80% Practical Magic Works Too / Chapter 20: Chapter 20 Valentine's Day and Breakfast Arrangements

บท 20: Chapter 20 Valentine's Day and Breakfast Arrangements

February 14, 1995

On a very cold February morning Harry woke up, rolled over, looked at the calendar and noted the date with a groan. Now that he was back in England and no longer sheltered under the house charms, he expected to get a lot of mail. He had already received quite a bit these last few months. Most of it was fan mail begging him to stay in England and protect them, which made him scoff. Some were business propositions, which he sent off to Mr. Roberts and Mr. Prickle. Every now and then he'd get cursed letters or packages, which he handed off to the adults, who would note the curses, who sent them and then sue the pants off the person. That is, if they were stupid enough to address them. Unaddressed ones were sent to the American and British Aurors to be investigated.

His classmates took to teasing about all his mail, but he put up with it good-naturedly. He even let them read them and help with replies. They all thoroughly enjoyed that. What they didn't enjoy was the spells and charms they had to check him for nightly. So far all they found were some very mild compulsion charms, which were all geared to make him like the UK. Harry was good at fighting those off and they usually coincided with the times he exploded in the castle. In addition, even though they didn't find any more love potions he had to take a nightly flushing potion, which really wasn't as bad as you would think. If there were no potions in his system then the flushing potion did nothing, so all Harry really had to do was drink the vile stuff.

Today was going to be bad. He was still getting doe-eyes from the female population of Hogwarts and Beauxbatons. Something he tried to stop with stories of his girlfriend, Jessie. That didn't seem to hinder the fans though. He got many coy looks and they would say that his girlfriend wasn't worthy of him and they could make it so he would forget her. This caused him to lose his temper on more than one occasion. He was getting quite a name as a hot-head and you would think that the young ladies would back off, but, no, it just made them want him more. He was just happy that the Weasley girl was leaving him alone, mostly.

Shaking himself from his thoughts, he grudgingly got up, took his shower and dressed in his normal jeans and T-shirt. It being Tuesday, he grabbed his non-magical books for classes and woke up his best friend and brother.

"Come on, guys, I'm not facing this day alone," he said as he poked Neville. Jordan, who was always easier to wake, got up with the noise and stumbled to the bathroom to prepare for the day.

"What is so special about today?" Neville asked groggily, turning over and giving Harry a bleary-eyed glare.

"It's Valentine's Day," was the succinct response.

"Oh, shit," the sun-bleach haired boy said as he jumped out of bed and frantically started pacing.

"Why are you concerned? You bought Luna's present ages ago," the boy with the streaked hair asked, watching his brother move about the room. He scratched his head in confusion and sat on Neville's bed.

"Yeah, but now I have to worry if she is going to like it," the older boy state as he walked up and down the floor in agitation. He kept running his hand through his hair and nervously mumbling to himself.

"Neville," Harry said as he grabbed his brother's arm, "she'll love it. Just looking at it shows you put a lot of thought into it." He smiled at the boy and gave him a reassuring squeeze then dropped the arm.

"Yeah, yeah, you're right," Neville sighed, and then threw his brother a thin smile. Fumbling through his trunk, he too got ready for the day.

After the brothers got dressed, they joined Jordan and the rest of the SMI group, along with Gilly and Sirius, to make their way to the castle. Jumping to the entrance, they made their way inside. Harry stopped at the entrance and looked around.

The Hall was decked out in large plastic-like pink hearts and red and white streamer, with glitter falling from the enchanted ceiling that didn't quite make it to the students. There were paper doves that flew around the decorations, and some conjured cupids that were pretending to shoot bows at the girls, which made them giggle.

In the SMI students' opinions it was actually tastefully done. Their school had parties in the classrooms at lunch time, where they would hand out the cards. Their decorations usually consisted of paper hearts and poems. Many of the SMI students were missing their significant other. And these decorations reminded them that the Hogwarts students were almost always around theirs, which left them all feeling homesick. Thank God for the internet, where they could at least talk to their loved ones.

The four youngest sat at the Gryffindor table. Harry, keeping as far away from the youngest Weasley as possible, sat at the end of the group. Now that she was getting help, she didn't quite creep him out as much as she used to, but there were times when she relapsed and being as it was Valentine's Day, he wasn't taking the chance.

"So, what's got you so upset about today?" Jordan asked, dishing up some fruit for his pancakes.

"I'm worried about the mail and love potions," the tri-color haired boy stated, looking up at the ceiling, while Luna placed some eggs on his plate. He gave her a wane smile, and waved his hand over it. When it came back clean, he just picked at his food.

"Oh yeah, sorry, I forgot about that," his friend commented, also looking up at where the owls would come in. "Well, the mail part anyway. We've got your back for everything else."

The group fell silent and ate their meal. Soon enough the parliament of owls flooded the room. Hundreds of them swamped the red and gold table. Harry, Jordan and Neville all pushed their plates away, as they always did when the mail came. They never ate after the owls showed, making sure to get enough before it happened. Since SMI was a day school they didn't have owl post, they never got over the fact that the birds were allowed in the Great Hall during meal times.

Sighing in frustration, the three boys started waving their wands at the birds, checking for curses. They still didn't want the other schools to know they could do wandless magic. Not until Harry completed the tournament. Most of the letters were harmless and those that showed not to be were banished to the adults at the Head Table. You could see the anger on the faces of Mr. Scott and his family. The rest of the missives were untied, put in a pile, shrunk down and placed in Harry's pocket to be looked at later.

"Aren't you going to read them?" Hermione asked, wanting to see who would write the boy hero.

"It is rude to read letters at the table," Harry explained with a bit of a snap.

"Besides, it's no one else's business who wrote him," Neville added a tad more gently, giving the streak-haired boy a small glare. He too was tired of all the 'discussions' held at the table, be they from the charms or not.

