55.29% Carl The Jumper (original) / Chapter 47: Ch 47 Stargate 1

บท 47: Ch 47 Stargate 1


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Carl snapped back to awareness, suffering from a momentary bout of confusion. Where was he again? The feel of a comfortable mattress under his back and the smells he associated with his Warehouse were enough of a clue for his brain to snap back to awareness. He had just finished the ATG jump and was back in the Warehouse between worlds.

The past two years had been good years for Carl. It had been a while since he felt such stability in his life, thanks in great part to the time dilation of the Heavenly Time Pearl extending the amount of time he could spend in the world. He and Caiyi had occasionally spent years in the Pearl, training and studying together. Just enjoying what time they had left before he moved on.

Carl had been quite surprised when he ate the Evil God Seed he got from killing the Devil guarding the Netherworld Udumbara Flower. He had thought here were only five flavors, er…elements, that the seeds came in. But the one he got had been for the Darkness element. Which made him wonder what other elements there were seeds for. Light? Space? Time? Since Carl had no way of knowing, he put the idea away for the time being.

Carl had already had a minor affinity for Shadows from his animagus form. But the upgrade to full on Darkness element affinity had made some changes in him, especially when he took on his animagus form. He had felt even more comfortable traveling through the shadows, and had the sense that he could control the very darkness around him.

Carl had spent some time playing around with the element, trying to learn as much as he could. But since he didn't have any training guides, it was difficult to advance his understanding smoothly. He had to feel his way, never quite sure if he was doing things right, or if he was missing something that should be obvious.

With the Udumbara flower that they had gotten, Jasmine the ghost had been able to reconstitute her body. After congratulating her, Carl had been relieved that she had taken off to conduct her own business. Carl hadn't seen her for the rest of his time in the world, which made him happy. He wasn't completely comfortable around someone who had a much higher cultivation level than him. He was just glad she didn't make his life difficult.

One of the things that had especially made the final couple of years sweet for Carl was that every time Yun Che came to him to ask for a ride, Carl had easily refused him. The only reason he had been pressured into helping Yun Che gather his harem previously was because of his and Caiyi's connections with the Yun Family. Their pleadings for help hadn't been something that they could ignore, after their family's millennia of loyal service.

But once Yun Che's family was gathered, safe, and protected, they no longer had any reason to convince him to help Yun Che travel. So Carl didn't have to consider his relations with the Yun Family and could just answer how he wanted, with a flat no. He wasn't going to enable Yun Che's wander lust.

Chuckling once more at the memories of Yun Che's face when someone told him "no", Carl got up out of his bed and went through his normal routine after leaving a world. He first approached the terminal that Spere 037 had provided. Clicking through the options, he added the perks from the ATG world. There was no way he was going to forget to add everything he picked up in the ATG world to his base body.

The amount of power and ability he gained from that one Cultivation world was amazing to him. Carl hit the final accept button and passed out once more as the changes were made to his body.

After a period of unconsciousness, Carl woke once more. This time, he knew exactly where he was on waking up. Climbing out of bed, he did a bit of stretching and flexing, feeling the bone deep change in his body. At first when he added perks to his body mod, it hadn't felt any different. Before and after were pretty much the same.

But after all the time spent in the cultivation world he had recently expanded his awareness of his body even more. Especially with the profound cultivation and medical knowledge, he had expanded his body awareness. With his newfound body awareness from the last world's perks Carl was feeling much more aware of the deep changes that happened to his body when he used the terminal left behind by Spere 037.

It didn't change anything, really, about how his powers acted or felt. It was more of a sensation that after he added the perks to his body, the powers felt like they were more…interconnected with his body? A foundation sunk in so deep that nothing could shift it?

Carl wasn't sure of the right terminology to apply to his situation, but it just felt like the powers were more a permanent part of him than before. Like the powers couldn't be separated from him without tearing him apart.

Shrugging away the idle thoughts. Carl went through his usual routine, shower, dress, cook and eat breakfast, and enjoy a frosty mug of Root Beer.

Carl sat down on his couch and started a movie, but just couldn't get into watching it. It felt like a big piece of him was missing.

With the time dilation from the use of his Heavenly Time Pearl he had spent the past couple hundred years with Caiyi, and getting used to not having her next to him was…difficult. Even though it had only been a couple days since he left the world, her absence was noticeable.

Carl spent some time meditating, trying to settle his mind for the next world. He still felt restless and needed to do something to get his mind off things. Carl soon found himself standing in front of the terminal. He stared at the thing for a bit, before looking around his Warehouse.

