A Wizard who transmigrated in Marvel
Not Mine it's a Translation...If you want to read raw you can go and find it on browser.
I don't have any permission to upload it.... I'm uploading it here because i want to....so please don't be a bitch and comment that "you don't have permission and whatnot" i don't give a fuck.
เขียนรีวิวNot much to say, other than its a generic dollar-menu faloo-type Chinese novel, with a healthy serving of plain racism. If you have nothing to read then...well I would suggest looking elsewhere.
Nice pace...Good story telling...Good English...Fascinating plot....Overall a Good book you can enjoy anytime... Thank you Author...........
The author really follows the stupid movie rules that MC characters must be doing a stupid thing when confron the enemy even though he acts smart all the time. He knows the enemy, but he still acts like he doesn't know what they can do. ish ish ish... for the plot, rationality must be thrown away to create more word story... You can just say the MC is an inexperienced boy or he doesn't familiarize himself to the combat. That is more suitable.
เปิดเผยสปอยเลอร์Me ha gustado mucho como se ha desarrollado la historia, sobretodo el protagonista y las relaciones que ha formado de a poco con los otros personajes de Marvel, si bien a veces es confuso porque es una traducción es interesante como ha abordado la magia de HP hacia el mundo de Marvel
เปิดเผยสปอยเลอร์its a very good novel not many erros but need more work in the background of the mc is a little slow he es not more than a nerfed mcin a hevy power world
Ok story. Good translation......................... Updating stability - good Writing Quality - good World background -good 😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄
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bro i appreciate that you copied from mtl and paste it here but there is already another one posting this same story here. name is, wizard in the world of marvel.
นักเขียน crinix
The translation is difficult to understand at some points. There's also run on sentences galore. Then there's the typical casual racism from Chinese novels. Last the magic is obviously going to be a mess. I didn't read far because it was screwy right from the get go and I refused to keep reading at that point. The idea has potential but it was quickly ruined.