"Look, Granger, I've been here for months and made it clear time and time again that my business is my own. I've argued with you 'til I'm blue in the face, so I don't understand why you keep harassing me," Harry said as he ran his hand down his face. "That goes for all of you," he growled as he shot a cold look at those who were listening in, making many of them blush and return their looks to their plates.

"And I keep telling you that you're our hero. We should know what you've been doing and what you're going to do," the bushy-haired girl snapped back. She was firm on her stance that Harry should be in the limelight. It would boost the morale of the British wizarding public.

Besides, the Headmaster had taken her aside and convinced her that the Boy Who Lived should return to England. He suggested getting to know the young man better and impress upon him the virtues of Hogwarts. He said that since she was the smartest witch her age, she should have an easy time of it. The last time they spoke the man was disappointed in her lack of success. So now she was trying harder, but he was arguing back harder. It was a never-ending battle between the two stubborn teens.

Seeing the stubborn look on her face, like she was going to argue more, and since he was done with his breakfast, Harry got up and stormed out of the Great Hall, his friends and brother hot on his heels. "I am this close to sitting with the Slytherins and taking my chances of being hexed," Harry said, holding his forefinger and thumb close together.

"Slytherins aren't all bad," said Scott Wilder, who had been sitting at that table since day one. "They're actually pretty cool," he added with a shrug. "A bit standoffish, but for the most part they are just like everyone else. Besides you wouldn't have to worry about those compulsion charms there. None of them want you here."

"Do you think I'd get jinxed if I sit there? Because, I gotta tell ya, I'm sick and tired of having the same argument every breakfast, and I'm sick of the nightly cleansing rituals," the youngest male student complained, folding his arms in frustration.

"No," the older boy said thoughtfully, "if you sit with the fourth years and down. But, you'd have to watch out for Malfoy. Now, there's an asshole in the making."

"Yeah, and you could always sit next to Krum. He seems to like you," added Cathy Montgomery, who had also sat with the Slytherins and talked with the Bulgarians a lot.

"Maybe you're right; I'll give it a shot tomorrow. I do like Daphne and Tracy, they're pretty cool, and they don't go all moon-eyed at me." And with that they went to their classes and completely forgot about the mail in his pocket.

It wasn't until after classes that the SMI team gathered in the living room and they went over the letters. There were a lot of sappy poems and love letters. There were even a few marriage proposals, which everyone had a good laugh over. There were some downright terrifying ones that had pictures of naked women, which would have been fine, but most of them were not attractive women. Those were sent to Gilly and Sirius so they could be answered by an adult.

After the letters were done and thank you notes were written, the group handed out their own Valentines. These were simple ones that you could find in a supermarket, since most of this group was just friends. The older students left to use the computers first and that left the younger students to talk among themselves. They were all happily playing games or watching chic flicks on the TV.

Neville, who was sitting on one of the couches next to his new girlfriend, nervously handed a small package to Luna. He had decided to wait until the older years were busy doing something else, that way they didn't pick on him if she didn't like it, or if she liked it too much.

The little blonde took it with her dreamy smile and carefully opened it. Inside was a beautiful silver necklace that had a small colored charm, depicting an animal. The creature looked like a cross between a miniature unicorn and an enlarged armadillo, in that it had white fur and a silver armored body. It was roly-poly like an armadillo. It had a small pony head and short pony-like legs. There was a silver crumpled horn on its forehead. Luna gave a squeal of delight and handed it back to Neville demanding he put it on her.

"Wherever did you find it?" she asked in wonder as she stroked the charm, like it would bring her luck. Her eyes were wide with disbelief that anyone believed her that it was real. She and her father had looked for years and now here it was right before her. That led to tears forming for just a moment then she smiled again and looked at her boyfriend.

"Evie told me what the Crumple-Horned Snorkack looked like and I had it commissioned," the blushing boy explained, his eyes going to where she was fingering her pendant, which laid right were a fourteen year old boy's eyes shouldn't wander. As he admired her assets, Neville thanked all the little gods that his aunts invested his trust fund. That necklace that lay on her chest was expensive.

"It's beautiful," the blonde said and gave him a kiss on the cheek. She then snuggled up next to him and noting where his eyes were, stopped fiddling with the charm. She was not used to boys looking at her that way, and she wasn't sure how to handle it. Perhaps, Mrs. Hilton would have some advice, or maybe Miss Owens.

"So, what did you get Jessie?" Jordan asked Harry, turning away from the sappy scene, though he was happy for his friend.

"I got her a nice diamond necklace, shaped like melding hearts and a box of Honeydukes chocolate," was the answer. Harry decided to treat her right, since she came down and saved him on Christmas.

"I'm sure she'll like that," Jordan said with a nod. He wasn't seeing anyone at this time, so no one got presents from him.

"She did, but her mom didn't. I don't know what that woman has against me, but I'm glad her dad likes me," Harry sulked back on the chair. Jessie had sent him an email that the present was scorned by her mother, who stated that the necklace was much too extravagant for teens to be giving each other. It was only with her dad's intervention that she got to keep it. There was quite a fight at their house that night, and Harry felt bad for causing it.

"I wonder what Gilly and Sirius are doing," Neville said, hoping to change the subject.

"Oh, they're having a wonderful evening," Luna said airily with a secret smile that only females can pull off.

The boys nodded and took her at her word, being used to Evie, Luna was easy to understand. Harry was hoping that it all worked out for his godfather and aunt. He was happy they were going to have a good time.

