Now that's some high quality writing and the emotions are well-expressed, love it and a female lead with this passion, is written really well.....Best Wishes!
Wow! That's nice.....
I think it's nice, well focused and some research involved is superb, to make it reach its destination......I think some place for the realism has also been filled which should be for every novel so yeah! Best Wishes
It's beautifully written, I loved the detailing and the writing style, also the characters and the way characters are introduced. I think it will do best for many.....so, Best Wishes!
Well, the dialogues are actually unique.....I believe the writing style is pretty well done and I believe there is a catchy feel about this one that will keep you attached.....Nice work! Best Wishes!
Thanks Alot Man ❤️
Thanks Alot 💯
We Judge And The Chaos Begins
Eastern · Hasnain Ali Tagar