it's Erebus's 😂
I hung around the oratories and watched the aspirants come and go, waddling like fat dogs. I listened at the window when they chanted their songs, and began to learn the patterns of the words. As I got older, I got bolder. I crept into the old scriptoria when the doddering masters had dozed off, and I stole books. Bit by bit, I started to piece together the catechisms and the litanies. It didn't make any sense, of course - they were just words - but I memorised a lot of it. It all came naturally. Of course it did. These were the words I was born to preach, whether or not I believed them. I did believe, later, but back then they were just symbols, like codes on a lock. There was a young man in my settlement, a pious one, who had inked some words of the holy books onto his face and shaven head. Every day before dawn he would apply more henna, re-writing the sacred glyphs with only the aid of a polished silver bowl for reflection. For this, he was considered something of an inspiration in our fly-blown township. Even my own mother, a fat and lazy slattern if ever there was one, noticed his diligence. 'Why can't you be more like him?' she would complain, picking at her fingernails and watching me sitting idly in the porch. 'Why can't you be more like Erebus?' Now, you see, thoughts like this have a terrible power. I took her words to heart. I pondered them. And I thought to myself: why can't I be more like Erebus? I was thinking the same thing as I garrotted that young man. I might even have said the words out loud as I twisted the string and watched his eyes bulge and pop. That was the first time I killed a living soul, and gods, was it sweet. My heart was pumping and my face was glowing. The more his life ebbed away, the more I felt my own burgeoning. By the time I let his body drop into the alleyway, I was positively singing inside.
Anime & Comics · Shiro_Kusanagi_69
you forgot the KDA ratio 😂
That Abrams seems cool though I'd do it in the future, maybe the Nades too.
Let's leave my Gender in question, 😂
A/N: So we're leaving Morocco soon so here's a chapter, I do not know when I can update but hopefully soon, next stop is Pakistan.
Anime & Comics · Shiro_Kusanagi_69
I just went with Free fire's comment
A/N: So we're leaving Morocco soon so here's a chapter, I do not know when I can update but hopefully soon, next stop is Pakistan.
Anime & Comics · Shiro_Kusanagi_69
Sums up my experience with the Atlantic so far lmao.
A/N: So we're leaving Morocco soon so here's a chapter, I do not know when I can update but hopefully soon, next stop is Pakistan.
Anime & Comics · Shiro_Kusanagi_69
Tis Fine, Except when you sail across the Atlantic, then it becomes Rough.
Currently A Seafarer
A/N: So we're leaving Morocco soon so here's a chapter, I do not know when I can update but hopefully soon, next stop is Pakistan.
Anime & Comics · Shiro_Kusanagi_69
pretty good 😄 I'm considering some ngl
The Primarch of Liberty
Anime & Comics · Shiro_Kusanagi_69