Same time at The Three Broomsticks

Madam Rosmerta is a romantic, so she made sure her bar had the right atmosphere for days like this one. The light in the pub was dim; the candles on the tables were giving off only a soft glow and the overhead lights were muted. There was romantic music playing in the background. Couples of all ages dotted the tables, each with their own wards, just for tonight. On the weekend the students would come and the establishment would be brighter, but tonight was for the adults.

Sirius and Gilly were at a table in the back, with privacy wards erected. The simple dinner they had been sharing, of fish and vegetables, was mostly eaten on the plates in front of them. Glasses of wine were half finished and off to the side.

Gilly was in a flowing gown of light green, while Sirius was dressed in robes of black with the same colored green piping. They were staring into each other's eyes and the atmosphere was getting heavy. Gilly could tell by the look in his eyes that Sirius was thinking hard on something.

He finally he looked at his hand, which was entwined with hers, as if he came to a decision. He lifted the clasped hand, kissed it and then gently settled it back on the table. He reached into his pocket and took a ring box out. He gently placed it on the table and kept his hand over it.

"We've been dating quite a while now," he said softly, retaking her hand in his. "I've waited until the right moment to ask." He paused. "Gillian Owens, will you marry me?" he asked in a fearful whisper as he opened the box and showed her the ring.

If you had told him when he was a teen that he would be settling down, he would have thought you were taking the mickey. But now, that's all he could think about. It was just too bad that he and Gilly would never have children, which is why he was leery about asking. She had done a wonderful job at raising Harry and Neville, and he was worried that if she couldn't have kids then she would turn him down flat.

Tears welled in her eyes and she looked between the ring and the man across from her. Never would she have thought he was thinking about marriage. She grabbed his hand and nodded her head yes, not being able to speak the words, praying the entire time that the curse was finally lifted. Sally has been married for over fifteen years and her husband still lived, that and she was pregnant with the first boy in hundreds of years. So hope was abounding. She had dreamed of this day her entire life.

Sirius took the ring and placed it on her left ring finger, and then whooped with delight. He then knocked over the table to get to her, causing many of the patrons to look up at the noise. He grabbed his now fiancé and whirled her around the room, making her laugh along with him.

Madam Rosmerta got the attention of the two by coming up to them and letting off a bang with her wand. "Sirius Black, why are you making such a ruckus?" she snapped, waving her wand to right the table and clear the mess.

"She said yes!" the happy man shouted as if that was all the answer needed, and given the day, it was.

The barkeep clapped her hands in delight and called for the best bottle of Champagne. A young woman, hired just for this day, ran to the back to get it. "Go back to your table and celebrate. Quit tearing up my bar," she said fondly, grasping her hands in front of her and beaming a look of delight at the couple. She knew this would happen soon; they had that look about them.

"We'll take it with us," Gilly said, grabbing the bottle that the barmaid brought from the back.

"Oh, young love," the cheerful pub owner said as she watched Miss Owens, soon to be Mrs. Black, pull her boyfriend out of the establishment. She then shook her head and went back to tending the bar.

"We have to call the aunts," the red-blonde said as she grabbed a protesting Sirius and dragged him down the street and to the cottage.

"But, I wanted to celebrate," the dark-haired man whinged, trying to go back to the pub, but Gilly was stronger than she looked. He was pouting at the missed party that could have happened. Madam Rosmerta was quite the partier, if she felt it was appropriate.

"We will, but family first," Gilly promised as they made it to the house. "Where's your mirror?" she asked as she pushed him on the couch and cuddled up with him.

"In my pocket, where it always is," he said, taking it out and handing it over, his grump gone with her enthusiasm. The excitement that filled the air at the cottage made him realize that the woman he loved was just overwhelmed and needed her aunts support to help ground her.

"Aunt Frances, Aunt Jet," the blondish woman said excitedly in the object. She was bouncing in her seat with delight.

"Gilly-bean, what's got you so happy?" Jet asked upon seeing her niece's smiling face. She had a bet with Frances and Sally that something romantic soon. She thought it would be later, but Sally bet on today. She should have known better than to bet against the older sister. Sally always knew what was going on with her Gilly-bean.

"We're getting married," Gilly all but shouted with Sirius looking over her shoulder.

"She said yes," the dark-haired man said with a beaming smirk, like he never had any doubt.

"That's simply marvelous," Frances said, and if she wasn't holding the mirror she would have clapped her hands. "Darn, now I owe Sally five dollars." She snapped her fingers jokingly.

"You bet on me?" was the mock affronted comeback. Gilly was just too happy to let something so trivial bring her down.

"Of course we did, sweetie, you know we can't not meddle in your life," Jet answered with a smirk.

"You didn't cast a spell did you?" the newly engaged woman asked with narrowing eyes. She wouldn't put it passed them.

"No, dear, this is all you," Frances answered sincerely, much to the relief of the couple.

"When is the wedding? You better not have it there," Jet said with a stern look as she brought the focus back on the good news.

"We haven't gotten that far, but, no, we'll wait until we get home," Sirius said reassuringly, not wanting to get on the aunts' bad side. He had planned on doing it in the USA anyway, that's where all his friends were.

"You'd better tell the boys before you tell anyone else," warned Jet, knowing her nephews would be upset if they were left out too long. "We'll tell Sally, she'll be so pleased you're settling down."

"Right, I'll get right on that. I just wanted you two to be the first," Gilly said with a bit of apprehension, wondering just how well they'd take her getting hitched.

"And we thank you for that, dear. You'd better hurry, it's getting late there," Frances said with a fond smile.

"Okay, I'll talk to you more tomorrow. Good night, Aunties. Done." And the mirror went blank. She shot a worried look at Sirius and he gave her an encouraging smile. "Harry Potter," she said at the mirror.

It took a minute, but Harry's face soon filled the mirror. "Aunt Gilly, are you okay?" he asked at her worried look. Luna said they were going to have a good time, so he didn't understand why she was anxious.

