HA! Nephilim called it
[the book had a blessing that if it was mortal it would give its bearer enough divinity to carry the light and since you are half human the archangel's DNA with his blessing were combined in your DNA which makes you the first nephilin to be born artificially more than he is an ancient human makes him a unique being]
Anime & Comics · Xuefang1
Just a quick suggestion here, why don’t you make the MC’s demon form look like Rou from Re:Monster. The Vajrayaksa Overlord.
He clearly stated they were innocent i.e free of brutal crimes
This was just their job and can't blame them. I would feel guilty killing them since they still have family to feed.
Anime & Comics · Try_hard
Flash reference LOL
Ahhh I see what you did there😂
Ohhh a Nephilim perhaps?🤔
Green lanterns Light💍
I stalked the streets, my night vision goggles activated at all times allowed me to see everything clearly. Nothing would escape my sight.
Anime & Comics · Melitia_Snek
If you round up to one decimal place it is really still 0.1%.
Book&Literature · Though_that_then
The name has been changing constantly. It’s quite irritating.
"Yes," said Higgin calmly.
Anime & Comics · ScionOfDegeneracy
Hey Author, quick idea for a new power; how about he channels his rage into his eyes giving him like disintegration beams ya dig?🤔
Anime & Comics · Xuefang1