Carl walked around his Warehouse, and didn't find anything to keep his attention. The setup and projects that he had sitting out were so connected to his time in the ATG world that it didn't help him get away from his restlessness. So he returned back to the jump terminal.

With a shrug to himself, he initiated an early jump just to get out of his warehouse and do something that could distract him. Why sit all alone in the Warehouse when he could get to his next world and find something to distract himself with?

"So, Stargate SG-1 huh." Carl commented with a glint in his eye. He had been wondering when he was going to get a sci-fi world. Ever since the SAO jump he had been thinking about learning more science and technology. The Harry Potter jump had given him the opportunity to learn some basic science and technology, and mix magic and technology, but the technology on that world was so limited.

"But now I'm being offered the biggest pie around." Carl smirked at the possibilities available in the SG1 world. "Aside from what the Earth itself will develop over the next ten years, there are all kinds of alien tech available. Goa'uld tech, Asgard tech, and a whole lot of the most advanced and biggest pie around, Ancient tech. Just sitting there for some enterprising jumper to take advantage of." Carl chuckled to himself in anticipation.

Welcome to the world of Stargate! It's a big galaxy out there, so I hope you're keen for adventure!

There was a race of beings once called the Ancients. Beings who created advanced technology beyond anything ever seen, and the geniuses behind the eponymous Stargates. See, a Stargate is a nifty wormhole device that when you dial in a set of coordinates, it opens a spatial pathway that connect you to another world that could be hundreds of light-years away instantly. This technology along with other advances (such as the Zero-Point Module which collects energy from a pocket dimension) allowed them to not only colonize other worlds, but to also seed them with human life. At some point in their lives they learned to ascend to a higher plane of existence, but left all their technology behind.

Some time later, a race of parasitic life forms calling themselves the Goa'uld found some of the technology the Ancients left behind, and began to adapt it to their own purposes. Some of the technology they could not fully understand, but they managed to use enough that they were able to take most of the Milky Way Galaxy by force. The most powerful of these Goa'uld call themselves the System Lords, posing as the gods of the Egyptian religion in order to convince their armies to fight for them.

It is not as bad as it seems, however! The year is 1997, and the Earth has begun to fiddle with its very own Stargate in order to explore the galaxy in the name of Humanity. You will be placed somewhere during this time, ready to take charge of things. Be prepared, for it is a brand new world that is about to be unveiled.

With his banked 50 cp in addition to what he got for this world, Carl had 1050 cp to spend. After his spending spree in the cultivation world of Against the Gods, Carl was looking to bank as many points as he could for future use.

At the same time he realized that if there was a perk that caught his eye, he shouldn't hold back. Because he just didn't know when, or even if, he would run into a duplicate of any useful perks. If he passed them up, he might never get the chance to get them.

Looking down the jump document, Carl saw that he had to decide his location first. As usual, Carl saw that he could either pay 50 cp to decide his starting location, or roll the dice for free to select his starting point.

1. Earth

2. Delmak

3. Gaia

4. Abydos

5. Chulak

6. Cimmeria

7. P3X-888

8. Free Pick

As Carl dredged his memories of the show, he went over the options available in the free roll. Earth was obvious, and didn't even need explanation.

Delmak was an industrialized world controlled by the Goa'uld Sokar. At the moment Sokar wasn't a System Lord, since he had been kicked out and was gathering his forces in order to have a rematch. Carl didn't particularly like the idea of starting on a Goa'uld world.

Gaia is the home world of the Nox. The Nox were a peaceful, anti-violence race that were very technologically advanced. While Carl thought they were good friends to have, he didn't want to drop in on them unannounced and hope they would help him. Especially because he was a person steeped in violence. It wouldn't be very neighborly to show up like that and expect things from them.

Abydos was the planet where the original movie of Stargate had taken place, where O'Neill, Jackson, and the military men had taken out Ra with a nuke beamed up to his space ship. While it had a stargate that Carl could use to travel around, there wasn't anything especially interesting that appealed to Carl about the world.

Chulak was another Goa'uld controlled world, under the rule of Apophis. It was Teal'c's home world. Similar to Delmak, Carl wasn't interested in starting there.

Cimmeria was a primitive world that had the protection of the Asgard alien race against the Goa'uld. The SG-1 team visited there in one of the episodes, but there was nothing in particular that Carl wanted to visit the world for.

P3X-888 was the home world of the alien race known as the Unas and the Goa'uld. The Unas were the first hosts of the Goa'uld, before they moved on to humans. Aside from the episodes where Daniel Jackson had a chance to shine by communicating with the primitive Unas, there wasn't much interesting in the world.