"Well, sweetie, something happened tonight and I'm concerned on how you'll take it," she answered honestly. Sirius was in the background with a proud smile.

"Oh, so the dogfather finally popped the question," the streak-haired teen said with a smile, making the adults' jaws drop. "I knew ages ago," he smirked, not mentioning Evie being the one who told him, just to make sure he was okay with his aunt getting married to his godfather.

"So you're fine with it?" Sirius asked, getting over his shock.

"Yup. I am the one who told you guys to get together. Besides, I already love you both as if you were my parents," he said, giving them a shy grin. "Don't worry about Neville; he'll be just as happy as I am. I'll let him know as soon as we're done."

"That was a nice sentiment, and we feel the same way about you. But, if you'll excuse us, we're going to celebrate. See you in the morning. Done," the man said and the mirror went blank and he pocketed it.

"Sirius, I wasn't done talking to him," now it was Gilly's turn to pout.

"He is an understanding kid," Sirius said, waving off her concern. He then looked deep into her eyes and said, "Let's see how creative we can get with that Champagne." He took her hand and led her to the bedroom. Needless to say, they could get very inventive.

The next morning Gilly and Sirius met everyone on the boat, so she could show off her ring. It was a small gold ring with a tiny diamond. When asked why something so small? Sirius said that Gilly never liked flashy, that she was a down to earth witch at heart and that just showed everyone how much he truly loved the woman beside him. Besides, she thought it was sexy.

Congratulations were given, hugs were passed around and everyone made their way to Hogwarts. This time the older students sat with the Gryffindors and the group of four made their way to Slytherin. They sat near the Durmstrang students, but being raised as they were introduced themselves to everyone near.

"So, Potter has finally deemed Slytherin worthy of his attention," Malfoy sneered, from his place further down. "Why should we have to put up with the boy wonder?" he asked with his nose in the air.

"I thought all of the foreign students were welcome at any table," Harry responded stiffly, dishing up eggs and toast, but keeping his eye on the stuck up Brit. He cast his revealing charm and ran his hand over the plate to make sure his ring didn't go off. He got some sneers, but also some nods for his actions.

"They are," said Krum with a glare to the uppity blond, who cringed back, not wanting to get on such a public figures bad side.

"Why do you guys sit only here then? I mean I'm sure other tables would kill to have you join them," Harry asked as he dished up some sausage.

"Ve feel more velcome here, because our school is thought to be Dark," he explained to the SMI champion.

"You'll never change people's minds if you don't mingle," the youngest champion said with a shrug. "That is the whole point of the tournament— foreign relations."

"Go back to Gryffindor where you belong, Potter. And take your motley crew with you," the Malfoy heir snapped, the shrunk back at all the hostility that came his way.

"Shut up, Draco," Daphne Greengrass said snidely, "you don't speak for everyone here." She flashed a smile to Harry. The contract between his and her family was well taken, it had to do with the business her family ran, and using his name to promote the newest product. They sold potions, and the one they had him endorsing was a hair elixir that would streak your hair the same way as the Boy Who Lived. It was flying off the shelves and if you went down Diagon Alley then you would see many wizards with multi-colored streaked hair. The most popular were the Hogwarts House colors.

"Yes, Malfoy, do be quiet," said a seventh year further down. He was graduating soon and he didn't have to put up with any Malfoy, since he wasn't joining any part of the Ministry.

"When my father hears about this," the boy said, causing everyone who had heard it before to roll their eyes. He had only been saying it since first year and they were all getting tired of the phrase.

"What could your father possibly have to do with this? Other than raising you with poor manners," Harry asked with genuine curiosity.

"He is very high up in the Ministry," Draco answered, his nose in the air.

"Really, what position?" That might be a bit of useful information. If he got the kid to think for himself, then perhaps there could be political ventures in the future.

That caused the young man to squirm. "Well, he doesn't actually work there, but he does have the Minister's ear," the uppity blond confessed, making many of his house mates snicker.

The SMI group scoffed.

"From what I've heard of your Minister, that's not hard. I could probably get his ear if I wanted to." Harry shrugged the boy off and went back to his meal. So much for that idea, he thought. This jackass couldn't politic his way out of a wet paper bag.

"The second task is near, have you figured out vot you are going to do?" Viktor asked softly. He had been working on a spectacular plan since this child had showed him up during the first task.

"Yup, and I'll tell you, this time nothing flashy," Harry said just as quietly.

"That is good, ve other champions vould like to catch up," the Bulgarian said with a quick nod.

"You know, since we're having such a difficult time eating without fighting, I'm going to ask that a separate table be added. You're more than welcome to join, if I can do that," the tri-colored haired boy said thoughtfully. He wondered why they hadn't thought of that before. It could cut down on all the charms and potions. Well, at least the potions part, charms could be cast from across the room.

"That vould be most velcome," Krum answered, nods of his classmates agreed. While they were most welcome with the Snakes, they were still looked down upon as foreigners. That and the professional seeker also had to check his food for love potions. He whispered to Harry that he too underwent flushing every night. The younger boy nodded in commiseration.

The Beauxbatons' students were probably getting the same snubbing at the Ravenclaw table. However, Harry didn't know if they were being laced with potions, but he wouldn't put it past the students to try and ensnare Fleur.

Hogwarts wasn't making a good impression on anyone.

The breakfast went better than it had a Gryffindor, but there were some pointed glares sent their way, making it tense. Snape's sneer the entire time didn't help. After the awkward meal, they got up and went to class. After classes Harry, Neville, Jordan and Luna went to talk to Mr. Scott. They knocked on the door and were bid to enter. Taking seats in front of the Vice Principal, they stated their case.

