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2019-04-02 เข้าร่วมแล้ว Australia

ป้าย 4

Moments 374


How it was a two day event?

Because he was tossing around with Hanasia, Lin Chen missed the 21st World Martial Arts Tournament.

Starting from becoming the King of Saiyans

Starting from becoming the King of Saiyans

Anime & Comics · dm95



"Let me spend some alone time with my girl author alright? Don't spy on me tonight alright?" Usopp's words sounded out in the empty corridor.

Becoming Usopp

Becoming Usopp

Anime & Comics · Horny_Gentleman


Only two people fit unless dense changed the chamber!

"Everyone! Come over here! I believe your friends are about to emerge from the time chamber!" Mister Popo shouted as he ran out to tell us. With that news, we all rushed over and saw the chamber door opening up. Out from the chamber came Trunks, Nappa, and Vegeta, all 3 of them in torn clothing. Trunks was now a bit taller and looked a bit older, while Nappa and Vegeta didn't look all too different, though Nappa now had a goatee instead of a simple mustache.

Bit by Bit (DBZ/DBZA/GT/SUPER OC story)

Bit by Bit (DBZ/DBZA/GT/SUPER OC story)

Anime & Comics · Grim_Genesis


Replied to ferferfer2

SAO not an isekai. MC did not die to go to another world!

At the time when I had just started watching anime, I started watching one called "Kenja no mago", it was one of the first anime I watched of the Isekai genre, if it wasn't the first, I really don't remember.

I was reincarnated as 'Kenja no mago'.

I was reincarnated as 'Kenja no mago'.

Anime & Comics · Pepetimbo_32412323


Someone watched the 1983 Superman 3 movie with Richard Pryer! But he did it to the compony he worked at and not a bank!

To check the list all I had to do was connect to the internet after a week and run the program I made on the computer. The program I made acted completely separate from our home computer and lived online on different servers throughout the world. It would also move around and not stay anywhere for more than a few hours. The great thing about doing it this way was that if someone tried to find whoever was doing everything, all they would find is what servers they had connected from. It left nothing else to trace, since the program itself was doing everything. It was a pretty brilliant piece of programming and I can't even take credit for it. Some hacker in my past life was the one who came up with it, they used it for over ten years and no one even knew about it. They were only skimming hundreds of millions of bank accounts over that time though, like fractions of a cent at a time.

Marvel-ous Ninjutsu

Marvel-ous Ninjutsu

Anime & Comics · Pewpewcachoo


As they did they left the gate wide open for people to infiltrate the village!


Wasn’t it mentioned she is in her 20’s?

In addition, Haas won't be 40 until next year. He needs to look for a new companion immediately. Jerry also thinks Mrs. Belle is pretty good, but her look is unmatched, largely due to the strength of her character.

Marvel's Hogwarts Wizard

Marvel's Hogwarts Wizard

Anime & Comics · Poka_Poka


He is the fourth son so he should have 3 brothers!

In the end I was named as Kasumi Beller Kirs Ilya, son of Bauris Andreotti Kirs Durant (father) and Arine Brander Ilya Sirt (mother), fourth son of the Auruz family a family of low class nobles, my brothers after a while I heard that Their names were Lux Astori Kirs Ilya, Berens Morelli Kirs Ilya and a sister named Lala Tsucummi Kirs Ilya.

I've Reincarnated And I'm OP!

I've Reincarnated And I'm OP!

Fantasy · EdwinRBM

Replied to ferferfer2


The person's skin was chalk white, and she had blonde hair, tied into two pigtails - one ending in blue-dyed hair and the other in a pinkish-red. She was about a foot shorter than me, so around 5'4", and her body was curvy beyond belief, yet still kept a tight appearance. Like a curvy gymnast.



Anime & Comics · GenericName_3000


Whats a hundred million years then going to another universe…!

And now, he was being sent to a weird crossover between Harry Potter and Marvel. He honestly thought he should reconsider being admitted to the administration here. If only it wasn't for a thousand millennia, and he probably would have. He didn't even know what he was supposed to do with his life, admittedly he didn't know in the previous one either, to be honest, but with magic, monsters, spies, and gods in the fray, and his necessity to somehow make his life worthwhile, so that he could be granted heaven after he died again, whenever it was that he'd die, he knew soon he would have to figure it out.

Magical Odyssey in Marvel

Magical Odyssey in Marvel

Book&Literature · OrangePanther


Well technically Harry Potter is part of marvel. In a comic Harry, Ron and Hermione almost run into Juggernaut after coming out of a brick wall! (I dont know if Cannon)

As soon as she spun the wheel, and yes, he was damn sure it was glowing rainbow again, it spun rapidly and it reluctantly came to a halt on the shiny silver plaque with "Marvel Universe" etched on it. And the soul knew, he was fucked. He should not have jinxed himself.

Magical Odyssey in Marvel

Magical Odyssey in Marvel

Book&Literature · OrangePanther


He should have picked perfect cell! Has Goku, Vageta, Freeza and a few more

Lord Frieza incarnate in Gensokyo

Lord Frieza incarnate in Gensokyo

Anime & Comics · Ridoux_Studio


I just realised isn’t Irene Ezra’s mother… How could she be a virgin… Does Reza exist in this Universe? She is ment to be a bit older then Natsu… And rung was her father!

Zena then stood straight and saw the Damian leaving and then looked towards Irene and said, "Ara, so something like that did happen...*sigh* because of me her majesty lost the important chance to lose her virgi-"

Fairy tail: Transformation mage

Fairy tail: Transformation mage

Anime & Comics · overloaded_maxima

Replied to your_Daddy

She should then still have her freckles but they dissapeared…

Although he was a fan of One Piece and he may have eyes for main female characters, Josh doesn't have the taste of a child to ignore the side characters that are so hot.

One Piece: Gambling to The Top

One Piece: Gambling to The Top

Anime & Comics · blazuki