Normally Carl would just select the free roll and figure out what he was going to do from there, especially if he didn't know the world he was entering. But after looking at the choices of the roll, and that he only had a 1 in 8 chance of getting the Free Pick option, Carl decided he would pay the measly 50 cp to choose.

In this particular jump world, Carl had some very definite ideas of just what he was going to do. Which required a very specific starting location, or his plans would be much more difficult and take longer to get started.

Carl chose a world that would be hard for him to find on his own because he only knew the world from its designation in the television show: P3R-272. So for the low price of 50 cp, he set that world as his starting location. Carl was pleased that the jump document accepted that designation to describe the planet.

Next down the list was a choice of races. There were only two choices, Human 0 cp or Goa'uld 200 cp.

"Like that's even a choice?" Carl scoffed. "Why in the world would I want to be a parasitical little snake? I'm already 1% dragon due to the Dragon God's Bloodline. Changing into a little snake would be an insult at this point."

Carl shook his head and laughed for a moment at what he'd just blurted. "Okay, Carl. A little less murder hobo, and a little more rational human. Take it again from the top."

After thinking it out a bit, Carl began his little speech to himself again. "After all the powers, bloodlines, and legacies I've accumulated, becoming a little parasite adds nothing and detracts a great deal from what I'm building myself up as. I wouldn't even want to speculate what my Ki or Profound Cultivation would do with a little parasite body. Would my cultivation level give me a human form like it did for Feng Ra, or would I be stuck as a jumped up tape worm for ten years?"

"That was a bit better." Carl judged his speech before decisively picking Human for his race. "It is kind of strange that there are only the two choices, though. I know there are more aliens out there, why only the two choices?" Carl would forever have no answer to his question.

The next choice was a roll of the dice for his age. He rolled a six, so he would start as a 31 year old. "Well, that's certainly the oldest I've started one of these worlds as." Carl was fine with it. Unlike in cultivation worlds where you have to watch out for powerful monsters that have lived for thousands of years but look like they are only 13, in the SG1 universe he wouldn't be taken seriously if he looked 13.

Not that it would be a problem for long with his metamorphmagus abilities, or aging potions, or illusions, or any other way he had of disguising himself.

Carl then looked over the identities he could choose. Drop In 0 cp, Special Ops 100 cp, Archaeologist 100 cp, or Commander 100 cp.

Each of the identities had some pros and cons. Special Ops was right out because of one of the cons. "May not be the most understanding of alien technology."

Carl's focus for the SG1 world was going to be getting as much advanced knowledge and technology as possible. For his very identity to stand in the way of that pursuit, no matter how little, immediately put it on the reject pile.

The Archaeologist identity looked decent with one pro looking promising. "More likely to understand alien technology. How an Archaeologist knows is a mystery."

The Commander identity was also rejected. "Never alone; there's always someone by your side" and "When things goes wrong, you're the first to blame" were both aspects of the identity that Carl just didn't want to deal with.

After looking at the available perks, Carl decided to go as a Drop In. The intelligence boosting and technology handling perks that were discounted for that identity was exactly what he was looking for.

Carl started on the perks section, first adding the free perks to his purchase.

[Round Telephone 0 cp: The Stargate is a pretty important piece of technology, that much is certain. It's the name of the series, of COURSE it's important. You have knowledge on how to decipher its interface, and as such can use it to go from world to world.]

Besides chuckling at the perk's name calling the Stargates telephones, Carl wasn't sure why he needed a perk to decipher the interface. According to the show it was as easy as dialing a phone number. Carl shrugged, he would see when he arrived.

[Unleash the Snark 0 cp: All these aliens acting all hoity-toity…someone needs to take them down a peg. You always know what to say to be snarky at others, whether it be at a superior or a terrorist or an alien menace. They may have weapons and lasers, but the battle of wits belongs to you.]

"At first glance this perk will just help me with my banter." Carl mused. "But in order to be good at the snark, you have to know the salient points, or understand just what will most get under the person's skin. A very minor and narrowly focused gift of knowledge, maybe?"

[Toxicology Reports 0 cp: That wasn't there before. For whatever reason your blood contains just a bit of Naquadah now. Not enough to drain yourself and siphon it, but enough to utilize and work the technology of the Goa'uld. As a bonus, this allows you to sense when other Goa'uld symbiotes are nearby.]

"Both good and bad points for this perk. Good for using the snake's tech and knowing when sneaky snakes might be hiding nearby. On the other hand, if I remember right, anyone who hosts a Goa'uld, or has hosted one in the past, would be able to feel the Naquadah in my blood. So I'm going to have to develop an array, spell, or bracelet ward to stop that resonance from being felt by other people. How will I be able to infiltrate SGC if Samantha Carter can feel my Naquadah from several feet away?"