"Mr. Scott, I've tried to keep my temper. I've sat at every House table there is, we are not welcome at three and are under constant questioning at the fourth. I'm begging you again, can't we just skip breakfast in the Great Hall. Or could we have a separate table where those that actually like us can eat in peace?" Harry all but pleaded. The rest nodded in agreement. "We could charm it to keep the… well not enemy but the untrustworthy away."

"I know you have, Harry, and I am proud of you for doing your best. However, it is expected of us to get to know the other schools. I know you are tired of being… flushed every night, so I will look harder into getting a separate table for the champions and their friends," Mr. Scott said, holding up his hands in an I'll-do-my-best way. "I have a feeling Dumbledore will fight it, though, so do not get your hopes up."

"I really hate this school," the youngest champion groused, folding his arms and slouching in his seat.

They talked about it a bit more and the teens left with nothing settled. They joined their classmates and did their homework. The trio spent the rest of the night introducing Luna to video games. She had held off on learning more non-magical entertainment until she got caught up on classes. Now, however, she was simply fascinated with the games and characters, they made sure to keep her away from the more violent games since that was not in her nature.

February 19, 1995

After the talk with the four students, Mr. Scott decided that since his champion wasn't made to feel welcome in the Great Hall, they would take meals on the houseboat. He talked to the Madame Maxime and Headmaster Karkaroff, since he didn't want them to think it was in anyway a plot against them. He was surprised when they agreed to do the same, since their students were treated unfairly as well.

After three days of the boycott, Dumbledore called a meeting with all three Heads, guardians and champions. So Mr. Scott, Gilly, Sirius, Harry made their way to the headmaster's office. All of them wearing their jeans and school T-shirts with school jackets for the Scotland cold. They met Madame Maxime, Fleur and her parents, Viktor and Headmaster Karkaroff along the way. The champions fell to the back and had a quiet conversation about their treatment by the Hogwarts students, while the adults were talking about how they were going to present their case. They made it to the gargoyle and Mr. Scott gave the password.

After they were bid to enter, Harry noted that all four Heads of House were there, along with Cedric, who seemed to be relaxed. There was also a very ugly man, with scars and a false eye that swirled around as if it was looking at everything at once. The youngest champion waited until everyone was seated, and then took his chair. He waved to the Hogwarts champion and got a wave in return.

Dumbledore looked over his half-moon glasses at Harry and said, "Harry, my boy, I am most disappointed that you feel that you cannot dine with the Hogwarts student body." He was acting like this was all Harry's fault, which made the teens blood boil.

"I'm not your boy," he snapped and was going to go further, but Mr. Scott raised his hand and stopped him. So he folded his arms and waited.

"If your students had any manners this would not be a problem," Mr. Scott said, causing the old man to focus on him. They had agreed to let him be the spokesperson of the group, since he had the least volatile temper. "Harry is constantly bombarded with spells and a few times we found love potions in his food. No one should have to put up with that. We tried to get along with your student body, but they are rude, condescending and, for some God knows why reason, feel it is their right to judge and control him."

"If your spoiled brat didn't pick fights with everyone, then our students would treat him better," Snape snapped with his sneer firmly in place. "I do not believe for on moment that anyone at Hogwarts would want this… child."

"Shut up, Snivellus. Why are you even here? This is supposed to be for the Heads and guardians," Sirius countered.

"Severus has my complete confidence," the Hogwarts Headmaster replied with a small smile, as if they should just take his word.

"Be that as it may, this meeting is for the guardians of the champions. I am afraid I am going to have to ask him and the other teachers to leave since none of them are in charge of a champion, barring Professor Sprout, of course," Mr. Scott said with a smile to the dumpy Herbology Professor, and then he looked at the assembled teachers with a raised eyebrow.

McGonagall huffed, Flitwick looked confused, Snape sneered, Moody grumbled and Sprout beamed. Dumbledore looked affronted that anyone would tell him he was in the wrong.

"I must insist they stay, since it is their students you seem to have a problem with. Accusing my students of trying to ensnare the child is very incriminating and they have a right to defend them. Now then, Harry, my boy, can you please enlighten us as to why you are not eating in the Great Hall? I can assure you that we want you to be most welcome." His grandfather twinkle lit his eyes.

Mr. Scott dropped the subject of the teachers and let his student answer about his boycott. It would be simple to just ignore the others, besides, one should pick their battles and that was a minor one.

"Sir, I have asked you repeatedly not to call me by my given name as I have not given you leave to do so, and for the last time, I am not your boy, do not call me that," Harry barked, wondering what it would take to get people to treat him with proper manners. He felt that he deserved some respect, since he treated all the adults with respect, even the asshole that couldn't open his mouth without spewing insults. "As to your question, besides the constant attempts to keep me here in the UK, Gryffindor feels they can ask me personal questions, no matter how many times I tell them it is none of their business. Hufflepuff is put out that I am in the lead. Ravenclaw is upset that we took one of their own. Slytherin hates me mostly because their Head of House tells them to," he answered, glaring at the greasy-haired jerk, who merely looked back with a condescending jeer.

"I am sure that if you had a bit more patience then they will endeavor to make you feel comfortable," the Headmaster replied, heading off his Potions Professor from making any comments. "I do not believe that anyone in my school would try and keep you here against your will. I am sure it is your imagination."

The SMI group glared that the man, and Gilly was just about to tell him off when the deep voice of the Beauxbatons' Headmistress stopped her.

"And what of za way zey treat our students? Are we not as important as young Mr. Potter? Do you believe we are also lying? There 'ave been a few attempt to get Fleur under the influence," Madam Maxime said with a huff. "We came 'ere to better relationships with England, and we are looked down upon by most of your student body. Fleur is given looks of pure scorn at mealtimes," she stated, very upset that they were being ignored. It seemed that the only person Albus was trying to appease was the SMI champion. She was regretting letting her school enter this contest.

