
Necessary Craziness

Chapter 26 –

The sorting ceremony for the new students went on ahead as it did the previous year. Fred and George Weasley, alongside their friend, whom they met on the train, Lee Jordan joined Gryffindor house. Marcus Flint joined Slytherin house alongside Adrian Pucey, Graham Montague, and Sadie Baldock. Roger Davies, Duncan Inglebee, and, Roberta Lutterworth joined Ravenclaw house. And the Hufflepuffs were expanded with Cedric Diggory, Gabriel Truman, Maxine O'Flaherty, and Madhumati Parmar.

The students were quickly sent off to their dorm rooms for the night. Nathan and his friends had decided to spend the rest of the next morning unwinding and planning for their coming year.

They were gathered in a quiet seventh-floor classroom, one that had no paintings inside. Nathan had been adamant about it, having explained to his friends that the paintings like to eavesdrop and report on suspicious activity to the headmaster.

"You know, we've decided that we're going to change the world, yeah? The question is, how are we going to do that? It's not like we can wave our wands and the world will be fixed." Mary-Anne commented from her position on the window sill of the empty classroom, as she gazed out into the forbidden forest, beyond the Black Lake.

"Well, I was thinking of starting slow, you know. One step at a time. First Hogwarts, then Britain, then ICW, and then the rest of non-magical society." Nathan pointed out, as he played with a fireball twirling in his replica wand.

Jeremy shook his head in exasperation and said "But that will take too long, we need something more effective. Something that will cause a lot of immediate change."

Carlisle replied "While immediate change is very nice and all, again it all boils down to how. With Nathan's idea of one step at a time, we can be cautious and patient with what we want to achieve. And it will all come together over time. We're talking about a lot of lives, of not just muggle-borns, but of all sorts of magical beings."

Mary-Anne sighed as she said "The problem that we are facing is not one person or an entity. We are talking about facing society. Changing ideologies. And that, in my opinion, requires a little bit of craziness involved."

Nathan looked apprehensively at Mary-Anne, who was sporting a devious smile, "What are you thinking Mary?"

"Well, we all have magic, right? And unplottable charms are a thing. Hell, mind magic is a thing, I am sure there is a piece of magic that exists to make a lot of people forget a place or a person. So, I was thinking, why don't we just find a nice little island, there we use a lot, and I mean a ton of a lot of space expansion charms, I am sure Nathan, the nerd that he is, has already looked into the rune sequence and the magic itself. We make that island into a sovereign country and poach all the lower class muggle-borns and oppressed class creatures away. Hide the island under an unplottable charm, and bobs your uncle. We've got ourselves a country." She elaborated.

The other three just kept staring at her for a stretch, before Carlisle broke the silence.

"I need to check whether she's accidentally taken a shot of Fire whiskey or something."

Jeremy nodded in agreement, while Nathan had a thoughtful expression on his face. He said "You know, she's not wrong. Well not entirely wrong, if we get enough people to help, we could eventually gather enough help to build ourselves an Island country. Though, we will have to take care of a lot of essential things. Like we would need to generate our own food, we can't magic food into existence. Neither can we make drinkable water. We'd need to expand a lot of our knowledge on magic, speaking of which, after lunch, I need to show you guys this really cool room, but that's for later. Coming back to the topic, we would also need a shit ton of money, though I think I might have a few ideas on that. I have already been talking with Sirius about starting a business here in the magical world, and my mum is managing our estates in the muggle world."

Carlisle cut in "That, will come later. First, we would need to build this country, and gather support to build it. Then regulate and form a government for it. Plus, I don't think the magical ministries around the world will be too happy about them losing their muggle-born, half-blood, and creature population, provided we manage to convince a sizeable number of people to move that is. And it all will need to be done discreetly."

Jeremy who had been slowly thinking about the idea added "We can probably convince the muggle-borns about joining our cause if we point out the massive injustices of the magical world. We can show them muggle-born unemployment rates, and the non-existent representation of muggle-borns in magical governments around the world. Even the muggle-born ministers that have been selected in the various countries have all been lobbied by the pureblood light faction to create a farce image. Point that out, solve a few of their problems, stoke their anger at the injustice, and you have got people ready to move to better prospects."

He was right. There were seven major magical countries, that formed the ICW, each having their own seven major schools

Mahoutokoro in the volcanic mountains of Japan known as Minami Iwo Jima is attended by students from all over the East Asiatic Islands as well as parts of China.

Uagadou school in Africa located in The Mountains of The Moon, known for worshipping the banished Egyptian God Khonshu.

Castelobruxo in the rainforests of Brazil was attended by students from all over South America.

Beauxbatons in the Pyrenees mountain ranges near France.

Durmstrang is thought to be in Iceland or Norway, attended by people from the Slavic countries.

Ilvermorny is located in the tribally populated regions of America, attended by people from all over North America.

And finally, Hogwarts in Scotland and Wales, attended by the English.