Carl paused for a moment to think if that phrasing would have gotten him slapped if he had said it to a girl at a bar.

[We Go Together 0 cp: Anyone in this world will tell you that you need allies. Whether it's teammates or minions, one person is nothing. You can import up to 8 companions for free as they gain human forms, along with skills in firefights and the use of various weapons. If human, you form the newly created 'SG-30' team, an exploration group meant to see new worlds. If Goa'uld, you choose to either be a minor Tok'ra resistance group or a new faction vying for the title of System Lord.]

Carl frowned at the perk. There was a drop box when he added the perk to his shopping cart to select among his companions, but the drop box was blank, since Carl didn't have any companions at the moment. Sighing, he moved on.

Carl was fully aware that at least part of his lack of companions was his due to his own stubbornness. He could have gotten at least one Stasis Pod and grabbed someone to join him already. But he had already made a plan and was determined to stick to it.

The next perk he selected was free for a Drop In.

[Theoretical Astrophysicist 0 cp: If you don't get what that means, it means you're smarter than most people. You've got a good understanding of the physics of the universe, including the physical properties (luminosity, density, temperature, and chemical composition) of celestial object such as galaxies, stars, planets, exoplanetes, and the interstellar medium, as well as their interactions. That doesn't mean you have a solid grip on things, but it means you'll be quicker on the upkeep than most.]

"Aside from the vague and somewhat contradictory statement about not having a solid grip on things, the perk seems to boil down to a boost in intelligence and knowledge of Astrophysics. In a science heavy world, I will definitely take a free perk to boost my brain."

[We MacGuyvered It, Sir 150 cp: You tend to think outside the box. Like, a lot. Looking at different equipment and items you think of not what it was meant to do, but what it CAN do. That battery? Makes for a nice bomb. That phone? With a bit of frankensteining could make a quick scanner. On the field with little supplies, this comes in handy.]

From what Carl remembered of the history of the Ancients from the show, they fell into several traps in thinking that led to their downfall. Carl didn't know if it was because they just made so many rules that it hampered what they could do, or if they really were a bunch of idiot-savants. But that perk should help him figure out the best use of the tech he planned on learning, unlike the brilliant idiots that were the Ancients.

"Hell, even when the Ancients ascended to a higher plane they made a bunch of stupid mistakes and rules in overreaction to their Ori cousins. Can't interfere with the lower planes my ass." Carl muttered. "They sure didn't have a problem with leaving Anubis as half Ascended and having access to a multitude of knowledge and power that made him such a pain in the posterior. But they made sure to fully de-power Daniel Jackson like the hypocrites they were. They were so inconsistent in their enforcement of their own rules that they actually appeared very much like villains to me. Makes me want to bust a cap in their metaphysical asses."

Carl wasn't sure how his profound energy and magic would stack up against ascended beings. He wasn't in a particular hurry to find out either. But he felt some confidence that he wouldn't come off second best.

"But, I'll give them the benefit of the doubt for now. Maybe the show just didn't put them in the best light. Maybe they've got reasons for acting like they do? Who knows." Carl shrugged the topic away for later.

[Remember The Time You Blew Up a Sun? 300 cp: Your intellect has been significantly increased, to the point where you know how to really get the most out of your technology…probably could have built a nuclear reactor in grade school. Crazy plans tend to succeed by virtue of how well you cover your bases, and whenever they work people KNOW it works. Expect to surprise people from just how off-the-wall your plans are…only to shock them when they work.]

"Ahh, another intelligence boost and probability (luck) inclined to favor me. What's not to like about that perk?" Carl gleefully grinned. "Well, that's it for perks." Carl then started looking over the Items. The free one was naturally added first.

[FN P90 Submachine Gun 0 cp: A standard weapon for most humans as they explore the galaxy and the planets within it. It is a stable weapon for close-range skirmishes.]

"Well, aside from that one free item, I'm really not interested in anything else." Carl shook his head. "The only thing I'm tempted by is the Naquadah Stash. But that only gets me a small burlap sack's worth each month. I can get some samples of the metal in the world and then start having my Farms produce it at a much faster rate, so I don't think spending the CP is worth it. Anything else, I can just build myself once I get access to the advanced technology."

"Let's check out the Drawbacks to see if I can bank any extra points. Looks like it limits the drawbacks to only picking two drawbacks for a maximum of 600 cp." Carl mused as he read over the options. "Well, there are two enemies the drawbacks give me that I figure I can deal with." He finished with a feral smile.