"Yes, Dumbledore, even Viktor is frowned at and there have been many times he too has been potioned. I vill let you know here and now, ve are tired of it," Karkaroff added with a fist slam on the desk. "Your school has no manners and some of them are criminals. Ve vill be eating on our boat until you," he poked a finger at the aged man, "teach them some and do something about those potions."

"I have a compromise," Mr. Scott said, holding up his hands. "Add a table in the Great Hall for our three schools. It will be spelled to keep those of ill intent away. If your students want to mingle then they would be welcome, however, should any of them come to ensnare anyone sitting there, we will simply add an addition to the houseboat, and all but your school will be welcome. How do you think the press will feel about that?" he nailed, knowing that Dumbledore wouldn't like that one bit. "Know this, we are recording all incidences with the charms and potions and if our government has to come, then by damn they will find out who is trying the line theft and they will be prosecuted."

"I am sure we need not take such drastic measures," Dumbledore said quickly. This wasn't turning out the way it was supposed to. All of the schools invited were to get along and allies were supposed to be made for the coming war. As of right now, Hogwarts was being alienated. Harry Potter held the school in contempt, if this continued then the boy would never come back to England and all would be lost. "Perhaps you are correct and a table for our guests would be best. I only ask that you give the Hogwarts' students one more chance to impress upon you the value of making friends."

"I was making friends, sir," Harry said, folding his arms across his chest, "until I won the first task. Then your students seemed to get huffy. While Fleur and Viktor took it with good grace, well so did Cedric, but the only House I felt comfortable eating at turned up their noses at me." He gave a grateful smile to the older boy.

Cedric blushed; he had tried to tell his house that Harry was a great guy, but they were loyal to a fault.

"I will add a table and speak to the children on the importance of making allies," Dumbledore said, stroking his beard. "The house elves will check all foods before it is delivered. We will make every attempt to not have anything happen to your champions."

"If you weren't as stuck up as your father…" Snape started only to be interrupted by a blast of wind that knocked him backwards, making his chair fall.

"I thought you were told to shut up," Gilly snapped as she stood her hair whipping about her face.

"Please, Ms. Owens, calm yourself," Albus said, making placating gestures with his hands, while the other Hogwarts' professors checked on their Potions Master.

"I will calm myself when you keep that man on a leash," she retorted, the wind not letting up one bit, causing parchment and small trinket to fly around the room. "He is one of the main reasons we're having such a difficult time adjusting to your… hospitality. His constant grumblings about Harry are annoying to listen to, and you just sit there and let him put down a fourteen year old boy. Not once did you say 'that's enough, Severus'. No, you just look at him like he is making a funny joke. How the hell to you expect your students to be forthcoming or innocent when your staff is full of bullies?" The breeze was now throwing larger items around the room, though they didn't appear to be hitting anyone.

The professors looked affronted by that accusation, though they had to admit that Severus did constantly make snide remarks on the SMI champion. Moody was leaning back against the wall watching everything with his roaming eye, his hand on his wand.

Sirius stood up and pulled Gilly into a hug, trying to get her to calm down, the whole time glaring at the Headmaster and the Potions Professor. "Come on, sweetie, let's go. This meeting is over." He cut a glare at the fallen man, and pulled her to the door.

Everyone stood and Mr. Scott's parting shot was, "This is your last chance, Dumbledore. We didn't enter this tournament, but we have done everything we could to get to know you, your staff and students. It is now up to you, we are done, the ball is in your court." And with that they all filed out, leaving a small mess and flabbergasted people behind them.

"Can we really add an addition to the boat?" Harry asked his Vice Principal as they walked to the Entrance Hall. Madame Maxime, Fleur and her parents were trailing behind, and Headmaster Karkaroff and Viktor were in front of them. Gilly and Sirius were at his side.

"Yes, we can extend part of the living area and make it a dining area. We did not want to do that, because we wanted you guys to be at home," Mr. Scott answered. "We felt that if we made it as casual as possible, you would relax more."

"Well, it worked. It's the only place I can relax, well, besides Aunt Gilly's," the streak-haired boy said, giving his aunt a one-armed hug, making her smile in return.

"I do hope this works," Mr. Scott sighed, he hated the fact that there seemed to be a constant battle just to eat a quiet breakfast.

"So do I," Harry sighed with him. "But, if it doesn't then maybe instead of making a dining area, we can just extend the living area for meals and invite the other two schools over. We really haven't given the tours we promised when we first got here. I mean, we have talked curriculum with the other students, but they don't seem to believe us."

"You are right, I had forgotten about that. I guess we have all been remiss in our duties as well. I will talk to the Heads tomorrow at breakfast and let them know that we can accommodate a group of five at a time," Mr. Scott said, a bit enthusiastically. He wanted to show everyone what a great school SMI was.

"That's great," the tri-color haired boy said as they came to the entrance of the school. They said their good-byes and made their way to the boat and let the students know what had happened.

Luna took on a dreamy look and said, "It'll be for the best." She nodded her head as if it was a foregone conclusion.

"What do you see, little Luna?" Neville asked as he sidled up to her side, putting his arm around her waist and guiding her to the sofa.

"Oh, there will still be a bit of a fuss, but once that's done everything will settle down," she said as she sat and leaned her head on his shoulder. "You won't have to worry about those charms from the students anymore, though I would be wary of the staff."

"Can you see who?" Harry asked urgently.

"No, just the nargles over the Staff Table," she said with a sad shake of her head.

"Damn, well, the second task is in a few days, so I'm going to go over my plans a bit. I'll see you guys later," Harry said as he got up and left the room. He went to his bedroom and looked in his trunk to make sure he had everything he needed. When he confirmed that he did, he sat and went over the short meeting. He didn't trust that scarred up man, who he thought was the DADA professor. There was something about him that made Harry agitated. As he mulled over why that was a voice made him jump.

