hmmmMaybe - Profile



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Don’t bother me with your negativity 🖕

2019-08-26 เข้าร่วมแล้ว Antarctica

ป้าย 10

Moments 487

Replied to kiwami803

Devil magic is only really limited by creativity but I guess they use teleportation circles for the rule of cool

"Then thanks for having me." Stepping into the portal made by Rias, Yamato and the others found themselves in the atmosphere of a blood moon.

Yamato Kozuki

Yamato Kozuki

Anime & Comics · Try_hard


Give it to Mabel as a pet fish😂

"I think our friend the Shape Shifter will have a new roommate," I said, looking at the monster reduced to the size of a hamster.

becoming Dipper in Gravity falls isn’t So bad ,is it??(rewriting)

becoming Dipper in Gravity falls isn’t So bad ,is it??(rewriting)

Anime & Comics · Herohero


Having an argument about being gay with a gay person is funny to see always

"What are you saying?! I like women, not men!" Rimuru said while standing up and slamming his hands on the table. 

The Time I Reincarnated as the King of Knights?!

The Time I Reincarnated as the King of Knights?!

Anime & Comics · BeIi4l

Replied to hmmmMaybe


"Well, there is Shion, I like how she holds me and the energy she radiates sometimes. Oh, and then there's Benimaru and Soeui. Those are some hot and beautiful dudes. Then ther-" Rimuru just stopped realizing what he said and how it sounded.

The Time I Reincarnated as the King of Knights?!

The Time I Reincarnated as the King of Knights?!

Anime & Comics · BeIi4l


Well his not written Ngl😂

"Well, there is Shion, I like how she holds me and the energy she radiates sometimes. Oh, and then there's Benimaru and Soeui. Those are some hot and beautiful dudes. Then ther-" Rimuru just stopped realizing what he said and how it sounded.

The Time I Reincarnated as the King of Knights?!

The Time I Reincarnated as the King of Knights?!

Anime & Comics · BeIi4l


So is Kara still gonna come to earth? That would be an interesting interaction.

'What in the world did I just hear… Zod won, Superman died, and the Codex is gone. Just what kind of AU was this world' Brandon couldn't even describe what he was feeling right now.

A Different Kryptonian [Invincible/Brightburn] SI

A Different Kryptonian [Invincible/Brightburn] SI

Anime & Comics · Unknown_To_All


“ate her ear out.” Now that’s interesting phrasing never heard that before.

"There she goes," Harry remarked with a smile as he looked at them. His smile turned into a snicker when he saw Hermione look behind her at them with a pleading look on her face. Daphne giggled beside him and flashed a cheeky thumbs up at the brunette, who looked crestfallen as Tracey ate her ears out.

Harry Potter: The Feathered Serpent

Harry Potter: The Feathered Serpent

Book&Literature · Vedros

Replied to hmmmMaybe

Did he read them before hand?

"I have been reading my parents' journals since I was 8, and I've always admired them. Living up to their expectations and the standards they set is the least I could do."

Harry Potter: The Feathered Serpent

Harry Potter: The Feathered Serpent

Book&Literature · Vedros


8 didn’t it say he was given them at 11?

"I have been reading my parents' journals since I was 8, and I've always admired them. Living up to their expectations and the standards they set is the least I could do."

Harry Potter: The Feathered Serpent

Harry Potter: The Feathered Serpent

Book&Literature · Vedros

Replied to Gwendolin_Pool

The book has red eyes

"It was not just any wolf, take a look" Allison said while showing us an illustrated picture of the wolf, it was shadowy, and big, with features of a wolf and the body of a man, and it's eyes were colored red,

TEEN WOLF - Born Alpha

TEEN WOLF - Born Alpha

TV · Mr_Fruitless


Steal the alpha pact’s


"They might be zetas, you remember Donald, mom's right hand man, he was super smart and kept everyone informed about current events happening in the supernatural world" Derek said and shrugged, "But there are lot's of zeta variants of werewolves, not every zeta is the same" i said and scratched my head, "God, this is why i need an emissary, i could just consult with him/her and they could easily help me find out what kinda zetas they are" i said and huffed in frustration,

TEEN WOLF - Born Alpha

TEEN WOLF - Born Alpha

TV · Mr_Fruitless

Replied to Pingui0510

And most supernaturals eyes glow as well😂

I turned to Erica and smiled at her, she got up and stood next to me, "This is what we are!" i declared and both Erica and i's eyes glowed scarlet red and golden yellow respectively, Danny's knees buckled and he nearly fell but thanks to Stiles quick reaction of catching him from behind, he steadied himself and stood up looking at both Erica and i in shock.