[Trust Issues +200 cp: The corrupt NID, and later the group called 'The Trust' has found you're in the world. They will attempt to steal anything of yours they can in order to analyze it and adapt it to their use, and they don't exactly pay mind to such things as 'privacy'. They will do what they can with the government's resources to keep you in a position where they can try to take your possessions.]

"I'm not even going to be on Earth for a while, so the NID will be a nonissue at first. And when I do get around to visiting Earth, it's not like there is anything they could actually do to me. Bunch of normal humans versus a Grand Master Martial artist, a high level cultivator, or a wizard? Any one of those would be more than they could handle, let alone all three in one person. And that's without taking into account my plans to build up a technology base so I can actually do something on a galactic scale. So, free points."

[System Lord Sortie +300 cp: The Goa'uld System Lords have decided you're a threat. Many of their worlds will deny you any help or information in fear of suffering the wrath of their gods, and their technology has been coded to simply not work for you outright. Attempts to make this technology work or change the opinions of their worshipers will always end horribly.]

"Eh, I can see a few loopholes there. While the System Lord's tech won't work for me, there are plenty of Goa'uld who aren't System Lords that should be free game if I was inclined to go that route of stealing their technology. Which I shouldn't actually need to do."

"And while the people on the System Lord's worlds won't help me, all I have to do is take over the world. Then they won't belong to the System Lord. Easy peasy, taking over worlds breezy." Carl chuckled at something that may have been an empty boast once, but now he had enough power to back up those words. "If they continue to worship the Goa'uld even after they have been defeated by me, well, I'll just have my followers round them up and lock them away. I don't even need to try to convert them, just make them powerless to do anything." Carl concluded.

At the end of the Drawbacks section there were a few notes that made Carl wary.

[Death in any form still counts as a lose condition; the Sarcophagus will not change this fact.]

Normally Carl would go for his Medbay for healing anyway, unless he was trying to keep secrets from people. So it was good for him to realize that if he ever found himself in a dangerous situation then he should damn the consequences of letting a secret out in order to not lose.

[You can still use the Sarcophagus to heal injuries, but if you are driven mad by it, it will count as a lose condition. Your Jump Chain adventures will end.]

Carl was pretty sure that it would take a lot for the Sarcophagus to drive him mad, with his perks and Occlumency. But now he was definitely not taking the chance and playing with fire.

"Bad analogy." Carl muttered. "Fire doesn't burn me anymore now. The point still remains. No playing with the parasitic danger noodle's coffins." He vowed.

[Ascending in this world counts as choosing to give up the Jump Chain and stay in the world, and will end your journey here. It should be noted that Ascension will not work outside of the Stargate Universe either.]

"Good to know. I wasn't planning on giving up my physical body to ascend anyway, but that information just ensures I won't even play around with the idea of partial ascension." Carl muttered. "No fighting fire with fire." Carl chuckled a bit. "Another bad analogy. I'm definitely fighting a partially ascended Anubis with fire. If that doesn't work, then a good exorcism or ritual would probably do wonders. Hmm…rituals. That bears looking into, for sure."

Carl then looked over his selections and double checked that he was satisfied with his purchases. He had his intelligence boosts, some enemies that he felt he could handle. And he had 1050 cp banked for the next world.

He pressed the finalize button and was surprised when a huge circular portal of what looked like very blue shimmering water appeared beneath him. Carl instinctively tried to employ his profound energy to fly above the portal whose sudden appearance startled him. Despite his efforts he found himself easily sucked into the portal that looked like a Stargate wormhole.

He was treated to the sensation of traveling through the wormhole for a few moments. Upon exiting the wormhole, Carl found himself landing on a smooth concrete like floor. Testing out his control over his profound energy, he found that he could once more use it like he should as he hovered over the floor. "Guess the jump chain wanted to expedite my world entrance." Carl grumbled over having lost control of himself, even if it was just for a moment.

"Come to think of it, that felt a lot like the Wizarding technique of apparition, except without the squeezing sensation. I'll have to do some testing. Maybe the reason apparition has the squeezing sensation is because wizards don't normally have enough power to make a bigger wormhole?" Carl mused.

Brushing off his clothes as he stood up, he looked around the location he found himself in. Behind him was the Stargate, which currently didn't have an active wormhole. Directly in front of him was the dialing device. Carl stepped around the device to look over the rest of the room. He appeared to be in a large and spacious room that had no doors or windows to the outside. The walls and ceiling looked like a uniform concrete, exactly like the floor. In the center of the room was a white circle that appeared to be painted on the ground.

"Well, looks like I'm in the right place." Carl extended his senses to his surroundings.

With his wizarding senses he felt energy running through conduits in the walls, and in the dialing device and the stargate.