"Young Harry, I have come to impart some knowledge to you," came an eerie voice from the foot of his bed.

Whipping his head around to see who it was, he relaxed when he saw Jim standing there in all his creepy glory. "What's up, Jim?"

"I need you to ask your godfather what he has done with the vessels that once housed the horcruxes," Death replied.

"Okay, any reason for that?" the tri-color haired boy asked, settling back on his bed.

"There is an item that you will need in the future. You also need to read the story of The Three Brothers depicted in the book The Tales of Beedle the Bard."

"So that book is important," Harry said, running his hand through his hair. "I started reading it, but it's mostly children's tales." He never got around to comparing the two books, but now that Jim was making and issue out of it, well…

"As young Mr. Ronald Weasley said, there is truth in fiction," was the vague answer.

"Alright, I'll read it and ask Sirius what he did with the items," Harry sighed and pulled out the two books from his trunk and placed them on his nightstand, so he wouldn't forget.

"Very well, until next time, young Harry," Jim said with a nod of his head and then stepping back into the shadows he was gone.

"Weird," Harry said with a shake of his head. He then went to find Mr. Scott to tell him that he was going to his aunt's house. After he was given permission, he grabbed Neville, Jordan and Luna and they Jumped to Aunt Gilly's front yard. They knocked on the door, not wanting to walk in on the newly engaged couple.

Sirius answered, looking distinctly rumpled, making them glad they knocked. "What's up? You look thoughtful, Harry," he said as he ushered them into the living room, where Gilly was sitting on the couch. Everyone took their seats.

"I just got a visit from Jim. He told me to ask you about the things that were once horcruxes," Harry answered with a questioning look.

"Hmmm, I wonder why he wants you to have them. I put them in my vault, not sure why though," the godfather said thoughtfully. It had been a compulsive need to add them to the vault. "Did he say why you needed them?" he asked.

"Something about the Tale of The Three Brothers," the streak-haired boy said with a shrug. Until he read the books he would have no idea what the fuss was about.

"I know that story. It's about three brothers that tricked Death, or something, and got an item each for their troubles. Let's see, the oldest got an unbeatable wand, also called the Elder Wand. The second received the Stone of Resurrection. And the youngest got an Invisibility Cloak. The two oldest died rather quickly, but the youngest hid from Death until he was very old," Sirius recited what he remembered. "Death was actually very manipulative when he gave them those items. The older two got exactly what they asked for, but didn't receive what they wanted."

"I got an Invisibility Cloak from the Potter vault. Do you remember the name of the brothers?" Harry asked now very interested.

"Hmmm, let me think. I don't know if they mentioned the last name," the older man said, thinking about the story he had heard long ago.

"It was Peverell," Luna said, making everyone's head snap in her direction. "You will find that in the older book," she added dreamily.

"Oh," was all Harry could say. Well that answered that question, but he'd read them anyway.

"Dumbledore has the Elder Wand," she added distractedly.

"Well, that sucks," Neville said, cutting a glance at his brother to see how he was taking that bit of information. Harry only looked thoughtful.

"One of the horcruxes must be the Stone, I think it was on a ring," Sirius said tapping his chin, going over everything he had destroyed.

"You said it was a Resurrection Stone, how exactly does that work? Because, I gotta tell ya, I don't want to be raising the dead," the SMI champion said firmly, glancing at his aunt, who gave him a sad smile. He had been told about his aunts' folly in that particular bit of spell casting and had no compulsion to follow in their footsteps. The older aunts had no problem bringing up all the bad things that could happen with that branch of magic.

"It doesn't raise the dead, per se, more like it brings back spirits. The second brother died of a broken heart when his love couldn't return to the living. From what I remember, she as in a lot of pain when he brought her spirit to earth," Sirius said, going over long forgotten memories.

"That bites. I wonder what's supposed to happen when all three tools come together," Harry said, pondering if this was the power Voldemort knew not. But that didn't make sense Voldemort would've heard the tale when he was younger, wouldn't he? He thought. Well, maybe not, after all he was raised in a non-magical orphanage.

"It's supposed to make one the Master of Death," Luna answered, "but, really, no one is Death's Master." She shook her head at the silliness of magical folk for believing that one could control a deity.

"Well for some reason, Jim wants me to have them. He said they'd help me in the future." Harry ran his hand through his hair and sighed.

"They are powerful tools," Sirius stated, not wanting Harry to be disappointed that all the clues led to a dead end.

The others were looking on with various degrees of inquiry. Jordon remembered the story, vaguely, but couldn't add to what Sirius and Luna said. Gilly, of course, never heard the tale and was interested in what it entailed. Neville was bored, though he did get to snuggle with Luna.

"I'll go to the vault and get all of the defunct vessels, tomorrow. Maybe there's another reason you need to have them," Sirius said. "Now, if that is all, you interrupted something I want to get back to." He sent a wink to his fiancé. Gilly smiled and made a shooing motion at the teens.

"Yeah, yeah, I don't want to hear it," Harry said as he stood and headed towards the door. The others followed. They Jumped to the shore and back to the boat and had a quiet evening playing video games.

That night Harry read the tales in both books and Luna was right, there wasn't a name in the modern one, but his ancestors were in the older one. The stories were mostly the same, but the feats of magic were more grandiose in the newer version, so he knew that the older one was probably more truthful. While the brothers did do some fancy spell work, they weren't Merlin incarnate. After reading the two books, Harry now knew that all the Hallows were his by right and decided that he would do everything to get them back.

