52.38% The Time I Reincarnated as the King of Knights?! / Chapter 32: Chapter 32

บท 32: Chapter 32

The first thing we did when we returned was expand the farms to make sure that they could fit all the crops that would eventually grow. I also made sure to call Treyni again. They were surprised I called them so quickly so soon, but after I explained what happened they understood and did the same as before. With this, our food situation will be more than fine. After that, we just had to process them into different products. It's nothing Kaijin can't fix with some machines.

After the farm issue was fixed me and Rimuru had a small talk about the infrastructure of the village. His Great Sage made this trivial. He very quickly whipped up designs for a bunch of different machines and stuff that would help with processing goods. All we had to do was give them to Kaijin and he would make them. After that, it would be simple and fast to get processed goods. 

It sounds like a lot and it is, but at least when it comes to us personally, we just have to give the orders. Once again, leave it to the experts and people who know what they are doing and let them do their thing. The good thing is that since we aren't a "legitimate" nation yet, there was very little to no paperwork. Not that I would do any of that, it's best to leave it to Rimuru.

Right now, we were in an "official" government building that was still in progress, but we could still use it for a few people. These orcs worked fast over these 8 days, but it will take a few months, even with the orc's abilities, to really see the improvement of this town, but it's still fast, so I'm not complaining. 

Me and Rimuru, who was in human form, were just sitting and discussing our infrastructure and plans to implement them when he noticed some of the empty plots of land I set aside for the future.

"Hey Artoria, what's with those empty plots of land? Especially that massive one? That one's bigger than the building we're in is planned to be.".

"Oh, that's where the orcs will build our religious building. The other one is for a bar I want to open. It's not just a bar though, it's more like a multi-use type of thing. If the occasion calls for it, it can change. It can be a bar/restaurant, bar/entertainment, bar/casino, and stuff like that.".

RImuru raised an eyebrow and before he could say anything, I interrupted him. 

"Yes, Rimuru, the entrance will be what you think it is. It will be some fancy saloon doors like the Wild West and yes, if someone that is new to the place enters, one of the floorboards will creak very loudly and attract the attention of everyone already there."

Rimuru just closed his mouth about whatever he was going to say. "How did you know I was going to say that?"

"Well, first of all, I know you. And second of all, I already had that idea in mind. You're not the only one who knows about this stuff. Also, it would be kind of funny."

"Alright, then what about the massive plot of land there? It's so out of place and it's kind of distracting right now.".

"That's where the religious building will go. You know how we planned for me to be a religious figure for our people? Well, there needs to be some kind of place of worship and I had the perfect type of building in mind."

"Is it going to be a shrine or something? That's what I'm familiar with."

"No, Rimuru, This, in my opinion, will look better than a shrine. Not that I have anything against shrines."

"Ooh, what is it gonna be then?"

"Tell me Rimuru, do you know about gothic architecture?"

Rimuru paused to think for a moment, which I assume was Great Sage talking to him. "Yeah, just got familiar with it."

"...Well, the plan is to make a cathedral. It will be the most 'imposing' building in our town as well as the biggest. Unless, something bigger is built in the future or something."

"What will it look like?"

"I don't know exactly, but there is a cathedral I'm taking inspiration from. Do you know about the Cologne Cathedral? I haven't seen it in person, but I do know about it and have seen pictures of it. It's the coolest cathedral in my opinion. You have to have seen it at least once on the internet or something."

Rimuru once again closed his eyes like he was thinking. And once again, I assume Great Sage was giving him all the details.

"You're right, that does look super cool. Are you going to design the it to be the same? 'Cause if so, then look at this!". Rimuru then took out a piece of paper from inside his body and placed it in front of me. It was a full design and blueprint for the cathedral. 

"Rimuru, I said 'inspired', not a direct copy, but keep it, Kaijin can give some input later. Those buildings will be for later, especially the cathedral, since it will take quite a while to build even for the orcs. Right now, we need to focus on our basics, utilities, and stuff like that. Kaijin and his brothers are already working on that, but with your Great Sage, any plans will be made trivial. We just have to be patient with the orcs to build everything."

"So, I just drop these off to Kaijin and his brothers, tell him what all these designs are and what they're for and he'll take care of the rest?"


Looking out the window, multiple buildings were in the process of being constructed and improved. Gone were any tents and any buildings we already had were in the process of getting improvements. Our town was looking like a "skeleton-template" of something much bigger. 

