BookDevourer87 - Profile



male LV 15

Just some random novel addict...

2019-08-07 เข้าร่วมแล้ว Germany

ป้าย 15

Moments 2504


Would have been funny if nothing happenend because he doesn't have the ancients gene 🤣🤣🤣

Carl strode forward and put his head in the device that would download the database of the Ancients into his head.

Carl The Jumper (original)

Carl The Jumper (original)

Movies · tony_stark_3000



[Remember The Time You Blew Up a Sun? 300 cp: Your intellect has been significantly increased, to the point where you know how to really get the most out of your technology…probably could have built a nuclear reactor in grade school. Crazy plans tend to succeed by virtue of how well you cover your bases, and whenever they work people KNOW it works. Expect to surprise people from just how off-the-wall your plans are…only to shock them when they work.]

Carl The Jumper (original)

Carl The Jumper (original)

Movies · tony_stark_3000



"But now I'm being offered the biggest pie around." Carl smirked at the possibilities available in the SG1 world. "Aside from what the Earth itself will develop over the next ten years, there are all kinds of alien tech available. Goa'uld tech, Asgard tech, and a whole lot of the most advanced and biggest pie around, Ancient tech. Just sitting there for some enterprising jumper to take advantage of." Carl chuckled to himself in anticipation.

Carl The Jumper (original)

Carl The Jumper (original)

Movies · tony_stark_3000


He willingly sacrificed his own son???


Xiao Ying, knowing that they were pursued by the Sacred Grounds and knowing that it was basically a death sentence, had switched Yun Che and Yun Xiao, in order that Yun Qinghong's son might have a chance at living and that his bloodline wouldn't go extinct.

Carl The Jumper (original)

Carl The Jumper (original)

Movies · tony_stark_3000



The energy he didn't use was diverted to his inner world, joining his fire elemental energy there. His profound level finally stopped at Tyrant 8. Carl could tell that each of the Evil God Seeds had more energy than the six drops of Golden Crow blood he had received, but the Golden Crow blood was still from a god level creature, so it still had plenty of energy. And the fact that he hadn't been able to process all the energy in the drops of blood showed that he was still far from the top.

Carl The Jumper (original)

Carl The Jumper (original)

Movies · tony_stark_3000



Carl knew what his job was, and that it would help heal Caiyi, so he moved forward, and began with a kiss. It might not be the best and most romantic first time for a 140 year virgin, but it was somehow appropriate in the world setting to have sex for power and healing.

Carl The Jumper (original)

Carl The Jumper (original)

Movies · tony_stark_3000


Little Empress?

"Hi, Carl. Glad you could make it." Yun Xiao called out, then a moment later remembered that he needed to introduce their new member. "Oh, yeah. Carl I'd like to introduce Sister Caiyi to you. She's been a family friend for some time, and decided that she would like to join us. Sister Caiyi, this is Carl, a doctor and friend or ours."

Carl The Jumper (original)

Carl The Jumper (original)

Movies · tony_stark_3000


What about his runic MagiBatteries from the HP world???


Since there was nothing of particular note, Carl exited the Ark once more. He sent the Ark back into his inner world. He was a little disappointed that the Ark wasn't a bit easier to use. It didn't have a power source or even a method to store power for later use. So until he found some kind of battery that could be used, and hopefully recharged, to power the Ark, it would have to remain in his inner world.

Carl The Jumper (original)

Carl The Jumper (original)

Movies · tony_stark_3000



"Arrogant young nobles run around these worlds looking down on everyone and calling in their elder brother or uncle to kill whoever offends them if they can't do it themselves. People stab each other in the back for drugs (cultivation resources). Girls will betray their betrothed at the drop of a hat if they aren't strong enough. And everyone, absolutely everyone, is obsessed with getting stronger. The only way to survive, is to fight and bite and claw for strength just as much as anyone else, while hoping you don't offend someone that can flatten your entire family."

Carl The Jumper (original)

Carl The Jumper (original)

Movies · tony_stark_3000



Welcome to the world of Against the Gods! This is a world of cultivation, romance, death and violence, a world with legacies from ancient gods and devils, where fortunes rise and fall every day!

Carl The Jumper (original)

Carl The Jumper (original)

Movies · tony_stark_3000


He didn't retrieve the Elder Wand before burning everything to ashes???????


Carl turned around and left the cavern. Before departing for good, he set up some ward stones and cast fiendfyre inside the cavern. He stood outside the entrance, watching as the fiendfyre burned up the water in the cavern lake and all the infierus that Voldemort left in wait. Once everything was burnt to ash, Carl let the fiendfyre die down, shut the cavern entrance, gathered his ward stones and departed the place Dumbledore met his end.

Carl The Jumper (original)

Carl The Jumper (original)

Movies · tony_stark_3000


Taking it well that he is dating Teens like them even though he is as old as Dumbledore 🤣


And Carl spent the next few of hours, telling his story to Hermione and Luna. He answered their questions, and showed them some of his memories in the pensieve. Carl was pleased they seemed to be taking it well.

Carl The Jumper (original)

Carl The Jumper (original)

Movies · tony_stark_3000



Even if both of them rejected him, he wasn't exactly a normal 15 year old that would get petulant over being rejected. Their friendship meant a lot more to him, and they were still pretty young at the moment so romance and sex weren't in the cards for another few years anyway.

Carl The Jumper (original)

Carl The Jumper (original)

Movies · tony_stark_3000


I hope he told Harry and Hermione that they should Ravenclaw as well...

Carl moved up when he heard his name and sat on the seat. The hat had no sooner touched his head, when it called out, "Ravenclaw."

Carl The Jumper (original)

Carl The Jumper (original)

Movies · tony_stark_3000


A parselmouth having a Phoenix as a familiar??? What a waste...


"How would you like to be a Phoenix, Rover?" Carl asked the dog. He took the bark and wagging tale as agreement. "Okay, then. I'll import you as my Phoenix familiar then." Carl thought the 300cp was a pretty good investment to make sure his pet could hang out with him in the world. And having the Phoenix abilities available were a game changer.

Carl The Jumper (original)

Carl The Jumper (original)

Movies · tony_stark_3000



Carl sighed and resigned himself to not fighting. Was the plot overtaking him and not going to let him participate?

Carl The Jumper (original)

Carl The Jumper (original)

Movies · tony_stark_3000



'Yup, I'm totally doing it for Kenichi's sake. It will help him build character.' Carl thought in a "serious" tone of voice, before laughing out loud for no reason. Judging from Kenichi's face, randomly laughing during their torture session cemented the "weirdo" label he stuck on Carl in his mind. Which made Carl laugh even more.

Carl The Jumper (original)

Carl The Jumper (original)

Movies · tony_stark_3000



Carl made his way on the road to the Northwest, to the Parfum Palace. The place was the palace of the old King of Kalos. The king had built it 300 years ago, after some war with some of the other regions. It was now a museum, and had a lot of tributes to the generals and pokemon that fought in that war.

Carl The Jumper (original)

Carl The Jumper (original)

Movies · tony_stark_3000
