JustMessingAround - Profile


LV 4
2020-12-03 เข้าร่วมแล้ว Global

ป้าย 5

Moments 53

Replied to sixpathsofsimp

Back again

Replied to lucas_sousa_1731

Mano, agora fiquei na vontade kkkkkkk

Hm~ I want to eat some garlic bread now... With a barbecue.

Meta Essence Gacha in Marvel

Meta Essence Gacha in Marvel

Anime & Comics · EvansKannon


Every time someone calls him Cu, I keep thinking of the translation to Portuguese

"Oh, want some burn cream for that one, Cu?" Da Vinci dipped her head inside at the exact moment.

A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

Anime & Comics · AStoryForOne

Replied to dioltas

It’s so fresh it’s almost alive, I imagine.

Moreover, when she couldn't help and wander around the snack street, she would occasionally see Giyu picking and choosing in the marketplace. For example, in the plastic bag he placed on the ground, there were two nearly lifeless salmon, over half a meter long, making it hard not to notice.

Giyu Tomioka reborn in Naruto.

Giyu Tomioka reborn in Naruto.

Anime & Comics · The_Lazy_Panda

Replied to Abaddon_Steele

Pretty sure you are right, Sirius death was from an ambush that Tom influenced Harry into.

"A tether is a good word." Harry said, nodding. "Fortunately, it doesn't seem like it connects to my mind, as much as just my forehead. The scar's placement is just the visual representation of the place where the tether formed."

Imagination - HP

Imagination - HP

Book&Literature · burnable

Replied to leitinho

Relaxa, investigador sênior e primeira classe é a mesma coisa, só que em inglês o first class e Rank 1 acaba deixando meio confuso kkkk

"After becoming a First-Class Investigator, you'll be on the same level as Investigator Mado. It wouldn't be suitable for you to continue following him. The headquarters has other plans for you."

Traveling Through Worlds (Multiverse)

Traveling Through Worlds (Multiverse)

Anime & Comics · Bleam

Replied to Eric8the4lost_

It’s a seannanners hidden gameplay, I think it was “haunted by Morgan freeman”

'6 more months... That's all they have left...' Ken sat in his office, his feet resting on his desk as he flicked another knife towards the photos of the 7 Swordsmen.

Naruto: The Blind Swordsman

Naruto: The Blind Swordsman

Anime & Comics · VeganMaster


The way he said it, just made me remember the iconic line from A. Wesker.

'6 more months... That's all they have left...' Ken sat in his office, his feet resting on his desk as he flicked another knife towards the photos of the 7 Swordsmen.

Naruto: The Blind Swordsman

Naruto: The Blind Swordsman

Anime & Comics · VeganMaster

Replied to The_man_The_myth

In the wiki, it says that they had more than 110 k trained combatants


An outsider, someone unknown. He was sure that the golden flames that licked from the cracks in his body weren't helping but he didn't care. He was here for a purpose and he would fulfil it. Preferably without violence, but who knows. He wouldn't ruin the lives of those in this city for it. Nezu would never let that fly, but he would give people in power… motivation if he had to.



Anime & Comics · EpicBean

Replied to Leylin_Farlier99

Don’t worry, he will probably massacre the MLA. I do not remember if they have 80k soldier or more.

An outsider, someone unknown. He was sure that the golden flames that licked from the cracks in his body weren't helping but he didn't care. He was here for a purpose and he would fulfil it. Preferably without violence, but who knows. He wouldn't ruin the lives of those in this city for it. Nezu would never let that fly, but he would give people in power… motivation if he had to.



Anime & Comics · EpicBean

Replied to vexinity

Doesn’t seem like a typo, he could have worded it better. He said that his meta knowledge that shoto and wind boy would fail was proven incorrect.

With the speech over and the announcement of the second attempt in March Nick smiled a bit, no one from his class would be attending it at least.



Anime & Comics · EpicBean

Replied to CORINTHIANS1910

Tinha que ser br kkkkkk

'I consider myself to be rather strong-willed, but I can already feel my control over my desires slipping away. The more I drink, the easier I can convince myself to drink even more. This might actually be pretty dangerous. I shouldn't drink anymore... Well, one more probably wouldn't hurt anybody~'

Goddess of Ice: Corrupting Bleach

Goddess of Ice: Corrupting Bleach

Anime & Comics · Maerry

Replied to MrIIIo

While that is sometimes the case, you have to remember that she produced a tracker while being confronted by a nomu.

Fortunately, though he only came in second place, Izuku proved he had the advantage when covering greater distances. Ida's Agility was much higher than his, but his Vitality couldn't keep up with it. Izuku's perfectly complimented one another, so he could maintain his speed for a much longer period. If not for Yaoyorozu utilizing her Creation Quirk to produce an electric scooter whose top speed exceeded 120km/h, he would have easily claimed first.

BNHA: Singularity

BNHA: Singularity

Anime & Comics · Einlion

Replied to RetroShredder

To the place they belong

"Yes, turn to the country road here! We are almost there." Hermione excitedly said, pointing at the country road Natasha had to take.

Thomas Prest: A Simple Magician

Thomas Prest: A Simple Magician

Anime & Comics · KasiCair

Replied to WeAreBlank

He is currently in a woman’s body

She was the wet dream of any body-snatching madma-... ahem, any civilized gentleman with a penchant to dabble in science.

In Naruto: Reborn with Talent

In Naruto: Reborn with Talent

Anime & Comics · KasiCair

Replied to Bogdan7

Kinda late, but remember kakashi in the mission of wave? He did something very similar.

But... she didn't need a rampaging Kyuubi on her hands so, unfortunately, her fun was over. Letting go of the kunai's handle, Hinata's corpse suddenly burst into smoke, leaving only a log behind, driving the two despairing boys into an almost heart-attack-inducing shock.

In Naruto: Reborn with Talent

In Naruto: Reborn with Talent

Anime & Comics · KasiCair