"Looks like that's a point for fan fictions. The special abilities of the Ancients were probably very similar to the magical energy Wizards and Witches use. Telekinesis, healing, mentally connecting to their technology, it's all very similar to what magic can do, provided the tech is robust enough to handle the magical energies."

On the other hand, with his profound energies he sensed that outside of the building he was in there was no life on the planet as far as he could sense, which quite a distance. That was fine, it didn't change his plans any.

Once Carl was done inspecting his surroundings, he walked over to the white painted circle in the ground. When he stepped inside the circle, he felt the shifting vacuum energies in the ground and opposite wall. A device emerged from the wall at his head height. Carl stood still, staring at it for several minutes as he contemplated his actions.

In the television show Jack O'Neill, the leader of the SG-1 team had stupidly stuck his head into the device on the wall, and had the repository of the ancients downloaded into his head. According to the show, the sheer amount of information downloaded into his head began unspooling in some fashion, taking up more and more room in his brain.

He soon lost the ability to communicate in English, could only speak Ancient, and his brain began burning up from being overworked by the sheer volume of information suddenly dumped in his head. He would have died if he didn't build a power booster for their stargate to get him to the Asgard in another galaxy, who helped remove the ancient's repository from his mind.

So here was Carl, planning to also idiotically stick his head in the device.

Carl was quite confident that he would be fine. He had various intelligence boosting perks, his body upgrades from his Ki, Profound Energy, and Magic; the Great Way of the Buddha, The Dragon God bloodline, his Phoenix and Golden Crow bloodlines, his immunity to fire, lightning, water, and darkness from the Evil God's Profound Veins and Seeds, his Heart of Snow Glazed Glass, Nine Profound Exquisite Body, and his Occlumency.

Yes, with everything he'd been upgraded with and learned, he was almost positive that he would be fine to download the repository into his head. It was that "almost" that worried him, though. That slight bit of uncertainty that he wouldn't be able to handle it.

"What if, after all you've done and learned, you end your adventure right here, right now, from being overconfident?" Carl muttered to himself as he eyed the repository of the Ancient's knowledge.

The niggling worry just would not leave Carl's mind, which made him pause and think about reconsidering what he was about to do. He went over his plans, thought about the risks, considered what he could do to minimize the risks. If the worst came about, he could use Obliviation to delete the repository of information from his mind.

And while he was thinking about the issue, his stubborn will kicked in. He wasn't going to let a little uncertainty and fear stop him on his path. He hadn't gone through so much to let it all end here, or let himself shrink back and forever have doubts about himself or his capabilities.

He realized that if he didn't even have enough gumption to attempt this, then he would forever cower away from taking chances. Instead of growing braver and more bold, he would have let his growing powers make him more timid and unwilling to take chances.

Carl strode forward and put his head in the device that would download the database of the Ancients into his head.

The device latched onto his head so he couldn't move unless he destroyed the device. Carl remained calm and still as the crawling sensations in his brain increased as the packets of information were shoved in. There was no organization, no attempt to keep everything in order. It was just shoved in.

'No wonder it messed so much with O'Neill's mind.' Carl thought.

After several minutes the device had finished its work and let Carl's head go. Carl felt the technology in the walls go into power save mode. He ignored that for the time being, and summoned up his profound energy. He entered the time dilated world of his Heavenly Time Pearl. He would need a safe place to sift through the information, and he wanted to make sure it didn't take a lot of his in universe time.

Once inside Carl didn't mess about, he opened his Warehouse and soon lay down on his bed. Using his occlumency meditation, he entered his mind. Looking around at the mess of information just lying every which way, Carl snorted.

"What a mess. Time to get cleaning."

Without any further ado, he started organizing the new information. Carl had to expand his library by quite a lot while cleaning up the ancient's knowledge that was just shoved in his head. Everything about their society and culture, their language, sciences, technologies, maths, and even their entertainment was stored in his head.

Carl lost track of time as he worked. He was determined to work until his mind was cleaned up and organized once more. Because the knowledge came from a machine, there weren't emotions connected with the information. It wasn't even normal memories. It was just pure information. Even so, while organizing the information, each bit was run through his conscious mind as he filed it away, so he remembered it all.

Because of the great mess, for a long time Carl was confused about the information he was receiving. Often times he sorted the more advanced subjects first, which meant he had no foundation of basic knowledge to understand what he was learning.

But as he finally got to the basics, the information he had already sorted started to make sense. And he began to learn and integrate the information he learned into his conscious control.

But because of that original jumble, Carl had to take time to resort and reorganize everything once he came to understand it better.