Let's not forget the Kijin. From an outside view, this has to be the scariest gathering of monsters out there. Just the Kijin is enough to go to war, but they're not all like that it seems. Some of them seem to be more into the arts and the more casual work and life. I don't really care though, it brings a nice, refreshing feel to our town. 

"Hey, Artoria, what's happened between you and Shuna?"

I stared at Rimuru while squinting my eyes at him. "Why are you asking? I don't mean to be rude, but that's between me, Shuna, and her parents. If you want to know, things have been going well and she's really good at magic. Like, VERY good, she learns fast. If we can find someone to teach her or at least give her some tips, it will help her a lot."

"Oh, that's good to hear. I just wanted to ask since, you know, she's your fated one and well…I, uh, you know."

"Do you also want to find someone to be with or do you still think of Shizu now and then?"

Rimuru looked a little downcast after I mentioned Shizu. It seems he still hasn't gotten over it. 

"Rimuru, if you still have some feelings, let me put it to you this way. You and Shizu were meant to be together and the way I see it right now, you two are together. You ate her body, gave her the ending she wanted, and your appearance is heavily influenced by her. It's kind of like a tragic love story when you think about it."

"Huh, I never saw it that way."

"Don't get so down about it. You can still find someone else. Is there anyone that catches your eye?"

"Well, there is Shion, I like how she holds me and the energy she radiates sometimes. Oh, and then there's Benimaru and Soeui. Those are some hot and beautiful dudes. Then ther-" Rimuru just stopped realizing what he said and how it sounded.

I raised an eyebrow and looked at him in suspicion. "What do you mean by that, Rimuru?".

"I didn't mean it like that!" He told me as he waved his hands in front of him in denial.

"Do you play for both teams or do you just appreciate and acknowledge their beauty? If it's the latter, then that's normal. Well, when I think about it, you are a slime, so it would work no matter what you do.".

"What are you saying?! I like women, not men!" Rimuru said while standing up and slamming his hands on the table. 

"You know, Rimuru, I think Great Sage would agree with you if you like both men and women, at least from a math perspective. You would be doubling your chances and since Great Sage is very good with numbers, it would praise your efficiency." I nodded at myself for my unparalleled genius and flawless logic in my statement. 

"Let's talk about something else!". Rimuru sat back down and put his head in his hands in regret. He let out a groan as he said, "I shouldn't have brought any of this up.".

"Rimuru, just know that whatever you decide, you have my support." I gave him a thumbs-up and smiled.

"Shut up!".

Looks like he wasn't buying it. His loss, I guess.


Some more time passed. I don't know how long since I can't be bothered to count how many times the sun rises and sets every day. Maybe a few months probably, maybe.

Anyway, things have been sort of a routine. Orcs work on the construction of the village and utilities, Kaijin, Kurobe, and Co. make machines to help construct things fast and make processed items, me and Rimuru make sure things run smoothly, I train Rimuru in his swordsmanship, which he is progressing really well in, and a bunch of other stuff.

And while I want to say that I've spent a lot of time with Shuna, unfortunately, I haven't. She's been busy making clothes for the large influx of our new residents, but other than that things with her have been fine. She would practice her magic and her faith magic has also been making some progress. I've spent a little time with her, but nothing I deem proper.

The biggest progress so far has to be our farms. I know our farms are extra boosted but to already have a harvest so soon is amazing. It was much faster than what I know, but this is good news to me as I could finally start the process of making some…stuff. 

In fact, I already have something ready. I made it from some grains that were ready for harvest. If I did it right, this drink should be around 190-proof alcohol. Maybe a little less or more. I had a whole jug filled with this stuff. All that's left is to try it and see if I still got it in me.

"There's nothing that could go wrong with this."

I filled a tall cup and started drinking it. No flavor, no chaser, no nothing. Just alcohol. I made sure to turn down my resistance as much as possible so I could feel something. As I was drinking it, I could feel the effect on my tongue, my gums, almost my whole mouth, and even my face. And when I say "feel", I mean numb. 

After drinking it, I was feeling something, but not what I thought I would feel.

"Maybe I should drink this whole jug. Yeah, that sounds like a good idea."

So, I drank the whole jug. I assumed that I could take it since I'm in a stronger body. After drinking the whole thing, I stood there, and then I felt it.

"I have made a severe lapse in judgement.". 


