/ Anime & Comics / YUGIOH: It's Time to Duel!
4.77 (54 เรตติ้ง)
Reborn into the world of Yugioh, it's natural if my goal is to become the best duelist!
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เขียนรีวิวFINALLY a decent YuGiOh fanfic with a female mc that actually duels rather than romances almost every male character in the work...
It's Perfect...................................................................................................................................................................................
The duels are good, and the writing is pretty good too. However, what really bothers me is the MC's personality. The whole shy, withdrawn, and soft-spoken thing was alright in the beginning, but became annoying later on. But what REALLY bothers me, is that the MC is helpless. She'll go through a duel with a powerful enemy and come out on top only to cower and think things like: "Please don't hurt me...are they going to hurt me?" It's frustrating and makes me lose all respect I have for them. And it happens pretty often.
I recently read this nice and good yugioh novel. The characters aren't overpowered but just a bit stronger than the main characters of the og series. The battles are not too fast like FTK there are tension in duel that makes you feek that the MC is losing. The pacing keeps you hooked, and the relationship between Kaiba and the main character is heartwarming that makes you say just kiss already. It's a fantastic read for anyone who loves a well-balanced, and exciting yugioh story. Can't wait for more!
Overall, it’s a very well written story which doesn’t fall into the pit traps of other isekai fanfic. I look forward to seeing it grow in the future, though admittedly I’m anxious to see how battle city is handled
Was honestly expecting a person with a future deck and cocky demeanor. This is breath of fresh air for this genre of fanfic. Really looking forward to more.
is good .................................................................................................................................................
I respect the ambition here since I think a yu gi oh fanfic would be difficult to write because of the sheer amount of description in duels and different card affects... Believe me you could become a master reader just by reading yu gi oh card affects alone.
[Writing quality] - 4/5: Some mistakes but it doesn't interfere often. Stability of updates] - 5/5: I honestly don't care of this, as long as the story is set. [Story Development] - Pretty generic honestly, but it's honestly fun to read despite it's simplicity and the games are pretty much readable and not overcomplicated. [Character design] - 5/5: I'll leave this alone, because the character is an accurate depiction of most of us who suffer from fear of social interaction. The character would also become a force to be reckoned with despite her social skills. [World Background] - 5/5: Classic Yu-Gi-Oh setting.
the author does a very good job keeping cards and card uses in mind not to mention there general worth at that time vs usefulness. overall I'd say it is an amazing Yu-Gi-Oh based fanfic that does the world and characters right.
best yugioh fanfic ever made in my opinion. readddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd
For me it's a good fanfic, I'm happy if he stays with the blue-eyed dragon, maybe in the future with the system to get the black rose dragon
This character development and the romance growing so cute Yuna just realized Kaiba's love and Kaiba himself realized it too now all that's missing is that beautiful and cute phrase ``I love you'' coming out of both of their lips I can't wait to see the Yugi Joey and Tea's reaction when they kiss
the true best fanfic of yu gi oh i read true amazing you really need to go and finish this excelente history please dont abandon yuna and kaiba are really a cute and kawaii couple (sorry my english are horrible)
Good female OC, good well paced story, enjoyable relationships between OG cast and Theres original plot... well im hooked. Highly recomend this to asnyone who has good mmeories of OG yugioh series or just anyone in gereral, you dont have to be a yugioh expert to enjoy this lovely bit of story.
It's the best Yugioh fic. There are a few oversights in some card effects, but I don't expect someone to write down an entire card game flawlessly, and the author has acknowledged them, so it isn't a constant repeat. Only other thing is the mc having the whole stuttering thing gets a little old but it isn't a huge problem since she speaks just fine during duels. Very good.
นักเขียน Yellow_Duck_Toy
Author's shameless review: Dang I'm already on my third novel... I always enjoyed yugioh even when I was just a child. It was not until recently that I finally return to it and what can I say, it was a blast. So I might as well try to create a decent enough story am I right? Anyway, I hope you have a fun time reading!