Carl had lost track of time, so he wasn't sure how long it took, but eventually Carl finished the job of sorting the information. He stood in his mind's library, looking at the truly massive increase of information he'd organized. He felt a sense of accomplishment and triumph.

He had succeeded in grabbing the most advanced science and technology knowledge in the Milky Way Galaxy. He'd boldly grabbed a hold of the chaos and tamed it for his use without burning up his brain.

Exiting his mind, Carl sat up in bed. Looking around, he noticed the clock on the wall. It was a very informative clock. It would be set to the local time whenever he entered a jump world. He'd noticed that while in the time dilation field of his Heavenly Time Pearl, the time would continue running normally to show how much time he'd been inside the pearl. But once he exited the time dilation, it would sync with the outside world and reset it's time.

According to the clock, it was the year 2039. If it wasn't for his profound energy making it so he didn't need to eat, he would have died long before assimilating the repository of knowledge. And his jump into this world would have ended long since, too.

Carl was shocked at how much time it had taken. He realized he should be very wary of future influxes of knowledge, and falling into such work fugues in the future outside of his time pearl. It wouldn't do to waste all his real time when he could be doing things.

And if it weren't for the cleaning runes Carl had inscribed in his house, he would be covered in dust and grime from laying still for so many years. Grimacing, Carl got up and took a shower to feel clean after he had been lying still for 42 years.

42 years without a shower. Ugh.

Good thing perks kept him in his top condition with no atrophying or lessening of his skills, or he would be a wreck.

When Carl got to his kitchen, he first poured himself a frosty mug of Root Beer. It had been way too long. Carl sipped his mug with a satisfied sigh while sitting at the table, cooking with magic.

An hour later, Carl sat back, stuffed to the gills. He looked at the food he hadn't been able to fit in his stomach. He knew he had been cooking too much food, but he didn't care. He wanted a bit of everything for his first meal in 42 years.

Once his kitchen was cleaned up, Carl exited his Warehouse, and then left the time dilation of the Heavenly Time Pearl.

Looking around the seemingly empty room with a Stargate on one side, Carl used the methods he'd learned from the repository to reach out with his magic and access the computer of the building. He had the computer open the power system and eject the nearly spent Potentia for Carl to bring with him.

While the Potentia's energy was practically used up, the Potentia wasn't usless; Carl could eventually recharge it when he eventually built the recharge device, so he decided to keep it with him for now. From what he remembered of the show, there was a distinct lack of Potentia floating around the galaxy, and since that one wasn't doing anything, he would use it as a practice device.

After learning the Ancient's science and technology, Carl thought about the third adage, or law from Arthur C. Clarke. "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."

While there was some truth to the law, there was a large difference between knowing how to build the technology that would do some magic, and Carl himself doing that same "magic". He knew how to build a device to reset the dimension the Potentia drew its energy from. But if he were to try to do it himself, he would likely get the coordinates wrong, or add too much power, thus ripping apart the Potentia as he fumbled for the exactness needed to anchor a new dimension to the Potentia.

Carl planned to build the device that would reset the Potentia and then follow along closely with his magical senses and scanning wards as the device did its thing. He wanted to learn to be able to recharge a Potentia without the technological crutch, if he could.

Because if there was one thing that technology did better than the human brain, it was precise and repetitious actions. Okay, that was two things, but the point remained.

Looking around the empty room on a dead world, Carl decided to leave it as it was for now. But not without putting up some basic wards to keep anyone arriving from getting too nosy. While he had taken the power source, that admittedly wasn't much use anymore, he didn't want just anyone to be able to come here and tear the repository apart and play with it in their lab.

Carl set out some wards stones and set up some basic defenses. Any humans or jaffa coming through the gate would have a strong urge to return to their world, disgusted at having wasted their time on the empty world.

If the naquadah in a Goa'uld host's blood allowed them to shrug off the muggle repelling wards, then they would be stunned and put in a prison box until Carl could get around to collecting them.

With that done, Carl dialed up the stargate. He frowned at the open wormhole, suddenly realizing that while he had the ancient's database in his head, it didn't mean he knew everything. The database was made over 5 million years ago. A lot of local situations had changed. And while the television show he had watched could act as a decent guide, just relying on its vague information was…foolhardy.

Carl let the stargate shutdown the wormhole. He pulled out a chunk of iron and two communication mirrors from his storage space. The iron he transfigured into a large animated bird that would hold one of the mirrors. After going through the stargate, it would fly a circle around the destination gate to give Carl a decent view and idea of what was on the other side of the gate.

After dialing up the gate again, Carl sent his little birdie through and watched through his mirror as the bird did a surveying flight. The world was very earth like. Blue skies, green leaves on the trees. Grass, dirt, and a large headless statue on top of a building a short way away from the gate.