TEEN WOLF - Born Alpha

TEEN WOLF - Born Alpha

TV · Mr_Fruitless

Replied to Just_Jam

No we see Isaac do it

"OK" Erica replied anxiously, "It will hurt alittle, but i need to you to endure, ok?" i asked her and looked deeply into her eyes, "What are you guys trying to do?" Sarah asked curiously and walked closer to me and Erica, "Watch closely" i simply replied, i grabbed Derek's right arm, "Grab his arm like i am Erica" i told her and started pulling the pain and a little bit of wolfsbane into my veins,

TEEN WOLF - Born Alpha

TEEN WOLF - Born Alpha

TV · Mr_Fruitless

Replied to Ronin46

Yeah maybe save Heather or something (the girl who he was gonna hookup with that was killed)

Anyway, Sarah was smart, like in a league of her own smart, i mean yesterday when we went to Erica and i's apartment and she saw my security setup, girl went tech wiz geek and upgraded a few things and gave suggestions to improve the system, yeah this girls on another level, "Hey what you get?" she asked me, "A+" i said and showed her my paper, "You?" i asked back, "Same" she showed me hers and smiled, "Dang you two got the highest scores in class" Stiles said from beside me, "Well we do study together" Sarah said with a smile, for some reason Stiles smiled like a perve and fist bumped me, i think he took what she said the wrong way and assumed some lewd things, "My guy" was all he said.

TEEN WOLF - Born Alpha

TEEN WOLF - Born Alpha

TV · Mr_Fruitless



"What if... right now... right here... i could make you... more?" with my voice low i leaned in further, just a slight distance from her face and uttered those words, "H-ha-how?" she asked her voice hitching and almost a whisper, "Let me show you" as my voice fell, my eyes glowed scarlet red, Erica held her breath as she gazed deep into my eyes, she lost herself in them, i moved closer, and her heart rate spiked, "Don't be afraid, i want you to see me, the real... me... the me... that the rest of the world will never know... the me that only those of my family have ever laid eyes on... the me...that i keep hidden, are you join me?" i asked Erica as i stood up and gazed into her eyes and transformed into my half wolf form (Teen Wolf Werewolf form),

TEEN WOLF - Born Alpha

TEEN WOLF - Born Alpha

TV · Mr_Fruitless


Honestly not that unusual being that wolfs can smell strong emotions

Whilst filling up on fuel, i saw one of the guys i had been tracking walk by, he looked like he was following a 16 year old girl, my eyes narrowed as i tried to get a feeling off of him, and i felt it, lust, he was lusting over a highschool girl, my blood boiled as i felt his urges..., ah yes i forgot to mention, one of my abilities is empathy, i can feel what those around me are currently feeling if i concentrate hard enough another alpha thing i presume.

TEEN WOLF - Born Alpha

TEEN WOLF - Born Alpha

TV · Mr_Fruitless

Replied to Daoist423242

Yes but the found the body the night before and it looked to have been there a day or so but that might be because it was ripped in half

"Class this are our new students, Allison Argent and Jacob Hale, just do your best to make them feel welcome" the VP then turned and walked out as Jacob took out an extra pen and handed it to Allison as she had a grateful yet confused look on her face as she took the pen and headed for the empty seat behind Scott, Jacob recognized alot of faces, they resembled the actors who played them in the series perfectly so he could tell who they were as he took his seat infront of Stiles, he could also see Scott fidgeting as he kept looking at Allison as she took her seat behind him, jacob smirked inwardly, he was gonna try to make Allison fall for him,

TEEN WOLF - Born Alpha

TEEN WOLF - Born Alpha

TV · Mr_Fruitless

Replied to Just_Jam

Checked the tags says harem but while I finds her attractive I can understand the frustration almost every teen wolf fic has her as the FL

he could hear her gasp lightly, so he turned and looked into her dark brown eyes as she did his hazel colored eyes, for a second Jacob heard her heart flutter abit faster before returning to normal, the VP turned to jacob and said "Ah you must be Mr. Hale, come on i'll introduce you to your class" Jacob just nodded at him before turning to Allison and reaching out a hand for a hand shake while smiling at her, "Jacob Hale" he said, "Allison Argent" Allison replied while shaking his hand and giving him a polite smile, he gestured for her to go ahead of him as he followed the VP and her into the school towards the classroom.

TEEN WOLF - Born Alpha

TEEN WOLF - Born Alpha

TV · Mr_Fruitless


Honestly a reasonable argument

"No, I'm not interested in her", Brandon suddenly denied, "She's a spy and most likely a lying sack of shit. I am not falling for something like that. Now come on, we gotta get something to eat."

Marvel's Brightburn

Marvel's Brightburn

Movies · Necro_