Rimuru was rushing his way to where Artoria was. Just a few moments ago, Souei delivered a report to him about multiple pegasus knights making their way here along with King Gazel Dwargo.

Given the people who were on their way here. He immediately thought of Artoria, who fit the description of both worlds. A king and a knight. If there was one person who could match Gazel and his pegasus knights on their own and completely dominate them, it would be Artoria.

'Great Sage, where is she?'

[Answer. She is in her house.]

'Thanks, Great Sage.'

Rimuru started running even faster to her home, so she could be there with him to meet Gazel. 

Rimuru eventually made his way to her house and banged loudly. "Artoria! We have a bunch of strong people on the way here and I could really use your presence." Rimuru shouted through the door, hoping to get her attention. 

Every second was ticking by and Rimuru was wondering if something was wrong, since given his tone of voice, it should be an emergency. A few more seconds went by and since he was in a rush he decided to just go in by force. 

He entered the house and he saw Artoria just sitting down, arms crossed, with her eyes closed. She was just nodding her head up and down slowly, seemingly entirely focused on herself.

RImuru was a little concerned since she hadn't seen her act like this before.

"Uh…Artoria? Are you fine? I really need your help. I'm sure you sensed all the people coming here before anyone in this town knew."

Artoria stopped, opened her eyes, and looked at Rimuru, but the way she was looking at him was much more serious. Those green eyes of hers seemed to carry a different emotion than usual. 

"You shall address me as king.".

Rimuru was taken a little aback by this. He knew she had all this "kingly" stuff around her and she also knew it hereslf, but she didn't really seem to care all that much about it, at least from what he had seen from her.

He didn't think too much about it given, the circumstances, and just went along with it. "Well…King Artoria? Your Majesty? I need your help. There's another King on his way here and you are needed. So, can you please do the thing with your armor and sword and help me?".

Artoria stood up, put her hands on the table, and stayed like that for a moment. 

"Are you okay? What are you doing?"

"Give me a second here, Rimuru." She shook her head and slapped her face lightly.

"Alright, Rimuru. Let's go meet our friendly visitor." Just like that, Artoria seemed to go back to her usual self.

"What were you doing anyway?"

"I was just sobering up. Nothing to concern yourself about."

Rimuru took a small sniff and immediately noticed how it smelled, but noticed it came from a jug on the table.

'Why does it smell like gasoline or fuel or something?"

"Oh, that? Just something I made. How good are you with alcohol?"

"I've drank some sake before, but that's about it. I haven't really tried a whole bunch of different drinks.."

"In that case, I wouldn't drink what I did if I were you, but if you have some curiosity, I have an extra jug that should be ready if you want to try it.".

"We don't have the time though.".

"Don't worry about it, Gazel and his pegasus knights are still a little far away, you have the time.".

"Alright, maybe a little."

"Alright, but don't say I didn't warn you."

"You were kind of encouraging me though?"

"Small details. It doesn't matter."

Artoria went over and got another jug. She opened it and poured a tiny bit into a cup and gave it to Rimuru.

Rimuru smelled it a little bit and he scrunched up his face at what he smelled.

'I don't think I should try to taste this. Well, it can't be that bad, she was able to drink this and she looked fine.'.

"Make sure to turn down any resistances you have as much as possible."

Rimuru nodded and told Great Sage to take care of it. Rimuru Resolved himself and drank it like a shot. Only to spit it out instantly.

"What is this stuff?! You could put this on a wound to disinfect it or something!" Rimuru kept spitting it out even after there was nothing left.

[Answer. After analysis, the substance is ethyl alcohol. It has a 95.6% alcohol by volume.]

'What the hell?!', Rimuru thought to himself. 

Artoria let out a small chuckle and patted his back. "Alright, hope you had fun, but we gotta meet someone important."

Rimuru looked back at her in a different light. "You're insane for making this. How did you learn to make something like this?"

Artoria put a finger to her lips and gave him a little wink. "Personal secret, but all I'll say is that I learned it from my dad and some of his friends.".

After that, they got ready and headed out to meet Gazel and his little entourage.



Drink idea: "Alcohollow Purple".

Very simple to make. Just get a "red" and "blue" drink or liquid, as long as it makes purple, and then mix it into a very high percentage of alcohol like 190-proof or something around there, and then drink it. The goal is to replicate what it feels like to get half your body deleted. 

Thoughts? Would any of y'all drink something like this?

I'm pretty sure someone out there has come up with an idea like this.

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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