Embeth - Profile



female LV 15

I’m addicted to isekai 🙃☺️

2020-10-06 เข้าร่วมแล้ว Global

ป้าย 35

Moments 4524


Bro crushing


Another user, a self-proclaimed fangirl, couldn't contain their excitement. "OMG, he's so manly! I can't even! Imagine if he treated his girl like that? I'm done for!"

Tycoon Actor in Hollywood

Tycoon Actor in Hollywood

Movies · NewComer714



The guard announces. "Woden Frostfyre, lord of Moat Cailin, the Sorcerer of The North, the Kind Dragon and the father of dragons."

The Sorcerer of The North (GOT/ASOIAF)

The Sorcerer of The North (GOT/ASOIAF)

TV · dovahkiin1_7446


I hope you get a great wand from this city

On one day he tried on how many times he was able to cast Lumos, but had to stop after he got tired for an hour of seeing it lit. It did not put a dent into his magical energy reserves, he concluded that he did not need too much magic for such low level's spells anymore.

Land of Magic

Land of Magic

Book&Literature · Vincinia


Love potion

"Do you really think they're going to use people?" the Hufflepuff asked, looking at his girlfriend, who was looking rather upset that he wasn't sitting by her, but for some reason she couldn't sit at the new table. The Hufflepuff eyed her put out face and wondered to himself why he was still dating her.

Practical Magic Works Too

Practical Magic Works Too

Book&Literature · arhan_malik


So cute


Kippy had the day off work and was running around making sure that everyone had what they needed. Gilly cast a glamour on her to make her look like a small woman. She no longer wore bathrobes, since it wasn't business appropriate attire. Now she wore a nice floral dress that made her look very adult-like, albeit short. The glamour gave her long black hair to cover her rather large ears. She also wore a floppy summer hat to complete the illusion and made her look like a smaller version of the elder aunts.

Practical Magic Works Too

Practical Magic Works Too

Book&Literature · arhan_malik



"Humph!" Snape snorted, then quickly got up, holding the cauldron in one hand and holding the robe in the other hand, covering the cauldron with the robe.

Harry Potter: Rubik's Cube of Heavens

Harry Potter: Rubik's Cube of Heavens

Movies · nyawdao2


No parallel Skyrim- a travesty


Wanting to get to know the actors personally, Will invited them to a friendly meeting in one of the most famous restaurants in New York City. It was known as 'Dungeon of Skyrim'. For some reason, even the name was funny when Will initially booked it by himself.

My Hollywood System

My Hollywood System

Movies · DreamThree



She eventually looked up at me, I gave her plenty of time to feel ready to introduce herself and not rush her into anything. "I-I'm Camila." Her voice was small but I was able to hear her introduction.

Why Bother Being a Hero?

Why Bother Being a Hero?

Anime & Comics · sonicpanda1_2507


I feel nothing

The world started to came back together as someone helped him to his feet. Winston saw Ruger step into someone's face and start shouting. Another senior, who looked like someone from the popular crowd, pushed around tried to separate the two but Jason came in from the side and decked the kid trying to settle the situation down. Jason then caught a punch from another senior standing nearby which send Ruger into a fit. A haymaker that must have started from Ruger's ankles, smashed into the jaw of the first senior and the older student went down like a toppling tree. Then the fight erupted in earnest. Soon half the cafeteria seemed to be brawling and Winston was still trying to figure out what was going on when a fist plowed into his nose and the lights went out.

Farming For Gold

Farming For Gold

Games · FlyingDutchman7


Wow, no food, no water, no money no defensive measures etc

-P.S.S I also gave you a starter box to help you with the first parts of your journey

Httyd system in Westeros(Swapped)

Httyd system in Westeros(Swapped)

Fantasy · Dravatar


Until you get Balished


My mind was a whirlwind of emotions as i tried to make sense of his new reality. I had been a simple student in my previous life, and now he found himself in a medieval world straight out of a fantasy novel. Despite the initial shock, i felt a surge of excitement, slight dread but most prominently i felt determination. This was my chance for a new beginning, a fresh start in a world of knights and castles, and i was determined to make the most of it.

Httyd system in Westeros(Swapped)

Httyd system in Westeros(Swapped)

Fantasy · Dravatar


I’d change my name, can’t close claim any connection

Lucas couldn't help but smile wryly. He really didn't have a choice but to assume the identity of "Lucas Knight" anyway, since it was his current body. Also, he was satisfied with his current name, "Lucas Knight." Besides, how foolish would he be to reveal that he was actually a transmigrator, right?

Tycoon Actor in Hollywood

Tycoon Actor in Hollywood

Movies · NewComer714



The words of a muggle song of a muggle singing group, of which she was a secret fan, echoed through her mind. 'Another one bites the dust'.

Harry Potter: The Witty Wizard

Harry Potter: The Witty Wizard

Movies · Miguelho


Uhh, 🫰


"I want you to get together fleet, we are going after Iron Islands. While Greyjoys and their fleet is occupied with raiding North I want us to sweep and for exchange let them pay Iron price."

Druid in GoT

Druid in GoT

TV · Zero01010100



"Not 'what', Severus." Albus said as he cast several detections spells around them before turning towards him. "But who?"

DC/HP: Hyperstorm!

DC/HP: Hyperstorm!

Anime & Comics · EgyptianDio



"Burn!" And kept it up as high as I could, ignoring the agonized screams of the demon whose spikes were stabbing into my shoulders, and waited until this so called great lord Nebiros started to turn into ash with a manic grin on my face.

DC/HP: Hyperstorm!

DC/HP: Hyperstorm!

Anime & Comics · EgyptianDio



"Sir your wife is calling for you" a nurse comes up to me and softly says.

HP: Spirit Master Of Hogwarts

HP: Spirit Master Of Hogwarts

Fantasy · Angels_Evolution


lol it’s gonna steal malfoy’s hair

"It's simple. Niffler has a fascination with shiny objects. The brighter, the better. We just need a mirror... Anyone have one?"

HP: The wholesome life

HP: The wholesome life

Book&Literature · Rakasa_dark