Carl nodded in satisfaction. It looked like the planet was as advertised in Carl's memories of the show. He stepped through the gate before it could shut down again. A quick travel through the wormhole, and Carl was stepping out into the open air.

After double checking with his profound senses that there was no one around, Carl set up the same temporary defenses around this world's gate, to keep the riff raff out.

Using his profound energy, he flew quickly to the nearby ruins, where there was a building made from a giant statue of a headless man sitting down on a throne. At some point in the past the head had fallen off, and landed beside the building.

After entering the building where a second repository of knowledge was placed by the ancients, Carl got to work. He first had the computer eject the Potentia for Carl to gather. He then disassembled the repository.

This was the second of seven repositories that the ancients had placed in the Milky Way Galaxy before they departed for the Pegasus Galaxy. It was the only two that were featured in the show, so Carl had gone for them first. If Carl hadn't messed with the first one on the dead planet, Jack O'Neill would have stuck his head in it in the next year and a half, nearly killing himself while barely benefitting at all from the experience.

After Carl recovered the repository of knowledge, and placed it in his pocket dimension, he began tearing up the building with his magic and occasionally a blow of his fist to shatter a load bearing pillar. He was after all the naquadah metal used in the construction of the building.

An hour later, the building was reduced to so much rubble, and Carl was looking at the pallet sized stack of metal he had recovered. There really hadn't been much metal there. The whole point of the facility had been to keep the repository powered for as long as it could, so it had no extraneous functions. Which is how a 5 million year old potentia lasted for so long.

On the city ship Atlantis, three potentia had only lasted 10,000 years when keeping the shield up to keep the water out when the ancients had sunk the ship to the bottom of the ocean and fled the Pegasus Galaxy from the attacking Wraith.

"Well, it should be sufficient for my needs." Carl said while looking at the small pile of naquadah, trinium, and neutronium. He levitated the pallet and entered his Warehouse.

Upon arriving at his Farms, he soon had the metals entered into his database and set his farms that were actually mines to producing the metals. It still amused him that the Farmville "farms" included metal farms.

While Carl could have jumped back into his time pearl to increase the relative speed at which his Farm's produced the needed metals, Carl chose to do a tour of his new planet instead. He pulled out his Profound Ark, hopped on, and started flying around the world.

While he was circumnavigating the world, he kept his senses on the lookout for any sentient species, most especially humans.

The worlds where cultivation was the big thing the universe focused on were very different. The cultivation worlds almost always grew to be many times the size of earth, but suffered no increase of gravity along with it. It was a strange conundrum that Carl had no answer for.

So while it had taken Carl's Ark several hours to travel across the oceans to reach the other continent back on Blue Pole Star, on this world Carl took only three hours to circumnavigate the world three times. He hadn't found any humans or other sentient creatures.

He would still have to do a full survey once he was able to produce satellites and probes, but Carl was content to start building on this isolated seeming planet.

Upon arriving back at the stargate, Carl looked over the area from above while pondering just what he was going to build at the site.

He definitely wasn't going to just blindly follow the blueprints the ancients left in their database. They had been idiots in many respects. Carl figured it was because they evolved their society while there really wasn't much conflict. After millions of years of not having more than minor policing problems, they had seemingly forgotten how to fight properly.

The blueprints for the city ship Atlantis wasn't in the database, but from the show Carl had a decent idea of what they were like. They put their stargate, which was an easy infiltration point, in the heart of their city. Only a few feet away from the gate was a computer access point that, with the right skills, could change who had administrator rights in the whole city.

The whole setup was a security risk. Even though the ancients had the technology to put a shield over the gate as a security measure, it just wasn't enough to be secure in Carl's mind. They were way too complacent and trusting in their technology to solve their problems, when they could be solved just as easily through simpler means.

And Carl had more than just technology to consider while planning his base. At some point he was likely going to be introducing Ki training and Profound cultivation to the forces he would build. So he needed to take into consideration one of his future troops going rogue, and how to deal with them. Or enemies somehow getting their hands on similar techniques and using them against him.

While Carl could help his troops gain control of their Ki and induce profound veins in them so they could start cultivating, he currently had no way to induce magical talent in anyone. Either they had it or they didn't. Maybe some of the humans with the ancient gene on Earth could be taught, but he wouldn't rely on that what if in his planning.

With a basic idea in mind of what he wanted, and while waiting for his Farms to produce the metals he needed, Carl began sketching out the city / base he would build. With the examples of the proportions of the cities of cultivators he'd seen in the ATG world, he got started designing.

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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