common, all things considered. Many civilizations, having learned of the Saiyan invasion in advance, had resorted to the same tactic: eliminating their planet's natural satellite to prevent the Saiyans' transformation into Great Apes.

However, none of these civilizations that implemented such tactics survived to tell the tale. Why? It was because the Saiyans had long moved beyond their dependence on natural moons. All thanks to this move.

Vegeta grunted in exertion as a radiant white ball began to take shape in his hand. The sheer exertion left him visibly drained as beads of sweat lining his face continued to stream down his neck in rivulets. With a roar, Vegeta catapulted the completed Power Ball skyward, where it promptly exploded and expanded drastically.

As Vegeta stared at the ball, an ominous energy enveloped his body. A low, guttural growl emanated from his throat, the sound deepening as his voice box transformed under his primal awakening.

Vegeta's body underwent a remarkable metamorphosis. His nose elongated into a snout, muscles bulged with newfound strength, and his entire frame expanded, swelling in both mass and size. Far faster than one might've expected, his once humanoid figure transformed into the colossal and fearsome form of the Great Ape. Coarse, dark fur erupted across his now-massive body, and his deafening roar shook the very ground beneath him.

"How ironic, Kakarot!" Vegeta bellowed, his deep voice booming across the battlefield like thunder. "That the technique perfected by your father is now deployed to kill you, his son!"

Goku's breath suddenly hitched as an enormous wave of realization crashed over him. His eyes widened with a blend of shock and horror. "C–can all Saiyans transform into ape monsters?" His voice shook.

Towering above in his Great Ape form, Vegeta lifted a massive eyebrow in disbelief. Kakarot's ignorance was really grating on his nerves.

"Of course we can. And it's called the Oozaru, you fool. The Saiyans' gift is the ability to transform when exposed to a full moon or any source with similar wavelengths."

Goku's mind ignited with a flurry of connections, each realization sparking a chain reaction of understanding. The monster that had appeared on moonlit nights, that– that was him? The 21st Tenkaichi Budōkai, Pilaf, and… Goku's pupils shrunk into pinpoints. Oh no...

Grandpa Gohan's stern warning to never venture outdoors during a full moon due to a giant ape monster echoed in his mind. Goku's breath quickened, and his frame trembled as the pieces fell into place. The sight of Vegeta's massive form faded from his sight, gradually replaced by an enveloping darkness.

Goku had never truly understood why Grandpa Gohan warned him. He had never understood why they hadn't just relocated. 

Goku remembered defying his grandpa's explicit instructions and gazing out at the enchanting full moon that night. He vividly remembered waking up the next morning with a funny taste in his mouth that he rinsed away in the nearby river. He remembered discovering bloodied pieces of clothing scattered across the landscape that left him perplexed and disturbed.

He hadn't understood why Grandpa had left him.

At the time, he had assumed that Grandpa Gohan had been crushed by the monster. However, there had been no trace of a body; it was as if Grandpa Gohan had simply vanished. In the mornings that followed, he had shouted, he had screamed, he had cried, but there had been no response except for the calming and soothing sounds of nature as it woke up to a new day. The peaceful sounds grated on his nerves.

He hadn't understood why finding the monster was so difficult. Nor had he understood why he didn't need to hunt for a few days after.

Goku remembered crying in the rain in the days after, not understanding why the world just couldn't see that he needed to find the monster so he could beat it to death. 

Goku didn't understand a lot of things back then.

But he does now.

And the terrible truth was more chilling than he can bear.

In the midst of the intense battle with Vegeta, Goku's composure shattered to pieces, crushed by the shadow of his past that is now unconcealed by the fog of ignorance. Anguish carved on his face, Goku let out a raw, gut-wrenching scream that carried with it the weight of suffocating regret—a cry resonating from the depths of a soul burdened by an agonizing truth.

"Grandpa never told me. He kept it a secret to protect me," Goku hysterically confessed. Overwhelmed by shame and guilt, Goku collapsed to his knees. His shoulders heaved with the burden of the truth as tears streamed down his face. "Why were you so genuinely happy to see me? Why did you forgive me? You shouldn't have…

Goku retched violently as his mind attempted to visualize Grandpa Gohan's final moments without his permission. His body convulsed in an attempt to expel something—anything—from his stomach. But it was empty, just a bottomless hole like it always had been. As if mocking him, it growled like a puppy. Goku retched again.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry…" Goku gave another anguished cry, his fingers digging into the rugged soil as his tears mingled with the dirt. The pillar shook beneath him as his fists pounded it in tandem with his words. "I. Shouldn't. Have. Been. Forgiven!"

Above this scene, Vegeta had frozen in his tracks long ago, utterly baffled by the unexpected display of vulnerability from his adversary. His hand hung motionless in the air, still reaching outwards as if grasping for something. In the short time he had known Kakarot, Vegeta had witnessed nothing but unwavering strength and unyielding resolve from him. The Kakarot before him now couldn't have been more different than the confident warrior of moments ago.

Vegeta didn't need the expertise of a shrink to know trauma when he saw it. Given his occupation, he had encountered and dealt with such situations for allies and foes alike. For his enemies, his typical approach was killing them and moving on, but that strategy here would prove nothing. Vegeta frowned. This was not the victory he desired.

Vegeta exhaled heavily.

"Listen, Kakarot. While I would love nothing more than to kill you now, a victory under these circumstances holds no value to me. I will grant you one minute to get your shit together. Beyond that, I will no longer care."