The next morning everyone Jumped to the Entrance Hall and made their way to the Great Hall. There was indeed another table added and Beauxbatons was already seated, so all of the SMI students went to join them. There were a lot of guilty faces among the Hogwarts students, so Dumbledore must have impressed upon them that what they were doing was wrong. Durmstrang soon joined the table and everyone one ate compatibly.

"So, Viktor, Fleur, have you figured out what you're doing for the second task?" the SMI champion asked as he served up some hot cereal with fruit.

"Da," the Durmstrang boy said. "It vill be a great show. I vould like to make up some of the points I lost to you." He smiled to show he was mostly joking; it looked out of place on his normally apathetic face.

"Oui, I will strive to do zis as well," the Veela added, with a nod of her head.

"You guys aren't strategizing without me, are you?" Cedric said as he sat next to Harry and grabbed some eggs and toast.

"Nay, I just asked if they're ready," the tri-color haired boy said, giving the Hogwarts champion a playful nudge.

"And what about you, Harry?" the older boy asked.

"I'm not doing anything flashy," Harry said with a shrug. He had already said this many times. It wasn't his fault if they didn't believe him.

"Do you really think they're going to use people?" the Hufflepuff asked, looking at his girlfriend, who was looking rather upset that he wasn't sitting by her, but for some reason she couldn't sit at the new table. The Hufflepuff eyed her put out face and wondered to himself why he was still dating her.

"I think so. Aunt Gilly said if it is her they'd better ask first, or she is going to go to town on them," Harry said with a glint in his eye.

"Vot does that mean… go to town?" Viktor asked, with a raise of his eyebrow.

"It means, she's going to sue the pants off them," Harry answered with a malicious gleam.

"Ah," the Bulgarian said and returned to his breakfast. He was happy that he could now sit to breakfast and not have to worry about being drugged. He did wonder who they would use for his hostage, since none of his family was present. Fleur was fretting because all of her family was here for the event, and she didn't want any of them in the bottom of that cold lake.

"Oh, hey, guys, I wanted to invite you to tour the houseboat. Mr. Scott said he was going to set it up, but, if I ask, then maybe after classes today, we can give you guys a quick look-see," the youngest champion rambled excitedly.

Cedric all but bounced in his chair, while Fleur looked impressed and Viktor was stoic as ever. They had all heard the older SMI students talk about what was on the houseboat and were happy to be invited. So after breakfast Harry asked his Vice Principal and was given permission to give the champions a tour. After classes they met the on shore and Harry Jumped to the boat and back, then handed each a hover-board. Fleur didn't like the board, but handled it with grace. The two other males enjoyed the crossing. They skimmed across the lake and after some warming and drying charms, they went into the boat.

"This is the living area, as you can see very little magic is used here," Harry said as he guided them around the room. "We have a room in the back for magical studies."

"Vot is the box vith the moving pictures?" Viktor asked, looking at the TV, which two students were playing video games on.

"It's a television. Non-magical can use a device that captures movement and then they broadcast it over waves that are picked up by the satellite dish, then the pictures shows on these devices. It is for entertainment, but can be used for education," Neville explained, having done this once with Luna.

Judging from the looks on their faces, he wasn't do that good of a job, so he decided to show them the dish and then get a book that Luna read, so they would understand better. He hoped.

"Why is it so very bright in 'ere?" Fleur asked in wonder. This was something she could get used to, because sometimes her eyes ached from doing homework in candle light.

"The non-magicals have a way to harness electricity and make it move through wires to operate the devices and lightbulbs. So we don't have to do anything by candlelight, well unless we want romance," Jordan answered.

"Zat is a lot of wires," the French woman stated, wondering where all the wires in question were hidden and how they got them to the boat.

"We have a generator and solar panels to power the boat," Jordan answered to the unspoken question. And then seeing their confused faces said, "I'll show you later."

And the questions and answers went for the few hours the champions were on the boat. Cedric looked like he was in heaven. He had always wanted to see how Muggles lived. Fleur was fascinated with the computers, and what they could accomplish. Viktor looked completely out of his depth, but was impressed. The boys showed them the wonders of video games, and all the champions, bar Fleur, were blowing each other up for a few hours.

After the guests left, Sirius showed up with a Mokeskin pouch that had the destroyed horcruxes in it. "The diary isn't in there, and Jim said there's one more," the godfather explained as he sat next to his godson and handed over the bag. "It's a snake, which hangs around the Dork Lord. So if we get the chance we have to kill it first," he added worriedly. He didn't like the fact that Harry had to do any killing, though if things go as planned the only thing Harry would have to do away with was Voldemort.

Harry looked in the bag and saw the Stone; he pulled it out and examined it. It was a square, black stone with a symbol on it. You could barely make out the circle, triangle and slash, but if you look hard enough it was there. It looked just like the older book said it would. He had to wonder why the newer book didn't have the description, but figured they didn't want people to hunt the item.

"That was a nasty bugger," Sirius said with a grimace. "There was a vicious curse on it, took me a few days to get it off." He shuddered as he remembered almost putting the ring on. If Remus hadn't stopped him he'd be dead. There was a compulsion charm on it, and for some reason that kept them from taking it to the goblins, but it didn't stop them from destroying it their selves.

"So now all I need is the wand, which is owned by one of the strongest wizards of this age. No pressure," the green-eyed boy said with slumped shoulders. He was good, but he didn't know if he could stand up to Dumbledore. Then again, he had to fight a wizard that was just as powerful. Perhaps…

"Worry about that later," the dark-haired man said, clapping the teen on the shoulder. "For right now, concentrate on the second task."

"Yeah," Harry said with a sigh as he put the Stone back into the pouch. Sirius left, and Harry spent a quiet night with his friends. He was glad the breakfast situation was now solved, hopefully, well, Luna said there would be an issue, but it would be over quickly. He'd worry about everything later, now was the time for friends.

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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