Each of these schools formed the entirety of Magical World, apart from indigenous self-taught monks, and hermit groups scattered around the world. Nathan knew, that Kamar Taj fell into this category.

There was another school that once upon a time fielded half of Africa, but an asteroid falling into a mountain in that region decimated the school and the people nearby.

All of these regions had issues where blood purity was extremely prominent. The nobility comprised entirely of purebloods, and the muggle-borns and the occasional half-bloods were left to fend for themselves. The less said about indigenous magical beings, the better.

Carlisle looked incredulously at everyone and then said "Are we actually thinking of starting our own country?! Nathan, you can't be seriously thinking about this!"

Nathan shrugged and said "Hey! Theoretically, it makes sense. And given the right help, it is possible. You know what guys, meet me near the staircase leading to the seventh floor after lunch, I want to show you guys a few things. After that, we can decide whether this whole idea is viable or not. I will see you then."

Saying that Nathan got up and ran out of the room toward his dorms.

"Hey! Wait, where are you going!?" He heard Carlisle shout behind him, and he quickly shouted back "I will tell you all after lunch!"

He wanted to speak with the Ancient One and find out whether he can bring his friends to train at Kamar Taj.

Reaching his room, Nathan immediately put up a lot of privacy charms and made sure no one could enter his room. He fished out his sling ring from inside his trunk and opened a portal to Kamar Taj.

He made his way through the monastery, ignoring the shouts calling him to stop running, and reached the Ancient One's room.

Upon opening the door, he saw that the Ancient One wasn't alone in her chamber. Sat opposite her, was a dark-skinned boy, around eighteen years of age. He was dressed in traveling robes and looked like he had journeyed long to reach the monastery.

The both of them looked at Nathan and stared at him for a second.

"Uhmm, I am sorry, I will come back lat-" Nathan tried to leave but was cut off.

"Come in Nathan, meet Karl Mordo, Karl this is Nathan Frye, Kamar Taj's youngest disciple." She introduced them, with a slight smile.

Nathan looked at the older boy in front of him and compared him to the man he had seen in that one movie in his previous life. He realized, outside of that one movie, that he did not know much about him. All he knew was that he was a stickler for rules.

"Oh, hi! It's nice to meet you." Nathan said as he stepped into the room, and sat down on the Zafu that the ancient one floated in place for him to sit on.

"Likewise," He said succinctly, and turned back to face the Ancient One "Thank You, Master, for accepting me into the order." He said.

"I do not reject people who come here seeking knowledge, and I hope that when you return to Bavaria, you are satisfied with all that you have learned amidst our halls. Master Kaecilius will take you to your room." She dismissed him.

Karl Mordo immediately stood up, bowed to the ancient one and nodded to Nathan, and took his leave.

As soon as he was out of the room, The Ancient One looked at Nathan and said "Now then, why have you come barging into my chamber, when you're supposed to be thousands of miles away, attending school at Hogwarts?"

Nathan looked sheepishly at her before he replied "I was thinking of bringing a few of my friends here to Kamar Taj later today."

The Ancient One looked disapprovingly at him before she said "Nathan, this isn't a place where you bring your friends to hand around. If they come here, it must be because they want to expand their knowledge in the mystic arts."

Nathan nodded and explained "Well, the thing is, we were talking about something important, that we want to do in the magical world, and we came to the conclusion that we will need a lot more magical know-how. And Kamar Taj has been so good for me and mum, so I figured we could all learn here."

"And what exactly is this important thing you want to do for the wizarding world?" She asked curiously.

Nathan looked even more sheepish for a moment before replying "Weeeell, we want to make our own country." At her incredulous look, he elaborated "It's actually because the wizarding world is so discriminatory to a lot of the population. Muggle-borns are treated with condescension, and they are denied well-paying jobs and good housing, plus with the ministry's stringent control on magic using their wands, they aren't even allowed to return to the muggle world. We thought, if they won't let us stay, let us grow, we might as well just establish a separate state for us."

The Ancient One just looked on with amusement as he explained the plan that they had concocted, and then asked "And you're going to build this hypothetical country…. How?"

Nathan explained their plan of using space expansion charms, and unplottable charms combined with fidelius charm variants to the ancient one.

"Well, theoretically it may be possible, but you'll need a lot of help to make it possible. The rune scheme for the expansion charms, alongside judicious use of the mirror dimension for testing may work. Were you intending for aid from Kamar Taj?" She asked.

Nathan nodded and said, "It would help a lot."

"It is unconventional, but as long as you realize that interdimensional threats are our first priority, I can lend a few sorcerers to aid you. This will need so much discretion, if the ICW gets a whiff before the mass exodus of muggle-borns occurs, it will spell trouble." She mused and then smiled "We're in. Bring your friends to Kamar Taj, I would like to speak with them."

Nathan smiled and nodded. He took his leave and used a portal back to his room in Hogwarts. It was time that his friends knew a few of his secrets.


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