Goku could recognize he had just been given mercy. Vegeta could have crushed him without a second word, and Goku would have no one to blame but himself. Summoning his inner strength, he rose above his guilt for the battle at hand.

Goku wiped away the tears that had stained his face, swallowed the lump in his throat, and focused on regaining control of his breathing. Standing once more, he forced his trauma to the recesses of his mind, knowing that he could unpack the emotional baggage later. If he survived this, he needed to call his therapist. Dr. Wong was going to have her work cut out for her this time.

Inhaling deeply, Goku centered himself, completely regaining his composure, the familiar spark of unbreakable resolve glinting in his eyes once more.

Vegeta uncrossed his arms and straightened, no longer leaning on the pillar that had barely supported his weight.

"I don't care for your past trauma or its details, but if your focus lapses in this battle again, I won't stop on your behalf any longer."

With those words, the battle resumed.


DBA Corner: The Oozaru 

Bet you forgot we had these!

This edition of DBA Corner will cover the Oozaru form to clear up any potential misunderstandings. This one is completely optional as it will not significantly affect how you understand the story. The rest of this section will be me trying to establish some expectations and provide clarity on a somewhat confusing transformation. 

The Oozaru form in DBA, like Canon, amplifies the power level of the user by an approximate factor of 10. To refresh your memory, the power level in DBA represents the rate of Ki that can be channeled by someone at any given moment. This means that the Ki attacks of an Oozaru are about ten times more powerful than the same untransformed Saiyan since their Ki can be fired at a rate ten times higher.

That, however, is the only 10x enhancement.

The 10x multiplier of PL does not inherently imply a universal 10x multiplier for all aspects of the Saiyan's abilities. This is because PL, being the rate of usable ki, is not perfectly correlated with physical strength, speed, or any other measures of combat effectiveness (thanks to diminishing returns and physics).

To be specific, an Oozaru does not automatically become 10 times faster than the original user. According to Canon, Oozarus are not slower by any means, but they also don't effortlessly blur out of sight either. This fact remains true in DBA. Reason? Physics, F=ma. For a given acceleration, more force is needed for a larger mass than a smaller mass. Even if we assume 10x Ki = 10x the force, there's no way anyone can convince me that an Oozaru is only 10x Vegeta's mass. No way, José.

The same applies to strength. The Oozaru is a physical powerhouse because of its sheer size and higher levels of Ki flowing through its muscles. Again, it doesn't necessarily mean they punch 10 times harder by default. Each Oozaru will undoubtedly surpass the original in physical might, but the extent of this strength augmentation will vary among them. Some Saiyans might even get a strength increase of greater than 10x, especially if they're physically weak to start with, like Gine.

Now, all this isn't to suggest that the Oozaru is necessarily weaker in any specific category. Like Vegeta mused two chapters ago, the Oozaru is a transformation that enhances unevenly, not a perfect multiplier like the Kaio-Ken.

The last point is that the Oozaru transformation does not magically replenish or amplify the user's Ki reserves tenfold. In DBA, the Oozaru transformation, a biological process, does not break the laws of physics. If Vegeta had a certain 'X' amount in his ki reserves, he would still have that 'X' amount in the Oozaru form. His Ki, however, will deplete 10x faster since he's using it at a 10x rate. This is why Saiyans are often fatigued after utilizing the form, precisely due to the significantly higher energy consumption.

The above reasoning is also why the Oozaru doesn't possess a tenfold resistance to damage or attacks. For readers who recall from previous DBA corners, Ki Forcefield and Ki Canceling (Ch. 23) account for most of the damage reduction and are the reason why our characters can be unfazed by planet-leveling attacks.

The Oozaru's drastic increase in size logically meant that a larger Ki Forcefield was required to cover the expanded area. Additionally, the Oozaru would generate this Ki Forcefield at ten times "thickness," proportional to its 10x PL. Having a full Ki Forcefield at this size and intensity would deplete a Saiyan's energy so rapidly that they would be rendered completely vulnerable after a very short time. Remember, no Ki means you take damage from everything.

In canon, this type of invincibility from having a Ki forcefield 10x denser than the opponent never happened. Weaker attacks, yes, but we never saw Oozaru shrugging off powerful attacks. If anything, they seem more susceptible to attacks. So, it makes sense to assume then, that the Oozaru does NOT have a 10x Ki Forcefield.

Within the DBA universe, Saiyans' Oozaru forms have undergone evolutionary changes to have much thinner Ki Forcefields for the sake of reducing energy consumption. From an evolutionary standpoint, a Saiyan capable of sustaining the Oozaru transformation for 30 minutes, even with increased vulnerability, stands a better chance of survival than one with a supposedly "invincible" transformation lasting only 5 minutes and leaves them completely vulnerable thereafter. And if one demographic of a population tends to survive, then it's just natural selection at that point.

That should also make evolutionary sense for those more biology-inclined amongst us. Humans too, became successful hunters (before technology) because we have the best endurance rather than raw speed when compared to other animals.

So, TLDR: Vegeta acquiring a 10x multiplier through the Oozaru transformation doesn't translate to an automatic 10x increase in every physical category. While he gains a 10x boost in firepower and experiences a substantial enhancement in physical strength, it comes at a cost. The transformation renders him a larger target, makes him more susceptible to harm, and depletes his energy at an accelerated rate. In short, a Vegeta with a Power Level of 180k and a Vegeta in Oozaru form with the same PL are two opponents in VERY different leagues!

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